Page 1: Pembinaan sepatutnya bermula 5 Februari - filebantuan daripada beberapa agensi dalam usaba memberi ke-~ mudaban yaog lebih sempuma kepada warga sekolab itu. t Keadaan

tlft \C1/4OlehHalinaMohdNoorhalina@bhar;

PUCHONG: Penduduksekitar Bandar Puchong'Utama masih menunggu

hentian bas dengan kemu-dahan selesa seperti pernahdijanjikan pembinaannya olehMajlis Perbandaran SubangJaya (MPSJ) kira-kira lebihtiga tahun lalu.

Sejakempattahunlalu, orangramai . yang menggunakanperkhidmatan bas untuk beru-lang alik dari Bandar Puchongke pusat bandar raya terpaksaberpanas dan berhujan untuk

I menaikibas yang pada masaini, menjadikankawasan tanahlapang di Jalan PU 7/S sebagaihentian utamanya.

TIDjauan Sentral mendapati,adapapan tandamempamerkanmaklumatmengenai CadanganMembinaHentian Bas di JalanPU 7/6 olehPrasarana NegaraBerhad dan Ara Builder yangsepatutnya bermulaS Februari

IlalU.Projek yang dijangka siap


pada 27Mei itu sehingga kinibelurn menunjukkan tanda

I memulakan kerja pembinaandan sekadar memasang pagardi sekeliling tapak yang dica-dangkan sehingga menimbul-kan tanda tanya pengguna yangsering berulang alik menggu-nakan bas di situ.

Disebabkan kerja pembina-an yang langsung tidak berge-

PENDUDUK Saujana Utama, Puchong tiada stesen bas sempurna.


, ...

t- 'I I


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Pembinaansepatutnyabermula5 Februarirak itu, orang ramai terpaksaberteduh di bawah sebatangpokoksementaramenanti basingin dinaiki bergerak ke des-tinasi dituju, sarna ada dalamkeadaanhujanlebatataupanasterik.

Terdapat khemah usangdidirikan syarikat bas yangberoperasi di situ serta sofalusuh yang diletakkan untuk

dijadikan tempatpemandu basberehat sementara menantigiliran membawa penurnpangke pusat bandar raya dan seki-tar kawasan berkenaan.

Seorang pemandu bas yangenggan dikenali, berkata lebihm.enyedihkan apabila melihatpelajar serta ibu hamil yangterpaksa berdiri di tepi jalanda1am hujan dan panas untuk

menaiki bas di situ."Kasihan pada pelajar seko- I

lah yang setiap hari terpaksamenunggu dalamapajuga kea-daan cuaca dan kam.i hairanmengapa sehingga hari inihentian bas yang diharapkanbelurn lagi bermula pembina-annya sedangkan projek sepa-tutnya dilaksanakan bermula ,Februari lalu," katanya.

BERITA HARlANTarikb.~.~..~.~.~..?P).~ "..

Page 2: Pembinaan sepatutnya bermula 5 Februari - filebantuan daripada beberapa agensi dalam usaba memberi ke-~ mudaban yaog lebih sempuma kepada warga sekolab itu. t Keadaan

18 MINTA pihak berlwaBa memantaukawaSan]1IiIDg:sapuriAngsana, SubangMe'WatriJSJl Jeerana ramai sangat warga

~ tfl!L

asing dariJndonesia diln Bangladesh..SERABUT I




Page 3: Pembinaan sepatutnya bermula 5 Februari - filebantuan daripada beberapa agensi dalam usaba memberi ke-~ mudaban yaog lebih sempuma kepada warga sekolab itu. t Keadaan



