Page 1: Random Variables - · Functions of a Random Variable Consider first a transformation from a DV random variable X to another

Random Variables

Page 2: Random Variables - · Functions of a Random Variable Consider first a transformation from a DV random variable X to another


•  The word random effectively means unpredictable

•  In engineering practice we may treat some signals as random to simplify the analysis even though they may not actually be random

Page 3: Random Variables - · Functions of a Random Variable Consider first a transformation from a DV random variable X to another

Random Variable Defined

A random variable X ζ( ) is the assignment of numerical

values to the outcomes ζ of experiments

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Random Variables Examples of assignments of numbers to the outcomes of experiments.

Page 5: Random Variables - · Functions of a Random Variable Consider first a transformation from a DV random variable X to another

Discrete-Value vs Continuous-Value Random Variables

•  A discrete-value (DV) random variable has a set of distinct values separated by values that cannot occur

•  A random variable associated with the outcomes of coin flips, card draws, dice tosses, etc... would be DV random variable

•  A continuous-value (CV) random variable may take on any value in a continuum of values which may be finite or infinite in size

Page 6: Random Variables - · Functions of a Random Variable Consider first a transformation from a DV random variable X to another

Distribution Functions

The distribution function of a random variable X is theprobability that it is less than or equal to some value,as a function of that value. FX x( ) = P X ≤ x⎡⎣ ⎤⎦Since the distribution function is a probability it must satisfythe requirements for a probability. 0 ≤ FX x( ) ≤1 , − ∞ < x < ∞

P x1 < X ≤ x2⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = FX x2( )− FX x1( )FX x( ) is a monotonic function and its derivative is never negative.

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Distribution Functions

The distribution function for tossing a single die

FX x( ) = 1/ 6( ) u x −1( ) + u x − 2( ) + u x − 3( )+u x − 4( ) + u x − 5( ) + u x − 6( )⎡



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Distribution Functions A possible distribution function for a continuous random variable

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Probability Mass and Density

The derivative of the distribution function is the probability density function (PDF)

fX x( ) ≡ ddx

FX x( )( )Probability density can also be defined by fX x( )dx = P x < X ≤ x + dx⎡⎣ ⎤⎦Properties

fX x( ) ≥ 0 , − ∞ < x < +∞ fX x( )dx−∞

∫ = 1

FX x( ) = fX λ( )dλ−∞


∫ P x1 < X ≤ x2⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = fX x( )dxx1


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The PDF for tossing a die

Probability Mass and Density

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A DV random variable X is a Bernoulli random variable if it takes on only two values 0 and 1 and

pX x( ) = P X = x⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =1− p , x = 0p , x = 10 , otherwise



and its PDF is fX x( ) = 1− p( )δ x( ) + pδ x −1( )pX x( ) is called the probability mass function (PMF).

Probability Mass and Density

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Probability Mass and Density

Bernoulli PMF Bernoulli PDF

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If we perform n trials of an experiment whose outcome is Bernoulli distributed and if X represents the total number of 1’s that occur in those n trials, then X is said to be a Binomial random variable and its PMF is

pX x( ) =nx


⎠⎟px 1− p( )n−x

, x ∈ 0,1,2,,n{ }0 , otherwise



and its PDF is

fX x( ) = nk


⎠⎟pk 1− p( )n−k

δ x − k( )k=0


Probability Mass and Density

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Probability Mass and Density

Binomial PMF Binomial PDF

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Probability Mass and Density

If we perform Bernoulli trials until a 1 (success) occurs and the probability of a 1 on any single trial is p, the probability that the

first success will occur on the kth trial is p 1− p( )k−1. A DV random

variable X is said to be a Geometric random variable if its PMF is

pX x( ) = p 1− p( )x−1 , x ∈ 1,2,3,...∞{ }

0 , otherwise


⎩⎪and its PDF is

fX x( ) = p 1− p( )k−1δ x − k( )


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Probability Mass and Density

Geometric PMF Geometric PDF

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Probability Mass and Density

If we perform Bernoulli trials until the rth 1 occurs and the probability of a 1 on any single trial is p, the probability that therth success will occur on the kth trial is

P rth success on kth trial⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =k −1r −1


⎠⎟pr 1− p( )k−r

A DV random variable Y is said to be a Negative - Binomial or Pascal random variable with parameters r and p if its PMF is

pY y( ) =y −1r −1


⎠⎟ pr 1− p( )y−r

, y ∈ r,r +1,,∞{ }0 , otherwise



and its PDF is fY y( ) = k −1r −1


⎠⎟pr 1− p( )k−r

δ y − k( )k=r

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Probability Mass and Density

