
Slide 1

Question WordsPalabras interrogativasCundo? = When? Cmo? = How?, What?Por qu? = Why?Qu? = What?Dnde? = Where?Cul? = Which one?, Which?, What? (Singular)Cules? = Which ones?, Which?, What? (Plural)Quin? = Who? (Singular)Quines? = Who? (Plural) Cunto? = How much? (Masculine)Cunta? = How much? (Feminine) Cuntos? = How many? (Masculine)Cuntas? = How many? (Feminine)Para qu? = For What?, What...for? De qu? = From What?, Whatof?De dnde? = From where?, Wherefrom?Adnde? = To where? Where?De quin = Whose?, Whom? (singular)De quines? = Whose?, Whom? (plural)A quin? = To whom? (singular)A quines? = To whom? (plural)Question Words that Use PrepositionsInformation Questions


Question Word + Conjugated Verb + Subject

Signos de InterrogacinQuestion Marks?

Cundo? When? To ask for quantity6 It is used to talk about time

Cundo es tu cumpleaos?When is your birthday?

Cundo quieres ir? When do you want to go?

Cundo? Cmo? How? And Sometimes, What? To ask for quantity8Cmo sabes mi secreto?How do you know my secret?

Cmo quieres tu pastel?How do you want your cake?


Cmo?Como is considered more polite than question word que9 Por qu? why? To ask for quantity10

Por qu ests triste?Why are you sad?

Por qu llegas tarde? Why are you late?

Por qu? Qu? What? To ask for quantity12

It is typically used to ask for definitions and general questions.

Qu es eso? What is that? Qu es una pupusa? What is a pupusa?

Qu quieres? What do you want?

13 Dnde? Where? To ask for quantity14 To ask for location

Dnde est el hotel california? Where is hotel California?

Dnde est el papel? Where is the paper?

Dnde est Mara? Where is Maria?

Dnde? Singular Plural Cul? Cules? Which one? Which ones? Cul? Cules? It is used when asking about a selection. Singular PluralCul quieres?Which one do you want?

Cul prefieres?Which one do you prefer ?

Cules quieres?Which ones do you want?

Cules prefieres?Which ones do you prefer?

Quienandculare changed according to the number of the subject17 Singular Plural Quin? Quines? Who?

Quin eres t? Quines son ustedes? Who are you? Who are you?

Quin quiere ir? Quines quieren ir? Who wants to go? Who wants to go?

Singular Plural Quin? Quines?Cunto? Cunta? How much? Masculine FeminineTo ask for quantity20If a verb is used after the question word then cunto should be used

Cunto cuesta?How much does it cost?

Cunto vas a gastar?How much are you going to spend?

If a noun is used after the question word then match the gender . Cunto dinero tienes? Cunta ayuda necesita? How much money do you have? How much help does she need?

Cunto? Cunta? Masculine FeminineIf you are using a noun after the question word then match the gender

21Cuntos? Cuntas? How many? Masculine FeminineTo ask for quantity22 Cuntos? Cuntas? Masculine Feminine The noun that follows the question word needs to match in gender

Cuntos zapatos tienes? Cuntas bolsas tienes? How many shoes do you have? How many purses do you have?

Cuntos das hay en un ao? Cuntos colores ves? How many days are there in a year? How many colors do you see?

To ask for quantity23Question Words with Prepositions

Para qu? = For What?, What...for?Para qu quieres eso?What do you want that for?

De qu? = From What?, Whatof?De qu est hecho?What is it made of?

De dnde? = From where?, Wherefrom?De dnde eres?Where are you from?For the list of these words, flashcards and worksheets

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