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  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1



    Republic of the Philippines



    G.R. No. 72593 April 30, 9!7

    CONSOLI"ATE" PL#$OO" IN"USTRIES, INC., %ENR# $EE, &'(RO"OL)O T. VERGARA, petitioners,vs.


    Carpio, Villaraza & Cruz Law Offices for petitioners.

    Europa, Dacanay & Tolentino for respondent.

    GUTIERRE*, +R., J.:

    his is a petition for certiorari under Rule !" of the Rules of Court #hich

    assails on $uestions of la# a decision of the Inter%ediate &ppellate

    Court in &C'(.R. CV No. )*)+ dated -ul /0, /*", as #ell as its

    resolution dated October /0, /*", denin1 the %otion for


    he antecedent facts culled fro% the petition are as follo#s2

    he petitioner is a corporation en1a1ed in the lo11in1 business. It had

    for its pro1ra% of lo11in1 activities for the ear /0* the openin1 of

    additional roads, and si%ultaneous lo11in1 operations alon1 the route of

    said roads, in its lo11in1 concession area at 3a1an1a, Mana, and

    Cara1a, Davao Oriental. 4or this purpose, it needed t#o 567 additional

    units of tractors.

    Co1ni8ant of petitioner'corporation9s need and purpose, &tlantic (ulf :

    Pacific Co%pan of Manila, throu1h its sister co%pan and %ar;etin1

    ar%, Industrial Products Mar;etin1 5the DD'/)'3.

    In order to ascertain the e?tent of #or; to #hich the tractors #ere to be

    e?posed, 5t.s.n., Ma 6*, /*+, p. !!7 and to deter%ine the capabilit of


  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    undred Ei1ht Nine Pesos : 0//++ 5P/,+B,0*.0/7, accrued

    interest of One >undred 4ift One housand Si? >undred Ei1hteen

    Pesos : *)/++ 5P/"/,)/*.*)7 as of &u1ust /", /0, accruin1 interest

    thereafter at the rate of t#elve 5/67 percent per annu%, attorne9s fees

    of #o >undred 4ort Nine housand Ei1ht One Pesos : 0//++5P6!,+*/.0 /7 and costs of suit.

    he petitioners filed their a%ended ans#er prain1 for the dis%issal of

    the co%plaint and as;in1 the trial court to order the respondent to pa

    the petitioners da%a1es in an a%ount at the sound discretion of the

    court, #ent housand Pesos 5P6+,+++.++7 as and for attorne9s fees,

    and 4ive housand Pesos 5P",+++.++7 for e?penses of liti1ation. he

    petitioners li;e#ise praed for such other and further relief as #ould be

    @ust under the pre%ises.

    In a decision dated &pril 6+, /*/, the trial court rendered the follo#in1


    A>ERE4ORE, @ud1%ent is hereb rendered2

    /. orderin1 defendants to pa @ointl and severall in their official and

    personal capacities the principal su% of ONE MIION NINEF >REE

    >O=S&ND SEVEN >=NDRED NINEF EI(> PESOS : 0//++5P/,+B,0*.0/7 #ith accrued interest of ONE >=NDRED 4I4F ONE

    >O=S&ND SIG >=NDRED EI(>EEN PESOS : *)/++

    5P/"/,)/*.,*)7 as of &u1ust /", /0 and accruin1 interest thereafter at

    the rate of /6 per annu%H

    6. orderin1 defendants to pa @ointl and severall attorne9s fees

    e$uivalent to ten percent 5/+7 of the principal and to pa the costs of

    the suit.

    Defendants9 counterclai% is disallo#ed. 5pp. !"'!), Rollo7

    On -une *, /*/, the trial court issued an order denin1 the %otion forreconsideration filed b the petitioners.

    hus, the petitioners appealed to the Inter%ediate &ppellate Court and

    assi1ned therein the follo#in1 errors2






    >& >E OAER CO=R ERRED IN 4INDIN( >& P&INI44'



    D=E CO=RSE.

    On -ul /0, /*", the Inter%ediate &ppellate Court issued the

    challen1ed decision affir%in1 in totothe decision of the trial court. he

    pertinent portions of the decision are as follo#s2

    ??? ??? ???

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    4ro% the evidence presented b the parties on the issue of #arrant,

    Ae are of the considered opinion that aside fro% the fact that no

    provision of #arrant appears or is provided in the Deed of Sale of the

    tractors and even ad%ittin1 that in a contract of sale unless a contrar

    intention appears, there is an i%plied #arrant, the defense of breach of

    #arrant, if there is an, as in this case, does not lie in favor of the

    appellants and a1ainst the plaintiff'appellee #ho is the assi1nee of thepro%issor note and a holder of the sa%e in due course. Aarrant lies

    in this case onl bet#een Industrial Products Mar;etin1 and

    Consolidated Pl#ood Industries, Inc. he plaintiff'appellant herein

    upon application b appellant corporation 1ranted financin1 for the

    purchase of the $uestioned units of 4iat'&llis Cra#ler,ractors.

    ??? ??? ???

    >oldin1 that breach of #arrant if an, is not a defense available to

    appellants either to #ithdra# fro% the contract andor de%and a

    proportionate reduction of the price #ith da%a1es in either case 5&rt.

    /")0, Ne# Civil Code7. Ae no# co%e to the issue as to #hether theplaintiff'appellee is a holder in due course of the pro%issor note.

    o be1in #ith, it is beond ar1u%ents that the plaintiff'appellee is a

    financin1 corporation en1a1ed in financin1 and receivable discountin1

    e?tendin1 credit facilities to consu%ers and industrial, co%%ercial or

    a1ricultural enterprises b discountin1 or factorin1 co%%ercial papers or

    accounts receivable dul authori8ed pursuant to R.&. "*+ other#ise

    ;no#n as the 4inancin1 &ct.

    & stud of the $uestioned pro%issor note reveals that it is a ne1otiable

    instru%ent #hich #as discounted or sold to the I4C easin1 and

    &cceptance Corporation for P*++,+++.++ 5E?h.

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1




    &7 >E SEER'&SSI(NOR IS (=IF O4 3RE&C> O4 A&RR&NF

    =NDER >E &AH




    >E &SSI(NMEN O4 >E C>&E MOR(&(E 3F >E


    C>&N(E >E N&=RE O4 >E R&NS&CION 4ROM 3EIN( &







    he petitioners praed that @ud1%ent be rendered settin1 aside the

    decision dated -ul /0, /*", as #ell as the resolution dated October

    /0, /*" and dis%issin1 the co%plaint but 1rantin1 petitioners9

    counterclai%s before the court of ori1in.

    On the other hand, the respondent corporation in its co%%ent to the

    petition filed on 4ebruar 6+, /*), contended that the petition #as filed

    out of ti%eH that the pro%issor note is a ne1otiable instru%ent and

    respondent a holder in due courseH that respondent is not liable for an

    breach of #arrantH and finall, that the pro%issor note is ad%issible in


    he core issue herein is #hether or not the pro%issor note in $uestion

    is a ne1otiable instru%ent so as to bar co%pletel all the available

    defenses of the petitioner a1ainst the respondent'assi1nee.

    Preli%inaril, it %ust be established at the outset that #e consider the

    instant petition to have been filed on ti%e because the petitioners9

    %otion for reconsideration actuall raised ne# issues. It cannot,

    therefore, be considered pro' for%al.

    he petition is i%pressed #ith %erit.

    4irst, there is no $uestion that the seller'assi1nor breached its e?press

    +'da #arrant because the findin1s of the trial court, adopted b the

    respondent appellate court, that

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    It is patent then, that the seller'assi1nor is liable for its breach of

    #arrant a1ainst the petitioner. his liabilit as a 1eneral rule, e?tends to

    the corporation to #ho% it assi1ned its ri1hts and interests unless the

    assi1nee is a holder in due course of the pro%issor note in $uestion,

    assu%in1 the note is ne1otiable, in #hich case the latter9s ri1hts are

    based on the ne1otiable instru%ent and assu%in1 further that the

    petitioner9s defenses %a not prevail a1ainst it.

    Secondl, it li;e#ise cannot be denied that as soon as the tractors bro;e

    do#n, the petitioner'corporation notified the seller'assi1nor9s sister

    co%pan, &( : P, about the brea;do#n based on the seller'assi1nor9s

    e?press +'da #arrant, #ith #hich the latter co%plied b sendin1 its

    %echanics. >o#ever, due to the seller'assi1nor9s dela and its failure to

    co%pl #ith its #arrant, the tractors beca%e totall unserviceable and

    useless for the purpose for #hich the #ere purchased.

    hirdl, the petitioner'corporation, thereafter, unilaterall rescinded its

    contract #ith the seller'assi1nor.

    &rticles /// and /")0 of the Civil Code provide that2

    &R. ///. The power to rescind obliations is i!plied in reciprocal

    ones,in case one of the obli1ors should not co%pl #ith #hat is

    incu%bent upon hi%.

    The in(ured party !ay choose between the fulfill!ent and the rescission

    of the obliation with the pay!ent of da!aes in either case . >e %a

    also see; rescission, even after he has chosen fulfill%ent, if the latter

    should beco%e i%possible.

    ??? ??? ???

    &R. /")0. In the cases of articles /")/, /")6, /")!, /")" and

    /")), the vendee !ay elect between withdrawin fro! the contract and

    de!andin a proportionate reduction of the price, with da!aes in

    either case.5E%phasis supplied7

    Petitioner, havin1 unilaterall and e?tra@udiciall rescinded its contract

    #ith the seller'assi1nor, necessaril can no lon1er sue the seller'

    assi1nor e?cept b #a of counterclai% if the seller'assi1nor sues it

    because of the rescission.

    In the case of the =niversit of the hilippines v. De los -neles 5B"

    SCR& /+67 #e held2

    In other #ords, the part #ho dee%s the contract violated %a consider

    it resolved or rescinded, and act accordin1l, without previous court

    action, but it proceeds at its own ris'. 4or it is onl the final @ud1%ent of

    the correspondin1 court that #ill conclusivel and finall settle #hether

    the action ta;en #as or #as not correct in la#. 3ut the law definitely

    does not re#uire that the contractin party who believes itself in(ured

    !ust first file suit and wait for ad(ude!ent before ta'in etra(udicial

    steps to protect its interest. Otherwise, the party in(ured by the others

    breach will have to passively sit and watch its da!aes accu!ulate

    durin the pendency of the suit until the final (ud!ent of rescission is

    rendered when the law itself re#uires that he should eercise due

    dilience to !ini!ize its own da!aes )Civil Code, -rticle

    //01*.5E%phasis supplied7

    (oin1 bac; to the core issue, #e rule that the pro%issor note in

    $uestion is not a ne1otiable instru%ent.

    he pertinent portion of the note is as follo#s2

    4OR V&=E RECEIVED, I#e @ointl and severall pro%ise to pa to

    the IND=SRI& PROD=CS M&REIN(, the su% of ONE MIION


    PESOS : 0//++ onl 5P /,+B,0*.0/7, Philippine Currenc, the said

    principal su%, to be paable in 6! %onthl install%ents startin1 -ul /",

    /0* and ever /"th of the %onth thereafter until full paid. ...

