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  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006



    L AB OR L A W&


    (1994 – 2006)

    Edi te d a nd Arra ng e d !" Atty. Janette Laggui-Icao an

    Atty. A!e" An #e$ P. Icao%S i!!i&an 'ni ( e# ) ity Co!!ege o*La$+

    #$%! 26 & 200'

    U d ate d !" Ro&ua! o L. Se,e#i) II LLB.%S i!!i&an 'ni ( e# ) ity Co!!ege o*La$+

    A r i% 2 & 200


    U* +AW , OM* +E X and * - I+I** INE ASSO , IATION O . +AW S, - OO +S

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  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006

    F O R W A R D

    This work is not intended for sale or commerce. This work is freeware. It may be

    freely copied and distributed. It is primarily intended for all those who desire to

    have a deeper understanding of the issues touched by the Philippine Bar

    Examinations and its trend. It is specially intended for law students from the

    provinces who, very often, are recipients of deliberately distorted notes from other

    unscrupulous law schools and students. hare to others this work and you will be

    richly rewarded by !od in heaven. It is also very good karma.

    "e would like to seek the indulgence of the reader for some Bar #uestions which

    are improperly classified under a topic and for some topics which are improperly or

    ignorantly phrased, for the authors are $ust Bar %eviewees who have prepared this

    work while reviewing for the Bar Exams under time constraints and within their

    limited knowledge of the law. "e would like to seek the reader&s indulgence for a

    lot of typographical errors in this work.

    The Authors

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  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006

    Ta %e / , /n te n tGENERAL PRINCIPLES ................................................................ / Con )t itutiona! P #o( i) ion) on La0o# %.112+................................................... ........................... '(Inte#3#eta tion o*La0o# La$ ) %.112+................................................. ........................................ '(Inte#3#eta tion o*La0o# La$ )4 Li0e#a! A33#oac5 %6//7+ ..................................................... ... '(

    La0o# Legi) !ation)4 P u#3o) e %6//7+................................................. ........................................ ''

    La0o# St an a# (). La0o# Re!a tion %.118+..................................................... ......................... ''La0o# St an a# (). La0o# Re!a tion %6//9+..................................................... ......................... ''La0o# St a tute )4 C!a)) i* ica tion %.11: No . . ;+................................................... ........................ ''La0o# St a tute )4 P #inci3!e o* So!utio In e0iti4Not A33!ica0!e %.11anage&en t P #e#ogati( e %6///+ ................................................... ')Rig5 t) o* t5e E &3!oye# 4>anage&en t P #e#ogati( e 4 Bene * it)4 'ni!a te#a!!y G i( en %6//:+ .'*Rig5 t) o* t5e E &3!oye# 4>anage&en t P #e#ogati( e 4Con t#act ing O ut S e# ( ice ) %.11a tte# )=O** ice# ) %.118+............................................... .................................... 'La0o# A#0ite# %.11:+ ...................................................... ....................................................... ...... '

    La0o# A#0ite# 4 A33ea! ) %6//.+ .................................................. ................................................. 'La0o# Di)3u te % 6//.+ .................................................... ........................................................ .... '>e -a#0i te# %.117+..................................................... ....................................................... .......... '/>one y C!ai&)4 Rein )t a te&en t %.117+................................................. .................................... '/Na t@! La0o# Re!a tion) Co&&i )) ion %.11:+ ..................................................... ......................... '/Na t@! La0o# Re!a tion) Co&&i )) ion %6//.+ ..................................................... ......................... '/Na t@! La0o# Re!a tion) Co&&i )) ion %6//.+ ..................................................... ......................... '0Na t@! La0o# Re!a tion) Co&&i )) ion) %6//.+ ................................................... ......................... '0O( e# ) ea ) E &3!oy&en t4C!ai&4 To# t) %6//

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006

    CBA4 Auto&a tic Rene$a! C!au) e %.111+.................................................... ............................ )*CBA4 Auto&a tic Rene$a! C!au) e %6//.+ .................................................... ............................ )*CBA4 Ba#gaining Re3#e ) en ta ti( e %6///+ ................................................... .............................. )*CBA4 Ce# ti* ica tion E !ect ion %6//:+ ....................................................... ..................................... )*CBA4Ce# ti* ica tion E !ect ion4 No-'nion Win %6//7+.................................................. ............ )+CBA4 Ce# ti* ica tion E !ect ion4 Con ) en t E !ect ion4Run- O** E!ect ion %6///+ ...........................)+CBA4Ce# ti* ica tion E !ect ion4 #ee o& P e#io %.111+.................................................... ......... )+

    CBA4Ce# ti* ica tion E !ect ion4 P#o0ationa# y E &3!oyee ) %.111+.............................................. )+CBA4 C!o) e S 5o3 P #o( i) ion4 W5en no t a33!ica0!e %.111+................................................. ),CBA4 C!o) e S 5o3 (). A gen cy S 5o3 %.118+........................................................ .................. ),CBA4 Con t#act B a# Ru!e (). Dea !oc B a# Ru!e %.111+...................................................... .. ),CBA4Co ( e#age 4 Non-'nion >e&0e# )4 Re!igiou) S e ct %6//:+ ............................................ ),CBA4 inte#3#eta tion %6//

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006

    Rig5 t to St #i e 4La$ * u!4Rig5 t to Rein )t a te&en t %6//7+.................................................... ..... *Rig5 t to St #i e 4 Li&ita tion) %6///+ ..................................................... ....................................... *Rig5 t to St #i e 4 Na tiona! Inte#e)t4 DOLE S e c. inte# ( en tion %6//

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006

    E-E Re!a tion) 5i34 Wo# e# ) 3ai 0y Re ) u!t) %6//ino# )4 a Ha# ou) W o# %6//6+................................................ ...................... ,/E&3!oy&en t4 Ra io-T S 5o$ o )t4 E" 3i#ation o* Te#& %6//:+ .......................................... ,/E&3!oy&en t4 Wo&en 4 Anti-S e" ua! a#a )) &en t Act %6///+ ................................................,0E&3!oy&en t4 Wo&en 4 Anti-S e" ua! a#a )) &en t Act %6///+ ................................................,0E&3!oy&en t4 Wo&en 4 Anti-S e" ua! a#a )) &en t Act %6//

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006

    Wage )4 o!i ay P ay %6//:+ ...................................................................................................... (Wage )4 >one y C!ai&) %.112+ ................................................. ................................................. (Wage )4 >one y C!ai&)4 Atto#ney@) ee )4 Da&age ) %6//.+ ................................................. 'Wage )4 P ai 0y Re ) u!t)4 o!i ay P a y %6//6+ ................................................... ..................... 'Wage )4 T ea c5e# )4 E COL A %.118+ ...................................................... ..................................... 'Wage )4 'n3ai W age )4 P #e* e#ence o* C#e it in * a ( o# o* E&3!oyee ) %.11:+ .................... )Wage )4 'n3ai W age )4 P #e* e#ence o* C#e it in * a ( o# o* E&3!oyee ) %6//9+.................... )

    Wage )4 'n3ai W age )4 P #e* e#ence o* C#e it in * a ( o# o* E&3!oyee ) %.11:+ .................... )Wage )4 'n3ai W age )4 P #e* e#ence o* C#e it in * a ( o# o* E&3!oyee ) %.111+.................... *Wage )4 W age Di)t o# tion %.118+ ................................................. .............................................. *Wage )4 W age ) (). S a!a# y4 Su0?ect t o Attac5&en t %.11PLOY>ENT ................................................. 87 Bac $age ) %6//6+................................................... ....................................................... ............ -Bac $age ) (). 'n3ai Wage ) %.11

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006

    Di) &i)) a!4 Ju)t Cau ) e 4 ReFui#e&en t) %.111+................................................... ..................... /,Di) &i)) a!4 Ju)t Cau ) e4 Se3a#a tion P a y %.117+.................................................... .................. /-Di) &i)) a!4 Ju)t Cau ) e ) %6//.+ ................................................... .............................................. /-Di) &i)) a!4 Ju)t Cau ) e ) (). A ut5o#iHe Cau ) e ) %6///+ ................................................... ..... /Di) &i)) a!4 Ju)t Cau ) e )4 Di) o0e ien ce %.11:+..................................................... .................. /Di) &i)) a!4 Ju)t Cau ) e )4 Di) o0e ien ce %6//9+..................................................... .................. //Di) &i)) a!4 Ju)t Cau ) e )4 In) u0o# ination %.111+.................................................. .................. //

    Di) &i)) a!4 Ju)t Cau ) e )4 >i )c on uct %.11:+............................................... ............................ //

    Di) &i)) a!4 Ju)t Cau ) e )4 uitc!ai&) %.111+....................................................... ..................... /0Di) &i)) a!4 Lia0i!ity4 Co#3o#ate O** ice# ) %.118+..................................................... .................. /0Di) &i)) a!4 Pa y#o!! Rein )t a te&en t %6//:+ .................................................. .............................. /0Di) &i)) a!4 Pa y#o!! Rein )t a te&en t4 Rein )t a te&en t O # e# %.111+......................................... 0(Di) &i)) a!4 Rein )t a te&en t %.11

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  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 #oote in t5e Con)titutiona! an ate to a**o# *u!! SU ESTE5 ANSWER"3#otection to !a0o#. A#tic!e < o* t5e La0o# Co e LABOR RELATIONS !a$ *ocu)e) it) 3#o(i)ion) on3#o(i e) t5at a!! ou0t) in t5e i 3!e entation an t5e co!!ecti(e a)3ect) o* e 3!oye#-e 3!oyeeinte#3#etation o* t5e 3#o(i)ion) o* t5e La0o# Co e #e!ation)5i3. It) !ega! 3#o(i)ion) ea! $it5inc!u ing it) i 3!e enting #u!e) an #egu!ation) e 3!oyee) o#ganiHing union) an 5o$ t5#oug5)5a!! 0e #e)o!(e in *a(o# o* !a0o# %PLOT (. NLRC t5e)e union) e 3!oyee) a#e a0!e to 5a(eG.R No. 199 Ju!y 69 118+. It un e#)co#e) t5e co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining $it5 t5ei# e 3!oye#.3o!icy o* )ocia! ?u)tice to acco o ate t5einte#e)t) o* t5e $o# ing c!a)) on t5e 5u ane On t5e ot5e# 5an LABOR STANDARDS !a$

    ?u)ti*ication t5at t5o)e $5o 5a(e !e)) in !i*e )5a!! *ocu)e) on t5e te# ) an con ition)o* 5a(e o#e in !a$ %PAL (. Santo) G.R. No. 8828: e 3!oy ent o* e 3!oyee) a) in i(i ua!

    e 3!oyee) e0#ua#y < 119+. o# t5o)e !ega! 3#o(i)ion) ea!ing $it5$age) 5ou#) o* $o# an ot5e# te# ) an con ition) o*

    +a /r +egi %ati/n 8 *$r / e (2006) e 3!oy ent.W5at i) t5e 3u#3o)e o* !a0o# !egi)!ationK %6.:M+SU ESTE5 ANSWER" T5e#e ay 0e in)tance) $5en t5e 3#o(i)ion) o*La0o# !egi)!ation i) an e"e#ci)e o* 3o!ice 3o$e#. !a0o# #e!ation) !a$ ay inte##e!ate $it5 3#o(i)ion)T5e 3u#3o)e o* !a0o# !egi)!ation i) to #egu!ate t5e o* !a0o# )tan a# ) !a$. T5u) a CBA $5ic5 i) ea!t#e!ation) 0et$een e 3!oye#) an e 3!oyee) $it5 in !a0o# #e!ation) !a$ ay 5a(e 3#o(i)ion) t5at#e)3ecting t5e te# ) an con ition) o* i 3#o(e) u3on t5e ini u te# ) an con ition)e 3!oy ent eit5e# 0y 3#o(i ing *o# ce#tain o* e 3!oy ent 3#e)c#i0e in !a0o# )tan a# ) !a$)tan a# ) o# *o# a !ega! *#a e$o# $it5in $5ic5 !i e a CBA 3#o(i ing *o# a 5ig5e# ini u $age0ette# te# ) an con ition) o* $o# cou! 0e o# *o# t5e co 3utation o* a 5ig5e# o(e#ti e 3ay o#negotiate t5#oug5 co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining. It i) t5e 3ay ent o* 5o!i ay 3ay not on!y *o# #egu!a#inten e to co##ect t5e in?u)tice) in5e#ent in 5o!i ay) 0ut a!)o *o# ce#tain )3ecia! 5o!i ay).e 3!oye#-e 3!oyee #e!ation)5i3.

    +a /r Stat$te 8 ,%a i i ati/n (199' N/; 1") +a /r Standard 3 ; +a /r Re%ati/n (199 ) . W5at a#e t5e t5#ee %9+ gene#a! c!a))i*ication) o*Di**e#entiate !a0o# )tan a# ) !a$ *#o !a0o# !a0o# )tatute)K De)c#i0e an gi(e an e"a 3!e o*#e!ation) !a$. A#e t5e t$o utua!!y e"c!u)i(eK eac5 c!a))i*ication.SU ESTE5 ANSWER" SU ESTE5 ANSWER"LABOR STANDARDS !a$ i) t5at !a0o# !a$ $5ic5 T5e t5#ee %9+ gene#a! c!a))i*ication) o* !a0o# 3#e)c#i0e) te# ) an con ition) o* e 3!oy ent )tatute) a#e;!i e Boo in Boo I Tit!e I an Boo I o* t5e a+ La0o# Re!ation) La$)4La0o# Co e. T5e)e Boo ) o* t5e La0o# Co e ea! 0+ La0o# Stan a# ) La$)4 an$it5 $o# ing con ition) $age) $o# ing con ition) c+ Socia! Secu#ity La$).*o# $o en ino#) 5ou)e5e!3e#) an 5o e-

    $o# e#) e ica! an enta! )e#(ice) occu3ationa! LABOR RELATIONS La$) a#e t5o)e !a0o# )tatute)5ea!t5 an )a*ety te# ination an #eti#e ent. t5at ea! $it5 t5e #e!ation) o* !a0o# ananage ent !i e t5e !a$) on union) co!!ecti(e

    On t5e ot5e# 5an LABOR RELATIONS !a$ i) t5at 0a#gaining un*ai# !a0o# 3#actice) )t#i e) !oc out)!a0o# !a$ $5ic5 #egu!ate) t5e #e!ation) 0et$een an 3ic eting.e 3!oye#) an $o# e#) !i e Boo o* t5e La0o# Co e $5ic5 ea!) $it5 !a0o# o#ganiHation) LABOR STANDARDS a#e t5o)e !a0o# )tatute) t5at

    co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining un*ai# !a0o# 3#actice) an 3#e)c#i0e )tan a# ) #e!ating to te# )an )t#i e) an !oc out). con ition) o* e 3!oy ent *o# co 3!iance

    0y e 3!oye#) !i e t5e !a$) on 5ou#) o* $o# $ee !yLa0o# )tan a# ) !a$) an !a0o# #e!ation) !a$) a#e #e)t 3e#io ) 5o!i ay 3ay $age) an !a$) ea!ingnot utua!!y e"c!u)i(e4 t5ey a#e co 3!e ent to $it5 $o en ino#) 5ou)e-5e!3e#) an in u)t#ia!eac5 ot5e#. T5u) t5e !a$ on )t#i e) an !oc out) 5o e-$o# e#).$5ic5 i) an e"a 3!e o* !a0o# #e!ation) !a$ inc!u e)

    )o e 3#o(i)ion) on t5e )ecu#ity o* tenu#e o* SOCIAL SEC'RITY La$) a#e t5o)e !a0o# )tatute)$o# e#) $5o go on )t#i e o# $5o a#e !oc e out. t5at 3#o(i e 3#otection not on!y to a $o# e# 0ut a!)oT5e)e 3#o(i)ion) a#e e"a 3!e) o* !a0o# )tan a# ) to e 0e#) o* 5i) *a i!y in ca)e o* !o)) o* inco e!a$. o# $5en t5e#e i) nee *o# e ica! ca#e 0#oug5t

    a0out 0y contingencie) !i e )ic ne)) i)a0i!ity+a /r Standard 3 ; +a /r Re%ati/n (200

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 State In)u#ance un an t5e Nationa! ea!t5 !a$) a#e )ocia! !egi)!ation 0ut not a!! )ocia!In)u#ance Act. !egi)!ation i) !a0o# !a$.

