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MEMORIES“Memories, like the corners of my mind” Cynthia cooed softly to Jack.

“Misty water coloured memories, of the way we were.

Cynthia knew she was playing with fire, The matron had warned her many times before.

“You haven’t time to be singing to them my dear, there’s work to be done” The voice still resonated through her head like an echo. She had been suspended from duties for a week just a few months back, accused of not doing her duties, but she had always made sure her tasks were completed before she sang to her patients. Even while on suspension she still came in on her own time to sing to those that it made such a difference to.

The smile on Jacks face alone, made it all worthwhile. She was well aware that this one song, “The way we were” was special to Jack.

Cynthia had been nursing at ‘Clarendon Grange’ Home for the aged, for nearly three years, after spending 15 years working at various hospitals. This was by far the most rewarding position she had held.

“Cynthia Mulvaney get back to work this instance” The voice made Cynthia jump, but it was followed by Raucous laughter as she realised it was her colleague Annie doing another of her impressions.

“Oh Annie, you frightened me, one day you’ll get caught out, and then I will be the one laughing at you”. Annie was Cynthia’s best friend here, at Clarendon Grange. They had hit off right from the start. Annie sometimes covered for Cynthia while she spent time with Jack, indeed she was the only one that knew the real reason for Cynthia being at this particular nursing home. The reputation of the aged care home was not particularly good, And with Cynthia’s age and experience, she could have worked at much better places.

Jack started to laugh along with the two women, but the dementia that had taken over his mind, didn’t allow him to understand why. Jacks laughter just brought on more laughter from the two women. The moment was broken by a booming voice echoing up the corridor.

“What is going on here? Its time the lights were out in Room 18, that old person needs their sleep. And you Cynthia Mulvaney are treading on very thin ice”

Cynthia was seething, she gently let go of Jacks hand as she rose from the bed.

She entered the corridor which acted like an echo tunnel, especially when Matrons voice was in use!

Cynthia felt compelled to stand up for Jack, and herself. “If you don’t mind, this gentleman’s name is Jack William Dawson, not Room 18 and it is only eight thirty pm. Jack will get to sleep when feels like it, not when you decide it for him”

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Cynthia knew by the expression on Matrons face what was coming next.

“My office immediately” barked Matron, Cynthia turned to re enter Jacks room, and walked slowly to his bedside. She bent to put the worn photo album back into Jacks hand, and walked silently out of the room.

Cynthia looked Matron in the eye, those non descript coloured eyes, not brown, not hazel, not even green, somewhere in between. The Grey plaited bun on the top of her head, was suited well to her personality.

“Singing to the patients just upsets them for the next shift, and it’s not you that has to deal with their difficult ways, you should have more respect for your fellow workers. Matron spoke, Cynthia noticed a slight crackle in the ageing voice.

“I reserve my respect for the people in my care, and if I can put a smile on their faces with a song from their past then I will continue to do so” Cynthia had given that little speech many times before. But it never seemed to make a difference. Matron was a sour character, one of those that you felt would never be changed, by any of life’s sad events. Cynthia was convinced she would die being unaffected by a single thing. She was possibly in just the right job then!!

“You are dismissed early, you may leave now, your pay will be adjusted accordingly. I suggest you go home and learn by that.”

Cynthia looked at her watch, she still had five hours of her eight hour shift to go, while she stood there thinking of the unfairness of it all, Matron had already picked up the phone and put a call in to the nursing agency for someone to replace her.

None of this made any sense, Cynthia knew for such short notice the rate of pay was doubled, and it made her wonder who was learning the lesson here?

Having ignored orders Cynthia sat next to Jacks bed, She knew he was close, his breathing was laboured, she took his hand in hers, his grip tightened and his frightened stare pierced at her heart. She continued to sing, with a tremble in her voice this time.

“Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind, smiles we gave to one another for the way we were”

“You are supposed to be at home learning a lesson”

Cynthia’s heart thumped against her chest as she realised she had been caught out again. Very slowly she rose from her chair, looked the matron in the eye, put her finger to her lips in a hushing action, and motioned with the other hand for her to leave the room. As she followed she knew the exact words that would pass her lips. Cynthia closed Jacks door gently and took a deep breath, before raising her whisper.

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“I am in there learning one of the most valuable lessons that nature could bestow upon humanity, I am making a lonely old man very happy. The lesson that is teaching me is far greater than any lesson you could teach me. And it really wouldn’t hurt you to learn the same lesson” Cynthia took another deep breath.

