Download pdf - Rolas Por Bajar

  • 7/25/2019 Rolas Por Bajar


    All of me john legend

    Team lorde

    Pocketful of sun /Natasha bedingel


    Saturday night/ crayon pop

    Smoke/natalie umbrulia

    Hysteria/e the leppard

    !l doctorado/tony di"e

    Algo me gusta/isin

    #ast train to #ondon/electric light orchesta

    #a la la/naughty boy ft sam smith

    $ot my mind/$eorge Harrison

    #ights/ellie goulding

    Around the orld/the disco boys

    %y on orst/lit

    &onfess to me/disclousure

    #o rider/ar

    'en bailalo

    (nchained melody/righteous brothers

    )ild one to/ jack back feat

    *efore + let go/ma"e

    Safe and sound/capital cities

    !ncadenados/hermanos reyes

  • 7/25/2019 Rolas Por Bajar


    Somebody that i/gotye

    *orn to die

    ,eload/Sebastian ingroso

    Too young/phoeni-


    &ome undone

    The other side/.ason derulo

    irst time/.onas brothers

    #i0e high/ .ason mar"

    +f you could read/stars on 12

    Policy of truth/Depeche

    + need your lo0e/ cal0in harris

    %o0e your feet/junior senior