    Considerin1 that para1raph 5d7, Section / of the Ne1otiable Instru%ents

    a# re$uires that a pro%issor note

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    Ahen instru%ent is paable to order.

    SEC. *. A>EN P&F&3E O ORDER. K he instru%ent is paable to

    order #here it is dra#n paable to the order of a specified person or to

    hi% or his order. . . .

    ??? ??? ???

    hese are the onl t#o #as b #hich an instru%ent %a be %ade

    paable to order. here %ust al#as be a specified person na%ed in the

    instru%ent. It %eans that the bill or note is to be paid to the person

    desi1nated in the instru%ent or to an person to #ho% he has indorsed

    and delivered the sa%e. %ithout the words 2or order2 or2to the order of,

    2the instru!ent is payable only to the person desinated therein and is

    therefore non3neotiable. -ny subse#uent purchaser thereof will not

    en(oy the advantaes of bein a holder of a neotiable instru!ent but

    will !erely

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    that the seller'assi1nor9s ri1ht to collect the purchase price #as not

    unconditional, and that it #as sub@ect to the condition that the tractors

    'sold #ere not defective. he respondent ;ne# that #hen the tractors

    turned out to be defective, it #ould be sub@ect to the defense of failure of

    consideration and cannot recover the purchase price fro% the

    petitioners. Even assu%in1 for the sa;e of ar1u%ent that the pro%issor

    note is ne1otiable, the respondent, #hich too; the sa%e #ith actual;no#led1e of the fore1oin1 facts so that its action in ta;in1 the

    instru%ent a%ounted to bad faith, is not a holder in due course. &s

    such, the respondent is sub@ect to all defenses #hich the petitioners

    %a raise a1ainst the seller'assi1nor. &n other interpretation #ould be

    %ost ine$uitous to the unfortunate buer #ho is not onl saddled #ith

    t#o useless tractors but %ust also face a la#suit fro% the assi1nee for

    the entire purchase price and all its incidents #ithout bein1 able to raise

    valid defenses available as a1ainst the assi1nor.

    astl, the respondent failed to present an evidence to prove that it had

    no ;no#led1e of an fact, #hich #ould @ustif its act of ta;in1 the

    pro%issor note as not a%ountin1 to bad faith.

    Sections "6 and ") of the Ne1otiable Instru%ents a# provide that2

    ne1otiatin1 it.

    ??? ??? ???

    SEC. "6. A>& CONSI=ES & >ODER IN D=E CO=RSE. K &

    holder in due course is a holder #ho has ta;en the instru%ent under the

    follo#in1 conditions2

    ??? ??? ???

    ??? ??? ???

    5c7 That he too' it in ood faith and for value

    5d7 That the ti!e it was neotiated by hi! he had no notice of any

    infir!ity in the instru!ent of deffect in the title of the person neotiatin


    ??? ??? ???

    SEC. "). %4-T CO56T"T7TE6 5OT"CE O8 DE88ECT. 9 To

    constitute notice of an infir!ity in the instru!ent or defect in the title of

    the person neotiatin the sa!e, the person to who! it is neotiated

    !ust have had actual 'nowlede of the infir!ity or defect, or 'nowlede

    of such facts that his action in ta'in the instru!ent a!ounts to bad

    faith. 5E%phasis supplied7

    Ae subscribe to the vie# of Ca!pos and Ca!pos that a financin1

    co%pan is not a holder in 1ood faith as to the buer, to #it2

    In install%ent sales, the buer usuall issues a note paable to the seller

    to cover the purchase price. Man ti%es, in pursuance of a previous

    arran1e%ent #ith the seller, a finance co%pan pas the full price and

    the note is indorsed to it, subro1atin1 it to the ri1ht to collect the price

    fro% the buer, #ith interest. Aith the increasin1 fre$uenc of

    install%ent buin1 in this countr, it is %ost probable that the tendenc

    of the courts in the =nited States to protect the buer a1ainst the

    finance co%pan #ill , the finance co%pan #ill be sub@ect to the

    defense of failure of consideration and cannot recover the purchase

    price fro% the buer. &s a1ainst the ar1u%ent that such a rule #ould

    seriousl affect

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    its inception, it cannot be re1arded as a holder in due course of the note

    1iven in the transaction.

    In li;e %anner, therefore, even assu%in1 that the sub@ect pro%issor

    note is ne1otiable, the respondent, a financin1 co%pan #hich activel

    participated in the sale on install%ent of the sub@ect t#o &llis Cra#ler

    tractors, cannot be re1arded as a holder in due course of said note. It

    follo#s that the respondent9s ri1hts under the pro%issor note involved

    in this case are sub@ect to all defenses that the petitioners have a1ainst

    the seller'assi1nor, Industrial Products Mar;etin1. 4or Section "* of the

    Ne1otiable Instru%ents a# provides that ?'for P)++,+++.++2

    Due Dece%ber 6,/0) No. /6+6'0)

    4or value received, I#e @ointl and severall pro%ise to pa to the

    Philippine 3an;in1 Corporation at its office at &ala &venue, Ma;ati,

    Metro Manila the su% of SIG >=NDRED >O=S&ND ONF ... pesos

    5P)++,+++.++7 #ith interest at the rate of 4O=REEN percent /! per

    annu%, fro% OD&F until paid. In case this note is not paid at %aturit

    the interest rate shall auto%aticall be increased to per annu%.

    ??? ??? ???

    E?ecuted at Ma;ati, Philippines on Nove%ber /0,/0).

    P.3. DE -ES=S : CO., INC.

    5S1d.7 &lfredo Salon1a 5S1d.7 Mi1uel de -esus


    5S1d.7 &lfredo Salon1a 5S1d.7 Mi1uel de -esus

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    3. ro!issory 5ote ;C 5o. =/@@3>?'for PB++,+++.++2

    Due -anuar B, /00 No. /6""'0)

    4or valued received, I#e @ointl and severall pro%ise to pa to the

    Philippine 3an;in1 Corporation at its office at &ala &venue, Ma;ati,

    Metro Manila the su% of >REE >=NDRED >O=S&ND ONF ...

    pesos 5PB++,+++.++7, #ith interest at the rate of 4O=REEN per cent5/!7 per annu%, fro% OD&F until paid. In case this note is not paid

    at %aturit the interest rate shall auto%aticall be increased to

    57 per annu%.

    ??? ??? ???

    E?ecuted at Ma;ati, Philippines on Dece%ber 6,/0).

    P.3. DE -ES=S : CO., INC.

    5S1d.7 &lfredo Salon1a 5S1d.7 Mi1uel de -esus


    5S1d,7 &lfredo Salon1a 5S1d.7 Mi1uel de -esus

    On " March /0*, P.D. De -esus and Co%pan, Inc., b vote of its

    stoc;holders, chan1ed its corporate na%e to alilid Aood Industries

    Corporation 5hereafter

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    6. the a%ount e$uivalent to /+ of the total a%ount due as attorne9s

    feesH and

    B. the costs of suit.


    he trial -ud1e based his decision pri%aril on t#o factors2 5/7 thefailure of petitioner alilid to verif its ans#er, #hich failure the trial

    -ud1e considered as a%ountin1 to an ad%ission b petitioner alilid of

    the 1enuineness and due e?ecution of pro%issor notes P3C No. /6+6'

    0) and P3C No. /6""'0), #hich #ere anne?ed to respondent 3an;9s

    co%plaintH and 567 the fact that the t#o disputed pro%issor notes #ere

    si1ned b Messrs. de -esus and Salon1a both for and in behalf of the

    for%er P.3. de -esus and Co%pan, Inc. 5no# petitioner alilid7 and in

    their o#n personal capacities.

    he @ud1%ent of the lo#er court #as affir%ed in totoon appeal. In its

    disputed Decision dated * Nove%ber /*", the then Inter%ediate

    &ppellate Court 5hird Civil Cases Division7 held2

    Defendant'appellant faults the lo#er court in holdin1 it liable to pa the

    a%ount of Pl,0*+,6"B.+* inas%uch as the pro%issor notes covered

    onl P++,+++.++ clai%in1 that plaintiff'appellee failed to adduce

    evidence as to ho# said a%ounts increased to the a%ount of

    Pl,0*+,6"B.+*. Defendant'appellant ar1u%ent is reall f li%s, because it

    overloo;ed the fact that the pro%issor notes in $uestion #hich #ere

    due and de%andable since Dece%ber 6, /0) and -anuar B, /00

    bear interest at the rate of /! and further stipulates for the pa%ent of

    attorne9s fees of /+ of the a%ount due includin1 interest in case of

    collection of the pro%issor notes is done throu1h a la#er.

    Moreover, the state%ents of account &nne?es & and 3 are also

    attached to the sa%e co%plaint as inte1ral part thereof. &nne? &

    pertains to the pro%issor note No. /6+6'0) #ith the principal of

    P)++,+++.++ #hile &nne? 3 pertains to the pro%issor note No. /6""0)

    #ith the principal of PB++,+++.++. E?plained in said state%ents of

    account are the char1es for past due interest and penalt char1es and

    the total of said obli1ation as of &pril B+, /*/ sho#ed a total of

    principal, interest and penalt char1es of P/,0*+,6"B.+*. The

    enuineness and due eecution of said pro!issory notes and

    state!ents of account are dee!ed ad!itted by the failure to deny under

    oath said docu!ents. ... 6

    Petitioner alilid9s Motion for Reconsideration #as denied b the hird

    Civil Cases Division on 6 -ul /*).

    In the present Petition for Revie#, petitioner alilid no lon1er denies its

    liabilities and obli1ations under the t#o pro%issor notes e?ecuted infavor of respondent 3an;. It #ould, ho#ever, contest the correctness of

    the a11re1ate a%ount of its indebtedness, as clai%ed b respondent

    3an;. In this respect, petitioner alilid contends that althou1h it %a

    have i%pliedl ad%itted the 1enuineness and due e?ecution of

    pro%issor notes P3C No. /6+6'0) and P3C No. /6""0)K&nne?es

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    b petitioner alilid re1ardin1 theeistenceand validityof its liabilities

    under pro%issor notes P3C No. /6+6'0) and P3C No. /6""'0),

    su%%ar @ud1%ent #as properl and appropriatel rendered in the case

    at bar. 9

    In respect, ho#ever, of the a!ount of petitioner alilid9s total

    indebtedness to respondent 3an; under the t#o pro%issor notes, it

    #as error for the appellate court 5as for the trial -ud1e7 to have

    e?panded the scope of petitioner alilid9s i%plied ad%ission of

    1enuineness and due e?ecution so as to include the t#o State%ents of

    &ccount anne?ed to the co%plaint. On this point, Rule *, Section * of

    the Revised Rules of Court is $uite specific.

