
Oxford University Hong Kong Society 牛津大學香港同學會We are a group of passionate first-years running for OUHKS Executive Commitee for the 2014-2015 session. We named this cabinet Momentum in the hope that the society will go from strength to strength in the com-ing year, building on its elaborate tradition with new-found rigour. In addition to organizing new events, for example Oxbridge Social in HK with the Cambridge University Chinese Society (CUCS), we will also organize signature events in new ways, for example cohosting CNY Dinner with the Taiwanese Students Society (OUT-SS) and Michealmas drinks with the Chinese Society (OUCS). We realize the potential of our society and will go to great lengths to improve this home that we all share in Oxford. We promise you a sensational year.


My name is John Chan (陳楚傑). I am a law student at St. Peter’s College and your can-didate for presidency. At the start of Michaelmas I came to Oxford not knowing what to expect, excited but also unsure of how I would integrate into such a large institution. KongSo helped to ease me into what became a comfortable environment and provided me with a social anchor at Oxford. I pledge to provide our members, especially incoming freshers with exactly that. In Hong Kong, KongSo is a community that gathers current students and alumni. I will work to ensure that our members have ample opportunities to connect to our robust network of alumni and to extend their social reach beyond KongSo. Finally, thank you for considering me as President and Momentum as your committee.

I am Rachael Ng (伍雋欣), a chemistry student at Brasenose College as well as the pro-posed vice president for OUHKS 2014-2015. One of the core values in the Society is to bring its members together and to form a single community, where members will be able to find support from each other despite being away from home. However, I often find that postgraduates and undergraduates are like two separate entities - there is little interaction between the two. In light of this, I pledge to organise more joint events throughout the year in order to strengthen the link between the two groups.

Hi, I am Nicole Ng (伍雋琪), a first year chemist from Queens College and your can-didate for treasurer in the upcoming year. Hong Kong society plays a crucial role in my student life in Oxford. The extensive social network and the guidances and advice I had before I arrived at Oxford allowed me to settle in this foreign city quickly and I strive to make Hong Kong society a more welcoming place for incoming freshers, just like the way I felt when I first came. As we all know, living expense at Oxford can be quite staggering sometimes, and so I will be working along with Karen, your candidate for external sec-retary, to offer you as many discounts from local restaurants as possible to make life in Oxford more budget friendly. In addition, I pledge to ensure that every single penny in the Hong Kong society will be used appropriately and primarily for your benefits.

Hi! I am Keith Chan (陳文軒), a law student at Oriel College and Momentum’s proposed Internal Secretary. From the very beginning of my time here at Oxford, OUHKS has pro-vided me with a tight-knit network of support, and close friendships that I will cherish for years to come. As Internal Secretary, I hope to ensure not only that the close links among the upper years are retained, but also that each and every fresher will feel the warmth and welcoming atmosphere of this family. In particular, one of my main goals this year would be to enhance the participation of non-local members in events. Thank you for consider-ing me as your Internal Secretary, and please vote Momentum!

Oxford University Hong Kong Society 牛津大學香港同學會

My name is Karen Tsang (曾雅榆), and I am a first year law student at Pembroke Col-lege, running for the role of External Secretary. Hong Kong society was my first point of contact with the university, before Michaelmas term began. The eager, friendly people, and the events organised, opened my eyes to the seemingly infinite scope of possibilities available to me as a member of Oxford, and as a member of the Hong Kong society. This is why I believe we must strive do as much as we can to allow students to not only mingle and get to know each other, but to interact with other Oxford societies, other university students, and people within the wider community. I wish to provide these opportunities to create a close-knit, yet vibrant and active community – and I hope to fulfill these goals as your new External Secretary.

I’m Calvin Lam (林展廷). I’m a first year Economics & Management student at St. Anne’s College. I’m running for the Sports Secretary. I am interested in various kinds of sports activites. I have been playing football regularly for many years. I would like to promote the habit of doing sports to my fellow Hong Kong students. Economics & Man-agement, also known as ‘Easy & Manageable’, is being considered a subject with one of the least workload in Oxford. As an E&M student I can afford to devote a considerable amount of time in fulfilling my responsibilites as a Sports Secretary. Sporting is so fun! Let’s have some fun together next year! Vote for me la please!

You can vote for us either by attending the AGM on 31st May (Saturday of Week 5), or by Proxy Voting. To vote by Proxy, you must follow these procedures: (1) send an email to Jonathan Chan at [email protected] using your own webmail account, requesting a proxy form. Jonathan will then post back an official proxy form with the official chop mark. (2) You must fill it in with your signature. (3) Put in it a sealed enve-lope with (a) your signature across the seal and your name wirtten on the envelope. (4) Return it to Jonathan by post e.g. put it in Jonathan’s pigeon hole at St. Edmund’s College. (5) Jonathan will send a confirmation email to you. The envelope must reach Jonathan before the AGM. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM!


I am Henry Chan (陳雋亨), a Chemist from Hertford and your candidate for academic secretary of OUHKS 2014-15. My fondest memory of my first year at Oxford is of the orientation camp. There, I was comforted to know of all the different students from different backgrounds, reading different subjects and from different colleges, one point of unity can’t be denied – our mutual bonding with Hong Kong. It was at Lei Yu Mun that I’ve developed some of the strongest friendship ties with my fellow Hong Kongers. Needless to say, these friendships were further solidified through my involvement in the FYP. Having experienced the pleasures of teamwork, I would love to commit myself to momentum and give back to prospective Hong Kong students what I’ve taken from OUHKS.

I am Jeffrey Li (李泓軒), a first year physicist at Wadham College and am running for Publications Officer. Throughout the year, the OUHKS has provided me with a sense of belonging in an unfamiliar academic environment and robust foundation of moral support. I perceive this role as an opportunity to give back to the society using a com-bination of my experience in photography and graphics, which will allow me to greatly enhance the society’s image that represents the whole of the Hong Kong community at Oxford. When elected, I plan to develop the OUHKS website into a platform in which members and the public can gain a better insight into the activities held by the society.