Page 1:… · R«y«t,ItotiMfpu,^, «r(heM.nucerof J.^iire,„„„ if ^•H^d«*«in 4?* 'iHf.uriiH>(;«h.d..Pari.«n,T


Page 2:… · R«y«t,ItotiMfpu,^, «r(heM.nucerof J.^iire,„„„ if ^•H^d«*«in 4?* 'iHf.uriiH>(;«h.d..Pari.«n,T

R«y«t, ItotiMf pu,^,

^ «r (he M.nucer of J.^iire, „ „„ ^


^•H^d«*« in


'iHf.ur iiH> (;«h. d.. Pari. «n<r>,T ' T ^""'' ^^'^^^ ;" '•'rinjf. ther».foro. a, I hare 1ly

Th^ BUI Win to have been read iJ ^~^Ho««, of Urds, 00 tl,e 10th of OctehT"^Contrary to our expectation^ p^^^* ,^

d the members of the P^rier LrW^ ***'>«««fc

fixed in their place.. InZr^ZT""'^airs of FrHi.r., «,:ii i., • .. .J*" »PecttkiLj^

1 h«p|>i.| prebendj and a more i.n^.,i.j ..„ "'J"'"»«i',,,

lur<Hi;n poliov of Kra,,,-,. * ..u™ '.""'•". ~- *'


fac, I l,av., .1,0 .u-ain a„,K,.arc.d li,I" '„

!"'^'•S •^>. "-- -he. cyl


-•".nal f«MJ ,,. I X^ "t ':,""""""' '"'"""^ •"''

I•«» P"'i"'li'-ia ,„ ^rr """T";- ,'." """""' »l«'l»- Acc„„„„ ,•,„,„ s, ., 1


'""'-lilKral p„C

•'ith K..rr..«. 1"." r"»'"*, and ronienied (l».'njM'li».« ir„j ' .

'""" •'"^ tim-rnjrvoral proof.

»».» M L Um ,« ,Vo "mr.


." " "'"'"''•''"• '" "'•". mayft r " '" '"' '""•'I-'"" •''»< >"" ten.l,,.

|i.r«.rt d« d«nr„^ Z'J- t.ri"''.,'"'^"^''" "'"'' *»V ' wl,a i,"„;;,". '[^

'T "^"7 '" "'"''- '» "••' '''"™.*r,

n'.o-e for ,h„ n,.r,: •.*.V.":'-''"'' »''"'»k« 'hb r.

U P-J M*^" "•*.'*^»» A ba5l C.Hlllllir P.-ri^r »' V

r^*» letters havr ^.<>n r^rmv,u\ k...^ . ."^

.... . . •'• *"'"' '"J '"'«.' 'I.v ftverno, of Uomi

q"o« fbr the pur,«,;,7"",^~''''''"'''"'»l'« '»•" rt-

«." be ™ade a, puh,i;::^w,':r:;r:i"""'"'^""' "-'p'^

1 have tlie horj^r to U«,

^^nflemon,«our faitliful servant,

^"-»». I9.I, ^„ve^^be^. mx^"""• ^'C0Li.s.

i""'.'..I..T col,„„„ r .cJivrd 7pTT M '" "?'"' "" '""•"

wou; !...*...„....'^^r-.h/friT.':;'^ "r .»"'. pro. r;..:!:^----' .>*«.-.. tw„,„;,,.,^ -,;;•,:,-


Si. Kin,. • • ""' " " "'J. *ill go 10

""'""" ilitl'llim.nrv fr„„, ,L , ^—«""!.> of «,;o„,i„„,;,tt:,r"'",

'''";•• ' » ^'"-%

1-" .I-.-.»,i,„., ,0 "'do ,:..;";'""' ^"1,'''"' "f P"'""'!

Ilka k.. 1.. ."""•'^ "<»ornorof Dumi. • :"'"""'"".."< cMaWi,!,!

«- '••«.'-. -ha. ,.S liXr'T' '

'"" "" "" """-

»«n. whirl, „„w „i.^i„ „;r""'' "•»''»>"'.».«,*-


."ivalof „«.M„,, ,"„ ' :^ ."" ;.'•"" •-• known .„ „„:

"•»^N-.-.":i;;r'.'r:'''' '':''«'"•'-

'<•« baa alr-ady iak..„ „L..'"""'•""' ""<iir.u.„d. a

—I-- W.. li,,- Lj.r M"" •"--• "f'l«-"oace,i

;n. ,..e „r„i,ez1 ::^r.::'t •' ""-'''

•r. by v.da,i,„ .h..!:,„:'':':'r'»^"•'"•'' --"."..i.

•d»ii.i..»^„ .hi. CoU lit"""" ^"" •''"'-« '"»


^^Peaoic rrception at his

';"t that an arnustire or a Voh"^. '^ ""' ^'^^ Hurren.lercdth«t negotiations are


'n li I ^"^n^^"'


ir''-» t-n« they can 7iW 7,;'

^''"^ ''""^ «'"' "''')^i"u


The Three Sistarl r^. •*.,



"'"-i-l usa,., hare l,;„g cea;:.)".::';;;,"'"'•'' '™" •


"•re»t, orio be olhornii r,..rf!7 r ""> '"«*'»"'<-e n,echa.,ical ,e da ' "tf ,'.' p'


a."l sword of l).„,„'v 1 f„ ,

"" '>""• ^^<^ '!» I*I

Tbo new.;,,:p„rdt""""'"" ''"'""•

»n i...por,a„ce .,..f,, i ; ; ^^^IH' ,« ' -'"•"'d l«, ...^

"' 'be kingd,,,,,''"• '"" '-'Ki^la'ive Cl«,l,

of"ir^xrnZ"T'-,"'^'''"•'«" -p •" '^'««-

-'-ir P«"a,^e dtro ; ,:> r,,''^^'"''''-^'-^ P"-

'WO or thrc,- to l,.lf ."< " oiimioiis, acrotnpanicd bv/ba

"""«• The Lord fh '^"i.''" ''"^'' "••" "• "-^

be har-l":'',":"• '"'•"'^-lo.n fron, ,,.J

beo„re.ei,'r''°"'""' '"

'"" ^^"' ^^ ««P'-U riiriittT'n "^ -!:::'i:t';.:;r'«." b*... h,thee.„ac., «. h»„. „:.... ,

'oZf";rz^i^:i-i^-..,-'o^b^^^".pJoS.,r«frr,r''"r'-" '•'"'*'/'

>'-p;;n.bcr,h,,.„j„„;:;„;:^^"—"g of 'be ^ of

The fall of W„ . .


';""»of .his »ho';rc;7;'.,r".hirh""""' ''", '""'•'^'bf b«<l, of ,h,. /...rrr.,;. .

" '""" "'"''•"'»!

ch..ndeher,, or si irit.f: „p to f*''"'"" «<• 'isb'"'! *i

„ " «s il so last nii-lit ? M-'

, V .

The fall of War,^.: 'i^:]:""- ,

P-lla.e„tar, pr„re^..,'„,,,'*" '^'^ '» »- ''P«" «f *

'"«<•• of ,roat ...„„„, a airfT":''"- " '" « 'be ^.u:; "."IT""-"' "^ "«' '""S e,poc,ed-k/«.

.-.Ced .!,.„'"""»" 'ovolufon i. dail, e.. I'eers -ook : fuf-""'™*^"'

"" «'<"!-<' «nd «^„^re,,.line« for t „ 'Z. ^" t'''"'*'

'''"^''"- "•if"' "»*

-'• The dir'".:'^;"":''''".'"••'"' r'r*

|>ecied there.

Bvibearrv,! f ,

^'^^•" ''"<^*' K^'iLANDI

'''- b-ad.thHt";:!,!:.';"""';""' ""'.' l-"''! •'"''» «"'«"''

and universal Tl.« i

**"* * "'t'Ofe succPedwl pro(M»^

dou^n era dozen T"' "P<'"*-'.«nd instead of half


^ * dn»in it nervtaarv fn .t.*. •

(...IH. .trU, U,Ur of boia/'V""""'• ""'-""en

«""rda.v. .ha, Mr. .V.j,i„^ „j'i'.

