Download pdf - Midterm Code 104

  • Name: ___________________ PROGRESS TEST A2.2 Class: ___________________ Time: 90 minutes Code: 104


    A. Listening

    I/ 1.a. 1.b 1.c 2. 3.

    4. 5. 6. 7.

    II/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

    B. Grammar

    III/ 1. 2. 3. 4.

    IV/ 1. 2. 3. 4.

    5. 6. 7. 8.

    9. 10.

    C. Vocabulary

    V/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

    D. Reading

    VI/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

    E. Writing

  • Code: 104

    A. Listening

    I. Listen to Tina, Tom and Eric talking about how they commute. Answer the questions 1. How does each person get to work?

    a. Tina ______________ b. Tom _________________ c. Eric ______________________

    2. ____________ drives a lot.

    3. ____________ doesnt like the subway.

    4. ____________ sometimes takes a bus.

    5. ____________ doesnt have a car.

    6. ____________ is tired after work.

    7. ____________ listens to music

    II. Listen to the conversation with a guide dog trainer. Fill in the blanks in these sentences.

    1. The guide dog training program lasts _________________________.

    2. All trainers have to wear a blindfold for ________________________

    3. Emily works with the dogs _____________________________________

    4. It takes _____________________________ to train a dog.

    5. Trainers work with dogs and owners together for _______________________.

    B. Grammar

    III. Complete the sentences with the correct present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

    1. My sister _______ (pass) her driving test yet but she wants to buy a car.

    2. I _______ (speak) to Jenny about the party yet.

    3. _______ (the theatre send) our tickets yet?

    4. _______ (you have) lunch? We can go to the caf for a sandwich.

    IV. Complete the text with the correct words.

    How (1)_______ much / many food shops are there in Kenton? Well today there is one more.

    (2)_______ the / Branstons is (3)_______ a / the new shop in (4)_______ a / the High Street. Its not

    very cheap but its not (5)_______ a / the most expensive shop in town! It sells (6)_______ some / any

    really interesting things. It doesnt sell (7)_______ some / any meat or vegetables but it sells tea from

    a lot of different countries. It also has (8)_______ the / a small caf and you can have (9)_______ the /

    breakfast there with (10)_______ the / a cup of tea, of course!

    C. Vocabulary

    V. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

    1. Im going to be a _______ because I like to repair cars. A mechanic B builder C chef

    2. My cousin became a _______ last year and he works in A teacher B scientist C priest

    different churches.

    3. I wouldnt like to be a _______. A waiter B actor C politician

    They have to make difficult decisions.

    4. I wanted to be a _______ when I was young A hairdresser B farmer C factory

    worker and work with famous film stars.

    5. My mum is a _______ and she helps lots of A computer B nurse C artist

    people. Its a good job. programmer

  • Code: 104

    D. Reading

    The end of a long journey Yesterday was an important day for Thomas Burns from Portsmouth. He retired after 45 years as a bus driver in the city. Here he writes about the changes he has seen over the years.

    Over the years a lot of things have changed in Portsmouth and I think its more difficult to be a bus driver today than before. There are more cars, more cyclists, more traffic jams and more people in a hurry! Ive seen a lot of changes in the town centre too. When I started you could drive along the High Street. Now you cant. Its for people on foot! There are lots of roads you cant drive along.

    Another change is that 40 years ago we had conductors. Conductors were people who worked on the bus too and they walked up and down the bus and sold the tickets. Today the driver has to sell tickets. Also, the conductors watched the passengers for any trouble. Today we have CCTV cameras instead! But a CCTV camera cant tell a teenager to get off the bus!

    The passengers havent changed a lot. Ive met some really nice people and some very rude people too. But thats life, isnt it?

    Are the sentences true or false?

    1 People want to get to places quickly these days. ___

    2 There is more traffic on the roads today than before. ___

    3 The city centre is the same as it was when Thomas started as a driver. ___

    4 There is more trouble on the buses today than there was before. ___

    5 All Thomass passengers were polite. ___

    E. Writing

    Imagine you are on holiday in a big city. Write an e-mail ( 70 90 words) to a friend.

    Write about these things:

    where you are

    what the weathers like

    what you have already done

    what you havent done yetark /10al

  • Key for midterm code 104

    A. Listening

    I/ 1.a. car 1.b subway 1.c bicycle 2.Tina

    4.Eric 5.Eric 6. Tom 7. Tina

    II/ 1. three years 2. ten days 3. everyday 4. six months 5. one month

    B. Grammar

    I/ 1.hasnt passed 2.havent spoken 3. Has the theatre sent 4. Have you had

    II/ 1. many 2. 3. a 4. the

    5. the 6. some 7. any 8. a

    9. 10. a

    C. Vocabulary

    III/ 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B

    D. Reading

    1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F

    E. Writing

    Content: 40% Form: 20% Grammar and Vocabulary: 20% Accuracy: 20%