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Rhapsody Interviews. .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Interview to Armando Esponda ............................................................................................................... 3

Interview to Ruben Morales .................................................................................................................... 4

Interview to Jose Pablo Lopez Paredes. ................................................................................................... 5

Interview to Julio Morales ....................................................................................................................... 6

Interview to Gabriel Galvan. ................................................................................................................... 7

Legalization of Marijuana ........................................................................................................................... 9

How to… kick a field goal .......................................................................................................................... 10

How to: Make a rainbow cake in a jar! ..................................................................................................... 12

What is going on with Korea? ................................................................................................................... 13

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises ................................................................................................................. 14

The Window .............................................................................................................................................. 15

The Hunger Games ................................................................................................................................... 16

Meat is Best .............................................................................................................................................. 17

City of Bones ............................................................................................................................................. 18

The Championship .................................................................................................................................... 19

TENZIN GYATSO ........................................................................................................................................ 21

Top 10 Restaurants .................................................................................................................................. 41

Top 5 bars of Mexicali ............................................................................................................................... 42

Why go Veg? ............................................................................................................................................. 43

Meat is Best .............................................................................................................................................. 44

BATMAN COMIC ....................................................................................................................................... 45

Mexicali History ........................................................................................................................................ 46

The history of the fashion ......................................................................................................................... 47

The N64 .................................................................................................................................................... 48

Recess ....................................................................................................................................................... 49

Humor. ...................................................................................................................................................... 50

Benefits of Sports. .................................................................................................................................... 51

Rodrigo Valdez, Juan Martinet, JJ Vazquez, Veronica Coronado, Cecilia Torres, Martin Bect, Leonardo Rivera



Interview to Armando Esponda Why did you study your career?

-Because I love communications of sciences, I am an addiction of

information, and feel passion about my career.

Do you like your work?

-Yes I love it; I can stand of been around it.

What do you do in your free time?

-I like to draw comics, read magazines and I am an addictive to internet.

How many years do you have teaching this subject?

-I graduated for communications of sciences in 2000, and thirteen years in my career.

Do you like another subject?

-I love cars; I wanted to draw cars when I was a little, so I studied the engineer of career first before to

communications sciences, so cars and designing cars is my passion too.

Before you studied your career, did you have another option?

-Yes, the option was the mechanic engineer, but I didn’t like so much to compare to communications sciences.

Are you thinking of studying other career right now?

-No, I thinking of certificating English and maybe doing a master, but not and another career.

How do you feel when you are teaching to your students?

-I love been in class in them, it gives me like to be young again.

When did you get the offer to teach in the school?

-I got the call offer about a year ago in January 2012, when I got a call of CETYS to teach reading and redact.

Why did you choose CETYS as an option?

-CETYS always is an option, because one of the best school in Baja California, and for me It’s an honor to teach


Interviewby Martin Bect


Interview to Ruben Morales We find ourselves in CETYS Preparatoria, about to interview a great athlete that studies in this very hallways, Ruben Morales.

What thing motivate you to practice American football?

-Because I was fat and I was looking for something that brings me muscles and not to be fatter.

When did you start to practice your sport?

-In 2008.

How do you feel when you are playing?

-I feel adrenaline and I want to get some hits to keep running with the ball or protect my runner.

Why do you like your sport?

-I like it, because I can hit the others and you can get be hit by the opponents.

When you joined to your sport, did you do a lot of friends?

-When I joined, I was a little shy, but eventually I made friends.

How many championships did you win?

-I won my second JV in 2010 and in 2012 my varsity.

How many years did you have practicing this sport?

-I have been practicing it for 5 years.

How do you feel when you lose?

-It feels sad and a lot of courage, for not left all what I had on the field.

Do you like gym and what do you do there?

-Yes I do, I have to go to gym, because I need to do the football routine to build muscles and get strength.

Are you thinking to go to a professional league?

-It’s my dream I hope I could be there. Interview by Martin Bect.


Interview to Jose Pablo Lopez Paredes. We find ourselves in CETYS Preparatoria, were going to interview a great athlete that has been in Baja California’s Selection of football, Jose Pablo Paredes.

1. How many years have you been

playing football?

- Around 5 years.

2. Why do you like it?

- I like it because it’s a great

exercise, and it feels very good to

have your teammates support in

everything that you make.

