
Programme of Support and Training

April 2017 - March 2018


Accredited Training & Trainers …………………………………………………………. Page 4 - 5

Free Core Package ….………………….…….…………………………………………… Page 6– 7

Packages of Support ……………………….…………………………………………..… Page 8

Training available in your school or setting

School Focused ……………………………………………………………………. . Page 9 - 11

Cognition & Learning ……..…………………………………………………………………. Page 12 - 14

Communication & Interaction ……………………………………………………………… Page 15 - 17

Sensory including Physical……….....……..,……………………………………………… Page 18

Network Meetings ………………………….……………………………………………… Page 19

Programme Modelling available in your school or setting ………….………...…… Page 20- 22

SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]

Please note: With the exception of training, academies will be charged VAT on any packages or additional visits purchased.



Welcome to the SEND Services Brochure April 2017 – March 2018.

SEND Services are a team of professionals who are skilled and passionate about achieving the best

outcomes for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disability.

This year we have refreshed our brochure to help you find the information you need.

We continue to deliver a limited free offer to Stoke on Trent Schools and Academies. We also welcome

enquiries and bookings from schools and academies further afield in other areas looking for our

Services. Enquire at [email protected]

We are working with our partners to implement and embed the principles, policy and practice of the

SEND Reforms and SEND Code of Practice (2014). The Stoke on Trent Local Area Review Inspection

report indicates that the strategy is bringing about positive implementation and outcomes; SEND

Services are pleased to be a part of this and were able to make a significant contribution to the


Our brochure includes programmes of training and support for many aspects of SEND work, including

individual pupil work, SENCO and Practitioner development, and whole school SEND Review and

strategic planning and management.

SEND Service Advisors are highly qualified holding a number of specialist qualifications and most are

accredited or experienced SENCOs.

SEND Service Teachers hold mandatory qualifications in Sensory Impairment, Educational Audiology or

are Specialists in Speech Language and Communication.

SEND Practitioners hold a range of qualifications and skills and are able to model programmes and

develop the skills of others to meet identified needs.

We are always looking to the future and are keen to hear from partners about their expectations and

needs from our Service. Get in touch to talk about your plans…we may be able to develop in

partnership. Enquire at [email protected]

Marj Povey

Lead SEND Services

01782 233621

[email protected]


Accredited Training and Trainers

EarlyBird Plus - accredited: Kuljit Jheeta and Ceri Reed

This is a 10 week support programme for parents and carers (of children with a diagnosis of ASD

between the ages of four-eight) and a school practitioner, offering advice and guidance on strategies and

approaches for dealing with young autistic children. The programme works on understanding autism,

building confidence to encourage interaction and communication and analysing and managing


Numicon – accredited and affiliated members: Kuljit Jheeta and Ceri Reed

Numicon is a multi-sensory mathematics teaching programme using visual Numicon images in a series

of practical teaching activities currently comprising three stages – Foundation, Stage 1 and Stage 2.

When Numicon patterns are arranged in order, pupils begin to notice important connections between

numbers, for instance that each number is one more than the last and one fewer than the next, odd and

even numbers and place value. Numicon illustrates number bonds, addition and subtraction, place value,

doubling and halving, estimation, division and multiplication.

Talking Maths - accredited: various members of the team

Talking Maths was developed by Liverpool Mathematics Team. It is a 10 week intervention programme

which targets speaking and listening skills in the context of mathematical language and aims to develop

the use and understanding of mathematical language. The programme can be administered by a

teacher, teaching assistant or adult helper working with a group of 3 children.

Talking Partners – accredited: Kuljit Jheeta

This programme is designed to improve the way children communicate across the curriculum, enabling

them to be independent and skilful speakers and listeners. It's a targeted, time-limited (10 weeks)

intervention that can be used with the whole class, small groups or individuals.

Word Aware – accredited: Sue Francis and Moira Cooper (Primary and Early Years)

Word Aware is a structured whole school approach to promote the vocabulary development of all

children. Focussed on whole class learning, the resource is of particular value for those who start at a

disadvantage. This approach is full of practical and inspiring ideas that can be easily applied by busy

classroom practitioners to develop both spoken and written vocabulary.


Better Reading Partnership – accredited: Sue Francis and Glenys Gill

Better Reading Partnership (BRP) is a short term practitioner led reading intervention strategy designed

to impact on the progress of underperforming pupils from NC years 2 to 8. It is a targeted, time limited,

one-to-one intervention, using a structured lesson format. The Better Reading Partnership Programme is

a well-researched, intervention programme and has been utilised in Stoke-on-Trent since 2006.

