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Integrated Marketing Communications Plan, MSPC 3100

New England Center for Technical Education

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Agenda Overview Research Situation Analysis Key Issues Objectives Primary Audiences

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Agenda Cont’d… Segmented Target Audiences Communication Strategy Message Strategy Marketing Communication Media Strategy

Marketing Materials Recommendations Methods of Evaluation

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Overview Plan developed to be both cost and time

efficient Addresses the need to increase enrollment Developed using information gathered from

interviews with: Joann Sueltenfuss Alumni Current students Channel Customers Prospective Students

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Research Interviews Telephone/In-Person Discussions Internet Analysis

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Situation Analysis Market Situation Customer Situation Company Situation Product Situation Competitive Situation

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Key Issues Challenges

Top-Mind-Awareness Payment Plan Low Enrollment

Strengths/Opportunities Location Affordability Experience

Hurdles School Procedures Retaining Current Customers

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Objectives Marketing:

To increase FY13 student enrollment from 100 to 150 students.

IMC: To create top-of-mind awareness of the NECTE

brand among key target audiences that positions the organization as the provider of choice for those seeking career advancement.

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Primary Audiences Allied Health Professionals Professional Trades Prospective Students Alumni/Former Students

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Segmented Target Audience Current students Alumni Prospective students in the Allied Health field

and Tradespeople Channel Customers

Plumbing/Heating professionals Electricians Auto Body Repair Specialists Automotive Repair and Maintenance Construction Workers and General Contractors

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Communication Strategy Target Buying Incentive

A value-added education that will prepare the customer for career advancement.

Competitive Consumer Benefit New England Center for Technical Education will

provide a value-added education for its students that will prepare them for career advancements more effectively than their competitors.

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Communication Strategy Selling Idea

Providing a value-added education that will prepare professional trades and allied health professionals for career advancements.

TaglineAdvancing Careers. Building Futures.

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Message Strategy Affordable, high-quality education Highly qualified instructors Flexible and convenient scheduling Geographic accessibility

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Marketing Communication Media Strategy

Website Social Media

YouTube LinkedIn Facebook

Direct Marketing email snail mail

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Marketing Communication Media Strategy

Print Material Brochures

Special Events Career Fair Socials  

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Recommendations Corporate Identity Program

New Name New Visual Identity

Collaborations/Partnerships Website

Separate from Nashoba Career Fair Brochures

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Methods of Evaluation Overall marketing objective:

Measured by the increase in registrants from FY12-FY13.

IMC Plan: Because we don’t have the budget to do pre and post surveys, we will measure Increased number of website hits Increased number of Facebook likes Number of phone call inquiries Number direct mail responses

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Thank You.
