Page 1: Solution for Japan s Economic, Demographic,Geographic Problems - Rise of the Phoenix

JFTC Essay Competition 2013

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Solution for Japan’s economic, demographic and geographic problems -

,,Rise of the Phoenix,,

Essay Summary (Maximum word-counts: 400 words)

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Japan. The ,,Land of the Rising Sun,,. A nation with a rich culture, colorful history. A nation of the future with highly advanced technologies. Home of the world’s most prestigious companies, Japan is the nation of the future. Like every country Japan too, has economic, industrial and demographic problems. Starting from natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis) from depression among its people, perishing population, small amount of fossil fuels and raw materials and the result of them all the stagnation of the economy.

Is there a solution for these problems? Yes, there is!

A pure, self-sustainable energy source which can’t be exhausted. In this essay I would like to to explain how consuming energy from the ionosphere can help solving economic, demographic and geographic problems of Japan.

Cosmic energy is the energy that flows through the Universe. It reaches our planet through plasma from which 99.99% of the Universe is made of. Its use and consumption would not affect its quantity, therefore it represents a never ending river of energy.Developing special converters and building specific towers the usage of this energy can be put to use.

The benefits and changes are amazing and it will be a beginning to a new era. This energy makes fossil fuels obsolete. Air pollution will drop by 90%. Water pollution drops by 73%. New workplaces open due to the rise of green and seaside cities. The use of cosmic energy brings balance to the Earth’s core and no more earthquakes and other natural impact will happen. The cosmic energy (energy from ionosphere) vibrates, creating harmony, awareness, mental and physical improvement how ever is near it, thus effectively healing depression and minimize suicide rates. It saves tremendous amount of money and resources. It doesn’t heat up the conductors which transmit it, so there is no loss.

Whoever holds this energy source will have control over the world’s energy supply. I believe that Japan can realize it as it’s known for it’s science researches and advanced technologies.

,,Energy from the ionosphere - energy of the future.,,

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Essay Form (Maximum word-counts : 4,000 words)

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Please start your essay from here.

Solution for Japan’s economical, demographic and geographic problems -

,,Rise of the Phoenix,,



The home of science, technology and robotics. It has an amazing history and a rich culture. Japan

and its people suffered great wars, natural disasters and catastrophes, but they never gave up and

today Japan is the third largest economy in the world by nominal GDP. This island nation is all-

around amazing and technologically advanced. The ,,Land of the Rising Sun,, never lost its

cultural gems by the fast economic and technological growth. Japan has a large industrial capacity

and has some of the largest and most technologically advanced producers of motor vehicles,

electronics, machine tools and many more. It is also a leader in scientific and biomedical research

and also light and heavy machinery. Agriculture is cultivated on 13 percent of Japan's land and has

the second largest fish industry in the world.

,,Japan is a nation that all countries should look up to.,,

Like every country, Japan too, has economic, industrial and demographic problems. These


1. Natural disasters (tsunamis, volcanoes. earthquakes) that make tremendous

amounts of damage and destruction

2. Depression among citizens and high suicide rates

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3. Many single male and female citizens, causing high percentage of elderly and low

percentage of newborns thus influencing population drop

4. Small amount of fossil fuels and other raw resources and materials

5. Stagnation of the economy

Is there a solution for these problems?

Yes, there is!

The key is a pure, self-sustainable energy source which can’t be exhausted. Energy so pure that

has no losses when consumed and which exist now and here, and it has been here since the dawn

of time. This energy can change the face of Earth, and whoever has control over it will live in

prosperity, wealth, health and will have control of all that it is, was and will be.

I won’t focus on detailing the problems, we are all aware of them, but I’ll concentrate on how to

solve them, and the above mentioned energy source is the answer. In this essay I would like to

explain how consuming energy from the ionosphere can help solving economic, demographic and

geographic problems of Japan.

Energy from the ionosphere (cosmic energy) - energy of the future

Cosmic energy is the energy that flows through the Universe. Planet Earth and all other planets are

surrounded by an electric field and they are not powered by an internal source. This energy comes

from outside, which stretches along the backwater of the Milky Way. It reaches our planet through

plasma from which 99.99% of the Universe is made of. The plasma is a perfectly conductive

environment that shows strong electrical characteristics. The whole universe is electrically

conductive. Such a revolutionary principle of harvesting energy surely invites lot of questions.

What does plasma conduct?

