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Perspectives in World Art & Design (part I)

Professor Marianne Eggler-Gerozissis

Parsons New School of DesignSchool of Art & Design History & Theory


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MATERIAL to review for MIDTERM:

Introductory materialPrehistoricAncient Near EastAncient EgyptAegean Ancient GreeceAncient Rome

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Choose ONE (1) essay from the list provided- work up your essay this week

WORTH 25 pts max.!

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PART I – SLIDE IDs(10 individual objects; ea. 4 pts. Max. = 40)

Get 4 out of 5 right for full credit

DATING: use “circa” and do your best – I have rounded off some dates

3x5” cards – very usefulFriends/study-buddies in the class – pricelessTry a study group meeting

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Unknown, Spotted Horses & Human Hands, from Pech-Merle Cave, c. 25,000-15,000 B.C.E., paint on limestone, French Prehistoric Paleolithic

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Unknown, Woman from Willendorf, c. 24,000 B.C.E., limestone, Austrian Prehistoric Paleolithic

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Unknown, Stonehenge, England, c. 2,900-1,500 BCE, sandstone and bluestone, British prehistoric (Neolithic) period,

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Unknown, Votive figures, limestone, alabaster & gypsum, c. 2900-2600 BCE, ancient Near Eastern, Sumerian

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Unknown, Bull lyre, from the royal tombs of Ur (modern Iraq), c. 2500 B.C.E. wood with gold, silver lapis lazuli, bitumen, and shell, reassembled in a modern wood support. Ancient Near Eastern Sumerian

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Unknown, Stele of Naramsin, limestone, c. 2200 BCE, ancient Near Eastern, Akkadian

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Unknown, Ruins of the Anu Ziggurat & White Temple, Uruk, (modern Iran), c. 3,000 B.C.E., architecture, Ancient Near Eastern, Sumerian culture.

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Unknown, Stele of Hammurabi, Susa (now Iran), c. 1,750 B.C.E., diorite, Ancient Near Eastern, Babylonian culture.

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Unknown, Ishtar Gate & throne room wall, from Babylon (now modern Iraq), c. 575 B.C.E., glazed brick, Ancient Near Eastern, Neo-Babylonian culture.

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Unknown, Palette of Narmer, c. 2900 BCE, green schist, Egypt Early dynastic period

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Unknown, Great Pyramids at Giza, c. 2500 BCE, limestone & granite, Egypt Old Kingdom

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Unknown, Menkaure and a Queen, c. 2490 BCE, graywacke w/paint traces, Egypt Old Kingdom

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Unknown, Hypostyle Hall, Great Temple of Amun at Karnak, architecture, c. 1200 BCE, Egypt New Kingdom

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Unknown, Tutankhamun’s coffin, from the tomb of Tut. in the Valley of the Kings, c. 1330 BCE, Gold inlaid with glass and semiprecious stones (innermost coffin), Egypt, New Kingdom

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Unknown, Rosetta Stone, 196 BCE, stone, Egyptian Ptolmaic period

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Unknown, “Palace” Complex at Knossos, island of Crete, architecture, c. 1900-1400 BCE, ancient Aegean Minoan

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Unknown,Woman or goddess withSnakes, from Knossos, Crete, c. 1700-1500 BCE,Faience, ancient Aegean Minoan

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Unknown, Pendant of gold bees, from Crete, ancient Greek (c. 1600 BCE) gold, ancient Aegean Minoan

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Unknown, Citadel at Mycenae, architecture, c. 1600-12000 BCE, ancient Aegean Mycenaen

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Unknown, Funerary krater, from the Dipylon Cemetery,Athens, c. 700 BCE,ceramic, ancient Greece, geometric period

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Unknown, New York/Metropolitan Kouros, c. 600 BCE, marble, Greece Archaic period

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Kallikrates and Iktinos and others, the Parthenon on the Acropolis, Athens, Greece, (c. 440 BCE), marble, ancient Greek Classical period

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Pheidias or his workshop, three goddesses, from the east pediment of the Parthenon, Athens, Greece, (c. 440 BCE), marble, ancient Greek Classical period

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Polykleitos, The Doryphoros(Spear Bearer), c. 450 BCE, ancient Roman marble copy of an ancient Greek bronze)original from the ancient GreeceClassical period

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Unknown, Reclining Couple of a Sarcophagus, from Cerveteri, Italy, c. 500 BCE, Italy Etruscan culture

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Unknown, Pont du Gard, in Nimes, France, stone, ancient Roman

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Unknown, Augustus of Primaporta, c. 20 CE, marble (originally colored), ancient Rome

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Unknown, House of the Vettii, peristyle garden, in Pompeii, c. 70 CE, architecture, ancient Roman

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Unknown, the Pantheon, Rome, c. 120 CE, marble, concrete and rubble, ancient Roman

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Unknown, Triumphal Arch of Constantine, 315 CE, marble, ancient Rome

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2 pairs; for each pair you will answer one ID element (title, or date, or medium/media & ground, etc.) AND a thematic comparison question – some themes are posted as a word doc.)(2 pairs, each 10 pts. = 20).

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PART III – TERM definitions and examples (terms are posted as a Word doc.)

(10 terms, each 2-part (def. and example); definition – 1 pt.; title of an example - .5 – total 15 pts. Max.)

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extra credit….?