3. What is your favourite moment of the game?

- When it’s a few seconds left so it ends and we’re about to make a field goal and if

we score it we win the game.

4. How many tournaments have you won?

- 1

5. Have you make a lot of sacrifices because of it?

- Yes, everyday 4 hours of my life dedicated to train myself.

6. Which is the most important game you played?

- I think, the final last year, because the team we fight to, beat us 2 years ago in

the final and it was a revenge for us, we have to win it.

7. Do you have a scholarship right now?

- Yes, 50%

8. Has other college offer you a scholarship?

- Yes, CETYS Universidad.

9. Have you been in a selection?

- Yes, OEFA’s selection from Baja California.

10. What do you feel when you win the championship last year?

- It was amazing because I was with all my friends and it was something I share

with them.

Well, thank you sir this had been all of my questions, have a nice day.

Interview by Jesus Vazquez 5

Interview to Julio Morales Hello, I am at CETYS with Julio gallardo, who is an expert piano player, and he took the

time to answer these questions.

1. Which instrument do you play?

a. The piano

2. How long have you been playing that instrument?

a. Since I was in 8th grade.

3. Do you play in a band?

a. I used to play in one, but not anymore.

4. Which kinds of music do you like the most?

a. Ballads and instrumental music.

5. Would you like to learn to play another instrument?

a. The drums.

6. Which is your favorite band and artist?

a. My favorite band is Sin Bandera and artist is Alejandro Sanz.

7. Have he/she/they influenced you to play the instrument you play?

a. Yes, especially Sin Bandera.

8. Do you think that music is the best way to express yourself?

a. Yes, it is.

9. Have you ever been at a concert of your favorite band and/or artist?

a. Not yet, but whit year I’ll go to one.

10. Could you live without music?

a. Definitely no.

Interview by Juan Martinet.


Interview to Gabriel Galvan.

We find ourselves in CETYS Preparatoria, about to interview a musical talent that studies in this very hallways, Gabriel Galvan from 6th semester.

1. What does music mean to you?

It means a lot to my life, becuase in a certain way it completes me, it fills up my soul, it makes me feel happy. It's my way to express myself.

2. For how long have you been playing?

6 years.

3. What do you play?

The saxophone.

4. Do you belong in a band?

Yes, I belong to the school orchestra for the past 3 years. I used to work on a group that played on weddings and other stuff.

5. What's your musical experience?

I have worked for the past semester for different events, like weddings and quinceañeras. In different institutions. I have also worked as a teacher in the school orchestra and high school.

6. Have you won an award?

Yes, I won a medal for participating in the orchestra, and I also got a diploma for being a teacher in my high school.

7. Do you participate in events, if yes, in which ones?

We recently participated in the 15th Anniversary, and like I said before, I participated in events with my group.

8. What inspired you to play music?

I cannot express what inspired me, it's just a lot to me, it completes me. It fills a hole in my heart because it's the way to express myself. When I was very young I needed a way to express myself, that's the way to do it.


9. What's your favorite genre, and which one do you play?

I like blues and jazz, I mean I really like every genre, every genre has its particular characteristics, but I prefer jazz, blues and instrumental music.

10. What would you say to inspire more people to listen and play music?

I say to them, if you want to be yourself, the best way to express yourself and be yourself is by playing an instrument, writing music, composing; to be free. To do this is the best way to be free.

This concludes our questions for Gabriel, which we are very grateful he answered, therefore we have a larger knowledge of his opinions and experiences of music.

Interview by Rodrigo Valdez.


Legalization of Marijuana The war on drugs has been ongoing in our

country since 2006, and we haven't seen any clear

results. Even though many cartel leaders have

been taken down, there seems to be no end to the

cartel business. A higher military presence can be

seen in many metropolitan cities. The war on drugs

is an obvious failure and certain procedures must

be fulfilled to control drug use and reduce violence;

legalization of marijuana.

Marijuana is the major illicit drug manufactured and trafficked around the whole

globe, therefore, it has been the most looked upon by legislators. Also it's known and

proven to be the least dangerous drug around, having no brain damaging long term

effects as it is rumored, it's even less dangerous than alcohol.

Legalization is not an unknown boundary or perspective, many countries allow

the recreational use of cannabis, including the notorious Netherlands and Portugal.