Plasma conducts electricity or energy which is created in electromagnetic fields. These magnetic

fields self-generate electricity and they can be found everywhere in the Universe. It can be

described as a multi-dimensional space-time structure. Its use and consumption would

not affect its quantity, therefore it represents a never ending river of energy.

How can this energy be consumed?

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There were many attempts to consume this kind of energy, 100 years before and some of them

were successful. There was a device developed by late Thomas Henry Murray. His devise

consisted of two coils, step-down transformer with a ratio of 1000:1, two capacitors ( a plain

capacitor and a variable capacitor), which vary in size and capacity. The device includes an

antenna, and a variable resistance.

,,Scheme of the cosmic energy converter,,

Two vacuum tubes were used for generating the oscillations, while a detector tube was a

radioactive source. The whole device had a size of a small suitcase, and weighted about 40

pounds. In one experiment, the device was working 17 hours in a row and produced power of 50

kW. The conductors didn’t heat, which meant there was no loss. When an electromotor was driven

by this energy, it reached incredible speeds of 36,000 RPM, and it did not heat up.

Are these converters enough?

These converters can provide an incredible amount of energy, but there is another

important thing that has to be done. The construction of towers that stimulate the

ionosphere and bringing it to a stable aroused state. This kind of tower was constructed by

Nikola Tesla. He never managed to finish it because of the intervention of his investors.

Between the Earth’s surface and its layer of plasma , the voltage is about 2 billion volts.

Using a single tower can derive 100 million volts.

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,,Approximate scheme of the towers,,

Cosmic energy is the answer for Japan’s problems

The first step is putting resources in the research of consuming energy from the ionosphere.

This can boost technological advances by a great deal. Japan is the world’s center of

technological research and therefore it is bound for success. I have no doubt that it can be

done, and if there is country that can make it happen, it is Japan.

Experiments with prototypes are necessary to bring the principle of consuming energy to a

stage where smooth operation is guaranteed . It can’t be expected to function perfectly at first

try because we are talking about a solution that is more complex than anything before applied

in the field of energy supply. These experiments are required so there will be no consequences

when the implementation starts.

After the experiments, industrial zones should be built for the production of converters. With

the industrial zones many new workplaces will open. New fields of science will find their

way in the core of engineering. New subjects, modules will open up in universities. When the

towers are built the use of converters will be available on the whole planet.

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This puts Japan in the position to choose from:

- export the convertors, and control the world’s energy supply and in the same time selling energy

to other countries or

- keep the use of convertors on national level so it can prosper from it and build an amazing

empire as which was never seen before

Due to the unique properties of cosmic energy , there will be no heating, and cables to transfer

power from the converter to the device will be unnecessary. The diameter of the conductors will be

extremely small compared with the voltage that will be transmitted. The savings of materials and

resources will be enormous. Due to the application of such energy source, the whole industry will

begin to change. Other segments of the economy and industry will also feel this and vast changes

will occur. In the end, the very lives of people will change in radical and positive ways.

New technologies in the automotive industry will rise. The aim is to completely switch to this type

of vehicle. Much like the automotive industry, major changes are expected in the aviation and

shipping industries, as well as in the construction of trains and farming equipment.

The development of cars and other vehicles which will run on cosmic energy and not fossil fuels

should not construe a challenge, because the principles are the same, everything else are shades.

By using cosmic energy the whole motion concept will change. Vehicles will be supplied through

implemented converters and will be supplied from an inexhaustible source of energy.

Not less important application is the use in households. Large freezer sized converters can power

entire buildings and streets.

The benefits

Opening new industrial zones will also open up many new workplaces. Students will have a

better future and will be motivated to study. In these industrial zones the new technology will find

its place as the main gear of production, resource and research.

This kind of energy will save up to 80% in the production of conductors, engines and other motor-

driven machines and vehicles because cosmic energy has no loss when transmitted, no heating up,

so extremely thin conductors can be used, also there will be no need for massive engines therefore

the amount of raw material for production will be dramatically decreased. Even without the huge

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engines, cars can go 160 MPH fueled with cosmic energy.

There will be no need for fossil fuels. Energy from the ionosphere can’t be exhausted, so

there is no need for gas, oil and other carbon-dioxide emitting energy resources. The use of

nuclear power plants won’t be needed. The environment will regenerate. With no use of

fossil fuels the atmosphere won’t suffer anymore. Air pollution will drop by 90%. Water pollution

will drop by 73% . With no use of fossil fuels, ships, boats and fuel transporting ships will not

pollute the oceans anymore.

