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Where are they want to Go?Microsoft Build Conference Report 2014

Kaoru Nakajima

Windows Phone Arch Tokyo #3


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About @kaorun

▌Kaoru Nakajima

▌Cybozu Labs, Inc.

▌Software Design Engineer

Twitter: @kaorun

Hatena: id:kaorun


NatehaR (W8)

Cybozu Live

for Windows Phone


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“BART 切符 買い方”ググれ

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Day One

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コーヒーはSeattle’s Best Coffee(ただしぬるい)

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トップバッターはTerry Myerson

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Joe キター!

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るーみあ ないんさーてぃ

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▌Windows 9 (Threshold) プレビュー

▌Windows Phone日本リリース時期発表


▌Windows Phone 8.1端末配布

▌Windowsタブレット(Surface Miniとか)配布



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Day Two

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Day Three

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7kg x2が入ってるわけですよ

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▌Go universal!

▌Windows, Windows Phone, Xbox

▌WinRT for Everywhere

▌to Desktop?? (後述)

▌Windows Phone 8.1がやってきた

▌Cortana, 通知センター, ロックスクリーンアプリ, IE11 Mobile…

▌New APIs: Contract, Contacts, Notification, Geo, Voice…




▌No Windows 9(Threashold), No WP9 yet

▌See you next year

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Windows Phone 8.1はどうよ▌ようやく一人前に?




▌universal まじ universal▌Silverlightのソースをそのまま移植するのは結構つらい



▌日本語対応は微妙に一進一退▌Xbox Music Storeは日本語対応!




▌Contract対応は日本ユーザーに朗報 準備万端、もうすぐ日本で出そうだぜ!


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Windows Desktopは何処へ行くのか?Session 2-563: Windows Desktop Development: A Panel Discussion より







それって、次(?)でuniversal Desktop Appが出てくるってことですよね?


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Build 2014 Windows Phone関連おすすめセッション@channel9▌What’s New with Windows Phone Silverlight Apps! | Build 2014 | Channel 9

▌Developing Apps using the Common XAML UI Framework | Build 2014 | Channel 9

▌The New Windows Phone Application Model | Build 2014 | Channel 9

▌Integrating Your App into the Windows Phone Speech Experience | Build 2014 | Channel 9

▌From 4 to 40 inches: Developing Windows Applications across Multiple Form Factors | Build 2014 | Channel 9

▌Multitasking and Triggered Background Tasks for Windows Phone Apps | Build 2014 | Channel 9

▌Diagnosing Issues in Windows Phone XAML Apps Using Visual Studio | Build 2014 | Channel 9

▌Contracts and Pickers: Building Apps that Work Together on Windows | Build 2014 | Channel 9

▌Building Geo-Aware Apps with Maps and Geofencing | Build 2014 | Channel 9

▌Practical Design for Windows Developers | Build 2014 | Channel 9

▌Tag Windows Phone | Build 2014 | Channel 9

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Windows universal App

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はてなブックマーク アプリ

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IE Mobile やNextGen Reader から

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In Windows Phone StoreNow!

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