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School José Lins de FigueirêdoDate: __________________________Pupil: __________________________Teacher: Amanda Costa

II Evaluation

1º) Make the association and Mark the correct alternative.

( 1 ) Collar ( ) Jornal( 2 ) Pasta ( ) Colar( 3 ) Journal ( ) Massa( 4 ) Briefcase ( ) Periódico( 5 ) Necklace ( ) Gola( 6 ) Newspaper ( ) Pasta

a) 6, 3, 5, 4, 1, 2b) 3, 1, 4, 6, 5, 2 c) 6, 5, 2, 3, 1, 4 d) 3, 5, 2, 1, 4, 6

2º) Check the incorrect alternative about the use of indefinite pronouns.

a) I don’t have any moneyb) I don’t know any famous actors.c) Do you have any money with you?d) I have any friends.

3º) Complete using Some, Any, No.

a) Would you like _________ coffee?b) I don’t have ____________ questions.c) I have ___________ moneyd) Do you have __________ problem?

a) Some – any – no – anyb) Any – any – any – somec) Some – some – some – anyd) Any – any – no – any

4º) Mark the correct option about passive voice.

He put the magazine backI ( ) The magazine was put back II ( ) The magazine is put back

The teacher corrects the evaluations.

I ( ) The teacher is correcting the evaluations now II ( ) The evaluations are corrected by the teacher.

They will paint the doorsI ( ) The doors will be painted II ( ) The doors would be painted.

5º) Check the correct option

(1) New curtains should be bought.(2) We had taught grammar before(3) I wasn’t offered a drink

( ) Grammar had been taught( ) They didn’t offer me a drink( ) We need new curtains

6º) (Enem 2012 - Segundo Dia)

Aproveitando-se de seu status social e da possível influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos love, power e peace para justificar sua opinião de que

a) A paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor entre os homens

b) O amor pelo poder deve ser menor do que o poder do amor

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c) O poder deve ser compartilhado entre aqueles que se amam.

d) O amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir cada vez mais as pessoas

e) A paz será alcançada quando a busca pelo poder deixar de existir


Charlie Chaplin was one of the famous stars in the history of the cinema. He was certainly the most famous comic actor of the cinema. His first films were in the age of silent movies. He wrote and directed nearly all of his films and composed the music of all his sound pictures.

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in London. His family was poor and he had a hard childhood. In 1890 he left Britain for the USA, in 1914 he made his first film. In his films he created the character of a little man who always faced life with courage. Chaplin was married four times, he had four kids. In 1952 he left the USA with his family and lived in Switzerland until his death.

7º) What was his full name?


8º) Where and When he was born?


9º) What was his occupation?


10º) Analise a imagem a seguir:

10º) Qual o problema de saúde de Magali e qual o diagnóstico do médico?

a) Garganta inflamada e deve tomar sorveteb) Garganta inflamada e pode se alimentar de

congeladosc) Febre e não pode tomar sorveted) Febre e pode tomar sorvetee) Garganta inflamada e não pode tomar
