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EDITORIALDear reader, we hope you are not too hungry anymore. It is sunday, the General Assembly is taking place and this is the very last apple left. Today is your last chance to take a bite of this sometimes hard, some-times soft, but always oh so sweet and juicy POM. This second and final issue is fully dedicated to the time you spent in Tours, the people you spent it with and the places where you could spend some time in the future. Stay CLEAN, stay FRESH, stay POM!






Do you remember your first European Youth Parlia-ment (EYP) experience? Or maybe, this is your first EYP experience. Well, there is first time for everything.My first EYP experience was in Amsterdam, when I went to a regional session with my school delegation. It was fun, but the problem was that my first EYP expe-rience only lasted one day. Immediately, I wanted to do more EYP session and I wanted to get to know as many people as possible, from as many European countries as possible. After my National Selection Conference I was afraid my EYP career would be over. However, I could not be more wrong. My EYP career was only just getting started. The only problem was that I did not know how I should take the next step. Then an

alumnus that went to my school, who is also an EYPer, told to me join the Facebook group of EYP the Nether-lands, to join the ‘Sessions’ Facebook group and to stay in touch with fellow EYPers. Shortly afterwards, I found out that there were all kinds sessions I could apply to, such as this one. So, I applied to a session. I was not sure what would happen next and wondered what it would be like to go to a session where I did not know anyone. Further-more, I wondered if it would be easy to make friends at such a session and especially, I was anxious about my English being of an insufficient level. Luckily, wanting to work on your English is a great motiva-tion to stay involved in EYP and to go to many ses-


sions. Especially, if you are French and you want to go to sessions in the Netherlands, Germany or any other country in Europe. Once you are at a session, you will notice that everyone is just like you. They are eager to meet new people and unless you are from the UK, your English is not much better then a parti-cipant from any other country. Therefore, you should not worry too much about your English proficiency. Instead, just have fun and meet new people. The purpose of the EYP is not only to be well prepared for the General Assembly (GA), but also to meet new people, become more elo-quent, less shy and better in English (or French).

Last Friday night an event called Eurolympics took place. It was really interesting for me, as it was the first time I heard of such an event.Even though we, journalists did not attend the games, I can say that it seemed really en-joyable. In spite of vomiting delegates, over-ly competitive chairs and terrified peop-le, these games also had a deeper purpose.The Eurolympics were a metaphor FOR the General Assembly (GA), which is going to take a place on Sunday. Many of you may be new to the EYP, but an important thing to know about the GA is one of the hardest parts of a session. Furthermore, doing well in the GA requires working well as a team, which is also essential to performing well at the Eurolympics and winning a game. Moreover, GA is extre-mely competitive. You really have to fight for your resolution so that it may pass. You have to defend your resolution, while other com-mittees attack it by means of an attack speech and rounds of open debate, which makes doing well in GA a challenging task. The same is the case during the Eurolympics. It is most defi-nitely not easy to eat so many vegetables in such a short time nor is it pleasant to put your hand into a can full of ravioli.Winning a game in Eurolympics is like having your resolution pass, because in both situations you fight for something and eventually grind out a result.The Eurolympics also has another effects on delegates. It develops friendships within the committees and enhances a committee’s com-munication and teamwork skills.This direct-ly affects the quality of committee work and consequently, the resolution. In conclusion, we can say that both the GA and Eurolympics are about strategy and cooperation, so keep this in mind when you are debating during the GA.




The Board of National Committees (BNC) is currently meeting in Berlin to discuss the abolition of French as an official langua-ge in the European Youth Parliament (EYP).I do not understand why they are even discussing this. French has to remain an official language of the EYP.Bettina Carr-Alison founded the EYP by hosting the first ever International Session at the Lycée Françoisler in Fountainebleau, France, in 1988. We should be grateful to France as it is the country where the EYP was founded. We have to thank them for making it possible for delegates and official to attend meetings of the European Youth Parliament. Otherwise, there would not be a place, where young people would discuss European is-sues with other youngsters from all around Europe.The way to thank them is by keeping French as one of the two official languages in the EYP.It is not as if no one outside of France speaks French. Furthermore, parts of Belgium, Switzerland, Mona-co, Luxembourg speak French as their first langua-ge. When so many countries already speak French natively and there are many people from different countries that learn French, there is no need to abo-lish French from the EYP as an official language.Moreover, you are allowed to speak French in al-most every institution, i.e. in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development of the EU. The EYP is meant to be a reflecti-on of the EU and abolishing French, as an offici-al language would be a measure, which does not accurately reflect the proceedings of the EU.While it is true that delegates and offici-als from the EYP France do not always speakEnglish as well as delegates from different coun-tries and that may irritates certain delegates that do not speak French, it may also serve as moti-vation for the latter group to learn to speak or improve their French.Let us hope the BNC will make a smart decision in Berlin this weekend.



