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YAYASAN AL-FURQANSMP AL-FURQAN JEMBERJl. Trunojoyo No. 51 Telp. (0331) 488644 JemberEmail : [email protected] Ttd Ortu MATA PELAJARAN:ENGLISHKelas : VIII A&CBismillahirrahmaanirrahiimUJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER 1TAHUN PELAJARAN 2015/ 2016 N a m a/Nomor: ......................... Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015 Waktu: 90 MenitPart A. Complete this dialogue below!Randy : You bring a laptop and big bag. Sinta : ..? Randy : Thanks. I can bring it by myself.Salsa : Do you want fried rice ? It tastes very delicious. Anisa : .. I dont like it.Read the text to answer questions 3 to 5Dear anna,Im sorry I have to tell yau that I cant come to your house to work on our project as we have planned before. Unexpected thing happens. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. Ill tell you about our plan later.UkinWho does write a letter?_______I ll tell you about our plan later. What does the word You refer to______Who is sick?_________Complete the sentences with past verb (Verb II) for questions 6 and 7!John..sick study in Mr. Ahmads house last week?Read the text to answer questions 8 to 10!I really enjoyed my vacation in Australia. Last Sunday I visited a marine park called Sea World, which is at Surfers paradise near brisbane. Its Australias largest marine park and I had a wonderful day there.The first thing I saw was the oceanorium, which is a place where you can watch all kinds of dish and animal underwater. There huge turtles, shark, and beautiful tropical fish. The most exciting thing was watching a man feeding the sharks. He wore a special diving suit.Then, I watch performing animal. The show was in a big outdoor swimming pool. There were killer whales, dolphins and sea lions, and they did all kinds of fantastic things n the water. One of the girls rode under water on the back of a big turtle.Then, I watched a wonderful water ski show which was held on the lake.After the show, I had lunch. There were several big restaurants at the park. I had lunch in a restaurant that was shaped like a ship.Where did the writer go for vacation?________How many kinds of animals did the writer watch in outdoor swimming pool?_________What is the kind of the text above?________ Part B.Please answer clearly number 1 to 5!What is recount text?.................................................Mention the generic structure of recount text!..Give short explanation about orientation in the recount text!...............................................................Give short explanation about event in the recount text!............................................................................Give short explanation about reorientation in the recount text!...............................................................Translate into English question number 6 and 7!Saya dan teman-teman saya membeli buku di toko buku satu bulan lalu.Pak Joko mencuci mobilnya tadi pagi.Please complete with Verb II and Verb III for number 8 and 9!Example : Eat,.,.Answer : Eat,ate, eatena. Start,.,.. c. Dry,.,b. Want,,... d. Play,,a. Bring,.,.. c. Cost,.,b. Go ,,...... d. Sing,, Please make sentence with visited and came!ab