Download pdf - Seguridad en La Nube


Seguridad en la nube1. What security and control problems are described in this case? Distribution of work to data centers around the world Not knowing where data is hosted or stored Difficulty in tracking unauthorized activity Stored data may not be as securely encrypted as transmitted data 2. What people, organization, and technology factors contribute to these problems? Employees are always a contributing factor to security issues. A lack of training in proper security procedures gives outsiders a weakness to exploit. An organization needs to ensure they have effective security procedures and the hardware or software to support them. Understanding the operation of the chosen vendor is a must. A manager cant make the choice that best suits the company if they dont have a complete picture of how the vendor runs their business. All technology issues and requirements need to be spelled out in the service level agreement. 3. How secure is cloud computing? Explain your answer. Cloud computing is as secure as a company wants to make it. All the necessary security measures are available; its up to the manager to choose a vendor that meets the required standard. ...
