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  • 8/4/2019 Pre-Grad School Handbook




    Academic Advising Programs

    University of North Carolina

    Campus Box 3110

    Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3110

    November 2006


  • 8/4/2019 Pre-Grad School Handbook



    This handbook is intended for anyone who is contemplating attending graduate

    school once they have completed their undergraduate degree at UNC. It contains

    information about the nature of graduate education, how to prepare for graduate

    education, how to select a graduate program, and the graduate school application

    process. While this handbook hopes to answer many questions about graduate

    school, it is likely that youll have some that are not answered here. Please feel

    free to schedule an appointment with one of the pre-graduate school advisers in

    the Academic Advising Program. They can tell you a great deal more about

    graduate education and answer any remaining questions that you have.


    The term graduate school refers to all post-baccalaureate educational programs

    that award advanced degrees. Entrance into graduate school requires a bachelors

    degree. After completion of the graduate training you may have earned a Masters

    degree, Ph.D., graduate certificate or professional degree.

    Professional and Other Graduate Degrees

    A distinction can be drawn between professional and other kinds of graduate

    degrees. Professional degrees include business (MBA), dentistry (DDS and

    DMD), law school (JD), medical school (MD), pharmacy (Pharm.D.) and


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    veterinary medicine (DVM),l among others. These programs are typically not

    administered by the Graduate School of a university. Their focus is usually less

    on doing research and more on providing the necessary skills to engage in a

    particular profession (e.g. practicing medicine or law). This handbook does not

    focus on professional degrees. For information on those degrees, click on the links

    for pre-law school advising and pre-health science advising.

    Of the other kinds of degrees, the Masters and Ph.D. are the most

    common. There is also a wide range of graduate certificates that can be earned,

    sometimes as a part of obtaining ones Masters or Ph.D. degree. These degrees

    are typically more research oriented and they are almost always administered bythe Graduate School. The practical relevance of the latter piece of information is

    that your application may have to be sent to the Graduate School rather than to an

    academic department.

    The distinction between professional and other kinds of degrees should not

    be drawn too sharply, since there are now a growing number of joint degree

    programs. Joint DMD/PhD, DDS/PhD, JD/MBA, JD/PhD, MD/M.P.H., MD/PhD,

    and other programs are of interest if you would like to conduct research but would

    also like to practice in a profession (e.g. dentistry, medicine, or law). The

    downside of these programs is that they can take considerably more time to

    complete than a straight-out professional degree. The pre-health and pre-law

    advisers can help you to identify these programs and discuss the pros and cons of

    a joint degree.

    Masters versus Ph.D.

    Masters degrees come in different flavor, including M.A., M.S., M.P.H., M.P.A.,

    and others. Under normal circumstances, earning a Masters degree will take two

    years, with some programs requiring a little more time. During this time you will

    take advanced courses in a particular field. You may also be asked to take a


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    comprehensive examination in one or more sub-fields and to write a thesis or

    create a final project.

    Earning a Ph.D. degree typically requires four years. A small number of

    programs compress their Ph.D. requirements into three years, but this usually

    means that they will only admit students who already have a Masters degree. In

    practice, many Ph.D. students take longer than four years, especially when they

    are pursuing a joint degree program.

    The organization of the Ph.D. curriculum varies greatly by field and

    university, but it typically involves taking courses for the first two or three years,

    taking comprehensive examinations in one or more sub-fields in the secondand/or third year, and writing a dissertation in the last year. Some programs will

    have an examination at the end of the first year, which decides if you can continue

    in the program. In many cases, students earn their Masters degree along the way

    and may be asked to write a Masters thesis as well as a dissertation. In some

    programs the Masters thesis is used as a benchmark to decide whether you can

    continue in the program.

    The dissertation is a major piece of original research. Although many

    programs allocate only one year to writing the dissertation, students often spend

    considerable more time on it. Just conducting the field work can take a long

    time, with graduate students spending countless hours in libraries and archives, or

    conducting experiments, surveys, and interviews. In comparison, Masters theses

    are smaller and more circumscribed projects that can usually be completed within

    the time span of one or two semesters.


    Whether graduate school is the right choice for you depends on your academic

    ability, goals, and personality. Successful pursuit of a graduate degree requires


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    talent, extremely high motivation, persistence, unbelievably hard work, and

    dedication to the chosen field. Graduate education is also costly. Apart from the

    financial costs, which can sometimes be recovered through scholarships and

    stipends, there are opportunity costs. You will be spending several years of your

    life working extremely hard and often long hours. If youd rather be making a

    living or have an abundant social life, then graduate school may not be the right

    choice for you.

    Here are some things to consider when deciding if graduate school is right

    for you.


