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*About us

*If you join us

*Main events

*Other stuff



*The great nine of Niji

*Contact info

*The editors

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What is Niji no Kai ??

Niji no Kai 国際交流虹の会 since 1965

Welcome to our home!!

“Niji no kai” is a club that does all kinds of

different activities throughout the year. Most of

the time, many international students from all

over the world are involved in our activities. The

events include discussing Japanese culture,

playing many sports, going on trips, and

drinking, etc. We look forward to seeing you


The “Lounge” is where Niji no Kai hangs out and lots of international exchange


come too. Especially at lunch time, there are lots of people here. Everyone spends their

time doing whatever they want; chatting, eating, doing homework, naps etc. You should

try coming here! It’s on the first floor of Building No1.

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If you join us You Are Guaranteed To…

1. Enjoy life at school as a REAL

Waseda Student!

By spending lots of time with our members, you

can see for yourself how students at Waseda hang

out in and out of school. We also participate in

school events such as Waseda’s festival and

Waseda baseball games where you’re sure to feel

like a real student at our school.

2. Make Lots of

Japanese Friends

There are more than 100 members

in our club. Everyone has different

hobbies and interests so you will

definitely find someone you can get

along with.

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3. Get the Chance to

Initiate Events of

NIJI no Kai

Every event of our club is initiated by several

members of organizers called Kanji. You can be

one of these organizers to take part in planning

and producing these events.

4. Drink and Do


We have at least one big Nomikai per

month. This is a drinking Party where

we all sit in a big room at an Izakaya

(Japanese style restaurant-type place

where you drink) and enjoy drinking

and eating.

Of course many of us regularly go to

pubs or clubs, or just hang around

at home and you can join us.

“Calls” are what we do at

Nomikais. It’s a kind of chant and

the person doing the call has to

keep drinking when he/ she is

being shouted at.

Drinking alcohol is not mandatory

at Niji no Kai and you can enjoy

Nomikais without getting drunk.

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If I was to tell the truth I don't even

remember the first time I went to Niji no Kai

lounge, which is kind of incredibile

considering the amout of time I'm spending

there and with Niji's people during my

everyday Waseda foreigner student life.

Fact is that I grew so comfortable of that

place that it seems to me that I've always

been popping up there, having some random

chats and then leaving hurrying for next lesson or part time job. I would say

it has grown to be routine but an incredibly not-boring one: you will never

really know if and who will be in the lounge and what's going on.

But let's take a step further back and explain from the beginning. More

generally: about the club as itself.

Niji no kai is (and it is in constant expansion) a huge and -let me say it once

again- incredibly huge International club of Waseda University. But Niji no

Kai is somewhat different from other clubs in various nice ways.

-First: partecipation and presence are not really required. You can join and

leave whenever you want, according to your feelings.

-Second: so many people, so many interests = you'll never get bored.

-Third: it is not focused on one single aspect so activities cover every possible

interest ( = you'll never get bored - part II)

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-Fourth: Is a great way to learn and practise Japanese and probably the most

direct and amusing way to do it.

-Fifth: Niji is always better (and that is it XD).

And this was just a taste of the club you are -hopingly- about to join.

I came in September last year and I felt -totally- alone. Even if I was

surrounded by foreigner people which were to be having more or less the

same experience I was feeling exceedengly stupid and useless. More of it, I

could barely speak a single word of Japanese and consequently my

selfesteem was lowering everyday.

And then I somehow decided to approach to Niji starting from the Welcome

Meeting Event and joining all the following events whenever was possible.

And slowly, something changed. Not only I become aware of many linguistic

and cultural interesting aspects but I started feeling as part of a whole. The

calls at nomikai, the club members' kind of coded way of speaking, the usual

meeting spots make me feel already nostalgic of that unity even though I still

have half of the path ahead of me.

Being hitting the lounge quite often I already felt "in" the club but only after

being actively partecipating in some activities I felt a member as real as the

Japanese members. So there goes first time I was asked to write in Prism

(Niji's magazine), first time I was called out at a nomikai (which was a total

fail), first time I helped out in an event, all precious experiences that made

me feel even more connected to these people. And I would like to remark that

even if it is a club, with its way of being united, it is to a vast amount of

people, one by one, which you're approaching to. Even if four months of

Waseda's life has already went past me I still meet quite often Niji's member

I never happen to meet before. Even if you can call them Niji as a whole it's

always hundreds of different stories which are tied togheter and which make

it so unique.

Because that's what Niji is, in the end. A bunch of improbable random

collisions with an hundred and more human beings which happen to be there

at the same time as you. Chance and probability combined weaving the

neverending spider's web of connections thoughout the span of your Waseda'

life experience.