“ I hope that when it is your turn, when you are in exactly the same position as that darling old man in there, and it will be you one day. Only the loneliness will be for a different reason. I hope that on that day, somebody will sing to you”

Cynthia couldn’t ever remember feeling so strong as the Matron stood there speechless.

“Sadly” she continued, “It won’t be me, I no longer wish to work for you. However you won’t stop me doing what I do, I will be here every day in a voluntary capacity singing to ‘my family’”

With that said, Cynthia turned and crept back into Jacks room. As she returned to her position, Jack opened his eyes, one last time. Cynthia wondered with some hope if there was just a spark of recognition within those beautiful blue eyes. As she gazed into them, she noticed the fear was gone, replaced with a look of peace.

Cynthia took hold of his hand again, only this time it didn’t grip hers. There was no strength left, she stroked the back of the frail old hand, with her thumb, and noticed for the first time how similar their hands were, the length of the fingers, the pattern of wrinkles on the knuckles, the lines on the palms. She did have some of the Dawson traits, in fact, she thought to herself with a smile on her face, she had the very best of them. The fact she was here, sitting by this bed, confirmed that firmly in her mind.

She watched as Jack William Dawson closed his eyes and took his last breath.

And as a single tear rolled down her cheek, Cynthia felt great peace within herself. At peace with her decision not to reveal the truth, the real reason she chose Clarendon Grange as her final place of employment before retiring.

As she dabbed with a tissue at her own blue eyes, she picked up the well worn leather bound album of memories and pressed it close to her heart, after all it would be hers now. Cynthia closed her eyes, to take the opportunity to reflect on years gone by. Most of the years were filled with happiness, just the last few, when Jack no longer recognized his only daughter, his only remaining child.

Cynthia’s tears started falling faster now, She felt a warm embrace and turned to see Chris, her husband of 30 years. “What, how” He pressed a finger to her lips to hush her. “Annie called me, Cynth, why didn’t you call me? I would have been here for you both, I loved Jack like I loved my own father”

“Chris”, said Cynthia, “please understand, I had to do to this alone” Chris bent to place a gentle kiss upon her lips. “ I am so proud of you Cynthia Mulvaney”

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As they both turned to walk out of room 18, Cynthia already wondered, who would be moving in there tomorrow. As that was the way of these places.And ………………Life goes on.

I Met Him on the StairsI Met Him on the Stairs - I met him on the stairs. I should have waited longer. At first I thought that maybe he hadn’t seen me. He was at the turn of the second floor landing, his hand on the heavy swing door that separated the stairs from the lobby. The lift doors could just be seen through the gap that he had made. Beyond, was his flat. I didn’t want to think of that.

He appeared distracted, his eyes fixed on something I could not see, his head to one side. He looked like he might have been in the process of either coming in or going out. He was waiting for me, of course, but I wasn’t to know that.

The suddenness with which I stopped, along with the rush of adrenalin that caused my stomach to clench, threatened to unbalance me.

He let the door swing back with a bang. I jumped. To retrace my steps was pointless – he already knew that I was there and anyhow, where could I go? It was already past six and mum would do her nut if I was late for dinner again. Strands of part- dried hair snagged inside my sports shirt. I let them be.

“Did you say anything?” The baldness of the question took me by surprise.


“Where have you been?”

“Swimming club.”

“Thought so,” eyes flicking to my hair.

I only had one more flight to climb. Shifting my bag higher onto my shoulder, I started forward again past the turn of the stairs where he was standing. The barrier of his arm was sudden – hard against my belly.

Spindles of light from the landing window cast zebra stripes across his face. I couldn’t read his expression.

“Are you sure you didn’t tell?”

“I told you, no!” I was angry with the tears that were pricking my eyes.

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Distant street sounds teased through the half open fan light above our heads. The squeak of a wheelie bin and the bump it made as it mounted the curb.

I pushed forward and felt his arm brace. He grabbed my wrist - the pulse beating out a ragged rhythm where his thumb pressed hard into the soft flesh.

“Come over later,” he muttered, hot breath close to my ear.

“I can’t. I have homework.”

His grip slackened. The forefinger of his other hand traced the curve of my jaw coming to rest on the still damp aertex at the base of my throat.

“Come over later.”

He knew. Today would be no different.