    Do I enjoy learning?- Am I academically and intellectually equipped for graduate school?- Do I need graduate school for the profession that I am interested in?- Am I willing to make significant sacrifices of time and/or money in the

    foreseeable future? Am I willing to put other aspects of my life on hold?

    - Am I passionate about the subject matter that I wish to study?- Am I a self-starter who can structure his/her own time?- For Ph.D. programs, in particular: Am I passionate about doing research?

    If you find yourself answering no to most of these questions, then graduate school

    is probably not a wise choice for you, at least not at this point in your life. If you

    find yourself answering yes to most of these questions, then graduate school

    indeed may be a good option for you.


    Most students know what field they want to study if they decide to go to graduate

    school. They have discovered that they are passionate about a particular subject,

    perhaps because of the inspiring teaching by one of UNCs professors. Or they

    have discovered that an advanced degree in a particular field is required in order


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    to enter a profession. If you are one of these students, then feel free to skip this


    Sometimes it is less clear what the appropriate field is. Perhaps different

    fields all give access to a profession, or perhaps you are passionate about many

    things and cannot quite decide what to focus on. In this case, it is helpful to seek

    out more information. Potential information sources include the following.

    - Career Services: Career Services can help you to explore different careersand your suitability for them. Career counselors know the educational

    requirements for different professions. They can also perform assessmentsof your interests and aptitudes. The Career Services website provides a

    great deal of information, as well as several assessment tools online. This

    is a great place to explore your future. You can also set up an appointment

    with a counselor via the website.

    - Professors: The UNC faculty is a great resource for information aboutgraduate education. They can tell you about the nature of graduate

    education in their field, about job prospects, and about the prevailing

    admissions standards. All of this can help you to decide exactly what field

    is appropriate given your goals.


    Many things figure into the selection of a graduate program. Some of the most

    important criteria are the following.

    (1) What is the reputation of the university and, more specifically, thegraduate program?

    (2) What kind of student does this program typically accept? Am I this typeof student?


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    (3) Is there faculty that I would like to work with? Do faculty interests matchmy own?

    (4) What is the placement record of the graduate program?(5) What facilities does the program offer?(6) Does the program offer financial assistance to its students?

    It is important that you give some thought to these questions because settling on a

    graduate program may be one of the most important life choices that you will ever


    Factors to Consider


    The reputation of a graduate program is of great importance and affects the

    answers to several other questions. For example, programs with good reputations

    frequently have better placement records and better facilities. On the other hand,

    getting into these programs is usually also a lot more difficult.

    A good source for assessing a programs reputation is the U.S. News

    ranking of graduate programs. You may also wish to consult the National

    Research Council and sources such as to obtain a sense of program

    rankings and ratings. You should consult both the overall rating of a

    department/program and the rating of the particular subfield that interests you. For

    example, a chemistry program may have a solid overall reputation but it may be

    weak in the area of polymers. If that is the area in which you seek training, then

    the program may not be such a good choice after all.

    Keep in mind that rankings do not always reflect recent changes in a

    program. Perhaps the aforementioned program just hired a star polymer chemist,

    but this may have been too recent to affect the rankings. Also keep in mind that


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    rating or ranking a program is to a considerable extent subjective. While

    ratings/rankings are based on objective indicators such as research productivity of

    the faculty, faculty citations, and placement record, the weight that one places on

    these things could easily vary from one person to the next. (Some ranking engines

    such as allow you to manipulate these weights.) Rather than staring

    yourself blind on ratings and rankings, it may be better to use them as one source

    of information and to obtain additional information from other sources (e.g.

    faculty at UNC, especially more senior professors).

    Who Is Accepted?Graduate school admissions are competitive. The number of slots is often small,

    while the number of applicants can measure in the hundreds. So what are graduate

    admissions committees looking for in applicants? In two words, they are looking

    for excellence and promise. Graduate programs want to admit those students who

    will become outstanding researchers, educators, and leaders in their field. In

    making this assessment, they rely on several pieces of information: (1) admission

    test results, (2) undergraduate GPA and curriculum, (3) letters of

    recommendation, and (4) CV and personal statement. A detailed discussion of

    these can be found below.

    Unlike Law Schools, few graduate programs will tell you ahead of time

    what GPA and test score will get you in. Much will depend on the actual number

    of slots that are open in a particular year and on what your competition is.

    However, by speaking with UNC faculty you can get a pretty good sense of which

    programs are the most competitive in a given field. The key to your own realistic

    evaluation of your desirability to any graduate program is your own assessment of

    the match between the record you have compiled and the level of achievement

    that is probably expected by the institution. So ask yourself: Would I admit

    myself to this institution based on my credentials?


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    So you discovered that program A is the best program in your field of interest.

    That is wonderful. Even more wonderful is that you have been accepted into the

    program. Full of enthusiasm you start your graduate studies and then it hits you.

