Page 1: RDA and Its Application in China/Chinese RDA及其在中国/中文的应用

RDA and its applicationin China/Chinese RDA 及其在中国 / 中文的应用

HU XiaojingEast China Normal University Library胡小菁 华东师范大学图书馆

CAFLL Conference, June 12, 2013, Shanghai第三届中美法律信息与图书馆论坛

Page 2: RDA and Its Application in China/Chinese RDA及其在中国/中文的应用

RDA in ChinaRDA 在中国

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Chinese Translation of RDA (2012.5- )中译本• a wider audience for further research供进一步研究•evaluating its viability for use in Chinese libraries评估用于中国图书馆的可行性•RDA in print 印刷版

•Not in RDA Toolkit

National Library of China Publishing and ALA Publishing reach agreement on Chinese language RDA

publish in early 2013--not yet available

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CALIS: preparing for RDA 为 RDA 做准备

•Cataloging Client (Z39.50) update for RDA编目客户端更新•2011.4, V3.3.6

• including MARC21 update 10•2012.10, V3.3.8

• including MARC21 update 10-14

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RDA in Chinese 中文≠

RDA in China 中国

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Different cataloging rules/MARC formats不同的编目规则 /MARC 格式Resources资源 In Chinese中文 In Western languages西文Cataloging Rules编目规则

Chinese Cataloging Rules中国文献编目规则

AACR2 or Descriptive Cataloguing Rules for Western language materials西文文献著录条例

MARC Format


Li K. RDA in China. ALA Annual Conference 2012, ALCTS panel: RDA Worldwide, June 24, 2012

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Also in East Asia 东亚的共同现象Japan 日本• Nippon Cataloging Rules

Taiwan, China 台湾•China Cataloging Rules

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RDA in East Asia: for native & foreign languageRDA 在东亚:本地语言与外语Japan• Using RDA in 2013

for books and other materials published outside Japan日本以外出版图书资料

• For Japanese 日文New Nippon Cataloging Rul

es• revision began in 201

0『日本目録規則』の改訂2010 年起修订

Taiwan, China• Using RDA in 2013

for western language materials西文资料

• For Chinese 中文RDA Working Manual in Ch

inese• compiling from now on开始编制“中文工作手册”

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No decision for Chinese (2012.5)中文暂不会作决定“Major libraries in China will use RDA for the catalogi

ng of resources in Western languages大多数馆会采用 RDA 编西文资料“Will RDA be finally used for the cataloging of Chines

e materials?直接用 RDA 做中文编目?“Will RDA be used as a basis for the future revision o

f Chinese Library Cataloging Rules?以 RDA 为未来修订中文编目规则的基础?“All are yet to be decided and will not be determined

in a couple of years.尚未决定,近年也不会作出决定Gu B. Recent activities in the Chinese library cataloging community. SCATNews, 2012(37)

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Seminar on RDA implementation in China (2012.7)

“RDA 理论与实践”培训班暨“ RDA 在中国的实施和挑战”研讨会在国家图书馆成功举办

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Issues around Using RDA in China中国实施 RDA 相关问题1.the compatibility of RDA instructions and catalogin

g practice in Chinese 与中文编目的兼容性2.copyright and national standards 版权与标准3.adoption of RDA worldwide 世界范围采用

• acting on international convention 与国际接轨4.effect of implementation of RDA in ILS/LAS

(interfaces for librarian and patron) 实施效果• FRBRize, productivity ... 改善工作效率、 FRBR 化

5.economic problems 经济问题• Annual subscription, training ... 年度订购、培训

viability for use in Chinese

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“RDA and its application in Chinese”《资源描述与检索》的中文化及其应用研究 • A research funded by National Social Science Fund

(2011-2013) 国家社科基金项目1. What are the characteristics of Chinese Cataloging中文编目有什么特色2. How to settle the Chinese practice within RDA 如何处理中国特色问题3. How to use RDA for Chinese Cataloging conveniently中文编目如何方便利用 RDA

