Page 1: New ACT Writing Topic Tech Makes Your More Alone 06

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New Technology Makes You More Alone or Not_06

Technology is supposed to make us more connected. We can stay in touch with our

friends all the time on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and, of course, by texting. But

are our smartphones actually getting in the way of real socializing? Could technology

be making us more alone? How do we best balance the two? How should we think

about conflicts between these two sides?

Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of

thinking about the conflict between public health and individual freedom.

Perspective One

Technology make us more

sociable in that information is

on your fingertips.

Perspective Two

Technology make us more

alone in that we are

surrounded by people who

are staring at their screens

instead of having

face-to-face conversations.

Perspective Three

Technology will do us good

only if we have discipline

rules for ourselves

Essay Task

Write a unified, coherent essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives o the

conflict between public health and individual freedom. In your essay, be sure to:

� analyze and evaluate the perspective given

� state and develop your own perspective on the issue

� explain the relationship between your perspective and those given

Your perspective may be in full agreement with ay of the others, in partial agreement,

or wholly different. Whatever the case, support your ideas with logical reasoning and

detailed, persuasive examples.

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新七宗罪(Seven Logical Fallacies) New ACT Writing Template


Planning Your Essay

Your work on these pre-writing pages will not be scored.

Use the space below and on the back cover to generate ideas and plan your essay. You

may wish to consider the following as you think critically about the task.

Strengths and weaknesses of the three given perspectives

� What insights do they offer, and what do they fail to consider?

� Why might they be persuasive to others, or why might they fail to persuaded?

Your own knowledge experience, and values

� What is your perspective on this issue, and what are its strengths and


� How will you support your perspective in your essay?

Page 3: New ACT Writing Topic Tech Makes Your More Alone 06

新七宗罪(Seven Logical Fallacies) New ACT Writing Template


(Introduction Paragraph)

Does technology make us alone? Different people hold different views toward

this issue. On the one hand (正面論點正面論點正面論點正面論點), information is at our fingertips and we can

interact with people all over this globe incessantly. On the other hand (反面論點反面論點反面論點反面論點),

you must find yourself surrounded by people who are staring at their screens instead

of having face-to-face conversation. How do we think about the conflicts between

the former and the latter. My logics and reasons follow.

(Body Paragraph I)

(perspective one 原文正面論點原文正面論點原文正面論點原文正面論點) In the perspective one, it states that we can

be more sociable by applying some good new technologies. (perspective one 正面正面正面正面

論點自己寫的支持論點自己寫的支持論點自己寫的支持論點自己寫的支持證據證據證據證據)Technology is supposed to make us more connected. We can

stay in touch with our friends all the time on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and, of

course, by texting. In a word, with the spread of mobile technology, it’s become much

easier for more people to maintain constant contact with their social networks online.

And a lot of people are taking advantage of that opportunity.

(perspective one 的的的的 counter-argument/使用使用使用使用 post hoc fallacy)

However, the sequence of the two events in itself does not sufficiently prove

that the former caused the later. Some critics claim that our smartphones actually

getting in the way of real socializing as smartphones will continue to intrude more

into our private and social spaces. And also, being obsessed with documenting

everything through photographs and videos preventing us from living in the moment?

(Body Paragraph II)

(perspective two 原文原文原文原文正面論點正面論點正面論點正面論點) In regards to perspective two, it points out

that it's the new technology that makes us more alone.(perspective two 正面論點正面論點正面論點正面論點

自己寫的支持自己寫的支持自己寫的支持自己寫的支持證據證據證據證據) One indicator is that some recent surveys of adults in the U.S.

found that at least half of Facebook users check the site several times a day. That

sounds like people are becoming more sociable. But some people think the opposite is

happening. The problem, they say, is that we spend so much time maintaining

superficial connections online that we aren’t dedicating enough time or effort to

cultivating deeper real-life relationships. Too much chatter, too little real


(perspective two 的的的的 counter-argument/使用使用使用使用 hasty generalization logical error)

However, information provided in the argument is incomplete to make

thorough and justified evaluation about the actual situation. For example,

online social networks supplement face-to-face sociability, but they don’t replace it.

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新七宗罪(Seven Logical Fallacies) New ACT Writing Template


We can expand our social horizons online, deepen our connections to the world

around us, and at the same time take advantage of technology to make our closest

relationships even closer.

(Body Paragraph III)

(perspective three 原文原文原文原文正面論點正面論點正面論點正面論點) In regards to perspective three, it points

out that if we should discipline ourselves in this regard. Indeed, excessive or

restricted use of technology will both hurt our networking among friends. Only with

proper time allocation could be avoid the distracting effect from using it and hence

could we enhance our real-world relationship.

(Conclusion Paragraph- Choose your own perspective)

Using examples and reasons drawn above, I will be in favor of Perspective


I will start by saying that I have embraced technology in my life and parents and

schools should teach about responsible technology use and about enhancing

classroom efficacy. The total effect has been to allow us to connect more with the

people in our virtual world—but communicate less with those who are in our real

world. Our real and virtual worlds certainly overlap, as many of our virtual friends are

also our real friends. But the time and effort we put into our virtual worlds limit the

time to connect and especially to communicate on a deeper level in our real world. As

a result, we need to examine our technology use to ensure that it isn’t getting in the

way of our being sociable and getting the emotional support we need from the people

who are closest to us. Sometimes, Sometimes, we need to put our phones away in

social settings and consider making personal contact to remain the deepened