    Nobody on the faculty does exactly what you want to do. To be sure, there are

    many bright specialists in your subfield, but they all focus on something different

    from what you would like to do. So now you have a choice: find a new program

    or change your interests. Either way, the outcome is not quite as perfect as you

    had hoped.This scenario is not nearly as far-fetched as it may seem. Every year,

    scores of well-meaning graduate students discover that their interests are poorly

    suited to the program in which they have been accepted. Sadly, this situation is,

    for the most part, preventable. By taking a close look at the faculty, their CVs,

    and their teaching and research interests, an accurate mental picture emerges of

    whether there is anyone who does (remotely) what you are interested in. (Of

    course, faculty may still leave but at least there will not be a problem right at the

    start.) Finding this information is easy these days. Most programs have websites

    that provide biographical sketches of their faculty and many faculty members

    have websites of their own. Apart from preventing frustration, considering your

    interests in light of those of the faculty can help you write a better application.

    Graduate admissions committees often look for hints that an applicant would fit

    the programis there a likely adviser/mentor on the faculty? If you can link your

    interests to those of specific faculty members, then this will make your

    application stronger.

    While it is important to consider fit, it is equally important to keep an open

    mind. It is common for graduate students to change their interests or even their

    subfield once they have entered a graduate program. While it is inadvisable to


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    seek admission to a program where no one works on the problems that you are

    interested in, it is equally unwise to narrow your interests down too much. After

    all, that situation may make it impossible to find any graduate program that fits

    your interests and may also make you a less attractive applicant.

    Placement Record

    Ultimately, graduate school is a means toward an enda job that you enjoy.

    Therefore, it is important to inquire about the placement record of a graduate

    program. What percentage of graduates finds a job right after they finish? Where

    are those jobs situated? Are they in good agencies, firms, offices, organizations,universities, or does the program have difficulty placing its students? How long

    are graduates typically on the market before they find a (permanent) job?

    You should keep in mind that job placement depends on many factors.

    Placement is inherently more difficult in some fields than in others. It is also

    subject to economic conditions: even the best graduate programs may find it

    difficult to place their students during an economic downturn. Nevertheless,

    holding these factors constant, some graduate programs do have a better

    placement record than others and this should be a major consideration in selecting

    a program.

    The best way to find out about the placement record of a graduate program

    is to ask the Director of Admissions, Director of Graduate Studies, or Placement

    Director of that program. Some departments provide information about their

    placement record on their websites, although this is relatively rare and is likely to

    happen only if a program is proud of its record. You can also talk to UNC faculty

    members in the field; they generally will have a good sense of how well certain

    programs place their students.

    Research Facilities


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    Graduate students rely heavily on data centers, laboratories, libraries, and

    computer facilities. Such resources are more plentiful in some graduate programs

    than in others, often depending on the size and wealth of the university in which

    the program is housed. You should find out what facilities are available, either on

    campus or off-campus (e.g. through agreements with other universities, archives,

    libraries, etc.). Do not expect that your every desire will be met, but do make sure

    that you will be able to do your work.


    Graduate school can be expensive. Apart from the cost of tuition, there are livingexpenses and expenses for research, books, computers and other equipment. Some

    of these may be recovered through tuition remission and stipends.

    In general, there is little funding in Masters programs. Masters students

    almost always pay their own way, unless they entered as PhD students and choose

    to leave with a (terminal) Masters degree. There are exceptions to this rule, so it

    is worthwhile to explore funding opportunities across different graduate

    programs. However, you should not get your hopes up. On the positive side, it is

    sometimes possible to obtain your Masters degree while working full- or part-

    time. It may be worthwhile to find out if a program will let you do this. (Some

    may require it as part of practical training.)

    Funding opportunities in PhD programs are much more plentiful. Most

    programs provide for tuition remission (they pay for or reimburse you for tuition)

    and stipends. In return, they may ask you to serve as a research or teaching

    assistant for a certain number of hours per week. In the natural sciences, it is

    common for graduate students to be funded as part of a grant. Those students

    usually work in the lab as a member of a research team. Often this work will form

    the basis of a dissertation.


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    The amount of funding varies greatly across programs. It is generally

    better in private than in public universities and it also varies across disciplines. It

    is tempting to opt for the graduate program that offers the best funding, but it is

    important to put funding into perspective. First, funding levels should be gauged

    against the cost of living. An annual stipend of $15,000 may not get you very far

    in New York City, whereas a stipend of $12,000 may go quite a long way in

    Athens, Georgia. Second, funding should take second place compared to quality

    of the program, fit, and placement record. A lot of money now will mean little in

    another four years when you find yourself struggling on the job market because

    you picked a poorly ranked program or one with a weak placement record. Whenit comes to funding, make sure that you can afford to live in a place (without

    having to take a job that would distract from your studies) but do not expect to

    live in luxury.