M SkiPun terletak dikawasan berdekatan pusat bandar Inamun sebuab sekolab agama dekat Bandar Kinrara,Puchong di sllrijauh ketinggalan dari segi prasarana

bagi memberi kemudaban kepada kira-kira 900 muridnya. Lebih


memilukan sekolab yaog pada mulanya ditempatkan di rumabsewa sebelum dipindahkan ke rumah kongsi yaog sebelum itu "

didiami bekas pekeJja pembinaan tidak mendapat pembiayaan

penuh daripada mana-mana agensi untuk keda nail< taraf. Keadaan ~itu menyebahkan pihak pengurusan sekolabterpaksa memohon '

bantuan daripada beberapa agensi dalam usaba memberi ke- ~mudaban yaog lebih sempuma kepada warga sekolab itu. t

Keadaan kantinnya boleb di-gambarkan seolah-olab sepertiwarung lama yang daif denganmeja yaog hampir reput dan ke-rnsi lama terpaksa digunakanberikutan kos membail< pulihmasih belum diperoleh pihaksekolab.

Malab lebih menyedihkankantin itujuga tidak berbumbung,pihak sekolab terpaksa meng-gunakan kanopi untuk murid ber-teduh dari hujan dan panas ketikamenjamu selera di situ.

Sekolab yang dibina dalamusaba memberi pendidikan aga-ma kepada anak-anak penduduk

itu turut 'menempatkan transit,namun pihak sekolah mengakuiterpaksa menagih simpati bebe-rapa pihak dalam menyedia-kan kemudahan terbail< kepadawarganya.

Yang Dipertua Persatuan IbuBapa dan Guru (PIBG) SekolabKafa Integrasi AI Misbah BandarKinrara, Mohd Zulbaizan MohN oor berkata, sekolab berkenaandiuruskan dengan permuafakatanPIBG dan guru.

Katanya, masalab utama yangdihadapi pihak sekolab sehinggakini adalah keknrangan kelasberikutan pertambahan jUmIab

BeberapakalisekolahdinaikiairSementaca itu, Mohd -Zulbaizan

berkata, selain masalah kemu-

dahan yaog tidak cukup, sekolabjuga berhadapan masalah per-paritan apahila kelas beberapakali dinaiki air.

"Dengan bantuan ihu bapa,kami mengambil llrisiatif meng-gali sendiri longkang untuk me-mudahkan pengalirao air danmengelakkan ia bertakong danmelimpah masuk ke dalam kelas.

"Sekolab memerlukan per-untukan hampir RM500,OOO tar-masuk bagi pembinaan bangunantambahan tiga tingkat, bail< pulihtandas, penambal1bail<an surau,bail<pulih pagar dan menail< tarafkantin sekolah," katanya.

Menurutuya, bagi bangunantambaban, pihakoya berharappembinaannya dengan kosRM400,OOO itu membolehkanmurid belajar dalam keadaanyang lebih selesa.

"Kelja-keJja lain seperti mem-bail<pulih tandas perlu dijalankankerana pihak sekolab mendapatiair najis melimpah keluar apahilatangki penuh dan keadaan itu me-nyebahkan penduduk sekitartidakselesa dengan bau bqsuk.

"Selain ftu, surau jugaperlu



murid dari tahun ke tahun.

':Alatan prasarana kita memangtidak sempuma meit~bahkansesetengah kemudahari kesela-matan seperti pagar yaog daifdan sebagainya terpaksaterus di-gunakan kerana kekurangankps,

"Selama llri, pedalanan pen-tadbiran kos sekolah llri ber-

gantungkepadasumbanganorangramai dan ihu bapa selain bayer-an yuran RM32 yang dibayar se-tiap murid," katanya.

Beliau berkata, pihak sek°lahmemerlukan bangunan tan1bahanbagi memberi keselesaan kepadamurid apatah lagi kemudahanlama yang dibina sej* 11 taQI1I\1lalu sudab tidak -dapatme-nampung pertan1bahan jumlahmurid.

"Disebahkan keknrangan kelas, .kita hanya dapat' menawarkffilkelas pembelajaran asas kepadamurid tetapi tidak dapat me"menuhi kemudal1an lain termasuk,.menyediakan kelas pemu!ihan.