The economy will grow. Exporting the converters and selling them to other countries will bring

great income. New investments can be made with the money saved from the use of cosmic

energy. As the owner of the towers which stimulate the ionosphere, Japan will have ownership

over the energy from the ionosphere. Once the fossil fuels are depleted, with the cosmic energy in

it’s hand, Japan will have power over the world’s energy supply.

,,Japan will become the nation of the future.,,

Throughout the years Japan has been the target of many volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes.

Many lives have been lost, families torn apart, enormous damage and whole districts have been

wiped out. Scientists are working on the solution to stop these natural disasters, but still they can’t

predict them accurately and the chances to stop them are very low.

The cosmic energy brings the Earth’s core in resonance with the ionosphere. It brings it in a

stable state.

What does that mean?

It means that with towers the energy that evokes volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes will also

resonate so these disasters will not even start. The conclusion: the problem of natural disasters

will perish and it will be only a trace of the past.

With no earthquakes, volcanoes and other disasters, the rise of new green cities can start.

The population density will lower. Seaside cities will ensure population growth. Everyone

between the age of 25 and 30 should be motivated with additional income to raise children. With

new workplaces and money stimulation, population growth will skyrocket.

Artificial islands can be made, and bridges between the existing islands can be constructed.

Transport revolution, building and industry evolution will take its place.

The amount of money saved with the use of this energy is measured in billions and billions.

These billions can be put to use for scientific research, cures for terminal diseases, building,

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investing and much more.

Beside the above mentioned advantages of consuming cosmic energy, there are many more

positive things that occur using the same. When energy from the plasma begins to circulate, it

resonates with the Earth’s core, creating a vortex of energy that not only can be consumed, but it

has an impact on the awareness of people. It accelerates, enhances mental development of an

individual. It creates a harmonic environment where people evolve both physically and

psychologically. The suicide rate will be extremely lowered.

People will be happier, smarter, less concerned of their material status. Crime rates will be

lowered, depression healed and total harmony will rule.

Implementation and realization

This radical, futuristic and a little fictitious solution demands much hard work. But you can’t

expect results if there one does not exert oneself. It is not impossible. Everything is possible, you

just have to act on it. There are phases which provide an approximate path of actions that should

be taken.

First phase: Opening research centers where the new technology of consuming cosmic energy is

developed and examined. It is necessary to invest in this, and the more is invested the faster the

results will come. No outer influence should interfere with this process. Young scientists and also

experienced physicist shall team up and work on this matter, because in cosmic energy lies the key

of a great Japan. After understanding with what are they dealing with, the first prototypes can be

made. These prototypes will ensure the initial use of the converters and also they’ll eradicate every

possibility of something going wrong.

Second phase: Building industrial complexes where the first converters can be made. The first

wave of converters will be manufactured with the help of scientist who will ensure that everything

will run perfectly. Distribution channels are going to be strategically planned so the first use of

these converters will be in other industries. Parallel with this, the construction of the first towers

should begin. One tower can accumulate over 100 million volts. But these 100 million volts never

deplete and there is no loss, so in theory an infinite voltage can be harvested. These towers will

make it possible to use the converters in other countries too, thus opening new opportunities for

selling, distributing the converters to other countries.

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Third phase. After completing the construction of industries, further research is required for the

prevention of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes. As I explained before,

the cosmic energy and the Earth’s core resonate together, and nature’s geographic impacts should

come to an end. No more resources will be needed for reconstruction and building renovation.

With no more destruction Japan will rise as never before.

Fourth phase. First use of the converters in other industry branches. With this new energy,

production will be extremely efficient. Stimulation with pay raise for workers are made possible.

Motivation of the worker class will have major results in overall population happiness. When the

implementation in the industries are finished the government buildings, hospitals, schools and the

military are next to implement this energy. Government buildings will be self-sustainable,

hospitals will encounter harmony rich atmosphere. The sick will get well quicker because of the

cosmic energy’s healing effect. Violence will be minimum in schools and on streets.

Concentration of students will rise, and the overall IQ will hit new heights. With this kind of

energy, expenses for the military will be down by half. There will be no need for fuels.

Households come last, but they will be the most important part of the implementation. The citizens

will pay for this energy through taxes.

