Page 1: PAROLE, ÉCRITURE, CODE · 2016-12-04 · Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine Hayles Le propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture






N. Katherine Hayles


Page 2: PAROLE, ÉCRITURE, CODE · 2016-12-04 · Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine Hayles Le propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture

"En dessous de l’action d’ouvrir ou de fermer un fichier électronique (action aussi naturelle pour nous que d’ouvrir ou fermer un livre), se trouvent plusieurs

couches de code. Cela compose une compilation, c’est-à-dire la transformation d’un programme écrit dans un langage lisible par un humain en un programme exécutable par

une machine, et réciproquement."

N. Katherine Hayles

Parole, Écriture, Code : Un propos de compilation

Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine HaylesLe propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture et le code comme une compilation de plusieurs couches de données visant à faire passer un message.Retranscription sur un support éditorial des données du livre et de la composition du propos en utilisant ce principe fondateur de compilation.

Page 3: PAROLE, ÉCRITURE, CODE · 2016-12-04 · Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine Hayles Le propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture

C : 74

M : 4

J : 69

N : 3

Page 43 :

74 mots de texte courant

4 mots de texte légende

69 espaces dans le texte courant

3 espaces dans les légendes

Datavisualisation par la couleur

Une couleur est attribuée à chaque page en fonction du nombre de mots et d’espaces que contiennent les diffé-rents corps de texte présents sur cette page.

Chaque page a une donnée chromatique déterminée en fonction de son contenu textuel.

Page 4: PAROLE, ÉCRITURE, CODE · 2016-12-04 · Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine Hayles Le propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture

Ianis Lallemand, Dépli [II et IV], 2013.

N. K. Hayles, How We �ink : Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2012, p. 91.

N. K. Hayles, Electronic Literature : New Horizons for the Library,

Notre Dame, IL, University of Notre Dame Press, 2008

N. K. Hayles, Chaos Bound : Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science, Ithaca, Cornnell University Press, 1980.

Liquid Modernity, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2000.

N. K. Hayles,Chaos and Order : Complex Dynamics in Literature and Science, Chicago, University of Chicago, 1991.

N. K. Hayles, �e Cosmis Web ; Scientific Fields Models and Literary Strategies in the Twentieth Century, Ithaca, Cornnell University Press, 1984, p. 10.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human :

Virtual bodies in cybernetics, Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 205.

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 5.

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 5.

Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Aux origines des sciences cognitives, Paris, La Découverte, 1994.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 158.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 11.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, Digital subjects and literary Textes, Chicago, �e University of Chicago Press, 2005, p. 43.

"Visual Bodies and flickering signifiers", in How we became post-human,

op.cit. p. 25-49.

Anne Balsamo, Technologies of the genderer body : Reading Cyborg Women,

Durham, Duke University Press, 1996.

Eugene �acker, "Dats made flesh18 : Biotechnology and the discourse of the post-human", Cultural critique 53, "Post-human" [hiver 2003], p. 87.

N. K. Hayles,My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 24.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 3.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 29.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 211.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 106.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 203.

"Intermediation, textuality and the regime of computation", premier chapitre de My mother was a computer.

Stephen Wolfman, A new kind of science, New York, Wolfram Media, 2002.

N. K. Hayles, "Subjective Cosmology and the regime of computation; Intermediation in Greg Egan's Fiction", dernier chapitre de My mother was a computer.

Rodney Brooks, Cambrian Intelligence : �e Early History of the New AI, Cambridge MA, 1999.

Brian Cantwell Smith, On the origin of objects,

Cambridge MA, Bradford Books, 1996, p. 76.Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, Paris, Payot et Rivages, 1998, p. 100.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale,

Paris, Payot et Rivages, 1998, p .45.

Jacques Derrida, Positions,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1972, p. 27.

Derrida, De la grammatogolie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 77.

Derrida, De la grammatogolie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 50.

Jonathan Culler, Ferdinand de Saussure, Ithaca, New York, Cornell UniversityPress, 1986, p. 33.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p. 30.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p. 37.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p.32.

