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Complete the poverty status survey

`vwi‡`ªi Ae ’̄vm~PK Rwi‡c AskMÖnY Kiæb

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Tick for YES

mwVK n‡j wUK w`b

1. My family has enough food to eat all year round

Avgvi cwiev‡ii mviv eQi ch©vß Lvevi †L‡Z cv‡i

2. We have access to safe, clean drinking water

Avgiv wbivc` cvwb cvB

3. All the children in my family attend school

Avgv‡`i cwiev‡ii mKj wkï ¯‥z‡j hvq

4. If someone in the family is sick we can afford medical care and drugs

cwiev‡I †KD Amy¯’ n‡j Avgiv Zvi wPwKrmv Kiv‡Z cvwi

5. Our house is weatherproof and there is enough room for everyone to sleep?

Avgv‡`i N‡i cvwb cÖ‡ek K‡i bv Ges mevi _vKvi h‡_ó Ni Av‡Q

6. Everyone has at least one change of clothing

mevi AšÍZ evowZ GK‡mU Kvco Av‡Q

7. We use sanitary latrines

Avgviv m¦v ’̈̄ m¤§Z cvqLvbv e¨envi Kwi

8. We have savings or assets that we could sell in time of need

Riæix cÖ‡qvR‡b wewµ Kivi gZ Avgv‡`i mÂq ev m¤ú` Av‡Q

9. My family is respected in the community

mgv‡R Avgv‡`I cwiev‡ii m¤§vb Av‡Q

10.There is a regular income coming in to the household that is enough to meet our

basic needs

Avgv‡`i mK‡ji ‣`bw›`b Pvwn`v †gUv‡bvi Rb¨ msmv‡i ch©vß Avq‡ivRMvi Av‡Q

How many ticks?

KZ¸‡jv wUK wPý c‡o‡Q?

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How many ticks did you score? Avcwb KZ¸‡jv wUK w`‡Z †c‡i‡Qb?

If you had to give up a tick – which one would you lose first? hw` bx‡Pi ZvwjKv †_‡K GKwU ev` w`‡Z

ejv nq, Zvn‡j Avcwb †KvbwU ev` †`‡eb?

• access to safe drinking water? wbivc` cvwb cÖvwß

• basic health services? †g․wjK ¯^v¯’̈ myweav

• respect and self esteem? m¤§vb I AvZ¥gh©v`v

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• There are 28 million people in your country who will score only 1 or 2 at best!

Avgv‡`i †`‡k 2.8 ‡KvwU †jvK G Rwi‡c 1 ev eo‡Rvo 2 cv‡e!

• These are the extreme poor

Zviv n‡”Q AwZ `wi ª̀ RbmvaviY

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Some information wKQz Z_¨ DcvË

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State of Extreme Poverty AwZ`wi`ª‡`i Ae¯’v

The Household Income and expenditure Survey of 2010 identified 17.6% of the population as living below the lower poverty line – a threshold defined by reference to the expenditure needed to satisfy basic consumption needs.

2010 mv‡ji LvbvRwi‡c 17.6% RbmvaviY‡K AwZ `wi`ª

wn‡m‡e wPwýZ Kiv n‡q‡Q, hviv •`bw›`b b¨ ~bZg †g․wjK

Pvwn`v †gUv‡Z cv‡i bv|

28 Million people living in extreme poverty 2.8 jÿ †jvK AwZ`vwi`ª̈ mxgvi bx‡P emevm K‡i

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State of Extreme Poverty

Average monthly household cash income:

- 1281 BDT (rural: 1151 BDT; urban: 2488 BDT)

- Females: 961 BDT

- Males: 1416 BDT

Source: Shiree CMS 1 Baseline

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Female Occupation Distribution (Source: shiree CMS 1 baseline)

Agricultural Day Labour 17%

Other Day Labour 21%

Domestic Maid 32%

Rickshaw/Van/Boat/Bullock/Push Char


Skilled Labour (manual)


Fishing in open water 2%

Petty Trade and Other Business


Begging 15%

Others 3% Do not

Work 6%

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Male Occupation Distribution (Source: shiree CMS 1 baseline)

Agricultural Day Labour 41%

Other Day Labour 22%

Domestic Maid 0%

Rickshaw/Van/Boat/Bullock/Push Cart


Skilled Labour (Manual) 0%

Fishing in Open Water 4%

Petty Trade and Other Business


Begging 3% Others


Do Not Work 4%

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State of Extreme Poverty

• 92% of shiree BHHs do not receive safety nets (Source: CMS 1 baseline)

