Page 1: NEWSZAK A · 2012. 11. 4. · Ambassador to Russia Dorit Golender, Rabbi Aaron Gurevich, the head of FJC Russia’s Department for Cooperating with the Military, the Ministry of Emergency

A p r i l 2 0 1 1 / T e v e t 5 7 7 1 / N o . 1 9NEWSZAK A

To donate:


MICHAEL MIRILASVILI, Chairman, ZAKA International Board Of Directors

RAFAEL AHARONI President, ZAKA, Hong Kong Macau and China

YAACOV PERI Chairman, ZAKA Board of Trustees

CHIEF RABBI LORD Jonathan Sacks Patron of British Friends of ZAKA


Page 2: NEWSZAK A · 2012. 11. 4. · Ambassador to Russia Dorit Golender, Rabbi Aaron Gurevich, the head of FJC Russia’s Department for Cooperating with the Military, the Ministry of Emergency

Dear Friends of ZAKA,Welcome to another edition of NewsZAKA, bringing you up to date with some of the latest activities in the organization.

Tragically, this period saw the first terror attack in Jerusalem in years, as well as the brutal murder of the Fogel family and a natural disaster of cata-strophic proportions in Japan – ZAKA was there, offering assistance and our unique experience. We continue to expand internationally, with more trained units in Russia and America.

Thank you in advance for your generosity which allows ZAKA to continue its operations. Secure donations can be made via our websites (dollars); (sterling) or (euros).

Please forward this e-newsletter to family and friends.

Yehuda Meshi-ZahavZAKA Chairman

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Page 3: NEWSZAK A · 2012. 11. 4. · Ambassador to Russia Dorit Golender, Rabbi Aaron Gurevich, the head of FJC Russia’s Department for Cooperating with the Military, the Ministry of Emergency



In late January, ZAKA signed a cooperation agreement with the American organization Chesed Shel Emes, which will now operate under the umbrella of the U.N.-recognized ZAKA International Rescue Unit in all their dealings with international entities and the government in Washington.Hardly a week later, the first fruits of this joint effort already came to light.Sunday morning (Israeli time) the phones in the ZAKA headquarters rang and on the phone was a Chabad shaliach from Chennai, India who reported the death of a 56 year old Israeli citizen

who passed away in Chennai, with no known family. The local coroner’s office refused to release the body without the consent of the next-of-kin, and therefore ZAKA’s assistance was required in finding the next-of-kin in Israel.ZAKA activated their resources

in Israel, pulled all strings but to no avail. After further researching the matter ZAKA discovered that the deceased also carried U.S. citizenship. The ZAKA representative on the case contacted their new American partners at Chesed Shel Emes for help.On Sunday morning (U.S. time) when Chesed

ב בהסכם של שיתוף פעולה"ארה' חסד של אמת - CSE'א ו"זק

ב יעבוד תחת המטרייה הבינלאומית של "ארה' חסד של אמת - CSE'ארגון א"זק

' חסד של אמת'א יהודה משי זהב לבין הנהלת "ר ארגון זק"בין יו בניו יורק במפגש שנערך השבועחסד 'על שיתוף פעולה בין שני הארגונים בפעילות הוחלט , ב בנשיאותו של הרב מנדל רוזנברג"בארה

.ב ובעולם"ברחבי ארה' של אמת

מונה כחמש מאות מתנדבים , ב בנשיאותו של הרב מנדל רוזנברג"בארה' חסד של אמת - CSE 'ארגון החל מטיפול ביהודים גלמודים , ב"ברחבי ארה' חסד של אמת'מסורים המטפלים בכל אירוע של

ועד . וקבורה יהודית, הלוויה, טהרה, ודואגים להם לכל הנצרך, ים לא יהודיםהנפטרים בבתי חולומניעת נתיחת ושריפת , אסונות, בתאונות דרכים, לעמידה על המשמר בכל נושא של כבוד המת

כמו גם , ב מכל החוגים"הינו בעל נסיון רב המוערך על ידי כל רבני ארה' חסד של אמת'ארגון . גופות .ב על מקצועיותם ורצינותם הרבה"ת בארהעל ידי השלטונו

