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Question Question 4/5/6/74/5/6/7

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Who would be the audience for your media product?

0The gender of my magazine will be both, as it already is. The age range will be 16 and above. The social group this magazine will be dedicated to will be of all kind from working class to the upper class, this magazine will be inclusive and not excluding anyone. The interest these people should have is listening to this type of music, and a great life although life is hard. This magazine will use cross media to promote the magazine.

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How did you attract/address your

audience?0 I attract my audience in many ways to this magazine I produced. The

first way is the colour I used had an impact on the audience to purchase this magazine. The model also had an impact as there aren’t many Asian classical musician, now that there are more people will want to read this magazine.

0 “Your front cover looks at a very professional level You have followed one colour scheme which is great (red, black and white)You have added many cover lines which would attract your readers Your masthead fits good over the modelThe model represents young asians who are into classical music”

0 I used appropriate language to address my audience by keeping it formal and standard for readers to understand, I also simplified the words that were being used, as I have aimed my audience from the age 16 and so that they don’t get too carried away not understanding what is going on.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


0 From the start of the premium task till now I have seen my improvement on using technologies such as InDesign, Photoshop and prezzi. At the beginning I wasn’t so good at using them but now I’ve learnt a lot. Photoshop helped me edit pictures with all sorts of tools. I’ve learnt how to remove backgrounds from certain pictures and place an image onto another background.

0 InDesign helped me create a magazine fully, as it also has amazing tools. The ruler helped me place thing at the appropriate places to make it look efficient.

0 I also used technologies such alike Blogger to keep my progression up-to-date on how my magazine is developing.

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from

it to the full product?

0 Looking back at my premium task and now I’ve seen my progression, my technical/creative skills have improved. The way I use software’s such as photoshop, InDesign & blogger have become much more professional. At my first stage of making the college magazine, I didn’t know how to use such features on Photoshop, such as using various tools to do certain things like rubbing out the background, and reverting the image onto another background. I have learnt much more on the features a magazine must include directing their target audience effectively. I’ve also learnt how to lay out a magazine to its appropriate. E.g. Masthead, cover lines pop up quotes.

0 My final piece of the music magazine I made it efficient. The masthead looks much like the ones already out there according to the font, colour, effects. I made the model on the front cover come out to the front for reasons such like, making her seem she’s the most important person more than the title. The pricing of my college magazine is at a low cost meaning it has to be consumer able for the target audience. However my music magazine is abit higher because it has much deeper content to it, the design is produced with a high ability, as the publisher of this magazine is ‘Rhinegold’. The target audience of this magazine is of all ethnicity and the age from 16 and above.