I Met Him on the Stairs By: Wendy Clarke

Hope Can Sometimes Come In Small Packages

Hope Can Sometimes Come In Small Packages - “Close the gate Bob, that’s the last of the stragglers”. The slamming of a prison gate never failed to make me jump no matter how many times I heard it. Why was it they put your nearest and dearest in the farthest prisons they could find? Isle of Wight was where they put him. I swore under my breath, I hate this place, stinking, dirty place. And the fact that it took over four hours to get here has not endeared me to it at all.

I had to pick up the coach from Victoria Station, so early in the morning I don’t think the birds were up – just an eerie silence as dark night changed into daylight. Travelling to the Isle of Wight Prison you just know who is going to the prison and who isn’t, you can even tell who is working there. Some of them have that smug look; you know the one; there but for the grace of God go I. I always wanted to smack that look right off their smug little faces. But it wouldn’t help me or my Dad and anyway what’s done is done.

Yes my Dad, or Pater, as he jokingly liked to be called might soon be helping out her Majesty with a bit of sewing, again. Yes he is banged up again, on remand I know, but not once has he not been sentenced when he has been caught. The old lag. For what you might ask? For being stupid enough to think he could fence a diamond. I don’t know who was stupider him or the person who trusted him.

“Have your ID ready please”. The guard was nice enough, looked quite young though, admittedly he didn’t look much older than my Darren. I smothered a smile as I showed him my

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ID, there was no need for a Visiting Order this time. I wouldn’t need it unless Dad was convicted.

My stomach tightened as I walked past the wardens, why was it I always felt guilty when I hadn’t done anything. Perhaps it comes from being around too many guilty people. I didn’t want to be searched, not even a little bit, but I knew that it was to be expected. I looked around the visiting area – people of every description and walk of life. No favourites in prison, everyone gets treated the same on visiting day. There in the corner with a huge grin on his face was my Dad.

“Hello Mel darling”, he said waving frantically, “over here”. As if I hadn’t seen him! Gosh he really knows how to embarrass me.

“Hello love,” my Dad said giving me one of his huge dad-like hugs, “how’s your mum and the kids”.

Dad always called them the kids even though Sally was 12 and our Steven nearly 14. Me, I was just 16 but felt and looked so much older; worry does that to you.

“Fine Dad”. I looked at him and smiled, prison never did change my dad. He had been in so many times most of the prison staff knew him and as well as some of the prisoners who were doing a long stretch.

My Dad bent his head conspiratorially towards me “Mel, I’ve got something to tell you. Promise you won’t tell anyone? Promise me Mel.” I raised my eyebrows, my dad was one of the biggest jokers I knew and this time wasn’t any different. “Mel, I stole a Jammy Dodger from one of the prison guards”, he spluttered. His raucous and infectious laugh carried around the room raising a smile on some of the more despondent faces. “That’s better, I’m not dead love and no-one is going to hang me love. Don’t worry.”

I got up quickly not daring myself to speak to him. “I’ll get some teas in”, I muttered. Dad was still laughing to himself when I got back.

I glared at him “Dad, when will you stop treating life as one big joke. I do worry about you. I worry about mum, the kids. How is she going to cope this time? You know she’s pregnant again. Don’t you ever think of anyone but yourself?”

His face fell and I felt like the consultant who had just informed someone that they had terminal cancer and that there was nothing anyone could about it. And worse still they only had months to live. “Dad, dad” I said gently. “How is mum going to cope?

He sighed and I saw his huge loveable face look crestfallen. I thought he was going to cry. “I did it for mum love. You know she’s my life, my everything. I thought this time it would all work out but someone grassed me up”

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“Grassed you up Dad, what do you mean?” To grass someone up, to tell the old bill was not something anyone I knew would do. It was actually like putting a nail in your own coffin. Sooner or later someone would get you, well you couldn’t be trusted.

“This whole thing was arranged by your uncle Jimmy. All I had to do was to pick up the diamond from this lad Darren… I stopped stirring the tea I had been absentmindedly playing with since I arrived.

“Yeh, go on” I encouraged.

“Yeh, this lad Darren, who’d stolen the diamond, was supposed to give me the all clear when I could take the diamond to your Uncle Jimmy’s pawn shop. But it was a set up. The police had been tipped off and were waiting for me. Obviously your Uncle Jimmy denied everything and they have nothing to pin on him. Me, I had the bleeding diamond in my pocket. So there I was banged to rights”.

“Dad, I’ve never heard you mention a Darren before. Have I met him?” I had never been interested in what tomfoolery my dad had got up to before. If my dad noticed that I was asking questions he didn’t say.

