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    Personas en la vida de RizalDr. Jose P. RizalWritterDoctorTeacherInventorHero

    Jose Rizal was born to awealthy family in Calamba, Lagunaand was the seventh of elevenchildren.He was born on June 19, 1861to Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercadoy Alejandro (18181897).Rizal first studied underJustiniano Aquino Cruz in Bian,Laguna before he was sent toManila.He then enrolled at the AteneoMunicipal de Manila and graduatedas one of the nine students in hisclass declared sobresaliente oroutstanding.

    Upon learning that his motherwas going blind, he decided toswitch to medicine at themedical school of Santo Tomasspecializing later inophthalmology.Rizal was implicated in theactivities of the nascent rebellionand in July 1892, was deportedto Dapitan in the province ofZamboanga, a peninsula ofMindanao.Executed on December 30,1896 in Bagumbayan, also knownfor today as Luneta Park .

    Andres Bonifacio

    Filipino NationalistRevolutionalist

    Andres Bonifacio

    Andrs Bonifacio y de Castro(30 November 1863 10 May1897) was a Filipino nationalistand revolutionary. He is often called the fatherof the Philippine Revolution .Bonifacio was the son ofSantiago Bonifacio and Catalinade Castro in Tondo, Manila, andhe was the eldest of fivechildren.In 1892 he joined Rizal's LaLiga Filipina, an organizationwhich called for political reformsin Spain`s colonial government ofthe Philippines.

    Consuelo Ortega Y. Perez

    Daughter of Don Pablo Ortiga yRey.She was 18 years old when shemet Rizal who was 23 years oldthat time.Was engaged to Eduardo de Lete.She met Rizal on September 16,1882 when Rizal was a studentat the Universidad Central deMadrid.Rizal's romance with Consuelo didnot turn into a serious affair.

    Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt

    German pen pal of Rizal.Was a teacher, secondaryschool principal in Litomice,lecturer, and author of articlesand books in the Philippinesand its ethnography.Blumentritt became one ofRizal's closest confidantsalthough they met only once.He translated the latter'sfirst book, Noli Me Tangere,into German.

    Fr. Fransisco De Paula Sanchez

    Rizal's favorite teacher at theAteneo de Manila.It was also the priest whopushed the young Rizal tocultivate his literary skills byencouraging him to write essaysand poetry.Father Sanchez was sent by hisJesuit superiors to try torefrorm his former student'sradical stance towards thecatholic religion and the Spanishreligious in the Philippines.Former professor led a greateffort to secure the return ofRizal from exile.

    Gertrude Beckett

    Gertrude was the daughter ofRizals landlordCharlesBeckett who is an organist atSt. Pauls Church in London. Rizal called her by hernickname Gettieand sheaffectionately called himPettie. She helped Rizal mix his

    colors for painting andprepared the clay for hissculpturing.

    Graciano Lopez Jaena

    Graciano Lpez Jaena (December18, 1856-January 20, 1896) was ajournalist, orator, revolutionary,and national hero from Iloilo.Lpez Jaena was the first toarrive in Spain and may havefounded the genesis of thePropaganda Movement.At the age of 18 he wrote thesatirical story Fray Botod .Lpez Jaena died of tuberculosison January 20, 1896, elevenmonths short of his 40th birthday.

    Josefa Mercado Rizal

    The ninth child of the Rizal FamilyAn epileptic, died a spinster atthe age of 80.

    Josephine Bracken

    Bracken was born in VictoriaBarracks in Hong Kong on August9, 1876 to Irish parents,JamesBracken, and Elizabeth JaneMcBride.Adopted by George Taufer.Was the common-law wife ofPhilippine national hero Jos Rizalduring his exile in Dapitan.The couple was married in FortSantiago, the place of hisincarceration, following areconciliation with the CatholicChurch.

    Juan Luna

    Filipino painter, sculptor and apolitical activist of the PhilippineRevolution during the late 19thcentury.Juan Luna was the third amongthe seven children of Don JoaquinLuna de San Pedro y Posadas andDoa Laureana Novicio y Ancheta.He shipped the large canvas ofthe Spoliarium to Madrid for theyear's Exposicin Nacional de BellasArtes.Prompted a celebration which wasa major highlight in the memoirs ofmembers of the PropagandaMovement, with the fellowIlustrados.

    Leonor Rivera

    The childhood sweetheart, andlover by correspondence ofPhilippine national hero Jos Rizal.Rivera's romantic relationshipwith Rizal lasted for eight years.Leonor Rivera and Rizal first metin Manila when Rivera was only 13years old. When Rizal left forEurope on May 3, 1882, Riverawas 15 years of age.They employed codes in theirletters because Riveras mother didnot favor Rizal as a suitor forRivera.Rivera and Kipping were marriedon June 17, 1890 in Dagupan.

    Leonor Valenzuela

    A tall girl from Pagsanjan. Rizalsend her love notes written ininvisible ink, that could only bedeciphered over the warmth of thelamp or candle.He visited her on the eve of hisdeparture to Spain and bade her alast goodbye.

    Lucia Mercado Rizal

    5th child of Don FranciscoMercado and Doa Teodora Alonsoand elder sister of the Philippinenational hero, Dr. Jose Rizal.Lucia shared a tight-knittedbrother-sister relationship withRizal or Pepe, as the family fondlycalled him.Married to Mariano Herbosa,nephew of Fr. Casaas, a witness ofJose Rizal's baptism.She was widowed young but didnot remarry. She died on 25December 1919 at the age of 62.She mentioned in the letter thatshe was pregnant with her fifthchild, Jos, Rizals namesake.