    +a / r S tat $ te 8 * r in i %e / S/%$ ti/ Ind e iti8 N/ t A %i a %e (1994)Conce3cion Te"ti!e Co. inc!u e t5e o(e#ti e 3aynig5t-)5i*t i**e#entia! 3ay an t5e !i e in t5eco 3utation o* it) e 3!oyee) 9t5- ont5 3ay.Su0)eFuent!y $it5 t5e 3#o u!gation o* t5e

    eci)ion o* t5e Su3#e e Cou#t in t5e ca)e o* San>igue! Co#3o#ation (). Inciong % /9 SCRA 91+5o! ing t5at t5e)e ot5e# oneta#y c!ai ) )5ou!not 0e inc!u e in t5e co 3utation o* t5e 9t5-

    ont5 3ay Conce3cion Te"ti!e Co. )oug5t to#eco(e# un e# t5e principle of solutio indebiti it)o(e#3ay ent o* it) e 3!oyee) 9t5- ont5 3ay 0y

    e0iting again)t *utu#e 9t5- ont5 3ay ent)$5ate(e# e"ce)) a ount) it 5a 3#e(iou)!y a e.

    + I) t5e Co 3any ) action tena0!eKSU ESTE5 ANSWER"

    + T5e Co 3any ) action i) not tena0!e. T5e3#inci3!e o* )a!utio in e0iti $5ic5 i) a ci(i! !a$

    conce3t i) not a33!ica0!e in !a0o# !a$. T5u) )o!utioin e0iti i) not a33!ica0!e to t5e in)tant ca)e%Da(ao #uit) Co#3o#ation) (). Nationa! La0o# Re!ation) Co i))ion et at. 66: SCRA :76+A+TERNATI7E ANSWERS"a+ T5e Co 3any ) action $ou! 0e tena0!e i* 3ay ent $a) one 0y i)ta e In $5ic5 ca)e#eco(e#y can 0e one un e# t5e 3#inci3!e o* )o!utioin e0iti. But i* t5e#e $a) no i)ta e t5eCo 3any ) action $ou! 0e untena0!e 0ecau)e it$ou! (io!ate A#tic!e // o* t5e La0o# Co e $5ic53#o5i0it) e!i ination o# i inution o* 0ene*it).

    +a /r 3 ; S/ ia% +egi %ati/n6. I) t5e#e any i)tinction 0et$een !a0o# !egi)!ationan )ocia! !egi)!ationK E"3!ain.SU ESTE5 ANSWER"LABOR LEGISLATION i) )o eti e) i)tingui)5e*#o )ocia! !egi)!ation 0y t5e *o# e# #e*e##ing to!a0o# )tatute) !i e La0o# Re!ation) La$ an La0o# Stan a# ) an t5e !atte# to Socia! Secu#ity La$).La0o# !egi)!ation *ocu)e) on t5e #ig5t) o* t5e$o# e# in t5e $o# 3!ace.

    SOCIAL LEGISLATION i) a 0#oa te# an ayinc!u e not on!y !a$) t5at gi(e )ocia! )ecu#ity3#otection 0ut a!)o t5o)e t5at 5e!3 t5e $o# e#

    )ecu#e 5ou)ing an 0a)ic nece))itie). T5eCo 3#e5en)i(e Ag#a#ian Re*o# !a$ cou! a!)o 0econ)i e#e a )ocia! !egi)!ation.

    A+TERNATI7E ANSWER"Ye). La0o# Legi)!ation i) !i ite in )co3e an

    ea!) 0a)ica!!y $it5 t5e #ig5t) an utie) o* e 3!oyee) an e 3!oye#). Socia! Legi)!ation i)

    o#e enco 3a))ing an inc!u e) )uc5 )u0?ect) a)ag#a#ian #e!ation) 5ou)ing an 5u an )ett!e ent3#otection o* $o en an c5i! #en etc. A!! !a0o#

    +a /r8 a *r/ ert! Rig:t (2006)W5at 3#o3e#ty #ig5t i) con*e##e u3on an e 3!oyeeonce t5e#e i) an e 3!oye#-e 3!oyee #e!ation)5i3KDi)cu)) 0#ie*!y. %:M+SU ESTE5 ANSWER"

    i) e 3!oy ent i) not e#e!y a cont#actua!#e!ation)5i3. One ) e 3!oy ent i) a 3#o3e#ty #ig5t$it5in t5e ant!e o* con)titutiona! 3#otection%Ca!!anta (. Ca#nation P5i!. No. L-8/7 : Octo0e# 62 127+. ence t5e e 3!oyee en?oy) )ecu#ity o* tenu#e an 5e cannot 0e i) i))e e"ce3t *o# cau)e an on!y a*te# ue 3#oce)). T5e $o# e# i)t5u) 3#otecte an in)u!ate again)t any a#0it#a#y

    e3#i(ation o* 5i) ?o0 %P5i!i3) Se i Con ucto#)P5i!). (. a #iFue!a G.R. No. < 8 8 A3#i! <

    6//E= %/!ee (1996)6+ W5at a#e t5e #ig5t) o* an e 3!oye# an an

    e 3!oyeeKSU ESTE5 ANSWER"T5e Con)titution in A#t. III Section 9 3#o(i e) *o#t5e *o!!o$ing #ig5t) o* e 3!oye#) an e 3!oyee);

    A. E 3!oye#) Rig5t to a #ea)ona0!e #etu#n onin(e)t ent) an to e"3an)ion an g#o$t5.

    . To a ?u)t )5a#e in t5e *#uit) o* 3#o uction46. Rig5t to )e!* o#ganiHation co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining

    an negotiation) an 3eace*u! conce#teacti(itie) inc!u ing t5e #ig5t to )t#i e inacco# ance $it5 !a$4

    9. To )ecu#ity o* tenu#e 5u ane con ition) o*$o# an a !i(ing $age4 an

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 a+ No t5e 3o!icy oe) not (io!ate t5e La0o# % + No 0ecau)e t5i) a ount) to a i inution o* Co e. T5e 3#actice i) a (a!i e"e#ci)e o* 0ene*it) $5ic5 i) 3#o5i0ite 0y t5eLa0o# anage ent *unction. Con)i e#ing t5e natu#e an Co e4#ea)on *o# e"i)tence o* t5e )c5oo! it ay a o3t %e+ No 0ecau)e it i) a *#inge 0ene*it t5at 5a))uc5 3o!icy a) $i!! a (ance it) !au a0!e o0?ecti(e). a!#ea y #i3ene into a e an a0!e #ig5to# In *act t5e 3o!icy acco# ) $it5 t5e con)titutiona! entit!e ent. % /M+3#ece3t o* incu!cating et5ica! an o#a! (a!ue) in A+TERNATI7E ANSWER")c5oo!). T5e )c5oo! 3o!icy oe) not i)c#i inate %0+ Ye) 0ecau)e it i) )u**e#ing !o))e) *o# t5e *i#)tagain)t $o en )o!e!y on account o* )e" %A#t. 9: ti e4La0o# Co e+ no# a#e t5e act) 3#o5i0ite un e# A#t. %c+ Ye) 0ecau)e t5i) i) a anage ent

    98 o* t5e La0o# Co e. 3#e#ogati(e $5ic5 i) not ue any !ega! o# A+TERNATI7E ANSWER" cont#actua! o0!igation4T5e )c5oo! (io!ate A#t. 98 %6+ o* t5e La0o# Co e$5ic5 )tate) t5at; It )5a!! 0e un!a$*u! *o# any An e 3!oye# cannot 0e *o#ce to continue gi(ing ae 3!oye# to i)c5a#ge )uc5 $o an on account o* 0ene*it 0eing gi(en a) a anage ent 3#e#ogati(e3#egnancy . T5e 3#egnancy 5e#e cou! o0(iou)!y $5en it can no !onge# a**o# to 3ay *o# it. To 5o!5a(e #e)u!te *#o !o(e an )uc5 on!y !en ) ot5e#$i)e $ou! 0e to 3ena!iHe t5e e 3!oye# *o# )u0)tance to t5e )aying t5at t5e 5ea#t 5a) 5i) 3a)t gene#o)ity. %P#o uce# ) Ban o* t5e#ea)on) o* it) o$n $5ic5 #ea)on oe) not no$ a P5i!i33ine) (. NLRC G.R. No. //8/ >a#c5 62

    atte# t5at cannot 0e )o ca)ua!!y eFuate $it5 6// +i o#a!ity . C5ua- ua (. C!a(e 21 SCRA 8 A+TERNATI7E ANSWER"% 11/+ . % + No 0ecau)e t5i) a ount) to a i inution o*SU ESTE5 ANSWER" 0ene*it) $5ic5 i) 3#o5i0ite 0y t5e La0o# Co e40+ No 0ecau)e to to!e#ate 3#egnancy out o* %e+ No 0ecau)e it i) a *#inge 0ene*it t5at 5a)$e !oc $i!! 0e a 0!atant cont#a iction o* t5e a!#ea y #i3ene into a e an a0!e #ig5t o# )c5oo! ) !au a0!e i))ion $5ic5 a) a!#ea y )tate entit!e ent.acco# ) $it5 5ig5 con)titutiona! 3#ece3t).

    A co 3any 3#actice *a(o#a0!e to e 3!oyee) 5aT5i) an)$e# oe) not cont#a ict t5e #u!ing in C5ua- in ee 0een e)ta0!i)5e an t5e 3ay ent) a e

    ua $5e#e t5e teac5e# e#e!y *e!! in !o(e $it5 a 3u#)uant t5e#eto #i3ene into 0ene*it) en?oye 0y0ac5e!o# )tu ent an t5e teac5e# a!)o )ing!e i t5e . An any 0ene*it an )u33!e ent 0eingnot get 3#egnant out o* $e !oc . en?oye 0y t5e e 3!oyee) cannot 0e #e uce

    i ini)5e i)continue o# e!i inate 0y t5eRig: t / t: e E= %/!er8 Man ag e=e n t e 3!oye# 0y (i#tue o* A#tic!e // o* t5e La0o# Co e* rer /g at i3e8 Be n e it 8 Uni%atera %%! i 3e n o* t5e P5i!i33ine) $5ic5 3#o5i0it) t5e i inution o#(200') e!i ination o* t5e e 3!oye# o* t5e e 3!oyee)

    Litt!e an ) Ga# ent Co 3any an uno#ganiHee"i)ting 0ene*it). %Se(i!!a T#a ing Co. (. Se ana

    anu*actu#e# o* c5i! #en ) a33a#e! $it5 a#oun G.R. No. :6

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 )te$a# ) $5o o t5e c!eaning o* t5e 5ote! ) 3u0!ic Rig: t / t: e E= %/!er8 Man ag e=e n t a#ea). O(e# t5e 3#ote)t o* t5e 'nion t5e ote! rer /g at i3e (1994)cont#acte out t5e a*o#e entione ?o0 to t5e City Bu!acan >e ica! o)3ita! %B> + ente#e into aSe#(ice Janito#ia! Co 3any a 0ona*i e Co!!ecti(e Ba#gaining Ag#ee ent %CBA+ $it5 it)in e3en ent cont#acto# $5ic5 5a) a )u0)tantia! 'nion $5e#ein it i) e"3#e))!y )ti3u!ate in t5eca3ita! in t5e *o# o* Janito#ia! too!) eFui3 ent >anage ent P#e#ogati(e C!au)e t5at B> )5a!!

    ac5ine#ie) an co 3etent an3o$e#. in t5e e"e#ci)e o* it) anage ent 3#e#ogati(e)I) t5e action o* t5e a#0o# ie$ ote! !ega! an 5a(e t5e )o!e an e"c!u)i(e #ig5t to 3#o u!gate(a!i K a en an o i*y #u!e) an #egu!ation) *o# t5eSU ESTE5 ANSWER" e 3!oyee) $it5in t5e 0a#gaining unit. A yea# a*te# T5e action o* a#0o# ie$ ote! i) !ega! an (a!i . t5e cont#act $a) )igne B> i))ue it) Re(i)eT5e (a!i e"e#ci)e o* anage ent 3#e#ogati(e Ru!e) an Regu!ation) an *u#ni)5e a co3y

    i)c#etion an ?u g ent enco 3a))e) a!! a)3ect) t5e#eo* to t5e 'nion *o# i))e ination to a!!o* e 3!oy ent inc!u ing t5e 5i#ing $o# e 3!oyee) co(e#e 0y t5e CBA. T5e 'nion $#otea))ign ent) $o# ing et5o ) ti e 3!ace an B> e an ing t5at t5e Re(i)e Ru!e) an

    anne# o* $o# too!) to 0e u)e 3#oce))e) to 0e Regu!ation) 0e *i#)t i)cu))e $it5 t5e 0e*o#e it)*o!!o$e )u3e#(i)ion o* $o# e#) $o# ing i 3!e entation. B> #e*u)e . So t5e 'nion *i!e#egu!ation) t#an)*e# o* e 3!oyee) $o# an action *o# un*ai# !a0o# 3#actice %'LP+ again)t)u3e#(i)ion !ay-o** o* $o# e#) an t5e i)ci3!ine B> .

    i) i))a! an #eca!! o* $o# e#) e"ce3t a) 3#o(i e . I) t5e 'nion co##ectK*o# o# !i ite 0y )3ecia! !a$). 6. A))u ing t5at t5e CBA $a) )igne o#

    e"ecute 0e*o#e t5e 128 Con)titution $a)Co 3any 3o!icie) an #egu!ation) a#e un!e)) #ati*ie $ou! you# an)$e# to t5e 3#ece ing)5o$n to 0e g#o)) o33#e))i(e o# cont#a#y to !a$ Fue)tion 0e i**e#entK

    gene#a!!y 0in ing an (a!i on t5e 3a#tie) an u)t SU ESTE5 ANSWER"0e co 3!ie $it5 unti! *ina!!y #e(i)e o# a en e + T5e 'nion i) co##ect. A 3#o(i)ion in t5euni!ate#a!!y o# 3#e*e#a0!y t5#oug5 negotiation o# 0y co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining ag#ee ent conce#ningco 3etent aut5o#ity. %San >igue! Co#3o#ation (). anage ent 3#e#ogati(e) ay not 0e inte#3#eteReyna! o R. '0a! o an E anue! Noe! A. C#uH a) ce))ion o* t5e e 3!oyee) #ig5t to 3a#tici3ate inC5ai# an an >e 0e# #e)3ecti(e!y o* t5e t5e e!i0e#ation o* atte#) $5ic5 ay a**ect t5ei#

    o!unta#y A#0it#ation Pane! et a! G.R No. 162:1 #ig5t an t5e *o# u!ation o* 3o!icie) #e!ati(e t5e#etoe0#ua#y 119. J. Ca 3o) J#. 6 2 SCRA 619+ )uc5 a) t5e *o# u!ation o* a co e o* i)ci3!ine.

