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  • 1. ! 06-2757575 51020 06-2756831 Email: [email protected] 70101 1 ( ) 4

2. 08/22/132 3. 08/22/133 4. 08/22/134 5. Research involving humans ranges widely, including attempts to understand the broad sweep of history, the workings of the human body and the body politic, the nature of human interactions and the impact of nature on humans research is defined as an undertaking intended to extend knowledge through a disciplined inquiry or systematic investigation. From Canada Tri-Council Policy Statement, p.7 08/22/13 5 6. Research on human subjects Human subject means a living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research obtains Data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or Identifiable private information Research means a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge From USA common rule 45CFR 46.102 08/22/13 6 7. 08/22/13 7 8. 08/22/138 9. 08/22/139 10. 08/22/1310 11. 08/22/1311 12. The Nuremberg Code Declaration of Helsinki) (The Declaration of Human Rights) International Declaration on Human Genetic Data Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights 08/22/1312 13. 08/22/13 USA & Canada Belmont Report, USA Respect for Persons Beneficence Justice Tri-Council Policy Statement, Canada Respect for Persons Concern for Welfare Justice 13 14. Framework for Research Ethics, UK ESRC Research should be designed, reviewed and undertaken to ensure integrity, quality and transparency Research staff and participants must normally be informed fully about the purpose, methods and intended possible uses of the research, what their participation in the research entails and what risks, if any, are involved. Some variation is allowed in very specific research contexts The confidentiality of information supplied by research participants and the anonymity of respondents must be respected Research participants must take part voluntarily, free from any coercion Harm to research participants must be avoided in all instances The independence of research must be clear, and any conflicts of interest or partiality must be explicit 08/22/13 UK 14 15. EU Codes of Ethics for Socio-Economic Research: 1. The research aims of any study should both benefit society and minimize social harm. 2. Researchers should endeavour to balance professional integrity with respect for national and international law. 3. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that research is commissioned and conducted with respect for, and awareness of, gender differences. 4. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that research is commissioned and conducted with respect for all groups in society, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion and culture. 5. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that research is commissioned and conducted with respect for underrepresented social groups and that attempts are made to avoid their marginalisation or exclusion. 08/22/13 European Union 15 16. Ethical socio-economic research encompasses the following principles: 6. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that the concerns of relevant stakeholders and user groups are addressed. 7. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that an appropriate research method is selected on the basis of informed professional expertise. 8. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that the research team has the necessary professional expertise and support. 9. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that the research process does not involve any unwarranted material gain or loss for any participants. 10. Researchers should endeavour to ensure factual accuracy and avoid falsification, fabrication, suppression or misinterpretation of data. 08/22/13 European Union 16 17. Ethical socio-economic research encompasses the following principles: 11. Researchers should endeavour to reflect on the consequences of research engagement for all participants, and attempt to alleviate potential disadvantages to participation for any individual or category of person. 12. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that reporting and dissemination are carried out in a responsible manner. 13. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that methodology and findings are open for discussion and peer review. 14. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that any debts to previous research as a source of knowledge, data, concepts and methodology should be fully acknowledged in all outputs. 15. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that participation in research should be voluntary. 08/22/13 European Union 17 18. Ethical socio-economic research encompasses the following principles: 16. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that decisions about participation in research are made from an informed position. 17. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that all data are treated with appropriate confidentiality and anonymity. 18. Researchers should endeavour to ensure that research participants are protected from undue intrusion, distress, indignity, physical discomfort, personal embarrassment, or psychological or other harm. 08/22/13 European Union 18 19. 100.12.28 94.2.5 93.6.3 94.3.28 98.12.14 100.12.21 99.3.12 101.1.10 08/22/1319 20. 101.1.18 101.3.1 100.10.8 100.11.18 08/22/13 20 21. 08/22/1321 22. (1) Case study: The Public Health Service Syphilis Study (1932- 1972) Ethical concerns: lack of informed consent, deception, withholding information, withholding available treatment, putting men and their families at risk, exploitation of a vulnerable group of subjects who would not benefit from participation. < CITI History and Ethical principles > 08/22/1322 23. (2) 08/22/13 Case study: Stanley Milgrams Obedience to Authority Study (1963) ( ) (Discovery) Ethical concerns: Deception experiment, unanticipated psychological harms. < CITI History and Ethical principles > 23 24. (3) 08/22/13 Case study: Laud Humphreys Tea Room Trade" (1970) Ethical concerns: use of a vulnerable population, reinforced image that social scientists use deception casually in research. < CITI History and Ethical principles > 24 25. (1) Case study: 96 29 DNA : 08/22/1325 26. (2) 08/22/13 Case study: : 26 27. (3) Case study: 8 : 08/22/13 27 28. (4) 08/22/13 Case study: : (covert research) 28 29. (5) Case study: ?! 08/22/1329 30. (6) 08/22/13 Case study: 30 31. (7) Case study: 08/22/1331 32. (8) 08/22/13 Case study: ( : ) : 32 33. 08/22/1333 34. 100.11.23 164 08/22/1334 35. 08/22/1335 36. 08/22/1336 37. 08/22/1337 38. 08/22/1338 39. (initial review) (continuing review) 08/22/1339 40. 08/22/1340 41. 08/22/1341 42. 101 101 08/22/1342 43. 1) 1) 2) 1) 08/22/1343 44. 101.03.07 744 08/22/1344 45. 08/22/1345 46. 08/22/1346 47. 08/22/1347 48. 08/22/1348 49. 08/22/1349 50. 1) 2) 3) 08/22/1350 51. 08/22/1351 52. 08/22/1352 53. 08/22/13 06-2757575 51020 06-2756831 Email: [email protected] 70101 1 ( ) 4 53