• 16% of HHs have suffered severe shocks from

natural disasters in the last 3 years (Source: CMS 1 baseline)

Cyclone 15%

Sea Surge 1%

Flood 29%

Flash Flood 22%

Water Logging 12%

Land Slide 2%

Cold Wave 19%

Type of Disasters

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State of Extreme Poverty

• 78.7% of households eat less than 3 meals a day (Source: CMS 1 baseline)

• 22% of children age 5-14 are not in school (Source: CMS 3 round 1)

• Approximately 40% of all households are female headed

(Source: CMS 2, May 2013)

– National average 10% of all households are female headed (HIES 2005)

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• The rates of poverty – both moderate and extreme – have been declining steadily for at least the last 20 years MZ 20 eQ‡i `vwi‡`ªi nvi - AwZ`vwi`ª Ges mnbxq `vwi`ª DfqB -

wbqwš¿Zfv‡e ‡b‡g G‡m‡Q|

• But with a growing population, huge structural changes such as rapid urbanisation and the impact of natural calamities and shocks the absolute numbers of extreme poor shows less inclination to decline wKš‘ µgea©gvb RbmvaviY, bMivq‡bi gZ eo ai‡Yi AeKvVv‡gvMZ

cwieZ©b, cÖvK …wZK wech ©‡qi cÖfve AwZ`vwi‡`ªi nvi Kgv‡”Q A‡bK axi


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Millennium Development Goal # 1 mn¯ªvã Dbœqb jÿ¨gvÎv # 1

“To Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2015”

2015 mv‡ji g‡a¨ AwZ`vwi`ª̈ Ges ÿzav `~ixKiY

- But the target was only to halve the level of extreme poverty

wKš‘ Zvi D‡Ïk¨ wQj AwZ`vwi‡`ªi gvÎv A‡a©‡K bvwg‡q Avbv

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Only Halve the job is done!

‡KejgvÎ A‡a©K jÿ¨gvÎv AwR©Z n‡q‡Q

the question –

Can Bangladesh finish the job?

GLb cÖkœ n‡”Q -

evsjv‡`k wK G jÿ¨gvÎ cy‡ivcywi AR©b Ki‡Z cvi‡e?

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The message is:

Bangladesh can achieve the final and absolute eradication of extreme poverty by 2021.

evsjv‡`k 2012 mv‡ji g‡a¨ AwZ`vwi ª̀̈

m¤ú~Y©fv‡e ~̀i Ki‡Z mÿg n‡e

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• Bangladesh can lead the world in poverty reduction

evsjv‡`k AwZ`vwi ª̀̈ ~̀ixKi‡Y we‡k¦ AMÖYx f‚wgKv cvjb Ki‡Z


• A cause that could bring the country together

GwU Ggb GKwU KviY hv mevB‡K GK Ki‡Z cv‡i

• A 5Oth birthday present from the nation to itself!

RvwZi 50-Zg Rb¥w`‡bi Dcnvi n‡Z cv‡i GwU

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The Challenge

To take 4 million people, 1 million families, out of extreme poverty every year from 2015 to 2021 –

and keep them out! 2015-2021 mv‡ji g‡a¨ 40 jÿ †jvK, 10 jÿ cwievi‡K

cÖwZeQi AwZ`vwi`ª̈ mxgvi evB‡i wb‡q Avmv Ges Zv‡`i

†mLv‡bB a‡i ivLv

this will not happen from rapid economic growth alone –

requires targeted interventions from the government, civil society and private sector actors

GwU †KejgvÎ `ªæZ A_©‣bwZK cÖe„w× AR©‡bi Øviv m¤¢e n‡e bv - Gi Rb¨ miKvi, mykxj mgvR Ges e¨w³gvwjKvbv Lv‡Zi Afxó Kg©m~Px `iKvi

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Restating the Challenges P¨v‡jĸ‡jv n‡”Q

1. Exclusion from public services and transfers (miKvix myweav ‡_‡K ewÂZ nIqv)

2. Insufficient economic opportunities (Ach©vß

A_©‣bwZK myweavw`) 3. Vulnerability to external shocks (cÖvK…wZK wech©‡qi

SzuwK) 4. Health and nutrition vulnerability (¯^v¯’¨ I cywó welqK

SzuwK) 5. Gender Inequity (†RÛvi welqK AmgZv) 6. Marginalized Group specific risks and

vulnerabilities (msL¨vjNy m¤úª̀ v‡qi Ici SzuwK)

