
    Protectia suprafetelor cu substante organice

    Norma Petrom OMV Norm

    E 2001


    Surface protection with organic materials

    Petrom OMV Standard

    E 2001

    Elaborat/ Compiled:

    Nechifor Daniela

    Verificat/ Checked:

    Decusara Felicia Rev: 2/05.05.2008

    Aprobat/ Approved:

    Jeffrey Rinker

    Divizia Rafinare Petrom OMV isi rezerva toate drepturile asupra acestei documentatii si va da in judecata pe orice persoana neautorizata sa o utilizeze sau

    sa o transmita la terti Petrom OMV Refining Division reserves all its rights to these documents and will take legal action against anyone

    using them or passing them on without authorization.

    Aceasta norma a fost elaborata pentru rafinariile Petrom prin prelucrarea si adaptarea

    Normei OMV E 2001 revizie 1.02.2008

    This norm was elaborated for Petrom refineries by the processing and adapting of norm

    OMV E 2001 revision 1.02.2008

    Cap. Cuprins Pag. 1.0 GENERALITATI 2 1.1 Domeniul de valabilitate 2 1.2 Norme si prescriptii 2 1.3 Bazele dimensionarii si executiei 3 2.0 DETALII CONSTRUCTIVE 4 2.1 Acoperirea 4 2.2 Instructiuni de fabricatie 4 2.3 Zonele periferice 4 2.4 Asamblare, repararea defectelor 5 3.0 VERIFICAREA SI RECEPTIA 5 3.1 Verificarea incarcarilor prin sudare 5 3.2 Verificarea straturilor organice acoperite 5 4.0 EXPEDIEREA 6 5.0 DEPOZITAREA 6 Anexa 1 Norme si prescriptii 7 Anexa 2 Lista obiectivelor de avut in vedere

    inainte de perfectarea contractului 9 Anexa 3 Desene 9

    Item Content Page 1.0 GENERAL 2 1.1 Scope 2 1.2 Standards and regulations 2 1.3 Design and construction principles 3 2.0 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 4 2.1 Coating area 4 2.2 Manufacturing rules 4 2.3 Edge zones 4 2.4 Assembly, repair of damages 5 3.0 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 5 3.1 Inspection of the build-up welding 5 3.2 Inspection of the organic coating 5 4.0 DELIVERY AND DISPATCH 6 5.0 STORAGE 6 Annex 1 Standards and regulations 7 Annex 2 List of definitions to be agreed on

    before contract award 9 Annex 3 Figures 9

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    1.1 Domeniul de valabilitate 1.1 Scope Aceasta norma se aplica la executia recipientilor sub presiune-n special a schimbatoarelor de caldura si recipientilor, prevazute cu straturi de protectie din materiale organice.

    This standard applies to the design and execution of pressure vessels - in particular heat exchangers and tanks that are given surface protection of organic materials.

    Aceasta norma este valabila pentru societatile:

    OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH (numai pentru rafinariile Schwechat, inclusiv din locatiile Lobau si St. Valentin)OMV Austria Exploration & Production OMV Gas GmbH

    Norma se poate aplica si n alte locatii inclusiv pentru OMV Petrom.

    This Standard can also be applied for other location departments. This standard applies to the companies OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH (only for the Schwechat refinery incl. the Lobau and St. Valentin locations), OMV Austria Exploration & Production and OMV Gas GmbH. It can also be applied at other sites, including OMV Petrom.

    Descrierile de functionare utilizate in aceasta norma au un caracter neutru.

    The function descriptions in this standard are to be regarded as gender-neutral.

    1.2 Norme si prescriptii 1.2 Standards and regulations Impreuna cu prezenta norma se vor respecta dispozitiile, normele si directivele valabile in Romania, in varianta lor aflata in vigoare, care sunt mentionate in Anexa 1.

    In conjunction with this Standard, the respective specifications, standards and directives legally applicable in Romania and stated in 0 should be taken into account in their named or currently valid form.

    Nu consideram enumerarea noastra ca fiind una completa.

    This listing does not claim to be complete.

    Daca intre diferitele dispozitii, reglementari, norme si directive apar diferente sau contradictii, iar aspectele respective nu sunt in mod expres clarificate prin prezenta norma, se va aplica reglementarea cu formularea cea mai restrictiva.

    In the event of deviations or conflicts arising between the various specifications, standards and directives and there is no firm definition by this standard, then the strictest formulation is to be applied in each case.

    In cazul in care prevederile se exclud reciproc, atunci se va aplica reglementarea prevazuta de legislatia din Romania.