    Section *. 4ow to contest enuineness of such docu!ents .KAhen an

    action or defense is founded upon a #ritten instru%ent, copied in or

    attached to the correspondin1 pleadin1 as provided in the precedin1

    section, the 1enuineness and due e?ecution of the instru%ent shall be

    dee%ed ad%itted unless the adverse part, under oath, specificall

    denies the%, and sets forth #hat he clai%s to be the factsH but thisprovision does not apply when the adverse party does not appear to be

    a party to the instru!ent or #hen co%pliance #ith an order for an

    inspection of the ori1inal instru%ent is refused. 5E%phasis supplied.7

    &n e?a%ination of the t#o disputed State%ents of &ccount reveals that

    both docu%ents 5/7 #ere printed under the official letterhead of

    respondent 3an;, 567 #ere prepared b the oans and Discountin1

    Depart%ent of respondent 3an;, and 5B7 bore the si1nature of approval

    of respondent 3an;9s authori8ed officer. No other si1nature appears on

    the face of either docu%ent. In other #ords, both State%ents of &ccount

    #ere prepared eclusivelyb respondent 3an;. It follo#s that petitioner

    alilid, not havin1 been priv thereto, did not ad%it the 1enuineness anddue e?ecution of the State%ents in spite of its failure to verif its ans#er

    to the co%plaint, and that petitioner is not conclusivel bound b the

    char1es nor b the co%putations of a%ounts set out therein. 0

    he a11re1ate a%ount of petitioner alilid9s %onetar obli1ations to

    respondent 3an; is deter%inable fro% the co%%on stipulations and

    conditions contained in pro%issor notes P3C No. /6+6'0) and P3C

    No. /6""'0), under #hich petitioner alilid bound itself to pa

    respondent 3an;, aside fro% the principal loan totallin1 P++,+++.++2

    5/7 interest at the rate of fourteen percent 5/!7 per annu%, paable

    %onthl and co%pounded %onthl if unpaid,and 567 attorne9s feese$uivalent to ten percent 5/+7 of the entire a%ount due, includin1

    interest. 2it does not, ho#ever, appear fro% the face of eitherpro%issor note that petitioner alilid a1reed to pa servicechar1es

    andpenalty charesin case of late pa%ent of its obli1ations to

    respondent 3an;. Since an underta;in1 to pa service char1es and

    penalt char1es on top of interest and interest on past due interestcannot be presu%ed, it is necessar that evidence be adduced b both

    parties to prove or disprove their respective clai%s re1ardin1 the basis

    and propriet of includin1 such char1es and in such a%ounts as part of

    petitioner alilid9s liabilities under the t#o pro%issor notes. Evidence

    relatin1 to the co%putation of interest on past due interest, that is due

    and paable %a also be sub%itted.

    A>ERE4ORE, the decision of 3ranch 6B of the then Court of 4irst

    Instance of Ri8al 5Seventh -udicial District7 in Civil Case No. !/6)* and

    the decision of the then Inter%ediate &ppellate Court dated * Nove%ber

    /*" are &44IRMED to the e?tent that the refer to the principal

    a%ounts and stipulated interest due under Pro%issor Notes P3C No./6+6'0) and P3C No. /6""'0) and to attorne9s fees e$uivalent to ten

    percent 5/+7 of the entire a%ount due. his case is REM&NDED to the

    trial court for deter%ination of #hether or not service char1es and

    penalt char1es in case of late pa%ent are due fro% petitioner alilid to

    respondent 3an;, and if so, the a%ount thereof, as #ell as for

    deter%ination of the a%ount of interest on past due interest, due and

    paable b petitioner alilid to respondent 3an;. No pronounce%ent as

    to costs.


    8ernan )Chair!an*, Autierrez,

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1



    Law 8ir! of Bay!undo -. -r!ovit for petitioner.

    The 6olicitor Aeneral for respondent.


    Convicted of Estafa under &rticle B/", Para1raph /5b7 of the Revised

    Penal Code b three 5B7 Courts, na%el, the Metropolitan rial Court,

    Caloocan Cit, 3ranch "6H the Re1ional rial Court of the sa%e Cit,3ranch /6 H 2and respondent Court of &ppeals, petitioner no# see;s to

    brea; the chain of convictions.

    he indict%ent a1ainst petitioner'accused, filed on /* &u1ust /*),


    hat on or about and durin1 the %onth of -anuar /*) in CaloocanCit, Metro Manila and #ithin the @urisdiction of this >onorable Court, the

    above' na%ed accused received fro% the Pana%a Sa#%ill Inc.,

    represented in this case b E PEN( MEN, P3C Chec; No. 6/)/)

    dated -anuar /", /*) for P),+++.++ #hich chec; #as subse$uentl

    encashed b said accused for the purpose of and under the e?press

    obli1ation on his part to use the said a%ount in securin1 a Marine

    Insurance covera1e for PB,+++,+++.++ on a ship%ent of lo1s o#ned b

    Pana%a Sa#%ill, Inc. but said accused #ith abuse of trust and

    confidence reposed upon hi% far fro% co%plin1 #ith his obli1ation and

    #ith intent to deceive and defraud said corporation, did then and there

    #illfull, unla#full and feloniousl receive a Marine Insurance covera1efor onl Pl,+++,+++.++ to cover said ship%ent of lo1s, pain1 therefor

    onl the a%ount of P6,0/6."+ as insurance pre%iu% #ithout the

    ;no#led1e and consent of said Pana%a Sa#%ill, Inc., and thereafter,

    said accused %isappropriated and converted to his o#n personal use

    and benefit the balance of PB,6*0."+, and despite repeated de%ands

    upon hi%, said accused refused and failed to account for said su% of

    PB,6*0."+ to the da%a1e and pre@udice of said Pana%a Sa#%ill Inc., in

    the aforestated a%ount of PB,6*0."+. 5p. B, Ori1inal Record7

    &fter trial on the %erits, the Metropolitan rial Court of Caloocan Cit

    convicted petitioner in a Decision, dated /0 Dece%ber /*), the

    dispositive portion of #hich reads2

    A>ERE4ORE, b proof beond reasonable doubt, the accused

    3ENIO SF is found (=IF of violatin1 &rt. B/", Par. B of the Revised

    Penal Code, he is sentenced to a strai1ht penalt of 4O=R 5!7

    MON>S i%prison%ent, to rei%burse or 1ive restitution in the a%ount

    of >REE >O=S&ND AO >=NDRED EI(>F SEVEN 5B,6*0."+7

    PESOS &ND "+/++ CEN&VOS and to pa costs. 5p. B0, Ori1inal


    On appeal before it, the Re1ional rial Court of Caloocan Cit, affir%ed

    the @ud1%ent of conviction on B -une /*0, but increased the penalt,

    as follo#s2

    IN VIEA O4 >E 4ORE(OIN(, this Court finds the accused 3enito S

    On1 1uilt beond reasonable doubt of the cri%e of estafa, thru

    %isappropriation, as defined under par. /5b7 and penali8ed under the

    Brd par. of &rt B/" of the Revised Penal Code and there bein1 no

    attendant %iti1atin1 nor a11ravatin1 circu%stance, he is hereb

    sentenced to suffer an indeter%inate penalt of >REE 5B7 MON>S

    O4 &RRESO M&FOR O ONE 5/7 FE&R &ND ONE 5/7 D&F

    O4 B"6"O5 COBBECC"O5-LH to suffer the accessor penalties

    provided for b la#H and to pa co%plainant Pana%a Sa#%ill Co., b

    #a of reparation, the a%ount of PB,6*0."+. Costs a1ainst appellant. 5p.

    B+!, Ori1inal Record7

    On B+ -une /** respondent Court of &ppeals affir%ed the Re1ional

    rial Court Decision 3not#ithstandin1 t#o 567 Manifestations in lieu of

    Co%%ent sub%itted b the Office of the Solicitor (eneral, dated BMarch /** and B October /**, respectivel, reco%%endin1 ac$uittal

    of petitioner'accused.

    3efore us no#, petitioner re'asserts his innocence. he Solicitor

    (eneral has also reiterated his reco%%endation for ac$uittal.

    &ccordin1 to e Pen1 Men Mana1er of Pana%a Sa#%ill, Inc.

    5henceforth, si%pl

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    /. So%eti%e in -anuar /*)

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    /. hat %one, 1oods or other personal propert is received b the

    offender in trust, or on co%%ission, or for ad%inistration, or under an

    other obli1ation involvin1 the dut to %a;e deliver of, or to return, the


    6. hat there be %isappropriation or conversion of such %one or

    propert b the offender, or denial on his part of such receiptH

    B. hat such %isappropriation or conversion or denial is to the pre@udice

    of anotherH and

    !. hat there is a de%and %ade b the offended part to the offender. 5II

    Cri%inal a#, uis 3. Rees, /6th Edition, p. 0/07

    >ave the fore1oin1 ele%ents been %et in respect of petitioner'accusedL

    Petitioner, supported b the Solicitor (eneral, avers that the have not

    because no conversion or %isappropriation has been co%%itted and

    that there #as no de%and for the return of the P),+++.++ 1iven to

    petitioner. In other #ords, ele%ents 6, B, and ! of the cri%e are lac;in1.

    he totalit of the evidence ields the follo#in1 incontrovertible data in

    chronolo1ical order2

    -an. /!, /*) ' Issuance of Oriental Marine Insurance Polic No. O&C'

    M'*)++6 for P BM, #ith a total pre%iu% of P*,/B0."+.

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    Ae find ourselves in disa1ree%ent.

    o aco vs. Court of &ppeals, '!)+0'/B : ""00"'*), &u1ust 6),

    /*", /B* SCR& 6607.

    &s to the fourth essential ele%ent, that of de%and %ade b the offended

    part to the offender, #hich petitioner clai%s is #antin1 in this case,

    suffice it to state that de%and is not necessar #hen there is evidence

    of %isappropriation as in this case.

    It so happens onl that failure to account, upon de%and, for funds or

    propert held in trust, is circu%stantial evidence of %isappropriation.

    he sa%e %a, ho#ever, be established b other proof, such as that

    introduced in the case at bar. 5ubb vs. People, et al., /+/ Phil. //!


    &ll the essential ele%ents of Estafa throu1h %isappropriation or

    conversion bein1 present, #e do not see our #a clear to brea;in1 the

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    chain of convictions b the other Courts before us. he 1uilt of

    petitioner'accused has been proven beond reasonable doubt.

    A>ERE4ORE, the @ud1%ent under revie# is hereb &44IRMED. Aith

    costs a1ainst petitioner'accused, 3enito S On1.


    aras, adilla, 6ar!iento and Bealado,

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    Notice of @ud1%ent #as sent b the Court of &ppeals to the trial court

    and on dates subse$uent thereto, a %otion for reconsideration #as filed

    b respondent &%elia an, dul opposed b petitioner P&.

