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Dockerizing Django

PDX PortlandOctober 27th, 2016

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Who are we?

Michael Dougherty @maackle

Senior Front-end Engineer CrowdStreet, Inc.

Hannes Hapke@hanneshapke

Software Engineer Talentpair, Inc.

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Our pre-Docker World …• Single instance world

(e.g. celery ran on the web server)

• Outdated Amazon machine image

• No documentation about the setup, consultancy work

• Live data monkey patching

• Scaling/Recovery time > 8 hours

• Clunky QA setup > bottleneck

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Our post-Docker World …• Single instance world

(e.g. celery ran on the web server)

• Outdated Amazon machine image

• No documentation about the setup, consultancy work

• Live data monkey patching

• Scaling/Recovery time > 8 hours

• Clunky QA setup > bottleneck

• One service per container, redundancy of instances

• One common base image shared across all instances

• Explicit, declarative server setup

• Immutable infrastructure (mostly)

• Scaling/Recovery time ~ 20min

• As many QA instances as we want

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What is Docker?

Docker • Compose • Machine • Swarm

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Docker containers …… wrap a piece of software in a complete filesystem that

contains everything needed to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything that can be installed on a

server. This guarantees that the software will always run the same, regardless of its environment. *

Basically a virtual env for your operating system.

* from

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Docker vs. Vagrant

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Where is the difference?

Images from

VM includes OS No OS needed

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How does Docker work?

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• Create a Dockerfile

• Build the Docker image and push it to the docker registry

Plain Docker

FROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

RUN pip install Django

COPY requirements.txt .


$ docker build -t your_project/your-whale . $ docker images $ docker tag {image_hash} your_project/your-whale:latest$ docker push

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Plain Docker• Run a shell in a docker container -i start an interactive container -t creates “Pseudo interface” with stdin and stdout

• Run the Django server in a container -d run container in detached mode -P maps all ports to the host machine

$ docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash

$ docker run -d -P my-container python run server

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What if we need multiple services?

Docker • Compose • Machine • Swarm

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Docker Compose

Compose is a tool for orchestrating the building, running, and intercommunication of

multi-container Docker applications.

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How does it work?

1) Define a Dockerfile for every service 2) Define a Docker compose description of the environment

3) Use docker-compose build/up to start all services

version: '2'

services: web: build: . ports: - "5000:5000" volumes: - .:/code redis: image: redis

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How can I easily provision a server with

the containers?Docker • Compose • Machine • Swarm

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Docker Machine

… is a great tool which creates Docker hosts anywhere.Yes, anywhere.

Locally, AWS EC2, Digital Ocean, MS Azure, you name it.

No Ansible, Puppet, Chef, fabric, etc. required.

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What if I need multiple instances with multiple


Docker • Compose • Machine • Swarm

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Docker Swarm

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Dockerize for real …

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If you start from scratch …• Docker documentation includes a great Django


• Too much work? The Django Cookie Cutter template includes a great Docker setup

Other projects:

• django-docker on github

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If you convert a project like us …

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Reorganize your folder structure

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Normalize folders• Create folders for every service

• docker-compose-{env}.yml go into the project root

• Dockerfiles go into every service folder

• scripts go into the service folders

• Keep your local folder structure similar to the folder structure within the container(s) - for sanity

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Reorganized foldersProject Root|-apps|-settings|-static|-templates|||\ requirements.txt

Project Root|-django| |-apps| |- …| |-Dockerfile| | ||-nginx|-webpack|-docker-compose.yml |\ requirements.txt

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Build a base image

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Base Image• Create one (or more) base Dockerfile(s) with all

common packages

• Service containers can use this base image - this will increase build speed

• If you store the base image(s) in a separate git repo, the docker registry will build them automatically for you

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Base ImageFROM ubuntu:16.04

RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

RUN apt-get install -y vim # Install some useful editor

RUN apt-get install -y build-essential git software-properties-common

RUN apt-get install -y python python-dev \\ python-setuptools build-essential

RUN apt-get install -y nodejs npm RUN npm install -g n # upgrading the npm version RUN n stable


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Base Image

Add image of the Docker registry

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Set up Docker compose for the different environments

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Docker Compose

• For every environment, local, QA, staging, production, define a docker-compose-{env}.yml file

• The files describe the environment stack

• Each service within the docker-compose file can have it’s own Dockerfile

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Docker Composeversion: '2'

volumes: postgres_data_dev: {} redisdata: {} webpack_data: {}

services: postgres: image: postgres:9.5 volumes: - postgres_data_dev:/var/lib/postgresql/data restart: always environment: - POSTGRES_USER=postgres_user - POSTGRES_DB=my_fancy_db - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=

webpack: image: crowdstreet/crowdstreet-whale:latest command: npm run watch environment: - NODE_PATH=/node_modules volumes: - ./webpack/frontend-src:/frontend-src - ./django:/crowdstreet-src - webpack_data:/webpack_data/ ports: - "3000:3000" restart: always

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Docker Compose django: build: context: . dockerfile: ./django/Dockerfile-dev command: python /crowdstreet-src/ runserver depends_on: - postgres environment: - ENV=dev - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings volumes: - ./django:/crowdstreet-src - ./webpack/frontend-src:/frontend-src - webpack_data:/webpack_data/ ports: - "8000:8000" - "80:8000" links: - postgres - redis - webpack - memcached

redis: restart: always image: redis:latest volumes: - redisdata:/data restart: always

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Docker Compose• Build your service stack with

• Start the container stack with

• Access a single container with

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml build

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml up

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml run django bash

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml run container name command

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Set up Docker machine and deploy to the world

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Docker machine is awesome!

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Docker Machine• Withwill provision you an AWS instance

• “Activate” the instance with

• Afterwards, any docker-compose command will be executed on the active machine

• Easy to start/stop/terminate machines

$ docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-region [e.g. us-west-2] --amazonec2-vpc-id [YOUR_VPC_ID vpc-xxxxxx] --amazonec2-instance-type [e.g. t2.small] [INSTANCE_NAME]

$ docker-machine env [INSTANCE_NAME]

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Lessons Learned

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Or... how to cowboy code with Docker

• Sometimes you just need to manually change something

• Docker provides ways to get a shell inside a running instance and copy files back and forth

• Your changes will of course be lost next time you spin up a new container

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The Disciplined Way:

The Cowboy Way:

$ docker-compose run django bash

$ docker exec -it {container_id} bash

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How does QA work with Docker?

• No QA bottleneck anymore

• No database gridlock anymore

• Each feature branch gets its own instance

• Once feature is tested, instance gets terminated

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How can I access the shell/migrate?

• Access the bash of the django container with

• Continue as usual withSome for migrations, make_migrations, etc.

• Or run it from outside of the container stack with

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-{env}.yml run django bash

# ./ shell

docker-compose -f … run django python migrate

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Help, ipdb doesn’t work anymore …

• Start the Django container with the service ports enabled

• If no command is specified, then Docker will default to the command in the docker-compose.yml file

$ docker-compose -f dev.yml run --service-ports django

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How to run tests?

• Start the Django container with your test command$ docker-compose -f … run django test

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CI Testing is convenient• Setup for Circle CI

machine: pre: - curl -sSL \

| bash -s -- 1.10.0 services: - docker

dependencies: override: - sudo pip install docker-compose - docker login -e $DOCKER_EMAIL -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASS - docker-compose -f docker-compose-circle.yml build - npm install -g jshint

test: pre: - sudo killall postgres # not sure why, but port 5432 is already taken up sometimes! - docker-compose -f docker-compose-circle.yml up -d postgres override: - jshint ~/your_project/django/static/js/your_project* - docker-compose -f docker-compose-circle.yml run django \ /your_project/ test --verbosity=2

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WTF, the files I copied into my container are missing??

• If a volume is mounted at the same directory where you copied other files, you will essentially overwrite those files

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Sharing Docker Machine credentials

• Docker machine is great, but there is no concept of sharing credentials

• All credentials are simple text files, no magic

• npm tool `machine-share` solved the problem

• Let’s you export and import machine credentials

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General Troubleshooting• Confirm that the correct docker-machine environment is active

• Rebuild your container stack

• Rebuild with the --pull and/or --no-cache options

• Restart the docker daemon

• Restart your docker machine with docker-machine restart [INSTANCE NAME]

• Restart your docker machine VirtualBox VM

• Remove and recreate your docker machine (essentially recreates your dev environment from scratch)

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So, what does our setup look like now?

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Dev Environment• You can use the same image as in your production


• All services run at once, all output piped to a single log stream (which we saw earlier)

• You can still have live reloading via Docker Volumes (but be careful!)

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How does the deployment work now?

• Create AWS instance with docker-machine

• Activate the docker machine

• Use docker-compose to build the stack

• Use docker-compose up -d

• Switch the load balancer

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Summary of technologies

• Learned about Docker

• How to use docker to define images and containers

• Learned about Docker-compose to define relationships between containers

• Learned about Docker-machine to seamlessly work with containers on local/remote machines

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Summary of benefits• Explicit, declarative server setup

• Zero down time deployments

• All dev services in one "window" and start with one command

• Easy provisioning of multiple QA instances

• Quick onboarding for new devs

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Thank you!

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