Fifth phase. With no more earthquakes and other destructive nature’s appearances the

construction of green cities can start. Non-usable ground and territory due the destruction of nature

will be open for rising sky-high buildings. Japan has high population density. With the new green,

self-sustainable and seaside cities it can be lowered. When the building starts many new

workplaces will open up. The unemployment will reach ground low percentage. New workplaces

will flourish and nurture the working class, making higher life standards possible.

Sixth phase. Exportation of converters to countries that are interested in this kind of energy.

Economic sustainable growth will manifest. With more money in the government’s hand, more

investments can be made. Extra income and reserves will hit Japan’s treasury from the military’s

unneeded funding, from the natural disasters that take away many resources for reconstructing,

from the import of fossil fuels which is not needed anymore and other resources which will be

replaced by this energy. Japan will encounter a massive financial boost.

Seventh phase. Lowering the number of donations and increasing the number of investments and

the number of non-profit organizations in other countries so the presence of investors is constant.

The charity-type funding should be at minimum. Instead, the non-profit organizations will provide

new workplaces for foreign and the island nation’s workers. These organizations will be self-

sustaining, providing income for the paychecks and further business development.

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Eight phase. Designing new cars powered with cosmic energy. Japan is known for it’s amazing

quality and hi-end car production. Now imagine, modern cars that do not need batteries or fuel.

Cars which don’t need charging. Cars with engines that don’t make a sound and don’t emit

carbon-dioxide and don’t pollute the air. This is possible by consuming energy from the

ionosphere. New cars, ships, motors, machines, all which use cosmic energy will have dead silent

engines and zero percentage of air pollution.

Ninth phase. Money stimulation for everyone between the age of 25 and 30 years for raising

children and forming families. New lower tax-rate policy should be formed for married couples so

it encourages single citizens to step into holly matrimony. With number of married couples rising

Japan’s population will also rise.

Tenth phase. Investing in further research for global implementation and control over the energy

from ionosphere. With further development of this technology new horizons will be achieved.

Global implementation means control over the world’s energy supply.

Eleventh phase. Taking the next step and developing spaceships which run on cosmic energy. The

boundaries of the Universe will be moved further and further.

Twelfth phase. Total implementation and use of cosmic energy in households in the robotics

industry. With advanced robots everyday chores will be simplified and every home will his little

metal-man helper. A new era will begin.

There are steps that should be made by the government. The first thing is to choose

investments and non-profit organization founding over charity and donations.


Because donations don’t solve problems in the long run. Opening up new workplaces is much

more effective because poverty will be reduced to minimum. Donations shouldn’t be fully

canceled but some cutbacks must be made on national and international levels. Investing in less

developed countries will open new markets for Japan’s products. The higher life standard attracts

new technologies and Japan surely can provide high quality electronics.

The lack of raw resources should be solved with more exchange oriented trading.

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What does that mean?

It means that for the resources which are imported a new exchange strategy should be set up, thus

advanced electronics, machinery and tools will be traded for an appropriate amount of resources.

There are many less developed countries with resource-rich land but lack technological advances.

Establishing trading deals with them Japan would save a tremendous amount of money.

The other governments task is to indirectly aware citizens of the existence of cosmic energy. After

that, the chances of riots, protests will be minimum, and the process of implementation will be


Focusing on something new, rather than reusing old solutions is the key for success, prosperity,

harmony, wealth, health and much much more.

Fossil fuels don’t have a future. The future was here all along. The future is in the energy that

surrounds every planet, every star, the energy from the ionosphere.


Japan is a nation with many opportunities. Sometimes for amazing things to happen you

have to think outside the box. It’s not enough just to think about ideas. You have to act on

them. Cosmic energy will bring peace, wealth, economic growth. It will erase the presence

of natural disasters. Depression among the population will dramatically decrease. New

cities will rise slashing down population density and in the same time increasing overall

population cap. Japan will stand again on its feet, as a nation on which all other countries

will look with amazement and respect.

One step should be taken and then:

,,From the ashes of economic stagnation, nuclear catastrophes and the nature’s

destruction, like a phoenix, Japan will soar and rise above all, showing its majestic beauty

and power.,,

The question is:

Is Japan ready to make that step?


*The main source was the internet, but 80% of the work is formed on conclusions based on these


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- (07.09.2013.)

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- (05.09.2013.)

**number of words: 3426