Both French and English are official languages of the European Youth Parliament (EYP). Howe-ver, I believe that French should not be spoken during its discussions for a number of reasons. Firstly, the EYP is an educational platform. By meeting motivated youngsters from different Member States, you learn about different cultures and see how a different culture leads to different perspectives to certain problems. This is some-thing beautiful. However, there is a problem that this platform has not dealt with sufficiently. Na-mely, that there is only a small percentage of EY-Pers who are proficient in French, causing a huge language barrier for French participants. This stands in the way of producing fruitful debates.In the report Europeans and their Languages (2006) it is demonstrated that only 26% of the European citizens speak French, while only 12% of this 26% are native speakers. When comparing this to English, the biggest language in Europe with 51% of the European Union’s citizens who speak the language fluently, a big difference is visible.In fact, 32% of EU citizens are proficient in German, which means a greater amount of EU citizens speak German than French. Taking into account the fact that Germany’s economy is the third greatest in the world , would it not make more sense to have Ger-man and English as official languages of the EYP instead of French and English? Of course it does.I believe French should no longer be an official of the EYP, as it would benefit both the delegates who are proficient in French and the delegates who are not. If French delegates had to speak English at EYP sessions, they would become more motivated to im-prove their English. Once French delegates improve their English, they will finally be able to connect to delegates from all around Europe and share their ideas with them, which is what the EYP is all about.



On doute souvent de ses capacités lorsque l’on se retrouve face à ses obligations de jeune journaliste. Ainsi, j’ai pu découvrir les contraintes de cette fonction. Etre journaliste à une session PEJ ne se résume pas à jouer au paparazzi. Il faut égale-ment remplir des missions plus académiques telles que la rédaction d’articles per-tinents dans un laps de temps réduit. Je vais donc illustrer par mon expérience, la première tentative d’un PEJiste en tant que journaliste lors d’une session régiona-le. Les PEJistes se lancent souvent naïvement dans les méandres réductionnels.

« Après un training épuisant dans la langue de Shakespeare, un brainstorming afin d’attribuer à chacun un sujet, et une bonne dose de café, le journaliste est alors lâché dans cette jungle qu’est la collecte d’information. Plein d’entrain face à sa première mission, le jeune homme se lance à corps perdu dans la rédaction de son article. Le sujet reste plutôt simple, mais c’est avec le vocabulaire d’un 6ème et la rédaction d’un ivrogne que peu à peu, le journaliste s’enlise dans une introduction bancale. La dé-ception fut grande lorsqu’il se rendit compte qu’après deux longues heures de travail, le compteur de mots ne dépassait pas la petite centaine. Et elle le fut davantage après la relecture. Désespérément, il jeta un regard vers l’extérieur. La lumière l’appelait, les


délégués commençaient à peine les Teambuilding et leurs cris résonnaient déjà dans la cour. Il fit face à la réalité et conclut qu’il ne deviendrait pas en deux jours, un journaliste d’envergure internationale. Il lui restait alors un seul espoir : que son talent de photographe soit plus concluant. Malgré la faible estime de lui-même, il s’attacha à cette dernière chance.Jetant un dernier regard plein de dépit sur son travail inachevé, notre reporter en herbe se précipita alors vers les différentes commissions afin de capturer le moind-re instant de folie. Peu de temps après, les éclats de rires laissèrent place une secon-de fois à la déception. Des photos surexposées, mal cadrées, floues remplissaient la mémoire de l’appareil. Trop de réglages à prendre en compte pour un photograp-he débutant. Le sentiment d’inutilité noircit le cœur du jeune journaliste devant tant d’échecs. Cependant, grâce à sa détermination, notre journaliste gagnera en confi-ance et ses travaux deviendront de plus en plus remarquables au fil des sessions. »