    Where they are mutually exclusive, then the Romanian statutory regulations will apply.

    Intra in responsabilitatea executantului sa verifice daca prevederile prezentei norme sunt adecvate scopului lucrarii respective. Aplicarea normei nu il degreveaza pe executant de raspunderea pe care o are in calitate de antreprenor profesionist si responsabil.

    The contractor will be responsible for checking the appropriateness of this standard for the intended purpose. The application does not relieve the contractor of his responsibility as specialist and independent entrepreneur.

    Daca executantul are obiectii cu privire la una dintre prevederile stabilite, el il va informa imediat in scris pe angajator despre acest lucru.

    If the contractor has reservations concerning an agreed definition, then he must notify the client of this in writing without delay.

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    Este obligatia executantului de a respecta normele in vigoare respectiv de a asigura respectarea acestora de catre subcontractantii sai.

    It is the duty of the contractor to observe the valid regulations and to ensure that his subcontractors also observe them.

    1.3 Bazele dimensionarii si executiei 1.3 Design and construction principles

    Piesele schimbatoarelor de caldura, care se protejeaza, trebuie astfel proiectate si fabricate, nct si poate fi prevazute cu protectia de suprafata, fara alte lucrari ulterioare sau modificari.

    The heat exchanger parts to be protected must be designed and manufactured so that they can be given surface protection without additional reworking or alteration.

    Pentru a putea ndeplini conditiile cerute, este necesara colaborarea strnsa ntre producatorul de schimbatoare de caldura si executantul protectiei de suprafate-chiar n stadiul de proiectare.

    In order to satisfy the conditions, close cooperation between the manufacturer of the heat exchanger and the manufacturer of the surface protection is already required during the planning stage.

    Pentru a stabili modul adecvat de protectie a suprafetelor, trebuie sa se faca cunoscute executantului protectiei, datele tehnologice exacte ale schimbatorului de caldura (specificatia tehnica).

    In order to determine the suitable type of surface protection, the bidder or manufacturer of the surface protection must be informed of the exact technical data of the heat exchanger (technical specification).

    Executantului protectiei de suprafata trebuie sa i se nmneze nca din stadiul de oferta desenele (inclusiv detaliile) pieselor care urmeaza a fi protejate. Piesele care se prevad cu protectie de suprafata se vor marca explicit n desene.

    In addition, the manufacturer of the surface protection must be given the drawings (incl. details) for the parts to be protected already during the offer stage. The parts to be given surface protection must be clearly labeled in the drawings.

    Pentru acoperire se folosesc materiale duroplastice stratificate, care se aleg in functie de mediul de lucru.Exemplu: Expunere la apa de racire.

    Duroplastic coating materials must be used for the coating and selected specifically for the medium.

    Exemplu: Expunere la apa de racire.

    Tevile si placa tubulara: de ex. Skaphen tip Si57E

    Camera de distributie, capacul camerei de distributie, capul flotant, capacul mare de ex. Saekaphen tip Si57E.

    Grosimea stratului conform prescriptiei producatorului.

    Example: Cooling water exposure

    Tubes and tubesheets: e.g. Skaphen type Si57E

    Pre-chamber, pre-chamber cover, floating head, floating head cover: e.g. Skaphen type Si57EG, Prodotex-DR.

    Layer thicknesses according to the manufacturer instruction.

    Pentru utilizarea unor materiale de acoperire echivalente ale altor producatori trebuie prezentata o aprobare a managerului de proiect OMV / Petrom (privind conductibilitatea termica suficienta, referinte, etc).

    For the use of equivalent coating materials from other manufacturers, approval must be obtained from the OMV project manager (sufficient thermal conductivity, references, etc.).

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    2.0 DETALII CONSTRUCTIVE 2.0 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Premiza pentru o protectie perfecta a suprafetelor este executarea pieselor schimbatoarelor de caldura - din punct de vedere constructiv si al tehnicii de sudura- corespunzator urmatoarelor detalii:

    The prerequisite for proper surface protection is structural and welding-related design of the heat exchanger parts according to the details listed below.

    2.1 Acoperirea 2.1 Coating area Partea interioara a tevilor aferente fasc.tubular Placa tubulara pe partea camerei de distributi Camera de distributie Capacul camerei de distributie Partea interioara a capului flotant

    The inside of the bundle tubes The tube-sides of the tubesheets The pre-chamber The pre-chamber cover The inside of the floating head

    2.2 Instructiuni de fabricatie 2.2 Manufacturing rules Suprafata ce urmeaza a fi acoperita trebuie sa nu

    prezinte striuri de tragere, dublari si alte defecte de laminare.