Negative Binomial (Pascal) PMF

Negative Binomial (Pascal) PDF

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Probability Mass and Density

Suppose we randomly place n points in the time interval 0 ≤ t < T with each point being equally likely to fall anywhere in that range. The probability that k of them fall inside an interval of length Δt < T inside that range is

P k inside Δt⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =nk



pk 1− p( )n−k= n!

k! n − k( )! pk 1− p( )n−k

where p = Δt / T is the probability that any single point falls withinΔt. Further, suppose that as n→∞, n / T = λ, a constant. If λ is constant and n→∞ that implies that T →∞ and p→ 0. Then λ is the average number of points per unit time, over all time.

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Probability Mass and Density Events occurring at random times

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Probability Mass and Density

It can be shown that

P k inside Δt⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =α k


1− αn





= α k


where α = λΔt. A DV random variable is a Poisson randomvariable with parameter α if its PMF is

pX x( ) =α x

x!e−α , x ∈ 0,1,2,,∞{ }

0 , otherwise



and its PDF is

fX x( ) = α k

k!e−αδ x − k( )


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The uniform PDF

The probabilities of X being in Range #1 and X being in Range #2 are the same as long as both ranges have the same width and lie entirely between a and b

Probability Mass and Density

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The Exponential PDFThe arrival times of photons in a light beam at a surface arerandom and have a Poisson distribution. Let the time betweenphotons be T . The mean time between photons is T . The probability that a photon arrives in any very short length of time

Δt located randomly in time is P photon arrival during Δt⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =ΔtT


Let a photon arrive at time t0. What is the probabilitythat the next photon will arrive within the next t seconds?

Probability Mass and Density

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The Exponential PDFFrom one point of view, the probability that a photon arriveswithin the time range t0 + t < T ≤ t0 + t + Δt is

P t0 + t < T < t0 + t + Δt⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = FT t + Δt( )− FT t( ).This probability is also the product of the probability ofa photon arriving in any length of time Δt, which is Δt / T ,and the probability that no photon arrives before that time,which is P no photon before t0 + t⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = 1− FT t( ).

Probability Mass and Density

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The Exponential PDF

FT t + Δt( )− FT t( ) = 1− FT t( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ΔtT

Dividing both sides by Δt and letting it approach zero,


FT τ + Δτ( )− FT τ( )Δt

= ddt

FT t( )( ) = 1− FT t( )T

, t ≥ 0

Solving the differential equation,

FT t( ) = 1− e− t /T( )u t( )⇒ fT t( ) = e− t /T

Tu t( )

Probability Mass and Density

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The Erlang PDFThe Erlang PDF is a generalization of the exponential PDF.It is the probability of the time between one event and thekth event later in time.

fT ,k t( ) = t k−1e− t /T

T k k −1( )!u t( ) , k = 1,2,3,…

Notice that, for k = 1,

fT ,1 t( ) = e− t /T

Tu t( )

which is the same as the exponential PDF.

Probability Mass and Density

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Probability Mass and Density The Gamma PDF The Gamma PDF is based on the Gamma function

Γ x( ) = λ x−1e−λdλ0

∫ , x > 0

Some important properties of the Gamma function are Γ x +1( ) = xΓ x( ) , x >1 Γ n +1( ) = n! , n ≥ 0 and n an integer

Γ 1 / 2( ) = π , Γ 3 / 2( ) = 1 / 2( ) π




Γ n +1( )Γ k +1( )Γ n − k +1( )

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Probability Mass and Density The Gamma PDF

fX x;α,β( ) = xα−1ex /β

βαΓ α( ) u x( ) , α > 0 , β > 0

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Probability Mass and Density

The Gamma PDF If β = 1, the Gamma PDF is called the standard Gamma PDF

fX x;α( ) = xα−1ex

Γ α( ) u x( ) , α > 0

FX x;α( ) = fX λ( )dλ0


∫ = λα−1e−λ

Γ α( ) dλ0


∫The distribution function FX x;α( ) is also called in mathematicsthe incomplete Gamma function.

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Probability Mass and Density

The Gamma PDF

Two special cases of the Gamma function are important.If we let α = 1 and β = 1 / λ we get the exponential PDF fX x( ) = λe−λx u x( ).If we let α = N / 2 and β = 2 we get the chi - squared PDF

fX x( ) = xN /2−1e− x /2

2N /2Γ N / 2( ) u x( )

in which N is called the number of degrees of freedom of X.