Inference Training – accredited: Sue Francis and Glenys Gill

Inference training is a method of improving reading comprehension using a choice of 45 short text

extracts whilst applying these strategies in their day to day reading. It is a group intervention for pupils in

KS2 and KS3 who decode adequately but fail to get full meaning and enjoyment from their reading.

Inference training is both a group intervention and has classroom strategies to boost reading

comprehension whole school. The intervention involves teaching 4 pupils twice a week for 12 weeks.

Reading Recovery - Reading Recovery Teacher Leader Glenys Gill

Reading Recovery is a qualified teacher led intensive early literacy intervention strategy designed to meet

the needs of the lowest performing pupils in NC years 1 and 2. It is a daily, short term, 30 minute one to

one literacy intervention programme designed to address the needs of the most vulnerable learners. The

programme is different for every child, starting from what the child knows and what he/she needs to learn

next to develop reading and writing skills. The internationally recognised intervention programme has

been utilised in Stoke-on-Trent since 2009. Accredited and Trained Reading Recovery teachers deliver

the intervention strategy and are also able to be a reading specialist in school, providing advice to

colleagues, modelling and monitoring literacy interventions and guided reading throughout the school.

Switch on Literacy - accredited: Glenys Gill

Switch on Literacy is an intervention designed to meet the needs of underperforming pupils in National

Curriculum years 1 to 8. The programme is based on the principles of Reading Recovery, working on

reading whole texts with a high level of accuracy, synthetic and analytic phonic activities, and also

supported writing. Switch on Literacy is led by a teaching assistant as a one-to-one 20 minute daily

session over 10 weeks.

COMING SOON - a qualified Advisor who is able to deliver an accredited course for school Practitioners.

Please note:

SEND Service advisors and teachers are well qualified holding a number of specialist qualifications and

most are experienced SENCOs.


Free Core Package Maintained schools and academies within Stoke-on-Trent will receive a Free Core Package of support

from SEND Services which will provide access to a range of services from April 2017 - March 2018.

This is available at a cost to schools/academies outside Stoke-on-Trent.

Please enquire by contacting: [email protected]

Your Free Core Package will include the following:

3 x Generic Entitlement Sessions (1 per term)

3 x Specialist Entitlement Sessions

(Schools are reminded to allocate some of this core time for reviews of pupils who have

received recent specialist input).

1 x Training Entitlement Session

Attendance at SENCO Forum x 3

Attendance at Induction for New SENCO training x 3 (if required)

Attendance at an annual RAISEonline data analysis session

Unlimited support from your lead SEND Advisor through email and telephone

Statutory support for Hearing and/or Visually Impaired pupils on a case by case basis

You will receive a letter during March 2017 which details the level of support you are entitled to for

the duration of the Free Core Package SLA (April 2017 to March 2018). At the first meeting with your

allocated SEND Advisor, you will work together to identify priorities for the school.

Generic Entitlement Sessions

To Book:

Arrangements for generic visits will be made directly between the SENCO and your allocated SEND


Your Generic Entitlement Sessions may include the following:

Issues identified through your Education Improvement Advisor or Partner

Complete Provision Map and Audit of Need to identify provision and expected outcomes

Standardised Assessment data; identification/analysis of need/match provision

Consultation for pupils on the SEND register/identification

Quality assure provision for pupils with a Statement or Education, Health & Care Plan

Consider requests for Specialist Advice and support with documentation

Identify pupils who require Access Arrangements for examinations

Analyse data including RAISEonline

Support with your SEND Action Plan, to develop and/or review

Review and update SEN and other policies

Consider whole schools initiatives e.g. Dyslexia Friendly Schools, use of software to support SEND

Audit staff skills and identify CPD requirements

Monitor and evaluate delivery of interventions, complete a Learning Walk or Book Trawl

Transition planning

SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]


Training Entitlement Session To Book:

To arrange a training session you should complete a request form from and

send it to your allocated SEND Advisor. You will be contacted by the SEND Advisor who will deliver the

training to make arrangements for the session.

Please be aware that, due to demand, not all sessions may be available at the point of request.

Your Training Entitlement Session is:

“The Code of Practice 2014 Revisited. Where are we now?”

This is a session designed for all staff in schools to enable reflection and planning of next steps to embed

the implementation of the SEND reforms (2014).

If you have a date in mind please book early with as much notice as possible.

SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]

Specialist Entitlement Sessions To Book:

To arrange a specialist visit you should complete a specialist request from

and send it with all requested additional information to your allocated SEND Advisor. A Specialist SEND

Advisor/Practitioner will contact you to make arrangements for the visit.

Low Incidence/High Need Pupils:

Sensory impaired pupils with hearing and/or visual impairment will receive free specialist sessions in line

with the eligibility framework. Further details will be outlined in the letter you receive.

