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Ramachandran plot

Oleh:Handariatul M. (121810301003)Tiara Farah H. (12181030)

Page 2: PPT RP

Plot Ramachandran

Struktur Protein Disebut juga dengan plot [ϕ,ѱ]

Gopalasamudram Ramachandran, pada

tahun 1963

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plot ramachandranCara untuk memvisualisasikan sudut dihedral ψ terhadap φ pada residu asam amino dalam struktur protein

Menunjukkan kombinasi perputaran sudut ψ dan φ yang dilarang dan yang diijinkan pada konformasi struktur skunder protein

Indikator penting dalam menaksirkan kualitas struktur 3 dimensi dari protein

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Sudut Torsi Rantai Polipeptida

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Contoh perputaran sudut ѱ

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Contoh perputaran sudut Φ

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Ramachandran plot, showing which atomic collisions (using a hard-sphere approximation) produce the restrictions of the main-chain angles and . The cross-hatched regions are allowed for all residues, and each boundary of a prohibited region is labeled with the atoms that collide in that conformation. Additional shaded regions are for glycine residues only. Each boundary of a prohibited region is labeled with the atoms that collide in that conformation.

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