    A+TERNATI7E ANSWER"a+ T5e action o* t5e a#0o# ie$ ote! i) !ega! an A !ine u)t 0e #a$n 0et$een anage ent(a!i . CONTRACTING O'T SER ICES o# 3#e#ogati(e) #ega# ing 0u)ine)) o3e#ation) 3e# )e*unction) 0eing 3e#*o# e 0y union e 0e#) i) an t5o)e $5ic5 a**ect t5e #ig5t) o* t5e e 3!oyee)not i!!ega! 3e# )e. In *act it i) t5e 3#e#ogati(e o* an in t#eating t5e !atte# anage ent )5ou! )ee

    anage ent to a o3t co)t-)a(ing ea)u#e) to to it t5at it) e 3!oyee) a#e at !ea)t 3#o3e#!yen)u#e econo y an e**iciency. Cont#acting out in*o# e o* it) eci)ion) o# o e) o* action.)e#(ice) o# *unction) 0eing 3e#*o# e 0y 'nion

    e 0e#) 0eco e) i!!ega! on!y $5en it inte#*e#e) T5e attain ent o* a 5a# oniou)!a0o#-$it5 #e)t#ain) o# coe#ce) e 3!oyee) in t5e anage ent #e!ation)5i3 an t5e e"i)ting)tate e"e#ci)e o* t5ei# #ig5t to )e!*-o#ganiHation. 3o!icy o* en!ig5tening $o# e#) conce#ning

    t5ei# #ig5t) a) e 3!oyee) e an no !e)) t5an t5e0+ T5e action o* a#0o# ie$ ote! $ou! at *i#)t o0)e#(ance o* t#an)3a#ency in anage#ia! o(e)g!ance a33ea# to 0e an un*ai# !a0o# 3#actice un e# a**ecting e 3!oyee) #ig5t). P5i!i33ine Ai#!ine)

    A#tic!e 6e!o. 66:)uc5 $i!! inte#*e#e $it5 #e)t#ain o# coe#ce SCRA 6:2 9/ .+e 3!oyee) in t5e e"e#ci)e o* t5ei# #ig5t to )e!*- A+TERNATI7E ANSWER"o#ganiHation. a+ T5e 'nion i) co##ect. Wo# e#) 5a(e t5e #ig5t to

    3a#tici3ate in 3o!icy an eci)ion- a ingCon)i e#ing 5o$e(e# t5at in t5e ca)e at 0a# t5e#e 3#oce))e) a**ecting t5ei# #ig5t) 0ene*it) ani) no )5o$ing t5at t5e cont#acting out o* )e#(ice) $e!*a#e. %A#t. 6::J.$ou! (io!ate t5e e 3!oyee) #ig5t to )e!*-o#ganiHation it i) )u0 itte t5at t5e 5ote! ) action 0+ Ye). T5e 'nion i) co##ect in a) ing *o# i) a (a!i e"e#ci)e o* it) anage ent 3#e#ogati(e) i)cu))ion o* t5e #e(i)e #u!e) 3#io# to t5ei# an t5e #ig5t to a e 0u)ine)) ?u g ent) in e**ecti(ity. T5e #ea)on i) A#t. III Sec. 9 o* t5eacco# ance $it5 !a$. 128 Con)titution a!!o$ing $o# e#) t5e #ig5t to

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    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 3a#tici3ate in 3o!icy an eci)ion- a ing on ci#cu )tance). Not a!! !a0o# ca)e) $i!! 0e

    atte#) #e!ate to t5ei# $e!*a#e an 0ene*it). auto atica!!y eci e in *a(o# o* t5e$o# e#. >anage ent 5a) a!)o #ig5t) $5ic5 a#e entit!e to

    T5e 'nion ) #e e y 5o$e(e# )5ou! not 0e to *i!e #ecognition an 3#otection4 ?u)tice u)t 0ea 'LP ca)e 0ut to initiate a GRIE ANCE i)3en)e acco# ing to *act) an !a$4 an )ocia!3#ocee ing an i* un#e)o!(e )u0 it t5e atte# to ?u)tice i) not e)igne to e)t#oy o# o33#e)) t5e(o!unta#y a#0it#ation. e 3!oye#.

    ANOT-ER SU ESTE5 ANSWER" SU ESTE5 ANSWER" Socia! ?u)tice a) a gui ing 3#inci3!e in La0o# La$6+ T5e an)$e# $ou! 0e t5e )a e e(en i* t5e CBA can 0e i 3!e ente )i e 0y )i e $it5 t5e eFua!$a) )igne o# e"ecute 0e*o#e t5e #ati*ication o* 3#otection c!au)e o* t5e Con)titution.t5e 128 Con)titution 0ecau)e it 5a) a!$ay) 0een

    t5e 3o!icy o* t5e State to 3#o ote t5e In i 3!e entation o* t5e 3#inci3!e o* )ocia! ?u)tice en!ig5ten ent o* $o# e#) conce#ning t5ei# #ig5t) t5e Con)titution co an ) t5at t5e

    State )5a!! an o0!igation) a) e 3!oyee). %A#t. 6 4 PAL (). a**o# 3#otection to !a0o#. T5u) La0o# La$ ay 0e NLRC GR 2:12: Augu)t 9 119+ 3#o-!a0o# in t5e )en)e t5at !a0o# i)

    gi(en ce#tain 0ene*it) not gi(en to anage ent. But t5i) i) notR$%e8 In?$n ti/n in +a / r ,a e (2000) nece))a#i!y (io!ati(e o* t5e eFua! 3#otection c!au)eP#o*e))o# Juan e!a C#uH an aut5o# o* t5e o* t5e Con)titution 0ecau)e )ai c!au)e a!!o$)te"t0oo Co enta#ie) on t5e La0o# Co e o* t5e #ea)ona0!e c!a))i*ication.P5i!i33ine) citing an A e#ican ca)e $#ote; It i))ai t5at t5e 3#o5i0ition again)t t5e i))uance o* a$#it o* In?unction in !a0o# ca)e) c#eate) )u0)tanti(e

    ,BA8 I= %e=e n tat i/n @ In ter retat i/n (199') )tatuto#y 0a)i) *o# t5e )tate ent=co ent un e#

    o$ a#e ca)e) a#i)ing *#o!




    SU ESTE5 ANSWER"ag#ee ent) 5an !e an i)3o)e K

    Ye). T5e )tatuto#y 0a)i) i) A#tic!e 6:< o* t5e La0o# Co e. It 3#o5i0it) i))uance o* in?unction a) a

    atte# o* 3o!icy to #e)o!(e i)3ute) e"ce3t a)ot5e#$i)e 3#o(i e in A#tic!e) 6 2 an 67< o* t5eLa0o# Co e. Ca!te" i!i3ino >anage#) anSu3e#(i)o#) A))ociation (. CQR

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


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  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 $5o t5e ca)e *o# i!!ega! i) i))a! $a) 3en ing La0o# Co e. %>e ina (. Ca)t#o-Ba#to!o e 75a e"c!u)i(e ?u#i) iction o(e# 0ot5 ca)e). SCRA :18+Re)o!(e t5e otion to i) i)). Di)cu)) *u!!y. A+TERNATI7E ANSWER" SU ESTE5 ANSWER" T5e >otion to i) i)) )5ou! 0e g#ante .T5e otion to i) i)) *i!e 0y Pa0!o 0e*o#e t5e Acco# ing to t5e La0o# Co e %in A#tic!e 6 8 %a+ a#!et De et#io ina!!ege to#t $5ic5 cou! gi(e #i)e to a a age )uit t5e 3#e)ence o* e 3!oyee) an (i)ito#) *o# a ino# un e# t5e Ci(i! Co e. T5u) t5e La0o# A#0ite# 5a) in*#action )5e co itte . I* t5e in*#action 5a)no ?u#i) iction o(e# t5e a age )uit. )o et5ing to o $it5 5e# $o# t5en t5e c!ai *o#

    a age) cou! 0e con)i e#e a) a#i)ing *#o5a=a g e 8 N/ t ar i ing r / = t: e E E Re %at i/n e 3!oye#-e 3!oyee #e!ation). T5u) t5e c!ai i)(1999) un e# t5e e"c!u)i(e ?u#i) iction o* t5e La0o#

    ACTS; >a#iet De et#io $a) a c!e# -ty3i)t in t5e A#0ite#.O**ice o* t5e P#e)i ent o* a u!ti-nationa!co#3o#ation. One ay )5e $a) 0e#ate 0y t5e 5 i = i a%8 In tB% Ag en ! (1994)P#e)i ent o* t5e co 3any t5e !atte# )5outing In 11/ ic Ga#cia $a) 5i#e 0y t5e Inte#nationa!in(ecti(e) at 5e# in t5e 3#e)ence o* e 3!oyee) an La0o# O#ganiHation %ILO+ O**ice in >ani!a a) a(i)ito#) *o# a ino# in*#action )5e co itte . >a#iet 0oo ee3e# *o# *i(e yea#). On Janua#y :. 11< 5e$a) #e uce to tea#) out o* )5a e an *e!t )o $a) a (i)e t5at 5i) )e#(ice) $e#e 0eing0itte# a0out t5e inci ent t5at )5e *i!e a ci(i! ca)e te# inate *o# !o)) o* con*i ence. Ga#cia*o# a age) again)t t5e co 3any 3#e)i ent 0e*o#e Fue)tione 5i) i) i))a! 0y ILO->ani!a a) a#0it#a#yt5e #egu!a# cou#t). Soon t5e#ea*te# >a#iet #ecei(e an $it5out 0ene*it o* ue 3#oce)).a e o#an u t#an)*e##ing 5e# to t5e O**ice o* t5e + I* you $e#e coun)e! *o# ILO $5at e*en)e=)Gene#a! >anage# $it5out e otion in #an o# )5ou! you 3ut u3K

    i inution in 3ay. >a#iet #e*u)e to t#an)*e#. 6+ I* you $e#e t5e La0o# A#0ite# 5o$ $ou! youeci e t5e ca)eK

    Wit5 #e)3ect to t5e ci(i! )uit *o# a age) t5e SU ESTE5 ANSWER"co 3any !a$ye# *i!e a >otion to Di) i)) *o# !ac + T5e e*en)e t5at I $i!! 3ut u3 $i!! 0e to c!aio* ?u#i) iction con)i e#ing t5e e"i)tence o* an t5at 0eing an inte#nationa! agency t5e ILO en?oy)e 3!oye#-e 3!oyee #e!ation)5i3 an t5e#e*o#e it i) i unity na e!y *unctiona! in e3en ence anc!ai e t5at t5e ca)e )5ou! 5a(e 0een *i!e *#ee o *#o cont#o! o* t5e )tate in $5o)e te##ito#y0e*o#e t5e La0o# A#0ite#. it) o**ice i) !ocate an i) t5u) 0eyon t5e6. Ru!e on t5e >otion to Di) i)). S5ou! it 0e ?u#i) iction o* t5e La0o# A#0ite#. %Sout5ea)t A)iang#ante o# enie K E"3!ain 0#ie*!y %9M+. i)5e#ie) De(e!o3 ent Cente# - AFua Cu!tu#eSU ESTE5 ANSWER" De3a#t ent et a! (). Nationa! La0o# Re!ation)T5e >otion to Di) i)) )5ou! 0e enie . It i) a Co i))ion et a! G.R No 27889 < e0#ua#y#egu!a# cou#t an not a La0o# A#0ite# t5at 5a) 116+

    ?u#i) iction on t5e )uit *o# a age).6+ I* I $e#e t5e La0o# A#0ite#. I $i!! g#ant t5e

    T5e a age) a#e not a#i)ing *#o t5e e 3!oye#- otion to i) i)). T5e ILO 0eing an Inte#nationa!e 3!oyee #e!ation) $5ic5 $ou! 5a(e 3!ace t5e agency t5e )a e i) 0eyon t5e ?u#i) iction o* t5e)uit un e# t5e ?u#i) iction o* a La0o# A#0ite#. T5e La0o# A#0ite# an i une *#o t5e !ega! $#it) an)uit a#i)e) *#o t5e *act t5at t5e P#e)i ent o* t5e 3#oce))e) o* t5e a ini)t#ati(e agencie) o* t5eco 3any )5oute in(ecti(e) at >a#!et De et#io in count#y $5e#e it i) *oun *o# t5e #ea)on t5at t5et5e 3#e)ence o* e 3!oyee) an (i)ito#). e# )u0?ection o* )uc5 an o#ganiHation to t5e aut5o#ityco 3!aint *o# a age) i) again)t an o**ice# o* t5e o* t5e !oca! agencie) $ou! a**o# a con(enientCo 3any 0a)e on )!an e#ou) !anguage a!!ege !y e iu t5#oug5 $5ic5 t5e 5o)t go(e#n ent ay

    a e 0y t5e !atte#. T5i) *a!!) un e# t5e Ju#i) iction inte#*e#e in it) o3e#ation) o# e(en in*!uence o#o* t5e o# ina#y cou#t). T5e#e i) 5e#e a )i 3!e cont#o! it) 3o!icie) an eci)ion) an 0e)i e)action *o# a age) *o# to#tiou) act) a!!ege !y )uc5 )u0?ection to !oca! ?u#i) iction $ou! I 3ai#co itte 0y t5e e*en ant. Suc5 0eing t5e ca)e t5e ca3acity o* )uc5 0o y to i 3a#tia!!y i)c5a#get5e go(e#ning )tatute i) t5e Ci(i! Co e an not t5e it) #e)3on)i0i!itie).

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  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 In tra / r / rate Matter >O i er (1996) 9. ca)e) acco 3anie $it5 a c!ai *o# Diego E"ecuti(e ice-P#e)i ent o* E(e#g#een #ein)tate ent an in(o!(ing $age) #ate)o* De(e!o3 ent Co#3o#ation %EDC+ $a) i) i))e 0y 3ay 5ou#) o* $o# an ot5e# te# )an t5e Boa# o* Di#ecto#) *o# 5i) in(o!(e ent in con ition) o* e 3!oy ent4i##egu!a#itie) 3#e?u icia! to EDC ) inte#e)t). e *i!e

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 inci ent) a#i)ing t5e#e*#o inc!u ing t5e e"ecution (i)ito#ia! 3o$e#) un e# A#t. 62 an o* A#t. 61 o*o* eci)ion) a$a# ) o# o# e#). t5e La0o# Co e a) a en e $5ic5 e 3o$e#) t5eANOT-ER SU ESTE5 ANSWER" Regiona! Di#ecto# to 5ea# an eci e a ongYe) B ) action 0e*o#e t5e Regiona! T#ia! Cou#t i) ot5e#) atte#) in(o!(ing #eco(e#y o* $age).tena0!e i* )ai action i) !i ite to t5e *i!ing o* a . W5o)e 3o)ition $i!! you )u)tainK E"3!ain.

    a age )uit again)t t5e La0o# A#0ite# 0ecau)e 6. Wi!! you# an)$e# 0e t5e )a e i* Sa#a ) c!ai i)t5e#e e"i)t) no e 3!oye#-e 3!oyee #e!ation)5i3 P< ://.// $it5 #ein)tate entK E"3!ain.0et$een B an t5e La0o# A#0ite# an t5e#e i) no SU ESTE5 ANSWER"!a0o# i)3ute 0et$een t5e . In Ag#icu!tu#a! + I $i!! )u)tain t5e 3o)ition o* t5e Bo?i!o( )3ou)e).De(e!o3 ent Co#3o#ation (). Cou#t o* A33ea!) A#t. 62 i) not a33!ica0!e 0ecau)e t5e ca)e i notG.R. No. 6 91. Janua#y 9 6/// t5e Su3#e e a#i)e a) a #e)u!t o* t5e e"e#ci)e o* (i)ito#ia! anCou#t #u!e ; en*o#ce ent 3o$e#) 0y t5e Regiona! Di#ecto# a)