Your Specialist Entitlement Sessions can be selected from the following:

Each of the following is equivalent to 1 specialist session (this is equivalent of up to 6 hours of

time which may include preparation and provision of materials or report writing).

Observation and/or assessment and review of an individual pupil by a Specialist SEND Advisor with a

written report providing educational advice and verbal feedback to the school and parents.

Modelling of a programme to a TA/Teacher to support a specific pupil/group of pupils with a given area

of need (ASD, SLCN, SpLD). A list of our most popular programmes can be found on pages 20-22

Delivery of advice or training for 1 or more members of staff to support a specific pupil /group of pupils

with a given area of need (ASD, SLCN, SpLD).

Access Arrangements for pupils requiring additional support during external examination in KS2, 3 or 4.

Training and support to acquire Dyslexia Friendly Status.

Attendance at statutory reviews for pupils with an Education Health and Care Plan, transfer reviews or at

school reviews for pupils at SEN Support can be provided if required. Advice about provision for a child

with an EHC is also available to ensure compliance and expected outcomes.


SEND Free Core Package

Maintained schools and academies within Stoke-on-Trent will receive a package of support from

SEND Services which will provide access to Generic, Specialist and Training Entitlement sessions.

You will receive a letter during March 2017 which details the level of support you will receive for the

duration of the SLA (April 2017 – March 2018).

Price Free to maintained schools and academies within Stoke-on-Trent.

SEND Additional Generic Packages

Schools and settings within Stoke-on-Trent and

neighbouring Local Authorities will receive

additional sessions (Option 1 or 2) of Special

Educational Needs support from a SEND Advisor

tailored to meet their needs.

Option 1 offers two generic sessions

Price £400

Option 2 offers four generic sessions

Price £800

Purchased individually sessions cost £250.

SEND Additional Specialist Packages

Schools and settings within Stoke-on-Trent and

neighbouring Local Authorities will receive access

to additional sessions (Option 1 or 2) from SEND

Services specialist teams for Speech, Language

and Communication Needs, ASD, Specific Learning

Difficulties and/or Physical Impairment.

Option 1 offers two specialist sessions

Price £500

Option 2 offers four specialist sessions

Price £950

Purchased individually sessions cost £350.

SEND Additional School Based Training Package

Schools and settings within Stoke-on-Trent and

neighbouring Local Authorities will receive

school-based training from a team of professionals

with a wide range of expertise and experience in all

areas of Special Educational Needs.

6 hours of schools based training (maximum 3

separate training sessions)

Price £450

SEND School Review

Schools and settings within Stoke-on-Trent and

neighbouring Local Authorities will receive a one

day visit from SEND Advisors to review and

moderate Special Educational Needs provision

within the setting. Includes a written report and

verbal feedback.

Price £600 to £1200

based on school size

Senior Leadership Package

This new package offers two sessions from a SEND Advisor working with the SENCO alongside

members of the Senior Leadership Team to analyse the data and support of Special Educational Needs

and other vulnerable groups within the school in order to review and analyse current planning and


2 two hour session

Price £400

Packages of Support

SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]


School Focused

Ensuring Inclusive Practice within School Development Planning.

This is a four part course with a practical approach for Senior Leaders and SENCOs with some

experience. The course is designed to support strategic roles in school, leading to inclusive practice and

greater impact on pupil progress.

This course links the Premiership Programme and SEND Services Professional Development


Session 1 is also outlined in the Premiership Brochure and can be booked by contacting Rudo at [email protected]

Sessions 2,3, and 4 can be accessed as a full course or individually and booked through Jane Plant

email: [email protected]

The Introduction will be delivered twice during the year linked to the Premiership Programme for schools

Session 1: Ensuring Inclusive Practice - Introduction Half Day

This session will give an overview of the City Inclusion Strategy, City data, Assessment, Whole school

Responsibilities and an overview of the Principles of the SEND Code of Practice.

Dates: Tuesday 25th April 2017 & tbc

Duration: 1.00 - 4.00 pm Location: Bridge Centre

Session 2: Ensuring Inclusive Practice - Graduated Response Full Day

This session explores issues which ensure schools use their best endeavours to achieve positive


This will include policy, co-production and the SEN Information Report.

This includes the SENCO’s role to consult with teachers, lead support staff, maximise the use of external

agencies and engaging with parents and children

Dates: Monday 22nd May 2017

Duration: 9.00 am - 4.00 pm Location: Bridge Centre

Session 3: Ensuring Inclusive Practice – Assessment and Gathering Data Full Day

This session will consider audit, planning and identifying gaps in provision.