'1ni kerana kelas pemu!ihanperlu untuk muridcmurid yangagak lemah dan perlu diberi fokusterutama yaog tidBk pandai mem"baca tulisanjawi,"katanya.


. Kemudahan kantin sekolah yang dai! lerpaksa menggunakan kanopi untuk muricl-

murid berleduh.

dibaiki kerana sudah uzur danmenjejaskan keselamatan muridsertakekitangankeranakemudah-an itu digunakan setiap hari,"katanya yang memaklumkanbumbung rosak dan baeor se-belum llri mendapat keprihatinansebuah syarikat yaog membiayaikeda bail<pulih bumbung itu padacuti sekolabyang lalu.

Dalam pada itu, Guru Besarsekolah berkenaan, NoorasimahAbdulHalim berkata, sekolah ber-kenaanmeqjadi pus\ltpel1yebaraJJpendidikan againakepada'murid

yang tinggal di kawasan Puchong;Kinrara danjnga Bukit Jalil.

"Selamaini kita bergantungkepada yuran dan derma orangramai, malah ada antaca syariketyang menghultJrken bantuan Se-kirahya permohonan dibuat.

"Kita mempunyai beberapaperancangan pembangunan seko-lah, namunakibatkekangan ke-wangan menjlidi halangan ia su-ker dilaksanakan," katanya ketikaditemm Sinar Harlan.

Beliau.paI:k"t.a~, ,;b).1p.t,,m"s,aterdekat' ini .pllaak11yai'j!)~p'

ada pihak yang sudi menghulur-kansUU1bangan bagi membaik Pl1-lib pagar sekolah kerima men-dakWa haiWan liar seringmemasuki kawasan itu.

"Pagar ~ sedia ada sUdahterlalu qaifdan seset.engahnyati"dak lag[ berpagar men.yebabkan

anjing liar memasuki sekolahdanmallg()to:rikawasan sekolah den-gan najis b.aiWimberkenaan.

"Olel1itu,sumbangan orangramai dan agensi berkenaansangat dialu-alukan demi ke-mudahan,dan keselesaan murid:'katanYa.

.'Teresa (dua, kartan) memberi~mbanganwang lunai kepada pihak sekolah.

ADUNturl.JnpadangberisumbanganAtas desakan selepas menerin;1apermohonan ,bantu<rndaripadasekolah itu,A:bli bffi@nUndanganNegeri iAbDN)l\:innI:I"a,'teresal(OkS11lr Sim.. yaJ:lg' pJihatin denganmasalah itu turunpadang danmeJDberi sumbang<rn bagi me-ri:9gaIlkan bebanpihak sekolah.

Banman seb3nyak RM5,OOO

dibulurkan bagi membantu keJja-keda membaiki kemudahan rosakselain beJjanji bantuan susulandiberikankemu~.

balam kunjungan itu, Teresaturut menyerahkan bekalan beraskepada PIBG untuk diagihkenkepada pelajar miskin yang di-kenai !Jasti pihak sekolah.


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Tarikh: .£.~.AER..2QW ""

Page 4: Pembinaan sepatutnya bermula 5 Februari - filebantuan daripada beberapa agensi dalam usaba memberi ke-~ mudaban yaog lebih sempuma kepada warga sekolab itu. t Keadaan

STARTarikh: L9..M~lLZ01a.......

No sense in paying toll on LDP ~~I. fe, 'fITis better to be late than never for the Subang the then Works Minister had said there wouldJaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) and the Petaling" be alternative toll-free roads for residents.Jaya City Council (MBPJ)to take up the peren- There are a few stretches of unconnectednial issue of massive jams along the LOP.Long- so-called alternative roads which are mostlysuffering toll paying motoriSts have been com- inconvenient to use anyway.p]aining for years but these complaints have To add salt to injury, in April 2007, MBPJfallenondeafears. - announced that it would upgrade Persiaran

}he LOPis not a new highway but a mere Tropicanaas an alternative parallelroad to theupgrade of CJ.series of connected main roads LOP. .