    It i) $e!! )ett!e in !a$ an ?u#i)3#u ence t5e u!y aut5o#iHe #e3#e)entati(e o* t5e Sec#eta#yt5at $5e#e NO e 3!oye#-e 3!oyee o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent. In)tea t5e ca)e i) a#e!ation)5i3 e"i)t) 0et$een t5e 3a#tie) an )i 3!e oney c!ai un e# A#t. 61 $5ic5 cou! 0eno i))ue i) in(o!(e $5ic5 ay 0e un e# t5e ?u#i) iction o* t5e Regiona! Di#ecto# i* t5e#e)o!(e 0y #e*e#ence to t5e La0o# Co e c!ai oe) not e"cee P: ///.ot5e# !a0o# )tatute) o# any co!!ecti(e0a#gaining ag#ee ent it i) t5e Regiona! But t5e c!ai e"cee ) P: ///.//. T5u) it i) t5eT#ia! Cou#t t5at 5a) ?u#i) iction. La0o# A#0ite# $5o 5a) ?u#i) iction un e# A#t. 6 8%a+

    o* t5e La0o# Co e.Med ar iter (1996)T5e nationa! counci! o* 'nion t5e e"c!u)i(e 6+ I $i!! )ti!! 5o! t5at it i) t5e La0o# A#0ite# t5at 5a)0a#gaining #e3#e)entati(e o* a!! ai!y 3ai $o# e#) ?u#i) iction. It i) t#ue t5at t5e oney c!ai noo* Q Co#3. ca!!e a gene#a! eeting an 3a))e a !onge# e"cee ) P: ///. But t5e#e i) a c!ai *o# #e)o!ution $5ic5 3#o(i e) t5at eac5 union e 0e# #ein)tate ent. T5u) t5i) c!ai i) un e# t5e$a) to 0e a))e))e P /// to 0e e ucte *#o ?u#i) iction o* a La0o# A#0ite# 3e# A#t. 61 o* t5et5e !u 3 )u o* P / ///.// $5ic5 eac5 e 3!oyee La0o# Co e.$a) to #ecei(e un e# t5e CBA. Se#gio a 'nion

    e 0e# 3#ote)te an #e*u)e to )ign t5e Nat B% +a / r Re %at i/n , / == i i/n (199') aut5o#iHation )!i3 *o# t5e e uction. 'nion t5en 9. W5at i) t5e ?u#i) iction o* t5e Nationa! La0o#3a))e a #e)o!ution e"3e!!ing Se#gio *#o t5e Re!ation) Co i))ionKunion. Se#gio *i!e a co 3!aint 0e*o#e t5e La0o# SU ESTE5 ANSWER"

    A#0ite# *o# i!!ega! e uction an e"3u!)ion *#o t5e Ju#i) iction o* t5e NLRC;union. Wi!! t5e co 3!aint 3#o)3e#K E"3!ain. . e"c!u)i(e a33e!!ate ?u#i) iction o(e# a!! ca)e)SU ESTE5 ANSWER" eci e 0y La0o# A#0ite#4

    T5e co 3!aint $i!! not 3#o)3e# 0e*o#e t5e La0o# 6. e"c!u)i(e a33e!!ate ?u#i) iction o(e# a!! ca)e) A#0ite# 0ecau)e t5e#e i) 5e#e an int#a-union con*!ict eci e 0y Regiona! Di#ecto#) o# 5ea#ing $5ic5 i) un e# t5e Ju#i) iction o* t5e >e -A#0ite#. o**ice#) in(o!(ing t5e #eco(e#y o* $age) an %See A#t 667 an Ru!e o* Boo o* t5e Ru!e) ot5e# oneta#y c!ai ) an

    0ene*it) a#i)ing an Regu!ation) I 3!e enting t5e La0o# Co e+. *#o e 3!oye#-e 3!oyee#e!ation) $5e#e t5e agg#egate oney c!ai o* eac5 e 3!oyee o#

    M/n e! , %a i= 8 Re in tate=e n t (1996) 5ou)e5e!3e# oe) not e"cee *i(e t5ou)anSa#a 5a) 0een $o# ing a) 5ou)e ai *o# t5e 3e)o) %P: ///.//+4Bo?i!o( )3ou)e) *o# t5#ee %9+ yea#). In t5e ea#!y 9. o#igina! Ju#i) iction to act a) a co 3u!)o#y

    o#ning o* Ju!y 62 t5e )3ou)e) an Sa#a $e#e a#0it#ation 0o y o(e# !a0o# i)3ute) ce#ti*ieto $atc5ing t5e !i(e co(e#age o* t5e *ina!) o* an NLRC 0y t5e Sec#eta#y o* La0o# an O!y 3ic 0o"ing atc5 0et$een a Bu!ga#ian an a E 3!oy ent4 an

    i!i3ino $5ic5 t5e *o#eign *ig5te# $on on 3oint).

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 3a3e#) an ocu enta#y e(i ence. At t5e Initia! Bitonio G.R. No. 6/66/ June 7 111 t5e5ea#ing 0e*o#e t5e NLRC t5e 3a#tie) ag#ee to Su3#e e Cou#t #u!e ;

    )u0 it t5e ca)e *o# #e)o!ution a*te# t5e )u0 i))ion A33e!!ate aut5o#ity o(e# eci)ion) o* t5e o* t5e 3o)ition 3a3e#) an e(i ence. Regiona! Di#ecto# in(o!(ing e"a ination o*

    union account) i) e"3#e))!y con*e##e on t5e BLRSu0)eFuent!y t5e NLRC i))ue an a#0it#a! a$a# un e# t5e Ru!e o* P#oce u#e on >e iation-#e)o!(ing t5e i)3ute 3#o(i)ion) o* t5e CBA an A#0it#ation.o# e#e t5e i) i))a! o* ce#tain )t#i e#) *o# 5a(ing """

    no$ing!y co itte I!!ega! act) u#ing t5e )t#i e. Section P e e#a! )u#ety 0on ... In t5e a ount eFui(a!ent to t5eSecu#ity Agency (). NLRC G.R. No. 6:612 oneta#y a$a# in t5e ?u g ent a33ea!e

    e0#ua#y 111 t5e Su3#e e Cou#t #u!e ; *#o .T5e )tan a# o* ue 3#oce)) t5at u)t 0e et

    in a ini)t#ati(e t#i0una!) a!!o$) a ce#tain In ABA (). NLRC G.R. No. 66768. Ju!y 2 111eg#ee o* !atitu e a) !ong a) *ai#ne)) i) not t5e Su3#e e Cou#t #u!e ;

    igno#e . ence it i) not !ega!!y o0?ectiona0!e *o# An a33ea! 0on i) nece))a#y......t5e a33ea!0eing (io!ati(e o* ue 3#oce)) *o# t5e !a0o# ay 0e 3e#*ecte on!y u3on t5e 3o)ting o* ca)5a#0ite# to #e)o!(e a ca)e 0a)e )o!e!y on t5e o# )u#ety 0on i))ue 0y a #e3uta0!e 0on ing3o)ition 3a3e#) a**i a(it) o# ocu enta#y co 3any u!y acc#e ite 0y t5e Co i))ion ine(i ence )u0 itte 0y t5e 3a#tie). T5e a**i a(it) t5e a ount eFui(a!ent to t5e oneta#y a$a# ino* $itne))e) in )uc5 ca)e ay ta e t5e 3!ace o* t5e ?u g ent a33ea!e *#o .

    i#ect te)ti ony. ANOT-ER SU ESTE5 ANSWER" T5e NLRC ay )ti!! ente#tain t5e a33ea!.

    Nat B% +a / r Re %at i/n , / == i i/n (2001) It i) t#ue t5at t5e La0o# Co e %in A#t. 669+ 3#o(i e)So e i)g#unt!e e 0e#) o* Bantay La0o# t5at a33ea! i) 3e#*ecte on!y u3on t5e 3o)ting o* a'nion *i!e $it5 t5e Regiona! O**ice o* t5e DOLE a ca)5 o# )u#ety 0on . But i* Co 3any A *i!e a$#itten co 3!aint again)t t5ei# union o**ice#) *o# otion *o# t5e #e uction o* t5e 0on an )ai

    i) anage ent o* union *un ). T5e Regiona! otion $a) on!y acte u3on a*te# t5e #eg!e enta#y

    Di#ecto# i not #u!e in t5e co 3!ainant) *a(o#. Not 3e#io t5en t5e NLRC in t5e inte#e)t o* )ati)*ie t5e co 3!ainant) e!e(ate t5e Regiona! )u0)tantia! ?u)tice ay )ti!! ta e cogniHance o* t5eDi#ecto# ) eci)ion to t5e NLRC. T5e union o**ice#) a33ea!.

    o(e to i) i)) on t5e g#oun o* !ac o* Ju#i) iction. A#e t5e union o**ice#) co##ectK W5yK O3er ea E= %/!=e n t8 , %a i=8 T/ rt (2004) %9M+. A. 'n e# a )ea an@) cont#act o* e 3!oy ent $it5SU ESTE5 ANSWER" a !oca! anning agent o* a *o#eign )5i33ingYe) t5e union o**ice#) a#e co##ect in c!ai ing t5at co 3any Ca3t. TROY e 0a# e on an ocean-t5e NLRC 5a) no ?u#i) iction o(e# t5e a33ea!e going (e))e! in goo 5ea!t5. One )to# y nig5t at#u!ing o* t5e Regiona! Di#ecto#. In Ba#!e) (). )ea 5e $a) #enc5e $it5 #ain$ate#. T5e

    Page 1' of 108

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 *o!!o$ing o#ning 5e cont#acte *e(e# $5ic5 !a)te (io!ation)4 5e )5a!! 0e #e3at#iate at 5i) o$n*o# ay). e )u**e#e !oo)e 0o$e! o(e ent !o)t e"3en)e o# at t5e e"3en)e o* 5i) e 3!oye# a) t5e5i) a33etite an e(entua!!y 5e ie 0e*o#e a ca)e ay 0e.)c5e u!e ai#!i*t to t5e nea#e)t 3o#t.

    Re / 3er! / Wag e (1994)Su0)eFuent!y t5e $i o$ o* Ca3t. TROY Tina AFuino a o e)tic 5e!3e# in t5e 5ou)e5o!

    o* co 3!aine again)t t5e !oca! anning agent an i e! A! egue# *i!e an action In t5eRegiona! it) *o#eign 3#inci3a! 0e*o#e t5e Regiona! A#0it#ation O**ice o* t5e De3a#t ent o* La0o# an

    E 3!oy ent B#anc5 o* DOLE *o# actua! an e"e 3!a#y %DOLE+ *o# #eco(e#y o* un3ai $age)a ounting to a age) an atto#ney@) *ee). S5e in(o e t5e P9 ://.// an P ). AFuino )5ou! 5a(e *i#)tt5e g#oun t5at t5e La0o# A#0ite# 5a) no 0#oug5t t5e atte# to t5e Lu3ong Ba#angay.

    ?u#i) iction o(e# t5e co 3!aint *o# a age) a#i)ing I* you $e#e t5e Regiona! Di#ecto# 5o$ $ou! you*#o i!!ne)) an eat5 o* Ca3t. TROY a0#oa . #e)o!(e t5e atte#KRe)o!(e t5e otion $it5 #ea)on). %:M+ SU ESTE5 ANSWER"SU ESTE5 ANSWER" A) Regiona! Di#ecto# I $i!! a))u e Ju#i) iction.In To!o)a (. NLRC %G.R. a#c5 6 . 121+t5e o#igina! an e"c!u)i(e ?u#i) iction t5e#eon.

    Re=e di e 8 i%%e g a% di = i a% (1999)O3er ea E= %/!=e n t8 Mand at / r! T5e La0o# A#0ite# i) i))e t5e co 3!aint *o# Re= itta n e8 ./ re ign EC : a ng e (2006) i!!ega! i) i))a! *i!e 0y Gene(ie(e C#uH again)tCan an o(e#)ea) $o# e# #e*u)e to #e it 5i) Bu!ag O3tica! Inc. %BOI+ $5ic5 enie 5e# 3#aye# ea#ning) to 5i) e3en ent) an e3o)it t5e )a e *o# #ein)tate ent 0ut a$a# e *inancia! a))i)tancein t5e count#y $5e#e 5e $o# ) to gain o#e in 5e# *a(o#. BOI a33ea!e t5e eci)ion o* t5einte#e)t)K E"3!ain. %:M+ La0o# A#0ite# to t5e NLRC $it5in t5e #eg!e enta#ySU ESTE5 ANSWER" 3e#io . Gene(ie(e *i!e an o33o)ition to t5eNO. A#t. 66 o* t5e La0o# Co e 3#o(i e) t5at it )5a!! a33ea!. T5e NLRC a**i# e in toto t5e eci)ion o* 0e an ato#y *o# a!! i!i3ino $o# e#) a0#oa to t5e La0o# A#0ite#. Bot5 t5e BOI an Gene(ie(e a#e#e it a 3o#tion o* t5ei# *o#eign e"c5ange ea#ning) not )ati)*ie $it5 t5e eci)ion o* t5e NLRCto t5ei# *a i!ie) e3en ent) an =o# 0ene*icia#ie) . W5at i) t5e #e e y i* any o* BOI an 0e*o#ein acco# ance $it5 t5e #u!e) an #egu!ation) $5at *o#u K E"3!ain 0#ie*!y. %9M+

    3#e)c#i0e 0y t5e Sec#eta#y o* La0o# an SU ESTE5 ANSWER"E 3!oy ent. E"ecuti(e O# e# No. 2:8 3#e)c#i0e) BOI can *i!e a >otion *o# Recon)i e#ation $it5 t5et5e 3e#centage o* *o#eign e"c5ange #e ittance NLRC a*te# ten % /+ ca!en a# ay) *#o #ecei3t o* *#o :/M to 2/M o* t5e 0a)ic )a!a#y e3en ing on t5e eci)ion.t5e $o# e# ) in o* ?o0.

    I* t5e NLRC enie) t5e >otion *o# Recon)i e#ationence an o(e#)ea) $o# e# cannot #e*u)e to #e it BOI can *i!e a 3etition *o# ce#tio#a#i $it5 t5e Cou#t o*

    5i) ea#ning). Ot5e#$i)e 5e )5a!! 0e )u)3en e o# A33ea!) un e# Ru!e 7: o* t5e Ru!e) o* Cou#t )incee"c!u e *#o t5e !i)t o* e!igi0!e $o# e#) *o# t5e eci)ion o* t5e NLRC i) *ina! an e"ecuto#y.o(e#)ea) e 3!oy ent an in ca)e) o* )u0)eFuent

    Page ( of 108

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 6. Can Gene(ie(e C#uH a(ai! 5e#)e!* o* t5e )a e Sec#eta#y o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent t5e aut5o#ity#e e y a) t5at o* BOIK W5yK %6M+ to en?oin t5e e 3!oye# *#o te# inating t5eSU ESTE5 ANSWER" e 3!oy ent o* t5e $o# e#)K I* )o on $5atGene(ie(e C#uH can a(ai! 5e#)e!* o* t5e )a e g#oun )K :M#e e y a) t5at o* t5e BOI. T5e #e e ie) e)c#i0e SU ESTE5 ANSWER"*o# t5e BOI a#e a!)o t5e )a e #e e ie) a(ai!a0!e T5e Sec#eta#y o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent 5a) t5eto Gene(ie(e C#uH a) a 3a#ty to t5e ca)e 3u#)uant aut5o#ity to en?oin an e 3!oye# *#o te# inatingto t5e La0o# Co e %A#tic!e 669+ an t5e Ru!e) o* t5e e 3!oy ent o* $o# e#).Cou#t %Ru!e 7:+.

