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1. Dyslexia 2. What is Dyslexia ? Micro Perspective learning work prospects Macro Perspective 3. Celebrates who have dyslexia Drawn by Vince Low, a Singaporean artist who also has dyslexia 4. what is dyslexia 5. what is dyslexia Definition Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability. Dyslexia refers to a cluster of symptoms, which result in people having difficulties with specific language skills, particularly reading and writing 80% Dyslexia Learning Disorder From the international Dyslexia Association 6. what is dyslexia Generally (1) the symptom principle (2) the causality principle (3) the prognosis principle Consist of Reading Disabilities (RD) Dysgraphia Miles (1995) asks the question: Can there be a single denition of dyslexia? 7. what is dyslexia Reading Disability Dysgraphia Comprehensive ability is inadequate Cannot understand the symbol of words Substitutes similar-looking words Directionality confusion shows up when reading and when writing Misreads, omits, or even adds small function words Becomes visibly tired after reading for only a short time Easily forget the words they learnt Symptoms Difficult to express oneself through language Cannot connect the relationship of pronunciation, words and its meaning Miss spell words Take an unusually long time to write Have nearly illegible handwriting Unusual spatial organization of the page The size of words varies. LeftRight confusion UpDown confusion North, South, East, West confusion symptom principle 8. Attention deficits what is dyslexia Weak Core Muscles Verbal Unusual pencil grip Young children will often put their head down on the desk to watch the tip of the pencil as they write Hand eye coordination is inadequate Symptoms They are easily distracted Lack of self control and will easily make impulsive respond Unorganized when reciting the events Unable to verbally communicate well with others symptom principle 9. what is dyslexia Smaller Left Brain Dyslexia results from a neurological difference; that is, a brain difference. People with dyslexia have a larger right hemisphere in their brains than those of normal readers. People with dyslexia often have significant strengths in areas controlled by the right side of the brain, such as: artistic, athletic, and mechanical gifts musical talent creative problem solving skills and intuitive people skills However, they are weaker in the area controlled by left brain, such as : language Logic Exact mathematical computation causality principle 10. what is dyslexia Deficit in Visual Perception Difficult to measure the space between words, strokes causality principle Deficit in Muscle tension Difficult to use fine muscle Cannot coordinate with the visual perception 11. what is dyslexia true or False People with Dyslexia have all the symptoms of dyslexia It is very common to see people with dyslexia has partial symptoms For example, our case has reading disability, but she has good verbal communication skills 6.2%8.7% 2.2%2.3%1.3%1.6% (Chan, Ho, Tsang, Lee & Chung, 2007) 12. what is dyslexia true or False Dyslexia are related to IQ Dyslexia is not related to IQ. One can have a very high IQ and be dyslexic, One can have an average IQ and be dyslexic, One can have low IQ and be dyslexic 13. what is dyslexia true or False Children with dyslexia are just lazy. If only they tried harder They are struggling with the words and writing. They do intend to do the work late or do not do the work 14. what is dyslexia true or False Children outgrow dyslexia Dyslexia is a lifelong issue. it is never too late to greatly improve their skills, early intervention is the best way to prevent or minimize the damage to their self-esteem, their emotional distress, and their fear of going to school. 15. Statistic of dyslexia In Hong Kong 2000 10% Proportion 16. dyslexia is that this is one small area of difficulty in a sea of strengths