Medicinal cannabis has highly spread across the United States, resulting in its

legalization in two states, them being Washington and Colorado. It's approval has been

spreading throughout the country being very close to legalization in California, and if it

happened in California it would start a chain reaction in the United States, which would

spread to Mexico.

In my upmost opinion there is no correct option other than legalizing, people will

get what they wish, even though if it is illegal they will obtain it. Legalization, tax control

and education are the answers to stop illegal trafficking; the violence involved and use

the extra money to educate the population.

Editorial by Rodrigo Valdez


How to… kick a field goal

How to by Leonardo Rivera



HOW TO KICK A FIELD GOAL. People think that kicking a field goal is easy, but is not only to get there and kick the ball; I will show you the technique to kick it.

1. Get a ball with good air. 2. Say someone to hold it in 45 degrees to the floor. 3. Place yourself behind the ball. 4. Walk backwards 3 steps. 5. Then walk 2 steps to one side (depending with what foot you kick). 6. Jog until you get to the ball. 7. When you get their kick it with the side part of your foot’s tip in the bottom part of the

ball. With these advices you can improve your kicks, but if you don’t practice enough you won’t improve them.

How to by Jesus Vazquez.


How to: Make a rainbow cake in a jar!



What is going on with Korea? 13


By Leonardo Rivera

Batman: The



By Leonardo Rivera


16 By Leonardo Rivera


17 By Cecilia Torres 17


By Cecilia Torres


The Championship It was a night of November on a Friday, and my team and I were ready to play the most

important game of the season the final game.

When you got to the stadium you can feel the

energy of the public happy to be there, in the

gym we were all concentrated in winning, like

Joe Boardway said “Winning is not important,

winning is the only thing” our coach told us

that no matter what happened that day we

have to give all our power, when the game

ends you can say “I have no more energy to give”.

The referee blow his whistle and the game started, in our first drive we run around 5 plays that

resulted in a touchdown we were so excited that I forgot to put my mouth piece, that could cost

us 15 yards of penalty but the referee didn’t see me, our defense came in and the offense of the

other team couldn’t do nothing to us, because we were the best defense in the state, our

offense keep moving and going up in the score until we got the score of 21-0.

After 3 intense hours of sweat and running the referee end up the game and we were state

champions in OEFA league.

We kept doing physical work after the season, because I was selected to be in Baja California’s

selection, we were 12 players from Zorros.


These experience was one of the best of my life, because I felt like an important person going to

Tijuana just to play a game, the practices were a little more intense, the game was December 9,

we arrived Tijuana on December 8, once we were there the practice with the other teammates

was great I knew a lot of people that become a mark in my life, because I was part of the first

selection of OEFA, once we saw the other selection, we were a little nervous, because they

were a little bigger, but we never stop fighting until the end, the result of hard working and a lot

of sacrifices gave me a lot of benefits, I won the OEFA trophy, and the Selection game, and

when game end, a person get close to me I thought it was a coach coming to say congrats. He

was a coach but he came to say me that he wanted me to go to Tec de Monterrey with a

football scholarship. I was so excited because finally I was being recognize for my effort, in

conclusion never give up in something you start to practice, and always give 100% of your

energy to it, because at the

end good stuff is the




Famous as: • Dalai Lama

Birth name:

• Lhamo Dondhup Birth date:

• July 06, 1935 Birth place:

• Takster, Amdo, northeastern Tibet Reign:

• 17 November 1950 – present Nationality:

• Chinese

Father: • Choekyong Tsering


• Diki Tsering

Predecessor: • Thubten Gyatso


• He is the 14th Dalai Lama. • Won the Novel Peace Prize. • Established the Tibetan government in exile. • Made his religion and believes famous around the world.

Profile by Juan Martinet. 21




















Top 10 Restaurants

In the next article we are going to show you the top 10 restaurants in Mexicali, were you can enjoy a great family meal.

1. Carvao 2. Heidelberg 3. Sakura 4. Fontana’s pizza 5. Chiang’s 6. Chalet 7. Los arcos 8. Bangkok 9. Chez 10. Mandolino’s

These are the top 10 restaurants were you and your family can obviously see that is clean and the food are fresh and tasty.

Service by Jesus Vazquez.


