Page 1: Sq l00KS III! lntullnulll I993 · 2014. 4. 16. · nssiionss, itic. PO Boa “(D90 SqFralelseo, CA 94141-0390 (415) 252-1195 Fax (415) Z52-9574 PO Box 16602 Francisco CA 04141-03%

nssiionss, itic.PO Boa “(D90

Sq Fralelseo, CA 94141-0390

(415) 252-1195 Fax (415) Z52-9574

PO Box 16602

Francisco CA 04141-03%

|li$|l9|l||$ l00KS III! BltlllS...'I'0GEl'llEllllntullnulll " I‘ By Gmylin ionlon, Mr. Drummer I993

1001 RC Arnsterdani, The Netherlands AsieyeardnMwacbse,leaiq'mararidwmiaraHoverdiegbbeareprepared forloealandregionalAheady,organintionsuidcltil>saregroomingtheirtopvolunteersuid ftnidraisersinhope

M113), |3,k|r,¢,-___p.|,|h5¢|- they may be recogrized for their past aeconiplislirnerls and singled out from selective fields to continueMarcus-Jay Wonaeott...Et'Itor their work on a dibrern level,J IM"'|_"' From years ofattending events and fundraisers, I've often wondered just how the winnerwss picked.

S_v_ F,.°n___An prod-mo. I-low many times havewewalked away from mariya corsestthinking “she's prtaty but we'll neversee herStephen Sutton...Hoiise Photographer again”. or “l thiik I'll buy the Chippendale Calendar tltis year instead ofthe Bare Chest Calendar fromAhllf H¢"lllId¢l- If----Chlind Mil my local leather bar", even though those photogenic hunks have given their time so the profss can go to9"“ Y"8°‘---M"'““'I/*°""""l local Just what do these judges look forwhen making their selection? wheh our favorie isn't

picked, we wonder, do they see something we don't or are they playing a cruel joke on the leatherFrequent Contributors commun-‘Y7

Ho“, Adm, w_ Ban. Maybe the winner is the result ofthe Olympic Scoring System, which r, to this day, have hot heardAllan Chiral, Anthony DeBlase, a reasonable excuse for using. We've all heard the speech, “The highest score and the lowest score are-Mk ‘f"l"°"°!'- BM H"'“'°°E'|- tlrrownoutsotherecanberiobias from thejudges." Firstofall, ifyoucan'ttrustyourjudgestobeunbiased

8°" M"",‘{;§,),1}'Q°A'f‘{$;,f;°" R“'°"" then why have them as judges? Secondly, lknow many a judge who was afraid to score high who fearedhisorherscoie maybethrownout. Thirdly, arethejudges ever really instruetedon howto usethis system?

Tug“ ’:':‘h‘:;":_"§g:.;'“m“n' In fer;minutes ofbriefingbefore lh¢.O0I'll¢8l, the judges are expected to remer'nber which scores areMm |_ Chum Rick Cmm going to tossed out and which ones will be kept.‘ To further confuse matters, some producers toss outPalm Drive, Robert Pruzan, the highest and lowest from each category, some discount the highest and lowest from chjudge, whileZ” $'"<1'°'- 1"“ Wm!“ others discard the highest and lowest from the totals. Totally confused yet? Think how the judges must

An“. feel. l, myselfhave spent time on ajudging panel trying to outwit the system and award scores that willCavelo, Domino, Etienne, count instead ofgiving the score which will be discarded. If this were cheerleader tryouts or springboard

S“nTl’:_|;r;1‘;_l1i;fA§l\§';l-uhz_ diving maybe the ayaterh would be more a'eetive._ out at ain't, ahd itdorvt. so why the hell do we insistKm wood that as fan’! The seonng system and judging enter: rs always the decision ofthe contest producer. They

knowwhstthey areloolting forandtheeontest resulsareaclear reection. Neverthe less, lneedtocupyrigiirwshyoaarhahrr. lnc. ISSN toss» emplrasiziethatthewinneristhewinnerand no rnatterhowmuchweagree(ornot)wilithejudgesdecision,

"5Mm“N""°"""' '°”"*"'i'>*"' ""°""°"' N° he or she deserves our full and complete support during their entire reign. Period!of the nap‘ be reproduced without ' _ , , _ _ _ _ _u, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,";'Z,',’,,,,,,,,,,,,_ '"°' Before r continue myJudge bashing (andl m hot really bashing), let s try to decide whatthejudges are