Johanna Drucker, �e visible Word : Experimental typography and modern art, 1909-1923 Chicago, �e University of Chicago Press, 1994, p. 23.

"Intermediation, textuality and the regime of computation" [NdT]

Espen J. Aarseth, Cybertext : Perspectives on Ergodic Literature,

Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Peter Gendolla, "Literatur in Netzen/Netzen Literatur".

Friedrich Kittler, "�ere is no software", in Essays : Literature, media, information systems, John Johnston, Amsterdam, 1997, p. 147-155.

Jacques Derrida, "La di�érance", Marges de la philosophie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 2003, p. 1-29.

Jacques Derrida, "La di�érance", Marges de la philosophie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 2003, p. 1-29.

Derrida,Positions, op.cit. p. 29-30.

Jacques Derrida, Séminaire XX Encore, Paris, Seuil, 1975.

Derrida, "Signature évènement contexte", Marges de la philosophie, op.cit. p. 378.

Derrida, "Signature évènement contexte", Marges de la philosophie, op.cit. p. 377.

Don Blaheta, "�e Lambda Calculus".

Alexander R. Galloway, Protocal : How control exists after decentralization,

Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2004, p. 165.

Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p. 38.

Saussure, op.cit. p. 13-19.

Derrida, Marges de la philosophie, op.cit. p. 381.

Derrida, De la grammatologie, op.cit. p. 26.

Loss Pequeno Glazier, Dig[iT]al Poet[i][c]s: �e making of E-Poetries,

Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2002.

Rita Raley, "Reveal Codes", Postmodern Culture 12, n°1, septembre 2001.

Talan Memmott, Lexia to Perplexia, 2000 .

M.D. Coverley, �e book of going forth by day.

Harold J. Morowitz, �e Emergence of everything, op.cit.

"[un]masking the Agent : Stanislaw Lem's "�e Mask""[NdT].

"Intermediation : Textuality and regime of computation" [Ndt]

Derrida, De la grammatologie, op.cit. p. 59.

Derrida, De la grammatologie, op.cit. p. 68. Bruce Ecken,

�inking in C++,Englewood Cli�, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1995, p. 43.

Bruce Ecken, �inking in C++, Englewood Cli�, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1995, p.37-38.

Andrew Koenig et Barbara E. Moo, "Preface", Accelerated C++,

Redwood City, CA, Addison-Wesley, 2000.

Eckel, �inking in C++, op.cit. p. 40.

Raley, "Machine translation and global english", op.cit.

Eckel, �inking in C++, op.cit. p. 35.

Raley, "Machine translation and global english", op.cit.

Raley, "Machine translation and global english", op.cit.

"Stimulating narratives : what virtual creatures san teach us" [Ndt]

"[un]masking the Agent : Stanislaw Lem's ‘�e Mask’" [NdT]

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, Digital subjects and literary Textes, Chicago, �e University of Chicago Press, 2005.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 39.

Derrida,De la grammatologie,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 83.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 40.

N. K. Hayles,My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 26

N. K. Hayles,My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 52.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 41.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 30.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 33.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human : Virtual bodies in cybernetics,

Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 30.

Lisa Gitelman, "Materiality has always been in play" An interview with N. K. Hayles, �e Iowa Review Web, 2002.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 26.

Alexander R. Galloway,Protocal : How control exists after decentralization,Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2004, p. 165.

Harold J. Morowitz, �e Emergence of everything : How the world became complex, New York, Oxford University Press, 2002.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p.55.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 16.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 288.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human,op.cit. p. 291.

Hayles, How we became post-human,

op.cit. p. 195.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 196

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 10.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human :

Virtual bodies in cybernetics, Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 211.

N. K. Hayles, Writting Machines, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2002.

N. K. Hayles,Writting Machines,Web Supplement

Lisa Gitelman et N. K. Hayles,"Materiality has always been in play"An interview with N. K. Hayles", IJCS

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p.7.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p.31.Nick Montfort, 10 PRINT CHR$[205.5+RND(1)]; : GOTO 10, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2013.

Marck C. Marino, "Critical Code Studies", Electronic Book Review, 4 Décembre 2006.