Top 5 bars of Mexicali 42 42

Why go Veg?






Mexicali History It was in the late nineteenth century in 1888 when the federal

government awarded to Guillermo Andrade amounts of land in

this part of the country, searching to colonize the border with the

United States.

It happened in the agricultural valley where Mexicali started

development with the installation of companies dedicated to

irrigation wishing benefit the Colorado River water in agriculture,

promoting the construction of irrigation canals, this happened

between 1898 and 1900.

At the beginning of last century, in the year of 1900 Mexicali was

practically a depopulated zone with the exception of Los

Algodones, and also the Cocopah Indian community, it had

hundreds or thousands of years inhabit this inhospitable region.

The name of Mexicali is formed by the words of Mexico and

California; this name was imposed in 1902 by Colonel Agustin Sanginéz. In his first months the

municipality of Mexicali belonged to Ensenada as a municipal section and then as head of section, but

the official founding of Mexicali is considered on March 14, 1903 with the appointment of Manuel Vizcarra

as assistant judge.

It was on November 4, 1914 when the Mayor Baltazar Avilez political chief decreed the municipality of

Mexicali also calling for elections to form the first city council; it was headed by Francisco L. Montejano.

From 1927 to 1930 the city of Mexicali was retained as counsel and 1930-1952 as delegation, until no

longer Baja California territory to become the state 29.

The Colorado Riverland Company was dedicated to renting farmland to foreigners, mainly Chinese,

Indian and Japanese, because the Mexicans curiously were regarded as mere temporary workers. This

unjust situation caused in 1937 the agrarian conflict known as the Assault on the Lands.

From 1953 began another stage to Mexicali, Baja California when it becomes federal entity and organize

the free municipalities.

Historical by Martin Bect


The history of the fashion The first clothes back thousands of years before Christ because people needed them to survive. In cold areas people

dressed shoes and coats to protect from frost. In warm areas, the men usually were barefoot, but in some societies

wore sandals if they are in high ranges.

In ancient societies, such as ancient Egypt and Greece, is also evidence of the use of clothing. Usually both

civilizations chose the robes to cover their bodies. The Egyptians, men wore short skirts of cotton, and the richest

used finer cotton for their clothes. They also used a lot of jewelry. In addition they also had other fashions not directly

related to clothing, as the use of eye makeup, which also allowed them to protect against eye diseases and whole

body shaved. The Greeks also wore sleeveless tunics.

But in the history of fashion, the Romans are also of great importance. The clothing of the Romans was highly

influenced by other cultures. An example of this is the toga. At first they used women and men, but later became a

garment exclusively for men. The women had what is known as palla.

During the Middle Age the use of robes and gowns

decays and men begin to use a kind of boot that

covered the legs that were usually of cloth or

leather. Above the women, wore a kind of tunic but

this time had sleeves. The women did not cover

their legs with leggings, but started wearing skirts

that ended in peaks and usually wore cloaks on the

body. Since the average age is where it begins to

be given great importance to design feminine

dresses. In many cultures began to use the women

long skirts to cover the extent of his legs in full. The

elegance became an important factor in the design

of clothing, it was important to bring up the

princesses and women of high society.

From the fourteenth century is beginning to wear dresses with high necklines and skirts that dragged on the ground.

At this time the women began to wear a lot of jewelry and expensive ornaments on their clothes and shoes, but only

the privileged could take the pleasure of using these details.

In the modern age from the sixteenth century, men started to use studs on the arms and hose, short layers without

hood and hats with feathers. Women also wore these studs but only on the sleeves, and his clothes were

characterized by many layers of fabric lead that extended to the floor. In the seventeenth century begins using lace

and studs become shorts, and leggings in stockings.

Historical by Martin Bect


The N64 I'm sure that one of the happiest days of my childhood was the day my parents

bought me a Nintendo 64. The feeling of having a giant box next to you in the car is

inexplicable, the desire to be at your house and connect it to the TV is even higher.

The moment I was home I quickly ran upstairs and connected it to my TV. My

first game was Pokemon Stadium, which I fondly remember playing, I think the first

Pokemon I chose in a battle was Blastoise, the giant blue turtle with cannons in its shell.

