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Personal Links-

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Personal Analysis.……….……………………………………..……………………….3 Social Media Presence…………………………………………………………………3 SWOT Analysis…………………………………………………………………………….3 Main Goal…………………………………………………………………………………..4 Objectives…………………………………………………………………………………..4 Industry Analysis……………………………….…………………………………..…..5 Medical Device Sales……………..………..……………………………..……….…5 Medical Software (EMR/EHR) Sales.…………………………………….….….5 Target Audience…………………………………………………………………………6 Characteristics of My Target Audience…………………………………….….6 Target Companies…………………………………………………….………………..6 Brand………..…………………………………………………………….…………….…..8 Platforms and Strategies……………………………………………………..…….8 About.Me.……………………………………………………………………….……..….8 LinkedIn………………………………………………………………………..……….….11 Twitter…………………………………………………………………………..………….13 Tumblr…….………………………………………………………………………………..15 Pinterest……………………………………………………………………………………16 Conversion……………………………………………………………………………..…18 Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………19

Table of Contents

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Social Media Presence Since social media is always changing, I’ve tried my best to keep up with the new ways of communicating. My current social media presence includes: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, About.Me, Instagram, WordPress and Tumblr. The three platforms I use the most would be Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. I’ve recently started my WordPress and Tumblr to have a blogging presence, but they could both use some more work. I plan to separate some of my platforms for personal use and others for business related use. I will not only these platforms for conversations with others, but to stay informed on related topics.


Strengths Team-Player

Work Ethic

Communication Skills

Fast Learner




Patient-Centered Mindset



Weaknesses Can’t set something down once I start

Difficulty remembering names

Occasionally overthink situations


I can be too hard on myself at times

Opportunities Knowledge of health care terms and


Been coached on my sales skills

Passion for technology

Extensive network as an entry level employee

Willing to travel frequently

Threats Students who have already interned at

certain companies

Master’s students

Need to gain customers trust as a young employee with knowledge of products and services

Personal Analysis

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My goal is to obtain an entry-level sales position in the medical device/software industry upon graduation in December 2014. My strategy is to use my social media presence to share my knowledge within the field and to connect with future employers. I will focus on implementing my personal brand by getting engaged with my targeted companies. By expanding my network, this could help me land one of my dream jobs.

1. Continue to expand my professional network throughout my social media channels.

This is the primary objective of my plan. I need to attract these industry professionals, connect with them, and create conversation that could continue towards a job. I plan on doing this by reaching out to people from my targeted companies and show interest. During these conversations I will share my knowledge to show them I can add value to their company.

2. To learn more about my selected industry and to stay updated on recent trends and topics.

To be one step ahead of the competition I will use my platforms to learn about healthcare technology. Social media allows you to follow thought leaders with knowledge of the industry. They provide information such as news, facts, and opinions on topics that are relevant. I plan on taking advantage of this by subscribing to healthcare technology-related blogs, follow professionals on Twitter, and read articles posted on LinkedIn.

3. Contribute to the conversations through social media that revolve around my target audience.

In order for me to show an employer that I can add value, I need to share my opinion on discussions. If I provide useful and relevant content, this will allow my target audience to take me seriously. This will help me distinguish myself and hopefully attract recruiters from my targeted companies.

Main Goal


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Medical Device Sales

Minnesota has a high concentration of jobs within the medical device industry

Recent medical device tax due to the Affordable Care Act wasn’t as severe as predicted

People are living longer and healthier lives in our aging global population

Growth of emerging markets such as China, India, and Brazil will increase sales revenue

Increased regulation has made device registration more difficult

Consumerization of medical devices will increase the use of patient-engaging technologies

Medical Software (EMR/EHR) Sales

Meaningful Use incentives for implementing or upgrading systems are creating a greater demand for EMR/EHR technologies

There is a bright future for medical software sales because these systems will require ongoing maintenance, support, and upgrades

Many vendors and hospitals are complaining that the meaningful use requirements are too difficult

Revenue cycle and financial modeling systems are opportunities for sales growth within hospitals

Privacy and security is the most frequent concern around new health IT

Industry Analysis

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Target Audience

Sales Industry Thought Leaders Sales Industry Decision Makers Sales Industry Recruiters Corporate Decision Influencers

Target Audience Characteristics

Looking for individuals that want to learn Passionate and Innovative Hiring (or might be hiring) new talent Located in the Twin Cities Area Up-to-date on product info, new industry trends, news and

current events, and large network Personable and good communication skills Influential and resourceful Competitive

Target Companies

Medtronic - Omar Ishrak, CEO

- Eva Carlson, Senior Marketing Communication Specialist

(1 shared connection) 1st - Ben Jabs, Compensation

Analyst (3 shared connections) 2nd

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Coloplast - Shannon Tufvander, Global Group Marketing Manager

(2 shared connections) 1st - Lars Rasmussen, CEO - Craig Kelly, Senior Recruiter

(1 shared connection) 1st

3M Health Care - Nicholas Gangestad, CFO - Michael Hansberry, Customer Care Rep.

(1 shared connection) 2nd - Leslie McDonnell, VP of Global Marketing

(1 shared connection) 2nd

Apex Information Technologies - Warren Becker, CFO

(1 shared connection) 2nd - Kristen Jacobsen, Director of Marketing

(1 shared connection) 2nd - John Grabowski, Project Manager

(4 shared connections) 2nd

MatrixCare - Jim Lindahl, Software/Services Sales Rep.