DRU_M_MEliwblih¢4wwthlyfw$7°r¢rl2- looking for. 11ieremustbeareasontoukmeirandwomen,atleastthoscwhoenterthe "fun" contests,;”F'n“m“"7""_ CA“ °‘s”“d“‘l':;-”P°xh°"°:i:: such_as safe sex posters, Mr. Anatomy-of-the-“feek, etc. , socialllycompelling questions likei>oatomea_ s-r i=r-reared, cit, |>031'MA5'|13R; 5.“ the situation in Mogadishu (though most ofus neverheard ofthis place before it hit the6PM news). Putting‘“"'_' °""‘8°' '° DRUMMEW "° 5°‘ "°°°°- 5"" them on stage and having them flex and bend over for the audience should be enough. l know that's all

CU'Mum_ C '0 UL Du Sm WM thecrowdcares aboutanyway,eventhough world affairsisvital informationwhichcanandshouldbeusedorawitnut. Dstauu. Dstaauwt, Dianna Diu>- later in fundraising efforts. But really, is it important for someone who's bare buns, tits, or chest that is

°'-‘~ D""‘"'“"‘- °"""° °"'- "‘ '*""‘°- “"“" going to be posted on our refrigerators for 30 + days, need to be able to speak on foreign policy or nationalNoruoos.Maiacau,Ms. Duauss. Ran Vlsv M|n- . 9,"aoa.Sntnutnona.TCTuas.TIsTimBnto,Ttaioii '°°um)'~'-Pvmum. and Town Surr an nsinmd tndomnrh Let's be We live in a society where our looks and sexual abilities arejust as important as our°' °="'"""- ""- speaking ahd leadership abilities. We otteh hate to admit it, but we do see the “outer being” first. Even

l2-issue ruhaeriptiorh $10 it the us. stzo (us when itcomestopickingtitleholders. Superficialas itmaymake us feel,wewantto “getto knowtheperson”M41) ¢\'~l*~~ CA M541" Ply ‘-55 "kl _"*- later. Yes, l know they haveto have the ability and desireto spend numerous Saturdays to stand on a rainy

gzmgcm‘ V.“ M'°"“ st.reet comer and sell themselves and their calendars for charity money. However, I have yet to buy a

phritpay,-a::;:.°dtlht“alrfe calendar from a man with a “pretty brain“! Recently, l protested ‘to a friend that hefuwnioriglirially drawn"°“"“"“""_ ' ‘ to me because of a physical attractiveness and had no intentions 0 pursuing it any r. is response,

$:°_f,',‘I°f,,‘1",,',,'”,,‘,',",I,,“,,"f,'§‘,,,"'I‘, Kai‘; ~weu r didn't wail to fuck your personality. " Some how, this rang true. l didn't want to fuck his either,I¢hrb¢\¢°'ri~¢=°fI~A11risb"\~l¢=~I“/w'5""h°uyL$"D“' wb““”lhamu:;"w"n"‘4; ”"'mm“'°'“ So, in all honesty, when we are a contest, are judging the men and women because they have

our are subject to oearhoriua, |hC.'l right to edit -rd worked their assesoffor are we looking at their physical attractiveness? Are they beauty queens or men

°"°°*"- "‘°- °"""'“"°°° andwomenwe'lldependontoraisemoneyandspeakonourbehalfwlienwedon'thavethet.imeordesirerospomibilityf taisolieited riuir. staadurd of . . . . . , .

,_,__,,,,,,‘f,{_,,,_,,,, ,,,;';'_‘?,__,,,_, »_,m':',“ todoso? Souridshkethejudgesjobrsriotaseasyas ltsniucheasierandawholelotnioreareue. rue of pyraeut for photos rad illustmioias funtositanonymouslytnthesafetyofthecrowdandcnticrzetherrdecrsiononcethecontestisover. And"""i"°“°"°'i""""'i" iftheyusedtheOlympicScoringSystern,theyprobablywillbeassurprisedasyou. ltcanbeanowin ‘.1 r. ,..e,"_' 1': Eachjudge hopes to find someone who will work tirelessly fora yearwithout complaining (olt, a litle!)

and often without support. These volunteers (remember, this is not a paid position) are suddenly thrust intoAIm£Ivol'laap.poa6Qslp1Q?-oII—


(continued on next page)