    If funding is not everythingand surely should not be the decisive factor

    in choosing a graduate programit is still important to evaluate and compare the

    financial packages that are available across the programs in which you have been

    accepted. Here are some things to look for.

    (1) Does the financial package include tuition remission (most do) and healthinsurance (many do not)? These are major expenses, so make sure to take

    this into consideration when comparing the offers from different graduate


    (2) Does funding cover summers? Academic salaries are usually based onnine months of work, since professors are not expected to teach during the

    summer. Correspondingly, stipends for PhD students often span nine

    months as well. Summer funding is sometimes available, although this is

    often on a competitive basis and may not be guaranteed. If summer


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    funding is not guaranteed, then you should plan on finding a job during

    the summer.

    (3) Is funding guaranteed? Some programs guarantee funding only for thefirst year. Funding for subsequent years is competitive and depends on

    your class ranking. Other programs guarantee funding as long as you

    make satisfactory progress toward the degree (and as long as no financial

    calamities beset the program).

    (4) For how long is funding guaranteed? If graduate funding is guaranteed, ittypically is for four years. That is the amount of time it is expected to take

    to complete your degree requirements. However, many PhD students findthemselves still working on their dissertation in their fifth year. Some

    programs make fifth year funding available, others do not, and still others

    will do this on a competitive basis. While it is difficult to anticipate your

    needs five years from now, it is worthwhile to investigate if fifth year

    funding is even an option in the program that you are considering. After

    all, you may find yourself needing this funding down the line.

    There is one other aspect of funding that deserves attentionreimbursement

    for travel expenses. PhD students, and occasionally Masters students as well, are

    expected to attend professional meetings and conferences. This is a major part of

    the graduate education experience but can also be a major expense. Some

    graduate programs will reimburse travel expenses, although perhaps only for one

    conference per year and only partially. Other programs do not reimburse travel

    expenses or do this on a competitive basis. You should ask about this when you

    are trying to decide between programs, since conferences are really of great

    importance and you would not want to miss them because you cannot afford to



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    Factors Not to Consider

    The most important factor not to consider when applying for graduate school is

    location. While it may be tempting to spend your years in graduate school near a

    sunny beach or a nice ski resort, this does little to enhance your long-term goals.

    You want the best graduate education you can get, not the sunniest or snowiest, or

    whatever other criterion may cause you to prefer one location over another.

    Besides, if you take your graduate education seriously then you will not be

    spending too much time in the sun or snow anyway. It is better to pick a good

    graduate program so that your first job may be in a nice location, then to pick a

    poor program in a nice location that may ultimately produce no job at all or a jobin a not-so-nice location.

    Setting Realistic Goals

    While all graduate school applicants would like to get admitted to their top choice

    program, it is clear that not all will. You have to be realistic about your chances of

    getting into a program. This means you may wish to consider fall-back options

    programs that may not be at the top of your list but that would be acceptable and

    where your chances of admission are good.

    For the typical student, it is wise to apply to several graduate programs.

    Pick one to three from your wish list. You are not sure you will be admitted to

    these programs, but if you were they would be at the top of your list. Pick two to

    four programs that are acceptable. You feel you can get a fine education in these

    programs, even though they do not appear on all of the top 20 lists. Finally, be

    sure to pick one or two backup programs, i.e. programs which you feel sure you

    can gain admission and where you would be comfortable with your choice.



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    In most cases, graduate school applications are a one-step process: you submit a

    written application that is evaluated by the admissions committee. In some

    casesmost notably, the natural sciences and psychologythe process may be

    two-tiered. First, a group of interviewees is selected. Next, these interviewees are

    invited to campus for one-on-one meetings with the faculty. Sometimes,

    interviewees will also be asked to give a presentation of a research project. Once

    the campus visits are over, the admissions committee or department makes its

    final selection of students it would like to admit.

    Be prepared to spend some money on the application process. Graduate

    schools charge for processing your application, undergraduate transcripts are notfree, and placement exams cost money as well. In practice, application costs will

    probably force you to focus on a limited number of graduate programs that you

    will apply to. This makes it all the more important to select those programs

    carefully (see above).

    Components of the Application

    The written portion of your application consists of: (1) the results of your

    placement exam (submitted under separate cover), (2) your undergraduate

    transcript(s) (often also sent under separate cover), (3) a personal statement, (4) a

    CV, and (5) letters of recommendation (usually three letters of recommendation

    are required; they may have to be sent under separate cover). You may also have

    to submit a writing sample. Each of these components plays a significant role in

    the admissions process, so it is important to take all of them seriously.

    Placement Exam

    Practically all graduate programs require that students take the GRE (Graduate

    Record Examinations). If you pursue a joint degree program, you will also have to

    take the MCAT, LSAT, or other appropriate placement exams. The GRE has two


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    components: (1) the general test and (2) the subject test. In most cases, you will

    only have to take the general test. In some fields, you are also required to take the

    appropriate subject test. Information about these tests can be found at the

    Educational Testing Service (ETS) GRE website.

    The GRE general test measures verbal and quantitative reasoning, critical

    thinking, and analytical writing skills that are essential for a successful graduate

    career. It makes this assessment in a general manner, i.e. without requiring

    detailed knowledge about a specific subject area. The test has three components:

    (1) verbal reasoning, (2) quantitative reasoning, and (3) analytical writing.

    Graduate programs care about the first two components in particular, but somealso take a close look at the third component. Admission committees frequently

    start by rank-ordering applicants according to their total GRE scores. They

    frequently set cutoffs as to the minimal acceptable performance on each

    component. The weight of the components depends on the field of study.

    Obviously, verbal reasoning will count more when you seek a PhD in English,

    while quantitative reasoning becomes more central when you are seeking a degree

    in statistics. However, it is safe to say that all components carry some weight in

    considering your application. The general test is computer-administered year-

    around at many different test centers around the world.

    The GRE subject test is offered in a small number of areas, mostly in the

    natural sciences. These tests gauge subject-specific knowledge in a particular field

    (biochemistry, cell, and molecular biology; biology; chemistry; computer science;

    literature in English; mathematics; physics; psychology). This is the level of

    knowledge graduate programs expect incoming students to have for successful

    completion of a PhD in the specific field. Especially when graduate course work

    is limited, as it often is in the natural sciences, the subject test becomes a critical

    yardstick for determining who has the requisite field-specific background

    knowledge to take advanced course work and become a productive member of a


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    research team. Subject tests are paper-based tests that are administered at a

    limited number of test facilities in November, December, and April.

    The importance of the GRE cannot be overstated. A students GRE score

    is a good predictor of how well they will do in the first year of graduate school,

    which in turn is a good predictor of whether the student will be able to complete

    graduate school successfully. Just as colleges are striving to improve the average

    SAT score of each successive class, graduate schools are looking to improve their

    average GRE scores. Thus, it is essential that you take this test seriously.

    Given the importance of the GRE, it may be wise to take a test preparation

    class. The UNC Learning Center offers GRE prep classes throughout the year.The GRE website also offers useful information about test preparation. You can

    also take a course with a commercial test preparation company such as Kaplan or

    Princeton Review. You should consider taking a prep course the semester before

    you take the GRE. If you choose not to do a prep course than at least obtain

    copies of past tests so that you can practice them. With the GRE, practice may not

    make perfect but it surely enhances your chances of obtaining a decent score.

    What if you perform poorly on the GRE? In this case, you can retake the

    GRE. However, you should keep in mind that the GRE is designed to tap your

    chronic aptitude, which means that test results are unlikely to fluctuate much from

    one test to the next. Retaking the GRE thus makes the most sense if your

    performance was negatively affected by unusual circumstances such as illness on

    the day of the test. Otherwise, you may not find much of an improvement in your

    test score or you may find that it actually deteriorates from the first attempt. If you

    retake the exam, then the new score will be sent along with the two most recent

    scores from the past five years.



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    You will also need to send an official transcript of your undergraduate record at

    UNC and any other institutions of higher education that you may have attended.

    The official transcript can be obtained from the Registrars Office for a nominal

    fee. Some graduate programs would like to see the overall GPA along with the

    GPA in your major(s). In this case, you will need to ask the Registrars to

    compute the major GPA as this is not done routinely. [Check this.]

    Graduate admissions committees pay considerable attention to your

    undergraduate GPA but they also take into consideration the institution where you

    earned it and the difficulty of the curriculum. UNC Chapel Hill does not have the

    reputation of being easy so good grades earned here will count for something.As far as your curriculum is concerned, you should of course meet the UNC

    general education and major requirements. However, the manner in which you

    meet these requirements is of some importance. Taking more advanced (as

    opposed to introductory) courses will show that you are a highly motivated

    student who can handle more complex material. Becoming engaged in a research

    project or writing an honors thesis can also help to strengthen your undergraduate

    record. Try to avoid P/D+/D/F courses since admissions committees may view

    these as an easy way out of a requirement. Internships and independent studies

    can be useful, but you will need to explain what you did in these courses since

    this will generally not be clear from the transcript. Try to engage in internships

    and independent studies that prepare you for graduate school; avoid doing them

    because they lead to an easy A. Graduate admission committees look for serious

    students who are well-rounded. Anything that could reflect negatively on this

    should be avoided.