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Functions of a Random Variable

Consider first a transformation from a DV random variable X to another DV random variable Y through Y = g X( ). If the

function g is invertible, then X = g−1 Y( ) and the PMF for Y is then

pY y( ) = pX g−1 y( )( ) where pX x( ) is the PMF for X . For the DV

random variable X the PDF consists only of impulses

fX x( ) = aiδ x − xi( )i=1


∑ where N is the number of impulses.

The PDF of Y also consists only of impulses and each impulse in the PDF of Y corresponds to an impulse in the PDF of X

fY y( ) = aiδ y − yi( )i=1


∑ = aiδ y − g xi( )( )i=1


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Functions of a Random Variable

If the function g is not invertible the PMF and PDF of Y can be found by finding the probability of each value of Y . Each value of X with non-zero probability causes a non-zero probability for the corresponding value of Y . So, for the ith value of Y ,

P Y = yi⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = P X = xi,1⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ + P X = xi,2

⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ +

+ P X = xi,n⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = P X = xi,k

⎡⎣ ⎤⎦k=1


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Functions of a Random Variable

Let X and Y be CV random variables and let Y = g X( ). Also, let

the function g be invertible, meaning that an inverse functionX = g−1 Y( ) exists and is single-valued as in the illustrations below.

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Functions of a Random Variable

Then it can be shown that the PDF’s of X and Y are related by

fY y( ) = fX g−1 y( )( )dy / dx

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Functions of a Random Variable

Let the PDF of X be fX x( ) = 14

rect x −14



and let Y = 2X +1.

Then X = g−1 Y( ) = Y −12

, dYdX

= 2.

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Functions of a Random Variable

fY y( ) =


y −12





recty−1( ) / 2 −1




2= 1

8rect y − 3



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Functions of a Random Variable

Now let Y = −2X + 5⇒ X = g−1 Y( ) = 5−Y2

, dYdX

= −2

fY y( ) =fX

5− y2



2= 1

8rect 3− y


⎞⎠⎟= 1

8rect y − 3



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Functions of a Random Variable

Now let Y = g X( ) = X 2. This is more complicated because the event

1< Y ≤ 4{ } is caused by the event 1< X ≤ 2{ } but it is also caused by

the event −2 ≤ X < −1{ }. If we make the transformation from

the PDF of X to the PDF of Y in two steps the process is simplerto see. Let Z = X .

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Functions of a Random Variable

fZ z( ) = 14

rect z −1/ 2( ) + 14

rect z − 3 / 23



Z = Y , Y ≥ 0 , dYdZ

= 2Z = 2 Y , Y ≥ 0

fY y( ) =fZ g−1 y( )( )

dy / dz, y ≥ 0

0 , y < 0






recty − 3 / 2



⎠⎟ +


rect y −1/ 2( )2 y

u y( )

fY y( ) = 18 y

rect2 y − 3



⎠⎟ + rect y − 1





u y( )

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Functions of a Random Variable

fY y( )dy


∫ = 1

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Functions of a Random Variable

In general, if Y = g X( ) and the real solutions of this equation are

x1 ,x2 ,xN then, for those ranges of Y for which there is a

corresponding X through Y = g X( ) we can find the PDF of Y .

Notice that for some ranges of X and there are multiple real solutions and for other ranges there may be fewer. In this figure there are three real values of x which produce , y1. But there is only one value of x which produces y2. Only the real solutions are used. So in some transformations, the transformation used may depend on the range of values of X and Y being considered.

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Functions of a Random Variable

For those ranges of Y for which there is a corresponding real X through Y = g X( )fY y( ) = fX x1( )



⎞⎠⎟ X =x1

+fX x2( )dYdX


⎞⎠⎟ X =x2

++fX xN( )dYdX


⎞⎠⎟ X =xN

In the previous example Y = g X( ) = X 2 and x1,2 = ± y

fY y( ) =fX y( )

2 y+

fX − y( )2 y

, y ≥ 0

0 , y < 0






y −14


⎠⎟ + rect

− y −14



8 y, y ≥ 0

0 , y < 0



Page 43: Random Variables - · Functions of a Random Variable Consider first a transformation from a DV random variable X to another

Functions of a Random Variable

One problem that arises when transforming CV random variables occurs when the derivative is zero. This occurs in any type of transformation for which Y is constant for a non-zero range of X . Since division by zero is undefined, the formula

fY y( ) = fX x1( )dy / dx( )x=x1

+fX x2( )

dy / dx( )x=x2

++fX xN( )

dy / dx( )x=xN

is not usable in the range of X in which Y is a constant. In these cases it is better to utilize a more fundamental relation between X and Y .