    On Ma 6B,/00, the Court of &ppeals rendered its resolution denin1

    the respondent9s %otion for reconsideration for lac; of %erit.

    No further appeal havin1 been ta;en b the parties, the @ud1%entbeca%e final and e?ecutor and on Ma B/, /00, @ud1%ent #as

    correspondin1l entered in the case.

    he case #as re%anded to the trial court for e?ecution and on

    Septe%ber 6,/00, respondent &%elia an filed a %otion prain1 for the

    issuance of a #rit of e?ecution of the @ud1%ent rendered b the Court of

    &ppeals. On October //, /00, the trial court, presided over b -ud1e

    (alano, issued its order of e?ecution #ith the correspondin1 #rit in favor

    of the respondent. he #rit #as dul referred to Deput Sheriff E%ilio .

    Rees of 3ranch /B of the Court of 4irst Instance of Manila for


    4our %onths later, on 4ebruar //, /0*, respondent &%elia an

    %oved for the issuance of an alias #rit of e?ecution statin1 that the

    @ud1%ent rendered b the lo#er court, and affir%ed #ith %odification b

    the Court of &ppeals, re%ained unsatisfied.

    On March /, /0*, the petitioner filed an opposition to the %otion for the

    issuance of an alias #rit of e?ecution statin1 that it had alread full paid

    its obli1ation to plaintiff throu1h the deput sheriff of the respondent

    court, E%ilio . Rees, as evidenced b cash vouchers properl si1ned

    and receipted b said E%ilio . Rees.

    On March B,/0*, the Court of &ppeals denied the issuance of the alias#rit for bein1 pre%ature, orderin1 the e?ecutin1 sheriff E%ilio . Rees

    to appear #ith his return and e?plain the reason for his failure to

    surrender the a%ounts paid to hi% b petitioner P&. >o#ever, the

    order could not be served upon Deput Sheriff Rees #ho had

    absconded or disappeared.

    On March 6*, /0*, %otion for the issuance of a partial alias #rit of

    e?ecution #as filed b respondent &%elia an.

    On &pril /, /0*, respondent &%elia an filed a %otion to #ithdra#

    ence, this petition for

    certiorari filed b the Philippine &irlines, Inc., on the 1rounds that2






  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1




    S&IS4&CION O4 -=D(MEN.



    O >E P&FMEN >EREO4.




    >EREO4 O S&IS4F -=D(MEN.

    Can an alias #rit of e?ecution be issued #ithout a prior return of the

    ori1inal #rit b the i%ple%entin1 officerL

    Ae rule in the affir%ative and #e $uote the respondent court9s decision

    #ith approval2

    he issuance of the $uestioned alias #rit of e?ecution under the

    circu%stances here obtainin1 is @ustified because even #ith the absence

    of a Sheriffs return on the ori1inal #rit, the unalterable fact re%ains that

    such a return is incapable of bein1 obtained 5sic7 because the officer

    #ho is to %a;e the said return has absconded and cannot be brou1ht to

    the Court despite the earlier order of the court for hi% to appear for this

    purpose. 5Order of 4eb. 6/, /0*, &nne? C, Petition7. Obviousl, ta;in1

    co1ni8ance of this circu%stance, the order of Ma //, /0* directin1 the

    issuance of an alias #rit #as therefore issued. 5&nne? D. Petition7. he

    need for such a return as a condition precedent for the issuance of an

    alias #rit #as @ustifiabl dispensed #ith b the court belo# and its actionin this re1ard %eets #ith our concurrence. & contrar vie# #ill produce

    an abhorent situation #hereb the %ischief of an errin1 officer of the

    court could be utili8ed to i%pede indefinitel the undisputed and

    a#arded ri1hts #hich a prevailin1 part ri1htfull deserves to obtain and

    #ith dispatch. he final @ud1%ent in this case should not indeed be

    per%itted to beco%e illusor or incapable of e?ecution for an indefinite

    and over e?tended period, as had alread transpired. 5Rollo, pp. B"'B)7

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    &l%ost t#ent't#o 5667 ears later, Ms. an has not seen a centavo of

    #hat the courts have sole%nl declared as ri1htfull hers. hrou1h

    absolutel no fault of her o#n, Ms. an has been deprived of #hat,

    technicall, she should have been paid fro% the start, before =?>,

    #ithout need of her 1oin1 to court to enforce her ri1hts. &nd all because

    P& did not issue the chec;s intended for her, in her na%e.

    =nder the peculiar circu%stances of this case, the pa%ent to theabscondin1 sheriff b chec; in his na%e did not operate as a

    satisfaction of the @ud1%ent debt.

    In 1eneral, a pa%ent, in order to be effective to dischar1e an

    obli1ation, %ust be %ade to the proper person. &rticle /6!+ of the Civil

    Code provides2

    Pa%ent shall be %ade to the person in #hose favor the obli1ation has

    been constituted, or his successor in interest, or an person authorized

    to receive it. 5E%phasis supplied7

    hus, pa%ent %ust be %ade to the obli1ee hi%self or to an a1enthavin1 authorit, e?press or i%plied, to receive the particular pa%ent

    5=len v. necttle "+ Ao !, "* 6d !!), /// &R )"7. Pa%ent %ade

    to one havin1 apparent authorit to receive the %one #ill, as a rule, be

    treated as thou1h actual authorit had been 1iven for its receipt.

    i;e#ise, if pa%ent is %ade to one #ho b la# is authori8ed to act for

    the creditor, it #ill #or; a dischar1e 5>endr v. 3enlisa B0 4la. )+, 6+

    SO *++,B! R& 6*B7. he receipt of %one due on a@ud1%ent b an

    officer authori8ed b la# to accept it #ill, therefore, satisf the debt 5See

    !+ &% -% 06, 6"H >endr v. 3enlisa supraH Seattle v. Stirrat "" Aash.

    /+! p. *B!,6! R& NS /60"7.

    he theor is #here pa%ent is %ade to a person authori8ed andreco1ni8ed b the creditor, the pa%ent to such a person so authori8ed

    is dee%ed pa%ent to the creditor. =nder ordinar circu%stances,

    pa%ent b the @ud1%ent debtor in the case at bar, to the sheriff should

    be valid pa%ent to e?tin1uish the @ud1%ent debt.

    here are circu%stances in this case, ho#ever, #hich co%pel a different


    he pa%ent %ade b the petitioner to the abscondin1 sheriff #as not in

    cash or le1al tender but in chec;s. he chec;s #ere not paable to

    &%elia an or &ble Printin1 Press but to the abscondin1 sheriff.

    Did such pa%ents e?tin1uish the @ud1%ent debtL

    &rticle /6! of the Civil Code provides2

    he pa%ent of debts in %one shall be %ade in the currenc

    stipulated, and if it is not possible to deliver such currenc, then in the

    currenc #hich is le1al tender in the Philippines.

    he deliver of pro%issor notes paable to order, or bills of e?chan1e

    or other %ercantile docu%ents shall produce the effect of pa%ent onl

    #hen the have been cashed, or #hen throu1h the fault of the creditor

    the have been i%paired.

    In the %eanti%e, the action derived fro% the ori1inal obli1ation shall be

    held in abeance.

    In the absence of an a1ree%ent, either e?press or i%plied, pa%ent%eans the dischar1e of a debt or obli1ation in %one 5=S v. Robertson,

    " Pet. =S )!/, * . ed. 6"07 and unless the parties so a1ree, a debtor

    has no ri1hts, e?cept at his o#n peril, to substitute so%ethin1 in lieu of

    cash as %ediu% of pa%ent of his debt 5&nderson v. (ill, 0 Md.. B/6,

    6 & "60, 6" R& 6++,!0 &%. St. Rep. !+67. Conse$uentl, unless

    authori8ed to do so b la# or b consent of the obli1ee a public officer

    has no authorit to accept anthin1 other than %one in pa%ent of an

    obli1ation under a @ud1%ent bein1 e?ecuted. Strictl spea;in1, the

    acceptance b the sheriff of the petitioner9s chec;s, in the case at bar,

    does not,per se, operate as a dischar1e of the @ud1%ent debt.

    Since a ne1otiable instru%ent is onl a substitute for %one and not

    %one, the deliver of such an instru%ent does not, b itself, operate as

    pa%ent 5See. /*, &ct 6+B/ on Ne1s. Insts.H &rt. /6!, Civil CodeH

    3ran andon Co. v. &%erican 3an;, 0 Phil. 6""H an Sunco v. Santos,

    Phil. !!H 6/ R.C.. )+, )/7. & chec;, #hether a %ana1er9s chec; or

    ordinar chee;, is not le1al tender, and an offer of a chec; in pa%ent of

    a debt is not a valid tender of pa%ent and %a be refused receipt b

    the obli1ee or creditor. Mere deliver of chec;s does not dischar1e the

    obli1ation under a @ud1%ent. he obli1ation is not e?tin1uished and

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    re%ains suspended until the pa%ent b co%%ercial docu%ent is

    actuall reali8ed 5&rt. /6!, Civil Code, par. B7.

    If bouncin1 chec;s had been issued in the na%e of &%elia an and not

    the Sheriff9s, there #ould have been no pa%ent. &fter dishonor of the

    chec;s, Ms. an could have run after other properties of P&. he

    theor is that she has received no value for #hat had been a#arded her.

    3ecause the chec;s #ere dra#n in the na%e of E%ilio . Rees, neitherhas she received anthin1. he sa%e rule should appl.

    It is ar1ued that if P& had paid in cash to Sheriff Rees, there #ould

    have been pa%ent in full le1al conte%plation. he reasonin1 is lo1ical

    but is it valid and properL o1ic has its li%its in decision %a;in1. Ae

    should not follo# rulin1s to their lo1ical e?tre%es if in doin1 so #e arrive

    at un@ust or absurd results.

    In the first place, P& did not pay in cash. It paid in chee;s.

    &nd second, pa%ent in cash al#as carries #ith it certain cautions.

    Nobod hands over bi1 a%ounts of cash in a careless and inane%anner. Mature thou1ht is 1iven to the possibilit of the cash bein1 lost,

    of the bearer bein1 #alaid or runnin1 off #ith #hat he is carrin1 for

    another. Pa%ent in chec;s is precisel intended to avoid the possibilit

    of the %one 1oin1 to the #ron1 part. he situation is entirel different

    #here a Sheriff sei8es a car, a tractor, or a piece of land. o1ic often

    has to 1ive #a to e?perience and to realit. >avin1 paid #ith chec;s,

    P& should have done so properl.

    Pa%ent in %one or cash to the i%ple%entin1 officer %a be dee%ed

    absolute pa%ent of the @ud1%ent debt but the Court has never, in the

    least bit, su11ested that @ud1%ent debtors should settle their obli1ations

    b turnin1 over hu1e a%ounts of cash or le1al tender to sheriffs andother e?ecutin1 officers. Pa%ent in cash #ould result in da%a1e or

    inter%inable liti1ations each ti%e a sheriff #ith hu1e a%ounts of cash in

    his hands decides to abscond.

