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Page 1: Past Continuous

Past Continuous


Page 2: Past Continuous


Afirmativ: S + was/were + V-ing… Negativ: S + was/were + not + V-ing… Interogativ: Was/were + S + V-ing…?

Nota: I, he, she, it was; was not = wasn’t you,we, they were were not = weren’t

Page 3: Past Continuous


Past Continuous exprima actiuni aflate in desfasurare intr-o perioada din trecut.

Este corespondentul imperfectului din limba romana.

Expresii specifice: (at) this time yesterday = ieri pe vremea asta from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. = de la 8 dimineata la 7 seara (considerand

o perioada trecuta) between 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. = intre 8 dimineata si 7 seara

(considerand o perioada trecuta)

Page 4: Past Continuous

Exemple de propozitii

Ma uitam la TV ieri pe vremea asta.

I was watching TV at this time yesterday.

Nu ma uitam la TV aseara de la 6 la 7.

I wasn’t watching TV from 6 to 7 last night.

Va uitati la TV cand am sunat? Were you watching TV when I


Afirmativ: S + was/were + V-ing …

Negativ: S + was/were + not + V-ing…

Interogativ: Was/were + S + V-ing…?

Page 5: Past Continuous


Chiar daca situatia comunicata cere un Past Continuous, totusi, daca verbul are restrictie la un timp continuu, atunci se pune Past Simple.

Page 6: Past Continuous

Verbe care NU pot fi folosite la un timp continuu

Verbele de perceptie (to see, to taste, to smell, to hear etc.)

Alte verbe ca: to be, to have, to think, to believe, to love, to like, to hate, to know,to understand, to want, to prefer, to mean, to seem, to belong, to remember…etc.

pentru detalii vezi prezentarea Present Simple/Continuous (diferente)

Page 7: Past Continuous


Eram acolo cand s-a intamplat. I was there when it happened.

Observatie:Actiunea “a fi” este in desfasurare in momentul

cand ceva “s-a intamplat”, insa NU putem folosi Past Continuous pentru ca verbul “to be” NU poate fi folosit la un timp continuu.