This will include an overview of national policy for assessment, formal and informal methods of

assessment and identification for each area of need.

Dates: Monday 6th November 2017

Duration: 9.00 am - 4.00 pm Location: Bridge Centre


School Focused

Ensuring Inclusive Practice within School Development Planning continued.

Session 4: Ensuring Inclusive Practice - Monitoring and Evaluation Full Day

This session will explore the many aspects of monitoring and develop strategy and skill to ensure impact

on educational and wider progress and outcomes.

This will include Accessibility and Equality planning and refining the Assess, Plan, Do, Review processes

in school.

Date: Monday 22nd January 2018

Duration: 9.00 am - 4.00 pm Location: Bridge Centre


Comprehension difficulties may stem from a range of underlying cognitive and language weaknesses

and can often be hidden. This course explores how to improve outcomes in reading through looking at

how comprehension skills are acquired, problems that poor comprehenders may experience, and

practical strategies to support pupils. The course will provide some best practice approaches to support

Quality First Teaching. The second session will provide opportunities for discussion around case studies

and results linked to the SATs reading test.

This course links the Premiership Programme and SEND Services Professional Development


Please note this is a two session course

Dates: Tuesday 10th October 2017 & Thursday 16th November 2017

Duration: 9 am - 12 00 pm Location: Bridge Centre

Switch-on Literacy

This session aims to showcase Switch-on Literacy, a targeted one-to-one intervention programme which

addresses reading, comprehension and writing skills. The programme is based on the principles of

Reading Recovery and is designed to meet the needs of the underperforming pupils in National

Curriculum years 1 to 8.

This course links the Premiership Programme and SEND Services Professional Development


Date: Wednesday 20th September 2017

Duration: 9 am - 12 00 pm Location: Bridge Centre

Induction for New SENCOs

A 3 part termly course (join in any term) with a practical approach for newly appointed SENCOs,

designed to support staff in this complex role and to provide an opportunity to meet other new SENCOs

and set up a support network.

Free to maintained schools and academies within Stoke-on-Trent.

Dates: 16th May 2017; 3rd October 2017; 30th January 2018


How to be an Effective SEN Teaching Assistant

Offering practical tips and strategies known to be effective in promoting pupil progress that TAs can

deploy within the classroom to impact upon learning and teaching.

This course can be delivered as full or half day training

Date:25th September 2017 (Primary) Duration: - 3.30 pm

Date:13th November 2017 (Secondary) Duration: 1.00 - 4.00 pm

Cost: £90 per person (primary); £50 per person (secondary) Trainers: Moira Cooper, Sue Francis

Relationships with Parents of SEND Pupils

Support for classroom teachers in developing effective relationships with parents that will allow them to

work together to understand the pupil and set targets that are supported by all parties. Co production will

encourage parents to feel they have participated fully in the process.

Target Setting for SEND pupils

Setting targets for pupils with Special Educational Needs that ensures impact on attainment, removes

barriers to learning, supports wider outcomes and creates independent learners. This will follow the

assess, plan, do, review cycle as set out in the Code of Practice.

Differentiation in the Classroom

This session looks at ways to support Quality First Teaching by looking at ways to differentiate teaching

and learning in the classroom through questioning, classroom management and deployment of TAs.

Accessibility Planning

Understanding the statutory requirement of accessibility planning from policy to practice. For whole

school and individual groups.

Date: 21st June 2017 Duration:1.30 - 3.30 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Sue Francis

SEND Services Training The following training is available to be delivered in schools or settings as well as being centrally


Costs in house are dependent on the duration of the training:

Duration: 1½ hours Cost: £100

Duration: 2 hours Cost: £150

Duration: 3 hours Cost: £225

If you would like to book any training for a group of schools or a MAT please contact Jane Plant at

01782 232538 to discuss costs and availability

For schools and academies outside the city please contact [email protected]

School Focused


SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]

Cognition and Learning

Assessment using Standardised Tests

This session covers key aspects for consideration when choosing standardised tests. This is an excellent

opportunity to look at the different standardised tests available for base lining pupils in order to measure


Date: 27th September 2017 (KS1-2) Duration:1.00 - 3.30 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Glenys Gill

Improving Phonics through Intervention

Approaches and strategies to impact on phonics attainment with an emphasis on multisensory teaching.

This workshop is intended to support the school’s current policy on the teaching of phonics.

Date: 20th November 2017 (KS1-2) Duration: 1.30 - 3.30 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Glenys Gill

Life Beyond Phonics - Spelling through Morphographs

This session offers an introduction to morphographs. Teaching children how words are formed by

combining prefixes, suffixes and roots not only develops accurate spelling but broadens vocabulary.