En tant que « journo », nous sommes tout d’abord présent pour écrire des articles sur des sujets pertinents concernant l’UE. Grâce à une liberté d’expression, si chère à notre société, nous pouvons exprimer notre point de vue sans contraintes. Mais traiter un sujet sérieux n’est pas forcement amusant, cela implique des recherches, un développement structuré et encore beaucoup d’exigences que je vous épargnerais. Néanmoins, la rédaction d’articles n’est pas l’unique fonction d’un journaliste. Au delà des illustrations d’articles, nous cherchons aussi à garder en mémoire les rencontres, débats, les bons moments que génère la magie du PEJ.

Ce serait difficile de résumer à un simple article tout ce que vous seriez susceptibles de vivre en tant que probable futur journaliste. C’est pour cela que je vous souhaite de pou-voir un jour prendre ma place lors d’une session du Parlement Européen des Jeunes.


We have all heard of and en-joyed French fries before, pre-ferably with with ketchup.Nevertheless, the origin of the French fries is actually not French. So, why do we call them French fries? And if they are not French, where do they come from? In fact, in 1781, a Belgian man, from Namur, invented what we call ‘French fries’. He used to fish little minnows and

made them tastier by frying them. Ho-wever, during the winter, it was harder to find minnows and instead, he fried potatoes he had cut in the form of fish.During the French revolution in 1789, French fries reached Pa-ris. They were sold under the fa-mous bridge ‘le Pont Neuf ’ and were called “Pont Neuf ’s potatoes”. However, you are probably still as-


We all have prejudices about another nationalities. When I was preparing my trip to France, I had certain expectati-ons about French people and culture. However, when I arrived and gradually got to know French people, I realised I was mistaken in most of my opinions.

Expectation: French people are dis-tant. Reality: In reality, they are not distant at all. When I was travel-ling to Tours, many locals helped me find my way. Moreover, haven’t you seen organisers of the session ?

They were always here when we nee-ded anything and also French peo-ple are really fun to hang out with.

Expectation: French cuisine is unique and diverse. Reality: While I expected to eat frog legs and escargot during my stay in Franc, French fries appear to be the most common meal in France. During this session, I haven’t passed a day without eating French fries. The irony is that French fries are Belgian.

Expectation: It will be easy to com-




king yourselves why still name them French fries, while they are from Bel-gium. During the blight in Ireland, the nearly 2 million migrants from Ireland imported and popularized the expression “French fries” in Eu-ropean countries and in the UnitedStates, Canada and Australia. They called them French as “to french” me-ans to cut into sticks in Irish slang.

Consequently, French fries became the global nametag for Belgian fries.The same goes for hamburgers, which are not American but from Hamburg, where inhabitants used to flatten their sausage and then eat it between to slices of bread. Thanks to migration it beca-me a well know dish. Thus, migration plays a big role in the naming of food.


municate in English with French people. Reality: French people are amusing and they know how to speak in English, but unfortunately they prefer to talk in French all the time.

Expectation: French people’s no-ses are big and a deformed. Reali-ty: This expectation of mine could not be further from the truth. Most French people have beautiful noses.

Expectation: French people eat crois-sants for breakfast every day. Re-

ality: This expectation was true.

Expectation: The French dress code is unusual. Reality: Even though I expected haute couture designer clo-thes, French people dress just like us.

In a nutshell, the reality is that during my time in France most of expectati-ons were exceeded. Besides, the fact that getting to know a completely different culture is really interesting, I have really appreciated the hospi-tality from all the people I have met.