    T5e La0o# Co e %in A#tic!e 988%0+ 3#o(i e) t5at t5ePane!; But t5e *act) o* t5e ca)e in icate) t5at Sec#eta#y o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent ay )u)3enGene(ie(e i not a33ea!. S5e t5e#e*o#e cannot t5e e**ecti(ity o* t5e te# ination o* $o# e#) 3en inga(ai! o* t5e #e e y. t5e #e)o!ution o* a !a0o# i)3ute in t5e e(ent o* a

    3#i a *acie *in ing o* an a33#o3#iate o**icia! o* t5eS e retar! / +a / r8 A$ t:/ r it! (199 ) De3a#t ent o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent 0e*o#e

    An ai#!ine $5ic5 *!ie) 0ot5 t5e inte#nationa! an $5o )uc5 i)3ute i) 3en ing t5at t5e te# inationo e)tic #oute) #eFue)te t5e Sec#eta#y o* La0o# ay cau)e a )e#iou) !a0o# i)3ute o# i) in

    an E 3!oy ent to a33#o(e t5e 3o!icy t5at a!! i 3!e entation o* a a)) !ay o**.*e a!e *!ig5t atten ant) u3on #eac5ing age *o#ty%

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 ot5e# !a0o# i)3ute) inc!u ing un*ai# !a0o# 3#actice o!unta#y A#0it#ato# ay 5ea# an eci e any !a0o# %A#t. 676 La0o# Co e+. A) no o0?ection $a) #ai)e i)3ute inc!u ing 0a#gaining ea !oc ) t5e0y any o* t5e 3a#tie) $5en t5e i)3ute $a) A#0ite# ) eci)ion 3#o(i ing *o# #et#oacti(ity i)#e*e##e to a (o!unta#y a#0it#ato# $5o !ate# #u!e on tena0!e. E"e#ci)ing 5i) co 3u!)o#y a#0it#ationt5e i))ue) #ai)e 0y t5e 3a#tie) it *o!!o$) t5at 3o$e# t5e A#0ite# cou! eci e t5e i))ue o* $5at $e 5a(e i) (o!unta#y a#0it#ation ag#ee u3on #et#oacti(ity in any $ay $5ic5 i) not cont#a#y to !a$0y t5e 3a#tie). i) eci)ion i) 0in ing u3on t5e o#a!) goo cu)to ) 3u0!ic o# e# o# 3u0!ic3a#tie) an ay 0e en*o#ce t5#oug5 any o* t5e 3o!icy.)5e#i**) inc!u ing t5o)e o* t5e NLRC 5e ay But in a ca)e %>ani!a E!ect#ic Co (). Sec#eta#y o*

    e3utiHe. La0o# Leona# o ui)u 0ing G.R. No. 68:12ANOT-ER SU ESTE5 ANSWER" e0#ua#y 66 6///+ t5e Su3#e e Cou#t )ai t5atNo. T5e a$a# o* (o!unta#y a#0it#ato#) acting $it5in an a#0it#a! a$a# )5a!! #et#oact to t5e *i#)t ay a*te#t5e )co3e o* t5ei# aut5o#ity ete# ine) t5e #ig5t) o* t5e )i"- ont5 3e#io *o!!o$ing t5e e"3i#ation o* t5et5e 3a#tie) an t5ei# eci)ion) 5a(e t5e )a e !a)t ay o* t5e CBA t5at $a) 0eing #e-negotiate .!ega! e**ect) a) a ?u g ent o* t5e Cou#t. Suc5 ANOT-ER SU ESTE5 ANSWER"

    eci)ion) on atte#) o* *act o# !a$ a#e conc!u)i(e T5e #et#oacti(e O# e# o* t5e La0o# A#0ite# i) (oian a!! atte#) in t5e a$a# a#e t5ence*o#t5 res *o# $ant o* ?u#i) iction. Ju#i) iction i) con*e##e 0y judicata on t5e t5eo#y t5at t5e atte# 5a) 0een !a$. No$5e#e in t5e La0o# Co e o#e )3eci*ica!!ya ?u ge 0y t5e t#i0una! $5ic5 t5e 3a#tie) 5a(e A#tic!e 6 8 i) t5e La0o# A#0ite# gi(en ?u#i) ictionag#ee to a e *ina! a) t#i0una! o* !a)t #e)o#t. o(e# un#e)o!(e i))ue) in co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining

    o! )c5e! La0o# 'nion (. NLRC. 12 SCRA 9 < inc!u ing ete# ining t5e 3e#io o# u#ation o* a% 12/+. Co!!ecti(e Ba#gaining Ag#ee ent.


    ,BA8 A r / r iate Bar g a ining Uni t (199 ) W5at i) an a33#o3#iate 0a#gaining unit *o# 3u#3o)e) o* co!!ecti(e 0a#gainingK :MSU ESTE5 ANSWER"

    An APPROPRIATE BARGAINING 'NIT i) a g#ou3o* e 3!oyee) o* a gi(en e 3!oye# co 3#i)e o* a!!o# !e)) t5an a!! o* t5e enti#e 0o y o* e 3!oyee)$5ic5 t5e co!!ecti(e inte#e)t o* a!! t5e e 3!oyee)con)i)tent $it5 t5e inte#e)t o* t5e e 3!oye#in icate to 0e t5e 0e)t )uite to )e#(e #eci3#oca!#ig5t) an utie) o* t5e 3a#tie) un e# t5e co!!ecti(e0a#gaining 3#o(i)ion) o* t5e !a$. %See e.g.'ni(e#)ity o* t5e P5i!i33ine) (. e##e#-Ca!!e?a 6SCRA e ica! Cente# Inc. (). on. Ru0en O.

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  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 $5ic5 union #ea!!y #e3#e)ent) t5e a?o#ity o* t5e e 3!oyee) in t5e 0a#gaining unit. % /M+ But to 5a(e t5e a0o(e- entione e**ect t5e CBA

    A+TERNATI7E ANSWER" )5ou! 5a(e 0een *i!e an #egi)te#e $it5 t5e% + Petition t5e Bu#eau o* La0o# Re!ation) to De3a#t ent o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent %See A#tic!econ uct a ce#ti*ication e!ection to ete# ine $5ic5 69 6:9-A an 6:7+union #ea!!y #e3#e)ent) t5e a?o#ity o* t5ee 3!oyee) in t5e 0a#gaining unit. % a$ at Bu !o T5u) a CBA t5at 5a) not 0een *i!e an #egi)te#eng >anggagai(a IB> (. Ca!!e?a G.R. No. 2e -A#0ite# g#ant) t5e 3etition an an a?o#ity o* t5e e 3!oyee) in )uc5 unit )5a!! 0e t5ee!ection o**ice# i) e)ignate 0y t5e #egiona! e"c!u)i(e #e3#e)entati(e o* t5e e 3!oyee) in )uc5

    i#ecto# to )u3e#(i)e t5e e!ection. %A#t. 6:7 6:8 unit *o# t5e 3u#3o)e o* co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining.6:2 La0o# Co e+.

    Co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining co(e#) a!! a)3ect) o* t5eCONSENT ELECTION i) 5e! 0y ag#ee ent o* t5e e 3!oy ent #e!ation an t5e #e)u!tant CBAunion) $it5 o# $it5out 3a#tici3ation o* t5e e - negotiate 0y t5e ce#ti*ie union 0in ) a!!a#0ite#. Wa##en >anu*actu#ing Wo# e#) 'nion (. e 3!oyee) in t5e 0a#gaining unit. ence a!! #an -Bu#eau o* La0o# Re!ation) :1 SCRA 928 % 122+ an -*i!e e 3!oyee) 3#o0ationa#y o# 3e# anent

    5a(e a )u0)tantia! inte#e)t in t5e )e!ection o* t5eR'N-O ELECTION ta e) 3!ace 0et$een t5e 0a#gaining #e3#e)entati(e. T5e Co e a e) nounion) $5o #ecei(e t5e t$o 5ig5e)t nu 0e# o* i)tinction a) to t5ei# e 3!oy ent )tatu) a) 0a)i)(ote) $5e#e not one o* t5e union) o0taine t5e *o# e!igi0i!ity to (ote in t5e 3etition *o# ce#ti*ication

    a?o#ity o* t5e (a!i (ote) ca)t 3#o(i e t5at t5e e!ection. T5e !a$ #e*e#) to a!! t5e e 3!oyee) intota! union (ote) i) at !ea)t :/M o* t5e (ote) ca)t. t5e 0a#gaining unit. A!! t5ey nee to 0e e!igi0!e to%A#t. 6:7 La0o# Co e+. (ote i) to 0e!ong to t5e 0a#gaining unit %Ai#ti e

    S3ecia!i)t) Inc. (. e##e#-Ca!!e?a ISO SCRA 8

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 YES. Any e 3!oyee $5et5e# e 3!oye *o# a Con)titution an By-!a$) o* t5e AWOL t5en it $a)

    e*inite 3e#io o# not )5a!! 0eginning on 5i) *i#)t !a$*u! *o# LTC to te# inate >aga!!ona.ay o* )e#(ice 0e con)i e#e an e 3!oyee *o# P anel : T he t ermina t ion i s unlaw f ul ( errer !" #$%&) "

    3u#3o)e) o* e 0e#)5i3 in any !a0o# union %A#t.688%c++. ,BA8 , %/ ed S:/ 3 ; Ag e n ! S:/ (199 )

    %a+ De)c#i0e a c!o)e )5o3 ag#ee ent oe) it,BA8 , %/ ed S:/ * r / 3i i/n 8 W: en n/ t i**e# *#o an agency )5o3 ag#ee ent.a %i a %e (1999) %0+ A#e t5e a0o(e ag#ee ent) !ega!K

    ACTS; In a ce#ti*ication e!ection con ucte 0y t5e SU ESTE5 ANSWER"

    De3a#t ent o* La0o# A))ociate Wo# e#) %a+ A CLOSED S OP AGREE>ENT i) t5atO#ganiHation in Laguna %AWOL+ 5ea e 0y Ce)a# ag#ee ent e 0o ie in a co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining>ontanyo $on o(e# Pang at ng ga ag#ee ent %CBA+ $5e#e0y t5e e 3!oye# 0in )>anggaga$a )a Laguna %P>L+ 5ea e 0y E ie it)e!* not to 5i#e any 3e#)on un!e)) 5e i) *i#)t aG#aciaa. ence AWOL $a) ce#ti*ie a) t5e union e 0e# o* t5e co!!ecti(e 0a#gaininge"c!u)i(e 0a#gaining agent o* t5e #an -an -*i!e #e3#e)entati(e.e 3!oyee) o* t5e Laguna T#an)3o#tation Co 3any%LTC+. An AGENCY S OP AGREE>ENT i)

    i**e#ent *#o a c!o)e )5o3 ag#ee ent in t5atun e# t5e

    S5o#t!y t5e#ea*te# a Co!!ecti(e Ba#gaining *o# e# t5e e 3!oye# oe) not 0in it)e!* not to 5i#e Ag#ee ent $a) conc!u e 0y LTC an AWOL a 3e#)on un!e)) 5e i) *i#)t a union e 0e# o* t5e$5ic5 3#o(i e *o# a c!o)e )5o3. Con)eFuent!y co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining #e3#e)entati(e. In)tea t5e

    AWOL e an e t5at E ie G#aciaa an a!! t5e e 3!oye# 0in ) it)e!* to c5ec o** *#o t5o)e $5oP>L e 0e#) 0e #eFui#e to 0eco e e 0e#) o* a#e not union e 0e#) o* t5e co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining

    AWOL a) a con ition *o# t5ei# continue #e3#e)entati(e a #ea)ona0!e *ee eFui(a!ent to t5ee 3!oy ent; ot5e#$i)e t5ey )5a!! 0e i) i))e ue) an ot5e# *ee) 3ai 0y union e 0e#) i* t5e3u#)uant to t5e c!o)e )5o3 3#o(i)ion o* t5e CBA. non-union e 0e#) acce3t t5e 0ene*it) o* t5e

    CBA.T5e union )ecu#ity c!au)e o* t5e CBA a!)o 3#o(i e*o# t5e i) i))a! o* e 3!oyee) $5o 5a(e not

    aintaine t5ei# e 0e#)5i3 in t5e union. o# one#ea)on o# anot5e# #anci) >aga!!ona a e 0e# o* AWOL $a) e"3e!!e *#o t5e union

    e 0e#)5i3 *o# act) ini ica! to t5e inte#e)t o* t5eunion. '3on #ecei3t o* t5e notice t5at #anci)>aga!!ona *ai!e to aintain 5i) e 0e#)5i3 ingoo )tan ing $it5 AWOL LTC )u a#i!y

    i) i))e 5i *#o e 3!oy ent.. Can E ie G#aciaa an a!! t5e P>L e 0e#)

    0e #eFui#e to 0eco e e 0e#) o* t5e AWOL3u#)uant to t5e c!o)e )5o3 3#o(i)ion o* t5eCBAK W5yK %9M+

    SU ESTE5 ANSWER"E ie G#ac!a an a!! t5e P>L e 0e#) can not 0e#eFui#e to 0eco e e 0e#) o* AWOL 3u#)uant tot5e c!o)e )5o3 3#o(i)ion o* t5e CBA. Acco# ing tot5e La0o# Co e %A#tic!e 6aga!!ona 0y LTC !a$*u!K W5yK %6M+

    SU ESTE5 ANSWER"Pu#)uant to t5e c!o)e )5o3 3#o(i)ion o* t5e CBAente#e into 0y AWOL $it5 LTC e 0e#)5i3 in

    AWOL 5a) 0eco e a con ition o* e 3!oy ent inLTC. A) !ong a) t5e e"3u!)ion o* #anci)>aga!!ona *#o AWOL $a) one in acco# ance$it5 a33!ica0!e 3#o(i)ion) o* !a$ an $it5 t5e

    %0+ T5e a0o(e ag#ee ent) a#e !ega! o# t5ey a#ee"3#e))!y a!!o$e 0y t5e La0o# Co e.

    ,BA8 , /n tra t Bar R$%e 3 ; 5ea d%/ F Bar R$%e (1999)Di)tingui)5 0et$een cont#act 0a# #u!e an

    ea !oc 0a# #u!e . %9M+SU ESTE5 ANSWER"'n e# t5e CONTRACT BAR R'LE a ce#ti*ication

    e!ection cannot 0e 5e! i* t5e#e i) in *o#ce an ine**ect a co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining ag#ee ent t5at 5a)0een u!y #egi)te#e $it5 t5e De3a#t ent o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent e"ce3t u#ing t5e *#ee o 3e#ioo* )uc5 CBA $5ic5 i) t5e 7/- ay 3e#io 3#io# to t5ee"3i#y ate o* )ai CBA. %See A#tic!e) 69 6:9-Aan 6:7+

    'n e# t5e DEADLOCU BAR R'LE a ce#ti*icatione!ection can not 0e 5e! i* a 0a#gaining ea !oc to$5ic5 an incu 0ent o# ce#ti*ie 0a#gaining agent i)a 3a#ty 5a 0een )u0 itte to conci!iation o#

    e iation o# 5a 0eco e t5e )u0?ect o* a (a!inotice o* )t#i e o# !oc out. %See Section 9 Ru!e IBoo o* t5e I 3!e enting Ru!e) an Regu!ation)o* t5e La0o# Co e+

    ,BA8 , / 3era g e8 N/n Uni/n Me= er 8 Re %igi/$ S e t (200')

    A g#ou3 o* e 3!oyee) in YQ acto#y 0e!onging toa #e!igiou) )ect in con*o# ity $it5 t5e teac5ing)an ictate) o* t5ei# #e!igion #e*u)e to ?oin t5e!a0o# union in t5e *acto#y. T5e !a0o# union $a)

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    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 a0!e to negotiate a )u0)tantia! $age inc#ea)e in it) #en e#ing e"act!y o# no !e)) t5an t5#ee %9+ 5ou#)co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining ag#ee ent $it5 anage ent. o* actua! o(e#ti e $o# .