build by developers for their respective hous- The question is why does MBPJneed toing schemes. spend ratepayers money to build alternative

Allthe concessionaireLitrakdid was to add toll-freeroads for LOPwhen it is LOP'srespon-a few flyoversfor theJimited number ofjunc- sibHityandundertaking to doso? Theupgrad-tions and closed several existingjunctions. ing of the main arterial road into the LOP

The closing of numerous existingjun(:tions should not have been approved in the first I

have forced the pattern of residential trafficto place.congregate upon the few remainingjunction~ Now that the LOPhas become a massiveto accessthe LOP,causingheavyconcentration parking lot it is onlyfair that the toll collectionof trafficwithin the residential areas. be.disbanded based on the principle that one

TheLOPis designedto favourthrough traffic pays road toll for convenience and smoothand disadvantagesthe residents along the LOP traffic.]t is absolutelynot fair to pay tolljust towhose respective developers had build main join the massivejams day in and day out.roads to serve the residents in the first place. "

I recall that when the LOPwas announced, CGCHANG

Clarifications ~ NY I. . .' . .. .'. II

'on park project :

Serviced suites part of plans from the startIMEDarbyPropertywouldliketo clarify some points thatappeared 'in The Star article

titled "Subang folks stand firm againstpark project" recently and followingthe Taman Subang Riapublic hearingheld this week .J

ing its plans.Sime Darby Property

would like to put on recordthat the service suites havealways been part of its pro-posed plans which have beenpublicly shared with bothresidents and the SubangJaya Municipal Council fromthe beginning, the latestbeing during the dialoguewith the residents held onFeb 24, 2010.

Sime Darby Propertyhasorganised two meetings

in the last three months on Nov 15, 2009 and Feb25,2010, with representatives of the SubangJaygResidents' Association as well as the UEPSubangJaya Residents Association in the presence of5ubangJaya assemblyman Hannah Yeoh to sharewith them our plans for Taman Subang Ria andmore importantly to obtain their views and feed-back on the upgrading and development plan sothat Taman Subang Ria could be turned into atruly urban recreational park.

. Statement bySubangJaya Residents'Association chairman A.S. Gill -"According to their plans, they wantto develop 250 units of high-end resi-dential units, 96 units of apartmentsor serviced suites for the hospital(SOMe)and 96 commercial units"

The plan is only for the 250 high-end residen-tial units and 96 units of apartments/servicedsuites for Sime Darby Medical 'Centre (SDMC).Although the latter falls under the "commercialland use" .category, these apartments/servicesuites will solely be for the use of the hospital'sservices to patients and their families.

Do note that there are no additional 96 com-mercial units.

. Statement in the article - "The serviced suitesand commercial units were not included in theinitial proposal," said Gill adding that the resi-dents questioned why the developer kept chang-

Datuk Tunku Putra BadtishahManaging DirectorSIMEDARBYPROPERlY

Page 5: Pembinaan sepatutnya bermula 5 Februari - filebantuan daripada beberapa agensi dalam usaba memberi ke-~ mudaban yaog lebih sempuma kepada warga sekolab itu. t Keadaan

4 JI'!'


~ 1~/lf I. I



III-equipped: The trucks used by the dog catchers are often not properly modified for the purpose.

Local councils amongthe .biggest abusersProblems faced include lack of training and awareness

M. UNlCIPAL dog pounds arethe biggest animal abusersin the country according to

animal rights lawyer N. Surendran.He said workers contracted to

manage the pounds and catch strayswere not trained to care for the ani-mals and were only interested incatching the dogs for money.

''Theway the dogs are caught and,eventually, put down shows thatthey have no care for the dogs andlack empathy," he said.

SPCAchairmanChristineChinalsoadded that dog catchers were notqualified to handle the strays.

According to her, there is also nohumane management at the poundswhere the dogs are housed.

Coundl dog catchers have beencriticised for the rough methodsused to snare the strays and ques-tions have been asked on how thelocal authoritY goes about recruitingthese people and what kind of train-ing is provided for them to managethe pounds.