,"•" J^-lara,io„ |a„

''-..b.d,«f„^.„„i„ j,r wir 7, *'"''"""• I-'"•"dilaad^ The far,,. M v'

"""'••". .«ai„„ M,.

' :'i»n ovor V, ...: 5 ^ ^"vrrnor's ./m

;>^'rpo<, on the 26,h S.p,,„,he Lo^J ,n 7 ' T'" "-^- of Con .ro'

'i' ''"'^ '^'"^'*« «overnmeni in tl.

-"1^' and Llver,>ool of the '>r,th h. ^"^'^^ ^^ »*'^' -1 n.any moreT ! '"^ "''"^^ ^

. 1 »'e moHt in,,.,rtant i. .V ' "'"" ^^""'^^^i- '"'^^'"'•J «f an ml tin"''*^''"'*^' ^"IM-r,.... of th. b.^.

'-i pa-.-..e of llJ ] '

li^rtn';^'';; •"•-'' » ^1.,.

f•"'>we<i hv ant :;e :"^::r^ »^~" P'nce words

!•:;•"• on .Ik, «,,,.. "^^"'^ 'n ,he llo„«,. ,,• (;„„,. Lord John i<us..|Ur".o 1^*"''"';'"'" "''""'' '•''-"'^•

^bc vote stood ^ *^*^*' ^> « majority of loy. <'''nf.H, the object of tf^ .'.

'" *''"" ""'^ en.phadf ic

-- -• .Ik, mor^iny^l'^^j [^"'^ "-^ "f

' Co;: '^-d John H^ I ^l;;!^ -'-' ^^^^^bc vote stood ^ *^

*^*' ^> « majority of Wj <'''nf.H, the object '/,» ' '" ^'*'"'" ""^^ en.phadf ic

'- t»- Bill 345 ir.' ''"! »'^-fi-r. tL'^'TheV",' ^P'^'^^^'^'"''

Against il S2 * ^^"^«^ "'^^^ conrurrenro'of H. • / \^ "^'^ ^^""'"^'"•*^ for ^.curina a fnW. 'i 1^ "'?'' ^^"^'^'^'m,,." in tbo BiH,


% *1

ft" ' '' »


kpj » -. - ;~~^^^^MM—

iM^re, thoo;,di not on il.o direct autJiornv of the (io- , i«.' tile wi„i„r•«»»t. «o that nothmtf bail bt^en added to our previoo.-, i the

ccived at Philadelphia. "" "* ""»' •• gJn^It is said that a fortrerv hw* !»*«»« a . I

a-okia, house, to .b,!^a:;:irt ':^, f sirt,"",'"-^

«i«e I niies says that if th.. , '"^^^ »Min£. I

"H)n.s, and the PeonIe--!h'.f . • '^'"»f« ^ C»l

The Reform Rill passed the J louse of Ton ki}''

"'"^ >*«« ^arri.d to the HonJo Lor^7""^^4Kussell, and upwar.l. of a bun 1^.. *'^ ''^J^lhouse on the 2'>

I U'"""/''^»>« niemlxTs of il^, lJI

A«nr/fm, September 23 —The R f n

vtrsoneiit, so

kwNrkNigu but ttw sanction, which places it beyond con-Ifidkiioo. Thus has vanislied the cloud of misrepreaeD-lnio«lowW«*h so simple a circumstance as the abs«jnc«< ol

a iKitber ikwd her delicate child from a faiiguing cereiuo-iai tf«ve birih.

Tlw foll.>**intr, we are told on the best aujhorlty, is afact :—On Wednesday last th.-re wa-j a select politicaldinner at the Duke of W'ellini/tuii's, for the purpose ufcon-eertinif measures for ihiowiniK out the Reform Hill, ThePeers who met fur this pious purpose were Lords Lon-donderry. Jersey.,<,rouj;l., Ca.-rnarvon, JSalisburvAberdeen, Baihrust, R.),s>yln, and VVliHrnclilfe. The in'cideot ol theevenint. was the arrival of Lords KIdon andKeiiyon who had been partakin.rof the hospitality of HisRoyal Highness «f CumU^rland. These latter nobleLords, It apiiears, bad partaken very larj^ely of the luiceoMbe grape; and insisiud. in all the elo.pience of wineon a. dressijitr the soberer party at Apsley house at jrreat'length. The flowers ot rhetoric uttered by them have.0. been preserved, except the bold proposal of L.udKonvon to take a division atMinst the Reform Bill on itsfr.tread.n, riie ,.ohb. Lord's absence from the luZof LurdsonT hursday(in consequonce of bead-ache) i,re-renled his putting his sutrjrestion into practiceThe arrivals of yesterday from Jlollan.l and Beltrium

brought no intelligence of iin,K.rtance.~rim.,, 24^^ sJ^t.

SCOTJ^ANJ).From Belts fVe^kly Messenf^er of September «5.

<lef.n.e of fh. bdl he said i, was HStonishi„« r a the exi'sti, L.niperiec, Kysi.m ha.l been so lon« endure.l' the vo er« t afilli« thirty «!omiti«^s not .x. . .(Jint' iooo ' A„,l''«•'*•'•"»»• dH

h^..i vote, for d,Hw..„, .ooi.r •„.':';;"JTecl:'""

.ere, b,r the. ,.,....,I r^ad.-.,. ,o, ; J^L^au^ir''"

majoriiy of ii:, „., avour of Minister,"i-leaving a


Tim iabouru^^ ^•l-->e>T"u^,d ui p:,riia,larI iIK' WlUirllMl loll ..t' ... 1

'ariiians, ft^l the !«#giiaiion ot tr.i.le i,..^able .uanner. TI^'Kingh'as 'ai;'H"

" ^''^

1. ".Il no.. I„,weve., tail .« Mrike every ob«.rv«r ..*or.hyol no..ce. ihe care which ha. btJ„VZ,"7'„

Hi.;.vi!:.':di\:::L!;i:i:rd'':trr.:z, u. CO,.. ..ou„.ry „.,u.e „ r.-rvueren. about « e , .t it


>i,: .h."

l^ntz "Jh";" '',


- "'» •"^•'^I note, ot which L'leatcareis taL#»t. • u __ . .

'^. .

Porn. Sri,lnnl,er !<)._.. The Na.iooal. ,|,, Tribune

•' Lelters from Vienna announce to t.s iwsitivek .h.,.b.p^.dennal cholera ha, n.aoiles.ed i.^r^bV c tv


STp,::.'""T' ,"•

V"'"'"'».e .o'-Ik; PreZct, re f


'k. -«on of ,hi. o,d:ri"z :,;;:.';• "" *-""" -'•^•w..;

•'^ tent under the pretrxt ../ Jl i^ • "f^*'*«'n 7(H) and Koo

vre.. of .on.e n.d/vLluaU " """i^'^^'^S tbem in the nnended

n»e«l berewhn »..,« . .i ."^^"t-hmen have mat ar-

^"S'uJp :,,::^": .';:"'7''''"" --f .M.naa„d Vald-'ca.?„H

•ko wece u l>!r ? cuodu. led to .«!i. Srl,.„l,,,n, TIiim.

!»«». ' ' -."O'd^ol il., Cathohc Maje.t^, dated aZ

PORTI t ' 1


**^iTi!T!::^'^^-iV.vate a.;„un,s received v.ster-

'•**•«. on the u". V wi,;''^*"'*"" r^* executed on the

T?^ they consi, i, ^r i^' ^''l«""

J^^^.«<" 'he French cor-

** ^» 'he 1 ith .0 I^ '^r?' ^ *•"''«" ^"•' » ^adet-all

2L'^ '^-^^>nnVl mrher'!"••:;:, "^•"•" '-""'^^t hi^h du-

^L^d' the .nhi ::, ,":*;^"7' "»"^'; '^^^ ^ope wdl be

'^ -^ 'be condemned IreZt' *'k"

^"'^''' '" '"«*'•>"^u are i ortu^ucse subjects.


... ,- ..^.^^ ^.^H^int; ,0 t,„^ expelled»t which yieat care is lakcu : thi.y «« u> \Ji i i

by public sale on the :>7ti. inst.^ *" ^ ''"'^

'l'<ie<i<,vernment has issued order, to establish a strictMoajantine lor the prevention of the introduction ouLcholera into this couiilrv."«^uuii oi um

xNuthing of interest has taken place in the ChambersBRAZIL.