N. K. Hayles et Hope Leman,"Interview with N. K. Hayles - Author, Editor and Postmodern Literary Critic", Critical Margins.

Jay David Bolter et Richard Grusin, Remediation Understanting New Media, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2000.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 17.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 13-14.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 65-94.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine : Technologies and its discontent, San Francisco, City Ligths Books, 1997.

Ellen Ulman, "Elegance and Entropy - Interview with Scott Rosenberg",

Salon 21st.

Martin Davis, �e universal computer : From Leibritq to Turing, New York, W.W. Norton, 2000.

Jacques Derrida, "Limited Inc, abc", Limited inc. Paris, Galilée, p. 61-197.

William R. Paulson, Literary Culture in a World Transformed, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 2001.

Open source.

Lev Manovih, �e Language of New Media, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2002, p. 229-233.

Rita Raley,"Machine Translation and Global English", Yale journal of criticism 16, n°2 [automne 2003], p. 291-313.

Wolfram, A New Kind of Science, op.cit.

Shelley Jackson, "Flickering connectivities", in Patchwork girl.

Wendy Hui Kyong Chan, "On the persistence of visual knowledge", Modern Language Association, San Diego CA, 28 Décembre 2003.

Alexander R. Galloway, Protocol, op.cit. p.146-207.

Matthew Fuller, Behind th Blip : Essays in the culture if software,

New York, Autonomedia, 2003.






N. Katherine HaylesDES













"En dessous de l’action d’ouvrir ou de fermer un fichier électronique (action aussi naturelle pour nous que d’ouvrir ou fermer un livre), se trouvent plusieurs

couches de code. Cela compose une compilation, c’est-à-dire la transformation d’un programme écrit dans un langage lisible par un humain en un programme exécutable par

une machine, et réciproquement."

N. Katherine Hayles

Datavisualisation par la couleur

La définition d’une couleur par page permet de réaliser une datavisualisation du livre par une game chromatique.

La couleur est définie en fonction des corps de texte courant et de légende, ainsi plus la page est rouge plus il y de légendes. À l’inverse, plus la page est bleu, plus le texte courant est important. Les pages blanches sont alors des pages ne contenant ni texte courant ni légendes.

Ainsi cette game chromatique permet de visualiser l’intensité du propos ainsi que sa structuration du discours, ici composé de quatre parties.

Partie 1 Partie 2 Partie 3 Partie 4

Page 5: PAROLE, ÉCRITURE, CODE · 2016-12-04 · Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine Hayles Le propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture

111010 1110 11

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human : Virtual bodies in cybernetics, Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 211.

N. K. Hayles, Writting Machines,

Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2002.

N. K. Hayles,Writting Machines,Web Supplement

Lisa Gitelman et N. K. Hayles,"Materiality has always been in play"An interview with N. K. Hayles", IJCS

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 195.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 196

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 10.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human : Virtual bodies in cybernetics, Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 211.

N. K. Hayles, Writting Machines,

Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2002.

N. K. Hayles,Writting Machines,Web Supplement

Lisa Gitelman et N. K. Hayles,"Materiality has always been in play"An interview with N. K. Hayles", IJCS

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 195.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 196

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 10.

28 2928 2928 29

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale,

Paris, Payot et Rivages, 1998, p. 100.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale,

Paris, Payot et Rivages, 1998, p .45.

Jacques Derrida, Positions,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1972, p. 27.

Derrida, De la grammatogolie,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 77.

Derrida, De la grammatogolie,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 50.

Jonathan Culler, Ferdinand de Saussure,

Ithaca, New York, Cornell UniversityPress, 1986, p. 33.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale,

Paris, Payot et Rivages, 1998, p. 100.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale,

Paris, Payot et Rivages, 1998, p .45.

Jacques Derrida, Positions,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1972, p. 27.

Derrida, De la grammatogolie,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 77.

Derrida, De la grammatogolie,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 50.

Jonathan Culler, Ferdinand de Saussure,

Ithaca, New York, Cornell UniversityPress, 1986, p. 33.

Datavisualisation par l’emplacement des données

Les légendes du texte renvoient aux différentes références utilisées par l’auteur pour construire son propos. Je matérialise ces références en tant que liens hypertextes référants à d’autres ouvrages.