“No love you haven’t. He’s…” Dad went on to describe my Darren in great detail. His looks, his walk, the way he spoke everything. I suppose when you are cooped up in prison 24 hours a day you have nothing else to do but think.

“Mmm I see”. And I could see all too clearly. A few months ago I had told Darren that my father had said that I was too young to marry. And as for emigrating, well Dad was having none of it. All his children were born and bred in this country and they would all die in this country. So Dad never did meet Darren, “No point” he said “in raising the boy’s hopes.” Darren had been fuming; I had never seen him so mad. OK there was the time when he got into a fight with a young lad at our local who Darren had said had been giving me the eye all night. I hadn’t noticed myself, but I did notice Darren getting drunker and drunker and more leery. Three weeks later Darren saw the lad again and his mates had to drag him off the poor lad. So I knew Darren had a temper and I knew he didn’t forget easily.

“Dad”, I faltered. “How long do you think you’ll get if you go down?”

“It’s hard to tell Mel, but the bloke who did the burglary got a bit heavy handed and the home-owner ended up with a fractured skull. The police know this isn’t my form, they know I don’t do violence. But they have to solve the crime and I fit the bill. Well and truly fitted. Of course they asked me for names, but I can’t do that can I? Never been a grass and never will be.

Even though I didn’t know Darren was going to do a job I remember the night well. I had asked Darren if it was OK if I came round to his. He said yes that would be great. He did my favourite supper and at about 10.00pm said he was tired so he was going up to bed. I must have dozed on the sofa because the next thing Darren was waking me up, bleary eyed I noticed it was about 12.30am. Darren looked as if he had been running and he had changed his clothes. I didn’t say

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anything to him – he had been in a funny mood all night and I didn’t want to spoil things. I knew something wasn’t right when the police came asking questions. They asked me if Darren had been with me all night and because I love Darren I said yes. But deep down I knew he hadn’t been. Never for one moment did I think my dad was mixed up in this as well. My mouth felt dry, I couldn’t face another drop of tea, I felt I would choke. I ran my tongue around my lips and mouth to give them a well needed moistening.

I didn’t know what to say. My mind was in turmoil. What was I going to do? I could shop Darren and it could mean that my dad received a lesser sentence for only receiving stolen property. But it would also mean that I would lose the love of my life. And if Darren wasn’t convicted and he found out I had shopped him. What would it mean for that’s nonsense. Darren loves me and I know he wouldn’t hurt me but a grass is a grass, and as I said where I come from it’s just done.

I looked up at my dad, a man I truly loved for all his faults and ways. He wasn’t a bad man, stupid sometimes but not bad. How could I let him rot in prison?

“Cheer up Mel; it’s not the end of the world. Look that woman’s bought in her baby to see its dad. See there’s still hope”

I didn’t have the heart to correct my dad. The baby was either a boy or a girl not an it. Mm that’s it. I wouldn’t tell dad about Darren, I wouldn’t tell Darren that I knew about his involvement in the burglary. I’d accept his proposal of marriage and emigrate to wherever he wanted to go. Then I could give Dad his hope. Grandchildren. Dad was going to be in for a very long stretch and I knew that I would need all that time and more for him to forgive me for leaving mum and the kids on their own. Not to mention leaving the country.

Now how was I going to convince Darren that he needed to change his appearance and possibly his name?

Help The Lonely Child

Sandy began a job as an elementary school counselor and she was eager to help. One day during recess she noticed a girl standing by herself on one side of a playing field while the rest of the kids enjoyed a game of soccer at the other.

Sandy approached and asked if she was all right.

The girl said she was.

A little while later, however, Sandy noticed the girl was in the same spot, still by herself.

Approaching again, Sandy offered, “Would you like me to be your friend?”

The girl hesitated, then said, “Okay,” looking at the woman suspiciously.

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Feeling she was making progress, Sandy then asked, “Why are you standing here all alone?”

“Because,” the little girl said with great exasperation, “I’m the goalie!”The sharks got them

While sports fishing off the Florida coast, a tourist capsized his boat. He could swim, but his fear of alligators kept him clinging to the overturned craft. Spotting and old beachcomber standing on the shore, the tourist shouted,”Are there any gators around here?!”

“Naw,” the man hollered back, “they ain’t been around for years!”

“Feeling safe, the tourist started swimming leisurely toward the shore.

About halfway there he asked the guy,”How’d you get rid of the gators?”

“We didn’t do nothin’,” the beachcomber said.