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(He is left side!→)

Many former exchange students recommended

me to join a club at Waseda to have a good

time while getting in touch with Japanese

students. Even before leaving France, I

already knew what I was looking for: an

open-minded circle with people from all

around the world cheerfully sharing their

experiences and languages. Then, freshly arrived at Narita, I met Niji no Kai.

Warmly welcomed by the pick-up service team, I was invited to countless

nomikai where I was taught about Waseda’s everyday life and Japanese

drinking manners. I soon started to have lunch at Niji’s lounge as I began to

hang out with its members. Don’t be fooled by their shyness when you first

meet them: they like drinking and having fun a lot. Even if Daruma is Niji’s

informal headquarter, this circle isn’t only about booze. Ski trips, cultural

events, camps, language exchange and, of course, long-lasting friendships

are to be found there! So next time you have a gap hour, come to the lounge

and make yourself home, chat with the people, doodle on Niji’s notebook,

have a coffee, chill out and improve your Japanese! Whether you are looking

for drinking mates, help with your homework or tips about rice-cooking, Niji

is the place to go.

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Moving to a new country where most people

speak a different language than you, attending a

new school where all the faces are unfamiliar, and

trying to understand a whole new culture can be

very hard and sometimes lonely experience.

This is where Niji-no-Kai came in and made

studying abroad much easier, more fulfilling, and

a lot more fun. When we first got off the plane,

the Niji club members were there to help us with

our bags and even to show us around Tokyo. In

addition to those “Tokyo Tours”, together with the

Niji-no-Kai, we climbed to the top of Takaosan(a

small mountain), enjoyed the “Niji Photo Club” where we went to some scenic places

and took pictures together, and, of course, were introduced to the Japanese style

drinking party. Even though most of the people at the parties were drinking, they

never put any pressure on you to make you drink. Everyone just wants to enjoy this

time we have together as study abroad students, and the Niji helps people do just that.

Not only do we get to meet Japanese students and learn Japanese, we also get to meet

people from all over the world and learn about their countries through the World Study

events. My favorite Niji event, the Ski and Snowboard camp, was an amazing

experience, even though it was my first time snowboarding, there were people helping

me along the whole way. In the end, I just want to say this: “We all are looking for a

place to feel at home, and when I’m with the Niji-no-Kai, even though I’m so far from

my country, I feel welcome. Whether it’s at the Niji Lounge or at Daruma while

they’re yelling calls, this club makes me feel at home.”

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MAIN EVENTS Niji no kai holds a lot of events throughout the year!

OHANAMI (sakura viewing party)

Ohanami is one of the events that Japanese love! We

go on a picnic to view Sakura (cherry blossoms). In

April, we also hold lots of welcome parties for



This is the most unique event of Waseda! We take

a 100km walk for 2 days wearing funny costumes.

If you want to challenge your physical and mental

strength, come and join this event with your

funniest costumes! Those who completed walking

100km will gain “Waseda Spirit”!!


Niji’s cooking competition! Let’s make

and have some delicious traditional meals

from different countries! We separate into

some groups where we learn how to cook

them. It’s a good chance to learn new

dishes and how to make them. Those who are

good at cooking can become a hero!

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This camp is one of the biggest events of

Niji no kai! We go to the campsite

surrounded by nature. And we play in the

near river, have a BBQ, have a test of

your courage, and so on. In the last night

of this camp, we have entertainment

performance times and hold a drinking

party outside!!


This is a baseball rivalry game between

Waseda and Keio University. We go to

the ballpark to cheer the Waseda

baseball team. The performance of the

cheer leading girls and the brass bands

will make the atmosphere even more

incredible! Show our love for Waseda!


Everybody who takes part in this party has

to dress up in Halloween costume, and we

will decide the NO.1 costume! If you are

chosen to be the best costume, you may get

a wonderful prize!

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This party is one of our biggest parties of

the year! No matter what religion you

believe, whether you are single or not, you

enjoy your night having drinks and

chatting with other mates with your

coolest or sexiest dresses!


We go to the mountains covered with

nice lovely white snow and go skiing

and snowboarding for about 3 days! For

some of you it might be the first time in

your life to see the snow, and it is a

fantastic view! Romance on a beautiful

winter day wouldn’t be a bad idea!


Say goodbye to the old year, and greet the

New Year with Niji’s people! We go to the

shrine and take part in the countdown

event. After that we drink all night long to

celebrate the new year, and then early in

the morning we go to do HATSUMOUDE

(first shrine visit of the new year)!