La mise en page des légendes est établie en fonction de l’emplacement des notes dans le corps de texte ainsi que dans le corps de légende. Ainsi à chaque page corespond un emplacement de légendes.

Page 6: PAROLE, ÉCRITURE, CODE · 2016-12-04 · Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine Hayles Le propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine : Technologies and its discontent, San Francisco, City Ligths Books, 1997.

Ellen Ulman, "Elegance and Entropy - Interview with Scott Rosenberg",

Salon 21st.

Martin Davis, �e universal computer : From Leibritq to Turing, New York, W.W. Norton, 2000.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 17.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 13-14.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 65-94.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine : Technologies and its discontent, San Francisco, City Ligths Books, 1997.

Ellen Ulman, "Elegance and Entropy - Interview with Scott Rosenberg",

Salon 21st.

Martin Davis, �e universal computer : From Leibritq to Turing, New York, W.W. Norton, 2000.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 17.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 13-14.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 65-94.

La compilation

L’impression sur calque et rodoïde permet d’associer les deux types de visualisation :Chaque page est représentée par son calque coloré référant et son rodoïde de légendes quivient se superposer à cette couleur. Un calque + un rodoïde = une page.Si la page ne contient pas de légendes alors il n’y a pas de rodoïde.

La superposition de ces médiums permet de visualiser la compilation du propos et des données du livre.

Page 7: PAROLE, ÉCRITURE, CODE · 2016-12-04 · Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine Hayles Le propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture

Ianis Lallemand, Dépli [II et IV], 2013.

N. K. Hayles, How We �ink : Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2012, p. 91.

N. K. Hayles, Electronic Literature : New Horizons for the Library,

Notre Dame, IL, University of Notre Dame Press, 2008

N. K. Hayles, Chaos Bound : Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science, Ithaca, Cornnell University Press, 1980.

Liquid Modernity, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2000.

N. K. Hayles,Chaos and Order : Complex Dynamics in Literature and Science, Chicago, University of Chicago, 1991.

N. K. Hayles, �e Cosmis Web ; Scientific Fields Models and Literary Strategies in the Twentieth Century, Ithaca, Cornnell University Press, 1984, p. 10.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human :

Virtual bodies in cybernetics, Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 205.

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 5.

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 5.

Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Aux origines des sciences cognitives, Paris, La Découverte, 1994.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 158.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 11.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, Digital subjects and literary Textes, Chicago, �e University of Chicago Press, 2005, p. 43.

"Visual Bodies and flickering signifiers", in How we became post-human,

op.cit. p. 25-49.

Anne Balsamo, Technologies of the genderer body : Reading Cyborg Women,

Durham, Duke University Press, 1996.

Eugene �acker, "Dats made flesh18 : Biotechnology and the discourse of the post-human", Cultural critique 53, "Post-human" [hiver 2003], p. 87.

N. K. Hayles,My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 24.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 3.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 29.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 211.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 106.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 203.

"Intermediation, textuality and the regime of computation", premier chapitre de My mother was a computer.

Stephen Wolfman, A new kind of science, New York, Wolfram Media, 2002.

N. K. Hayles, "Subjective Cosmology and the regime of computation; Intermediation in Greg Egan's Fiction", dernier chapitre de My mother was a computer.

Rodney Brooks, Cambrian Intelligence : �e Early History of the New AI, Cambridge MA, 1999.

Brian Cantwell Smith, On the origin of objects,

Cambridge MA, Bradford Books, 1996, p. 76.Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, Paris, Payot et Rivages, 1998, p. 100.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale,

Paris, Payot et Rivages, 1998, p .45.

Jacques Derrida, Positions,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1972, p. 27.

Derrida, De la grammatogolie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 77.

Derrida, De la grammatogolie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 50.

Jonathan Culler, Ferdinand de Saussure, Ithaca, New York, Cornell UniversityPress, 1986, p. 33.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p. 30.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p. 37.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p.32.

Johanna Drucker, �e visible Word : Experimental typography and modern art, 1909-1923 Chicago, �e University of Chicago Press, 1994, p. 23.

