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Modal verbs, like auxiliaries, are used in English for a speaker to communicate different states or attitudes

(on leave, probability, necessity). A class of modal meaning, is the degree of certainty

manners are used to say that a situation is safe, probable, possible or impossible

The other kind of meaning has to do with the obligation and freedom of action: manners can be

used to say that someone is bound to do something, you can do something, that something is permitted or


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a) certainty (positive or negative) must, Must not, can, can not.

b) probability / possibility. Should, Should not, may, May not

c) weak probability or possibility Might, might not, could, could not

d) conditionality or possibility. Could, could not.


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Modal verbs are used to express various aspects of obligation and freedom. These uses of modal verbs are very important in terms of education, suggestions, invitations and instructions.a) strong obligation: Must b) prohibition: must not, can notc)Weak requirement: Should suggestion or recommendation, might, May d) will, persistence and offers. Will, would e) (very formal) can permit, couds, may, might  f) ability can, be able to


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A. Do not combine (never changes its form in different people), so modal verbs do not take "s" in the third person singular. B. The main verb is always in infinitive form without to, except ought modal. C. As complementary verbs are modal verbs do not work without other verb


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an affirmation order words is subject

in the questions, the word order is modal, subject, main verb


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"Can" means skill or ability. In these cases it can be translated as "power" in Spanish-I can ski / puedo esquiar We can use the can if we decide now that we will do in the future-I can have lunch with you tomorrow. / Puedo comer contigo mañana.


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Affirmative: subject + can + verb I can speak English Negative: subject + can’t + verb I can’t speak english Interrogative : Can + subject + verb Can I speak english ?Short Answer: Yes, subject + can *Yes, I cant No, subject + can´t *No , I cant

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-"Could" indicates possibility or ability in the past. -You can also use "could" for possibilities in the future. -As "can", in interrogative sentences "could" may request permission or to inquire about the possibilities, but is more formal. *Joe could speak Spanish when he was young. (Joe podía

hablar español cuando era joven.)


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Affirmative: subject +could +verb* You could be wrong Negative: Subject + couldn’t + verb*I couldn't see very clearly (Yo no pude/podría ver muy claramente) Interrogative : Could + subject + verb *Could you open the window? (¿Pudiste/podrías abrir la ventana?)

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The verb "may" could be used in the same way that "could", but is more formal and polite. Can also be used to give permissions or instructions. The questions yes or no, the use of "may" is more polite than "can".The modal verb is MAY MIGHT closely related since both have the same use and meaning, but MAY indicates a greater degree of certainty . To express a possibility in the future, we will only place him in prayer when the action is performed. For those questions that is more polite MIGHT COULD and MAY.


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She may decide to travel to Spain (Ella puede decidir viajar a España) •May you take me to the school? (¿Podrías llevarme a la escuela?) •You may leave if you like. (Puede salir si quiere.) •You may use your cell phones now. (Podéis usar sus teléfonos ahora.) •May I have a glass of water? (¿Podría tomar un vaso de agua?) •May I leave now? (¿Podría salir ahora?)

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Affirmative: subject + may/might + verb*She may help me tomorrow.(Ella podrá ayudarme mañana.)*They might visit the hospital this afternoon. (Ellos podrían visitar el hospital esta tarde.) Negative: subject + may not /migth not – migntn’t + verb*She may not apologize her friend( Ella no puede disculpar a su amiga) *He might not find a solution to his problem(Él no podría encontrar una solución a su problema) Interrogative: may/migth + subject + verb *May I use your telephone please? ( ¿Puedo usar su teléfono por favor?) *Might I use your telephone please? (¿ Podría usar su teléfono por favor?)

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The verb MUST and which can be attributed two main meanings: to indicate that we are sure of the certainty of something and also to express an opinion, that is, indicate the need to do something. You can also use "could" for possibilities in the future. "Must" expresses an internal obligation, not an external obligation as is "Have To“. "Must" is used only in the present and in the future.*He must have a lot of money( Él debe tener mucho dinero) (Indica la certeza que posee gran cantidad de dinero) *They must pay attention. (Ellos deben prestar atención)


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Affirmative: subject + must +verb*I must go to the library (Debo ir a la biblioteca) Negative: subject + musn’t / must not + verb *You must not talk to strangers (No debes hablar con extraños) Interrogative : must + subject + verb*Must we do everything today (¿Debemos hacer todo hoy?)

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We use it to express that something is necessary. Expresses an obligation in English.   HAVE TO is preferably used to talk about an obligation imposed from outside (rule, law, rule) Unlike all other modal verbs, auxiliary HAVE TO DO need to formulate questions and negations and supports all tenses.*You have to drive on the right (tienes que conducir por la derecha) *His father said he had to do it (Su padre dijo que lo tenía que hacer)


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Affirmative: Subject + have to + verb *We have to be there at 5 o'oclock. (tenemos que estar allí a las 5) Interrogative : do /does + subject + have to + verb *Do we have to be there at 5 o'clock? (¿Tenemos que estar allí a las 5?) Negative: Subject + don’t/ doesn’t + have to + verb *We don't have to be there at 5 o'clock (No tenemos que estar allí a las 5)

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"Should" denotes an obligation or recommendation. It reflects a view on what is right. This translates as the subjunctive of "duty" in Spanish. "SHOULD" can also be used to express the probability that something will happen in the future*I should call my parents more often. (Debería llamar a mis padres más a menudo.)*You have saved a lot of money so you should buy a new car (Tú has ahorrado mucho dinero por lo que deberías comprar un nuevo coche) *She has worked the whole year so she should have holidays (Ella ha trabajado todo el año por lo que debería tener vacaciones)


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To express something that should have been done in the past but did not use the form SHOULD HAVE & & past participle of the main verb, for example: • Should I have arrived Earlier (He should have come earlier) • We Should Have Travelled yesterday (We should have traveled yesterday) • She Should Have prepared her exams. The past is used to indicate that something should have been done and not done.

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Affirmative: subject + should + verb*I should call my mother (Debería llamar a mi madre) Negative: subject + shouldn’t + verb *I shouldn't waste my time (No debería desperdiciar mi tiempo)Interrogative: should + subject + verb *Should we worry? (¿Deberíamos preocuparnos?)