(1 shared connection) 2nd - Jessica Gasperini, Financial Consulting

(2 shared connections) 2nd - Elizabeth Colosey, Software Support Analyst

(30 shared connections) 1st

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My three brand points throughout my social media plan are:

1. Passionate/Curious

2. Exceptional Listening Skills

3. Contributing Team Player

These points are way I will differentiate myself throughout my social media platforms. I think finding something you are really interested in is the first step of finding your brand. Second, you need to listen to other thought leaders on social media and learn from them. Lastly, I will comment on posts and become part of the conversation. This way I will become noticed as a person that can add value to one of my targeted companies.

1. About.Me:

About.Me is the Main Hub or Personal Homepage to my social media plan. This site creates a simple page with all of my social platform links attached. The main purpose of this platform is to represent your identity or “brand” and allow anyone to see who you are. It allows you to provide a quick summary, a brief backstory, a profile picture, and links to your platforms along with your email. This caught my attention when I learned that this has a mobile app that works with the profile page. It’s basically like a mobile business card because you can easily share your information by sending your number or email to someone else’s phone. It easily stores the contact and creates a simple collection that is at the touch of your fingers.


Social Media Platforms

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Add About.Me URL to my Email Signature

Include the URL in my other social media platforms

Add professional contacts into my mobile app

Schedule: Once a week, I will search for people or industries on About.Me to see if there are any people I would want to contact. I will click the “Impressed” button to show interest and it could lead to them seeing my homepage. Measurement: I will measure the progress of my About.Me page by the number of views I’ve had. I can also keep track of how many people are impressed with my profile, which could lead to future communication.

Phone App.

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2. LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is probably the most powerful platform in my plan. This is where I can present myself professionally and expand my network. When I started this plan I already had a LinkedIn page, but there is always room for improvement. I have been more active with posting articles and communicating within different groups. I have also looked through the job postings that LinkedIn has to offer and understand what healthcare technology companies are looking for when hiring. Connecting with professionals within my targeted companies and showing interest could allow conversations to end up face-to-face. Strategy:

Connect with people I know and with those who I want to know

Join groups that are related to my targeted industry and participate in the conversations

Ask for recommendations from fellow students, professors, and previous employers

Schedule: I will add an article on LinkedIn at least twice a week and comment on other posts from my connections. Every day, I will look through the “People You May Know” and try to expand my network. I will also search for jobs on LinkedIn every day until I find a job within my targeted industry. Measurement: I will measure my posts by the number of comments or likes they receive. Page views will be the most important measurement tool because this will allow me to see if my targeted companies are showing interest. Endorsements will be another measure that will show the employers what skills I can offer. Lastly, I will measure my success

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by the number of connections that I gain so my network can continue to grow.


After- Improvements-

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3. Twitter:

Having a professional Twitter was something that I never thought of before I started this project. I had a personal page, but after starting my business related Twitter; I could see how beneficial it could be. By following individuals within your industry, you are able to stay up-to-date with real-time news. With keywords and hashtags, professionals are able to find your posts through advanced searches. I’ve also noticed that some recruiters post job links on their feed and keep their eye out for people that can add value. This is probably the second more important platform in my plan because I can quickly learn about the industry and post articles that I thing are interesting. Strategy:

Follow companies and professionals that are included in my target audience

Post healthcare technology-related articles

Retweet, favorite, and comment on other influential sales professionals posts

Schedule: I will post articles at least three times a week of related topics. I will look through my news feed every day. I will search for new people to follow once a week, so I can keep learning the industry by listening to different opinions. Measurement: One way of measuring is keeping track of how many people follow you. That will show the content you are providing is of value to people. Having people retweet or favorite your posts will show

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how many people are interested. I will also use to track how many people opened or visited that site from my post.

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4. Tumblr: As a rookie in the blogging world, I decided to use Tumblr because it is similar to Twitter and it is easy to use. It shows recommendations for blogs that you might want to follow, which helps me find relevant blogs to read. As I become more familiar to the healthcare technology field, I will be able to post more content. This will allow others to hear my “voice”, which will allow professionals in the industry to take me seriously.


Follow professionals that use Tumblr to learn how to Tumbl and more about the industry

Find articles you are interested in and start blogging about them

Comment on others blogs to get a conversation started so it shows professionals you are interested in the topic

Schedule: I will post a blog at least twice a week to get more experience writing my opinion and creating my “voice”. I will read through blogs that show up on my feed once a day to stay informed about new topics. Measurement: I will measure my performance and impact by the amount of followers I have. I can also measure how many favorites and reblogs I get on each post.

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5. Pinterest:

To be honest, I never thought I would have a Pinterest account. I thought it only had content that was related to girls and I wouldn’t find it useful. I was told to try it and see what kind of information would show up for healthcare. To my surprise, I opened it for the first time and I sat on it for over an hour creating groups and pinning different pictures/topics. Now that I’ve seen what content Pinterest actually has, I can see how it can be a valuable platform to have. This will allow me to learn more about topics while I am bored or when I have free time. Most of the images or posts are easy to read which something that keeps me interested. It is very similar to StumbleUpon, which I was addicted to my freshman year of college. Pinterest is easier to use because you can separate different pins to groups.

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Find pins that will be valuable to refer back to later on in your career

Follow other people that are interested in healthcare technology and related topics

Share some of your pins on Twitter or Tumblr and share your opinion

Schedule: I will look through Pinterest every other day or whenever I have free time. I will look for other people to follow once a week so I can find new content. Measurement: I will measure my account by how many people follow my Pinterest page. Otherwise, I will just look through posts for enjoyment.

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At the end of the day, this social media plan is made

to create conversion from one platform to the next.

The final step is to start a conversation that turns

into a face-to-face interview with a target employer.

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