"Intermediation, textuality and the regime of computation" [NdT]

Espen J. Aarseth, Cybertext : Perspectives on Ergodic Literature,

Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Peter Gendolla, "Literatur in Netzen/Netzen Literatur".

Friedrich Kittler, "�ere is no software", in Essays : Literature, media, information systems, John Johnston, Amsterdam, 1997, p. 147-155.

Jacques Derrida, "La di�érance", Marges de la philosophie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 2003, p. 1-29.

Jacques Derrida, "La di�érance", Marges de la philosophie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 2003, p. 1-29.

Derrida,Positions, op.cit. p. 29-30.

Jacques Derrida, Séminaire XX Encore, Paris, Seuil, 1975.

Derrida, "Signature évènement contexte", Marges de la philosophie, op.cit. p. 378.

Derrida, "Signature évènement contexte", Marges de la philosophie, op.cit. p. 377.

Don Blaheta, "�e Lambda Calculus".

Alexander R. Galloway, Protocal : How control exists after decentralization,

Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2004, p. 165.

Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p. 38.

Saussure, op.cit. p. 13-19.

Derrida, Marges de la philosophie, op.cit. p. 381.

Derrida, De la grammatologie, op.cit. p. 26.

Loss Pequeno Glazier, Dig[iT]al Poet[i][c]s: �e making of E-Poetries,

Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2002.

Rita Raley, "Reveal Codes", Postmodern Culture 12, n°1, septembre 2001.

Talan Memmott, Lexia to Perplexia, 2000 .

M.D. Coverley, �e book of going forth by day.

Harold J. Morowitz, �e Emergence of everything, op.cit.

"[un]masking the Agent : Stanislaw Lem's "�e Mask""[NdT].

"Intermediation : Textuality and regime of computation" [Ndt]

Derrida, De la grammatologie, op.cit. p. 59.

Derrida, De la grammatologie, op.cit. p. 68. Bruce Ecken,

�inking in C++,Englewood Cli�, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1995, p. 43.

Bruce Ecken, �inking in C++, Englewood Cli�, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1995, p.37-38.

Andrew Koenig et Barbara E. Moo, "Preface", Accelerated C++,

Redwood City, CA, Addison-Wesley, 2000.

Eckel, �inking in C++, op.cit. p. 40.

Raley, "Machine translation and global english", op.cit.

Eckel, �inking in C++, op.cit. p. 35.

Raley, "Machine translation and global english", op.cit.

Raley, "Machine translation and global english", op.cit.

"Stimulating narratives : what virtual creatures san teach us" [Ndt]

"[un]masking the Agent : Stanislaw Lem's ‘�e Mask’" [NdT]

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, Digital subjects and literary Textes, Chicago, �e University of Chicago Press, 2005.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 39.

Derrida,De la grammatologie,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 83.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 40.

N. K. Hayles,My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 26

N. K. Hayles,My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 52.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 41.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 30.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 33.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human : Virtual bodies in cybernetics,

Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 30.

Lisa Gitelman, "Materiality has always been in play" An interview with N. K. Hayles, �e Iowa Review Web, 2002.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 26.

Alexander R. Galloway,Protocal : How control exists after decentralization,Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2004, p. 165.

Harold J. Morowitz, �e Emergence of everything : How the world became complex, New York, Oxford University Press, 2002.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p.55.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 16.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 288.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human,op.cit. p. 291.

Hayles, How we became post-human,

op.cit. p. 195.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 196

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 10.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human :

Virtual bodies in cybernetics, Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 211.

N. K. Hayles, Writting Machines, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2002.

N. K. Hayles,Writting Machines,Web Supplement

Lisa Gitelman et N. K. Hayles,"Materiality has always been in play"An interview with N. K. Hayles", IJCS

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p.7.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p.31.Nick Montfort, 10 PRINT CHR$[205.5+RND(1)]; : GOTO 10, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2013.

Marck C. Marino, "Critical Code Studies", Electronic Book Review, 4 Décembre 2006.

N. K. Hayles et Hope Leman,"Interview with N. K. Hayles - Author, Editor and Postmodern Literary Critic", Critical Margins.