From the Washington Globe, of Saturday.Letters and papers have been received at the Deoar.mem ot .state troin Rabia, to the 13,h of .^ andC

^Tad;:^ tb


''" ^^'-^^.--'--f'^irbarin eatbot those places, created by the tr(»onv nf tL« rand tavoured h, .he black ,,o,,ulat,l„."Svrw. re ,:-"ever, in both cas.-, rep.e.s^ed by the Civic li.lll 7which it would appear iLt, ,l,e inlhita ntsin genjral a™"";

Uahia.-^)n the night of the 31st Aul-usi, the Iroop, of.he line ,tal,„,,e,l ,n the For. S,. fedro. ,„,. I, of the dtv

crp:"'"T,:eV tT'"""? r"™

'"'''^"""*' -'" '''^i" -Cer liZoit :"th::r'ersi" ,•;::," ::''.,'«^-,"'

ODiw^jd tli.m. TI,.^'e Mcs l,r,|,g „„ tbuiw who

. M r .'"- <^0Tii.iiander of the town hastily as-»e..,bled .he cavalry and m) of the Civic J,«!ds bJwho.«.. means ahou, -AM) of ,he n.utiaeers were iaretr'a.^d

.1.0 rest d,,sp..,sed. They seem to have had no L^li,?


V.OWS and to have b,en excited by an a.ten.p ,S bvbe olhcer, to restrain their in,ubo,ri;„a,ion, w del, Imd la.^

".« s had taken place, but great u,.cerL.inty prevailed-» .o .he luture. and the American inercbanl, hLVeo ,..


'" '^•""''° » '"' "" Lexi..g.on fo;';i'i,

In i'Lr.,a,nb,ico the affair wa, much more wriou, .„d i.behoved .o have been the result of a lucnedit^!,'.,?"? l

for overturning ,he Government On' .",,;'."'f'','4,b ^ep.e,nber.a ba„alion of .he line wi,' clih ^'L" „ ^

. .e been ,„ a n.„.,„ous stale, broke out into open revolta, ired upon thc;^ o.f.cer,, who endeavoured*^" ZtIbe,, to order. The spirit of disalf. , lion spread LIZher battahon. .„d i„ « lit.lo ,!,.,« ,h„ „h., „ „„

" '


".""«'ed ,0 a thousand, who beg.„ ,„ break 0x1^.1!:

Ktit.l on the b.l^lie over the .Mream which «;ra.r..,.. :,

,lJl":''7"'J''',"',^''»™"<-ellas,»i'l. his council, held out

riiirc. a, hi, wldier, deserted every moment. Bo™»"™^ "'^' -"•""•...ler of O la. made a sallv L,"Xof lluraco at .1,0 head of a few stu.len., a.ld ta.lice ™^on whom he ihought he could rely, and was jo ,,ed h "Ccrew a yev«..|. bu. he wa. *,o„ forced back into l,efor., where .he ^.Idiers an.l ,K,l,ce men .p.i.ted hi,." le0.e„ «..„, to e,,lr«.t aid Iron, ,he Capta n of t e Drit 1.lacket, wh., ,e u«=,l t., take any pari; w,.h.,u w'




bUks nearly all jo.ued .Le revolt, and com„,i„ed many

On tho evening of .ho U.ih. .Ik ci.i»n. and officer,havng f„„„e, rallying p„i,„., a„d ,^^;^. »^^menu, from ibe coun.ry, ..(^rched into tl* citt- a"d ^bu. httle trouble over,K,wer"d d„. .d.liers. mjlt' „f whl•ere «..r„ down by fatigue and ,!..ha„. l.ety. \ L^Zw::.f:ul!trjTr.'T.^"'^'^.'"'v'-'^''"''

OT' B«ry ^,r,«. about to leavr ,*,« /.^^ ^^*"•""' ''"''"' '*-"«/'- '*' 'PO^C 0/T,..KTT D*V..«^g«x ucurily at tkc S^cretar,'. OJi„, orput up kUnmm, i»mui Officef.rr«rt,:^s OAr.prtriou. to kUdeparturt^f.tcr wkich, at any ti«u Junng ronTv-r.y, d«.. a TVi^may be obtuitud.


13fh ir^eptember21st

2j;fh ••

1 2th October,l.Sih »•

liith •« .

£l»t •»

7th NovemberIMh •»

IJiih •

^Vm. J. HamiltoD• Anthony Doyle.

Captain 8. RiUd.• Eleoor A. Ransom.

Chs. Weatherfurd.f^arauel Kerr,John Raptiste.

Jan« Colhns.Thomas TurnbuU.Aphey Wells.


PORT or l%A»J!«Ai;, 1%. p.

Turkj Islandf


ARRIVED.Nov. 21st~.SIoop Little Turk. Steele.

Rum, and Flour,

99,1 A t u.*® Walter LioHTBormir.

^^<J Am. sloon Emma Augusta, Fullgham, NorfolkPeas. Beef. Corn Meal. Corn. Rico.Butter, f lour, Slc. Slc.

/3d Am. sfhr. Three .Sisters, dander. Now YorkHbeat Elour, Cheese, Butter. Pota-toes, Apples, Shingles, Ar.



CLEARED,Nov. 23d—Widow'. Son, Young. New York

SAILED.Nov. 20tl,-.H. M ship Columbine, Com. Currie, Jamaim

J• ^'•'- ^ir'«»«'". i-'. *V«rren, Crui«,


;""'• '^*"»^»»^''. *-»• ><horiland. Don. Mschr. KanL-arfK), Li. Hookey. Do

bchr. !• armors' Delight. Cooke. Cuba







pa«;lr arhivfd.In the Am. schooner Three Sblew, from New York •—i>ir. Jiidson. «»w*,—


JtWA VINt; t.,,,i „„. .„„.,,. „j „,^^.^^^ ^j ^^^ ^^^^ ^

.bin'"'^ i"*;'"*'' " ""IHThne Floor, (),that ihil.ll.n Loaf do we.,h^lhs. So.., and tt., .a,.„ny LoTflib. 4oz. By onlerof the \ ,.„rv

V o '> ^ ^ ") M»ENCE. VVstry Clerk.Vmtrit Room. l.t NoygiW. 1881.'^^ ^**"^


AOTICK.L^L PKR.s()\s havintr drmands airainst TSomat

^. •"viuiMieers were Killed ;ab«»ut eijrbr »...,wtra i7— •

W'ting, late ol the i*hi nd of .Nrw Providenrpwere securcH] on board tuo ...ip, in tte h.lo u,jj\^ l'",'"

•»" [^H..->.ed ,o rcnler ,1. .an„. dniy a,,',, Id;'

..rong guard; n.any had e«a,J;d wi.l. tla.r In.le


""'*'""' '" "'- «•''' -""<•. .ro de.irc.1 to „«UWl.atwas.o b«Mloi,.. ultl, ... I.. .I""""<-,'- lmn>ediale„„iM„.n. ,,.


Aimmediate pa vnient, to

Turks Nlands Salt^^T^^^iT^T T•f November, at &J ants. casl,.

*''''• ^" '^"^ ^»»— - -j•<•-' ill

TO THE <•* NTLEMENTX^^^TTJ^Mrv. f'^"'^^"'•E OF Nassau ^' -'--

h ,. with foelJng, of conscious n^ctitud;rt-hanceon your honour and truth ^i' '

" "*^"' f*^^^r,•n*^ lust regard Uh character, that In'; r"T'

'" ""''-We

I baieh^ these some month, been a^a.W by | !' n?"^^' «'"^—

'rn';i;;i;;:; T*^.'^-I-rate^hmd;; ;'

• ^ ' *•" ^"«* out the b,U.

"»>'"l>»»t'ca.s, that the LordI '


"" »*> „H,r,. malitrnant than ' ^'^*'"''' "f <-orn,ntion « ' Y " *''"'•"***« t»'«I)urheH,

inrr *U.. ^1 '.