Wealth, Love, SuccessA woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said “I don’t think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat.”

“Is the man of the house home?” they asked.

“No,” she replied. “He’s out.”

“Then we cannot come in,” they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.

“Go tell them I am home and invite them in!”

The woman went out and invited the men in.

“We do not go into a House together,” they replied.

“Why is that?” she asked.

One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,” he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, “He is Success, and I am Love.” Then he added, “Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home.”

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The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. “How nice!” he said. “Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!”

His wife disagreed. “My dear, why don’t we invite Success?”

Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: “Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!”

“Let us heed our daughter-in-law’s advice,” said the husband to his wife.

“Go out and invite Love to be our guest.”

The woman went out and asked the 3 old men,

“Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.”

Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him.

Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: “I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?”

Teen Age LoveIt is said that the teen age is the age when a person’s mind is affected by a single incident. When children become teenagers they want to experience everything. Their thinking develops rapidly. They think whatever they do is right and they have right over everything. Friendship and love is very common in teen age. Teenagers get involved in things and believe it is not wrong. Here is a story that proves that love is not wrong when it is true.

Lara, is a girl who lives in the small town of Bloomsbury in Central London. She is about the age of 17. Although she was not so beautiful but was attractive in inner beauty. Her father died because of Tuberculosis. She is a very cheerful girl. She likes to enjoy her life. She does not care what the people around her say. She has 4 best friends in her HIGH SCHOOL to which she shares everything.

Her friends were all having their boyfriends but she always used to say that she will make that boy her friend who will attract her and will always remain loyal to her and will never lie to her, and her friends always say that she will never find a guy like that, but one day her wish came true. One day when she was going out she met a guy of her age on the stairs of her apartment. That guy told her that he was new in that town, shifted a few days before with his parents, and he could not find a friend so offered her friendship.

On that moment she remembered that he was the same guy whom she saw playing with small kids in the garden and this quality attracted her and she accepted his friendship. They become good friends. They share everything with each other and in those days she realizes that she found her guy because he has every quality that she wants. And on the other side there was the same

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condition of boy as well. Their friendship was amazing, they help each other on every moment, their habits, their likes and dislikes were all the same.

They spend time with each other talking and knowing more about each other. Their friendship soon turned into love, a true love in which there was loyalty, trust, respect and belief. The best part of their love is their love does not depend on outer beauty which will vanish in time. And after a few years they got married till they reached their adult age and lived happily.

Mermaid Love StoryAriel is a mermaid , her 16 -year -old who is very interested in the human world . His hobby is collecting items from the shipwreck man with his best friend , Flounder . His father , King Triton , considers dangerous human world . The King often prohibit and scolding Ariel toying with the human world for fear of being caught by the hook Ariel humans . King Triton loves Ariel , youngest daughter . Ariel also had a friend , Scuttle , the seagull bird she is often questioned by Ariel about human goods . Ariel has a very beautiful voice , he just lazy practice . Sebastian ( the crab ) be a faithful friend Ariel .

One time , Ariel saw ship - skelter because of the storm . There is someone who falls off the boat and drowning . Ariel rush to save man . He is Prince Eric . Ariel sing a song because he fell in love with Eric and Eric was still unconscious before Ariel back into the sea . In the dream , there was a woman who saved Eric and bernanyi , Eric fell in love with her .

Ariel realized she would not be able to live with Eric , if he continues to be a mermaid . Ariel then meet Ursula , the sea witch . They negotiate and obtain end , Ariel and Ursula got legs get Ariel's voice . Condition is Ariel to kiss Eric before sunset on the third day for men can be forever and if it fails , Ariel will go back into a mermaid without noise .

The next morning , Ariel washed up on the beach and found the royal guard Eric . They bring Ariel into the kingdom . Ariel establish a good relationship with Eric , including eating together , city streets and paddle boat together . When they almost kiss , pet eel Ursula dropped their boat . Ursula also transform itself into a beautiful girl with the voice of Ariel , named Vanessa . But Ariel mute that saves Eric because he did not swim .

The next night , Eric has decided to forgo her voice and loves Ariel Ariel silent . But , Ursula did not remain silent , he returned disguised as Vanessa . Eric was enchanted . The next day , Vanessa asks Eric to marry . Eric agreed .

Ariel is very sad . Scuttle know that Vanessa is Ursula in disguise . Ariel and her friends tried to prevent the marriage . Max , the dog Eric , breaking shells containing Ariel's voice is used Ursula . Eric also realized that he was bewitched by Ursula and Ariel was able to speak again . " Vanessa is Ursula . " Cried Ariel .