Based on the National Curriculum for English, this is a practical workshop exploring how to teach

morphographs through games.

Date: 23rd May 2017 (KS1-2) Duration: 1.30 - 3.30 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainers: Sue Francis and Julie Amison

A Practical Approach to Precision Teaching

An overview of the strategy, considering the process and implementation which will bring about the

maximum impact. Skills that could be targeted through this approach include the reading and spelling of

high frequency words, recognition of words with common letter patterns, number bonds etc

Spelling Strategies and Interventions

Why are some of us poor spellers? Why does look, cover, write, check not work for all of us? Explore the

reasons why some pupils have difficulties and how analysis of errors can lead to alternative

interventions. This session outlines the rationale behind strategies which can be utilised with pupils with

spelling difficulties and enables participants to deliver a range of effective spelling interventions.

Utilising Strategies to Close the Gap for Pupils with Literacy Difficulties

This provides an understanding of evidence based literacy intervention strategies which can be used to

close the gap between pupils with SEN and other pupils. This session develops staff skills in the delivery

of some of these interventions.

Date: 7th March 2018 (KS1-2) Duration: 9.00 - 12.00 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainers: Glenys Gill


Better Reading Partnership

A targeted, time limited, one-to-one intervention, using a structured lesson format. The Better Reading

Partnership Programme is a well researched, recognised intervention programme.

The programme is designed to address the needs of underperforming readers in National Curriculum

years 2 to year 8.

Date: 16th January 2018 Duration: 9 am - 3.30 pm

Cost: £90 per person Trainers: Sue Francis and Glenys Gill

Switch-on Literacy

A targeted one-to-one intervention programme which addresses reading, comprehension and writing

skills. The programme is based on the principles of Reading Recovery.

Switch on Literacy is an intervention designed to meet the needs of the underperforming pupils in National

Curriculum years 1 to 8.

Dates: 2nd May 2017 & 17th May (2 day course)

Dates: 31st October & 7th November 2017 (2 day course)

Duration: 9 am - 4.00 pm

Cost: £180 per person + folder £30 each Trainer: Glenys Gill

Inference Training

A time-limited, group intervention to boost reading comprehension. It is designed to help schools

improve their pupils’ understanding and enjoyment in reading and more particularly, help those pupils

who decode adequately but fail to get full meaning from their reading. It provides some best practice

approaches for class teachers, so that intervention and class approaches can be integrated.

Date:15th May 2017; 9th October 2017 Duration: 9 am - 4.00 pm

Cost: £90 per person + folder £55 each Trainers: Sue Francis and Glenys Gill


Comprehension difficulties may stem from a range of underlying cognitive and language weaknesses and

can often be hidden. This workshop will look at the acquisition of comprehension skills, problems that

poor comprehenders may experience, and practical strategies to support pupils.

Date:8th June 2017 Duration: 9 am - 12 00 pm

Cost: £50 Trainer: Sue Francis

Using Clicker to Support SEND Pupils

Clicker 7 makes it easy for teachers to produce differentiated curriculum resources and create a

classroom of independent, enthusiastic learners. This hands-on introductory session for schools looks at

free resources, creating talking books, word banks and sentence building activities.

Cognition and Learning


Teaching and Learning for Pupils with Dyslexia

This 4 part course will increase understanding of how to support pupils with Dyslexia with a focus on

identification and assessment, multisensory teaching, Literacy and Numeracy. We examine how pupils

with these needs can best be supported within the classroom or through small group intervention.

Dates: 13th June; 20th June; 27th June; 4th July 2017

Duration: 1.00 - 4.00 pm Cost: £180 per person Trainers: SpLD team

Introduction to Dyslexia Friendly Status

A free overview of the process of achieving Dyslexia Friendly Status.

Date: 26th September 2017 Duration: 3.30 - 4.30 pm Trainer: Helen Dempsey

Using Specialist Dyslexia Programmes Effectively

An introduction to the principles of multisensory teaching, how to deliver multisensory programmes and

track progress. This can be tailored to specific programmes that you have or are purchasing in your

setting. Delegates attending the centrally based training will have the opportunity to examine a range of

commercial interventions.

Date: 14th November 2017 (KS 2-3) Duration:1.00 - 4.00 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainers: Helen Dempsey

An Introduction to Numicon

An introduction to the Numicon mathematics materials and rationale including how to navigate the

manuals, identify gaps in learning and practical use of the resources. For whole class or intervention for

pupils working up to National Curriculum Level 3. Suitable for EYFS and KS1.

Date: 4th October 2017 Duration: 9.30 - 12.30 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Ceri Reed

Maths Through Games

This session aims to provide ideas and resources to support you in making maths intervention fun and

engaging for pupils. Includes a CD of resources.