Jay David Bolter et Richard Grusin, Remediation Understanting New Media, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2000.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 17.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 13-14.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 65-94.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine : Technologies and its discontent, San Francisco, City Ligths Books, 1997.

Ellen Ulman, "Elegance and Entropy - Interview with Scott Rosenberg",

Salon 21st.

Martin Davis, �e universal computer : From Leibritq to Turing, New York, W.W. Norton, 2000.

Jacques Derrida, "Limited Inc, abc", Limited inc. Paris, Galilée, p. 61-197.

William R. Paulson, Literary Culture in a World Transformed, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 2001.

Open source.

Lev Manovih, �e Language of New Media, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2002, p. 229-233.

Rita Raley,"Machine Translation and Global English", Yale journal of criticism 16, n°2 [automne 2003], p. 291-313.

Wolfram, A New Kind of Science, op.cit.

Shelley Jackson, "Flickering connectivities", in Patchwork girl.

Wendy Hui Kyong Chan, "On the persistence of visual knowledge", Modern Language Association, San Diego CA, 28 Décembre 2003.

Alexander R. Galloway, Protocol, op.cit. p.146-207.

Matthew Fuller, Behind th Blip : Essays in the culture if software,

New York, Autonomedia, 2003.






N. Katherine HaylesDES













"En dessous de l’action d’ouvrir ou de fermer un fichier électronique (action aussi naturelle pour nous que d’ouvrir ou fermer un livre), se trouvent plusieurs

couches de code. Cela compose une compilation, c’est-à-dire la transformation d’un programme écrit dans un langage lisible par un humain en un programme exécutable par

une machine, et réciproquement."

N. Katherine Hayles

Saussure, op.cit. p. 13-19.

Derrida, Marges de la philosophie, op.cit. p. 381.

Derrida, De la grammatologie, op.cit. p. 26.

Lev Manovih, �e Language of New Media, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2002, p. 229-233.

Rita Raley,"Machine Translation and Global English", Yale journal of criticism 16, n°2 [automne 2003], p. 291-313.

Wolfram, A New Kind of Science, op.cit.

Loss Pequeno Glazier, Dig[iT]al Poet[i][c]s: �e making of E-Poetries,

Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2002.

Rita Raley, "Reveal Codes", Postmodern Culture 12, n°1, septembre 2001.

Talan Memmott, Lexia to Perplexia, 2000 .

M.D. Coverley, �e book of going forth by day.

Harold J. Morowitz, �e Emergence of everything, op.cit.

"[un]masking the Agent : Stanislaw Lem's "�e Mask""[NdT].

Ianis Lallemand, Dépli [II et IV], 2013.

N. K. Hayles, How We �ink : Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2012, p. 91.

N. K. Hayles, Electronic Literature : New Horizons for the Library,

Notre Dame, IL, University of Notre Dame Press, 2008

N. K. Hayles, Chaos Bound : Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science, Ithaca, Cornnell University Press, 1980.

Liquid Modernity, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2000.

N. K. Hayles,Chaos and Order : Complex Dynamics in Literature and Science, Chicago, University of Chicago, 1991.

N. K. Hayles, �e Cosmis Web ; Scientific Fields Models and Literary Strategies in the Twentieth Century, Ithaca, Cornnell University Press, 1984, p. 10.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human :

Virtual bodies in cybernetics, Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 205.

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 5.

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 5.

Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Aux origines des sciences cognitives, Paris, La Découverte, 1994.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 158.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 11.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, Digital subjects and literary Textes, Chicago, �e University of Chicago Press, 2005, p. 43.

"Visual Bodies and flickering signifiers", in How we became post-human,

op.cit. p. 25-49.

Anne Balsamo, Technologies of the genderer body : Reading Cyborg Women,

Durham, Duke University Press, 1996.

Eugene �acker, "Dats made flesh18 : Biotechnology and the discourse of the post-human", Cultural critique 53, "Post-human" [hiver 2003], p. 87.

N. K. Hayles,My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 24.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 3.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 29.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 211.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 106.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 203.