', כבוד המת'הקדיש את חייו לנושא , הרב מנדל רוזנברג העומד זה כחמש עשרה שנה בראש הארגוןלנפטרים ' כבוד המת'ובדרכו המיוחדת הצליח לחולל מהפך של ממש בהתייחסות השלטונות למושג

תמיד הייתה לכבד את הנפטרים ולתמוך במשפחותיהם 'חסד של אמת'המטרה של " .היהודים "פ בין הארגונים יעצים את היכולות של שני הארגונים בכל מקום בעולם"שת, בהתמודדות מול האסון

הרב מאיר , הרב צבי גלוק, ר הרב מנדל רוזנברג"היו' חסד של אמת - CSE'חברי הנהלת בפגישה בין א מתי גולדשטיין "מפקד היחידה הבינלאומית של זק, שי זהבא יהודה מ"ר ארגון זק"לבין יו, ברגרא "יעבוד מעתה תחת המטרייה של ארגון זק' חסד אל אמת'סוכם שארגון , צ היחידה דובי מייזל"וקמב

. הן אל מול גופים בינלאומיים והן מול גורמי הממשל בוושינגטון, ם"י האו"כארגון בינלאומי המוכר עהשתלמויות משותפות והעשרה , ב"שותפים למתנדבים חדשים בארהבהמשך מתוכננים קורסים מ

 .ב למתנדבים של שני הארגונים"הדדית בארץ ובארה

באירועים שהצריכו , יש נסיון רב של שיתוף פעולה בעבר' חסד של אמת -  CSE'א ו"לארגון זק: הב אמרא יהודה משי ז"ר ארגון זק"יו. מעורבות בינלאומית ויכולת לוגיסטית ומבצעית רבהשדרוג כוח משמעותי ליחידה הבינלאומית של שההתחברות ושיתוף הפעולה בין שני הארגונים יהווה

ב "ויתרום רבות ליכולות של שני הארגונים בהגנה על כבוד המת ברחבי העולם בכלל ובארה ,א"זק .בפרט


Page 4: NEWSZAK A · 2012. 11. 4. · Ambassador to Russia Dorit Golender, Rabbi Aaron Gurevich, the head of FJC Russia’s Department for Cooperating with the Military, the Ministry of Emergency

Shel Emes Headquarters received the call, Rabbi Zvi Gluck, Director of Government relations for Chesed shel Emes sprung into action and immediately phoned his contacts in the U.S. State Dept. who, after receiving the proper approvals, provided valuable assistance in locating next of kin. Chesed Shel Emes then assigned two volunteers to work the phones. After several hours of investigation, numerous phone calls, interviews spanning Oregon, Arizona, Illinois, Florida, and Hawaii, a first cousin was finally located in Hawaii. He then directed them to a brother who lives in Florida.The conference call was made between Chesed Shel Emes, the brother, and the American Consulate in Chennai, documents were signed, permission was given, and the body was to be released the next morning.The case looked all but settled when the setbacks began. The first setback was when the local coroner’s office decided to do an autopsy. The U.S. State Dept. was contacted again, and after numerous hours of work by their foreign affairs office, the U.S. Consulate in Chennai, and the Israeli Consulate in Mumbai, who really showed respect, care and compassion for this cause, the

autopsy was successfully prevented, and we hereby express our deepest appreciation for their extraordinary efforts.The next setback came when a close friend of his in India tried to get the body donated for scientific purposes. However due to the great work of the dedicated volunteers who located the blood relatives and legal next-of-kin, that request was overridden.A Jew who would probably never have gotten a kosher, Jewish and timely burial, received a timely burial in India, kosher to the highest standards, all made possible by the recent agreement between Chesed Shel Emes and ZAKA, and the amazing work of the previously mentioned government agencies.TIME FOR TRAININGAs part of the cooperation agreement with CSE, ZAKA International Rescue Unit heads Mati Goldstein and Dovie Maisel ran a week-long training workshop for 45 active CSE volunteers in New York during March. Given their years of experience in handling unnatural deaths in New York, the CSE volunteers received training that focused on emergency first response and disaster management at mass casualty incidents.