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Functions of a Random Variable

Let fX x( ) = 1 / 6( )rect x / 3( )

Let Y =3X − 2 , X ≥11 , X <1⎧⎨⎩

We can say P Y = 1[ ] = P X <1[ ] = 2 / 3. So Y has a probability of 2/3 of being exactly one. That means that there must be an impulse in fY y( ) at y = 1 and the strength of the impulse is 2/3. Inthe remaining range of Y we can use

fY y( ) = fX x1( )dy / dx( )x=x1

+fX x2( )

dy / dx( )x=x2

++fX xN( )

dy / dx( )x=xN

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Functions of a Random Variable

For this example, the PDF of Y would be

fY y( ) = 2 / 3( )δ y −1( ) + 1/ 18( )rect y + 2( ) / 18( )u y −1( )

or, simplifying,

fY y( ) = 2 / 3( )δ y −1( ) + 1/ 18( )rect y − 4( ) / 6( )

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The Inverse Problem


Given a random variable X with a known PDF fX x( ) it is desired to

find a functional transformation Y = g X( ) that produces a

random variable Y with a desired PDF fY y( ). First let the PDF

of Y be uniform in the interval 0 < y ≤1. The function that converts the PDF of X to this uniform PDF of Y is Y = FX X( ). This implies that y = P X ≤ x⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ and therefore, 0 < y ≤1. If X ≤ x

since FX x( ) is monotonic then Y ≤ y implying that P Y ≤ y⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = P X ≤ x⎡⎣ ⎤⎦.

Combining, FY y( ) = P Y ≤ y⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = P X ≤ x⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = FX x( ) = y , 0 < y ≤1

and fY y( ) = 1 , 0 < y ≤1.

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Now suppose the PDF of X is uniform and we want an arbitrary PDF of Y , fY y( ). This is simply the previous exercise in reverse. If choosing

Y = FX X( ) converts an arbitrary PDF of X into a uniform PDF for Y

between 0 and 1, then Y = FY−1 X( ) converts a uniform PDF for X

between 0 and 1 into an arbitrary PDF for Y . Now, to convert an arbitrary PDF of one random variable to an arbitrary PDF of another random variable we just combine these two operations into one.

The simplest solution is Y = FY-1 FX X( )( ).

The Inverse Problem

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Another approach to the problem of changing one PDF into another is

to start with the general relationship fY y( ) = fX g−1 y( )( )dy / dx

. If fY y( ) is

to be the constant one in the range 0 < y ≤1, then dy / dx must be the

same as fX g−1 y( )( ) in that same range. So we want the magnitude of

the derivative of y = g x( ) to be the same as fX x( ) which is the derivative

of FX x( ). So if we choose g x( ) to be the same as FX x( ), when we

differentiate we will get the correct denominator to make the PDF of Y uniform. Because of the magnitude operation there is another solution, Y = 1− FX X( ). In this second solution the mapping between X and Y is

different but the distribution of values is the same.

The Inverse Problem

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A random variable X has a PDF

fX x( ) = 2x , 0 < x <10 , otherwise⎧⎨⎩

and we want to convert it into another random variable Y with a PDF

fY y( ) = 1− y , y <1

0 , otherwise


⎩⎪What is the desired function Y = g X( )?

The Inverse Problem

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fX x( ) = 2x , 0 < x <10 , otherwise⎧⎨⎩

, fY y( ) = 1− y , y <1

0 , otherwise



FX x( ) =0 , x < 0x2 , 0 < x <11 , x >1



, FY y( ) =0 , y < −1y2 /2 + y +1/ 2 , −1< y < 0y − y2 / 2 +1/ 2 , 0 < y <11 , y >1



FY−1 y( ) = −1+ 2y , 0 < y <1/ 2

1− 2 1− y( ) , 1 / 2 < y <1



FY−1 FX x( )( ) = −1+ 2x2 , 0 < x2 <1/ 2

1− 2 1− x2( ) , 1 / 2 < x2 <1



Integration Integration


The Inverse Problem

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The Inverse Problem

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Expectation and Moments

Imagine an experiment with M possible distinct outcomes

performed N times. The average of those N outcomes is X = 1N



∑where xi is the ith distinct value of X and ni is the number of

times that value occurred. Then X = 1N



∑ =ni




∑ = rixii=1


∑ .