Date: 29th June 2017 Duration: 9.00 - 12.00 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Sue Francis

Talking Maths

Based on the Talking Partners Programme, Talking Maths enables targeted pupils to accelerate their

progress in language in Maths to enable them to participate fully in the classroom. Suitable for SEN and

EAL pupils with fair mathematical understanding.

Date: 4th May 2017 (Primary) Duration: 9.30 - 12.30 pm

Cost: £50 per person + manual £40 Trainer: Moira Cooper

Cognition and Learning


Language in the Classroom

This is designed to develop an awareness of the impact of SLCN difficulties on learning and highlighting

the importance of teacher talk and promoting a ‘Communication Friendly’ Classroom.

Sounds Fun

Practical support to develop the articulation of early sounds. This practical session is aimed at TAs,

Teachers and SENCOs that are supporting children with delayed speech in the early years and will cover

how sounds are produced, speech development and how to work through a speech programme.

Date: 11th October 2017 Duration:9.00 - 12.00 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Karen Darley

Creating a Language Rich Environment

To share strategies and resources that impact on communication development for pupils in EYFS and

Year 1.

Cued Articulation

This course demonstrates the method of cueing articulation by using simple hand signs in order to impact

on the progress of children with articulation difficulties. Cued articulation also impacts on the visual

discrimination of phonemes and the learning of phonics.

Word Aware

Word aware is a structured whole school approach to promote the development of all children. It focuses

on whole class learning and is of particular value for children with SEN or those who speak English as an

additional language.

This approach is full of practical and inspiring ideas that can be easily applied by busy classroom

teachers to develop both spoken and written vocabulary.

*Please note this is a full days training in house and the price £430 includes the Word Aware book.*

Pre-teaching Curriculum Vocabulary (Word Aware)

This session introduces pre-teaching vocabulary techniques to use with a group of children. This

approach works well with children who need extra opportunities to learn and consolidate vocabulary.

The session is based on the principles of Word Aware.

Date: 3rd October 2017 Duration:1.00 - 3.30 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Moira Cooper

Communication and Interaction

Including Autism


SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]

Communication and Interaction incl. Autism

Word Aware: Fun with Games. A practical workshop

Word games motivate children and can be used to introduce or review new vocabulary. Playing with

words encourages children to become more interested in words and subsequently develop as word


This is an opportunity to explore and make different word games that can be used in the classroom or as

part of an intervention.

An Introduction to Teaching Vocabulary

A rich vocabulary supports learning and is tightly related to reading comprehension. This course will focus

on the importance of vocabulary depth, selection of appropriate words and teaching strategies to increase

your pupils’ bank of vocabulary knowledge.

Date: 28th November 2017 Duration:1.00 - 4.00 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Sue Francis

Talking Partners Programme

Talking Partners Programme enables targeted pupils to accelerate their progress in language,

communication and literacy. Suitable for SEN and EAL pupils.

Dates: 13th March 2018

Duration: 9 am - 4.00 pm

Cost: £90 per person + manual £55 each Trainer: Kuljit Jheeta

Talking Partners for Teaching Assistants

This aims to train TAs in the delivery of the Talking Partners Programme. The training is for TAs in

schools where the SENCO (or other) has received the full days Talking Partners training.

Dates: 10th October & 17th October 2017 (2 day course)

Duration: 1.00 - 4.00 pm

Cost: £90 per person Trainer: Kuljit Jheeta

ASD Awareness

An overview of Autism and strategies to use when working with pupils with ASD.

Date: 3rd July 2017 Duration:9.00 - 12.00 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Kuljit Jheeta


Communication and Interaction incl. Autism

Autism and Sensory Processing Difficulties

A session aimed at developing a greater understanding of sensory processing and how sensory

integration can impact on pupils with Autism. We will look at the main sensory integration approaches and

how these can be applied in school to reduce pupil’s anxiety and improve their focus on learning.

Date: 27th February 2018 Duration:9.30 - 12.30 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Ceri Reed

Structured Teaching for Pupils with Autism

Structured teaching is a system for organising the environment, developing appropriate activities, and

helping people with autism understand what is expected of them. Structured teaching greatly increases

the pupil’s independence skills. During this course you will learn how to set up a workstation and structure

learning to meet individual needs.

Date: 28th November 2017 Duration:9.30 - 12.30 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Ceri Reed

Understanding and Managing the Behaviours of Pupils with ASD

This workshop will give an understanding of the behaviours that may be displayed by pupils with ASD and

suggest strategies for supporting and managing these behaviours. It would be advantageous for

candidates to have an awareness of the triad of impairment before attending this course.