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Baseball, soccer, basketball, dancing,

cooking, watching movies, birthday

parties, drinking outside and so much

more…We have lots of events and you

can host any event that you want!!! All

of the events are good chance to make

a lot of friends, improve your Japanese

skills and enjoy life as a REAL Waseda

Student. Join us and see what it’s like,

we hope to see you soon!!!

There are events where you can learn about culture while surrounding yourself

with the Japanese students of Niji no kai.


In Japan Study, we talk about all sorts of different things about Japanese culture and

you can communicate with many Japanese

students. It’s a good chance for you to

improve your Japanese skills!


English Study is held by students from the

countries where English is spoken. We learn

their culture, music, slang and so on with

Japanese students and international students.

If you want, you can present your favorite

things to us!

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World Study is held by international

students and focuses on learning about

different cultures from all over the world.

At World Study, you can introduce your

own country, culture and so on. These are

great opportunities for you to learn about

not only the culture of Japan but the

cultures of the world.

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He’s the good looking, charismatic ‘big

brother’ that you can always count on; the

kind of person everyone becomes good

friends with immediately.

He can handle English and Kansai ben,

and although his looks may be a little bit

frightening to some (because he looks like a

Yankee), he has a warm heart and when it

comes to Niji no Kai, he is the leader that is

always there for his friends.

For many, he is the definition of kakkoii in

Niji no Kai, and you can always recognize

him by his unique, ever changing hair style.

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When you first meet him, he is a

quiet, shy looking guy – and he is

so kawaii when he has to talk in

front of a lot of people (and also

when he drinks!) because his face

gets red instantly.

Even though he sometimes gets

shy and blushes, he’s always doing

all kinds of interesting things to

counter everyone’s expectations.

But, at heart, he is always kind and

concerned about each one of the

members more then anyone else -

he is always happy to help!

Everyone agrees that she is a

natural airhead! She always speaks

her mind, so when you ask her

something, she gives you answers

that you would ever expect!

Perhaps she’s living in a little

world of her own, but she is an

extremely kind person and she will

give you really serious advice if

you ask her for it.

She is an amazing artist! Her

drawings are wonderful, and we

hear her portraits are really good


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Kei is the girl with the camera!

She will always be there to take

photos of you at every event, so

watch out (especially at a


She is a really kind person, with

a lovely smile, and everybody

loves her! She is also outgoing,

sociable, and a really good friend.

At all of Niji’s events you will

also notice that she’s a really good

speaker, a hard worker and a very

competent person.

The definition of tsundere (ツン

デレ) in Niji - he may look cool and

perhaps a little bit cold, but he

actually takes care of his friends

more than anyone!

He is always trying to make

people feel comfortable and

enliven the atmosphere, making

him indispensable to Niji no Kai!

He is always there for any event,

so he knows practically everything

there is to know about Niji. In fact,

for some reason, he knows a lot

about a lot of things - he is the

person to ask if there is anything

you don’t know!

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Mokkun is a very serious and

hardworking person, but at the

same time he’s very unique; He is

always trying to entertain Niji, and

make people feel better with his

jokes, but you may not always get

them! That said, he still seems to

always be in a good mood, and

he’s always at the lounge, so you

will be able to become really good

friends with him if you hang out

around there at lunch (or any

other time!)

He lived in Thailand for a long

period of time, so his Japanese

may get awkward sometimes - but

he’s always joking around and is

actually very hardworking! He

always thinks about what’s best for

for Niji and the members, and

always takes good care of

everyone. If you ever ask him for

advice, he will always get

passionately involved - especially if

it has anything to do with love!

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In Niji, everyone calls him

oniisan (big brother).

He may look cool, but that’s

only on the outside. He is actually

really mild mannered, and some

people say he is like a spoiled


Because he is from Kansai, he

can talk in dialect and can become

pretty fired up when it comes to

jokes and laughter – but he gets

upset when people tell a boring

story that makes no one laugh!

He also plays drums in a band

from a different club, so you

should really go see one of his live

performances if you have the


Although sometimes a little

clumsy, she is a really, really hard

working girl, who never gives up -

not matter how hard things get –

which is why she is seen as a really

reliable person by everyone in Niji.

No matter what, you can always

ask her for help!

She is the most sociable person

out there - always talking to

everyone - especially new people,

so you can become friends with

her in an instant!

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CONTACT INFO. If you e-mail us here:

[email protected] We’ll send you information on our events throughout the year.

And this is our club’s homepage: Take a look at our pictures and blog to see what our activities are like.


Seiya Fukuoka Andreea Nicolescu Jack Porter Momoko Takaki

Thank you for reading this pamphlet about Niji no kai.

We are looking forward to seeing you in our events!!!
