
Art Andrew Fischer James Horner Kodi Pfeiffer Heidi White Mitchell Windsor  

Music John Leis Nathaniel Smith Mitchell Windsor  

Testing Stephen Ingraham Robert Kopp Continuity Stephen Ingraham 

Game Interface Robert Kopp  

Research Robert Kopp Heidi White Mitchell Windsor  CGDA Program Developer Martin Nikirk  

Story Approval and Licensing Martin Nikirk   

© 2009 Computer Game Development and Animation Washington County Technical High School 50 West Oak Ridge Drive Hagerstown, MD 217406  All Rights Reserved. No parts of this product may be used without written permission of the copyright holder. 

“Snow Soup Production Team”   

Project Lead James Horner  

Co‐Project Lead Kodi Pfeiffer  

Voice Actors "Alyssa"—Heidi White "Tim"—Aaron Wagaman "Dad"—Andrew Fischer "Mom"—Stephanie Heward "Aaron"—James Horner Sports Clerk, Radio Voice—Kodi Pfeiffer Grocery Girl, "Grandma"—Sarah Martins "Bob Baker"—Justin Shaw Mayor—Nathaniel Smith 


Lead Animator / Flash Programmer Aaron Wagaman  

Animators / Flash Programmers Jeremiah Edwards James Horner Saylor Iden Stephen Ingraham John Leis Kodi Pfeiffer Justin Shaw Brandon Smith Nathaniel Smith 

Lead Game Maker Programmer John Leis  

Game Maker Programmers Stephen Ingraham Robert Kopp  


Tim and Alyssa wake up one school morning to find it snowing outside. The children happily get out of bed and rush to the radio and hear that they have no school! Tim and Alyssa shout “yea!” to celebrate the closings.  

The children run downstairs with hats on their feet and shoes on their hands, their shirts inside out and pants backwards. Their father yells “Hold it!” and sends them back upstairs to get dressed right, before they come down for breakfast.  

After the children get dressed, they run downstairs again to eat their breakfast. As the family is eating breakfast, Mom and Dad tell Tim and Alyssa their plans for today. Dad says “The two of you will need to buy some bread from Bob’s Bakery.” Mom and Dad give the kids a list of things to get in town for Grandma.  

Tim and Alyssa go outside and get their dogs, Mac and Cheese. Dad starts the truck and gets ready to plow the streets in town. Tim and Alyssa jump in the truck with Mac and Cheese and get ready to start the day.  

Tim and Alyssa arrive in town. Dad stops on Main Street and lets the children and their dogs out in front of Bob’s Bakery, Sports Etc., and Fischer’s Grocer. Then dad drives away and starts his plowing again. “Where should we go first?” asks Tim.  

The children go into Sports Etc. and take a look around. Tim and Alyssa see a bunch of new sports equipment like a tennis racket, a snowboard, and baseball bats. Tim says, “Sweet! Look at that sled!” So the children decide to buy the sled and move on to the next store. 

Tim and Alyssa go into Bob’s Bakery where they find many delicious pastries. Bob the baker greets the kids saying “Well good morning children, how may I help you?” The kids buy the bread and continue on to Fischer’s Grocer. 

The children enter Fischer’s Grocer and Tim immediately sees the giant chicken. “That’s a BIG chicken!” says Tim. Meanwhile, Alyssa eyes the candy canes. After being greeted by the store clerk, Tim and Alyssa buy the chicken and cross off the last item on their shopping list. The kids run out of the store and make their way to Grandma’s house and pass the town hall on the way.  

On their way to Grandma’s house Tim and Alyssa meet up with their friend Aaron who says that they could never win a race with him. “Let’s race right now!” Alyssa shouts. Tim and Alyssa know they can beat their friend and decide to start the sled race.  

Riding on the sled together, Tim and Alyssa zoom down the big hill trying their hardest to beat Aaron. While dodging obstacles like trees and rocks the children whoosh down the hill beating Aaron. 

After they race with their friend, they travel to Grandma’s house. “There’s Grandma’s house!” yells Alyssa. Mac and Cheese follow the kids into the house.  

After the children get their hugs, they give Grandma the groceries. “It’s nice to see you too!” says Grandma. Then Grandma decides to reward the children by cooking some mouthwatering chicken noodle soup.  

While Grandma is making the chicken noodle soup, Tim and Alyssa decide to make some music with the pots and pans. The children then make all sorts of crazy noises and beats.  

The chicken noodle soup is finally ready. “Yumm! Looks good!” Tim and Alyssa gobble it up. After a tiring days work, dad is driving back home. On his way, he will pick up the children. 

After a while, Dad arrives at Grandma’s house to pickup the children after they finished their soup. The children run out of Grandma’s house with Mac and Cheese and jump in the truck. Dad says “How was your day kids?” “It was great!” yelled the children. After a long and eventful day, Tim and Alyssa returned home.  

Look forward to Alyssa and Tim’s future adventures!