- Rehe{r(Tod to state that her

- ^..„ „ „.,, h«,."^ ''^ ^'"« '^fated to his Majesty


and the Prince^. t>o,n ^, V^ *''^''^»''i^*«v to excuse her

-ordJ diose reasons u.r .^.^'^''^^ '^e Coronation, and that

Ti- «me explanatirL^'i„-;;^-ry ,o his M^esty^'" '*^» been given to the pob-

*« .h. I,X, ^,.. r.'*,7"""'« ,'""" • "n,.an„„„p|/«.,e

''•«)o. aho..^."i.i.^'c';;:,';:^;'"'

'"'"•'• »"•'««'••«» "f


""'""'^'•^ Kyenine._P,.r.„„, who

.. ... :il, 'L^'r^'pl:"'" r-P'-. -bo are

„„..; "-i^^. .1 ..,. am, re,|i,eM,„g |,„„ ,„ j, |nottcc *h,.„ they were .o be lil,e,ate,l. i„ „„,.., \,,.^,

j"' embark their propeny. In th« they added a n^te..".ea,„,t all l„«., and .lan.,.res tin:/ mZt s.s'Zfr...n,he p.llage „f thisci.y of I'eraamlmco. by til- a.t^d

D<?r<)i rSritish subjorts. ^On the same day, a meetinirof the forlfn Consuls washeld, from which a lettei was also addres.sed to the P.eai.dent, remonstratinrr a.rajnstthe liberation or further rontin-uance of the reUds in the vicinity, and declaring ,hat"|^.

hel,i the (.overnment answerable for tlie consi.,,oe,M .-, ft

'^'^•^"'who:>'"'^ •« t»- Belgians ^in Li 7\C ^^'' ^^^''^'1: ^"^^ »>-!-'> '^-'i'-'. ron.i.'.rin. '' .1^'

^ho m«„„^ that in ronM.,,„.nce of'tlK.l v c'"'"'*"'"" "

'^I'T'"•^^^**"^"^« •^^i' '^^ a^nir^^f the (iZ

"^ hravc sniock-frorL n...^ \i .

**^"^^'f" I

vernment, and the „rotest not onlv ^u.ia... i... i._/.

U'l . . V •-" ^^'^'•j'*^^" *•'"» iiHir plunder.U bat was to U-done with so large a number of crimLnals, was tincertain; and. pr<,bably. the udl of tL r1gency has been consulted. Meanwhile much danger wHto Ik. apprehended from their vicinity, particularly [f!!was rumoured, the ubole revolt had li-vn cau^d L w * ^n^ ^ —

sons high in otlire, whose- names haJ i^erdUco^en r* ' r-.... '^^NT IVOTICT],pa,>ers i^Iz.mI by the police.

" '^''''^'^'^^ •» r|ll E SL BSCKIBKR b,,.,, ,,,„, ,„ ,,,,^ ^^ ^^On the l<)tb, a me.tin... was held by the merchants in'

I . r '"'IT" "" '^"'*"'* ''••^"">' '''"-"'i- againstulucli a letter ^ Ir..s>ed to the iVsiden b T| : '

'"'"'/" /"'^";'.^'' ""''^ «^counts without delay; and ^lo^Cuwpei.the Consul. in<pnringln what inann • .he'priLm' .'b


nd" '"'"' "'." '^'"•"'' "•"'^*" r-v-ent. oi or bit"

erswerotobodis,H.sedof, and re.,uestin, hinno ^iv^trm ^

, J/' T'V' "'^l'

""^' '^''''' »""""•• wdl be pUcednotice when thev were to be libeiaiid jV. ,.,.i... .. " '" .""^ i*'''*'*'* "f «" Attorney.


November l»t. THOMAS TCRNBULL.A OINrHAMCMBRELLA.wasbrought to thk of-J;%. fire about a week since. «ippo.ed by mistake.

N 'r"L""^^r'""" "• ^" »J^P'i<^tion for the same.rHovember 2:W.

'"»'-"I- -_ . .

'"*^" ^'5«n<l«Ts aloop.

'^'^.^. •'•»^re i, ^

":•'•"en Man.

^^ "^ '">« O « Inch tl,

FORSALK.The H.Mis*. an.l Premi.vs at pre^-nt occupied

hy Mrs. Poitier. The House h rcnymy andronvenient, nitba la«ce Kitchen and wash house

^^ attached, chair Iioum- and f!.ih!:ng for three|»orses extensive yard and grass piece. Tl.e out buiWingihave been lately thorouL'hly repaired, and ti»e greater partof the fences have been newlv put up.


* I. iii^-u in ncKnowiCge the ri^ht of tKo A • r J 1

^'••^^Consuls to address such remonstrances and assur tl ^ 'Huated at the \ illage, containing 2,50that he will administer bis duties accordlni^ to the 1.1 '""I"

**^^*V '1 '^" "'*"^ ^'•^' '^ village-road info two Lots, the

the cmintiv. and with ontim r-.r^^. .„ .. .

''"**. o» weetern lot being lulrr^rWil bv tl>e new roa.l leadine fromthe villa|re into tin- BIim- hill niad. This land will be Jit-

^"^i^^dwhoim- 7 ""^ KHeians in anv of their r v J- 'propf-ny, con.i.h.rinir " »!«

""^^^ertJI b'™"'""^ '^'''' •" •'"-•'I.H.nce of',|»el v c

'"'"'*"'"" "^.'T'

-"terference with the affair#r,f the (iZ

^^i^:^^^^-'^^^^^ -^-<^ to acknowlege the Hght of the.f>?/J *^'«"«lerH UA,^.r :..... . ..• "^ "» «r temto- Consu s toaddre« ...rh r..,««„„..« '^..i "K"» oi ine

I'reaw... all .he coun.ry uur- i „f c„ur«., ^„„., ^.'X =" ""'•^^"-«»V'|f" ». p.~-d „7in one or .hroe loU.


«, ^4September jkh.

Applv to


> *u.,

...<-—* A..












fIR f


Page 3:… · R«y«t,ItotiMfpu,^, «r(heM.nucerof J.^iire,„„„ if ^•H^d«*«in 4?* 'iHf.uriiH>(;«h.d..Pari.«n,T







nl 9||t 2$d^4itiia Mvgn» '.tr^y^

Frmm tU iV. I'. E^tnm^ t'pit.

Wiwfmd into iHwr ptp«r, sofiw il«y»i,i«r«., from a Lond«« jwuriml, a purii|(r«|ili liUliii^ that a iiiiuhitte hud been


HofiM) thai ttajt cu»t luore : iny one can form a jei if lie

ran bui have tlie iiM'chiiuiral pt^ver ; J>e can form a splen-

did uue if die puwer is great, and roooey can make i||^ :

r4Mitriv<|d by a per%4in in dial riiy for die por^xm- of cul-''"* n'«ncy couM not bav« foruM^d die ftjuolain tf Trwvi,

Wliiie, in a (luUt form, die alrUulic exbHlatiun from bn ad"'*** '^***'^*-* "''*' '*"" arcbilecUwboae oiiiids are eqaaJ to auch

»a die pror«*iM of bdking ; or, in odwrr wordu, of combi- |*** *^*''**''*

'^J'*J*^* u» turn to our country. Wo aliall aoon

niiitr du* di»o)»k> pr.K-eMof baking' nnd disiilbn^i;, nod from !

^**' f>ubbc lixiiiuing; we sJiould have tJiem now, for

tW Mlf.»am«>|{raind#-rivinj/|iotb briHKlaiid whi»k«;y. ^'J^, |

»'»'*«'' diey conlribuce lo tlie Jteallh and cltanlineiw ofa\H'r%un\ niiue i» l\tck», » *urt'»-on of Loud.m, wlw, |

'-y' '***'^ *'*'*'****» ^'''•^"tt' «f '«"'»"0''y «*'*'<c^"'»« »^ea'tbybavinir «aii»fi«!d hioiwdf ihat iImj vajKMjr di^'n^ajied froiil

"**-' '" ''**' P*'"''* V\'ben we have tliem, I hope, in die

The foUowing paragraph is •xtficted'^^lisb pap<'r. *'

Dreadful Firt :—Pera, the suburb of Coawas destroyed on tiie SW ult. by a conflacraiL r,broke out at eight o'clock in die morning. Tki ^of the French and English ambaitsadors becan^T**^to Ihe flames. Every thing was consumed 7,1.^Aiislrian palace and the Ruaaian chancery Tk!T^immense, and upwards of sixty dead bodi^ Ks •

been taken out of tlie ruins. M»nv ft..^: * ••^


•|.;0R^'^ BII-l-«* Kilitor, I^ATMIDAV, IVOVE.tlflEtt 90, IH3I.

