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#nohacefaltapapelIt all began here: Austin, April 2014

ideas on media innovation by @mariaramirezny and @eduardosuarez

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elespañolWe were born on January 10th 2015.

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Crowdfunding campaign• January 10th - March 1st • $3.1m. 5,500 people • World record for journalism

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A European trend• ‘De Correspondent’. Netherlands, 2013: $1.4m, 18,000 people • ‘Krautreporter’. Germany, 2014: $1.1m, 17,000 people • ‘Direkt 36’. Hungary, 2015: $30,000, 900 people

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Our model• Equity crowdfunding • Anyone could invest between $106 and $10,600 • A small platform from Barcelona

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How the money came in

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Our fundraising day by day

A strong beginning and a final sprint

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Our fundraising by the hour

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Our fundraising by region

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Our fundraising by country

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How did we do it?1. Social media: no barriers 2. A blog: a taste of what we would like to do 3. A powerful message: press freedom 4. A favorable context: Spanish discontent 5. A popular (and fired) editor: a journalist against power 6. A promise of something really new: a different newspaper 7. A newsletter: a personal touch

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100k followers in 100 days

Our Twitter welcome

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Facebook recruitment

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Our newsroom on Instagram Sharing how we build our project from scratch

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Our soundtrack on Spotify

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Why did we do it?1. Raise money 2. Strengthen our independence 3. Engage our community 4. Find early subscribers 5. Build an open news organization

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Thank youYou can follow us here @elespanolcom