The Netherlands has been a constitutional monarchy for the last two centuries. King Willem-Alexander is currently the head of state, with Mark Rutte as Prime Minister. In 2010, The Economist ranked the Netherlands as the 10th most demo-cratic country in the world. Moreover, every tourist who tra-vels to Amsterdam experiences it to be as a very quiet and wel-coming place. In a nutshell, it is the perfect holiday destination. Amsterdam is the capital city of Netherlands and also the city with the largest population in the Netherlands. Its name means “dam on the Amstel”. The Amstel is one the ri-vers which runs through the city. Moreover, the city was one of the most influential ports during the 17th century. Amsterdam is the cultural centre of the Netherlands and has gained a worldwide reputation thanks to the great amount of tourist attractions in the city. The most famous museums are lo-cated on Museumplein, which means “Museum Square”. There you can find the Stedelijk Museum, the Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum, which houses Rembrandt world-renowned painting ‘the Nightwatch’. In the centre of the city, the Royal Palace of Amsterdam, the canals and the Anne Frank House can be found. However, the city is mainly known by the youth for its coffee shops, its party scene and the Red Light District. The Netherlands is a role model to many countries, because of its extremely secular political system. What is more, a report In 2010 showed that 61% of the Dutch population was atheist at the time. However, many religions peacefully coexist in the Netherlands. The main faiths are Roman Catholicism(24,6%), Protestantism (14,8%). Christians, Orthodoxism and Jehovah’s witnesses which represents 0,7% of the national population.


Population: 779 808 inhabitantsLanguage: Dutch Currency: Euro

A natives point of view: “In my life I have visi-ted many beautiful cities, but none of them have ever matched Amsterdam. Next to its old canals and the beautiful old houses on the canals, the city also has a buzzing character. There is always something happening on the streets. With peo-ple riding their bikes everywhere, it is almost impossible to find an empty street. It is a big city with small places, waiting to be discovered.” - Mirjam Pieters, our dearest Dutch journalist.




The city is situated along the Bosporus, which separates the European and Asian parts of the city. Alexander the Great, who named the city Byzantium, founded the city. During the Byzantine Period (330-1453), the city was renamed Constantinople in honour of the Roman emperor Constantine, who conquered the city in 330 A.D. After the fall of Con-stantinople, the city was conquered by a sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Mehmed II, and would be the empire’s capital for the next five centuries. Istanbul has always been a coveted city, because of its strategic position on the Silk Road, which arguably lead to the many attempts at trying to take hold of the city. On the 29th of October 1923, the Republic of Tur-key was established and the government settled the capital in Ankara. Despite Ankara being the official capital of Turkey, peop-le from all around the world still recognise Istanbul as the finan-cial, commercial and industrial capital of Turkey. Furthermo-re, it is seen as the cultural capital of the country. The city has enjoyed great economic growth since the start of the 21st century and will probably be enormously influential in the upcoming years.Turkey is a parliamentary republic. Abdullah Gül was elected Pre-sident of the Republic of Turkey in 2007 thanks to a majority in parliament. On October 21st 2007, it was decided that the presi-dent would from there on be elected by direct universal suffrage.On a completely different note, you cannot leave Turkey without visi-ting Sultanahmet Square, as most of Istanbul’s tourist attractions are located here. For instance, you can find the Blue Mosque here, which is known for its blue ceramics, as well as the Hagia Sophia, which was a church until the Ottomans conquered the city, and Topkapi Palace, where the sultans of Ottoman Empire used to live. Furthermore, the Bosporus is a must-see with its stunning scenery. Finally, there is also the Galata Tower which gives you a view of the whole city of Istanbul.

Population: 14,160,467 inhabitantsLanguages: TurkishCurrency: Turkish Lira

A natives point of view: We are really happy to have a Turkish journalist in our team. Her name is Iraz. She is 17 years old and lives in Istanbul. She lives on the European side of Istanbul and will inform us about her favourite things in and about the city. She likes how it is very easy it is to find good Turkish food in the city, because there are typical Turkish restaurant everywhere. Furthermore, she enjoys going to a nice dis-trict called Kadikoy, which has many nice places to hang out with friends and family. For more fun, she goes to a huge street called Istiklal, which houses many coffee-shops, places to go for drinks, places to play pool, places to go bowling and museums. Our dear Iraz’ favourite mu-seum is the SALT Museum, because of its contemporary art and the fact that they change their exhibitions every month. Finally, she encourages everyone who reads this to go to Istanbul, as it is a city where the old meets the new.