"The trucks and vans used to keepthem are totally inappropriate andare against the VSD Code of GoodAnimal Husbandry practices.

"Also, we are still in the dark onhow the strays are put down," Chinsaid.

Numerous casesof mistreatmentof stray dogs by dog catchers havebeen reported in pounds run by theKajang Municipal Council (MPKj),the Klang Municipal Council (MPK),the Subang Jaya Municipal Council

»The way the dogs arecaught and, eventually,

Iput down shows thatthey have no care for

I the dogs and lackIempathy«I N. SURENDRAN



(MPSJ) and the Selayang MunicipalCouncil (MPS).

Chin, however, praised the KualaLumpur CitY Hall (DBKL) for havingthe most decent pounds in the KlangValley.

The non-governmental organisa-tion Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better(MDDB) has visited numerousmunidpal pounds to see first handthe deplorable conditions the. dogsare kept in.

"The dogs don't receive proper- food and enough water and the

enclosures they are kept in are nevercleaned and disinfected.

''That is why dogs that we rescuefrom the municipal pounds all sufferfrom distemper, parvo and coronaviruses and other diseasesand infec-tions." a MDDB volunteer whodeclined to be named said.

She added that one of the worst-kept pounds they had visited was

the one run by the MPS.Chin was puzzled that the govern-

ment pounds were not well-funded,which she said was the opposite ofthe situation overseas.

The VSD in 2008 had come upwith a comprehensive guidelines onCatching and Exterminating StraysDogs and it was meant to educatethe municipal coundls and NGO'sonhow to maintain and manage poundsin a sustainable manner.

However, when StarMetro checkedwith three municipal dog poundworkers, none had read or even seenthe the manual.

A dog catcher who spoke on con-dition of anonymitY said that no onecared about the dogs as they wereseen as a nuisance and it was just anchance to make money.

"The more dogs you catch, themore money you make," he said.

"It all boils down to attitude and a

In the dark: Chin said the SPCAstill did not know how some of thepounds put the strays down.

lack of will to change.. "Despite all the outcry, you stillhave ageT!cies organising dog-catching competitions," Surendransaid.

Surendran added that the attitudewas the same in government agen-cies tasked to handle animal wel-fare.

''That's why we_are one of the top10 countries for wildlife smuggling.The agencies involved in animalwelfare like the VSD and Perhilitanwere not even aware that an animaltesting fadlitY would be set up inMalacca."

''This is clearly against Section 44of the Animal Act and yet they didnot even know about it," he said.

STARTarikh: 1 9 APR 2010............

Page 6: Pembinaan sepatutnya bermula 5 Februari - filebantuan daripada beberapa agensi dalam usaba memberi ke-~ mudaban yaog lebih sempuma kepada warga sekolab itu. t Keadaan

Animal crueltylaws needmore bite


Culprits get away with only a slap on the wrist, say activistsStories by BAVANI M

" "" ,,,.com.",V

'J AWSgoverning animal welfare



in Malaysia have no bite. TakeSection 44 of the Animal Act

1953 (2006 Amendment) which saysthat anyone guilty of an offence ofcruelty to animals shall be liable to afine ofRM200 or imprisonment for aterm of six months or both.

The sentence is too light and thosefound guilty hardly get the maxi-mum sentence.

The governing authority with thestatutory right to take legal actionagainst animal abusers is theVeterinary Services Department(VSD). The VSD. however. has beenaccused of taking a lackadaisicalapproach to enimal cruelty cases.

Lack of enforcement by the depart-ment has been blamed for the rise incruelty cases in the city.

Even municipal councils have beenbranded as toothless because of alack of enforcement of the by-laws.

Society for the Prevention ofCruelty to Animals (SPCA) Selangormarketing and communicationsmanager Jacinta johnson-Chan saida total of 657 cruelty cases werereported last year with 90% of itinvolving dogs but none were pros-ecuted.