    Se vor utiliza tevi din otel de precizie, fara cusatura, trase la rece.

    The surface that is subject to coating must be free of scratches, laminations and other rolling flaws.

    Seamless cold-drawn precision steel tubes must be used.

    Capetele tevilor vor fi astfel sudate in placa, incat prin cordonul de sudura, sa se creeze o zona neteda de trecere catre placa, cu o raza de 1,5 mm (vezi Anexa 3, fig.1). Cordoanele de sudura trebuie sa nu prezinte pori, despicaturi, fisuri, muchii, cruste de arsura, resturi de material de sudura sau incluziuni de zgura. Se va evita o

    The tube ends must be welded into the tubesheet so that the weld seam creates a smooth transition to the tubesheet with a radius1,5 mm (see 0, fig. 1). The weld seams must not have any pores, gaps, cracks, sharp curbs, undercuts, welding material splashes or slag inclusions. A significant elevation of the weld seams must be avoided.

    Daca este prescrisa o mandrinare (cilindrare) a tuburilor, aceasta operatie se va executa dupa efectuarea sudarii tevii.

    If tube expanding is specified, this must take place after the tube welding.

    Acoperirea fasciculelor de tevi se va executa numai dupa finalizarea tuturor operatiilor mecanice si diupa efectuarea probei de presiune.

    Prior to the coating of the tube bundle all mechanical work must be completed and the pressure test passed.

    2.3 Zonele periferice 2.3 Edge zones Pentru evitarea unor infiltratii in stratul de protectie, suprafetele de etansare din material 1.4571 din toate zonele periferice se vor suda cu un strat tampon supraaliat. (vezi anexa 3; fig. 2, 3, 4, 5 si 6.)

    To avoid seeping below the surface protection, the seal surfaces of all edge zones of the surface protection must be welded over with steel grade 1.4571 with over-alloyed buffer layer. (see 0, fig. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6)

    Suprapunerea stratului de acoperire cu stratul de placare se verifica dupa executie n ceea ce priveste realizarea corespunzatoare (suficienta la suprapunere)

    After manufacturing the overlapping of the coating with the cladding must be checked for proper execution and sufficient overlapping.

  • Norma Petrom OMV E 2001 / Petrom OMV Standard E 2001 Pagina 5 / Page 5

    2.4 Asamblarea, repararea defectelor 2.4 Assembly, repair of damages La asamblarea pieselor acoperite se va acorda o atente deosebita. naintea asamblarii, se vor verifica toate piesele . Se vor repara punctele cu defecte i se vor inspecta inaintea montajului.

    Special care is required during the assembly of coated individual parts. Before assembly, it is essential that all parts are inspected; flaws must be repaired and after being inspected the parts must be approved for assembly.

    Pentru manipularea pieselor acoperite se vor folosi chingi acoperite cu material plastic ( n nici un caz lanturi !), rezistente la produse petroliere si cu latime suficientapentru a evita deteriorarile.

    Organic-coated belts (no chains, etc.) must be used for manipulation of the coated parts; these must be benzine- and oil-resistant and have appropriate width to prevent damage.

    Pasitul pe suprafetele acoperite cu materiale plastice se va face numai cu talpici de protectie, rezistente la produse petroliere.

    Organic coated surfaces may only be stepped on with protective mats, which must be benzine and oil-resistant.

    Sculele trebuie prevazute cu nvelisuri moi. Tools must have soft coverings drawn over them.

    Toate lucrarile de sudura la schimbatorul de caldura trebuie terminate nainte de montarea pieselor acoperite.

    All welding work on all parts of the heat exchanger must be completed prior to fitting the coated parts.

    Se vor semnala cele mai mici defecte mecanice si se va discuta cu managerul de proiect OMV / Petrom, daca aceste defecte se pot remedia la fata locului.

    Defectele mai ample se vor repara n uzina producatoare.

    Even the smallest of mechanical damages and flaws must be reported and it must be decided in cooperation with the OMV Petrom project manager whether this damage can be repaired on location. Larger damages to the surface protection shall be repaired at the manufacturers plant.


    3.1 Verificarea ncarcarilor prin sudare 3.1 Inspection of the build-up welding ncarcarile prin sudare prescrise se vor verifica daca nu prezinta fisuri de suprafata.

    Pentru procedeul de sudura utilizat se va face o autorizare care sa demonstreze ca in acest proces de depunere prin sudura s-a obtinut o structura metalografica adecvata.