There is an important thing one should never underestimate, espe-cially when deciding to take part in a EYP session. Its presence is vital at every session. It can make or break a resolution. Organisers cannot live without it. What is more, I believe it flows through editor Matteo’s veins. I am, of course, talking about coffee.You should not, however, confuse the coffee I am talking about with instant coffee. I am talking about the real thing. I am talking about dark roasted beans, steam coming from a coffee machine and a thick layer of milk. In other words, the perfect cup of coffee.Of course, it is not easy to create such a piece of art. It takes a lot of practice, experience and know-


There is an important thing one should never underestimate, espe-cially when deciding to take part in a EYP session. Its presence is vital at every session. It can make or break a resolution. Organisers cannot live without it. What is more, I believe it flows through editor Matteo’s veins. I am, of course, talking about coffee.You should not, however, confuse the coffee I am talking about with instant coffee. I am talking about the real thing. I am talking about dark roasted beans, steam coming from a coffee machine and a thick layer of milk. In other words, the perfect cup of coffee.Of course, it is not easy to create such a piece of art. It takes a lot of practice, experience and know-

ledge. Practice makes perfect, but to be able to practice in the first place, a certain amount of knowledge is required. Therefore, we collected the most important information about coffee, to help you become the perfect barista.

The coffeeThe creation of a perfect cup of coffee starts with perfect coffee beans. The golden rule is not to buy ground coffee, but to ground it yourself. Ground coffee loses a lot of its flavour, which is devasta-ting when you want a deep and rich flavour. To keep the flavour of your coffee beans, you should store them in a confined room, to prevent them going stale.

The waterCoffee consists of 99% water, which means it is very important to use high quality and preferably, purified water.

When purchasing coffee beans you should try to find out if the brand of coffee beans has a fair trade logo. Many coffee farmers live in poverty, due to their exploitation by big companies. The fair trade logo means that the coffee farmers are paid properly. Great coffee comes with great responsibility.

To personalise your perfect coffee, take the coffee-quiz at and find out which beans you need for your perfect brew.


At sessions of the European Youth Parliament, chairs, Head-Orga-

nisers and the President are often interviewed, but Editor interviews appear a lot less frequently. Jasper Meijer and Matteo van Dijl, our

Editors at this session, are not only brothers from another mother, but

also very special. We decided an interview was needed to under-

stand their specialness.

Firstly, I tested how well they knew each other by asking very detailed questions about each other. I guess you are eager to

know that Matteo’s favourite coffee is cappuccino, with an extra shot of espresso and a perfect creamy layer of milk foam, but also that

Jasper is allergic to pets. They would not, however, tell me about their most shameful moment, “I plead the fifth” Jasper answered


They did tell what they found

most annoying about the other. Apparently, Matteo is a diva andJasper becomes emotional when

he hears the song “Wrecking ball” by Miley Cyrus. Our Belgian

Editor, Matteo, kept insisting that Belgium should be recognised as

an independent country,while Jasper would like to give a part of Netherlands to Belgium,

because Belgium is so ridiculously small. “We can give them eve-rything except Amsterdam” he


Ever since the beginning of the session, it was obvious that Matteo

was obsessed with Sigrun,the President of the session. They met each other at an EYP session in Estonia, during a bus transfer. At the time he was obsessed with Sweden and it would eventually become Sigrun he was obsessed with. He even made up a little

poem for her that goes: “Sigrun is an amazing person, her smile does

miracles to me and her eyes make me feel like I’m drowning in the

sea of love.”

Like many other EYPers, our Editors are inspired by the British band One Direction. Jasper and Matteo believe the song ‘Story of my life’ by 1D best describes EYP to them, because of the memories

associated to it.Finally, they graded each other’s

hipster level on a scale from one to five. They each raised five fingers, so we can definitely state the Edi-tors are über hipsters. Using the same system, Matteo gave Jasper

a five out of five for his nerd level, while Jasper only gave Matteo a

two out of five.

What I find out today was that Jas-per and Matteo are more than just two Editors. They are also friends and entertainers. Not only to the

media team, but to all participants of the session.



What immediately pops to mind when we speaking about other countries? Undoubtedly, their stereoty-pes. These myths build or destroy countries’ reputati-ons. Follow me on my trip through Europe to discover how the French stereotype other European countries.

