
Nicaragua TPL and TPP

New York

June 10, 2014 Copyright © 2014 Jon Fee All Rights Reserved


Items of interest

• Nicaragua TPL extension

• Trans-Pacific Partnership


• Trade Promotion Authority


• Textile and apparel features

• Timing of TPA and TPP

• The trade and political


Nicaragua TPL

• Nicaragua TPL is a CAFTA

feature allowing duty-free

treatment of limited quantities

of cotton, man-made fiber and

certain wool apparel made

from foreign, non-CAFTA

fabric and yarn

• The TPL is limited to 100

million SMEs per year (with a

sublimit of 1.5 million SMEs

for certain men’s wool sport


Nicaragua TPL

• For woven trousers,

Nicaragua must export an

equal quantity of

originating trousers to the

United States, up to a cap

of 50 million SMEs

• Any shortfall is subtracted

from the TPL for the

succeeding year

• The TPL expires at the

end of 2014!

Nicaragua TPL

• Last summer, Sen. Feinstein (D-

CA) introduced legislation to

extend the TPL through 2024

• Extension is opposed by some

producers in other CAFTA

countries and their U.S.

customers, who enjoy no similar

advantage, and by U.S. textile

interests who say Nicaragua has

sufficiently developed its apparel

exports so that it no longer needs

this benefit

Nicaragua TPL

• Sen. Hagan (D-NC) introduced a more modest bill in December that would extend the TPL for ten years only as to woven trousers and shorts, subject to an earned import allowance program

• Participating producers or entities controlling production would establish accounts with U.S. Commerce and would get credit for exports of fabric wholly formed in the United States of yarns wholly formed in the United States

Nicaragua TPL

• The SMEs of eligible

apparel the producer or

entity could receive each

year could not exceed the

credits in his account

• The program would be

limited to 50 million SMEs

per year; but it could

generally be increased in 10

percent increments per year

if 90 percent utilized in the

previous year

Nicaragua TPL

• Prospects for passage of

either the Feinstein or

Hagan bill are uncertain

• In some ways the damage

of expiration has already

been done because

participants can’t plan past

2014 with confidence

• And uncertainty is the last

thing Nicaraguan producers

need right now with TPP

looming in the future

TPP generally

• Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile,

Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New

Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the

United States and Vietnam

• “Comprehensive,”

“ambitious,” “high-standard,”

“21st-century” FTA

• US “pivot,” “rebalancing”

toward Asia

• 40 percent of US goods trade

Vietnamese apparel and TPP


• Vietnam is a formidable supplier of apparel to the United States

• It’s second behind China

• Kim Glas, formerly of CITA, says that textile and apparel imports from Vietnam have increased 40 percent since TPP talks began in 2010

• 16 percent increase in first quarter 2014 compared to first quarter 2013

Vietnam’s China problem

• Vietnam doesn’t produce much yarn or fabric (that may change!)

• It gets lots of yarn and fabric from China; but apparel containing that fabric would not be yarn forward – that’s why Vietnam doesn’t like yarn forward

• And think about Korea, which provides one-third of Vietnam’s yarn and fabric!

Central America and TPP??

Yarn Forward??

• Vietnam doesn’t like it

• Malaysia likes it (but with

lots of single transformation


• US retailers and US importer

trade associations (AAFA,

USFIA) don’t like it

• US domestic industry

(NCTO) likes it

• US negotiators (USTR and

CITA) like it – a lot!

Yarn forward

• The TPP apparel origin rule will

almost certainly be “yarn

forward” for most apparel

• Preferential treatment will be

allowed if the component

determining classification is

knitted or woven in TPP

countries from yarn spun or

extruded in TPP countries and

the apparel is cut or knit to

shape and assembled in TPP


What form of preferential treatment?

• Central America,

Colombia, Peru, Panama

and Korea got duty free

treatment right away

• But remember Mexico,

under NAFTA?

• For some NAFTA

garments, duties were

phased out in stages over 5

or more years

• Expect the same for TPP

Baskets for TPP tariff relief

• United States has

proposed three baskets

• First, apparel in a non-

sensitive basket would

be duty-free right away

• Second, apparel in a

middle basket would be

subject to a linear duty

phase-out (20 percent

each year) over five years

• And …

The “X” basket

• an “X basket” of

sensitive apparel

classifications would be

treated specially

• Duty rates on X basket

apparel would be cut by

some percentage (35 to

50 percent?) for an initial

period of several (ten or

15?) years before they

would be reduced to Free

X basket

• X basket will likely cover shirts, sweaters and trousers of cotton and synthetic fiber

• Importers from TPP countries that already have FTAs with the United States (Australia, Canada, Mexico and Peru) could continue to use Free rates available under those FTAs rather than the X basket rates

TPP short supply

• Not like CAFTA – more like

the original NAFTA (but

without NAFTA’s

cumbersome, little-used short

supply feature that theoretically

allows new designations)

• Remember how some single

transformation features were

written into NAFTA for

selected garments of hard-to-

find fabrics? That’s how TPP

will work

TPP short supply

• Interested persons were invited

to suggest (or oppose) short

supply fabrics and yarns on a

website operated by USTR and


• Some non-sensitive apparel

articles will be temporarily

(three years) or permanently

duty-free (or eligible for

reduced duty rates) even though

they incorporate foreign, non

TPP fabrics or yarns

TPP short supply

• The list of short supply

apparel will be fixed by the

terms of the TPP

• Interested persons won’t be

allowed to request new

designations after the TPP

effective date as they are

able to do under CAFTA

• Mexico (a TPP member),

seeks to shorten the list to

protect its access to the U.S.


TPP short supply

• U.S. policy perpetuates two


• First (remember the quota

system?) temporary short supply

features will give U.S. and TPP

industries breathing room to

catch up and start producing

inputs and apparel they don’t

make now

• Second, CAFTA short supply is


TPP short supply

• Will TPP short supply be an

advantage for Central

American apparel


• Consider: a new designation

under CAFTA will never get

short supply treatment under


• And, a short supply fabric or

yarn will be available for any

apparel article and not limited

to certain apparel like TPP


• TPA is “fast track” trade negotiation authority under which Congress gives the President authority to negotiate FTAs that Congress can approve or disapprove, under expedited procedures, but can’t amend or filibuster

• Last TPA expired in 2007

• President Obama has negotiated TPP as though TPA were still in effect, gambling that Congress will pass TPA legislation while TPP negotiations are ongoing


• Bipartisan TPA proposed in early 2014

• Democrats complained it didn’t allow sufficient Congressional oversight of the final TPP terms

• Slowed when key cosigner Sen. Baucus (D-MT) left the Senate to become ambassador to China

• Slowed further when House Minority Leader Pelosi said Democrats couldn’t support TPA as written

Other issues in Congress

• Senate Finance Committee

Chairman Widen (D-OR) wants to

do TPA quickly; but doesn’t want

to just “throw something


• Ranking Republican Hatch (UT)

recently said, the “political clock is

ticking” and there isn’t much time

left this year

• Sixty senators and 230 House

members want currency

manipulation addressed in TPP

And then there’s Congress

• TPA will likely not move

until after the 2014 elections,

maybe in a lame duck

session, when Democrats

learn whether Republicans

gain control of the Senate

and have their last chance to

control the content of the bill

• After that, the Presidential

election comes into play –

TPP could be delayed until

the next administration

So don’t hold your breath for either

Jon Fee

Alston & Bird LLP

950 F Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20004

202 239 3387

[email protected]