    What should you do if your record is blemished? The first piece of advice

    is not to panic. To be sure, a poor undergraduate record may keep you from being

    accepted into graduate school. If the problem is isolated, however, then there is a

    good chance that youll be accepted somewhere, if perhaps not in your top choice


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    graduate program. The key is to explain the blemishes on your transcript in your

    cover letter. Explain why you had a bad semester or why your grades in the first

    couple of years were not what they should have been. Point to any improvements

    you have made. One bad grade will not end your ability to attend graduate school,

    especially not if you can explain that grade.

    Personal Statement

    A good personal statement can make a lot of difference. Apart from explaining

    blemishes on your transcriptwhich should be a minor elementthe personal

    statement is foremost a place to convey your enthusiasm for a particular field andgraduate program and a place to highlight your credentials. The cover letter

    should frame your application: it should draw attention to those aspects of your

    record that you would like to stand out for those reading your application.

    Another way to think of it is that the cover letter is often the first thing admissions

    officers see in your file. Thus, you should use this as your entryway into the

    evaluation process.

    The cover letter should stress your interest in obtaining a graduate degree

    in the chosen field, your credentials for seeking a degree in this field, the reason

    why you are applying to the particular graduate program, and any other

    information that is useful in framing your application (e.g. why did you have that

    bad semester?). In terms of conveying your interest, you should sketch out your

    career goals and how the degree would help you accomplish these goals. For a

    PhD you should also stress your passion for research. Try to be specific in stating

    your interests. For example, when applying to a PhD program in political science

    it is not all that helpful to reveal that you are interested in politics. It would be

    much more telling if you said that you are interested in the causes of war or

    electoral behavior (and do so in a way that reveals your passion for scientific

    research on these topics). Illustrate your interest by referring to specific things


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    you have done. For example, you can say that you realized your passion for

    research when writing your Honors Thesis and that it was at this time that you

    realized you wanted to become an academic. Try to avoid telling your lifes story;

    highlight only those experiences that demonstrate your passion and credentials for

    obtaining a graduate degree.

    The second component of the cover letter is to show your credentials.

    Here you can point to the coursework you have taken in preparation for your

    graduate education and your performance in those courses. You can also reference

    internships and independent studies in as far as they illustrate your credentials.

    For PhD programs it is useful to reference any research experience (working withfaculty or writing an Honors Thesis) you have. PhD admissions committees will

    look for these kinds of experiences and the cover letter is the best place to

    highlight them. (Important: Note that the operant word here is highlight. Cover

    letters should not repeat your CV verbatim but rather focus the attention of

    admissions officers to certain parts of it.)

    A final aspect of the cover letter is to show your interest for the specific

    program that you are applying to. This aspect is often forgotten, in part because it

    requires tailoring your cover letter to each specific program you are applying to.

    But it is an essential component of a good letter, since admissions committees

    want to know if you would fit into their program. You can convey your

    enthusiasm for a particular program by highlighting the strengths of the program

    and how these strengths match your interests. Even better is to list specific faculty

    members that you would like to work with (and to explain why). This kind of

    information will show that you have given thought to the application and that

    your interests match those of the program.

    Curriculum Vitae


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    Your curriculum vitae (CV) is the place where you should list your contact

    information and all experiences and credentials that are relevant to your graduate

    school application. One section of the CV should describe your undergraduate

    education, i.e. all institutions you have attended, including UNC, your major(s)

    and (if applicable) minor(s), the degree(s) you are pursuing (e.g. AB, BS, BFA,

    BMus), the anticipated completion date, the overall GPA, and (if relevant) the

    major GPA (make sure these match the transcript). You may also wish to briefly

    summarize relevant coursework, but do not provide too much detail as this can be

    found on the official transcript.

    Another section of the CV should highlight relevant experiences. This caninclude internships, independent studies, participation in faculty research projects,

    an Honors Thesis, if you are writing onein sum a lot of the things that UNC

    recognizes as experiential learning. The focus does not have to be exclusively on

    academic experiences. You can also list other experiences such as those working

    on campus or in the community if they provide information about you as a person

    and/or your fit to the chosen field. Do not go overboard listing these other

    experiences, however. If you create the impression that you are spending more

    time on extra-curricular activities than on your academic pursuits, then

    admissions committees might draw the mistaken conclusion that you are not a

    very serious student.

    It may also be useful to add a skills section to the CV where you can list

    your proficiency in computer software and/or foreign languages. At the beginning

    of your CV you should list relevant contact information. Gender, date of birth,

    nationality, and marital status generally need not be listed on the CV. This kind of

    information is often solicited through other means, for example through queries

    by equal opportunity officers and international student centers at the university

    where you are applying.