    Marcelo H. Del Pilar

    Better known by his pen namePlaridel, was a Filipino writer,lawyer, and journalist.He was the second and lasteditor of the La Solidaridad, thenewspaper of the ReformMovement in Spain.Born on August 30, 1850 inCupang, BulacanDel Pilar arrived in Barcelona onJanuary 1, 1889. He headed thepolitical section of the AsociacinHispano-Filipina de Madrid (HispanicFilipino Association of Madrid).On December 15, 1889, hesucceeded Graciano Lpez Jaena aseditor of the La Solidaridad.

    Maria Mercado Rizal

    Sixth child, Biang was hernickname.Born on 1859Married to Daniel Faustino Cruzin Binan, Laguna,

    Mariano Gomez

    Filipino secular priest, part of theGomburza trio who were falselyaccused of mutiny by the Spanishcolonial authorities in the Philippines.He was placed in a mock trial andsummarily executed in ManilaBorn on August 2, 1799 in thesuburb of Santa Cruz, Manila.He was a Tornatrs, one born ofmixed Chinese and Spanish ancestries.His parents were Francisco Gmezand Martina Guard.After studying in the Colegio deSan Juan de Letrn, he tooktheology in the University of SantoToms.

    Narcisa Mercado Rizal

    Third child of Francisco Mercado andTeodora Alonzo.A teacher and a musician byprofessionMarried Antonio Lopez who was aschool teacher in Morong, Rizal.

    Nelly Boustead

    Rizal described as a girl with a featureof being a Filipina, with highly educatedand have good manners.Rizal being a guest of the Bousteadfamily at their residence in the resortcity of Biarritz.In a party held by Filipinos inMadrid, a drunken Antonio Lunauttered unsavory remarks against NellieBoustead.This prompted Rizal to challengeLuna into a duel. Fortunately, Lunaapologized to Rizal, thus avertingtragedy for the compatriots.

    Seiko Usui (O sei San)

    A Japanese samurais daughtertaught Rizal the Japanese art ofpainting known as su-mie.She also helped Rizal improve hisknowledge of Japanese language.She had an intimate relationshipwith Jose Rizal during Rizalsvacation on Yokohama.She was 23 years old when shemet Rizal.

    Olympia Rizal Mercado

    Fourth child of Francisco Mercadoand Teodora Alonso.She married Silvestre Ubaldo.

    Paciano Rizal Mercado

    Born on March 7, 1851, Died on April13, 1930 (aged 79), Los Banos,Laguna, Philippines.He was responsible of accompanyingJose to Bian to receive a propereducation under the same mentor-Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz.Paciano was accountable in supplyingJose the information on the eventsoccurring in the country.He was married to common-law wife,Severina Decena with whom he had twochildren, a boy who died in infancy anda girl named, Emiliana Rizal.

    Jose Burgos

    Filipino mestizo secular priest,accused of mutiny by the Spanishcolonial authorities in the Philippines.Burgos was born in Vigan, Ilocos Suron February 9, 1837He obtained three undergraduatedegrees with honors, two mastersdegrees and two doctorate degreesfrom the Colegio de San Juan deLetran and from the University ofSanto Tomas.Burgos was a close friend andassociate of Paciano Rizal, Jos Rizal'solder brother and mentor.

    Jacinto Zamora

    Born on August 14, 1835 toVenancio Zamora and Hilaria delRosario, he began his early education inPandacan and later at the Colegio deSan Juan de Letran.He later transferred to theUniversity of Santo Tomas afterfinishing his Bachiller en Artes. Zamoragraduated on March 16, 1858 with thedegree of Bachelor of Canon and CivilLaws.

    Pedro Paterno

    Born on the 17th ofFebruary, 1857. He finishedBachiller en Artes in Ateneo deManila. Filipino politician who has beencalled the greatest turncoatin Philippine history. His intervention on behalf ofthe Spanish led to the signingof the Pact of Biak-na-Bato onDecember 14, 1897, anaccount of which he publishedin 1910

    Saturnina Mercado Rizal

    Eldest sister of Philippinenational hero Jos Rizal. She was married to Manuel

    T. Hidalgo, a native and oneof the richest persons inTanauan, Batangas. She wasknown as Neneng.

    She died in 1913.

    Segunda Katigbak

    Rizal came to know Segundamore intimately during hisweekly visit to La ConcordiaCollege, where his sisterOlimpia was a boardingstudent. Olimpia was a close friend ofSegunda. That was apparentthat Rizal and Segunda lovedeach other. Theirs was

    indeed a love at first sight. Married to Manuel Luz

    Soledad Mercado Rizal

    choleng 1870-1929) Youngest among rizalssiblings. Married Pantaleon Quintero,a native of Calamba, Laguna. best educated among rizals


    Suzanne Jacoby

    Suzanne Jacoby was aBelgian lady whom Rizalmet when he was 29. Rizal arrived in Brussels

    on February 2 and stayedin the boarding housemanaged by two Jacobysisters, Suzanne and Marie Suzzane got to know andwas attracted to theskillful and enigmaticFilipino doctor.

    Teodora Alonzo

    Mother of Philippine nationalhero Jose Rizal, and a nativeof Sta. Cruz, Manila. She was known for being adisciplinarian as well as adedicated, courteous and

    hard-working mother. Teodora had her formaleducation at the Colegio deSanta Rosa in Manila. Well-educated and highlycultured, and had knowledgein literature andmathematics.

    Trinidad Mercado Rizal

    (1868-1951) was aKatipunera and a Mason.

    She was the tenth childof Francisco Mercado andTeodora Alonso. Trining was her nickname. Also died a spinster andthe last of the family todie at the age of 83.

    "consummatum est"
