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  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    lure of

    ental Restorati

  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    De nition :

    It is Inability or inadequacyofa dental restoration or

    prosthesis to perform asexpected.

  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    What is Success ?

    he criteria of success of a dentalrestoration include :

    Restoration remains inte!ral and in place.

    "bsence of recurrent #aries.$ar!inal accuracy and adaptation.%erfect aesthetics.$aintain perfect anatomy and relations&ith nei!hborin! and opposin! teeth andperiodontal Structures.%atient comfort and satisfaction .

  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    'eneral #auses of Failure :

    #auses of failure can be listed aseitherinherent factors or induced factors :

    () Inherent Factorsou!h conditions in the oral ca*ity:Di+erent ypes of Stress.

    emperature ,uctuations.%- #yclin!.-umidity.$icro)or!anisms.Shelters and sta!nation areas

    #auses of failure can be listed aseitherinherent factors or induced factors :

    () Inherent Factorsou!h conditions in the oral ca*ity:Di+erent ypes of Stress.

    emperature ,uctuations.%- #yclin!.-umidity.$icro)or!anisms.Shelters and sta!nation areas

  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    'eneral #auses of Failure :

    ) Induced Factors$is/ud!ment in selectin! the correctrestorati*e material.

    Incorrect desi!n of ca*ity preparationImperfect manipulation of therestoration .

  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    Failure ofDentalcomposite

  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    #auses of composite failures :

    (. Incomplete remo*al of carious lesion. incomplete etchin! or incomplete remo*al of residual

    acid from tooth surface

    0. 1xcess or de cient application of boundin! a!ent .

    2. 3ac4 of moisture control .5. #ontamination of composite &ith n!er 6 sali*a .

    7. follo&in! bul4 placement technique durin!polymeri8ation of composite .

    9. Improper polymeri8ation method .

    . Incomplete nishin! and polishin! of composite .

    ;. Inadequate occlusion of restored tooth .

  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    Follo&in! failures are commonly seen incomposite restoration &ith time :

    #auses of composite failures :


    Secondary carie s

    'rossfracture of






    3oss of


    "ccumulation of


  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    'uideline to minimi8e compositefailure :

    (. he tooth preparation should be 4ept as small aspossible since composite in bul4 lead to failure .

    . "*oid sharp internal line an!les =&hich increase stressconcentration.

    0. Deeper preparation should be !i*en base of #"> -@ or

    'I cement.2. Strict isolation is to be follo&ed.

    5. "*oid inadequate curin! =since it lead hydrolyticbrea4do&n of composite.

    7. Ase small increments= holdin! each increment &ithe,on coated instruments.

    9. Fill proximal box separately and create proper contactareas .

    . #omposite =especially at be*eled areas =should benished and polished properly.

  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    Repairin! composite restorations :

    Restoration is indicated for replacement&hen any of follo&in! occurs :

    Secondary caries &hich cannot be remo*eddurin! repair procedure.

    Beed for aesthetics.

    %resence of pulpal patholo!y

  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes


    #onclusion :

    (. he criteria of success of a dentalrestoration include many factor

    .#auses of failure can be listed as either0.inherent factors or induced factors

    2.Failures in amal!am restoration are notusually because of poor material5.Durin! ca*ity preparation the failure occuar

    at *arious step

    7. he tooth preparation should be 4ept assmall as possible since composite in bul4lead to failure

    9.#omposite =especially at be*eled areas=should be nished and polished properly.

  • 8/9/2019 S.S Resto notes