The rare abuse cases that went to

court resulted in the owners gettingoff with just a paltiy fine.

However. the case of seven-year-old German Sheperd Sheena. whohad to be put down after sufferingabuse at the hands of her owner,sparked nationwide protests fromanimal activists pushing for a changein legislation,

Animal lovers got together to signa petition calling for, among others:. An increase in the fine from RM200to RMlO,OOO:. Increase the jail term from sixmonths to two years:. A lifetime ban on animal owner-ship for those charged charged withabuse; and. Urging the public to be responsi-ble pet owners,

A total of 83,032 signatures werecollected and the petition was sub-mitted to the Prime Minister'sDepartment in january, 2007,

There has been no news sincethen and, despite all the efforts ofanimal welfare groups, nothing haschanged in terms of enforcement.

SPCA chairman Christine Chinblames it on the lack of enforcement

by the authorities concerned and thelack of willpower to change things.

"Such paltry sentences send outthe wrong message to the publicthat it's alright to abuse animals.

"Despite having these laWs, noone really gets punished for crueltyand that's why it keeps happeningagain and again," she said,

"Municipal councils also don'tseem to address cruelty casesdespite having provisions to do so,

"In fact. the councils are contra-vening their own by-laws," she said,adding that local authorities seemedto be only interested in catchingstrays and putting them down.

Animal rights lawyer N. Surendranai< that municipal council by-laws




jr"'~';f, .~'jlLn...


f I

f ~?';..-..;I'

Silent victims: Activists say that hardly anyone gets charged with off~n~es involvinganimal cruelty,

come under the' Local GovernmentAct 1976 and there were sectionsdealing with cruelty to animals.

However, Surendran said he hadnever heard of anyone being takento court under these by-laws.

Surendran, who is also the presi-dent of the Malaysian Animal Rightsand Welfare Association (ROAR),cited the Petaling jaya City Council(MBPj) by-laws as an example.

He said that Section 10 of the2007 by-laws stated that any personwho ill-treats a dog can be fined notmore than RM2,OOOor be put inprison for not more than a year orboth,

He said the council's enforcementofficerscould take action on crueltycases but, for some reason, theyrefuse to do so despite having clearproof.

Surentlran cited the recent KfMdog abuse case as an example,

"Despite identifying the parpe-trators, the authority concernedchose to do nothing.

"This is not the first time though,there have been numerous caseswith proof of animal abuse and thegoverning authorities always seemto turn a blind eye," he said, add-ing that in the KIM aog abuse casethe governing authority' was theVSD.

"Malaysian animal laws are oneof the worst (see chart) in theworld and the situation has cer-tainly put a dent in the image ofthe country as a developednation,

"It sends out the wrong percep-tion to foreigners when they seeand hear about animal abusecases," he said.

> See also story on Page 3

Dog controlmetl1ods by KlangValleyLocalAuthorities

PAWS Mode a/destruction



- Humaneinjection

- Humaneinjection- Unknown

: . HumaneinjectionUnknown



Animal crueltyandabandomentfinesCountries Animo'fines Animo' fines

Singapore 5$10,000 &/or1year imprisonment(RM23,OOO)

Abondoment fine

5$10,000&/or 1 yearimprisonment(RM23,OOO)

Malaysia .RM2006 monthsimprisonment

Thailand' BT10,000 to 100,000

&/or 6 mon\hs-5 years imprisonment(RM1,OO,RM10,OOO)

HongKong HK200,000 &/or3yearsimprisonment(RM90,400)

.AmendedinAugust 2006

Amended in 2006Preventionof CrueityBill FromHKS,OOOtoHK200,OOOAnimal ProtectionAct 199BCurrentlypetitioningfor ¥SOO,OOOfine(RM1S,OOO)

Taiwan NT50,000/RMS,300


USA U5$l,OOOto 100,000upto Syearsimprisonment(RM3,SOO-RM3S0,OOO)RM10,OOO&/or1year imprisonment