It was probably the first video game console many individuals from my age had

and probably the one with the brightest memories. Waking up so you could play Super

Mario 64 and defeat Bowser, fight with all your

friends and cousins in Super Smash Bro's,

shooting each other like Bond in GoldenEye

007. Probably the best games of the generation.

Sadly, we will have to live by the

memories, or play your console, if you still own

it, and relive your childhood.


Editorial by Rodrigo Valdez.


Our childhood was defined by the games, friends, and activities we loved to do every

day. A long time of our childhood was spent in school, and the best moment of all

school day was recess.

Recess was the free moment in that long day of work and studying. Sitting in a

wide table with all of your close friends, opening your lunch box so you could eat what

your mom packed with passion; usually trading your food with your friends for stuff you

liked more. After eating the real fun

began, going to the playground.

Obviously, going to the playground

was the best part of the whole time spent

in recess. Sliding down the slide was

always fun, you could probably do it all

day. Having wars in the monkey bars with

the other kids, riding the swings, trying to

see who got higher and jumping

afterwards, hoping you didn't break a leg.

One of the fondest memories was

having the cross-class football matches,

following the traditional competition between group A and group B.

Recess was the moment that made school somewhat bearable, sadly we will

never live those moments in our lives again, but we can live happily with our memories.

Editorial by Rodrigo Valdez.



A man walks into a bar, drinks a couple of beers, and prepares to leave. The

bartender tells him he owes $8.

"But I already paid you. Don't you remember?" says the customer.

"OK," says the bartender, "if you say you paid, then I suppose you did."

The man goes outside and tells the first person he sees that the bartender can't keep

track of whether his customers have paid or not. The second man rushes in, orders a

couple beers, and later pulls the same stunt.

The barkeep replies, "OK, if you say you paid, then I suppose you did."

The customer goes outside and tells a friend how to get free drinks. The third man

hurries into the bar and begins to drink highballs.

The bartender leans over and says, "You know, a funny thing happened tonight. Two

men were drinking beer, neither paid, and both claimed they had. The next guy who

tries that stunt is going to get punched in the -- "

The man interrupts, "Don't bother me with your troubles, bartender. Just give me my

change and I'll be on my way."


A: I have the perfect son. B: Does he smoke? A: No, he doesn’t. B: Does he ever come home late? A: No, he doesn’t. B: Does he drink alcohol? A: no, he doesn’t. B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he? A: He will be six months old next Wednesday. BAD DANCER

Girl: You would be a good dancer except for two things. Boy: What are those two things? Girl: Your feet.


Girl: You would be a good dancer except for two things. Boy: What are those two things? Girl: Your feet.


Benefits of Sports. Do you know that, practicing a sport not only benefit you in your health but also can help you in

your social life, your work and also can make you be relax? Sports can make you more

confident, because you're learning something and you have trainers telling you your doing well

and trust yourself and that makes you advance yourself.

Sports can make you progress in your social life, you spent time with your teammates and that

makes you stronger, when you spent more time in the sport the more friends you have and

when you don't notice you have a new set of friends, you discover yourself with the skills that

you have.

Believe it or not sports can make you

smarter, but Why ?

Because when you are doing exercise

you make blood run all around your body

and blood take more oxygen to your

brain, that it's also connect with your

concentration, sports make you get a

better concentration by the kind of

exercise you have to have coordination in

your feet and arms, I think coordination is

one of the most important things you

must have in sports because you have to run and that needs coordination.

Playing sports releases stress and tension. Sports competitions teach you to feel relaxed in

high-pressure situations. Athletics also helps you fight depression and anxiety because you stop

thinking of all stuff that makes you feel sad.

Sports may also help you in Relationships, because it helps you to understand how to join with

other people and that is not only what you want you have to see for the others first, a good

example for this is on football because a relationship is like a team if someone doesn't make his


correct work the team can't advanced yards is the

same in a relationship, sports teach to work as a


The first thing you notice in yourself is your body

getting better, when you make exercise your burning

al the adipose tissue, that is all the fat you have in

your body, when yo u burn it you get a better

circulation of the blood, and your veins have less

cholesterol, that prevents a heart attack and clots in your body.

In conclusion exercise is not only helpful in your body it includes a lot of things around your life,

like concentration, relax and confidence. It's important to do sport, doesn't matter your age it's

going to help you.

Garret Mark, 2006, Recover from: