Page 1: Ámbito da comunicación: lingua inglesa · lot of, not... much/any Preséntase a gramática que rexe os substantivos contables e incontables en inglés. A continuación, antes de


Ámbito da comunicación: lingua inglesa

Unidade didáctica 6

English in mind

Educación secundaria para persoas adultas

Page 2: Ámbito da comunicación: lingua inglesa · lot of, not... much/any Preséntase a gramática que rexe os substantivos contables e incontables en inglés. A continuación, antes de



1. Programación da unidade....................................................................................................2

1.1 Encadramento da unidade no ámbito da comunicación................................................2

1.2 Descrición da unidade didáctica ...................................................................................3

1.3 Obxectivos didácticos ...................................................................................................3

1.4 Contidos da unidade......................................................................................................4

1.5 Actividades e temporalización......................................................................................5

1.6 Recursos materiais ........................................................................................................8

1.7 Avaliación .....................................................................................................................8

2. Secuencia de actividades.....................................................................................................9

3. Language Review..............................................................................................................23

4. Portfolio ............................................................................................................................27

1. Programación da unidade

1.1 Encadramento da unidade no ámbito da comunicación

Unidade 1: Hello?... Hi? Bloque 1

Unidade 2: Ready to go?

Unidade 3: English online MÓDULO 1

Bloque 2 Unidade 4: Let’s learn more (surfing the net)

Unidade 5: Let me tell you about Bloque 1

Unidade 6: English in mind

Unidade 7: Let’s read MÓDULO 2

Bloque 2 Unidade 8: The way we live

Unidade 9: The media Bloque 1

Unidade 10: Publicity

Unidade 11: Audiovisual technology MÓDULO 3

Bloque 2 Unidade 12: English alive

Unidade 13: Getting to know you Bloque 1

Unidade 14: Professional English

Unidade 15: Let’s learn MÓDULO 4

Bloque 2 Unidade 16: Learn more

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1.2 Descrición da unidade didáctica Esta unidade está dentro do bloque 1, módulo 2 e denomínase “ENGLISH IN MIND”.

Para que o alumnado aprenda activando todas as competencias, deberase potenciar a súa

responsabilidade e autonomía na construción da súa aprendizaxe, polo que o profesor o

axudará a adestrarse nas estratexias de aprendizaxe, de comprensión, expresión e mediación,

co fin de desenvolver as actividades comunicativas.

Tal e como recolle o currículo da ESA, o ámbito de comunicación está orientado á

adquisición de destrezas que permitan o uso pleno das linguas nun amplo abano de contextos.

Constitúe o ámbito privilexiado para o progreso da competencia en comunicación lingüística

en toda a súa extensión, gardando unha relación moi estreita con outras competencias básicas.

Na unidade 6, como continuación da unidade anterior, o contexto para poñer en acción as

destrezas comunicativas será o de bens e servizos: pedir información básica sobre horarios,

seguir instrucións sinxelas sobre servizos, supermercados, restaurantes, etc. Comprender

preguntas, indicacións, información sobre gustos, intereses, cantidades, horarios e situacións

de lugares, así como as expresións máis usuais que lle son dirixidas ao alumnado adulto

directamente nas interaccións cotiás (na rúa, nos servizos públicos, tendas, restaurantes, etc.).

Como oínte deberá ser quen de comprender instrucións básicas e seguir indicacións sinxelas.

Importante nesta unidade será tamén captar a información relevante de instrucións.

1.3 Obxectivos didácticos 1 Comprender a idea xeral de mensaxes breves e conversacións sobre temas próximos

ao alumnado adulto, sempre que se emitan cunha pronunciación estándar e facendo

uso das estratexias básicas de comprensión das mensaxes orais.

2 Comprender e dar instrucións e indicacións moi breves e sinxelas se se formulan a

modo e articuladas claramente, e reaccionar adecuadamente ante elas, aínda que sexan

necesarias repeticións e aclaracións e se teña que recorrer ao uso de estratexias


3 Comunicarse en conversas sinxelas que requiran o intercambio de experiencias

persoais e de actividades cotiás e de necesidade inmediata, mediante frases

memorizadas, breves e illadas, da linguaxe formal e informal, nun restaurante, por


4 Empregar normas básicas e sinxelas de cortesía, ofrecer e rexeitar. Utilización

adecuada das expresións relativas á expresión do acordo, do desacordo, do interese,

da posibilidade e imposibilidade, así como a expresión de números, cantidades, horas

e expresións temporais sinxelas relacionadas co presente e co pasado.

5 Escribir notas e mensaxes moi breves e sinxelas relativas a necesidades inmediatas

indicando horas, número, prezo, empregando palabras e expresións moi básicas de

uso habitual, e frases e oracións simples e illadas, en tempo presente e pasado e

enlazadas con conectores elementais.

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1.4 Contidos da unidade COMUNICACIÓN


� Valoración positiva das intervencións orais propias e alleas.

� Esforzo e interese no uso da lingua oral.

� Uso de estratexias de comprensión das mensaxes orais: contexto verbal e non verbal e coñecementos previos sobre a situación, así como identificación de palabras clave.

� Produción de mensaxes orais breves e coherentes sobre temas de interese persoal e cunha pronuncia que non dificulte a comunicación.


� Comprensión da información xeral e específica en diferentes tipos de textos, en soporte papel e dixital, auténticos e adaptados, sobre asuntos relacionados coas áreas temáticas.

� Recoñecemento e iniciación no uso dalgunhas fórmulas que diferencian a linguaxe formal e informal nas comunicacións escritas.


� Identificación de elementos morfolóxicos no uso da lingua: substantivo, verbo, adxectivo, adverbio, preposición, etc. Revisión das estruturas anteriores e fincapé no tempo pasado a través do pasado simple e pasado continuo nas súas formas afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas. I’d like.... How much is/are...? some/any, little/few, cuantificadores, there’s no..., should. Fincapé nos adverbios de frecuencia. Fincapé nos nomes contables e incontables.

� Ampliación de expresións comúns, de frases feitas e de léxico apropiado a contextos concretos, cotiáns e das áreas temáticas, na lingua estranxeira.

� Expresións: here you are, here’s your change, in cash, containers (a piece of, bags of, bottle of, cup/glass of...), snacks (crisps, coffee, tea, sandwiches, biscuits, fruit, etc.), supermarket, store. Smoking (not) allowed. I’d like....a beer, a table for three.

� Léxico: currency, cheap, expensive, food (butter, bread, fruit, meat, fish, pasta, salad, salt, soup, paella, vegetables), drinks (hot, cold), menu, first, dessert, meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper), orders, bill.

� Contidos fonolóxicos: a terminación –ed dos verbos regulares.



� Utilización de distintas fontes de información para o lecer e coñecemento da cultura propia e doutras.

� Ampliación de fórmulas de cortesía axeitadas nos intercambios sociais.

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1.5 Actividades e temporalización Abreviaturas utilizadas nesta táboa: CO = Comprensión Oral; CL = Comprensión Lectora; EO = Expresión Oral; EE = Expresión Escrita; VB/PR =

Vocabulario e pronunciación; PR = Pronunciación


VB A1 Rowen’s Supermarket Presentación, coa axuda de imaxes e debuxos, do vocabulario relacionado coa compra de alimentos e outros produtos nos supermercados. Para facilitar o labor do alumnado, xa que o vocabulario é moi abundante, proporciónase a tradución de algúns termos ao galego. No caso da palabra “layout”, aparece o equivalente en galego nun cadro ao pé do plano. O vocabulario preséntase en varios exercicios. Inclúese un documento de audio para que o alumnado escoite e comprobe as súas respostas. KEY: 1. aisle; 2. section; 3. shelf; 4, shopping basket; 5. scale; 6. shopping cart or trolley; 7. checkout/cashier; 8. shopping bag; 9.till; 10. express lane. � O exercicio 2 pídelle ao alumnado que utilice o vocabulario do debuxo para inserir as palabras no

plano de Rowen’s Supermarket. � O exercicio 3 presenta a división en tres tipos básicos de alimentos. Neste caso, os debuxos, en

lugar da tradución, proporcionaranlle pistas ao alumnado sobre o significado dos termos. O profesorado deberá destacar a acentuación do substantivo produce (1ª sílaba) fronte verbo produce, (última sílaba) e o cambio na vogal da primeira sílaba.

� O exercicio 4 consiste en unir os termos concordantes en inglés e galego, que corresponden ás distintas seccións que podemos atopar nun supermercado. KEY: dairy products/produtos lácteos; frozen food/alimentos conxelados; personal care/coidado persoal; beverages/bebidas; produce/froitas e verduras; meat department/sección de carne; canned good/productos enlatados; household goods/artigos do fogar; fish & seafood department/sección de peixe e marisco; organic food/alimentos orgánicos; bakery/panadería; dry goods/cereais.

� A continuación, o alumnado deberá colocar estas palabras nos corredores de Rowen’s Supermarket. Algunhas seccións xa están rotuladas, como é o caso de “bakery”. KEY: dairy products/lácteos; frozen food/conxelados; personal care/coidado persoal; beverages/bebidas; produce/froitas e verduras; canned goods/produtos enlatados; household goods/artigos do fogar; fish&seafood/peixe e marisco; organic food/orgánicos; bakery/panadería; dry goods/cereais (galletas, fariña, etc.)


VB A1 Rowen’s Supermarket Seguimos co vocabulario de comida e doutros produtos no exercicio 5, no que o alumnado deberá situar as palabras na columna correspondente, segundo a sección de alimentos/produtos á que pertenza. KEY:

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VB/EE A1 Rowen’s Supermarket No exercicio 6, o último deste grupo, o alumnado deberá preparar un cartel personalizado co nome do

seu supermercado e cos nomes dos alimentos/produtos que elixa para unha sección determinada do mesmo. Para completalo, o alumnado conta cos exercicios anteriores, pero, sobre todo, co exercicio 5 e coa fotografía dun establecemento onde se ven varios carteis deste tipo.

Gramática A2 countable/uncountable nouns, quantifiers: some/any, how much/many, a lot of, quite a lot of, not... much/any

Preséntase a gramática que rexe os substantivos contables e incontables en inglés. A continuación, antes de presentar some/any, lémbraselle ao alumnado o estudado na unidade 1 con respecto ao artigo indefinido singular a/an. Despois da introdución á gramática, o alumnado deberá realizar os exercicios. A continuación preséntase unha táboa resumo de How much/many? e os “quantifiers” a lot of, quite a lot of, not... much/any, seguido tamén de exercicios.


CO A3 At the grocer’s Este é un exercicio de comprensión oral seguido de dúas preguntas sobre o texto, onde a conversación ten lugar na caixa dun supermercado. KEY: Helen buys eggs, flour, butter, milk, brown sugar; she pays 6.20

EE A4 An advertisement Coa axuda do vocabulario que se lle proporciona nos dous cadros, o alumnado deberá elaborar un anuncio de saldo/rebaixas/ofertas típico dun supermercado.

VB A5 Shopping phrases Antes de pasar ao exercicio de expresión oral, o alumnado debería estudar o vocabulario que se presenta. Trátase de expresións relacionadas coa compra semanal de comida (do the shopping) e outras que tamén se utilizan en calquera tipo de establecemento (pay by credit card, etc.).


EO A6 At the grocer’s En parellas, o alumnado practica un diálogo curto entre o/a caixeiro/a dun supermercado e o/a cliente, aplicando, deste xeito, o vocabulario aprendido nos exercicios precedentes.

Gramática A7 a few/a little Volvemos aos “quantifiers”, esta vez para presentar a few/a little. A explicación gramatical vai seguida dun sinxelo exercicio onde os estudantes deberán colocar os substantivos, segundo sexan contables/incontables, no cadro correcto. KEY: a little juice, meat, fish, milk, rubbish, tea, coke / a few boxes, eggs, biscuits.

VB A8 Containers Neste exercicio, coa axuda de algunhas imaxes, preséntase vocabulario relacionado con envases. 4 VB/CL A9 Recipe Trátase de que o alumnado repase o vocabulario dos anteriores exercicios e aprenda os verbos

relacionados coa cociña, que sexa quen de comprender unha receita de cociña e logo de escribir unha propia. KEY: pour=verter; add=engadir; beat=bater; fry=fritir; mix=mesturar; chop=cortar (carne/verduras); heat=quentar; bake=cocer no forno; chill=enfriar. A receita que se lles proporciona é de cheese cake.

EE A9 Recipe O alumnado escribirá a súa propia receita utilizando os verbos aprendidos para recibir e dar instrucións. 5 VB/EO A10 Eating Out Agora trátase, non de cociñar na casa, senón de comer fóra. Cómpre explicar o significado da frase

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MÓDULO 2 BLOQUE 1 UNIDADE 6 verbal “Eat out”. � Preséntase un menú básico cos distintos pratos de comida que se ofrecen nun restaurante e que o

alumnado deberá completar co vocabulario que se lle proporciona. � A segunda parte do exercicio consiste na práctica dun pequeno diálogo que deberán compoñer

os/as alumnos/as en parellas ou grupos de a tres. Utilizarán as frases contidas na táboa para cliente e camareiro.

CL A11 Food, glorious food Coa axuda do profesorado, o alumnado deberá intentar ler e comprender o significado dos ditos de importantes personaxes anglosaxóns sobre a comida. Aínda que non se incluíu na unidade, recoméndase traballar, como exercicio de cerre dos exercicios relacionados coa comida, coa canción “Food, Glorious Food” do musical “Oliver” dirixido en 1968 por Carol Reed (“The Third Man”).

CO A12 Canción “Money” Canción do filme “Cabaret” de Bob Fosse que pode servir como presentación do seguinte exercicio. EE/EO A13 Money, money, money O exercicio comeza con máis expresións sobre os cartos, que o alumnado deberá intentar descifrar. A

continuación traballarán en parellas para completar unha enquisa sobre os hábitos de consumo e os cartos. O alumnado fará as preguntas ao/á seu/súa compañeiro/a e logo responderá a elas. Deberanse anotar as respostas do/a compañeiro/a.

6 Gramática A14 Past simple Nesta unidade preséntase o pasado simple. Este grupo de exercicios inclúe táboas cun sinxelo resumo gramatical seguido dun cadro onde se traduce a explicación ao galego. As explicacións gramaticais van seguidas dunha serie de exercicios. O alumnado deberá comezar a estudar o pasado simple dos verbos irregulares. Para facilitarlle a tarefa, vanse proporcionar unha táboas cos verbos en orde alfabética, que aparecerán periodicamente a partir da presentación deste tempo verbal, nas seguintes unidades. O profesorado deberá presentar estas táboas na clase, facendo fincapé na pronuncia dos mesmos e na necesidade de que o alumnado aprenda estas formas verbais de memoria.

Gramática A14 Past simple Rematar cos exercicios e/ou corrixilos na aula. PR A15 –ed ending Preséntanse as normas de pronunciación da terminación –ed no pasado dos verbos regulares. Neste

caso tamén se facilita a explicación en galego. KEY: /d/ /t/ /I d/

cleaned cooked wanted arrived helped folded


CL Coca-Cola O alumnado poñerá en práctica os seus coñecementos do pasado simple a través deste exercicio de comprensión de lectura, que vai seguido dunhas preguntas. KEY: a brain tonic, stimulant and headache remedy; people didn’t buy it; students’ own answer; students’ answers (7Up, Fanta...); started, conquered, surprised, cost, was, sold (2), received, realized, created, acquired, decided, made (2), founded.

Revisión xeneral da unidade

O “language review” debe entenderse como actividades illadas de reforzo e de coñecemento da lingua, necesarias para interiorizar os compoñentes lingüísticos e ser capaz, por último, de comprender e producir actividades comunicativas 8

Portfolio self-assessment Exercicio onde o alumnado reflexiona e autoavalía o seu progreso na aprendizaxe da lingua inglesa.

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1.6 Recursos materiais Para esta unidade achegaranse flashcards de vocabulario relacionado coa unidade e de

pronunciación da terminación –ed dos verbos regulares.

Como en todas as unidades, textos da mesma, internet e bibliotecas do contorno.

1.7 Avaliación As tarefas deseñadas serán esencialmente comunicativas, para lle ofrecer ao alumnado a

oportunidade de utilizar o idioma tal e como o faría en situacións reais de comunicación; de

aí a importancia de que os materiais empregados nas devanditas tarefas sexan

preferentemente auténticos e verosímiles, de xeito que o alumnado perciba a lingua no seu

contexto real, como instrumento de comunicación.

Para levar a cabo eficazmente as tarefas correspondentes, o alumnado debe ser orientado no

uso de estratexias de planificación, execución, control e reparación, como obxectivo da


O alumno ou a alumna farase comprender aínda que realice pausas para buscar as expresións

e as palabras menos habituais, sendo capaz de utilizar as estratexias que lle permitan garantir

a comunicación.

Os aspectos procedementais avaliaranse a través da observación e da valoración das distintas

tarefas propostas nas actividades. Valorarase a participación nas actividades en grupo e

individuais a través da observación e dos resultados dos distintos traballos propostos.

En cada unha das sesións programadas haberá actividades que poidan servir de revisión,

reforzo e/ou ampliación, dependendo das necesidades do alumnado.

Farase unha proba final de progreso co fin de comprobar que o alumnado adquiriu os

obxectivos establecidos para a unidade.

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2. Secuencia de actividades

A1 Vocabulary

Look at the layout* of Rowen’s Supermarket.

1. Look at these words. Match the English word with the Gallician equivalent. Then match

them with the pictures. A picture can represent more than one word. Listen and check.

shelf carro da compra scale sección shopping basket balanza aisle cesto de compras

shopping bag caixa rexistradora till andel check-out corredor section / department caixas shopping trolley /cart bolsa da compra express lane caixa rápida cashier caixeira

2. Now label Rowan’s Supermarket with the words in the box.

section shopping trolleys check-out express lane

* = plano








5 6


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3. Learn these words for supermarket products.

dairy meat produce

4a. Look at these expressions. Match the English word with the Gallician equivalent.

dairy products produtos lácteos frozen food artigos do fogar personal care sección de carne beverages alimentos conxelados produce panadería meat department alimentos orgánicos canned goods coidado persoal

household goods frutas e verduras fish & seafood department cereais organic food sección de peixe e marisco bakery produtos enlatados dry goods bebidas

4b. Now label the aisles of Rowan’s supermarket with the expressions above.

5. In what section can you find these things? Write the words under the correct heading.

lemons milk frozen pizza carrots flour biscuits wine butter bread toothpaste oil yoghurt shampoo eggs sugar juice tuna onions beer steak ice cream chicken coffee salt apples pears potatoes cheese cakes fish

dairy meat & fish department

fruit & vegetables

bakery cooking & condiments

dry goods canned goods

frozen food

beverages personal care


6. Personalize your own aisle sign. Use the vocabulary from the exercises and the sign

below to help you.

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A2 Grammar countable/uncountable nouns; quantifiers much/many, a little/a few, some/any

countable / uncountable nouns

In English there are countable (C) and uncountable (U) nouns.

A countable noun is something you can count.

one euro, two euros, three euros...

An uncountable noun is something you can’t count. It can’t be plural.

one moneys, two moneys

Some nouns can be countable and uncountable, but the meaning changes.

a pizza some pizza


Do you remember the use of the indefinite article a/an?

a/an + a singular noun

a pear a carrot

a + noun beginning with a consonant

an apple an onion

an + noun beginning with vowel sound

With plural nouns we use the plural indefinite articles some or any.


The general rules:

� SOME and ANY are used with plural nouns and with uncountable nouns.

� SOME is used in positive sentences and ANY is used in negatives and questions.

Positive sentences (����) Negative sentences (—) Questions (?)

Some Any Any

I need some new clothes. We haven't got any sugar. Do you have any bread?

Offers and requests

We use Some (we expect the person to say “Yes.”) Would you like some more tea? Can you bring some milk?

The same rules also apply for somebody/anybody, someone/anyone, somewhere/anywhere, something/anything.

I need somewhere to sleep. He never does anything bad. Can anyone help me?


some or any? Choose the correct answer.

1) We need some/any bananas.

2) You can't buy some/any posters in this shop.

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3) We haven't got some/any oranges at the moment.

4) Peter bought some/any new books.

5) She always takes some/any sugar with her tea.

6) I saw some/any nice postcards in this souvenir shop.

7) There aren't some/any folders in my bag.

8) I have some/any magazines for you.

9) There are some/any apples on the table.

10) Pam does not have some/any pencils on her desk.

how much?/how many?

The general rule:

� HOW MUCH and HOW MANY are used with plural and uncountable (singular) nouns.

UNCOUNTABLE (singular) Answers Complete answers Short answers

A lot of = a big quantity

I drink a lot of coffee. A lot.

Quite a lot of =quite a big quantity

I drink quite a lot of coffee. Quite a lot.

not...much = a small quantity

I don’t drink much coffee. Not much. How much coffee do you drink?

not... any (none) = zero

I don’t drink any coffee. None.

COUNTABLE (plural) Answers Complete answers Short answers

A lot of = a big quantity

I need a lot of apples. A lot.

Quite a lot of =quite a big quantity

I need quite a lot of apples. Quite a lot.

not...many = a small quantity

I don’t need many apples. Not many. How many apples do you need?

not... any (none) = zero I don’t need any apples. None.


A. Use many, much, a lot (of), any and some.


There is (1) ___________ to say about it: Not (2) ___________ people know that the Egyptians and Greeks already made something similar to a pizza. In 1554 the Spanish introduced the tomato in Europe from Mexico. Naples, in Italy, is considered the modern birthplace of pizza. Pizzas did not use (3) ___________ cheese because it was very expensive years ago. For many years there weren’t (4) ___________ pizzerias outside Italy. The first pizzeria in the USA opened in 1905. Pizzas became famous all around the world during World War II, when

the American soldiers were in Italy. What makes a good pizza? (5) ___________ good ingredients and (6) ___________ good oil.

B. Complete the following questions with much or many. Can you answer all the questions?

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1. How _______ sugar do you take?

2. How _______ days are there in a week?

3. How _______ does a newspaper cost?

4. How _______ people are there in your family?

5. How _______ eggs can a chicken produce in a day?

6. How _______ milk can a goat produce in a day?

A3 Listening

At the grocer’s Listen to the conversation at the grocer’s.

1. Tick the things Helen buys from her shopping list.

flour butter bread eggs carrots beer

brown sugar milk potatoes pears

2. How much does she pay? ____________

3. What can Helen cook with the things she buys? ____________

A4 Writing

Can you make an advert for a special offer? There are two boxes with vocabulary to help you.

On sale

2 for 1

3 for 1 sale

Buy one, get one free

Weekly special(s)

cheap - expensive old - new hot - cold big - small thick - thin empty - full

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A5 Vocabulary

Phrases you should learn before you go shopping.

do the shopping pay in cash pay by check

pay by credit card

Can I pay by credit card? How much is a kg of? That’s expensive! / That’s really cheap!

A6 Speaking

At the grocer’s

Practice the dialogue with a partner.

Cashier: Hi. How are you?

Customer: Fine.

Cashier: Would you like paper or plastic?

Customer: Plastic, please. I think the price of the coffee is wrong.

Cashier: Really?

Customer: Yes. It’s on sale this week for $4.99 and it says $6.99.

Cashier: You’re right. I’ll change it. So, the total is $59.68.

Customer: Can I pay by credit card?

Cashier: Of course. Sure.

A7 Grammar

a few / a little

The general rule:

� (A) FEW and (A) LITTLE are used with plural and uncountable (singular) nouns.

UNCOUNTABLE (singular) Answers Complete answers Short answers

How much butter do you need? a little = a small quantity

I need (a) little butter. A little.

COUNTABLE (plural) Answers Complete answers Short answers

a few = a small quantity (some)

I need a few nuts. A few. How many nuts do you need?

few =a small quantity (not many)

I need few nuts. Few.

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Put the words into the correct box.

cup boxes eggs milk rubbish tea

juice meat fish biscuits coke

A little

A few

A8 Containers Can you guess the meaning of the following?

1. a tin of soup 6. a package of sugar

2. a bottle of mineral water 7. a jar of marmalade

3. a box of chocolates 8. a plate of spaghetti

4. a cup of tea 9. a slice of bread

5. a bag of crisps 10. a carton of milk

A9 Reading & Writing

1. Do you know the meaning of the following verbs?

pour fry heat

add mix bake

beat chop chill

Are they regular o irregular verbs? Can you pronounce them in present and past?

2. Complete the sentences.

________ the onions in small pieces.

________ salt and pepper.

________ in the oven at 250º Celsius.

________ the mixture until it is soft.

________ the food before serving.

________ the meat in a saucepan.

After it is ready leave it to ________ for half an hour.

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Prep Time: 15 minutes


� 200gr package cream cheese � 1/4 cup lemon juice � can condensed milk � 150 gr of biscuit crust


In medium bowl beat cream cheese until smooth. Add lemon juice and condensed milk and mix until very well combined. Pour into biscuit crust and chill. 8 servings.

3. Look at the following recipe. Notice how we use the verbs above.

What do you think it is? _____________________

4. Work with a partner. Write your own recipe.

A10 Vocabulary & Speaking

1. Look at the menu on the right. Write the correct word for each number.




Main courses

2. Role-play the following situation at a restaurant: a vegetarian customer is having lunch at a restaurant. Use the expressions in the table.

Customer Waiter

Can/could I have a table for one

Can/could I have a vegetarian meal please?

Can I have the bill, please

Can/could I pay in cash/by credit card/by cheque.

Can I help you?

Can I take your orders?

Here is the menu.

Here you are.

That’s the price please.

Thank you very much.

A11 Reading & Speaking

Do you understand the following quotes about food?

Food is an important part of a balanced diet. Fran Lebowitz (US cartoonist)

Conversation is the enemy of good wine and food. Alfred Hitchcock (English writer, essayist)

Eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside. Mark Twain (US novelist)

A12 Listening �song “Money” from the film “Cabaret” (Liza Minelli & Joel Grey).

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A13 Reading & Speaking

Money, money, money!

Explain the proverbs: What do they mean? Say them in other English words.

$ The best things in life are free.

$ Time is money.

$ Save your pennies for a rainy day.

$ Money talks.

$ You can't take it with you when you go.

$ Money doesn't grow on trees.


Ask your partner the following questions and write their answers.


1 How often do you go shopping? Do you enjoy it?

2 Where is your favourite place to shop?

3 When you buy something, do you go to many stores to compare prices?

4 What do you like spending money on?

5 What don't you like spending money on?

6 If you must save money, what would you stop spending money on?

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7 What would you love to buy but can't afford?

8 How much money would make you happy?

9 Do you play the lottery? What kind of lottery do you play?

10 Do you think that money can buy love?


A14 Grammar past simple

The Past simple is used for finished actions in the past.

I worked yesterday.

Let’s look at the rules.

Regular verbs in the past add –ed to the infinitive (without to)


jump jumped

call called

work worked

play played

The past of irregular verbs must be memorized.


go went

come came

have had

sleep slept

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The only verb that changes in the past simple is be.


I am I was

You are You were

He/She/It is He/She/It was

We are We were

You are (plural) You were (plural)

They are They were

Spelling rules for regular verbs

Infinitive Past Spelling help play

helped played add –ed

use create

used created add –d

study studied consonant + -y, change y to i and add -ed

travel travelled 1 vowel + 1 consonant = double the consonant

Pasado Simple � Tempo pretérito (simple past tense) indica unha acción que aconteceu nun momento específico

do pasado.

� En inglés o tempo pretérito (simple past) é máis fácil de conxugar que na nosa lingua, xa que a conxugación é a mesma para todas as persoas.

jumped (saltei, saltaches, saltou, etc...)

� Se o verbo é regular, débese engadir a terminación -ed á forma simple do verbo en todas as personas no pasado.

� Se o verbo é irregular, deberase memorizar a súa única forma pasada simple para todas as persoas.

� O único verbo que cambia no pasado pretérito é o verbo be.

Pasado Simple

En xeral o pasado simple constrúese co infinitivo sen to + -ed.

help — helped work — worked

Se o verbo remata en –e, engádese unha d.

use — used create — created

Se o verbo remata en consonante + -y, transfórmase o y en i e engádese –ed

study — studied

Se o verbo remata en vogal + unha consonante, duplícase a consoante e engádese –ed

travel — travelled

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Use did/didn’t + infinitive for past questions and negatives.

Negative sentences (—)

Subject did not (didn’t) infinitive verb

I/He/She/It did not (didn’t) buy the book finally.

We/You/They were not playing football

Questions (?)

Auxiliary Subject infinitive verb

Did I/he/she/it buy the book?

Use did/didn’t for positive and negative short answers.

Short Answers


Yes, I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they did.


No, I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they did not (didn’t).


A) Form questions in the Past Simple. Example: when / he / to visit / her mother

When did he visit her mother?

1) what / Lucy / buy?


2) where / your father / repair / his car


B) Which sentences/questions are correct?

1) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Past?

a. They didn’t play in the park.

b. They didn’t play in the park.

c. They don’t played in the park.

2) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Past?

a. We did not work yesterday.

b. We not worked yesterday.

c. We worked not yesterday.

C) Which answers are correct?

1) Which verb forms are correct?

a. begin

b. began

c. planned

d. planed

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e. break

f. broke

g. drived

h. drove

2) Which sentences/questions are in the Simple Past?

a. He didn't eat at home yesterday.

b. I bought the paper this morning.

c. I have got a new car.

d. They were waiting for me.

e. We were watching a film.

A15 Pronunciation –ed ending

1. Listen and repeat.

/d/ /t/ /ëd/

filled studied planned

looked thanked asked

corrected added waited

Letters before -ed s, b, g, ll, m, n, r, v, w, y, z, j

Letters before -ed k, ss, sh, p, f, c

Letter before -ed t or d

2. Listen and put these verbs in the correct column.

cooked helped cleaned wanted arrived started

/d/ /t/ /I d/

-ed pronúnciase /ëd/ con verbos regulares rematados en t ou d.

start — started

-ed pronúnciase /d/ con verbos que rematan en vogal ou consoante sonora.

try — tried

-ed pronúnciase /t/ con verbos que rematan nun son xordo.

work — worked

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A16 Reading

Read the text and then answer the questions.

The History of

It started in the USA and it conquered the world. In the fifties and sixties, American tourists were surprised to discover that in countries like Spain, a Coke cost three times more than a glass of brandy.

The inventor of Coca-Cola was Dr. John S. Pemberton, in 1885. He sold it as a brain tonic, stimulant and headache remedy but was poorly received. Dr. Pemberton never realized the potential of the drink he created. He gradually sold portions of his business to various partners. Before his death in 1888, he sold all he had in Coca-Cola to Asa G. Candler, who acquired complete control. Asa D. Chandler decided to carbonate the drink. The bubbles made all the difference, and he made gold. The Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1892 and is here to stay.


1. What was coke in the first place?


2. What do you understand by “poorly received”?


3. Why do you think Coca-cola is everywhere?


4. Can you think of any other drink or food known all around the world? Do you know how it started?


5. Underline the verbs in the past tense.

Grammar there was/there were

Do you remember there is/there are? Look at the table.

In the past we use there was / there were.

Look at the table below. Fill in the gaps with was or were. Check the answers with your teacher.


positive There _______a man in the shop.

negative There _______a police car near the shop.

questions ________ there a police car?

short answers Yes, there _________. / No, there ______ .


positive There ________ some people in the shop.

negative There ________ any security guards in the shop?

questions ________ there any security guards in the shop?

short answers Yes, there ________. / No, there _______


Look at the sentences.

1. There are some small shops. 2. There’s an airport near the town. 4. There aren’t any five-star hotels. 3. There isn’t a lake. 5. Are there many people? 6. Is there a good restaurant?


Use some in positive (+) sentences. Use any in negative (–) sentences and questions (?).

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3. Language Review R1 Restaurants

A. Which word does not belong in each group and why?


tomatoes carrots eggs lettuce

Eggs are different because the other three are vegetables. Eggs are not.

cake ice-cream orange soup

bread pork rice cereals

bananas strawberries apples chicken

pork beef lamb cheese

yoghurt milk pasta cheese

B. What would you use for each of the words: how much or how many? / much or many? Write 5 food words for each.

How much / much How many / many

Which are countable nouns are which are uncountable?

When can we use a lot (of)? Give examples

C. Complete the following sentences using (a) little or (a) few.

1. ___________ people know about it.

2. I have got very ___________ time today.

3. My parents have got ___________ friends in the country. They visit them at the weekend.

4. Add ___________ sugar to the coffee please.

5. There are ___________ important things to do here.

6. He’s got very ___________ money. He’s quite poor.

7. He’s got ___________ friends but they are the best.

Can you fill in the dialogue?

Waiter ……………………….. ?

You I’d like some salad.

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Waiter …………………………..?

You I’d like fish and vegetables.

Waiter …………………………..?

You I’d like a glass of white wine.

Waiter …………………………..?

You Ice-cream please.

Waiter Thank you.

Can you choose the correct phrase to complete the sentences in a restaurant?

1. Would you like…?

a) A smoking or non smoking table?

b) The bill?

2. Can/Could we have...

a) The menu please.

b) The water please.

3. Excuse me, are you ready to order?

a) No, we want the pudding.

b) Yes, please.

4. I’m sorry but we haven’t got any…

a) fresh salad.

b) the roast beef.

5. Could we have...

a) the bill please?

b) the change please?

6. How much is the bill?

a) It’s 50 pounds.

b) It’s 25 pounds and the tip.


Choose a partner or work on your own. Plan a healthy shopping list for the week. Use words from the exercises in the lesson. Add a new section.

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R3 Simple Past

A. Form questions in the Simple Past. Example: when / he / to visit / her mother

When did he visit her mother?

1. How often /Mary/ to go /the library


2. Where/ Claire/ to live/ last year


B. Which verb forms are correct? a. wrote

b. writed

c. planned

d. planed

e. tried

f. tryed

C) Put the following sentences in the negative. Example: He walked to the bank

He did not walk to the bank.

1. The boys broke the chair.


2. They won the lottery.


3. The boys climbed the tree.


4. My teachers at school taught Spanish.


5. We watched TV every day from six to eight in the evening.


R4 Complete the sentences about Mary’s birthday party with the correct past form of the verb.

1. Last month I ___________ (go) to a Mary’s Birthday party.

2. It ___________ (start) at eight and finished at midnight.

3. There ___________ (be) fifteen people at the party.

4. We ___________ (eat) lots of food.

5. I ___________ (prefer) fish to meat.

6. For starters we ___________ (have) various types of salads.

7. For dessert Mary’s mother ___________ (make) 3 type of cakes.

8. I ___________ (get) home very late.

9. I ___________ (have) a great time there.

10. I __________ (laugh) a lot with the jokes other people ________ (tell).

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R5 Write questions in the past using the following prompts.

1. Where ___________ (be) the party?

2. Who ___________ (you go) with?

3. What ___________ (drink)?

4. What ___________ wear)?

5. What present ___________ (give) Mary?

6. Who ___________ (sit) with?

7. What time ___________ (get home)?

8 ___________ (get) an invitation?

9. ___________ (smoke) at the party?

10. ___________ (like) the meal?

R6 Use the correct there was/were form

1. _______ there a party for Mary’s birthday? Yes, there _______.

2. There _______ fifteen people.

3. There _______ a lot of food

4. There _______ fish and meat.

5. There _______ three types of cakes.

R7 Mary got a weekend holiday to Amsterdam as a Birthday present! Now she is back. Complete the text to tell her story.

Mary _________ (go) with her boyfriend Paul to Amsterdam. At the airport they _________

(have) a problem because one of the cases was not there. They _________ (stay) in a lovely

hotel by the canal and they _________ (find) it fantastic. They (visit) museums, _________

(eat) at lovely places and _________ (cycle) around the city. When they _________ (come)

back the missing case was _________ (wait) there.

R8 Correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. Did you waited for the case?

2. He weren’t making any noise.

3. Last year I was visit her in June.

4. He don’t remember my name

5. She not like the first museum.

R9 What do you say when …

1. You are in a shop and want the shop assistant’s attention. What do you say?

2. When somebody says “Nice to meet you”, what do you say?

3. When a waiter comes to ask you what you want for a meal, what does he say?

4. When you are at the grocer’s and want a kg of oranges, what can you say?

5. You have a present for a friend and he/she says thank you. What do you answer?

R10 Write a recipe that you know. Use the appropriate verbs.

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4. Portfolio

I CAN DO (TICK=����) With a lot of

help With some

help On my own Very easily

I can ask questions in the simple past and give short answers

I can use common words related to food, meals and restaurants

I can understand every day information and timetables.

I can use the past progressive in all its forms

I can ask and answer questions in a shop.

I can use the affirmative and negative forms of sentences in present.