Date: 23rd January 2018 Duration:9.30 - 12.30 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: David Weaver

Comic Strip Conversations and Social Stories Workshop

This interactive workshop will give you an overview of how to write social stories and create comic strip

conversations with a child on the Autism Spectrum. Participants are required to bring along an example of

a situation that a child with Autism finds difficult so that together we can look at how these strategies can

be used to begin to help the child resolve this.

Date: 27th April 2017 Duration:9.00 - 12.00 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: David Weaver

Parent workshop –an introduction to understanding Autism

The workshop is for parents and carers of pupils with a diagnosis of autism, those awaiting a diagnosis or

those who may have autistic traits. This workshop discusses the difficulties that are faced by those on the

autism spectrum and outlines strategies to support them. They are developed to build confidence and

success for both parent and child.

Date: 2nd October 2017 Duration:10.00 - 1.00 pm

Cost: Free Trainer: Kuljit Jheeta


Sensory incl. Physical Impairment

SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]

Be Deaf Aware

How to create an enabling learning environment for children and young people with hearing impairments

and promote inclusive practice for all.

This course is delivered free to schools within Stoke on Trent with pupils who meet the eligibility

framework. There is a cost implication for schools/academies outside the area.

Meeting the needs of individual pupils with Hearing Impairments

Make reasonable adjustments, develop inclusive practice and use new technologies to support pupils with

Hearing Impairments (HI).

Be Vision Friendly

How to create an enabling learning environment for children and young people with visual impairments

and promote inclusive practice for all.

This course is delivered free to schools within Stoke on Trent with pupils who meet the eligibility

framework. There is a cost implication for schools/academies outside the area.

Meeting the needs of individual pupils with Visual Impairments

Make reasonable adjustments, develop inclusive practice and use new technologies to support pupils with

Visual Impairments (VI).

Supporting a pupil with Physical Impairment

What is good practice for supporting a pupil with a Physical Impairment in the classroom and school

environment? This course is bespoke according to the needs of the pupils in your setting.

Meeting the needs of a Pupil with Down Syndrome

Looking at the needs of a pupil with Down Syndrome in the classroom and school environment and

providing strategies to impact on progress.

Meeting the needs of a Pupil with Dyspraxia

Looking at the nature of Dyspraxia/DCD as a specific learning difficulty, potential barrier to learning and

implications for social and emotional well-being.

Date: 20th March 2018 Duration: 9.00 - 12.00 pm

Cost: £50 per person Trainer: Marj Povey


Primary SENCO Forum

Opportunities for SENCOs to hear and share the

latest information in SEND education both locally

and nationally. Lively discussion and debate to

inform good practice.

Phase Early Years & Primary

Dates: 6th July 2017; 19th October2017;

15th February 2018

Price £35

Free to maintained schools and academies

within Stoke-on-Trent.

Secondary SENCO Forum

Opportunities for SENCOs to hear and share the

latest information in SEND education both locally

and nationally. Lively discussion and debate to

inform good practice.

Phase Secondary

Dates: 26th June 2017; 11th October 2017;

13th February 2018

Price £35

Free to maintained schools and academies with-

in Stoke-on-Trent.

Inclusion Event

Held annually this one day conference aims to

bring together professionals from across the region

to enhance their knowledge of SEND. With

featured Key Note Speakers from outside the

Local Authority and a range of new and exciting

workshops delivered by professionals from within

Stoke-on-Trent this is an event not to be missed!

Phase All Key Stages

Frequency Annually

Price TBC

Reading Recovery Update

Continuing Professional Development from SEND

Services for Trained Reading Recovery Teachers to

facilitate their retention of accredited teacher status.

Phase Key Stage 1

Frequency 6 x Sessions

Price £420

Monthly Parent Support Group

Sessions for Hearing Impaired children and their


Phase Pre-school

Frequency Thursday monthly (term time)

Price Free

Network Meetings

SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]


All Key Stages


Supporting the school in identifying gaps in pupils’ mathematical understanding and knowing where to go

next. Modelling use of resources alongside language to develop learning. Suitable for all Key Stages.

Talking Maths

Supports receptive and expressive language in mathematics. We can support in the planning and delivery

of TM sessions. Suitable for Key Stage 1, 2 and Year 7 pupils.


Supporting the school in identifying the most appropriate use of Clicker 7 to impact on a pupils’ writing and

training for the adult in preparing resources for the pupil to use.

Beat Dyslexia

A step-by-step multi-sensory literacy programme that is highly structured, covering the first stages of

letters sounds to full literacy. The reading and spelling packs and wooden alphabet are an integral part of

the programme. This programme can be used with Key Stages 1 to 3.