    &s a protective %easure, therefore, the courts encoura1e the practice of

    pa%ents b chee; provided ade$uate controls are instituted to prevent

    #ron1ful pa%ent and ille1al #ithdra#al or disburse%ent of funds. If

    particularl bi1 a%ounts are involved, escro# arran1e%ents #ith a ban;

    and carefull supervised b the court #ould be the safer procedure.

    &ctual transfer of funds ta;es place #ithin the safet of ban; pre%ises.

    hese practices are perfectl le1al. he ob@ect is al#as the safe and

    incorrupt e?ecution of the @ud1%ent.

    It is, indeed, out of the ordinar that chec;s intended for a particular

    paee are %ade out in the na%e of another. Ma;in1 the chec;s paable

    to the @ud1%ent creditor #ould have prevented the encash%ent or the

    ta;in1 of undue advanta1e b the sheriff, or an person into #hose

    hands the chec;s %a have fallen, #hether #ron1full or in behalf of thecreditor. he issuance of the chec;s in the na%e of the sheriff clearl

    %ade possible the %isappropriation of the funds that #ere #ithdra#n.

    &s e?plained and held b the respondent court2

    ... no#in1 as it does that the intended pa%ent #as for the private

    part respondent &%elia an, the petitioner corporation, utili8in1 the

    services of its personnel #ho are or should be ;no#led1eable about the

    accepted procedures and resultin1 conse$uences of the chec;s dra#n,

    nevertheless, in this instance, #ithout prudence, departed fro% #hat is

    1enerall observed and done, and placed as paee in the chec;s the

    na%e of the errant Sheriff and not the na%e of the ri1htful paee.Petitioner thereb created a situation #hich per%itted the said Sheriff to

    personall encash said chec;s and %isappropriate the proceeds thereof

    to his e?clusive personal benefit. 4or the pre@udice that resulted, the

    petitioner hi%self %ust bear the fault. he @udicial 1uideline #hich #e

    ta;e note of states as follo#s2

    &s bet#een t#o innocent persons, one of #ho% %ust suffer the

    conse$uence of a breach of trust, the one #ho %ade it possible b his

    act of confidence %ust bear the loss. 53londeau, et al. v. Nano, et al., '

    !/B00, -ul 6), /B", )/ Phil. )6"7

    >avin1 failed to e%plo the proper safe1uards to protect itself, the@ud1%ent debtor #hose act %ade possible the loss had but itself to


    he attention of this Court has been called to the bad practice of a

    nu%ber of e?ecutin1 officers, of re$uirin1 chec;s in satisfaction of

    @ud1%ent debts to be %ade out in their o#n na%es. If a sheriff directs a

    @ud1%ent debtor to issue the chec;s in the sheriff9s na%e, clai%in1 he

    %ust 1et his co%%ission or fees, the debtor %ust report the sheriff

    i%%ediatel to the court #hich ordered the e?ecution or to the Supre%e

    Court for appropriate disciplinar action. 4ees, co%%issions, and

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    salaries are paid throu1h re1ular channels. his i%proper procedure

    also allo#s such officers, #ho have si?t 5)+7 das #ithin #hich to %a;e

    a return, to treat the %ones as their personal finds and to deposit the

    sa%e in their private accounts to earn si?t 5)+7 das interest, before

    said finds are turned over to the court or @ud1%ent creditor 5See 3al1os

    v. Velasco, /+* SCR& "6" /*/7. Juite as easil, such officers could

    put up the defense that said chec;s had been issued to the% in theirprivate or personal capacit. Aithout a receipt evidencin1 pa%ent of

    the @ud1%ent debt, the %isappropriation of finds b such officers

    beco%es clean and co%plete. he practice is in1enious but evil as it

    un@ustl enriches court personnel at the e?pense of liti1ants and the

    proper ad%inistration of @ustice. he te%ptation could be far 1reater, as

    proved to be in this case of the abscondin1 sheriff. he correct and

    prudent thin1 for the petitioner #as to have issued the chec;s in the

    intended paee9s na%e.

    he pernicious effects of issuin1 chec;s in the na%e of a person other

    than the intended paee, #ithout the latter9s a1ree%ent or consent, are

    as %an as the #as that an artful %ind could concoct to 1et around thesafe1uards provided b the la# on ne1otiable instru%ents. &n an1r

    liti1ant #ho loses a case, as a rule, #ould not #ant the #innin1 part to

    1et #hat he #on in the @ud1%ent. >e #ould thin; of #as to dela the

    #innin1 part9s 1ettin1 #hat has been ad@ud1ed in his favor. Ae cannot

    condone that practice especiall in cases #here the courts and their

    officers are involved. Ae rule a1ainst the petitioner.

    &nent the applicabilit of Section /", Rule B, as follo#s2

    Section /".Eecution of !oney (ud!ents. K he officer %ust enforce

    an e?ecution of a %one @ud1%ent b levin1 on all the propert, real

    and personal of ever na%e and nature #hatsoever, and #hich %a bedisposed of for value, of the @ud1%ent debtor not e?e%pt fro%

    e?ecution, or on a sufficient a%ount of such propert, if the be

    sufficient, and sellin1 the sa%e, and payin to the (ud!ent creditor, or

    his attorne, so %uch of the proceeds as #ill satisf the @ud1%ent. ...

    the respondent court held2

    Ae are obli1ed to rule that the @ud1%ent debt cannot be considered

    satisfied and therefore the orders of the respondent @ud1e 1rantin1 the

    alias #rit of e?ecution %a not be pronounced as a nullit.

    ??? ??? ???

    It is clear and %anifest that after lev or 1arnish%ent, for a @ud1%ent to

    be e?ecuted there is the re$uisite of pa%ent b the officer to the

    @ud1%ent creditor, or his attorne, so %uch of the proceeds as #ill

    satisf the @ud1%ent and none such pa%ent had been concededl

    %ade et b the abscondin1 Sheriff to the private respondent &%elia

    an. he ulti%ate and essential step to co%plete the e?ecution of the@ud1%ent not havin1 been perfor%ed b the Cit Sheriff, the @ud1%ent

    debt le1all and factuall re%ains unsatisfied.

    Strictl spea;in1 e?ecution cannot be e$uated #ith satisfaction of a

    @ud1%ent. =nder unusual circu%stances as those obtainin1 in this

    petition, the distinction co%es out clearl.

    E?ecution is the process #hich carries into effect a decree or @ud1%ent

    5Painter v. 3er1lund, B/ Cal. &pp. 6d. )B, *0 P 6d B)+, B)BH Miller v.

    ondon, 6! Mass B++, / NE 6d /*, 6++H 3lac;9s a# Dictionar7,

    #hereas the satisfaction of a @ud1%ent is the pa%ent of the a%ount of

    the #rit, or a la#ful tender thereof, or the conversion b sale of thedebtor9s propert into an a%ount e$ual to that due, and, it %a be done

    other#ise than upon an e?ecution 5Section !0, Rule B7. ev and

    deliver b an e?ecution officer are not prere$uisites to the satisfaction

    of a @ud1%ent #hen the sa%e has alread been reali8ed in fact 5Section

    !0, Rule B7. E?ecution is for the sheriff to acco%plish #hile satisfaction

    of the @ud1%ent is for the creditor to achieve. Section /", Rule B %erel

    provides the sheriff #ith his duties as e?ecutin1 officer includin1 deliver

    of the proceeds of his lev on the debtor9s propert to satisf the

    @ud1%ent debt. It is but to stress that the i%ple%entin1 officer9s dut

    should not stop at his receipt of pa%ents but %ust continue until

    pa%ent is delivered to the obli1or or creditor.

    4inall, #e find no error in the respondent court9s pronounce%ent on the

    inclusion of interests to be recovered under the alias #rit of e?ecution.

    his lo1icall follo#s fro% our rulin1 that P& is liable for both the lost

    chec;s and interest. he respondent court9s decision in C&'(.R. No.

    "/+0'R does not totall supersede the trial court9s @ud1%ent in Civil

    Case No. 0/B+0. It %erel %odified the sa%e as to the principal a%ount

    a#arded as actual da%a1es.

    A>ERE4ORE, IN VIEA O4 >E 4ORE(OIN(, the petition is hereb

    DISMISSED. he @ud1%ent of the respondent Court of &ppeals is

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    &44IRMED and the trial court9s issuance of the alias #rit of e?ecution

    a1ainst the petitioner is upheld #ithout pre@udice to an action it should

    ta;e a1ainst the errant sheriff E%ilio . Rees. he Court &d%inistrator

    is ordered to follo# up the actions ta;en a1ainst E%ilio . Rees.


    8ernan, C.ence, this petition.

    he petitioners raise the follo#in1 issues in their assi1n%ent of errors, to #it2

    &. he conclusion in la# of respondent Court that respondent insurer has the

    ri1ht to rescind the polic contract #hen insured is alread dead is not in

    accordance #ith e?istin1 la# and applicable @urisprudence.

    3. he conclusion in la# of respondent Court that respondent insurer %a be

    allo#ed to avoid the polic on 1rounds of conceal%ent b the deceased

    assured, is contrar to the provisions of the polic contract itself, as #ell as, of

    applicable le1al provisions and established @urisprudence.

    C. he inference of respondent Court that respondent insurer #as %isled in

    issuin1 the polic are %anifestl %ista;en and contrar to ad%itted evidence.

    5Rollo, p. 07

    he petitioners contend that the respondent co%pan no lon1er had the ri1ht to

    rescind the contract of insurance as rescission %ust alle1edl be done durin1

    the lifeti%e of the insured #ithin t#o ears and prior to the co%%ence%ent of


    he contention is #ithout %erit.

    he pertinent section in the Insurance Code provides2

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    Section !*. Ahenever a ri1ht to rescind a contract of insurance is 1iven to the

    insurer b an provision of this chapter, such ri1ht %ust be e?ercised previous to

    the co%%ence%ent of an action on the contract.

    &fter a polic of life insurance %ade paable on the death of the insured shall

    have been in force durin1 the lifeti%e of the insured for a period of t#o ears

    fro% the date of its issue or of its last reinstate%ent, the insurer cannot prove

    that the polic is void ab initioor is rescindable b reason of the fraudulent

    conceal%ent or %isrepresentation of the insured or his a1ent.

    &ccordin1 to the petitioners, the Insurance a# #as a%ended and the second

    para1raph of Section !* added to prevent the insurance co%pan fro%

    e?ercisin1 a ri1ht to rescind after the death of the insured.

    he so'called

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    In the face of all the above, it #ould be un@ust if, havin1 been sub@ected to the

    #hirl#ind pressure of insurance sales%anship this Court itself has lon1

    denounced, the assured #ho dies #ithin the t#o'ear period, should stand

    char1ed of fraudulent conceal%ent and %isrepresentation.< 5p. /!6, Rollo7

    he le1islative ans#er to the ar1u%ents posed b the petitioners is the

    ERE4ORE, the petition is hereb DENIED for lac; of %erit. he $uestioned

    decision of the Court of &ppeals is &44IRMED.