    A 3#o(i)ion t5e#ein )tate t5at t5e $age inc#ea)e W5ic5 inte#3#etation o you t5in )5ou! 3#e(ai!K$ou! 0e 3ai to t5e e 0e#) o* t5e union on!y in W5yK %:M+(ie$ o* a c!o)e )5o3 union )ecu#ity c!au)e in t5ene$ ag#ee ent. T5e e 0e#) o* t5e )ect ,BA8 #$ r i di ti/n a% * re , /ndi ti/n (1996) 3#ote)te an e an e t5at t5e $age inc#ea)e 6+ W5at ?u#i) ictiona! 3#e-con ition) u)t 0e0e e"ten e to t5e . T5e o**ice#) o* t5e union 3#e)ent to )et in otion t5e ec5anic) o* acounte#e 0y e an ing t5ei# te# ination *#o t5e co!!ecti(e 0a#gainingK

    co 3any 3u#)uant to t5e c!o)e )5o3 3#o(i)ion in SU ESTE5 ANSWER" t5e ?u)t-conc!u e CBA. %7M+(a) Is the CBA provision valid? To )et in otion t5e ec5anic) o* co!!ecti(eSU ESTE5 ANSWER" 0a#gaining t5e)e ?u#i) ictiona! 3#e-con ition) u)tNo t5e CBA 3#o(i)ion i) not (a!i . T5e 0ene*it) o* 0e 3#e)ent na e!y;a CBA a#e e"ten i0!e to a!! e 3!oyee) #ega# !e)) . T5e e 3!oyee) in a 0a#gaining unit )5ou!o* t5ei# e 0e#)5i3 in t5e union 0ecau)e to *o# a !a0o# o#ganiHation4$it55o! t5e )a e *#o non-union e 0e#) $ou! 6. T5e !a0o# o#ganiHation )5ou! 0e a !egiti ate0e to i)c#i inate again)t t5e . %Nationa! B#e$e#y !a0o# o#ganiHation4& A!!ie In u)t#ie) La0o# 'nion o* t5e P5i!i33ine) (. 9. A) )uc5 !egiti ate !a0o# o#ganiHation it )5ou!San >igue! B#e$e#y Inc. G.R. No. L- 2 8/ 0e #ecogniHe o# ce#ti*ie a) t5e co!!ecti(e

    Augu)t 9 179+ 0a#gaining #e3#e)entati(e o* t5e e 3!oyee) o* t5e 0a#gaining unit4 an

    ( ) !ho"ld the #o$pan% #o$pl% &ith the EAL ALLOWANCE. T5e an C!o)e S5o3.Co 3any ag#ee) to g#ant a >EAL SU ESTE5 ANSWERS"

    ALLOWANCE o* TEN PESOS %P /.//+ to a!! LOCUO'T #e*e#) to t5e te 3o#a#y #e*u)a! o* ane 3!oyee) $5o #en e# at !ea)t TWO %6+ 5ou#) e 3!oye# to *u#ni)5 $o# a) a #e)u!t o* a !a0o# o# o# o#e o* actua! o(e#ti e $o# on a $o# ay in u)t#ia! i)3ute. CLOSED S OP on t5e ot5e# an REE >EALS a) 3#e)ent!y 3#actice not 5an #e*e#) to a union )ecu#ity c!au)e in a

    e"cee ing TWENTY I E PESOS %P6:.//+ co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining ag#ee ent $5e#e0y t5ea*te# T REE %9+ 5ou#) o* actua! o(e#ti e $o# . e 3!oye# ag#ee) not to e 3!oy any 3e#)on $5o i)not a e 0e# o* t5e e"c!u)i(e co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining

    Di)3ute in t5e inte#3#etation o* t5e a0o(e 3#o(i)ion #e3#e)entati(e o* t5e e 3!oyee) in a 0a#gaininga#o)e a) t5e Co 3any a))e#t) t5at t5e 35#a)e unit.

    a*te# t5#ee %9+ 5ou#) o* actua! o(e#ti e $o# oe)not ean a*te# e"act!y t5#ee %9+ 5ou#) o* actua! ,BA8 Mand at / r! S$ ? e t / Bar g a iningo(e#ti e $o# 4 it ean) a*te# o#e t5an t5#ee %9+ (1996)5ou#) o* actua! o(e#ti e $o# . T5e 'nion on t5e + W5at atte#) a#e con)i e#e an ato#yot5e# 5an aintaine t5at a*te# t5#ee %9+ 5ou#) )u0?ect) o* co!!ecti(e 0a#gainingKo* actua! o(e#ti e $o# )i 3!y ean) a*te# SU ESTE5 ANSWER"

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    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 Wage) 5ou#) o* $o# an a!! ot5e# te# ) an T5e e 3!oyee) #ecei(e t5ei# #e)3ecti(econ ition) o* e 3!oy ent inc!u ing 3#o3o)a!) *o# )e3a#ation 3ay un e# 3#ote)t an t5e#ea*te# *i!ea ?u)ting any g#ie(ance) o# Fue)tion) a#i)ing *#o an action again)t CRP an Ly#a >u)ic Co#3o#ationt5e co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining ag#ee ent a#e *o# un*ai# !a0o# 3#actice %'LP+. T5e A#0ite# #u!e incon)i e#e an ato#y )u0?ect) o* co!!ecti(e *a(o# o* t5e $o# e#) an o# e#e Ly#a >u)ic0a#gaining. %See A#t. 6:6 o* t5e La0o# Co e+ Co#3o#ation to a0)o#0 t5e *o# e# $o# e#) o* CRP.

    Wa) t5e La0o# A#0ite# co##ect in 5i) eci)ionK,BA8 Re gi trat i/n Re G$ire=e n t8 , /n tra t SU ESTE5 ANSWER"Bar R$%e (2000) No. T5e La0o# A#0ite# i) not co##ect. A) 5e! in t5e

    A Co!!ecti(e Ba#gaining Ag#ee ent $a) )igne ca)e o* San e!i3e Ne#i Sc5oo! o* >an a!uyong ().0et$een t5e Ang Sa#a3 Uainan Co 3any an t5e NLRC $5en t5e#e i) a !egiti ate )a!e o* a

    Ang Sa#a3 Uainan Wo# e#) 'nion. S5ou! t5e co 3any ) a))et) t5e 0uye# in goo *ait5 cannotCo!!ecti(e Ba#gaining Ag#ee ent 0e #egi)te#e 0e !ega!!y co 3e!!e to a0)o#0 t5e e 3!oyee) o* $it5 t5e Bu#eau o* La0o# Re!ation)K I* )o $5yK t5e )e!!e# in goo *ait5. In t5e ca)e at 0a# t5e%9M+ e 3!oyee) o* t5e CRP $e#e (a!i !y te# inateSU ESTE5 ANSWER" 0a)e on A#tic!e 62< e.g. c!o)u#e o* o3e#ation)So t5at t5e cont#act-0a# #u!e ay a33!y t5e CBA an )e3a#ation 3ay $a) 3ai at a #ate uc5 5ig5e# )5ou! 0e #egi)te#e a))u ing it 5a) 0een (a!i !y t5an t5e !a$.#ati*ie an contain) t5e an ato#y 3#o(i)ion).%A#t. 696 La0o# Co e+. u#t5e# o#e t5e ca)e *i!e 0y t5e e 3!oyee) $a)

    'N AIR LABOR PRACTICE. It i) 5ig5!y i##egu!a# ,BA8 R$n O E%e t i/n (2006) to o# e# a0)o#3tion o* e 3!oyee) in a 'LP ca)e.W5en oe) a #un-o** e!ection occu#K %6.:M+

    SU ESTE5 ANSWER" ,BA8 S/ ia% S e $ r it! 3 ; Uni/n S e $ r it! A #un-o** e!ection occu#) $5en t5e *o!!o$ing (2004)e!e ent) occu#; Di)tingui)5 c!ea#!y 0ut 0#ie*!y 0et$een Socia!

    . Bet$een t5#ee %9+ o# o#e c5oice) an no )ecu#ity an union )ecu#ityc5oice #ecei(ing a a?o#ity o* t5e (a!i (ote) SU ESTE5 ANSWERS"ca)t4 SOCIAL SEC'RITY i) t5e 3#otection gi(en 0y

    6. T5e tota! nu 0e# o* (ote) *o# a!! conten ing )ocia! in)u#ance 3#og#a ) )uc5 a) t5e 3#og#a ) o* union) i) at !ea)t :/M o* t5e nu 0e# o* (ote t5e SSS GSIS an P IC un e#ta en 3u#)uant toca)t4 an t5ei# #e)3ecti(e c5a#te#) inc!u ing t5e e 3!oyee)

    9. Bet$een t5e !a0o# union) #ecei(ing t5e t$o co 3en)ation 3#og#a 3#o(i e *o# in t5e La0o# 5ig5e)t nu 0e# o* (ote) %A#tic!e 6:7 La0o# Co e. T5e a*o#e)ai 3#og#a ) 3#o(i e inco eCo e+. 0ene*it) an =o# e ica! ca#e $5en contingencie)

    !i e )ic ne)) %a!)o ate#nity in t5e ca)e o* SSS+,BA8 S a %e / E ta %i: =e n t8 E e t (1994) i)a0i!ity eat5 o# #eti#e ent inc!u ing in t5e

    Co#onet Reco# ) P5i!. %CRP+ anu*actu#e) ca)e o* t5e GSIS )e3a#ation an une 3!oy entau io=(i eo #eco# 3!aye#) co 3act i)c) (i eo 0ene*it).

    i)c) ca))ette) an t5e !i e. CRP) )5a#e5o! ing)i) u)ic Co#3o#atione**ecti(e Se3te 0e# 9/ 119. In t5i) #ega# ,BA8 S$ tit$ ti/n ar! 5 / tr in e (2000)notice $a) )ent on Augu)t 9/ 119 to eac5 a+ T5e Sa a5an ng >ga >anggaga$a )a Pi )e 3!oyee a (i)ing t5e o* t5e )a!e o* t5e an Co. Inc. !o)t it) a?o#ity )tatu) in t5e

    Co 3any ) a))et) to Ly#a >u)ic Co#3o#ation an 0a#gaining unit one yea# a*te# t5e )igning o* t5et5e c!o)u#e o* t5e co 3any ) o3e#ation) e**ecti(e Co!!ecti(e Ba#gaining Ag#ee ent.Bic e#ing) Se3te 0e# 9/ 119. CRP !i e$i)e #eFue)te a ong a!! t5e t5#ee ot5e# union) in t5e

    0a#gaining t5at eac5 e 3!oyee #ecei(e 5i) )e3a#ation 3ay unit $e#e a ai!y occu##ence $it5eac5 union eFui(a!ent to one-an -one-5a!* % & =6+ ont5 ) a))e#ting a?o#ity )tatu). To #e)o!(e

    t5i) 3e)te#ing 3ay 3e# yea# o* )e#(ice e"c!u)i(e o* a!! unu)e 3#o0!e t5e Co 3any an t5et5#ee ot5e# union) !ea(e) $5ic5 $e#e a!)o con(e#te to ca)5 an 5i) ag#ee to 5o! a con)ent

    e!ection un e# t5e 9t5- ont5 3ay *o# 119. )u3e#(i)ion o* t5e Bu#eau o* La0o# Re!ation). In t5e con)ent e!ection Pi ) an Co Wo# e# ) 'nion

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    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 $on an $a) acco# ing!y #ecogniHe 0y t5eCo 3any a) t5e e"c!u)i(e 0a#gaining Doe) t5e union )ecu#ity c!au)e )u**icient!y ?u)ti*y#e3#e)entati(e in t5e 0a#gaining unit. I) t5e Pi ) t5e e an *o# i) i))a! o* t5e t5#ee e 3!oyee)an Co. Wo# e#) 'nion 0oun 0y t5e Co!!ecti(e o# notK >ay t5e ote! >anage ent (a!i !y #e*u)eBa#gaining Ag#ee ent )igne 0et$een t5e t5e 'nion@) e an K %:M+Co 3any an t5e Sa a5an ng >ga >anggaga$aSa Pi ) an Co. Inc.K E"3!ain. %9M+ ,BA8 Uni/n S e $ r it! , %a$ e8 , %/ ed S:/

    * r / 3i i/n (199')0+ S5o#t!y a*te# t5e con)ent e!ection Pi ) an Co. Reconci!e t5e co 3u!)o#y natu#e o* t5e c!o)eInc. )o! t5e G#oce#ie) Di(i)ion to >et#o >ani!a )5o3 3#o(i)ion in a Co!!ecti(e Ba#gainingG#oce#y Inc. T5e e 3!oyee) o* t5e )o! i(i)ion Ag#ee ent $it5 t5e con)titutiona! gua#antee o* *o# e 3a#t o* t5e 0a#gaining unit e)c#i0e in t5e *#ee o o* a))ociation. Di)cu)) *u!!y.Co!!ecti(e Ba#gaining Ag#ee ent an a!! $e#e SU ESTE5 ANSWER"a0)o#0e 0y >et#o >ani!a G#oce#y Inc. I) >et#o A ong t5e 3o!icie) o* t5e State in t5e *ie! o* !a0o# >ani!a G#oce#y Inc. a) t5e ne$ e 3!oye# 0oun #e!ation) i) to 3#o ote t#a e unioni) an to *o)te# 0y t5e Co!!ecti(e Ba#gaining Ag#ee ent e"i)ting at t5e o#ganiHation o* a )t#ong an unite !a0o# t5e ti e o* t5e )a!eK E"3!ain. %9M+ o(e ent. 'NION SEC'RITY CLA'SES !i e aSU ESTE5 ANSWER" c!o)e )5o3 ag#ee ent i) one $ay o* a+ Ye) 0ecau)e t5e Co!!ecti(e Ba#gaining i 3!e enting t5e a*o#e entione !a0o# #e!ation)

    Ag#ee ent i) not in(a!i ate 0y t5e c5ange o* t5e 3o!icy. I 3!e enting to )o e e"tent t5e conce3t o* 0a#gaining agent $5i!e t5e CBA i) )ti!! e**ecti(e. *#ee o o* a))ociation an e 3!oyee $5o i)T5e )u0)titutiona#y oct#ine a33!ie). %Benguet a!#ea y a e 0e# o* a union cou! not 0eCon)o!i ate Inc. (. BCI E 3!oyee) 69 SCRA P La0o# 'nion i) t5e u!y ce#ti*ie 0a#gaining t5e ?oining o* union).

    #e3#e)entati(e o* t5e #an -an -*i!e e 3!oyee) o* >> Pa# ote! )ince t5e 18/@). T5e co!!ecti(e ,BA8 Uni/n 8 Re re e n tat i/n I $ e (1999) 0a#gaining ag#ee ent containe union )5o3 ACTS; Jen)on & Jen)on %J & J+ i) a o e)tic)ecu#ity 3#o(i)ion). A*te# t5e )igning o* t5e 6/// co#3o#ation engage in t5e anu*actu#ing o*6//: CBA t5e 'nion e an e t5e i) i))a! o* 9 con)u e# 3#o uct). It) #an -an -*i!e $o# e#)e 3!oyee) YY an QQ 3u#)uant to t5e union o#ganiHe t5e Jen)on E 3!oyee) 'nion %JE'+ a)ecu#ity c!au)e in t5e CBA. uty #egi)te#e !oca! union a**i!iate $it5 PA L' a

    nationa! union. A*te# 5a(ing 0een ce#ti*ie a) t5eT5e ote! >anage ent #e3!ie t5at it $a) !ega!!y e"c!u)i(e 0a#gaining agent o* t5e a33#o3#iatei 3o))i0!e to co 3!y $it5 t5e e an o* t5e 0a#gaining unit JE'-PA L' )u0 itte it)'nion. It ig5t e(en 0e con)t#ue a) un*ai# !a0o# 3#o3o)a!) *o# a Co!!ecti(e Ba#gaining Ag#ee ent3#actice. o# it a33ea#e t5at YY an QQ 5a $it5 t5e co 3any.0een #ecent!y 3#o ote a) )u3e#(i)o#) an#e)igne *#o t5e 'nion. But acco# ing to t5e In t5e eanti e a 3o$e# )t#ugg!e occu##e $it5in'nion t5e t5#ee )u0 itte t5ei# #e)ignation)

    t5e nationa! union PA L' 0et$een it) Nationa!out)i e t5e *#ee o 3e#io a*te# t5e 117 6/// P#e)i ent >anny Pa yao an it) Nationa!CBA e"3i#e on June 9/ 6///. T5e 'nion a#gue Sec#eta#y Gene#a! Ga0#ie! >i#o. T5et5at t5e ote! >anage ent cou! not ) i#t it) #e3#e)entation i))ue $it5in PA L' i) 3en ingo0!igation to #e)3ect an i 3!e ent t5e union #e)o!ution 0e*o#e t5e O**ice o* t5e Sec#eta#y o* )ecu#ity c!au)e 0y 3#o oting t5e t5#ee e 3!oyee). La0o#.T5at cou! 0e (ie$e a) #e$a# ing e 3!oyee) *o#t5ei# i)!oya!ty to t5e union )ai t5e union o**ice#).