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    Letters of Recommendation

    Letters of recommendation are another key component of a graduate school

    application. These letters reflect the professional judgment of faculty and others

    about your qualifications for graduate school. As such, they provide invaluable

    information to graduate admissions committees. Most graduate programs require

    three letters of recommendation. Many ask for these to be sent under separate

    cover (e.g. in a sealed envelope), assuming you have waived your right to view

    your recommendation letters. (A waiver pledge is usually printed at the top of the

    recommendation sheet.)

    The key to a helpful letter of recommendation is that it should providedetailed information. Vague letters that are full of boilerplate language but short

    on specifics will not be very helpful to admissions officers and will therefore

    carry less weight. This means that you should select your recommendation writers

    carefully. They should be people who know you at more than a superficial level,

    so that they can write something specific about you. Hence, there is little point in

    going to the faculty member who had you in a 400-student class four years ago;

    unless you have cultivated a personal relationship with this person, he or she is

    unlikely to remember you. On the other hand, asking your thesis adviser to write a

    recommendation makes a great deal of sense.

    Considerations other than familiarity may enter your selection of

    recommenders. If you are applying to a research-oriented PhD program you

    probably want to have your recommenders be all faculty members (professors, not

    graduate students), since they are in the best position to comment on your

    scholarly potential. If you are seeking a degree in social work or clinical

    psychology, then you may seek some recommendations from practitioners with

    whom you have done internships and who could comment on your suitability to

    your chosen field. The important thing is that you should put some thought into

    soliciting recommendations. Seek them from people who know you and whose


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    judgment will mean something to those in charge of evaluating your application.

    Getting these kinds of recommendations can really help your chances of getting

    into graduate school.

    Writing Sample

    Many graduate programs require that you submit a writing sample. The writing

    sample will tell admissions committees whether you can communicate effectively,

    whether you can analyze a question logically and thoughtfully, and whether you

    can bring relevant data to bear on that question. Especially in PhD programs, you

    will be doing a lot of research and writing. The writing sample is a way to see ifyou have an aptitude for these endeavors.

    Given the role that the writing sample plays, it is again of the utmost

    importance that you put some thought into selecting a particular sample. Short

    assignments written in introductory classes will generally not make for good

    writing samples, since these assignments typically do not require in-depth

    research. Papers written for advanced classes may be a better choice, if they

    involve extensive research. Particularly good writing samples are Honors Theses

    or reports written while conducting research with a faculty member (provided you

    did the writing). These kinds of samples will give admissions officers a good

    sense of your ability to conduct research and to communicate its results.

    In selecting a writing sample you may do some tailoring to the graduate

    programs you are applying to. For example, if one program in sociology values

    quantitative research, than you may select a paper that uses statistical analysis as

    your writing sample. However, if another program is more qualitatively focused,

    then you may do better by sending a paper that is based on archival research or in-

    depth interviews. Of course, this assumes that you have sufficient writing samples

    lying around to make these kinds of adjustments. If not, then you should just send

    the best research paper that you feel you have ever written.


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    Graduate School Interviews

    In a number of disciplines, it is conventional to ask potential graduate students to

    come in for an interview before the final decision about admissions is made. This

    is true, for example, in certain natural science and psychology programs. These

    interviews are extremely important, so it is essential to properly prepare for them.

    The first thing you should find out about the interview is the programs

    expectations. What sort of attire do they expect? (In many cases, the program will

    want to see formal attire, but there are exceptions.) Is there the expectation that

    you will give a talk? Who will you meet during the interview and how long dothese meetings last? By asking these questions you can plan for a successful

    interview experience.

    Second, it is essential that you inform yourself about the program. You

    probably did this when you applied, but it never hurts to re-acquaint yourself with

    a program. In addition, you should familiarize with the people whom youll meet.

    Look up their bios, look through their CVs, and read some of their research.

    Nothing is more painful than meeting faculty and not knowing anything about

    them. It will certainly leave a positive impression if you have read their work and

    can carry on an intelligent conversation about it. Finding faculty bios and CVs is

    easy in this electronic age and with JSTOR and other electronic journal databases,

    getting access to a persons research is not all that difficult either.

    Third, realize that interviews are a two-way street. Of course, program

    faculty will want to find out about you. But there is an equal expectation that you

    have some questions about the program and its faculty. Do not ask questions that

    have already been answered in written materials that the program sent you; after

    all, that would not make a good impression. But any other questions are fair

    game. To make sure that those questions have been answered, it may be useful to

    write them out and check them off during the interview. Sometimes it is useful to


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    ask the same question of multiple faculty members, just to get different


    If a talk is required, then it is important to establish what the expectations

    are. Should this be a research talk or a more general talk? Who will be the

    audience? Will it be specialists in the area of the talk, in which case you may be

    able to skip over certain well-known ideas, or is it a more general audience? How

    long should your talk be? Will there be a question-and-answer period and how

    long will it be? Is the expectation that you use Powerpoint or other presentation

    software? Should you prepare a handout?

