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July 2018

4:00 PM C. Cowperthwaite, E. Pindara,T. Zalewski, N. Zalewski

8:00 AM T. Gibson, T. Nester, M. Noworyta

9:45 AM E. Lihota, G. Slusarczyk,T. Baker, M. Gasior

11:30 AM R. Manriquez, J. Gonzalez,M. Suarez, R. Ortiz


July 2018

4:00 PM D. Karczewski8:00 AM P. Gadus9:45 AM A. Bonczek

11:30 AM M. Suarez


4:00 PM A. Bonczek

SUNDAY, July 88:00 AM A. Shea9:45 AM J. Wojtas

11:30 AM D. Ranos


July 2018

4:00 PM M. CowperthwaiteP. O’Rourke

8:00 AM C. BozovicJ. GibbonsK. Gibson

9:45 AM D. LenckosP. MaccagnanoC. Ranos

11:30 AM A. DavilaI. Jimenez


SATURDAY, July 74:00 PM Judy

SUNDAY, July 88:00 AM Laurie9:45 AM Michelle

Week of July 1 ­ 7The Tabernacle Candle will be lit this week in memory of

Violet Yager ­ Mr. & Mrs. Ritchie FamilyThe Gifts of Bread & Wine are donated this week in memory of

Violet Yager ­ Mr. & Mrs. Ritchie Family


Weekend, June 30 & July 14:00 PM + Violet Yager ­ Josephine Klimczak8:00 AM + Edward Plawinski ­ Jay & Bobbie9:45 AM + Ron Nawracaj ­ Wife & Son Bob

11:30 AM + Domingo & Rebecca Contreras ­ Rosa Contreras

Monday, July 28:00 AM + Irene Mosser ­ Mosser Family

Tuesday, July 38:00 AM + Violet Yager ­ Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Slusarczyk

Wednesday, July 4 ­ Independence Day8:00 AM + Joseph Katulski ­ Jay & Bobbie

Thursday, July 58:00 AM + John Shanahan Sr. ­ Wife Jo

Friday, July 68:00 AM + Deceased Members of the Skurzekut Family

Saturday, July 78:00 AM + Bob Polski ­ Mosser Family4:00 PM + Lorraine Zalewski ­ Family

Sunday, July 88:00 AM + Sally Slavik ­ Mosser Family9:45 AM + Elizabeth Grzybczyk

11:30 AM + Soleda Melgoza ­ Rosa Contreras

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Page 3St. Florian ParishJuly 1, 2018

Good Morning - Dzień dobry - Buenos días

Dear Family,

I wanted to say hello to each and every one of you – my new family – at St. Florian. This pastweek I have been going to what I guess could be called, Baby Pastor School, at MundeleinSeminary. I am grateful to the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Priest Placement Board for sucha wonderful program of guidance and support. I listened to the new, soon to be pastors, likemyself; listening as they spoke with infectious excitement about the things they would like todo at their new parishes. When it came my turn to speak, I thought for a moment, then statedthat I first needed to spend time getting to know the people and listen carefully to their deepestexpressed needs. Every parish, like every person, has its own personality – its own culture.There is one thing I would like to do, if you agree, is to honor the Chicago firefighters andpolice officers, as well as First Responders. I have an idea or two that I will share with youlater as I begin.

For the past few weeks, during the hectic transition, I have been learning how to offer the Massin Spanish. I purchased the brand new Roman Missal in Spanish, put out by the U.S. Bishopson May 1 st. What a gift! I have been privately saying Mass in my chapel with it weekly toprepare myself to serve our family at St. Florian to the best of my abilities – in person. I thinkmy pronunciation has reached the point where someone besides the Holy Spirit can understandme. Have you had a chance to see my spaghetti sauce commercial yet? Go to the website( or check it out on YouTube. I wrote and directed it from my heart, usingmy own family. The warmth and humor of the commercial will give you a great insight intowhat makes me tick.

Kids, have a great week. Remember to laugh. Cardinal Francis George would say, “We canlaugh, Jesus Rose! ” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen used to say, “A good laugh from the gutshakes the tension out of a man’s frame.” I love parties. Let’s have a party really soon! Andremember You are BEAUTIFUL!

Fr. David J. Simonetti

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There are quite a few Masses available in

the 201 8 Mass Book. Please stop by the

rectory to reserve your Masses.

Monday ­ July 2Reading Amos 2:6­10, 13­16Gospel Matthew 8:18­22

Tuesday ­ July 3 ­ St. ThomasReading Ephesians 2:19­22Gospel John 20:24­29

Wednesday ­ July 4 ­ Independence DayReading Amos 5:14­15, 21­24Gospel Matthew 8:28­34

Thursday ­ July 5 ­ Anthony Zaccaria &St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Reading Amos 7:10­17Gospel Matthew 9:1­8

Friday ­ July 6 ­ St. Maria GorettiReading Amos 8:4­6, 9­12Gospel Matthew 9:9­13

Saturday ­ July 7Reading Amos 9:11­15Gospel Matthew 9:14­17

Sunday ­ July 8 ­ 14th Sunday in Ordinary TimeReading I Ezekiel 2:2­5Reading II 2 Corinthians 12:7­10Gospel Mark 6:1­6a


We pray for...


If you are new to the parish, stop in the rectory to register.

ST. FLORIAN CHURCHis back on Facebook

Information and events will be posted on the

Florian Hegewisch user page.

Please Remember Your Parish

Why not consider serving your parish as it has served

you? When making your final arrangements, please

remember our Church in your will.