    8ernan, )C.

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    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    G.R. No. 00290 +4'- 1, 993

    NORBERTO TIBA+IA, +R. &'( CARMEN TIBA+IA, petitioners,vs.

    T%E %ONORABLE COURT O) APPEALS &'( E"EN TAN, respondents.

    PA"ILLA, J.:

    Petitioners, spouses Norberto iba@ia, -r. and Car%en iba@ia, are before this

    Court assailin1 the decision ; of respondent appellate court dated 6! &pril //in C&'(.R. SP No. 6!/)! denin1 their petition for certiorariprohibition, and

    in@unction #hich sou1ht to annul the order of -ud1e Eutropio Mi1riQo of the

    Re1ional rial Court, 3ranch /"/, Pasi1, Metro Manila in Civil Case No. "!*)Bentitled undred housand Pesos 5PB++,+++.++7. On appeal, the Court of &ppeals

    %odified the decision b reducin1 the a#ard of %oral and e?e%plar da%a1es.

    he decision havin1 beco%e final, Eden an filed the correspondin1 %otion for

    e?ecution and thereafter, the 1arnished funds #hich b then #ere on deposit

    #ith the cashier of the Re1ional rial Court of Pasi1, Metro Manila, #ere levied


    On /! Dece%ber /+, the iba@ia spouses delivered to Deput Sheriff Eduardo

    3oli%a the total %one @ud1%ent in the follo#in1 for%2

    Cashier9s Chec; P6)6,0"+.++

    Cash /B",0BB.0+


    otal PB*,!*B.0+

    Private respondent, Eden an, refused to accept the pa%ent %ade b the

    iba@ia spouses and instead insisted that the 1arnished funds deposited #ith the

    cashier of the Re1ional rial Court of Pasi1, Metro Manila be #ithdra#n to

    satisf the @ud1%ent obli1ation. On /" -anuar //, defendant spouses

    5petitioners7 filed a %otion to lift the #rit of e?ecution on the 1round that the

    @ud1%ent debt had alread been paid. On 6 -anuar //, the %otion #as

    denied b the trial court on the 1round that pa%ent in cashier9s chec; is not

    pa%ent in le1al tender and that pa%ent #as %ade b a third part other than

    the defendant. & %otion for reconsideration #as denied on * 4ebruar //.

    hereafter, the spouses iba@ia filed a petition for certiorari, prohibition and

    in@unction in the Court of &ppeals. he appellate court dis%issed the petition on

    6! &pril // holdin1 that pa%ent b cashier9s chec; is not pa%ent in le1al

    tender as re$uired b Republic &ct No. "6. he %otion for reconsideration #as

    denied on 60 Ma //.

    In this petition for revie#, the iba@ia spouses raise the follo#in1 issues2

    I A>E>ER OR NO >E 3PI C&S>IER9S C>EC NO. +/!+6/ IN >E







    he onl issue to be resolved in this case is #hether or not pa%ent b %eans

    of chec; 5even b cashier9s chec;7 is considered pa%ent in le1al tender as

    re$uired b the Civil Code, Republic &ct No. "6, and the Central 3an; &ct.

    It is contended b the petitioners that the chec;, #hich #as a cashier9s chec; ofthe 3an; of the Philippine Islands, undoubtedl a ban; of 1ood standin1 and

    reputation, and #hich #as a crossed chec; %ar;ed

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    &rt. /6!. he pa%ent of debts in %one shall be %ade in the currenc

    stipulated, and if it is not possible to deliver such currenc, then in the currenc

    #hich is le1al tender in the Philippines.

    he deliver of pro%issor notes paable to order, or bills of e?chan1e or other

    %ercantile docu%ents shall produce the effect of pa%ent onl #hen the have

    been cashed, or #hen throu1h the fault of the creditor the have been i%paired.

    In the %eanti%e, the action derived fro% the ori1inal obli1ation shall be held inabeance.H

    b. Section / of Republic &ct No. "6, as a%ended, #hich provides2

    Sec. /. Ever provision contained in, or %ade #ith respect to, an obli1ation

    #hich purports to 1ive the obli1ee the ri1ht to re$uire pa%ent in 1old or in an

    particular ;ind of coin or currenc other than Philippine currenc or in an a%ount

    of %one of the Philippines %easured thereb, shall be as it is hereb declared

    a1ainst public polic null and void, and of no effect, and no such provision shall

    be contained in, or %ade #ith respect to, an obli1ation thereafter incurred.

    Ever obli1ation heretofore and hereafter incurred, #hether or not an such

    provision as to pa%ent is contained therein or %ade #ith respect thereto, shall

    be dischar1ed upon pa%ent in an coin or currenc #hich at the ti%e ofpa%ent is le1al tender for public and private debts.

    c. Section )B of Republic &ct No. 6)", as a%ended 5Central 3an; &ct7 #hich


    Sec. )B. Leal characterK Chec;s representin1 deposit %one do not have

    le1al tender po#er and their acceptance in the pa%ent of debts, both public

    and private, is at the option of the creditor2 Provided, ho#ever, that a chec;

    #hich has been cleared and credited to the account of the creditor shall be

    e$uivalent to a deliver to the creditor of cash in an a%ount e$ual to the a%ount

    credited to his account.

    4ro% the afore$uoted provisions of la#, it is clear that this petition %ust fail.

    In the recent cases of hilippine -irlines, "nc. vs. Court of -ppeals1and Bo!anCatholic ;ishop of :alolos, "nc. vs. "nter!ediate -ppellate Court,5this Courtheld that K

    & chec;, #hether a %ana1er9s chec; or ordinar chec;, is not le1al tender, and

    an offer of a chec; in pa%ent of a debt is not a valid tender of pa%ent and

    %a be refused receipt b the obli1ee or creditor.

    he rulin1 in these t#o 567 cases %erel applies the statutor provisions #hich

    la do#n the rule that a chec; is not le1al tender and that a creditor %a validl

    refuse pa%ent b chec;, #hether it be a %ana1er9s, cashier9s or personal


    Petitioners erroneousl rel on one of the dissentin1 opinions in the hilippine

    -irlines case

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    his petition for certiorariassails the Court of &ppeals9 decision dated &pril 6,

    /*0 in C&'(.R. SP No. +B"B, entitled on.

    &ntonio R. Manabat, et al.7, the SEC declared that it had assu%ed @urisdiction

    over petitioner &lfredo Chin1 pursuant to Section ), Rule B of the ne# Rules of

    Procedure of the SEC providin1 that

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    /. in holdin1 that @urisdiction over respondent &lfredo Chin1 #as assu%ed b the

    SEC because he #as a co'si1ner or suret of P3M and that the lo#er court %a

    not assu%e @urisdiction over hi% so as to avoid %ultiplicit of suitsH and

    6. in holdin1 that the @urisdiction assu%ed b the SEC over Chin1 #as to the

    e?clusion of courts or tribunals of coordinate ran;.

    he petition for revie# is %eritorious.

    &lthou1h Chin1 #as i%pleaded in SEC Case No. 66"+, as a co'petitioner of

    P3M, the SEC could not assu%e @urisdiction over his person and properties.

    he Securities and E?chan1e Co%%ission #as e%po#ered, as rehabilitation

    receiver, to ta;e custod and control of the assets and properties of P3M onl,

    for the SEC has @urisdiction over corporations onl not over private individuals,

    e?cept stoc;holders in an intra'corporate dispute 5Sec. ", P.D. +6'& and Sec. 6

    of P.D. /0"*7. 3ein1 a no%inal part in SEC Case No. 66"+, Chin19s properties

    #ere not included in the rehabilitation receivership that the SEC constituted to

    ta;e custod of P3M9s assets. herefore, the petitioner ban; #as not barred

    fro% filin1 a suit a1ainst Chin1, as a suret for P3M. &n ano%alous situation

    #ould arise if individual sureties for debtor corporations %a escape liabilit b

    si%pl co' filin1 #ith the corporation a petition for suspension of pa%ents in the

    SEC #hose @urisdiction is li%ited onl to corporations and their corporate assets.

    he ter%

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    5c7 post'dated chec;s paable on /B March /*/ 5i.e., the %aturit date of

    petitioner9s invest%ent7, #ith petitioner as paee, Philfinance as dra#er, and

    Insular 3an; of &sia and &%erica as dra#ee, in the total a%ount of


    On /B March /*/, petitioner sou1ht to encash the postdated chec;s issued b

    Philfinance. >o#ever, the chec;s #ere dishonored for havin1 been dra#n

    a1ainst insufficient funds.

    On 6) March /*/, Philfinance delivered to petitioner the DCR No. /+*+"

    issued b private respondent Pilipinas 3an; 5

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    Petitioner appealed to respondent Court of &ppeals in C.&.'(.R. CV No. /"/".

    In a Decision dated 6/ March /*, the Court of &ppeals denied the appeal and

    held2ERE4ORE, findin1 no reversible error in the decision appealed fro%, the

    sa%e is hereb affir%ed in toto. Cost a1ainst plaintiff'appellant.

    Petitioner %oved for reconsideration of the above Decision, #ithout success.

    >ence, this Petition for Revie# on Certiorari.

    &fter consideration of the alle1ations contained and issues raised in the

    pleadin1s, the Court resolved to 1ive due course to the petition and re$uired the

    parties to file their respective %e%oranda.7

    Petitioner reiterates the assi1n%ent of errors he directed at the trial court

    decision, and contends that respondent court of &ppeals 1ravel erred2 5i7 in

    concludin1 that he cannot recover fro% private respondent Delta his assi1ned

    portion of DMC PN No. 60B/H 5ii7 in failin1 to hold private respondent Pilipinas

    solidaril liable on the DMC PN No. 60B/ in vie# of the provisions stipulated in

    DCR No. /+*+" issued in favor r of petitioner, and 5iii7 in refusin1 to pierce theveil of corporate entit bet#een Philfinance, and private respondents Delta and

    Pilipinas, considerin1 that the three 5B7 entities belon1 to the o#ever, since Philfinance has not been i%pleaded in this case, neither the trial

    court nor the Court of &ppeals ac$uired @urisdiction over the person of

    Philfinance. It is, conse$uentl, not necessar for present purposes to deal #ith

    this third relationship, e?cept to the e?tent it necessaril i%pin1es upon or

    intersects the first and second relationships.