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For the fourth consecutive year, the ZAKA Rescue and Recovery Organization launched a Purim accident prevention campaign, in cooperation with local municipalities and health funds. The campaign, which included explanatory material, advertisements and lectures by ZAKA volunteers in schools, was designed to raise awareness among parents and children of the safety precautions to be taken during the festive holiday period.

Motti Bukchin, ZAKA spokesman and volunteer who initiated the campaign, noted that most accidents that happen during Purim are a result of lack of understanding of safety needs. “We have seen a significant reduction in the number of burns and other accidents related to the holiday, as a result of this accident prevention campaign. For ZAKA, it is of the utmost importance to reach as many children as possible with this information campaign”



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RESCUE UNIT As part of its global initiative to train local volunteers in emergency preparedness and disaster management, the Israel-based, ZAKA volunteer rescue and recovery organization completed intensive training during February in Moscow of a local branch of the ZAKA

International Rescue Unit. The 25-member Russia unit joins a growing global network of ZAKA-trained volunteers in major Jewish communities in the USA, Mexico, Argentina, Europe and the Far East, all trained and equipped to deal with any disaster or mass casualty incident in their region.


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The intensive week-long training workshop was sponsored by the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar and Chairman of the ZAKA International Board of Directors Michael Mirilashvili. Mati Goldstein and Dovie Maisel, the veteran co-directors of the Israel-based ZAKA International Rescue Unit with experience of international disasters that includes, among others, Haiti, Mumbai, the tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, led the workshop which included training in emergency medical response, mass casualty triage and management, honoring the dead and basic forensics in accordance with Jewish law. The Deputy Director of the National Institute of Forensic Medicine in Israel Dr. Nachman Ricardo and Chairman of the ZAKA Rabbinical Committee Rabbi Ya’acov Roget also gave lectures to the participants. The course ended with a mass casualty drill, simulating a suicide attack during a Friday night service in a synagogue. At a festive graduation ceremony hosted by the Moscow Jewish Community Center with the participation of Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, Israel Ambassador to Russia Dorit Golender, Rabbi Aaron Gurevich, the head of FJC Russia’s Department for Cooperating with the Military, the Ministry of Emergency Affairs and Law Enforcement Agencies and other local emergency personnel,

the participants received certificates, the yellow ZAKA vest and emergency medical equipment. Speaking at the event, Rabbi Lazar noted that “Unfortunately, terror today is a global phenomenon and therefore it is important to learn from ZAKA’s extensive experience. These newly-trained ZAKA volunteers will now be able to offer professional help at any disaster or terror attack, not just among the Jewish community but for anyone in need of assistance, regardless of religion, race or creed.”ZAKA Chairman and Founder Yehuda Meshi Zahav: “ZAKA, which is recognized by the United Nations as an international volunteer humanitarian organization, wishes to share its expertise with the global Jewish community so that we are able to better equip and prepare ourselves for any eventuality.”


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HUNDREDS OF ZAKA VOLUNTEERS RECHARGE THEIR BATTERIES AT THE ORGANIZATION’S ANNUAL SHABBATON RETREAT.Hundreds of ZAKA volunteers, accompanied by their families, recently enjoyed the annual ZAKA Shabbaton retreat on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, as guests of the President of the ZAKA International Board of Directors Michael

Mirilashvili.On call 24/7, always ready and equipped to answer emergency calls, the volunteers in the ZAKA Rescue and Recovery Organization have to contend with distressing scenes on a daily basis.


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This constant stress and exposure to tragedy takes its toll on the emotional and physical health of the volunteers – and their families. The weekend retreat serves as both an expression of gratitude for their selfless volunteering and also an opportunity for the men and their families to relax and recharge their batteries. The volunteers and their families were warmly received in the hotel, with every detail taken care of to ensure a peaceful, enjoyable and spiritual Shabbat– from welcome packages of food and drink in the rooms to special commemorative benchers. During one Shabbat meal, the Rabbi of the Georgian community Rav Yaacov Gagashvili related the story of how his own life had been saved by ZAKA volunteers, who worked on him for twenty minutes until his heartbeat returned after he suffered heart failure. “It is only because of you that I am here and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for saving my life.”Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Rabbi Moshe Asman and ZAKA commander in Russia Rabbi Yehoshua