I will start off with the United Kingdom, which the French probably have the most stereotypes about. For instance, British people have bad teeth and are very sarcastic. Moreover, they drink tea, accompanied by scones, every day at 5 p.m. Last but not least, Brits are miserable, because of the constantly cold and rainy weather. Next, we have the neighbours of the Brits: the Irish. The Irish are alcoholic gingers who always wear green. An Irish adult drinks 15L of pure alcohol

per year. Moreover, they stupidly believe that leprechauns exist and always eat potatoes. Let us cross the English Channel and meet the Dutch, who always smoke weed in their coffee shops. The Dutch are liberal, greedy, gay and stoned cyclists that love eating Gouda cheese in their windmill. After that we move on to Belgium where the inhabitants always eat fries! They are also very stupid, which is why French make lots of jokes about them. It is also very enjoyable to take the mickey out of their weird accent. Next, we take a plane down to Portugal. The Por-tuguese are very furry. It is actually really difficult to dif-ferentiate a Portuguese and a bear cub. Further, the Por-tuguese are either masons or as plaster painters. Finally, they always eat cod and each Portuguese dish contains cod. Now, on to Sweden, where food is so terrible that its citizens become incredibly depressed and consequently, only listen to metal music. After crossing the Baltic Sea, we arrive in Lithuania. Lithuanians never laugh and Li-thuania is probably the most serious country in the world.


Furthermore, all Lithuanians words end with–as. Do you imagine yourself speaking likas thatas withas onlyas wor-das thatas endas withas asas? In Poland everyone is ex-tremely religious and survives on Vodka, while everyone from the Czech Republic is Eurosceptic and smokes weed.

After having completed France’s stereotype tour of Eu-rope, it is important to ask ourselves who we are to judge other countries. Just as many stereotypes about the French exist as of any I country I named. According to other countries, we are all grumpy, stingy and rude people that always complain and think our food is the best. Are we really all of that? Stereotypes are often false and the only way we can find out if this is the case, is by meeting people from different countries. Luckily, we do so by participating in EYP sessions and usually stop ste-reotyping others, as we find out that we could not have been more wrong in our earlier prejudiced judgments.

Le nom de notre media team est un fruit, et pour rester dans ce thème et en apprendre plus sur les chairs qui participent à cette sessi-on, j’ai posé à tous les chairs une seule question : Quel fruit te correspond le plus et pourquoi ? Charlotte (Chair of JURI) : « Si j’étais un fruit, je serais une framboise parce que c’est petit, mig-non et trop bon ! Ca me fait aussi penser à l’été»Timothée (Chair of EMPL): « Je suis une pomme, parce que les pommes c’est bon, et moi aussi je suis bon qui plus est, j’ai le de-sign épuré et la performance d’un ordi apple. »Anna (Chair CULT II ): « Une mangue, parce que ça caractérise toutes mes humeurs dans un seul fruit, parce qu’une mangue peut être rou-ge, jaune ou verte. Et le noyau incarne la for-ce cachée, sur laquelle je peux me reposer. »Charles (Chair of CULT I): « Si j’étais un fruit, je serais une noix de coco parce que c’est dur à l’extérieur et juteux à l’intérieur. » Cloé (Chair of INTA) : « Je dirais que je suis un kiwi, parce que lui aussi est poilu. »Sigrun (President and chair of INTA) : « I cannot think of anything ! Proba-bly mandarines, because once you get un-der my skin its sweet but I have a sour edge.» Monica (Vice President and chair of ITRE) : « I am an orange because they provide vita-mins which are essential for life, just like I am. » Céline (Chair of ITRE) : « Je suis un raisin par-ce que j’ai toujours besoin de ma grappe d’amis.»Marcin (Chair of AFCO III) :« If I were a fruit, I would be a strawberry becau-se I am a very cute person and my face af-ter yesterday’s sun is like strawberry’s color. »William (Vice President and chair of EMPL) : « Moi, c’est la goyave d’Antarctique parce qu’elle est rare et unique et représente à la fois mon amour pour le PEJ et pour un des officiels de la session. »Léonard (Chair of AFCO I) : « La banane car elle a une bonne mise en bouche, un peu dur au dé-but mais avec patience, elle deviendra molle. »