TilK UAllAM V AK«jt?S.

ivriufMH,i\ ^^^U-^ or iMikei's douifhi while biSing,'' i^u" 1

^'^•' »^*''''*- '''**' ***^ »**»*i' not have jets from die \ioutli8 of|voluntarily threw theinselvesTnt theV^**"^*^"

°*^taitx'd H rnn%u\ffA\t\f Mii^tiiiiw ,A' uL...l...l :_ •; • i turlli>!i. or st-A niimcfoi^ ... .^l...^l...,t. «• -...,.^-. .._ I • ^ I . 11 .1 • — names— ^

w coMn.< ltd with a chandn r orarr.v oir die va|Kmr givi-r, oul by die .jHinge durini;PMof hakine, wliich vatHMir is condensed bv im.-

taiM«-d a r.m-ii<lerab»»5 qtiantily of altolwl in coiiiliinaiion,•#•1 himwdf to work to torn the discovery to U!»e by con-Uivittg a kind of oven in which tl»j volatile vinous spiritmleht be rolleclfd nod r.,ndeim?J by a nfritjaiory procew

^aomewhai rorre*pon«!ine witb that of ordinary distilleries.'The followirit; |)arHgra|>li from one of our latest Englishjapers divrii>es llie marhine which has been contrivedfor that purpose, and which is said to answer tlie end ad-mirably.

An oven, of any requisite dimensions for bakingbread, is to be constructed of iron-pUle instead of brickwork, a* UKUal, and of a rirrular form. At the distance oflea or twtdve iuclie^t fjoni the U»tioHi plate of the c.ven, acirnihir platform or inwi plate, including a fir.-placeorfr^iiie Ur fuel, is imionled on a central shaft or vertical axiswhirhis furninhed wirti a Uvil-wln-el, and works on a gud-p«'on at the f.Mit. r •o,,,,,.,,.*! widi this axis is a hori/Aiutal»lMft and b.vil-wfie«'|, by whirl, the platform is made torrvolv.. by a winch at iIm-, to U. uned by handor cmnected with any oilwr moving power, as n ight U-mott dewralile. The objet^ of this niacliinery is to equal-«e the actio,, of die tiro over every partof iIm, bottom andsirJes ot th«^ oven. An interval is hn Intween tlie exter-nu ^uWt ..kI tofi of Uki ov«n. in order to allow the tlaniean.t healed air to pUy equally over tlie surface, after which,th^ .moke pror.H.ds, in the a,ual way, into a chimney flue,I fK5 crown ot tlie oven '

pip** to r

the process w, ,m»,ne, wiiicn vajnior im condensed by i^ ilM^outfh a worm and tub, or in flie u^ual process of

M u\ ^ •" ^T"^ ^*'''*^"*'' "' ^h» Mroce., is Maird byMr. H.rk. to U. carbonic ar.i ,..s ..od diluted alcohol : theformcT e*cap.,„ from die yniu... ol .Ih' condensing worn,n dHi form of gas, while the latter S^coui.., con<lenLl intoChe Jorm of ,p,nt corresp^m.Jin,. to iIm' firnt ,,r<.hirt of ih.corn di,tdlor. One of the ,n ., .mprovLnts arco .phsUi by Mr. ilirks in hi, U-autiful invention, is tluit otob,...H„g a p,.rh.ctly pure spirit, arcordiog to hi. state-n^nt. from that wh.rh ha. previoonly been coii.demlUM4r.^ and even ort-rnnive vaponr.-I, also requir. . „ovariation whah-ver in ,l« .>r,l„.Hry proc.„ of makio.or ,po„ee bread ; ilie more jierfi-rt the fer

tb«' |MOe. tho crrater, of co.irs,., will \^ ibo uuantitv ofi1».n. ,,r,Hhire,l by the comlensation of the va^ u ive.over In tlie proce« of t».k.i,p. At tl., upper Lt of2UMNj«Mt die tenq^ratura; so ifct fc.tween tin. rVvolvin^ft«MAawh..r .n,l tin, inspection of tin- t.„.,wrature wc.ppr.h,.ad tlM- pruo., of Uk.mj will bo no iL impVoveiby dii. .nv.niKio, than tU. formation of a new TrXc,

A aumbtr of experiments have been made with d.i.m.w and curious mveniion. Hk. r.sult. of which arTlidtUve aslahliah^Hl It. utility ; i„ « ^,^ ,,^ in.le.J^ra, tlLnew p^ocaa. of baking has been adop,e<l to a lal ex,e„,m Undon. and a company is .b.>ut to be formed in L verpool Un mtroducme it into ,l«i city. A doubt bowelsIS etpr. vsed in ont- of tlie uaorn th*i .K^ •


turtles, or sea monsters, or ekrpbants, or swans, or anything of the kind. The idea is almost vulgar and disgust-ing

;It is at leaxt uunaluial, and uhat is unnatural can

never be in good tantc. A jet need not throw up a largebo«ly of water

; some of tlie most beautiful 1 have seenconsist of but a small .streak ; bul tin- height should al-ways he considerable : a jet oi a kw fi'et will always beregarded as an attempt at tbe wonderful, when we havenot tlie mean* of atiaining it. Generally, whatever maybe the mechanical power in our possession, it will be pre-lerable to let the water take die course it always takes innature : mossy rocks, grottoes, if they can be emploved,green waving grass, and overshadowing trees, will makelor us a more beautiful and a far cheaper fountain than isany jet which the world has ever seen. Tritons, mer-maids, sea-horses, and such like, sliould be carefully ex-

*'*'• ^^^'y '••'^'^ sea-hofses or Iritons. appearing toclmlecl.

flounder in a shallow basin, a few yards in diameter, "andthis in fresh ualer too? why place a portly Neptune, pro-vided with indent and other paraphernalia, to preside overwhat IS only a goocl-sixi-d punch-bowl ? Tlie thing isridiculous, and can lie tolerated only where good taste isleft liehind, and where people are doing v iolence to theirnature in attempu at what is pretty or Honderful. Eventhe simple Turkish fountain is in far better taste.—/Vowa clever artu:U an the Arck^ecturt of the UnUcd State,m frofeasor SiUiman's Journal.

having lost all their property. Pera now'11*L^«one mass of ruins. »«»u»in^

This is a very short notice of so calamitous anthe paragraph conveys intelligence of, and iriJ!*!!!!*'of all other information, seems to present littk. i/^confidence. It will be a shocking thing if it .kL u *

true, for Pera, as is well known, has long b^L^dence of European ambassadors, merchants and otlL'**'sidents, whose number is quito large. We hone k!!'*'report may prove entirely unfoundeil.—iV. Y, Dailu

Press, and will to the minister a venal C*poers-r w,

give h.m a .s^-rvile and houseTLmon^I will grve a full swing to the patronage of hb^ M-I wd give h.m the whole host of ministerial 1,^1 ^—I will give him all the power that pi^

upon him. to purchase up submission and

pl,„ljH,|i:il MKMl-WKKKLY IN NASSAU, N. P.

Si?bt BoUart per annnm—-Xn adwanee.


ace can CQI^

1 • 'overawe i*B«nre; and yet aimed with the liberty of the pres. I .go forth to meet him undismayed ; I will strike down flIts lieiuht, corruption, and bnrv it beneath die ruin Jlabuses it was meant to shelter.—iSiifrtt/an.

The CAo/^rw—TheBoston, havingof the Board »( Aldermen, to give an opmion"'* wheUier in the exihiing state of thithe North of F^urope, vewseb

--The Consulting Physicians of the Htrrfben. called on by tbe Quarantine cJjl

The London Herald says;" To-day a monarch strong

the aflections of his fieople goes forth to receive with i

""'"^ '" *"" »'•

the solemnities of religion, and amid the honest acclama- i

'^'•"''•K*'' "" 'wuh from the remotal


on thf qi

Cholera .Morbnij

,* • II L I .•

arriving from that guartffi.recnve all the benefits whuh mav result from tbe l.t^Tprocess r^movinK and landmg their cargoes T*^their opinion on this point—that aorf

of the

leave to state


inenCaiion oi

gHve to ambitious and profligate rulers of nations was r^-, •, r.-,read in vain by the descendants of Huijh Cain't tlia ,,„.