Tarikb; .:t9..~f.RJ91t

Proper Alternatives:pounds Trucks Vans


'MPAJ No Ves


,MPSJ . Ves.MPS-"-----

MPKj No Ves


Page 7: Pembinaan sepatutnya bermula 5 Februari - filebantuan daripada beberapa agensi dalam usaba memberi ke-~ mudaban yaog lebih sempuma kepada warga sekolab itu. t Keadaan


units,saysSimeDarbyKUAlA UJMPUR, An additionaJ96 eommerciaJ nnits are not partof the Sime Darby Property's pro-posed plan for Snbang Ria Park.

"The plan is only for the 250high-end residel)tialunits alld 96wlits of apartments/service suiLesfor Sime Darby Medical CentreISDMC/." said Sime Darby man-aging director Daluk Tunku PutraBadlishah Tunku Annual' in apress sUltement IoS/ree/s.

He was responding to Streets'April t5 fronl-page article "WeWant Our Park". '

Ttmku Pull'a Badlishah said al-though the 96 ,mils 01' apart-ments/service suites fall wlder thecommereial iand use category.these apartments/service suiteswould be for the use of the hos-vital's services to patients andtheir families only.

I Ie added the service suites havealways been part pI' its proposedplans whkh have been publiclyshared with both rosidenl' andSubang Jaya Municipal CouncilI'rom the start. the latest beingduring the dialogue session withthe residents held in February thisyear.

"Sime Darby Property had 01'-gmlised two meetings in the lasttIll'ee months on Nov 15 last veal'and in February this yem' Withrepresentatives of the SubangJaya Residents' Association tSJIV\)as weU as the UEP Snbang JayaResidents Association tUSJRAi intIle presence of Subang Jaya as-semblyman Halmah Yeoh.

"Sime Darby shared the plansfor Subang Ria Pm'k to obtain theresidents' views and feedback onthe upgrading and developmentplan so that Subang Ria Park couldbe tw'ned into a truly Ul'ban recre-ational park." Tunku PutraBadlishah said in the slatement.

In the Streets arlicle. it was re-ported thai residents of SubangJaya are not budging from theirstmld thai the,'e should be no de-velopment on Subang Ria Park,the only recreational park in thetownship.

During the rlosed-door meetingchaired by council secretary Sla-mat Hamzah. they again objectedto Sime Darby Property's subnlis-sion to sub-divide and change thestatus of ~ha out of the 29.3ba ofSubang Ria Park to residential andcommercial land.

SJRA chairman A. S. Gill said inpreserving the park located at5512/1, they want zero commer-cial or residimtial development.


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.8OURPAl~t~~~ .

A flashback of our report on April15.

"The land was given to Sinle IDarby tor recreational pUl'posesand it was for tbe benefit of Snb-ang Jaya residents in tho 19805.

"Therefore, we want SnbangRia Park to be maintained as arecreational park.

"IfSime Darby cannot maintainit as a recreational park, it shouldretUl'n it and let the residents de-velop it with the council: Gillsaid.

He also claimed the proposal of96 rulits of commercial and 96units of service suites for theSDMC sUl'faced for the ftrst time inthe mMting wllich was attendedby 18 other residents' represen-tatives from s"', bodies in SnbangJaya.

In a previous development pro-posal presented to residents. theywere' only told of the proposed


construction of 250 nnits of higb-end residential nnits on the 8ha of .Imld in the park.

Gill said if the development wasallowed.residentswouldbe left .

\with only a 8ha plot of land forrecreational purposes as the re-maining area is covered with wa'.

Zone 1 councillor Theresa Rat-

nam Thong was also quoted in thearticle as saying that it had beenapproved in the Local Draft Planthat Snbang Ria Park remains arecreationaJ park.

"We are waiting for the Selangorgoverl)lllent to gazette it at the endof tIlis month or latest by June,"she had said.

NEW STRAITS TIMESTarikh: ...1.~. .~~.R..~o.ill.......
