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Unul dintre cele mai importante proiecte la care am lucrat este proiectul meu de licenta intitulat

“Proiectarea si realizarea unui sistem automat destinat reducerii consumului de energie”.

Principalul obiectiv a fost de a realiza un sistem automat de control al luminii si climatizarii intr-o

incapere tinand cont de prezenta umana. Pe baza prezentei umane, se analiza nivelul de lumina si

nivelul de temperatura, in conditiile in care nivelul de lumina era peste sub un prag dorit (acest prag

oscila in functie de dorintele ocupantului, unul este mai multumit cu mai putina lumina,altul nu etc)

atunci lumina artificiala se aprinde. Nivelul de lumina tine cont si de lumina patrunsa in camera, facand

media intre lumina ambientala si lumina patrunsa in camera. Se analiza si nivelul de temperatura iar in

functie de acesta se furnizau comenzi catre aerul conditionat. Daca temperatura era peste 30 grade se

pornea aerul conditionat, daca temperatura era sub 20 se pornea aerul conditionat(caldura). In lipsa

prezentei, intreg sistemul era oprit considerandu-se ca nu este nevoie adaptarea mediului in conditii

normale. Pentru realizarea acestuia am folosit o placa de dezvoltare Arduino Leonardo, 3 senzori

( senzor de prezenta, senzor de temperatura, senzor de lumina), LED-uri pentru simbolizarea

aprinderii/stingerii luminii,climatizarii.


One of the most important projects that I undertook is named “Designing and building an

automatic system destined to reduce electric energy consumption”. The primary objective was to built

an automatic system that controls the light and temperature in a destined room, when movement is

detected. On the detection of human presence the system starts analysing the level of light and

temperature, and based on this analysis takes a number of decisions. If the level of light is low, artificial

illumination will turn on (the settings can be modified according to the users preference); if the

temperature is not between a range that was previously programmed (e.g.:20-28oC) the air-conditioning

will start, either cooling or heating the room, depending on the situation. When no movement is

detected the entire system holds stand-by position, and if the light and air-conditioning were turned on

the system will shut them down. To build it I used a microcontroller named Arduino Leonardo, 3

sensors ( PIR sensor, temperature sensor, light sensor) and 4 LEDs that show the system’s actions(e.g.:

the red LED indicates if the heating is turned on or off). The software used is Arduino software.

Other small projects that I have made are: programing an arithmetic logic unit in VHDL and a

microcontroller PIC18F MCC18 in MPLAB IDE, designing a blood pressure monitor etc.