,'"'^''^'""~I^"""« 'h*" </'"'/ *«-««on, the Ed^^ ranee has sufficed incalcuhible mis^-ries and th . t,

'? 1 1 L '^ ^"'T'

'^'"« """"^ •h'^tressed f.,r matter, nmMSovereign of that lina country is mw a c ow^l hs ^x'^^ i ".1^ 7' 7"'7 !"' .nte„|,ence, and after" h,:!?:who found a M.ure asylum from the jus^tHr;: I of IdJ ^^^ui:^ '-'^''^' ''' '^^^''- ^" ''^^ ^" «'—'^"^-hjocts on the shon. of En,landlpresc.nti.ig the in

' "

While the ex-King of France remains a livine examnb-of the dreadful force of tlui recoil of public oZ n'

K. ,1""*^

-.'" **'* "'"*'"** ""f •' he was intffrciiNlb) the entrance ot his familiar, aiia, " the Devil," de,

^'more copy."-.. Curse the fellow;" '.more copy!"»irfk;|

ro^Tm^r:. t' ^Z^"\ '" ""• '*'"7 «' '^^ tremelidoa.,room found in Mr. Jones' fiebl >" .. yes, sir.

ipinion, whenthf pressure of powe, has become too' violent to U- lK>rneda. King of England, by yielding to the reasor'ahl^r '

of his people and repairing those, eurr^iesof a free (


Mitution whichabusesbad corrupted otn;;i.;p;;r^^^the founrlation of the ihrone itself m:'re firr^iaround his own " '



;« oiin of the prodigious crop of ^pple, galherrd (1%,I.mms tree." •. Yes. ..r." " Aod abou^Mr. ThcZrtJitten l>e,ng suckled bv a hedgehog V' y,., J, .rTjj

h/n«""?'." ''"TfrJ"*^'^''^"' •'"'^" ""« horse rh.,^,he passed down Holhorn Hill ?'__.. y •• Alh)i.: >

. and draws

^f . people-. lovC'"''"«"'"^' ""' i-P"-8"aWe defence

OMiyIt is said to

*«.«/. rfU, Print,., of Orangt.-On M.,„.l,v ev.

nt thi:


, arrived


i-K«. of uk,.,„. .,.„..„, u .r:;;,'j^,rr:

M eo.Kl.. .h.. Ih,, Uker.' .... '7^, Tl"' V'!* '•""•' »•'

>.» f«r, in rh. M„„on„hel». C.p, Di.ey. fn^ A

info:™:^i3h":ct',i^r:r;;.^w,^/.r''"'--"'-«'tendent of our police, Mr. Pari/

vigilant superin-

a. .Ik. Prince-. b„ck. .„,,„^;::Zi"P''"''""'''-' "'->•in

the dough, whichli6catioo.**

lakers' bread; the .p.nt smackedwould be rirmoved by the proces. of



Fffuntnims.^ \ iraraller

iMferotamns of water ar,. thrown hi^h in the . r .a

fh«nn..l, i„,„ ,i,„,,|, b.,in. .nH li"^ ' "l'""^^


8...-h„rv,, «.,...,L|. XiN a J" M'"«lv«„.

eo.tly form. : h.H ,J- .n .1^.^.. " """>• "^ »"">"» bul


Bruwl,. ,h„ul two year, .po.' A. the li„„ ih..'^!^wa. c,.„.„.i„ed, ,he ,hieve,^«ie ,h,Z eZJt'ttZlUvr,. „ An».rir,, .„d „„ .race of ,l„. pro^m J^^\ieoven-d un.ilJulv U... when ,he coll..r.Zf Lw V' k

UK,,..ll.hor..y be«.n, .0 ^Zu.-eZ':^';:^.

men » ho stole the corn out of the stacks in the farm ysrd


Ouathey mo»t au-da<i^.li, took .W tkuUtd U Ts•^i yrrwiutt.

r.rJ^"'''r'"^""'^"'*"•" °'"^''° •*'"«* '»>«•' aianntrnptittif

press without comma or semicolon, leaving those 1ml.


f^rs to the judgment of the compositor. Yet the mupl^iriH*a single comma ,. often fatal ,o the intended meaning JV•enteoce

;and if it is not nonsense already, it has fver? cJ»»'

Mu^.r"'r"1**': 1'•"''"•' ^'' fiharpe'comm.tteda-rwp

hinder of this kind, when he wrote the loUowing u«kr i.keneM of his patron saint :-'. Believing KohardBrwlks"he a pr^iphet sent, by God I have engraved his portrat'Mad he removed the comma two words forward, thewould have been very ditlerent.—


hy Mr. Boothrom a valuable little ••'

UoW ""r i.'"?'"/"''^^ ^4rv7/yfic«/ Dictionary. er^xM'


rioH of .he ";„e;:r:..:r. '^^:^.^'"^ - "- p-election, and which more• 1 - .

- "^ maiority in tlie eh'rtw.-Han .he ,„„H„e., „f .,. n.ail.rr.-fin'.l^H.Xn ^t"re-



IImi sun

M -he foun,.i;„fTre-vi ""t :""r "","'' "ije. «.nd.„K ,.p7., ...... .rdiz^'r- "u"^-

• h... il i. no, «..' Tl,.re .r^T. ,

•'""'''* '"

forth it, w„er ,„,id m..« .„d rTk" .„, ,il.•*> '*"""

;.n.,v left ,„ ,... ,., i.,^ do.r.h'e'.i'ett^"" ""*•

.heir r«iCTa,io„, h,, ht^en recovered bv .Ih,' re,ur,. „f u

<;- of the arrondissemen s ,7|V:H/.':;'r ^^^.'^ ^^Labau, the comma nder of tin, NatHmalJuarti


A potde r/fL.M. Ca.sim:r Perior and Marshal <;«..I.have instituted an action ofd— ^^'""hal Souh,,

Office or Amkrican a.nd Foriign Auekct.j

Pi'DT tr. a,^«, ^'^•'^-Yoik. January, IKIl. I

y BLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all pe«-whom It may concern, having claims, debts, inl>«^

lances, public sec:,riiies, Ac. payable or recoveff'^h »any partof the Cnited States, or British America, n<K

ot otberwi*


- - »...v.t.ii niiu ifsponsibie S^Agents in the principal cities and towns thereof resp•^tively, throouh the medium wln^reof su<h valid claiai «may be conbded diereto, will be promptiv and effectitwifrcovorcd. uhen furnished by ,he claimants with •«sntHble heal proofs and as may be required kfdie naiure^,f each particular cas,-, accomoanied nitbWrequisite " -

cuted beiore a Antar*- i»..i.i:- ._ .. -^ji

-v I--.". u.« »^ niieo estates, or British Aning the mteryention ol legal proceedings,that this Establishment has efficient and resr

• •. n ' - -— , «.« w,..panied -•u.stte Power of Attorney; th.' whole to be dulv•d before a Notary Public, or other com,>etenl cif

honty of the place in which the same may be perfectt^an«l certified by an American Consul.

Orders transmittc.d to this Establishment for tl* inTrt»-

aiii«M. .^Jn.. ,u^ A- - r r .'""'** »'"^''<^ «'0.rities of tbe I'nited Sta»

«»^J^.nst the .Hlitor andI

«r of any of tlu- States of the Cnion, or on mort|:^e^

hest find channels. I

^~<« as tlif.v ran

There „ .ee„..„„, „.. .„ ,fc..„, , „^^p, .^ ^J'^^J^.."re ,mons tin- rock., which few p.„p|.. I.,,,, .,, .„,,^jT^.;^^

tile beauty of t},J

When noMced. i, fe)( ,„ j^tract from•<-»-np. Tlie wbule of it seems to hav^^ aichiiect

; and yn tin p

lornierly cliefnf . ». i"'?'" '" **';""»^^'-«' circle, here,

; ,'•

^•*^' »• Iwidinp lious*. in New Orieans ..a.of tlie contrari. r, » ., .i v l^'nearis, was on«)^unirsctors tlio r rench government.