    Ae consider first the relationship bet#een petitioner and Delta.

    he Court of appeals in effect held that petitioner ac$uired no ri1hts vis3a3

    vis Delta in respect of the Delta pro%issor note 5DMC PN No. 60B/7 #hichPhilfinance sold

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    %a, ho#ever, instead of bein1 ne1otiated, also be assinedortransferred. he

    le1al conse$uences of ne1otiation as distin1uished fro% assi1n%ent of a

    ne1otiable instru%ent are, of course, different. & non'ne1otiable instru%ent

    %a, obviousl, not be ne1otiatedH but it %a be assi1ned or transferred, absent

    an e?press prohibition a1ainst assi1n%ent or transfer #ritten in the face of the


    he #ords 2not neotiable,2sta%ped on the face of the bill of ladin1, did not

    destroy its assinability, but the sole effect #as to e?e%pt the bill fro% the

    statutor provisions relative thereto, and a bill, thou1h not neotiable, !ay be

    transferred by assin!entH the assi1nee ta;in1 sub@ect to the e$uities bet#een

    the ori1inal parties.25E%phasis added7

    DMC PN No. 60B/, #hile %ar;ed

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    !ar'et !echanis! is intended to provide #uic' !obility of !oney and


    he i%personal character of the %one %ar;et device overloo;s the individuals

    or entities concerned. The issuer of a co!!ercial paper in the !oney !ar'et

    necessarily 'nows in advance that it would be ependitiously transacted and

    transferred to any investorlender without need of notice to said issuer. "n

    practice, no notification is iven to the borrower or issuer of co!!ercial paper of

    the sale or transfer to the investor.

    ??? ??? ???

    here is need to individuate a %one %ar;et transaction, a relativel novel

    institution in the Philippine co%%ercial scene. "t has been intended to facilitate

    the flow and ac#uisition of capital on an i!personal basis.&nd as specificall

    re$uired b Presidential Decree No. )0*, the investin public !ust be iven

    ade#uate and effective protection in availin of the credit of a borrower in the

    co!!ercial paper !ar'et.!5Citations o%ittedH e%phasis supplied7

    Ae turn to Delta9s ar1u%ents concernin1 alle1ed co%pensation or offsettin1

    bet#een DMC PN No. 60B/ and Philfinance PN No. /!B'&. It is i%portant to

    note that at the ti!e hilfinance sold part of its rihts under D:C 5 5o. />1=to petitioner on 8ebruary =F=, no co!pensation had as yet ta'en place and

    indeed none could have ta'en place.he essential re$uire%ents of

    co%pensation are listed in the Civil Code as follo#s2

    &rt. /60. In order that co%pensation %a be proper, it is necessar2

    5/7 hat each one of the obliors be bound principally, and that he be at the

    sa!e ti!e a principal creditor of the other+

    567 hat both debts consists in a su% of %one, or if the thin1s due are

    consu%able, the be of the sa%e ;ind, and also of the sa%e $ualit if the latter

    has been statedH

    5B7 That the two debts are due+

    5!7 hat the be li$uidated and de%andableH

    5"7 hat over neither of the% there be an retention or controvers, co%%enced

    b third persons and co%%unicated in due ti%e to the debtor. 5E%phasis


    On 4ebruar /*/, neither DMC PN No. 60B/ nor Philfinance PN No. /!B'&

    #as due. his #as e?plicitl reco1ni8ed b Delta in its /+ &pril /*+

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    has ac$uired a title b transfer to de%and pa%ent of the debt, to 1ive his debt

    or notice.22

    &t the ti%e that Delta #as first put to notice of the assi1n%ent in petitioner9s

    favor on /! -ul /*/, DMC PN No. 60B/ had alread been dischar1ed b

    co%pensation. Since the assi1nor Philfinance could not have then co%pelled

    pa%ent ane# b Delta of DMC PN No. 60B/, petitioner, as assi1nee of

    Philfinance, is si%ilarl disabled fro% collectin1 fro% Delta the portion of the

    Note assi1ned to hi%.

    It bears so%e e%phasis that petitioner could have notified Delta of the

    assi1n%ent or sale #as effected on 4ebruar /*/. >e could have notified

    Delta as soon as his %one %ar;et place%ent %atured on /B March /*/

    #ithout pa%ent thereof bein1 %ade b PhilfinanceH at that ti%e, co%pensation

    had et to set in and dischar1e DMC PN No. 60B/. &1ain petitioner could have

    notified Delta on 6) March /*/ #hen petitioner received fro% Philfinance the

    Deno%inated Custodianship Receipt 5

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    the thin1 sold #ould be placed outside the control of the vendor. Indeed, the

    constitutin1 of the depositar or custodianship a1ree%ent #as e$uivalent to

    constructive deliver of the Note 5to the e?tent it had been sold or assi1ned to

    petitioner7 to petitioner. It #ill be seen that custodianship a1ree%ents are

    desi1ned to facilitate transactions in the %one %ar;et b providin1 a basis for

    confidence on the part of the investors or placers that the instru%ents bou1ht b

    the% are effectivel ta;en out of the poc;et, as it #ere, of the vendors and

    placed safel beond their reach, that those instru%ents #ill be there availableto the placers of funds should the have need of the%. he depositar in a

    contract of deposit is obli1ed to return the securit or the thin1 deposited upon

    de%and of the depositor 5or, in the presented case, of the beneficiar7 of the

    contract, even thou1h a ter% for such return %a have been established in the

    said contract.2

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    Decision and Resolution had dis%issed petitioner9s co%plaint a1ainst Pilipinas

    3an;. Private respondent Pilipinas ban; is hereb ORDERED to inde%nif

    petitioner for da%a1es in the a%ount of PB+!,"BB.BB, plus le1al interest thereon

    at the rate of si? percent 5)7per annu! counted fro% 6 &pril /*/. &s so

    %odified, the Decision and Resolution of the Court of &ppeals are hereb

    &44IRMED. No pronounce%ent as to costs.


    ;idin, Davide,

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    posted pursuant to Sec B of &ct B/B" is not the notice to #hich the %ort1a1or is

    entitled upon the application bein1 %ade for an e?tra@udicial foreclosure. ... 0

    On the fore1oin1 findin1s, the respondent court conse$uentl decreed that'

    In vie# of all the fore1oin1, the @ud1%ent appealed fro% is hereb reversed, and

    another one entered 5/7 declarin1 the foreclosure of the %ort1a1e void insofar

    as it affects the share of the appellantsH 567 directin1 the (SIS to reconve to

    appellants their share of the %ort1a1ed propert, or the value thereof if alreadsold to third part, in the su% of P B",+++.++, and 5B7 orderin1 the appellees

    4laviano a1asca and Esther a1asca to pa the appellants the su% of P

    /+,++.++ as %oral da%a1es, P ",+++.++ as attorne9s fees, and costs.

    he case is no# before us in this petition for revie#.

    In sub%ittin1 their case to this Court, both parties relied on the provisions of

    Section 6 of &ct No. 6+B/, other#ise ;no#n as the Ne1otiable Instru%ents

    a#, #hich provide that an acco%%odation part is one #ho has si1ned an

    instru%ent as %a;er, dra#er, acceptor of indorser #ithout receivin1 value

    therefor, but is held liable on the instru%ent to a holder for value althou1h the

    latter ;ne# hi% to be onl an acco%%odation part.

    his approach of both parties appears to be %isdirected and their reliance

    %isplaced. he pro%issor note hereinbefore $uoted, as #ell as the %ort1a1e

    deeds sub@ect of this case, are clearl not ne1otiable instru%ents. hese

    docu%ents do not co%pl #ith the fourth re$uisite to be considered as such

    under Section / of &ct No. 6+B/ because the are neither paable to order nor

    to bearer. he note is paable to a specified part, the (SIS. &bsent the

    aforesaid re$uisite, the provisions of &ct No. 6+B/ #ould not applH 1overnance

    shall be afforded, instead, b the provisions of the Civil Code and special la#s

    on %ort1a1es.

    &s earlier indicated, the factual findin1s of respondent court are that private

    respondents si1ned the docu%ents o#ever, contrar to the holdin1 of the respondent court, it cannot be said that

    private respondents are #ithout liabilit under the aforesaid %ort1a1e contracts.

    he factual conte?t of this case is precisel #hat is conte%plated in the last

    para1raph of &rticle 6+*" of the Civil Code to the effect that third persons #ho

    are not parties to the principal obli1ation %a secure the latter b pled1in1 or

    %ort1a1in1 their o#n propert

    So lon1 as valid consent #as 1iven, the fact that the loans #ere solel for the

    benefit of the a1asca spouses #ould not invalidate the %ort1a1e #ith respect

    to private respondents9 share in the propert. In consentin1 thereto, even

    assu%in1 that private respondents %a not be assu%in1 personal liabilit for the

    debt, their share in the propert shall nevertheless secure and respond for the

    perfor%ance of the principal obli1ation. he parties to the %ort1a1e could not

    have intended that the sa%e #ould appl onl to the ali$uot portion of the

    a1asca spouses in the propert, other#ise the consent of the private

    respondents #ould not have been re$uired.

    he supposed re$uire%ent of prior de%and on the private respondents #ould

    not be in point here since the %ort1a1e contracts created obli1ations #ith

    specific ter%s for the co%pliance thereof. he facts further sho# that the private

    respondents e?pressl bound the%selves as solidar debtors in the pro%issor

    note hereinbefore $uoted.

    Co%in1 no# to the e?tra@udicial foreclosure effected b (SIS, Ae cannot a1ree

    #ith the rulin1 of respondent court that lac; of notice to the private respondents

    of the e?tra@udicial foreclosure sale i%pairs the validit thereof. In;onnevie, et

    al. vs. Court of appeals, et al., 5the Court ruled that &ct No. B/B", as a%ended,

    does not re$uire personal notice on the %ort1a1or, $uotin1 the re$uire%ent on

    notice in such cases as follo#s2

    Section B. Notice shall be 1iven b postin1 notices of sale for not less than

    t#ent das in at least three public places of the %unicipalit #here the propert

    is situated, and if such propert is #orth %ore than four hundred pesos, such

    notice shall also be published once a #ee; for at least three consecutive #ee;s

    in a ne#spaper of 1eneral circulation in the %unicipalit or cit.

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    here is no sho#in1 that the fore1oin1 re$uire%ent on notice #as not co%plied

    #ith in the foreclosure sale co%plained of .

    he respondent court, therefore, erred in annullin1 the %ort1a1e insofar as it

    affected the share of private respondents or in directin1 reconveance of their

    propert or the pa%ent of the value thereof Indubitabl, #hether or not private

    respondents herein benefited fro% the loan, the %ort1a1e and the e?tra@udicial

    foreclosure proceedin1s #ere valid.

    A>ERE4ORE, @ud1%ent is hereb rendered REVERSIN( the decision of the

    respondent Court of &ppeals and REINS&IN( the decision of the court a

    #uoin Civil Case No. J'!/* thereof.


    Melencio'>errera 5Chairperson7, Paras, Padilla and Sar%iento, --., concur.