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    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 By #ea)on o* t5i) int#a-union i)3ute $it5in PA L' Di)tingui)5 c!ea#!y 0ut 0#ie*!y 0et$een Co 3anyJ & J o0)tinate!y an con)i)tent!y #e*u)e to o**e# union an union )5o3.any counte#3#o3o)a! an to 0a#gain co!!ecti(e!y SU ESTE5 ANSWERS"$it5 JE'-PA L' unti! t5e #e3#e)entation i))ue A CO>PANY 'NION i) a union o* e 3!oyee)$it5in PA L' )5a!! 5a(e 0een #e)o!(e $it5 o inate o# un e# t5e cont#o! o* t5e e 3!oye# o* *ina!ity. JE'-PA L' *i!e a Notice o* St#i e. T5e )ai e 3!oyee). A 'NION S OP on t5e ot5e#

    Sec#eta#y o* La0o# )u0)eFuent!y a))u e 5an #e*e#) to a union )ecu#ity c!au)e ina ?u#i) iction o(e# t5e !a0o# i)3ute. co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining ag#ee ent $5e#e0y

    t5e . Wi!! t5e #e3#e)entation i))ue t5at 5a) a#i)en e 3!oye# ag#ee) to te# inate t5ee 3!oy ent o* in(o!(ing t5e nationa! union PA L' to $5ic5 t5e an e 3!oyee $5o 5a) not

    0eco e a e 0e# o* uty #egi)te#e !oca! union JE' i) a**i!iate 0a# t5e union $5ic5 i)t5e e"c!u)i(e co!!ecti(e co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining negotiation $it5 J & JK 0a#gaining

    #e3#e)entati(e o* t5e e 3!oyee) in a E"3!ain 0#ie*!y. %9M+ 0a#gainingunit $it5in a ce#tain 3e#io a*te# t5e e 3!oy ent o* )ai e 3!oyee o# 5a) cea)e to

    6. Can t5e Sec#eta#y o* La0o# eci e t5e !a0o# 0eco e a union e 0e#.i)3ute 0y a$a# ing t5e JE' CBA P#o3o)a!) a)

    t5e Co!!ecti(e Ba#gaining Ag#ee ent o* t5e ,BU8 , /n id en tia% E= %/!ee (1994)3a#tie)K E"3!ain 0#ie*!y. %6M+ . Can an e 3!oye# !ega!!y o33o)e t5e inc!u)ionSU ESTE5 ANSWER" o* con*i entia! e 3!oyee) in t5e 0a#gainingunit . T5e #e3#e)entation i))ue t5at 5a) a#i)en o* #an -an -*i!e e 3!oyee)Kin(o!(ing t5e nationa! union PA L' )5ou! not 0a# 6. Wou! you# an)$e# 0e i**e#ent i* t5eco!!ecti(e 0a#gaining negotiation $it5 J an J. It i) con*i entia! e 3!oyee) a#e )oug5t to

    0e t5e !oca! union JE' t5at 5a) t5e #ig5t to 0a#gain inc!u e in t5e )u3e#(i)o#y unionK$it5 t5e e 3!oye# J an J an not t5e nationa! SU ESTE5 ANSWER"union PA L'. + Ye) an e 3!oye# can !ega!!y o33o)e t5e

    inc!u)ion o* con*i entia! e 3!oyee) in t5eIt i) i ate#ia! $5et5e# t5e #e3#e)entation i))ue 0a#gaining unit o* t5e #an -an -*i!e. T5i) i))ue 5a)$it5in PA L' 5a) 0een #e)o!(e $it5 *ina!ity o# 0een )ett!e in t5e ca)e o* Go! en a# ) ().not. Sai )Fua00!e cou! not 3o))i0!y )e#(e a) a Ca!!e?a an #eite#ate in t5e ca)e o* P5i!i3)0a# to any co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining )ince PA L' i) not In u)t#ia! De(. Inc. (). NLRC.t5e #ea! 3a#ty-in-inte#e)t to t5e ta! )4 #at5e# t5e A+TERNATI7E ANSWERS"negotiation) a#e con*ine to t5e co#3o#ation an a+ Ye) an e 3!oye# can !ega!!y o33o)e t5et5e !oca! union JE'. On!y t5e co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining inc!u)ion o* t5e con*i entia! e 3!oyee) in t5eagent t5e !oca! union JE' 3o))e))e) t5e !ega! 0a#gaining unit o* #an -an -*i!e e 3!oyee))tan ing to negotiate $it5 t5e co#3o#ation. A u!y 0ecau)e con*i entia! e 3!oyee) a#e ine!igi0!e to#egi)te#e !oca! union a**i!iate $it5 a nationa! *o# a))i)t o# ?oin a !a0o# union. By t5e natu#e o*

    union o# *e e#ation oe) not !o)e it) !ega! t5ei# *unction) t5ey a))i)t an act in a con*i entia!3e#)ona!ity o# In e3en ence %A a )on an ca3acity to o# 5a(e acce)) to con*i entia! atte#) A a )on Inc. (. T5e Cou#t o* In u)t#ia! Re!ation) o* 3e#)on) $5o e"e#ci)e anage#ia! *unction) inan A a )on an A a )on Su3e#(i)ing 'nion t5e *ie! o* !a0o# #e!ation) an t5e union ig5t not% W+ 68 SCRA 672 12< +. 0e a))u#e o* t5ei# !oya!ty in (ie$ o* e(i ent

    con*!ict o* inte#e)t.6. Ye). It i) $it5in a))u 3tion 3o$e#.

    0+ An e 3!oye# can !ega!!y o33o)e t5e inc!u)ion,BA8 Wa g e In rea e , / 3era g e8 N/n Uni/n o* con*i entia! e 3!oyee) in t5e 0a#gaining unit o*E= %/!ee (200') #an -an -*i!e e 3!oyee) 0ecau)e con*i entia!%0+ >ay a #an -an -*i!e e 3!oyee $5o i) not a e 3!oyee) a#e con)i e#e 3a#t o* anage ent.

    e 0e# o* t5e union #e3#e)enting 5i) 0a#gaining %P5i!t#anco (). BLR 8< SCRA 922+.unit a(ai! o* t5e $age inc#ea)e) $5ic5 t5e unionnegotiate *o# it) e 0e#)K %actan Wo# e#) 'nion (. A0oitiH ?oin uc5 !e)) *o# a !a0o# union. %P5i!t#anco ().G.R. No. L-9/6< June 9/ 186+ o$e(e# non- BLR 8< SCRA 922+

    e 0e#) $5o a(ai! o* CBA 0ene*it) a#e #eFui#e A+TERNATI7E ANSWER"un e# t5e !a$ to 3ay agency *ee). >y an)$e# $ou! #e ain t5e )a e e(en i* t5e

    con*i entia! e 3!oyee) $e#e )oug5t to 0e inc!u e,BU8 , / = an ! Uni/n 3 ; Uni/n S:/ (2004) in t5e )u3e#(i)o#y union. Con*i entia! e 3!oyee)

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    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 $ou! 5a(e t5e )a e a (e#)e i 3act on t5e But t5i) ay 0e note ; T5e Ban o**icia!)0a#gaining unit o* )u3e#(i)o#); Con*i entia! entione in t5e ca)e 5a(e cont#o! cu)to ye 3!oyee) acce)) to 5ig5!y )en)iti(e in*o# ation an =o# acce)) to con*i entia! atte#). T5u) t5ey

    ay 0eco e t5e )ou#ce o* un ue a (antage 0y a#e con*i entia! e 3!oyee) an in acco# ance $it5t5e union o(e# t5e e 3!oye#. %P5i!i3) In u)t#ia! ea#!ie# Su3#e e Cou#t eci)ion) a) con*i entia!De(e!o3 ent Inc. (). Nationa! La0o# Re!ation) e 3!oyee) t5e B#anc5 >anage# Ca)5ie#Co i))ion et. a! G.R No. 221:8 6: June 116+ Cont#o!!e# a#e i)Fua!i*ie *#o ?oining o# a))i)ting

    t5e )u3e#(i)o# ) union o* t5e Ban .,BU8 , /n en t E%e t i/n 3 ; ,ert i i at i/n A+TERNATI7E ANSWER"E%e t i/n (2004) T5e contention o* t5e anne#) Ban i) 3a#tia!!yDi)tingui)5 c!ea#!y 0ut 0#ie*!y 0et$een Con)ent co##ect. T5e De3a#t ent anage#) an B#anc5e!ection an ce#ti*ication e!ection. anage#) i* t5ey in *act 5a(e t5e 3o$e#) i 3!ieSU ESTE5 ANSWERS" 0y t5ei# tit!e) a#e anage#ia! 3e#)onne!. In

    A ce#ti*ication e!ection an a con)ent e!ection a#e acco# ance $it5 t5e La0o# Co e anage#ia!0ot5 e!ection) 5e! to ete# ine t5#oug5 )ec#et 3e#)onne! a#e not e!igi0!e to ?oin an *o# !a0o# 0a!!ot t5e )o!e an e"c!u)i(e #e3#e)entati(e o* t5e union).e 3!oyee) in an a33#o3#iate 0a#gaining unit *o# t5e3u#3o)e o* co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining o# negotiation). On t5e ot5e# 5an ca)5ie#) $5o a#e in c5a#ge o* T5e#e i) t5i) i**e#ence 5o$e(e# a oney #ecei(e o# e"3en e an co 3t#o!!e#)CERTI ICATION ELECTION i) o# e#e 0y t5e $5o e"a ine an )u3e#(i)e e"3en itu#e) a#e notDe3a#t ent o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent $5i!e a anage#ia! 3e#)onne! an i* t5ey )u3e#(i)eCONSENT ELECTION i) (o!unta#i!y ag#ee u3on 3e#)onne! t5ey cou! 0e )u3e#(i)o#) an a#e0y t5e 3a#tie) $it5 o# $it5out t5e inte#(ention o* t5e#e*o#e to 0e inc!u e in t5e 0a#gaining unit o*

    t5e De3a#t ent o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent. )u3e#(i)o#).

    ,BU8 Man ag er ia% E= %/!ee 8 S$ er3 i / r! E= %/!ee (199')

    A )u3e#(i)o# ) union *i!e a 3etition *o# ce#ti*icatione!ection to ete# ine t5e e"c!u)i(e 0a#gaining#e3#e)entati(e o* t5e )u3e#(i)o#y e 3!oyee) o*

    a# e#) Ban . Inc!u e in t5e !i)t o* )u3e#(i)o#ye 3!oyee) attac5e to t5e 3etition a#e t5eDe3a#t ent >anage#) B#anc5 >anage#)Ca)5ie#) an Co 3t#o!!e#). a# e#) BanFue)tione t5i) !i)t a#guing t5at De3a#t ent>anage#) B#anc5 >anage#) Ca)5ie#) an

    Co 3t#o!!e#) in5e#ent!y 3o))e)) t5e 3o$e#)enu e#ate in A#t. 6 6 3a#. % + o* t5e La0o# Co e i.e. t5e 3o$e# an 3#e#ogati(e to !ay o$nan e"ecute anage ent 3o!icie) an =o# to 5i#et#an)*e# )u)3en !ay-o** #eca!! i)c5a#ge a))igno# i)ci3!ine e 3!oyee).

    . I) t5e contention o* a# e#) Ban co##ectKDi)cu)) *u!!y.SU ESTE5 ANSWER"T5e contention o* t5e a# e#) Ban i) not co##ecti* on e"a ination o* t5e actua! 3o$e#) e"e#ci)e0y t5e De3a#t ent >anage#) Ban >anage#)Ca)5ie#) an Co 3t#o!!e#) t5ey a#e not (e)te$it5 3o$e#) o# 3#e#ogati(e) to !ay o$n ane"ecute anage ent 3o!icie) o# to 5i#e t#an)*e#)u)3en !ay-o** #eca!! i)c5a#ge a))ign o#

    i)ci3!ine e 3!oyee). I* t5ei# 3o$e#) a#e to ca##yout t5ei# utie) an #e)3on)i0i!itie) in acco# ance$it5 t5e 3o!icie) 3#o u!gate 0y t5e Boa# o* Di#ecto#) o* t5e Ban o# 0y e"te#na! aut5o#itie)!i e t5e Cent#a! Ban t5en t5ey a#e not

    anage#ia! 0ut ay 0e )u3e#(i)o#y 3e#)onne!.

    6. I) t5e#e any )tatuto#y 0a)i) *o# t5e 3etition o* t5eunionK E"3!ain.SU ESTE5 ANSWER"T5e#e i) )tatuto#y 0a)i) *o# t5e 3etition o* t5e)u3e#(i)o#) union. 'n e# t5e La0o# Co e)u3e#(i)o#) 5a(e t5e #ig5t to *o# an ?oin union)0ut on!y union) o* )u3e#(i)o#y e 3!oyee).

    ,BU8 Man ag er ia % E= %/!ee 8 S$ er3 i / r! E= %/!ee (1999)

    ACTS; Sa a5an ng ga >anggaga$a )aCo 3anya ng Ta0aco %S>CT+ *i!e a Petition *o# Ce#ti*ication E!ection a ong t5e )u3e#(i)o#ye 3!oyee) o* t5e Ta0aco >anu*actu#ing Co 3any%Ta0aco+ 0e*o#e t5e NCR Regiona! O**ice o* t5eDe3a#t ent o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent. It a!!egea ong ot5e# t5ing) t5at it i) a !egiti ate !a0o# o#ganiHation a u!y c5a#te#e !oca! o* NA L'4 t5atTa0aco i) an o#ganiHe e)ta0!i)5 ent4 an t5at noce#ti*ication e!ection 5a) 0een con ucte $it5inone yea# 3#io# to t5e *i!ing o* it) 3etition *o# ce#ti*ication e!ection.

    T5e Petition *i!e 0y S>CT )5o$e t5at out o* it):/ e 0e#) : $e#e #an -an -*i!e#) an t$o %6+$e#e anage#).

    Ta0aco *i!e a >otion to Di) i)) on t5e g#ount5at S>CT union i) co 3o)e o* )u3e#(i)o#y an#an -an -*i!e e 3!oyee) an t5e#e*o#e cannot acta) 0a#gaining agent *o# t5e 3#o3o)e unit.

    S>CT *i!e an o33o)ition to t5e )ai >otiona!!eging t5at t5e in*i# ity i* any in t5e e 0e#)5i3o* t5e union can 0e #e e ie in t5e 3#e-e!ection

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    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 con*e#ence t5#u t5e e"c!u)ion-inc!u)ion 0a#gaining unit $5e#e S>CT $i)5e) to 0e t5e3#ocee ing) $5e#ein t5o)e e 3!oyee) $5o a#e e"c!u)i(e co!!ecti(e 0a#gaining #e3#e)entati(e.occu3ying #an -an -*i!e 3o)ition) $i!! 0e e"c!u e*#o t5e !i)t o* e!igi0!e (ote#). ,BU8 M/d e 8 5eter= in at i/n / EC %$ i3e

    Bar g a ining Ag ree=e n t (2006). S5ou! t5e >otion to Di) i)) *i!e 0y t5e T5e o e) o* ete# ining an e"c!u)i(e 0a#gaining

    Ta0aco 0e g#ante o# enie K E"3!ain. %9M+ ag#ee ent a#e;SU ESTE5 ANSWER" a. (o!unta#y #ecognitionT5e >otion to Di) i)) *i!e 0y Ta0aco )5ou! 0e 0. ce#ti*ication e!ection

    g#ante . Acco# ing to t5e La0o# Co e %in A#tic!e c. con)ent e!ection6otion to Di) i)) )5ou! 0e enie . In t5e e)a G.R. No. 18766 Octo0e# 1 11

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 (a!i !y c!ai t5at 5e $a) e3#i(e o* 5i) #ig5t to Di)tingui)5 anage#ia! e 3!oyee) *#o

    ue 3#oce)) o* !a$. )u3e#(i)o#y e 3!oyee) %9M+A+TERNATI7E ANSWER" SU ESTE5 ANSWER"No. T5e e 3!oye# i) e#e!y co 3!ying $it5 t5e A >ANAGERIAL E>PLOYEE i) one $5o i) (e)te!ega! an ate to a**o# t5e e 3!oyee ue 3#oce)) $it5 3o$e#) o# 3#e#ogati(e) to !ay o$n an0y gi(ing 5i t5e #ig5t to 0e 5ea# an t5e c5ance e"ecute anage ent 3o!icie) an =o# to 5i#eto an)$e# t5e c5a#ge) again)t 5i an acco# ing!y t#an)*e# )u)3en !ay-o** #eca!! i)c5a#ge a))ign

    to e*en 5i )e!* 0e*o#e i) i))a! i) e**ecte . o# i)ci3!ine e 3!oyee).S'PER ISORY E>PLOYEES on t5e ot5e# 5an a#e t5o)e $5o in

    E= %/!ee 8 g r /$ / e= %/!ee (1996) t5e inte#e)t o* t5e e 3!oye# e**ecti(e!y #eco en+ W5o a#e t5e anage#ia! )u3e#(i)o#y an #an - )uc5 anage#ia! action) i* t5e e"e#ci)e o* )uc5

    an -*i!e e 3!oyee)K aut5o#ity i) not e#e!y #outina#y o# c!e#ica! in natu#eSU ESTE5 ANSWER" 0ut #eFui#e) t5e u)e o* in e3en ent ?u g ent A#t.