    It is also important that you practice the talk. Practice will allow you tomake sure that you can deliver your message in the allotted time without speaking

    too quickly, that the content makes sense to an audience, and that slides come

    over clearly. You should try to anticipate questions and develop responses. There

    will almost certainly be unexpected questions, but some questions can be

    anticipated and it is useful to have a response formulated in your head. For those

    unanticipated questions, it is OK to take a moment and to try to formulate a

    response. Appearing to be thoughtful will leave a good impression and is better

    than dismissing a question with the clich that it is a really interesting point and

    that youll have to think about it.

    The general rule about interviews is that preparation will make the whole

    experience less anxiety provoking. This, in turn, will make the experience more

    enjoyable and productive. You will leave a positive impression and will get your

    questions answered, which can only help your chances of being admitted to the

    program that is right for you.



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    You can do a lot to prepare for graduate school and to strengthen your application

    while you are at UNC. Among the many opportunities that UNC offers you

    should definitely attempt to pick an appropriate major, choose challenging

    courses, cultivate relationships with faculty, and engage in research.

    Starting with majors, it is important that you put considerable thought into

    them. Unlike Law School and Medical School, which generally do not care much

    about your major, Masters and Ph.D. programs often expect that you have been

    trained in a particular field as an undergraduate. This is not true of all graduate

    programs but it is true of a good number of them. For example, do not expect to

    enter a Ph.D. program in chemistry if you majored in music and took nochemistry beyond a few introductory courses. Choosing a major thus takes on

    extra importance when you have graduate school in the back of your mind. It is

    just one more reason to see your academic advisor frequently.

    In terms of course selection, opting for challenging courses is a definite

    pre. It helps to strengthen your application, demonstrating that you do not shun

    difficult courses and can excel in them. It also helps to prepare you for graduate

    school, since the level of advanced courses is a lot closer to what you will

    encounter in graduate school than the level of introductory courses. Exceptional

    undergraduate students may even consider enrolling into a graduate level class at

    UNC, although this requires permission from the instructor. This will give the

    best sense of what it will be like to be a graduate student, in terms of reading load,

    difficulty of the material, and expectations. Academic and departmental advisors

    will be able to help you with selecting courses.

    It is essential that you cultivate relationships with faculty. This will make

    it much easier to find letter-writers when it comes to applying for graduate school.

    Moreover, the UNC faculty is an excellent source of information about graduate

    education and careers in the field that you are interested in. To cultivate these

    relationships, it is generally best to enroll in smaller classes where faculty will get


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    to know their students better. First-year seminars, Honors and advanced courses,

    and capstone seminars are an excellent place for you to get to know some faculty

    and for faculty to get to know you.

    Finally, graduate work involves a strong research component, especially in

    Ph.D. programs. To see if research is for you, it would be very useful if you could

    get involved in it while at UNC. Some options include:

    - Writing an Honors thesis: The Honors thesis is a piece of research thatyou conduct yourself under the supervision of a member of the faculty.

    You will also have to defend your research in front of a committee of 2-3faculty members who will ask questions about your theory, research

    design, and findings.

    - Engaging in faculty research: In this case, you will be working on afaculty members project, taking charge of a small piece of it. Solicitations

    for student participants in faculty research are generally channeled through

    the Office of Undergraduate Research, which also provides other research

    opportunities for undergraduate students.

    These kinds of research experience will look great on a CV and they are also

    excellent opportunities to cultivate relationships with faculty.

    In addition to acquiring research experience, you may also think about

    appropriate internships and independent studies that can help to strengthen your

    CV. A study abroad experience can also help to strengthen your application, as

    can Burch field research seminars. With all of these, it will be important to

    describe the experience in your personal statement and to explain how it helped

    you to prepare for graduate school.


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    There is a possibility that you will not be admitted to any of the graduate

    programs you applied to or that you are admitted to a program about which you

    have grave reservations. While this surely is a disappointment, do not get too

    discouraged. Ask yourself if there is anything you can do that will enhance your

    chances of getting into a (better) graduate program. Here are some things that can

    enhance your chances.


    If you did not get into any program, reassess your selection of programs.Were you aiming too high? Are there other feasible programs that you

    chose not to apply for? Going back to UNC faculty members to ask for

    advice may be a good option at this point.

    - Take a break for one or two years and acquire relevant practicalexperience. This will strengthen your CV and will also show that you are

    serious about your desire to attend graduate school.

    - If you got into a less desirable program, consider completing a Mastersdegree in that program. Once you have the Masters, you can always apply

    elsewhere. The Masters is another credential on your CV that may make

    you a more competitive candidate for programs that you deem more