The expected value of X is

E X( ) = limN→∞





∑ = limN→∞



∑ = P X = xi⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ xii=1


∑ .

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Expectation and Moments

The probability that X lies within some small range can be

approximated by P xi −Δx2

< X ≤ xi +Δx2


⎦⎥ ≅ fX xi( )Δx

and the expected value is then approximated by

E X( ) = P xi −Δx2

< X ≤ xi +Δx2


⎦⎥ xi



∑ ≅ xi fX xi( )Δxi=1


∑where M is now the number of subdivisions of width Δx of the range of the random variable.

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Expectation and Moments

In the limit as Δx approaches zero, E X( ) = x fX x( )dx−∞

∫ .

Similarly E g X( )( ) = g x( )fX x( )dx−∞

∫ .

The nth moment of a random variable is E X n( ) = xn fX x( )dx−∞

∫ .

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Expectation and Moments

The first moment of a random variable is its expected value

E X( ) = x fX x( )dx−∞

∫ . The second moment of a random variable

is its mean-squared value (which is the mean of its square, not the square of its mean).

E X 2( ) = x2 fX x( )dx−∞

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Expectation and Moments

A central moment of a random variable is the moment ofthat random variable after its expected value is subtracted.

E X − E X( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦n⎛

⎝⎞⎠ = x − E X( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

nfX x( )dx


∫The first central moment is always zero. The second centralmoment (for real-valued random variables) is the variance,

σ X2 = E X − E X( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦


⎞⎠ = x − E X( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

2fX x( )dx


∫The positive square root of the variance is the standarddeviation.

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Expectation and Moments

Properties of Expectation

E a( ) = a , E aX( ) = a E X( ) , E Xnn∑⎛⎝⎜

⎞⎠⎟= E Xn( )


where a is a constant. These properties can be use to prove

the handy relationship σ X2 = E X 2( )− E2 X( ). The variance of

a random variable is the mean of its square minus the square of its mean.

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Expectation and Moments

For complex-valued random variables absolute moments are useful. The nth absolute moment of a random variable is defined by

E Xn( ) = x

nfX x( )dx


∫and the nth absolute central moment is defined by

E X − E X( ) n⎛⎝

⎞⎠ = x − E X( ) n

fX x( )dx−∞

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Expectation and Moments

Let Z = X + jY .

E Z2( ) = E X + jY

2( ) = E X 2( ) + E Y 2( ) = 2 / 3

σ Z2 = E Z − E Z( ) 2⎛

⎝⎞⎠ = E X + jY − E X + jY( ) 2⎛


and it can be shown that

σ Z2 = σ X

2 +σY2 = E Z

2( )− E Z( ) 2

Notice that for a real-valued random variable X , if n is an even

number X − E X( ) n= X − E X( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦


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Conditional Probability

Distribution Function

FX |A x( ) = P X ≤ x | A⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =P X ≤ x( )∩ A⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

P A⎡⎣ ⎤⎦This is the distribution function for x given that the condition A exists. 0 ≤ FX |A x( ) ≤1 , − ∞ < x < ∞

FX |A −∞( ) = 0 and FX |A +∞( ) = 1

P x1 < X ≤ x2 | A⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = FX |A x2( )− FX |A x1( ) FX |A x( ) is a monotonic function of x

Page 61: Random Variables - · Functions of a Random Variable Consider first a transformation from a DV random variable X to another

Conditional Probability

Let A be A = X ≤ a{ } where a is a constant.

FX |A x( ) = P X ≤ x | X ≤ a⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =P X ≤ x( )∩ X ≤ a( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

P X ≤ a⎡⎣ ⎤⎦If a ≤ x then P X ≤ x( )∩ X ≤ a( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = P X ≤ a⎡⎣ ⎤⎦and

FX |A x( ) = P X ≤ x | X ≤ a⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =P X ≤ a⎡⎣ ⎤⎦P X ≤ a⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

= 1

If a ≥ x then P X ≤ x( )∩ X ≤ a( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ = P X ≤ x⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ and

FX |A x( ) = P X ≤ x | X ≤ a⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ =P X ≤ x⎡⎣ ⎤⎦P X ≤ a⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

=FX x( )FX a( )

Page 62: Random Variables - · Functions of a Random Variable Consider first a transformation from a DV random variable X to another

Conditional Probability

Conditional PDF fX |A x( ) = ddx

FX |A x( )( )Conditional expected value of a function

E g X( ) | A( ) = g x( )fX |A x( )dx−∞

Conditional mean E X | A( ) = x fX |A x( )dx−∞