    >ANAGERIAL E>PLOYEE i) one $5o i) (e)te 6 6 % + La0o# Co e$it5 3o$e#) o# 3#e#ogati(e) to !ay o$n ane"ecute anage ent 3o!icie) o# to 5i#e t#an)*e# In a ca)e t5e Su3#e e Cou#t )ai ; In t5e 3etition)u)3en !ayo** #eca!! i)c5a#ge a))ign o# 0e*o#e u) a t5o#oug5 i))ection o* t5e ?o0

    i)ci3!ine e 3!oyee). e)c#i3tion o* t5e conce#ne)u3e#(i)o#y e 3!oyee) an )ection 5ea ) in i)3uta0!y )5o$

    S'PER ISORY E>PLOYEES a#e t5o)e $5o in t5at t5ey a#e not actua!!y anage#ia! 0ut on!yt5e inte#e)t o* t5e e 3!oye# e**ecti(e!y #eco en )u3e#(i)o#y e 3!oyee) )ince t5ey o not !ay o$n)uc5 anage#ia! action) i* t5e e"e#ci)e o* )uc5 co 3any 3o!icie). PICOP ) contention t5at t5eaut5o#ity i) not e#e!y #outina#y o# c!e#ica! in natu#e )u0?ect )ection 5ea ) an unit anage#) e"e#ci)e0ut #eFui#e) t5e u)e o* in e3en ent ?u g ent. t5e aut5o#ity to 5i#e an *i#e i) a 0iguou) an

    Fuite i)!ea ing *o# t5e #ea)on t5at any aut5o#ity A!! e 3!oyee) $5o a#e neit5e# anage#ia! o# t5ey e"e#ci)e i) not )u3#e e 0ut e#e!y a (i)o#y)u3e#(i)o#y e 3!oyee) a#e con)i e#e RANU- in c5a#acte#. T5ei#) i) not a *ina! ete# ination o*

    AND- ILE E>PLOYEES. %A#t. 6 6% + o* t5e La0o# t5e co 3any 3o!icie) Ina) uc5 a) any actionCo e+ ta en 0y t5e on atte#) #e!ati(e to 5i#ing

    3#o otion t#an)*e# )u)3en)ion an te# ination o* E= %/!ee 8 Man ag er ia% E= %/!ee 3 ; e 3!oyee) i) )ti!! )u0?ect to con*i# ation anMan ag er ia % S ta (1994) a33#o(a! 0y t5ei# #e)3ecti(e )u3e#io#. See At!a)Di)tingui)5 t5e #ig5t) o* anage#ia! e 3!oyee) Lit5og#a35ic Se#(ice) Inc. (. Lague) a 6/:*#o e 0e#) o* a anage#ia! )ta**. SCRA 6 8 % 116+ T5u) $5e#e )uc5 3o$e#SU ESTE5 ANSWER" $5ic5 i) in e**ect #eco en ato#y in c5a#acte# i)>ANAGERIAL E>PLOYEES 5a(e no co!!ecti(e )u0?ect to e(a!uation #e(ie$ an *ina! action 0y t5e0a#gaining #ig5t) 0ecau)e t5ey cannot ?oin o# *o# e3a#t ent 5ea ) an 5ig5e# e"ecuti(e) o* t5e

    any ot5e# !a0o# o#ganiHation $5i!e o**ice#) o* aco 3any t5e )a e a!t5oug5 3#e)ent i) not

    anage#ia! )ta** a#e not 3#o5i0ite *#o ?oining e**ecti(e an not an e"e#ci)e o* in e3en enta))i)ting o# *o# ing o# a##e)ting a )u3e#(i)o# ) ?u g ent a) #eFui#e 0y !a$. P5i!i33ine A33!ianceunion4 5ence t5ey can 0a#gain co!!ecti(e!y. %A#t. Co#3. (. Lague) a 661 SCRA 89/ 898 % 119+6

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  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 ete# ining $5at )5ou! 0e t5e CBA o* t5e 3a#tie). o**ice# an i not co it any i!!ega! act+ ay 0e

    %See Di(ine Wo# 'ni(e#)ity (). Sec#eta#y o* entit!e to #ein)tate ent.La0o# 6 9 SCRA 8:1+A+TERNATI7E ANSWER" Rig: t t/ S tr iFe8 E e t 8 i%%eg a% tr iFe (199') W5at i) in(o!(e in t5e ca)e in t5e Fue)tion i) a I* t5e )t#i e i) ec!a#e i!!ega! $i!! t5e )t#i e#) 0eco#3o#ation engage in t5e anu*actu#ing o* entit!e to t5ei# $age) *o# t5e u#ation *o# t5econ)u e# 3#o uct). I* t5e con)u e# 3#o uct) t5at )t#i eK E"3!aina#e 0eing anu*actu#e a#e not )uc5 t5at a )t#i e SU ESTE5 ANSWER" ;again)t t5e co 3any cannot 0e con)i e#e a )t#i e NO. T5e a33!ica0!e oct#ine $i!! 0e; No $o# noin an In u)t#y in i)3en)a0!e *o# t5e nationa! 3ay un!e)) t5e#e i) an ag#ee ent to 3ay )t#i einte#e)t t5en t5e a))u 3tion o* Ju#i) iction 0y t5e u#ation 3ay.Sec#eta#y o* La0o# i) not 3#o3e#. T5e#e*o#e 5ecannot !ega!!y e"e#ci)e t5e 3o$e#) o* co 3u!)o#y Rig: t t/ S tr iFe8 E e t 8 i%%eg a% tr iFe (2000) a#0it#ation in t5e !a0o# i)3ute. A i(i)ion anage# o* a co 3any taunte a union

    o**ice# t$o ay) a*te# t5e union )u0 itte to t5eRig: t t/ S tr iFe8 , / = $% / r! Ar itrat i/n 8 De3a#t ent o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent %DOLE+ t5e,ert i i at i/n t/ N+R, (199') #e)u!t o* t5e )t#i e (ote. T5e i(i)ion anage# )ai ;W5at a#e t5e o0?ecti(e) o* t5e Sec#eta#y o* La0o# T5e union t5#eat o* an un*ai# !a0o# 3#actice )t#i e i)an E 3!oy ent in ce#ti*ying a !a0o# i)3ute to t5e 35ony o# a 0!u**. Not e(en ten 3e#cent % /M+ o*NLRC *o# co 3u!)o#y a#0it#ationK E"3!ain. you# e 0e#) $i!! ?oin t5e )t#i e. To 3#o(e unionSU ESTE5 ANSWER" e 0e# )u33o#t *o# t5e )t#i e t5e union o**ice#T5e o0?ecti(e) o* t5e Sec#eta#y o* La0o# an i e iate!y in)t#ucte it) e 0e#) to cea)eE 3!oy ent in ce#ti*ying a !a0o# i)3ute to t5e $o# ing an $a! out. T$o 5ou#) a*te# t5e $a! outNLRC *o# co 3u!)o#y a#0it#ation i) to 3#e(ent a t5e $o# e#) (o!unta#i!y #etu#ne to $o# .$o# )to33age t5at ay a (e#)e!y a**ect t5e A. Wa) t5e $a! out a )t#i eK An i* )o $a) it anationa! inte#e)t an to )ee to it t5at a !a0o# (a!i acti(ityK %9M+

    i)3ute i) e"3e itiou)!y )ett!e . B. Can t5e union o**ice# $5o !e t5e )5o#t $a! -out 0ut $5o !i e$i)e (o!unta#i!y !e t5e

    Rig: t t/ S tr iFe8 E e t 8 - ire d Re %a e=e n t $o# e#) 0ac to $o# 0e i)ci3!ine 0y t5e(2006) e 3!oye#K %9M+I* ue to t5e 3#o!onge )t#i e ROSE Co#3o#ation SU ESTE5 ANSWERS"5i#e #e3!ace ent) can it #e*u)e to a it t5e a+ Ye) it $a) a )t#i e 0ecau)e t5e#e $a) a $o##e3!ace )t#i e#)K )to33age 0y conce#te action an t5e#e i) anSU ESTE5 ANSWER" e"i)ting !a0o# i)3ute. It $a) not a (a!i acti(ityNo. W5i!e 3#e)ent !a$ #ecogniHe) t5e #ig5t o* t5e 0ecau)e t5e #eFui)ite) *o# a (a!i )t#i e $e#e note 3!oye# to continue 5i) 0u)ine)) in t5e cou#)e o* o0)e#(e %A#t. 6 6 %o+ %!+ La0o# Co e+.

    an econo ic )t#i e it a))u#e) t5e #ig5t o* t5e)t#i e#) to #etu#n to t5ei# *o# e# 3o)ition) at t5e 0+ Ye) t5e e 3!oye# ay i)ci3!ine t5e unione"3en)e o* t5e #e3!ace ent). A#t. 67

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    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 an E 3!oy ent %DOLE+ a notice o* )t#i e. T5eDOLE )u one >ag a!o an Oa $oo *o# T5u) t5e co 3any co itte an i!!ega! !oc out inconci!iation 5ea#ing) to #e)o!(e t5e ea !oc . #e*u)ing to acce3t t5e o**e# o* t5e )t#i e#) to #etu#n'na0!e to ag#ee e)3ite e**o#t) o* t5e DOLE to $o# . 'n e# t5e )et o* *act) in t5e Fue)tion t5e>ag a!o ca!!e a )t#i e 3a#tici3ate in 0y it) Co 3any i not gi(e t5e #eFui#e notice too**ice#) an union e 0e#) inc!u ing Ce)a# T#inio !oc out uc5 !e)) i it o0)e#(e t5e nece))a#ya #an -an -*i!e e 3!oyee $5o !e t5e $a! out. $aiting 3e#io no# i it ta e a nee e (ote on t5eOa $oo *i!e a 3etition to ec!a#e i!!ega! t5e )t#i e !oc out. T5u) t5e !oc out i) i!!ega!.$5ic5 >ag a!o )tage $it5out o0)e#(ing t5e)e(en- ay 0an un e# t5e La0o# Co e. Oa $oo Rig: t t/ S tr iFe8 i%%e g a% tr iFe8 +/ / c!ai e t5at t5e )t#i e 0eing i!!ega! a!! t5o)e $5o E= %/!=e n t (1994)3a#tici3ate t5e#ein inc!u ing Ce)a# T#inio cou! 'nion A *i!e a Notice o* St#i e $it5 t5e Nationa!0e i) i))e a) in *act t5ey $e#e )o i) i))e 0y Conci!iation an >e iation Boa# %NC>B+ o* t5e

    Oa $oo . Deci e t5e ca)e. De3a#t ent o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent. '3ona SU ESTE5 ANSWER" otion to i) i)) 0y t5e Co 3any on t5e

    g#oun W5en Oa $oo i) i))e a!! t5e o**ice#) an t5at t5e act) co 3!aine o* in t5e noticeo* )t#i e e 0e#) o* t5e union $5o 3a#tici3ate in t5e )t#i e a#e non-)t#i ea0!e. T5e NC>B

    i) i))e t5e $5ic5 $a) ec!a#e i!!ega! 0ecau)e it $a) )tage Notice o* St#i e 0ut continueto e iate t5e $it5out o0)e#(ing t5e )e(en- ay 0an un e# t5e i))ue) containe t5e#ein to

    3#e(ent t5e e)ca!ation La0o# Co e. o* t5e i)3ute 0et$eent5e 3a#tie). W5i!e t5e NC>B $a) con ucting e iation 3#ocee ing) t5e

    Oa $oo i!!ega!!y i) i))e t5e union e 0e#) 'nion 3#ocee e to con uct a )t#i e (ote a)inc!u ing Ce)a# T#inio. T5e La0o# Co e 3#o(i e) 3#o(i e *o# un e# t5e La0o# Co e. A*te#

    t5at a union o**ice# $5o no$ing!y 3a#tici3ate) in o0)e#(ance o* t5e 3#oce u#a! 3#oce))e) #eFui#ean i!!ega! )t#i e !o)e) 5i) e 3!oy ent )tatu). T5u) un e# t5e Co e t5e 'nion ec!a#e a )t#i e.t5e union o**ice#) $e#e !ega!!y i) i))e . But *o# a . I) t5e )t#i e !ega!Kunion e 0e# to !o)e 5i) e 3!oy ent )tatu) 5e 6. Can t5e e 3!oye# uni!ate#a!!y ec!a#e t5o)e)5ou! 5a(e co itte i!!ega! act) u#ing t5e $5o 3a#tici3ate in t5e )t#i e a) 5a(ing!o)t )t#i e !i e act) o* (io!ence coe#cion o# inti i ation t5ei# e 3!oy ent )tatu)Ko# o0)t#uction o* ing#e)) to o# eg#e)) *#o t5e 9. W5at #ecou#)e o t5e)e e 3!oyee) % ec!a#ee 3!oye# ) 3#e i)e) *o# !a$*u! 3u#3o)e) o# 0y t5e e 3!oye# to 5a(e !o)t t5ei# e 3!oy ent o0)t#uction o* 3u0!ic t5o#oug5*a#e). T5e union )tatu)+ 5a(e i* anyK

    e 0e#) inc!u ing Ce)a# T#ino i not co it SU ESTE5 ANSWER"any o* t5e)e act). T5u) it $ou! 0e i!!ega! to + NO. T5e )t#i e i) not !ega!. T5e La0o# Co e

    i) i)) t5e . 3#o(i e) t5at no !a0o# o#ganiHation )5a!! ec!a#ea )t#i e $it5out *i#)t 5a(ing 0a#gaine co!!ecti(e!y in

    Rig: t t/ S tr iFe8 i%%eg a % %/ F/$ t (199') acco# ance $it5 it) Tit!e II o* Boo $5ic5 ini*ty 3e#cent %:/M+ o* t5e e 3!oyee) o* G#an eu# tu#n 3#o(i e) t5at u#ing conci!iation 3#ocee ing)

    Co 3any $ent on )t#i e a*te# negotiation) *o# a at t5e NC>B t5e 3a#tie) a#e 3#o5i0ite *#o oingco!!ecti(e 0a#gaining ag#ee ent en e in a any act t5at ay i)#u3t o# i 3e e t5e ea#!y

    ea !oc . G#an eu# Co 3any 0eing a 3u0!ic )ett!e ent o* t5e i)3ute. %A#t). 67

  • 8/9/2019 Q&A Labor Standards


    L AB O R L A W – Bar Q & A (a s arranged by T opi cs ) 1994-2006 a#e !ega!!y i) i))e . T5e )t#i e#) cou! )ti!! *i!e a Ce#ti*ication o* !a0o# i)3ute *o# i e iateca)e o* i!!ega! i) i))a! an 3#o(e i* t5ey can t5at a))u 3tion o* ?u#i) iction 0y t5e Sec#eta#y o* t5et5e#e $a) no ?u)t cau)e *o# t5ei# i) i))a!. De3a#t ent o* La0o# an E 3!oy ent a)A+TERNATI7E ANSWER" in i)3en)a0!e to nationa! inte#e)t. %A#t. 679 ga+ T5e