Alpha to Omega

A phonetic, linguistic approach to the teaching of reading, writing and spelling. It includes comprehensive

resource materials and a placement test. The structure introduces spelling, grammar, punctuation and

whole sentence work and uses graded dictation exercises that allow for three levels of memory or age of

student. This programme may be supported further by Wordshark 4. Suitable for all Key Stages.


A computerised teaching resource for improving spelling, reading and motivation that is designed for

pupils in Key Stages 1 to 3. It uses over 55 games to reinforce reading and spelling. This programme can

also be used to support Alpha to Omega.

Active Literacy Kit

A highly focused programme designed to build accuracy, fluency and automaticity in reading and spelling.

For pupils aged 7 years and above it teaches letter/sound correspondence through to automatic CVC


Launch the Lifeboat

A highly structured literacy scheme designed for all students, but specifically those with dyslexia or

learning English as a second language. The scheme builds on success at each level and builds

confidence as the students progress through the worksheets. Book one includes a Teaching guide.

Suitable for Key Stages 1 to 3.

Nessy Learning Programme

Nessy is a highly motivating interactive resource containing strategies, games, worksheets and phonics.

It covers the first stages of letters sounds to multi-syllabic words and encourages independent learning.

SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]

Specialist Programme Modelling The following programmes can be modelled in school by our team of Specialist Practitioners/

Advisors by completing a specialist request:

Cognition and Learning


All Key Stages

Social Use of Language Programme (SULP)

This is a social language programme that supports children and young people who have difficulties in

social interaction and communication. Suitable for all Key Stages.

Talking Partners (for those that have had the central training)

Supports receptive and expressive language as well as impacting on reading and writing. We can support

in the planning and delivery of TP sessions. Suitable for Key Stages 1 to 3.

Language for Thinking

A Programme for Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 that focuses on receptive and expressive language alongside


Cued Articulation

A visual, auditory and kinaesthetic programme that impacts on speech articulation and phoneme

recognition. Suitable for all Key Stages.

Social Skills Programme (Speechmark publications)

This programme supports children and young people who have difficulties in social interaction and

communication. Suitable for all Key Stages.

ASD Strategies in the classroom

These include setting up and modelling the use of visual timetables, workstations, ‘now’ and ‘next’ boards,

visual aids, social stories and other strategies as required for pupils in all Key Stages.

EYFS to Key Stage 2

Spirals Literacy, Maths or Science

For supporting receptive/expressive language in Nursery to Year 4.

Time to Talk (Ginger Bear)

A quality first teaching intervention for Reception pupils.

Language Steps

An intensive programme that uses information carrying words to develop receptive and expressive

vocabulary for pupils in EYFS and Key Stage 1.

Fun with Narrative

For supporting receptive/expressive language in EYFS and Key Stage 1.

Using an I Pad (Social Interaction)

Support and modelling in using an I Pad to support learning for children with social and interaction

difficulties. Suitable for EYFS and Key Stage 1.

Specialist Programme Modelling The following programmes can be modelled in school by our team of Specialist Practitioners:

SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]

Communication and Interaction


EYFS to Key Stage 2 (continued)

Talking about Friends / Talking about School

Expressive language programmes for pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2.

Asking More Specific Questions

This programme aims to develop questioning techniques using receptive and expressive language.

Suitable for Reception to Year 4.

Words and Pictures: Vocabulary Builder

This programme looks at extending the vocabulary of pupils in EYFS to Key Stage 2.

Story Starters

Using receptive and expressive vocabulary to focus on developing story starters. Suitable for EYFS to

Key Stage 2.

Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3

Transition into High School

This programme supports transition for children with difficulties into High School. Suitable for Year 6.

Talkabout for Teenagers

This programme supports teenagers who have difficulties in social interaction and communication.

Suitable for Key Stages 3 and 4.

Oral to Written Narrative

A programme for Key Stages 2 and 3 that looks at descriptive language, problems, solutions and feelings.

Think it Say it

This programmes looks at receptive/expressive language and pragmatics. Suitable for Year 4 to Year 8.

Specialist practitioners (for pupils with HI or VI) can work alongside staff in school to model good practice,

share ideas to adapt the curriculum and environment and advise on how to prepare resources. Staff can

also model how to use and how to check specialist equipment.

Specialist Programme Modelling The following programmes can be modelled in school by our team of Specialist Practitioners:

SEND Services | 01782 232538 | [email protected]

Communication and Interaction




Children and Family Services

Learning Services | SEND Services

The Mount Education Centre

Mount Avenue, Penkhull

Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 7JU

Telephone: 01782 232538

Email: [email protected]


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