    The prescribed build-up welding must be subjected to a surface crack inspection. The welding procedure to be applied has to be approved by a welding procedure test to verify that the build-up welding achieves an accurate structure.

    3.2 Verificarea straturilor organice de acoperire

    3.2 Inspection of the organic coating

    Straturile de acoperire se vor supune urmatoarelor verificari:

    Verificare vizuala Verificarea grosimii stratului Verificarea in vederea indentificarii eventualilor


    The coatings must be subjected to the following tests:

    Visual test Layer thickness test Pore test

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    3.2.1 Control vizual 3.2.1 Visual test Toate acoperirile se vor controla vizual atat pentru acoperirile de interior cat si pentru cele de exterior.

    Tevile acoperite pe interior se controleaza cu aparate tip endoscop. Defecte ca: bule de aer, incluziuni, locuri incomplet acoperite sau deteriorari mecanice se vor mentiona ntr-un protocol si se va trece la eliminarea lor

    All coatings must be visually tested on the outside and inside. For tubes coated on the inside the test must be performed with hollow-object testing devices. Flaws such as bubbles, inclusions, incompletely covered areas, mechanical damage must be recorded in a report and their repair initiated.

    3.2.2 Verificarea grosimii stratului 3.2.2 Layer thickness test Grosimea stratului organic de acoperire se stabileste prin procedee magnetice sau electrice, n functie de tipul materialului de baza.

    The thickness of the organic coatings must be determined with magnetic or electrical (eddy current device) processes, depending on the type of base material.

    3.2.3 Verificarea in vederea identificarii eventualilor pori

    3.2.3 Pore test

    Controlarea stratului in ceea ce priveste posibilitatea existentei unor pori se executa prin verificare uscata (la strapungere).

    Pentru aceasta verificare se ntocmeste un protocol detaliat, care trebuie sa contina date despre reparatii, eliminarea defectelor si trebuie sa cuprinda nota de acceptare pentru montaj.

    Se vor verifica tolerantele care trebuie respectate.

    Protocolul face parte din documentatia de Livrare.

    The test of the coating for pores must be performed with a dry test (puncture test). A detailed acceptance report must be made regarding this test. This report shall state information on repairs and an approval seal. Compliance with tolerances is to be checked. This report is part of the documentation to be delivered.

    4.0 EXPEDIERE 4.0 DELIVERY AND DISPATCH Piesele separate acoperite se vor marca pentru expediere ( prin aplicarea unei etichete cu observatia ATENTIE A NU SE DETERIORA ACOPERIRE CU MATERIAL PLASTIC ) si se vor ambala astfel nct sa nu se deterioreze la transport si sa fie asigurata protectia pentru manipulare la montaj.

    For the dispatch coated individual parts must be labelled (attachment of a notice sign with the text CAREFUL DO NOT DAMAGE - ORGANIC COATING") and packaged so that they cannot be damaged during transport and such that significant protection is ensured for manipulation during installation.

    n cazul fasciculelor de tevi acoperite se vor folosi sanii de transport. Ele trebuie astfel construite,nct la transport sa nu se produca deteriorari ale fascicolului de tevi sau ale acoperirii de material plastic

    For coated tube bundles, transport sleds must definitely be used. These shall be built such that no damage to the tube bundles and organic coatings can occur during transport.

    5.0 DEPOZITARE 5.0 STORAGE Depozitarea ndelungata a pieselor acoperite, n special a pieselor de schimb, trebuie sa se faca numai n spatii acoperite.

    Prolonged storage of coated parts, in particular spare parts, must only take place under a roof.

  • Norma Petrom OMV E 2001 / Petrom OMV Standard E 2001 Pagina 7 / Page 7

    Anexa 1- Norme si prescriptii Annex 1- Norme si prescriptii

    Norme Petrom OMV Petrom OMV standards

    130 Manualele de exploatare 130 Instruction Manuals

    DEF 2001 Recipienti sub presiune. Conceptie si


    DEF 2001 Pressure Vessels; Design and Construction

    Standarde Europene si internationale European and international standards

    EN 10305 Tevi din otel pentru utilizari de precizie- Conditii tehnice de livrare

    - 1 Tevi fara sudura trase la rece

    EN 10305 Steel tubes for precision applications Technical delivery conditions

    -1 Seamless cold drawn tubes

    EN 14879 Sisteme de acoperire cu vopsea organica si alte placarI pentru protectia aparaturii si instalatiilor industriale contra coroziunii cauzate de medii agresive

    -1 Terminologie, conceptie, si pregatirea suportului

    EN 14879 Organic coating systems and linings for protection of industrial apparatus and plants against corrosion caused by aggressive media.