"Intermediation, textuality and the regime of computation", premier chapitre de My mother was a computer.

Stephen Wolfman, A new kind of science, New York, Wolfram Media, 2002.

N. K. Hayles, "Subjective Cosmology and the regime of computation; Intermediation in Greg Egan's Fiction", dernier chapitre de My mother was a computer.

Rodney Brooks, Cambrian Intelligence : �e Early History of the New AI, Cambridge MA, 1999.

Brian Cantwell Smith, On the origin of objects,

Cambridge MA, Bradford Books, 1996, p. 76.Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, Paris, Payot et Rivages, 1998, p. 100.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale,

Paris, Payot et Rivages, 1998, p .45.

Jacques Derrida, Positions,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1972, p. 27.

Derrida, De la grammatogolie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 77.

Derrida, De la grammatogolie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 50.

Jonathan Culler, Ferdinand de Saussure, Ithaca, New York, Cornell UniversityPress, 1986, p. 33.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p. 30.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p. 37.

Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p.32.

Johanna Drucker, �e visible Word : Experimental typography and modern art, 1909-1923 Chicago, �e University of Chicago Press, 1994, p. 23.

"Intermediation, textuality and the regime of computation" [NdT]

Espen J. Aarseth, Cybertext : Perspectives on Ergodic Literature,

Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Peter Gendolla, "Literatur in Netzen/Netzen Literatur".

Friedrich Kittler, "�ere is no software", in Essays : Literature, media, information systems, John Johnston, Amsterdam, 1997, p. 147-155.

Jacques Derrida, "La di�érance", Marges de la philosophie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 2003, p. 1-29.

Jacques Derrida, "La di�érance", Marges de la philosophie, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 2003, p. 1-29.

Derrida,Positions, op.cit. p. 29-30.

Jacques Derrida, Séminaire XX Encore, Paris, Seuil, 1975.

Derrida, "Signature évènement contexte", Marges de la philosophie, op.cit. p. 378.

Derrida, "Signature évènement contexte", Marges de la philosophie, op.cit. p. 377.

Don Blaheta, "�e Lambda Calculus".

Alexander R. Galloway, Protocal : How control exists after decentralization,

Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2004, p. 165.

Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, op.cit. p. 38.

Saussure, op.cit. p. 13-19.

Derrida, Marges de la philosophie, op.cit. p. 381.

Derrida, De la grammatologie, op.cit. p. 26.

Loss Pequeno Glazier, Dig[iT]al Poet[i][c]s: �e making of E-Poetries,

Tuscaloosa, University of Alabama Press, 2002.

Rita Raley, "Reveal Codes", Postmodern Culture 12, n°1, septembre 2001.

Talan Memmott, Lexia to Perplexia, 2000 .

M.D. Coverley, �e book of going forth by day.

Harold J. Morowitz, �e Emergence of everything, op.cit.

"[un]masking the Agent : Stanislaw Lem's "�e Mask""[NdT].

"Intermediation : Textuality and regime of computation" [Ndt]

Derrida, De la grammatologie, op.cit. p. 59.

Derrida, De la grammatologie, op.cit. p. 68. Bruce Ecken,

�inking in C++,Englewood Cli�, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1995, p. 43.

Bruce Ecken, �inking in C++, Englewood Cli�, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1995, p.37-38.

Andrew Koenig et Barbara E. Moo, "Preface", Accelerated C++,

Redwood City, CA, Addison-Wesley, 2000.

Eckel, �inking in C++, op.cit. p. 40.

Raley, "Machine translation and global english", op.cit.

Eckel, �inking in C++, op.cit. p. 35.

Raley, "Machine translation and global english", op.cit.

Raley, "Machine translation and global english", op.cit.

"Stimulating narratives : what virtual creatures san teach us" [Ndt]

"[un]masking the Agent : Stanislaw Lem's ‘�e Mask’" [NdT]

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, Digital subjects and literary Textes, Chicago, �e University of Chicago Press, 2005.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 39.

Derrida,De la grammatologie,

Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1967, p. 83.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 40.

N. K. Hayles,My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 26

N. K. Hayles,My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 52.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 41.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 30.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 33.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human : Virtual bodies in cybernetics,

Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 30.