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1. What are the characteristics of Chinese Cataloging 中文编目特色• Comparing Chinese Cataloging Rules with RDA比较《中国文献编目规则》与 RDA

1.For description: 6 types of resources描述(著录): 6 种类型资源(文献)•books, cartographic, printed music, video/moving images/motion pictures, serials/integrating resources, digital resources图书、地图、乐谱、影像资料、连续性资源、电子资源

2.For access points: all 3 types 检索点: 3 种•Person, corporate body, title 个人、团体、题名

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2. How to settle the Chinese practice within RDA 如何处理中文做法1. Following RDA遵从 RDA 做法

eg. Rule of 32. Local policy decisions规定本地做法

eg. LC-PCC PS美国国会图书馆 -合作编目项目政策声明3. Revision Proposals提出修订建议

eg. EURIG欧洲 RDA兴趣小组

• RDA for international context / local practiceRDA 的国际环境 / 本地实践设计•Internationalization (RDA 0.11) 国际化•Alternatives 替代•Options 选项•Exceptions 例外•… by the agency creating the data 编目机构决定

An example

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A must-do revision proposal for ChineseRDA 用于中文必须的修订• access points representing works and expressions代表作品和内容表达的检索点= name…responsible for the work + title for the work

(对作品负责任者的 ) 名称 + 作品题名

name-title (or main entry) 名称 -题名 (主要款

目 )

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Who is “responsible for the work”“对作品负责”的含义 • Creator (in RDA) 创作者• Editor is not creator 编者非创作者

• Maybe is in China … 但在中国…可能算Rules for Content, Form and Structure of Bibliographic

References (GB/T 7714-2005) 《文后参考文献著录规则》

= ISO 690:2010 Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources

Creator in RDA≠

Creator in ISO 690

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With Name or without Name

• Gone with the Wind in LC Authorities 《飘》规范记录• Title Authorities Heading 题名规范标目Gone with the wind (Motion picture : 1939)

Filmmaker: Selznick InternationalX Gone with the wind (original novel)• Name/Title Authorities Heading 名称 / 题名规范标目Mitchell, Margaret, 1900-1949. Gone with the wind

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Possible revision for name-title issue修订建议• RDA 5.1.4

• access points representing works and expressions= name…responsible for the work + title for the work

• Possible revisions (choose one)1.Alternative 交替做法

• Title for the work + name … if necessary 如需要可增加名称2.Optional omission 可选省略

• Omission of name…responsible for the work 可省略名称Title for the work only 仅作品题名

Authorized access point… 规范检索点

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3. Tools for using RDA conveniently帮助使用 RDA1. CNMARC/UNIMARC bibliographic to RDA

mappingCNMARC 书目格式与 RDA对照表•Possible CNMARC/UNIMARC update for RDA

CNMARC 书目格式的 RDA 更新2. Workflows for several resources (in CNMARC)不同类型资源(文献)的 CNMARC 工作流程3. RDA Examples in CNMARC


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Workflow for printed music (in CNMARC) 工作流程

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An example in CNMARC样例

字段 / 子字段 《规则》样例 3 对应 RDA记录 规则差异说明010 a 7-5418-1961-1 7-5418-1961-1

d CNY17.00 ¥ 17.00 RDA 用标准货币符号200 1 a 流行钢琴经典弹唱曲集 流行钢琴经典弹唱曲集

h 2 2

i 学琴的孩子 学琴的孩子b 乐谱

内容类型 乐谱媒介类型 无中介载体类型 卷册

e 高雅·浪漫·追忆 高雅·浪漫·追忆f 刘奇琦编配 刘奇琦编配

210 a 西安 西安c 陕西旅游出版社 陕西旅游出版社d 2004 2004

215 a 87页 1 钢琴谱( 87页)《规则》采用ISBD(PM) 的SMD ,其中没有钢琴谱,按普通图书著录

d 28cm 28cm

e 1 光盘 1 光盘

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