Deutsch came to Israel specially for the event, bringing with them a letter from the Chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Berel Lazar in which he wrote: “The ZAKA organization is a symbol of love and unity, an organization that is dedicated to acts of loving-kindness and helps all mankind, regardless of religion, race or creed.” The organization also hosted Dudi Gotstein, the sole survivor from the fatal August 2010 Kiryat Gat train crash in which ZAKA volunteer Arieh Bernstein and six members of his family were killed. At the conclusion of Shabbat, two ZAKA ambulances donated by Michael Mirilashvili in memory of his father Moses Gabriel were inaugurated in a festive ceremony. A special presentation was also made to Michael’s wife Leah Mirilashvili.With this, the hundreds of volunteers set off on their journey home, with renewed physical energy and spiritual strength to continue their sacred work in saving lives and honoring the dead.


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Just two days after ZAKA volunteers attempted to save the life of Mary Jane Gardner, the British Bible student who was killed in the Jerusalem bomb attack on 23.3.11, the British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould presented ZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi-Zahav and ZAKA Divers Unit head Haim Outmezgine with an underwater scooter to be used by the specialist ZAKA Divers Unit in life-saving search and rescue missions at sea, in rivers and reservoirs. The presentation took place at the Ambassador’s residence in Ramat Gan, with a demonstration of the underwater scooter in the swimming pool by ZAKA volunteer diver Roi Rachamim.However, the Ambassador, who is a qualified diver, could not resist the opportunity to get into the pool and test out the underwater scooter for himself. After the official presentation and speeches were over, the Ambassador changed out of his business suit, donned swimming trunks, T-shirt and full diving gear and entered the still chilly waters of the pool.


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Asking the journalists present to turn off their cameras, the Ambassador swam underwater for several lengths of the pool, holding the underwater scooter between his legs. Emerging from the water to the evident delight of his heavily pregnant wife Celia (the only person present allowed to record the event for posterity), the Ambassador wrapped himself in a Union Jack towel and gave his seal of approval. The scooter – the third in the ZAKA Divers Unit - allows ZAKA volunteer divers to move swiftly through the water, hands free and without effort, carrying the necessary life-saving rescue equipment with them. British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould: “The British Embassy is glad to be supporting ZAKA. They do amazing work, helping people regardless of their background, race or religion. The awful events of this week have reminded us of the importance of what they do, and how necessary their work is.”ZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi-Zahav: “When we arranged the presentation of this generous gift from the British Embassy to the ZAKA Divers Unit, we never imagined that it would take place just 48 hours after ZAKA volunteers tried to save the life of a British national, at the scene of a terror attack in Jerusalem. This underwater scooter, which allows the ZAKA divers to move faster through the water, will certainly help us in our humanitarian mission to save lives.” The ZAKA Divers Unit is one of four specialist search and rescue units (Divers, Jet-Ski, Jeeps and Canine units), which provide the UN-recognized humanitarian volunteer organization with enhanced search and rescue abilities. Staffed by 268 professional and amateur divers split into four regional units, the volunteers receive specialist training, four times a year, in search and rescue and life-saving techniques. The mainly secular volunteers include ex-Navy commanders, 10 women and Israeli Arabs. ZAKA supplements the divers’ own equipment with specialist tools for search and rescue, including oxygen tanks, ropes, flares, underwater lights and the underwater scooter – all provided by donations from supporters around the world.


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“Absolutely horrific”. With these words, the ZAKA volunteers described the shocking sight that greeted them Friday night (11.3.11) when they entered the home of the Fogel family in Itamar, shortly after the terror attack that killed five family members. “We saw toys lying next to pools of blood, Shabbat clothes covered in blood and everywhere the smell of death mixing with the aroma of the Shabbat meal.” Despite their constant exposure to difficult and tragic scenes during the course of their work, the ZAKA volunteers described these horrific sights as “among the worst we have ever seen’.