Emperor of jlrazilFi



ZjJT'fT'''! "^ "'"''"'* '^"^'^ "< reciwds, or the \0^vwuoo of legal proceedint's, should l>e accompanMl ^JIaTx'""''

'''"•'"«"*^« '" defray tb.. p.elimin.ry charr^and disbursements attemlint: the' same: and airron^T."^

«? cost litde laboiii tow probably no fountain at

'^-.;:*%A.w .


Hall-street, New-Vork.


RVf)f A.NT CLOI D.S AT SINHET.Briuht clouds ! ye are gathering one by one,

Yr-ar" sweepinj; in pomp rouii I the dying sun.

With crimson banner, and golden p;dl,

l.ike a hont to their chieftain's luneral,

P««rclianci. ye tread to that hallowed sjiot,

VVidi a luuidfd dirge, though we hear it nut.

Vet inethinks ye tower with a lordlier crest,

Aiiti a 4orm*ous Ihish as he sinks to rest ;

Not ihiis ill the d:«y of his pride and wrath.

l)id)e da'^c to press on his glorious path ;

At lii^ noontide "lance ye had (|uak'd with fear.

And hasted to hide in your misty sphere.

Do you say he w dead 1 You exult in vair.

With your rainbow-rope, and your swelling train ;

Hash ill rise aii-iin wmiIi bis strung, brij^bt niy,

He sb:«ll nijiii in power when you fade away,

Wliea ye darkly cower in your vapory hall,

'riiitless. and naked, and Dotelehs all.

The soul ! the soul ! with its eyes of fir«%

Thus, thus shall ii #iar when its foes expire;

It >liall spread lU wing o'er ihe sinews that pain'd,

Th«' evils that shadow'd, the sins that siaui'd.

It shall dwell where no rushing cloud hath sway.

And the pageants of earth shall hove melted away.

STANZASTho' bright and fair is Beauty's flower.

Tott soou Us iVagrance must decay


It blooms but for a little hour,

.\ud iheu 'tis doomed to fade away.

But Virtue, pure and sacred, lives

Beyond tbe reach of change or time ;—Its grace, its loveliaess survives,

'1 u blossom in a heavenly clime.

FUANCE.Tbe Sun of the r'vening of tlie 24th says :

—" The dis-

lurbauces at Paris, if they have not ulto<jetlier subsided,

are ai least diminislied in violence, tliough party spirit

tull runs high, and tlie Ministry are still, doubtful of tlieir

|M»ition. The debatcni in the Chamber of i>eputies have^ft ihcui, it should seem, pretty nearly where they foundlieni. Tlie CoHstittttionntl asserts, ufxm authority of!

tiTivaie lett«-[s from Berlin, that tint loss of the Russians|

ta tbe captiiie of Warsaw aiuouuled to 30,(XX) men, in-

cluding wtn (irnerals."

Tlie :iUi article oi die Charter as proposed by Minis-ter* II sh follows ;

" Tlie ap|Kjinlment of the Membcri of the Chamberof Peers belongs to tlie King.

** None can be called to the dignity of Peer except

'* Presidents of dn* CbamlM^r of Depuliesand other le-

gislative bodies; l)(.|iuties, after three elections, or six

;'.irs of servire ; .Marshals and Admirals of France;

Li« Mt.riiint-Cieurrais and \'ice-AdmiraU of the armies, by^ t lid land; Ministers, having a department ; .Xiiibas-

s-Miors, after thrw years of service ; Coun.sellors of State,tiler ten years of ordinary service ; Prefects of tbe l)e-

p«rtiD<?nis, and Maritime Pn?fect», after ten years* service;^^louial (governors, after five years' service; Members oftl« Elective Councils Guneral, after thr<« re-elections to«l«e Presidency ; Mayors of towns of Jitl.OOO souls andupwa.ds, taken from tbe electKc municipal councils, after^«ve years of s(>rvice ; President of the Court of Cca-**iw« and Court of Accounts ; the Procun^rs-Generalhefgfe iIm'sc two Courts, after five years' .service in that^^fWler; (''mnsellors of tho Courl of Cessation, andCp«eiellor- .Masters of the Court of .\ccounts, after five

X"iniervin. ; Tlie First Presidents of the Royal Courts,•IWr five years of Magistracy in these Courts ; the Pio-*iirer>-(n.|ieral liefore tlie said Courts, after ten years of•fee; tbe members of the fiiur Academies or tbe In-«itu«e

; Citiiens, to whom by a law, and on account of^"nirient services, a natitinal reward shall have lieen spe-••y awarded

; Pioprietors, heads of manufactories and^••aiercial or banking-houses, paying o.OtX) francs of di-fect coatribuiions for their patents durin*, five years.

Tlie conditions of admissibility to the peerage may be"lifted by a law.

.' '»*' ordinance of ap(>ointment shall indicate by what

Wie each peer is chosen.Tlie number of peers is unlimited. Their dignity is

C'werred tor life, and is not iransmissible by hereditary^^ They uke rank according io 'he order of their no-

J^*/o«, Stpiemhtr 23.—The Paris papers of Tuesday•W VVednesday have been rea-ived. V\>or\ the chief t<>.

P^of domestic politics, at present, the report which theyf|»«»»in w, upon ihe whole, satisfactory. The capital bail*«owc tolerably tranquil ; and, if ihe disquiet liad not

entiii'ly subsided, it bad become rather an exciteiuent of

curiosity amongst the mob in .lie streets than tumult

which had any longer for its object a serious bre«|||| of the

peace. This popular fermeiitt^ hi its origin, fifogress,

and decline, assimilates very much to diose others which

have preceded it upon the irialsof tlie ex-ministers in Feb-

ruary last, and. more lately, in July. In all diese rases

the elemerhs ap|>ear to have Ix'cn preiwred in some re-

volutionary club-houses, tlie explosions were concerted to

take pUice in the stn'ets, and the effects were intended to

be produced in die Hull of the Legislature.

We are now arrived at the lasl stage of this late emeute

when the tlamos of civil discord had reacbeil the Cliaiii-

her of Deputies. Towi^rds the close of the silting onMonday, and after M. Berenger had concluded his inter-

esting report u|K>n tbe jieerage, M. Mauguin rose to ask

some questions of the minister respt'C ting the foreign poli-

cy o( France, pursuant to a notice which he had given on

Saturday. He iM.'gan by exclaiming ihat bis object was

not then to incite the government to t war ; for, at that

moment, he considered that war would lie useless, since

France bad not an ally left on whose behalf to fight. Hisavou ed purpose was to arraign tlie ministry for their con-

duct for reducing France to tlie degraded state in which

it was, and Poland to its present ruin. M. Mauguin then,

in an eloquent but violent tirade, proceeded to incriminate

all the measures of tbe pn'sent ministry abro«id. He con-

tetuJcd that they might have assisted tlie INdes, at least,

by sea, as in the infancy of the insurrection, the latter

possesstul sea ports. M. Sebastian! met this stormy attack

upon his measures with a firmness which sliowed, that hewas not <lisp4is<'d to shrink from any part of the respon-

sibility attached to them. He asserted, in the outst^t, that

tlie pacific track which he had followed was not only tlie

suggestion of his own judgment, but tlu' most approvedpolicy for France, after the most mature deliU'ration.

Very soon after the revolution the general question of |ieace

or war bad bt^en discussed, but deckled in favour of the

latter. Tlie minister then proceeded to demonstrate, that

France could not have given any siiUtantial assistance to

Poland either by sea or land, in tlie fiirnier way, without

provoking a general war. tx'ginning with Prussia ; by the

latter, not at all. for Poland was w itiioot mountains, jmrts,

Ol means of defence. The Poles liad no (M>rts in the Bal-

tic, and Fnince could not enter tlie Black Sea witlM)Ut the

C4insevl of Turkey. But, even under all these disadvan-tages, tlie Governm^t of Louis Philip))(> liad not neg-

lected its duty—it haa remonstrated with Russia, and, it

was hoped, not entirely without sueoess, for tlie Cabinetof St. Petorshurirh had phslged itself, that tlie naiHoialiiy

of Poland should be respected. With refpect to the re-

call of tlie .\iiihassador at Constantinople, M. Sebastiani

justified it to tbe full extent, for he contemled that M,(luilleminot could not }>ossibly serve either Poland or

France by his inOilen'nce. Turkey bemg unable to take

any part, and to all diplomatic purpeeea a perfect'* corpse.*' Tlie minister concluded hy repeating, that

France had done all that wat possible for the Poles, con-

sistently with the reiudiition of not involving the country

in a war with Prussi; which had lieen agre«Ml u[>on as the

fittest and safest course to be pursued. Tlie reault of

the discussion hitliertu appears to be a strengthening

rather than a diminution of the ministerial preponderance

in th<» chandler; but the struggle is not yet over, as the

debate had been jxistponed.