Ursula is furious , fascinating sea to Ariel . The sun nearly set and the time is running out . Ursula also brought Eric to the seabed , because Ursula knew Ariel would save him . Sunsets and

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Ariel back into a mermaid . Triton and helps Ariel came in the face of Ursula . Akhrinya Ursula was defeated .

Triton realizes that her daughter really loves Eric . Ariel was transformed into a human being again . They were married on the ship while sailing . The mermaid dared to come to the surface ocean to celebrate the wedding of Ariel .

CINDERELLACinderella then went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. But she was crying there because she want to go to festival. While the mother and three sister prepared to go to the festival. When the other had gone to the festival, Cinderella sat sadly at her room. When then something happened. A fairy-godmother showed up.

Cinderella : I really want to go to the festival. (Crying…)Fairy Godmother : Don’t cry Cinderella.Cinderella : Oh, Who are you?Fairy Godmother : I am Fairy Godmother. Now, stop crying.Cinderella : But I want to go to the festival.

Fairy Godmother: (Smile friendly.) …..Cinderella, i will help you. Now, take four rats, two lizard, and a large pumpkin.

Cinderella: (CONFUSED his face. For what?

Fairy Godmother: To help you. Now collected it.

Reader: Cinderella did what the fairy godmother asked.

Cinderella : Here, what you want.Fairy Godmother: Hocus Focus Tralala (Swinging his wand on the animals)

Reader : A miracle happened. The Four mice turned into horses. Two lizard turned into a coachman. And the great pumpkin turned into a golden carriage.

Fairy Godmother: You also need a new dress. Hocus Focus Tralala.Reader : Cinderella cloth turning into a beautiful dress.Cinderella: It is a nice dress, fairygodmotherFairy Godmother: yes it is. I also have a pair of glasses shoes for you.

Cinderella: “Fairy Godmother, this is a very beautiful shoes. Thank you very much.fairy godmother : You’r welcome. But you must remember that the effect of this magic will disappear after twelve o’clock at night. Therefore, go home before midnight.

Cinderella: Ok, Fairy Godmother, I’ll remember that. I’ll go now.

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Fairy Godmother: Ok. Go now.

Reader : Cinderella Then went to the palace by the golden carriage. She wore a beautiful dress and ofcouse the glasses shoes. At the festival, all the eyes look at the beautiful Cinderella.

Anastasia : Isn’t that Cinderella.Drizella: It is impossible.Frederica : Yes, it’s her.Mother : What is she doing here.Reader : The prince see Cinderella and then. ask her to dance.Prince : Hi. Would you dance with me.Cinderella : Oke,surePrince : You are so beautiful.Cinderella: Thank you very much.

Reader : Cinderella and the prince danced. But then the midnight come. The clock bell sounded.

Cinderella : It is midnight. I must go now.Prince : What….? Go…? Why….? I still want to dance with you.Cinderella : I must go now.Prince : Don’t go……!!!! hei, what’s your name?Reader : But Cinderella did not answer. Cinderella run leaved the confused prince. One of the Cinderella shoes were left while she run.the prince take it.

Reader : Morning had came. Cinderella were punished by the mother to stay at her room because she came to the festival last night. She were not allowed to leave he room. The royal trumpet was blown. The prince come to Cinderella house with some soldiers. He looked for the owner of the glasses shoes.

Mother : Oh, prince, are you come here for one of my daughter?Anastasia : You must come to see me.Drizella : You must have fall in love with me.Frederica : no, the prince is here to meet me.Prince : i am actually looking for the owner of this shoes. I will marry the owner of this shoes.Anastasia : that is mine.Drizella : No. That is mine.Frederica : you two liar. That shoes is mine.Prince. You can try it. If it fit on your foot, that it mean that it is your shoes.

Reader : all the sisters tried the shoes. But none fitted to the shoes. Even the mother also tried the shoes. But also not fitted.

Prince : Because none of you fit the shoes. I will look for the owner at other house.

Reader : suddenly Cinderella showed up.

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Cinderella : Can i try it?Mother : No, you can not. You should be at your room.Prince : Let her try the shoes.

Reader : Cinderella tried the shoes and it fit. The prince smile.

Prince : You are the owner. You will be my wife. Would you be my wife?Cinderella : Yes sure. I would.

Reader : The prince then took cinderella to the pallace and on the next day they married. They life happylly ever after. The end.