Parents Ruth and Udi Fogel, aged 35 and 36 respectively, their three-month-old girl, Hadas, and two boys, Elad, three, and Yoav, 11, were brutally stabbed to death late Friday night by at least one suspected terrorist who infiltrated the Itamar settlement southeast of Nablus. The family’s oldest child, 12- year-old Tamar, discovered the horrific scene when she returned to her home later in the evening, rescued two other siblings – aged two and eight – who were in a side room but unharmed, and raised the alarm. The family previously lived in Gush Katif, moving to Ariel and then Itamar after the Gaza evacuation in 2005.

ZAKA volunteer and regional commander Gil Bismuth arrived at the scene within a short space of time on Friday evening with other


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ZAKA volunteers: “We discovered the family who had been murdered with such cruelty. The images were absolutely horrific – a slaughter of innocent children in their home. We did what we were able to do within the framework of the Sabbath. ZAKA volunteers watched over the bodies, which remained in the home through the Sabbath, in accordance with Jewish law.”

Immediately at the end of Shabbat, a large team of ZAKA volunteers from nearby Emanuel and the wider region were dispatched to the Fogel home, where they carried out their sacred work for many hours, clearing the terror scene and ensuring that all human remains were collected. In accordance with a request made by the ZAKA organization, the bodies were not removed to the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute. Instead, the identification work was carried out at the scene of the attack by Abu Kabir Director Dr. Yehuda Hiss in the presence of the Head of the ZAKA Rabbinical Council Rabbi Ya’acov Roget. Thousands attended the funerals in Jerusalem.


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ZAKA AND IRAN MEET IN JAPANZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi-Zahav and his fellow volunteers in the ZAKA delegation in Japan are used to finding themselves in unusual situations during times of emergency. However, this time, it was particularly unusual.After helping Japanese and international search and rescue teams search for bodies in the tsunami-devastated port city of Kamashi, the ZAKA volunteers were sent to help with food distribution to the surviving residents.“It was only while we were working that we noticed the Iranian flag flying over the food station,” explains Meshi-Zahav. “After the initial embarrassment on both sides, we all put our

political views to the side in order to carry out our shared humanitarian mission.”The ZAKA volunteers are involved in heavy physical work. “We strip the buildings, sometimes we use heavy machinery,” Meshi-Zahav explained. “The team gets reports from the Japanese authorities about the missing, then goes from building to building looking for bodies. We are not talking about rescuing the living, but about locating bodies and giving them a burial, in order to bring some relief to the bereaved families.” Where crows hoverIn Kamaishi, ZAKA volunteers were able to rescue seven bodies belonging to one family that was


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buried under the rubble. They also assisted in the identification of the dead. The Israeli team taught the locals to spot crows and explained that, from their experience, dead bodies can be found where crows hover. "They took us to a hangar containing about 100 unidentified bodies and requested that we help them. We've gained a lot of experience identifying bodies after the tsunami in Thailand, and here the bodies' condition was similar so we were able to help out," Meshi-Zahav explained. Israel’s good sideAs a United Nations-recognized search and rescue organization, ZAKA is on the scene to provide any assistance required. “ZAKA benefits from the help it gives as well. We learn how to respond to disasters of this scale, in case, G-d forbid, one were to happen to us.”Israel also benefits, according to Meshi-Zahav. “There are people in Japan who never heard of Israel before, or who heard of Israel and when they see us, come to learn more. This is a tremendous Kiddush Hashem [sanctification of G-d's name]... We show Israel's good side.”

If at first you don’t succeed…Immediately after the news of the massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami disaster in Japan broke in early March, a multi-national ZAKA team, headed by ZAKA International Rescue Unit Director Mati Goldstein and Chief Operations Director Dovie Maisel flew to Hong Kong. However, due to the volatile nature of the radio-active threat, it was decided that the team, with members from Israel, UK and Hong Kong, would not to continue on to Japan for safety reasons. In Hong Kong, the volunteers worked in close cooperation with Chabad representatives in Hong Kong and Japan, assisting with humanitarian efforts related to the provision and distribution of food and other basic needs for the communities in Japan, as well as the evacuees who arrived in Hong Kong. Mati Goldstein: “Although we were unable to continue to Japan, this exercise only served to underline the value of establishing a network of trained and equipped go-to teams, with volunteers ready to assist in mass casualty incidents, wherever they take place.”