Tlie sudden and ratlier extraordinary substitution of

M. Saulnier, the new Prefect of Police, for M. Vivien,

ts regarded as a fresh proof of M. Casimir Perier's influ-

ence with the Kin'4, lor the latter, though of M. Odillon Bar-

rot's violent party, was penonally acceptable to his Ma-jesty, and strongly favourt.d by some of tlic mcmlicrs of

his family. The judidity of the prime minister's powerseems to receive frosb assurance from all the isolated acts.

From the Lorulon Courier of the 2ith.

The French Chamber o( DeputM.s, on Thursday eameto the foUowing decision :•—** The Chamber, satisfied with

the explanations given by tlie ministers, and confiding in

tlieir solicitude for all which interests the honour and dig-

nity of France, passes t«> llie order of tlic day." Upon a

division, there appeared in favour of passing to the order

of the day, 221 ; against it, l.'<6 ; the majority in favour of

tlie ministers, 85. M. Perier. the French prime minister,

alluded, in the course of his speech, to an intend«.d dis-

armament throughout Euiope. ThiTe is again every ap-

pearance that the ptjace of Eurofxj will be maintained.

From the MoHtUmr of Wednesday^ September 21.

" PARIS, Sept. 20.** Some groups attempted to collect to-day in the gar-

den of tbe Palais Royal. S^'veral persons were arrested,

among whom there are a good many foreigners. The at-

tempts to excite agitation were coucentratt'd at this point,

where about half \tn%t 1 o'clock tliey assumed a character

in which tliere was nothing political. This evening the

garden has been cleared. Tranquillity is restored in all

that quarter. Not a single gro«ip has appeared to-day in

the environs of the Chamber. Tbe capital has resumed its

ordinary appearance.'• The ilcroUUwTt of this evening contains an entire

false account of the scene which took place at the Palais

Royal on the evening of the 19th, and all ihe circum-

stances of which have been greatly exaggerated.

" Awaiting the moment when the manager of that

jfMirnal will have to explain himwlf before a court of jus-

tice, we must formally contradict this narrative. Nothing

was done iUi^lly : tbe proper summonses wore made.


Moderation was constantly united with firmness. Tbe*armed forces di<l its duty, and nothing but its duty. TlieMagistrntt'S always inlervenefl.

** TIk? brig La Fleche, Lieutenant Lnpi«|ie, sailed

from Toulon on the Kith inst., to examine die fiew island

which has lately lieen fimnd in the MeHliterntnean.** M. Cons^tant Prevost, Professor of lieology. wlio wa«

selected by the .\cadeniy of Scu^nce, is on board this

vessel : and also M. Joinville. a young painter, whom lie

has chosen to accompany him.

GERMANY.From the Sun of 24M Srpi.

The following are extracts from German |iapers receH*vod this morning, 24tli Sept.

lieriiu Sept. l.*).— Cholera.—On the Htb at noon there

remained SI ^Mttients. To the 15th at ntmn—tliere werenew cases, 6;^, recovered H, deaths 86, so that 1(^ remained.

The Prussian Siate Gazette has no fuitlRT news fromPoland.

From the Lemlx^rg Gazette of the 2d it appears, that

on the 1st there rcmaineil only 22 {lersoiis atflicted with

cholera in thpt city. From tlie commencement of the dis-

order, on the 22d of May. to September 1, there had beenat Lemburg, 4^(X)0 cases. 2,5.'>8 recoveries, 2,618 deatlm.

According to accounts that had been received, there it

not a single patient with symptoms of cholera at Bruck, ondie Leitl'.a.

7/rtrtOpcr, Sept. 12.—The report that the Elector wilt

shortly go on a journey is renewed since the return of M.Wiederliold, who, as a Member of the Deputation of tlie

Estates, lately waited on the Elector, and expressed their

wish that his Royal Highness might return to Cassel. It is

supposed that tlie Elector will go to French Switxerland,

and appoint a Regency during his absence, of which tho

Electoral Prince will be at tbe liead. A diange in the

Ministry is also s|ioken of.

Jlamburg^ Sept. 17.—On the 10th instant certificates

of iR'alth were again issued at Vienna. This change is

said to Im? made in consequence of a difference in opinion

between the physiciaiu, respecting tlie treatment of the

cholera.** A letter from Forhach, of, the 15th of September,

says—•' The Prussian General Routh, inspected on the

9tli and 10th, in the minutest manner, the fortifications efSarrelouis. and hy bis orders workmen are repairing the

cannon and gun carriages. Two inspectors of provisions

have lately examined the state uf the magaune of that



SWITZERLAND.TV l|^lve<vilr Dt«thas raiMe<i tbr city of Basle, and ther

surrounding commons to beocriipied by 4.000 met (#tke

contingents of tlw scrveral cantons. The Diet, it is sup*

(Xised, requires a full and entire amnesty for tlie ftenbtti

proscrilied in January las!, wbidi the Guvernineut of Basio

obstinately oppMW>

ALGIERS.(From the Journal du Commerce of Tueaday^)

Porta ^ Sept. 18.—Tlic Aviso publislies tlie following

lettj'r :

Algiers, Aug. 1.5.—Since the unfortunate expedition to

Medeah, tlie Bedouins carried terror to tlie fates of Al-

giers, and it was reported that tliey are assembling, to the

number of 50,000 men, in the plains at tlie foot of the

Little Alias.

Turkey.—Letters from Constantinople of the 10th ef

August, confirm (as we learn from tlie Boston (iay4*tte.) the

accounts of llie dreailful fire which destroyed the wlioh* su-

burbs of Pera on the 2d. The fire commenced in a quar-

ter very distant from Pera its4'lf, and inluibited by the

lowest class of (ir(H.*ks and Armenians, but a violent north

wind caused tlie flames to spread, so that several quarters

were on fire at once. To this was tMlded the want of

water, and still more of tlie necessary hands and good re-

gulations. At noon the flames had readied Pera itself;

and eleven at night iIm^ suburb no hmger existed. Tholarge paluces inhabiti'd by the English, French, Dufrh,

Prussian, Sardinian, and Danish Amliassadors, with all the

valuable eflects, fella prey to the flames. The Episcopal

Church, and two of the Roman Calludic Churches, sliared

tlic same fate : nor wa.* it possible to save any of the sacred

utensils. The palace of tlie Austrian .Ambassador was

saved, as it seems, by tlie exertions of the crews ofsoane

Austrian vessels ; also tlie Russian Chancery, which is

doee to it ; tbe Church of Terra Santa, and some adjoin-

ing houses. The number of buildings uf stone and wood

that are burnt i-: about 400t).

All Pera is a heap of ashes and ciumhling walls, not

above 10 liouses remaining entire. I'be damage, in con-

vquence of tlK* destruction of tlie paUces of the Ambas-sadors and other stone buildings, was immense ; at tlie be-

ginning of the fire, a vast quantity of projierty was remo-

ved to tliem, being deemed safe from all danger ** It is a

most afl^icting sight,** says the account, ** to see the thou-

sands of people, without shelter, without clothing, or tbe

means of subsistence, wlio crowded tbe streets of Pera.'*

Subsequently they disj»er»ed to tlie neighbouring places,

and greai numliers have found a refuge in ii»e «apii«i, aS

the Sultan hy a special ordinance, has aHowed tbe Turks

to let their hous<^ to Christians. The Sultan has expres-

sed peat dissatisfaction at the htlle assistance afforded by

the Turkish arrang».ments for extinguishing the fin?, and

has testified to tlw Foreign Ambassadors his rcgr«t at their

loss. He has given large sums to be dblribuied among die

suficrers, and, as usual, expressed his sorrow to the Am-

•:i y^



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