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• There are many things that are already being done successfully under each of these 6 challenge areas - lots of good practice examples involving government, NGOs, the private sector and other actors such as universities, the media, religious and community based organisations – including local action by local poverty champions c~‡e© ewY©Z 6wU P¨v‡jÄ †gvKvwejvq A‡bK wKQzB mvdj¨RbKfv‡e Kiv n‡q‡Q –

miKvi, GbwRI, e¨vw³gvwjKvbvaxb LvZ mn Ab¨vb¨ivI, †hgb

wek¦we`¨vjqmg~n, wgwWqv, agx©q Ges mvgvwRK msMVbmg~n A‡bK fvj Kv‡Ri

bgybv †i‡L‡Qb

• What is needed is to do much more and to make

sure that available resources are well targeted GLb AviI A‡bK wKQz Kiv `iKvi Ges me‡P‡q eo K_v n‡”Q, †h m¤ú` Av‡Q

Zvi myôz cÖ‡qvM wbwðZ Ki‡Z n‡e

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To achieve the eradication of extreme poverty will require large scale purposive action across all of these 6 challenge areas - at national level and all the way down to the union or ward.

AwZ`vwi`ª̈ `~ixKi‡Y c~e©ewY©Z 6wU P¨v‡j‡Äi Ici RvZxq

ch©vq †_‡K BDwbqb ev IqvW© ch©v‡q eo`v‡M D‡Ïk¨g~jKfv‡e

KvR Kiv `iKvi|

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The basic idea of the Manifesto for the Extreme Poor is to gain acceptance of this core idea, that extreme poverty really can and should be eradicated, and to establish a commitment to action AwZ`wi`ª̈ ‡`i Bk‡Znvi-Gi ‡cQ‡b g~j D‡×k¨ n‡”Q - AwZ`vwi`ª̈ †h `~i Kiv

hvq Ges `~i Kiv DwPr - †m wel‡q mK‡ji Kv‡Q MÖnY‡hvM¨Zv •Zix Kiv

Already : • 70 organizations involved • 200 specific recommendations submitted • 2,000 people engaged in the process • 255,000 people reached

But this is not nearly enough - what about the other 163+


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What next? Gici? • Continue to raise awareness • G m‡PZbZvi welqwU Ae¨nZ ivL‡Z n‡e • Continue to gather ideas and recommendations • Av‡iv †jv‡Ki Kv‡Q †_‡K civgk© I mycvwik wb‡Z n‡e • Aim to have the core objective: the final eradication of extreme

poverty from Bangladesh by 2021 accepted • g~j jÿ¨ _vK‡Z n‡e †h, AwZ`vwi ª̀̈ mg~‡j `~ixKi‡Yi welqwU MÖnY‡hvM¨Zv †c‡q‡Q • Work with experts to synthesize recommendations and produce a

summary Manifesto by mid-2013 • 2013-Gi gvSvgvwS we‡klÁ‡`i mnvqZvq mycvwikgvjvi mvi-ms‡ÿc ‣Zix Kiv n‡e • Use the Manifesto to continue local and national advocacy • AwZ`wi`ª‡`i Bk‡Znv‡ii welqwU RvZxq Ges ’̄vbxq ch©v‡q GW‡fv‡Kmx Ki‡Z n‡e • Monitor success

– Acceptance of idea – Commitment into action

• mvdj¨ cwiexÿY Ki‡Z n‡e

– aviYvi MÖnY‡hvM¨Zv

– Kv‡Ri cÖwZ cÖwZkÖæwZ

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What can you do? Avcwb wK Ki‡Z cv‡ib?

• Raise awareness of Extreme Poverty • AwZ`vwi ª̈̀ wel‡q m‡PZbZv •Zix • Support the Manifesto vision • Bk‡Znv‡ii jÿ¨‡K mg_©b Kiv • Use your networks to spread the idea • Avcbvi †bUIqv‡K © aviYvwU Qwo‡q †`qv

Make a choice about the future that you want to build

Believe in a Bangladesh that is free from extreme poverty! GKwU AwZ`wi`ªgy³ evsjv‡`‡ki ¯̂cœ †`Lyb|

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