    -1 Terminology, design and preparation of substrate


    (DIN 28055) Constructia apartelor pentru ind.chimica - Protectia suprafetelor cu straturi organice cu aplicare la componente metalice

    -1 Cerinte

    -2 Verificare si testare

    (DIN 28055) Chemical apparatus Surface protection with organic linings for application to metallic components

    -1 Requirements

    -2 Proof of suitability and testing

    Reglementari romanesti:

    Romanian rules

    HG 584/2004 Privind stabilirea conditiilor de introducere pe piata a echipamentelor sub presiune noi

    HG 584/2004 Concerning establishing of the conditions for introduction on market of new equipments under pressure



    C1/2003 Cerinte tehnice privind montarea, instalarea, exploatarea, verificarea tehnica si repararea cazanelor cu abur si cu apa fierbinte, supraincalzitoarelor si economizoarelor independente.

    C1/2003 Technical requirements concerning mounting, installation, operation, technical checking and repairing of steam boilers and hot water, over-heaters and independent economizers

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    C4/1-2003 Cerinte tehnice privind montarea, instalarea, exploatarea, repararea si verificarea recipientelor metalice stabile sub presiune

    C4/2-2003 Ghid pentru proiectarea, construirea, montarea si repararea recipientelor metalice sub presiune

    C4/1-2003 Technical requirements concerning mounting, installation, operation, repairing and checking of metallic containers stable under pressure

    C4/2-2003 Guideline for designing, constructing, mounting and repairing of metallic containers under pressure

    C6 Cerinte tehnice privind montarea, instalarea,

    exploatarea, repararea si verificarea conductelor metalice pentru fluide

    C6 Technical requirements concerning mounting, installation, operation, repairing and checking of metallic ducts for fluids

    C10-1 Cerinte tehnice privind montarea, instalarea, exploatarea, repararea si verificarea conductelor de abur si de apa fierbinte sub presiune

    C10-2 Ghid pentru proiectarea, construirea, montarea si repararea conductelor de abur si de apa fierbinte sub presiune

    C10-1 Technical requirements concerning mounting, installation, operation, repairing and checking of steam and hot water ducts under pressure

    C10-2 Guideline for designing, constructing, mounting and repairing of steam and hot water ducts under pressure

  • Norma Petrom OMV E 2001 / Petrom OMV Standard E 2001 Pagina 9 / Page 9

    Anexa 2 Lista obiectivelor de avut in vedere inainte de perfectarea contractului

    Annex 2 List of definitions to be agreed on before contract award

    Punct Item

    1.3 1.3

    Se stabilesc detaliile de executie a schimbatoarelor de caldura, pentru acoperire

    Se specifica datele tehnologice (Specificatia tehnica) si mediul de transport, pentru stabilirea tipului de protectie a suprafetei

    Se predau desenele de detaliu , pentru intocmirea ofertei

    Determine design details of the heat exchangers for the coating

    Specify technological data (technical specification) and medium for determination of the type of surface protection

    Provide detailed drawings which are needed to compile the offer

    3.2.3 3.2.3

    Protocolul de verificare a porilor. Pore test, report

    Anexa 3 Desene Annex 3 Figures

    Fig.: 1 Acoperirea cu strat de material plastic pe tevi

    Fig.: 1 Pipe-side organic coating

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    Fig.: 2 Placarea canalului de etansare de pe placa tubulara

    Fig.: 2 Cladding of the seal groove on the tubesheet

    Fig.: 3 Sudarea tevii in zona palacate Fig.: 3 Tube-side organic coating

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    Fig.: 4 Placarea suprafetei de etansare de la flansa camerei de distributie

    Fig.: 4 Cladding on the seal surface on the pre-chamber flange (Cover side)

    Abb.: 5 Placarea suprafetei de etansare de pe placa tubulara

    Fig.: 5 Cladding of the seal surface on the tubesheet

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    Abb.: 6 Placarea suprafetei de etansare de la camera de distributie

    Fig.: 6 Cladding of the seal surfaces on the floating head cover flange and pre-chamber flange (tubesheet side)

  • Norma Petrom OMV E 2001 / Petrom OMV Standard E 2001 Pagina 13 / Page 13


    0 Mai 2006

    Preluarea si adaptarea normei OMV

    E 2001/01.01.2005

    Processing and adapting of OMV

    Norm E 2001/01.01.2005



    Schimbare format Format change


    Mai 2008

    Modificare desene Revizuire traducere engleza

    Drawings amended English translation revised