Lisa Gitelman, "Materiality has always been in play" An interview with N. K. Hayles, �e Iowa Review Web, 2002.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 26.

Alexander R. Galloway,Protocal : How control exists after decentralization,Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2004, p. 165.

Harold J. Morowitz, �e Emergence of everything : How the world became complex, New York, Oxford University Press, 2002.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p.55.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p. 16.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 288.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human,op.cit. p. 291.

Hayles, How we became post-human,

op.cit. p. 195.

Hayles, How we became post-human, op.cit. p. 196

Hayles, How we think, op.cit. p. 10.

N. K. Hayles, How we became post-human :

Virtual bodies in cybernetics, Literature and informatics, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999, p. 211.

N. K. Hayles, Writting Machines, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2002.

N. K. Hayles,Writting Machines,Web Supplement

Lisa Gitelman et N. K. Hayles,"Materiality has always been in play"An interview with N. K. Hayles", IJCS

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p.7.

N. K. Hayles, My mother was a computer, op.cit. p.31.Nick Montfort, 10 PRINT CHR$[205.5+RND(1)]; : GOTO 10, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2013.

Marck C. Marino, "Critical Code Studies", Electronic Book Review, 4 Décembre 2006.

N. K. Hayles et Hope Leman,"Interview with N. K. Hayles - Author, Editor and Postmodern Literary Critic", Critical Margins.

Jay David Bolter et Richard Grusin, Remediation Understanting New Media, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2000.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 17.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 13-14.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine, op.cit. p. 65-94.

Ellen Ulman, Close to the machine : Technologies and its discontent, San Francisco, City Ligths Books, 1997.

Ellen Ulman, "Elegance and Entropy - Interview with Scott Rosenberg",

Salon 21st.

Martin Davis, �e universal computer : From Leibritq to Turing, New York, W.W. Norton, 2000.

Jacques Derrida, "Limited Inc, abc", Limited inc. Paris, Galilée, p. 61-197.

William R. Paulson, Literary Culture in a World Transformed, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 2001.

Open source.

Lev Manovih, �e Language of New Media, Cambridge MA, �e MIT Press, 2002, p. 229-233.

Rita Raley,"Machine Translation and Global English", Yale journal of criticism 16, n°2 [automne 2003], p. 291-313.

Wolfram, A New Kind of Science, op.cit.

Shelley Jackson, "Flickering connectivities", in Patchwork girl.

Wendy Hui Kyong Chan, "On the persistence of visual knowledge", Modern Language Association, San Diego CA, 28 Décembre 2003.

Alexander R. Galloway, Protocol, op.cit. p.146-207.

Matthew Fuller, Behind th Blip : Essays in the culture if software,

New York, Autonomedia, 2003.






N. Katherine HaylesDES













"En dessous de l’action d’ouvrir ou de fermer un fichier électronique (action aussi naturelle pour nous que d’ouvrir ou fermer un livre), se trouvent plusieurs

couches de code. Cela compose une compilation, c’est-à-dire la transformation d’un programme écrit dans un langage lisible par un humain en un programme exécutable par

une machine, et réciproquement."

N. Katherine Hayles

La compilation

Le principe de compilation est matérialisé sur la couverture de l’ouvrage :- Le recto compile la datavisualisation de l’emplacement des légendes.- Le verso compile la datavisualisation chromatique du propos et des pages.

Page 8: PAROLE, ÉCRITURE, CODE · 2016-12-04 · Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine Hayles Le propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture

La compilation

Le propos de compilation est souligné par une reliure japonnaise qui permet de séparer la couverture et les pages afin de laisser visible le dos du livre. La reliure japonaise permet de lier entre elles les quatres parties du livre et rend visible la compilation des pages.

Page 9: PAROLE, ÉCRITURE, CODE · 2016-12-04 · Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine Hayles Le propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture
Page 10: PAROLE, ÉCRITURE, CODE · 2016-12-04 · Datavisualisation du livre Parole, Écriture, Code de N. Katherine Hayles Le propos de cet ouvrage tend à définir la parole, l’écriture