    Republic of the Philippines



    G.R. No. 97753 A4=4 0, 992

    CALTE: @P%ILIPPINES, INC., petitioner,vs.


    ;ito, Lozada, Ortea & Castillo for petitioners.

    5epo!uceno, 4ofilea & Auinona for private.

    REGALA"O, J.:

    his petition for revie# on certiorarii%pu1ns and see;s the reversal of the

    decision pro%ul1ated b respondent court on March *, // in C&'(.R. CV No.

    6B)/" affir%in1 #ith %odifications, the earlier decision of the Re1ional rialCourt of Manila, 3ranch GII, 2#hich dis%issed the co%plaint filed therein bherein petitioner a1ainst respondent ban;.

    he undisputed bac;1round of this case, as found b the court a #uo and

    adopted b respondent court, appears of record2

    /. On various dates, defendant, a co%%ercial ban;in1 institution, throu1h its

    Sucat 3ranch issued 6*+ certificates of ti%e deposit 5CDs7 in favor of one

    &n1el dela Cru8 #ho deposited #ith herein defendant the a11re1ate a%ount of

    P/,/6+,+++.++, as follo#s2 5-oint Partial Stipulation of 4acts and State%ent of

    Issues, Ori1inal Records, p. 6+0H Defendant9s E?hibits / to 6*+7H


    Dates6erial 5os.Huantity-!ount

    66 4eb. *6 +/+/ to +/6+ 6+ P*+,+++

    6) 4eb. *6 0!)+6 to 0!)/ + B)+,+++

    6 Mar. *6 0!0+/ to 0!0!+ !+ /)+,+++

    ! Mar. *6 +/60 to +/!) 6+ *+,+++

    " Mar. *6 0!00 to !*++ ! /),+++

    " Mar. *6 *)" to **) 66 **,+++

    " Mar. *6 0+/!0 to +/"+ ! /),+++

    * Mar. *6 +++/ to ++6+ 6+ *+,+++

    Mar. *6 ++6B to ++"+ 6* //6,+++

    Mar. *6 */ to ++++ /+ !+,+++

    Mar. *6 +6"/ to +606 66 **,+++


    otal 6*+ P/,/6+,+++

    6. &n1el dela Cru8 delivered the said certificates of ti%e 5CDs7 to herein

    plaintiff in connection #ith his purchased of fuel products fro% the latter 5Ori1inal

    Record, p. 6+*7.

    B. So%eti%e in March /*6, &n1el dela Cru8 infor%ed Mr. i%oteo ian1co, the

    Sucat 3ranch Man1er, that he lost all the certificates of ti%e deposit in dispute.

    Mr. ian1co advised said depositor to e?ecute and sub%it a notari8ed &ffidavit

    of oss, as re$uired b defendant ban;9s procedure, if he desired replace%ent

    of said lost CDs 5SN, 4ebruar , /*0, pp. !*'"+7.

    !. On March /*, /*6, &n1el dela Cru8 e?ecuted and delivered to defendantban; the re$uired &ffidavit of oss 5Defendant9s E?hibit 6*/7. On the basis of

    said affidavit of loss, 6*+ replace%ent CDs #ere issued in favor of said

    depositor 5Defendant9s E?hibits 6*6'")/7.

    ". On March 6", /*6, &n1el dela Cru8 ne1otiated and obtained a loan fro%

    defendant ban; in the a%ount of Ei1ht >undred Sevent 4ive housand Pesos

    5P*0",+++.++7. On the sa%e date, said depositor e?ecuted a notari8ed Deed of

    &ssi1n%ent of i%e Deposit 5E?hibit ")67 #hich stated, a%on1 others, that he

    5de la Cru87 surrenders to defendant ban;

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    #hatever a%ount or a%ounts %a be due< on the loan upon its %aturit 5SN,

    4ebruar , /*0, pp. )+')67.

    ). So%eti%e in Nove%ber, /*6, Mr. &ranas, Credit Mana1er of plaintiff Calte?

    5Phils.7 Inc., #ent to the defendant ban;9s Sucat branch and presented for

    verification the CDs declared lost b &n1el dela Cru8 alle1in1 that the sa%e

    #ere delivered to herein plaintiff O=S&ND ONF, SEC=RIF 3&N S=C& O44ICE

    P!,+++ : ++ CS Pesos, Philippine Currenc, repaable to said depositor 0B/

    das. after date, upon presentation and surrender of this certificate, #ith interest

    at the rate of /) per centper annu!.

    5S1d. Ille1ible7 5S1d. Ille1ible7


    &=>ORIED SI(N&=RES5

    Respondent court ruled that the CDs in $uestion are non'ne1otiable

    instru%ents, nationali8in1 as follo#s2

    . . . Ahile it %a be true that the #ord

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    5b7 Must contain an unconditional pro%ise or order to pa a su% certain in


    5c7 Must be paable on de%and, or at a fi?ed or deter%inable future ti%eH

    5d7 Must be paable to order or to bearerH and

    5e7 Ahere the instru%ent is addressed to a dra#ee, he %ust be na%ed or

    other#ise indicated therein #ith reasonable certaint.

    he CDs in $uestion undoubtedl %eet the re$uire%ents of the la# for

    ne1otiabilit. he parties9 bone of contention is #ith re1ard to re$uisite 5d7 set

    forth above. It is noted that Mr. i%oteo P. ian1co, Securit 3an;9s 3ranch

    Mana1er #a bac; in /*6, testified in open court that the depositor reffered to

    in the CDs is no other than Mr. &n1el de la Cru8.

    ??? ??? ???

    &tt. Calida2

    $ In other #ords Mr. Aitness, ou are sain1 that per boo;s of the ban;, the

    depositor referred 5sic7 in these certificates states that it #as &n1el dela Cru8L


    a Fes, our >onor, and #e have the record to sho# that &n1el dela Cru8 #as

    the one #ho cause 5sic7 the a%ount.

    &tt. Calida2

    $ &nd no other person or entit or co%pan, Mr. AitnessL


    a None, our >onor. 7

    ??? ??? ???

    &tt. Calida2

    $ Mr. Aitness, #ho is the depositor identified in all of these certificates of ti%e

    deposit insofar as the ban; is concernedL


    a &n1el dela Cru8 is the depositor. !

    ??? ??? ???

    On this score, the accepted rule is that the ne1otiabilit or non'ne1otiabilit of an

    instru%ent is deter%ined fro% the #ritin1, that is, fro% the face of the instru%ent

    itself.9In the construction of a bill or note, the intention of the parties is tocontrol, if it can be le1all ascertained. 0Ahile the #ritin1 %a be read in theli1ht of surroundin1 circu%stances in order to %ore perfectl understand the

    intent and %eanin1 of the parties, et as the have constituted the #ritin1 to be

    the onl out#ard and visible e?pression of their %eanin1, no other #ords are to

    be added to it or substituted in its stead. he dut of the court in such case is to

    ascertain, not #hat the parties %a have secretl intended as

    contradistin1uished fro% #hat their #ords e?press, but #hat is the %eanin1 of

    the #ords the have used. Ahat the parties %eant %ust be deter%ined b #hat

    the said.

    Contrar to #hat respondent court held, the CDs are ne1otiable instru%ents.

    he docu%ents provide that the a%ounts deposited shall be repaable to the

    depositor. &nd #ho, accordin1 to the docu%ent, is the depositorL It is the

  • 8/13/2019 Nego Cases1


    both deliver and indorse%ent. 4or, althou1h petitioner see;s to deflect this fact,

    the CDs #ere in realit delivered to it as a securit for De la Cru89 purchases of

    its fuel products. &n doubt as to #hether the CDs #ere delivered as pa%ent

    for the fuel products or as a securit has been dissipated and resolved in favor

    of the latter b petitioner9s o#n authori8ed and responsible representative


    In a letter dated Nove%ber 6), /*6 addressed to respondent Securit 3an;,

    -.J. &ranas, -r., Calte? Credit Mana1er, #rote2 avin1 opposed the %otion, petitioner no# labors under the presu%ption that

    evidence #illfull suppressed #ould be adverse if produced. 9

    =nder the fore1oin1 circu%stances, this dis$uisition in "nterrated Bealty

    Corporation, et al. vs. hilippine 5ational ;an', et al.20is apropos2

    . . . &dvertin1 a1ain to the Court9s pronounce%ents in Lopez, supra, #e $uote


    he character of the transaction bet#een the parties is to be deter%ined b their

    intention, re1ardless of #hat lan1ua1e #as used or #hat the for% of the transfer

    #as. If it #as intended to secure the pa%ent of %one, it %ust be construed as

    a pled1eH but if there #as so%e other intention, it is not a pled1e. >o#ever, even

    thou1h a transfer, if re1arded b itself, appears to have been absolute, its ob@ect

    and character %i1ht still be $ualified and e?plained b conte%poraneous #ritin1

    declarin1 it to have been a deposit of the propert as collateral securit. It has

    been said that a transfer of propert b the debtor to a creditor, even if sufficient

    on its face to %a;e an absolute conveance, should be treated as a pled1e if

    the debt continues in ine?istence and is not dischar1ed b the transfer, and that

    accordin1l the use of the ter%s ordinaril i%portin1 conveance of absolute

    o#nership #ill not be 1iven that effect in such a transaction if the are also

    co%%onl used in pled1es and %ort1a1es and therefore do not un$ualifiedl

    indicate a transfer of absolute o#nership, in the absence of clear and

    una%bi1uous lan1ua1e or other circu%stances e?cludin1 an intent to pled1e.

    Petitioner9s insistence that the CDs #ere ne1otiated to it be1s the $uestion.

    =nder the Ne1otiable Instru%ents a#, an instru%ent is ne1otiated #hen it is

    transferred fro% one person to another in such a %anner as to constitute the

    transferee the holder thereof, 2and a holder %a be the paee or indorsee of a

    bill or note, #ho is in possession of it, or the bearer thereof. 22In the presentcase, ho#ever, there #as no ne1otiation in the sense of a transfer of the le1al

    title to the CDs in favor of petitioner in #hich situation, for obvious reasons,

    %ere deliver of the bearer CDs #ould have sufficed. >ere, the deliver

    thereof onl as securit for the purchases of &n1el de la Cru8 5and #e even

    disre1ard the fact that the a%ount involved #as not disclosed7 could at the %ost

    constitute petitioner onl as a holder for value b reason of his lien. &ccordin1l,a ne1otiation for such purpose cannot be effected b %ere deliver of the

    instru%ent since, necessaril, the ter%s thereof and the subse$uent disposition

    of such securit, in the event of non'pa%ent of the principal obli1ation, %ust be

    contractuall provided for.

    he pertinent la# on this point is that #here the holder has a lien on the

    instru%ent arisin1 fro% contract, he is dee%ed a holder for value to the e?tent of

    his lien. 23&s such holder of collateral securit, he #ould be a pled1ee but there$uire%ents therefor and the effects thereof, not bein1 provided for b the

    Ne1otiable I