Loretta Borowski, Michael Boston, GrantBradtke, Kevin Chocholek, Ricky & CindyCholipski, Austin Cichy, Philip Corich, MartinCovarrubias, Mary Lou Cowperthwaite, Dorita De Cardona,David Donahue, Catherine Drilling, Rosie Dunmore,Marietta Falbo, Laurie Ferry, Charlotte Frjelich, Bob Frjelich,Tom Gadus, Irma Garcia, Allysa Garcia, Yesenia Guajardo,Rosa Guadalupe Guajardo, Sara Janet Guzman, MaryannHenney, Tristan Hirosky, Baby Ian, Tony Jackson, CharleneJones, Edward Kawa, Larry Kawa, Karen Kil, Bob Konecek,Martha Kowalkowski, Kelly Kozloski, Helen Larson, JohnLarson, Beth Lasseter, Thomas J. Lohr, Hector Maya,Joseph B. Mistarz, Jr., Ricardo Morales, GenovevaNateras, Policarpo Naya, Shirley Ostrowski, FeliciaPancer, D. J. Plys, James Rago, John Rosmanitz, JoShanahan, Lillian Smierciak, Alfonso Soto, Linda Stannish, Lynn& Dwayne Tempe, Chestine Trzupek, Asunción Villalpondo,Rita Wilck, Dianne Williams, Stanley Wrona, Sr., Residentsof Hammond ­ Whiting Care Center and Residents ofDolton Health Care Center and Residents of BurnhamTerrace.

We pray for the homebound, sick and hospitalized. If your name appearsin the above list and you no longer wish to be included due to recovery,please contact the Rectory at (773) 646­4877.

CCD RegistrationRegistration for our Religious Edu-

cation Program (CCD) will begin in July

at the rectory on Tuesdays, Wednesdays

and Thursdays from 2:00pm until 5:30pm. Call the

rectory at (773) 646-4877 for more information.

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RCIA ­ The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Who are the People Who Join our Church Today?

Young people who are planning to marry in theCatholic church are a major part of the group thatenters this program. At this time in their lives, theseyoung couples wish to share their faith lives andvalues by establishing a religious base for thisrelationship.

Young parents who are expecting their first child,or parents who may have a child starting schooloften find this to be the right time to join a faithcommunity that will help them find God in theirlives and expand their moral values.

People who were baptized but never felt relatedto a religion. These people feel it is time to enterinto a personal relationship with God.

People who have not been baptized, for whateverreason feel that now is the time to begin a journeywith God. As they interact with their Catholic neigh-bors they realize there is something missing in theirlives that needs to be fulfilled. They are attractedto the Catholic Church and the family atmospherethat is offered.

People who have experienced grief and tragedy intheir lives are now seeking to understand it. So oftenwe hear people say, "I have a Catholic friend orneighbor who went through the same thing that I amgoing through and their faith seemed to sustain andcomfort them. I want to find a faith like that."

People from all backgrounds are seeking God in theirlives. We all look for answers for Life and Death questionsto questions about God and ourselves.

Whatever your reason we welcome you to join us inbecoming a Catholic through the RCIA program.

The Rite of Christian Initiation ofAdults is a programby which the Catholic Church welcomes new membersinto its communal life. The RCIA program is a livingexperience of the church, and NOT just a series ofclassesto teach you about Christianity. There are discussionsabout the facts of the faith. These sessions are only onepart of the experience of living the faith. This programallows you to learn and share with others who are onthe same journey-living the faith with members of theChurch. For more information about the RCIA program,please contact the rectory at (773) 646-4877.

Real PresencePaul Turner

Catholics hold strongly theirbelief in the real presenceof Christ in the Eucharist.This presence happens "bythe conversion of the breadand wine into Christ's bodyand blood" (Catechism ofthe Catholic Church, 1375).This transformation takesplace during the eucharisticprayer at every Mass.

Christ is present in other ways. The Constitution on theSacred Liturgy from the Second Vatican Council saysthat Christ is present in the sacrifice of the Mass in thepriest, in the readings, and in the church. He is present"especially under the Eucharistic species" (7).

For this reason, when Catholics present themselves inthe communion line, they hear the minister proclaim,"The Body ofChrist" and "The Blood ofChrist." Theyanswer "Amen" to each of these statements, affirmingtheir belief in the real presence ofChrist in every com-munion. In a similar way, to conclude the proclamationof the Gospel, the people hear "The Gospel of the Lord,"and they address their words not to the priest or deaconwho proclaimed the Gospel but to Christ, who is presentin his word: "Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ."

Nonetheless, "the mode of Christ's presence under theEucharistic species is unique" (CCC, 1374). After Mass,the real presence of Christ remains in the consecratedbread stored in the tabernacle. There it is commonlycalled the Blessed Sacrament. Outside of Mass, aconsecrated host may be set within a monstrance andreverently placed on the altar for the adoration of thefaithful. This event is called exposition of the BlessedSacrament.

Christ is truly present in the consecrated elementswhether we are receiving him in holy communion oradoring him in the Blessed Sacrament. He has comethat his followers may have life, and have it moreabundantly.

Paul Turner is pastor ofSt. Anthony Parish in Kansas

City, Mo. A priest of the diocese of Kansas City-St.

Joseph, he holds a doctorate in sacred theology from

Sant' Anselmo in Rome.

Copyright © 2015 Resource Publications, Inc.

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St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box $72.00

Thank You – You are performing a good work; far

greater than you may think. Your nickel, dime or quarter

is multiplied by the coins place by other sin the St.

Vincent de Paul Poor Boxes. May your heart be glad

because of your alms giving. A sincere Thank You!

MARK YOUR CALENDARJul 8 Holy Name GolfOuting

South Shore - Cedar Lake, IN 8:30am

Jul 29 Holy Name GolfOuting

Minnie Monesse - Grant Park, IL 9:30am

Please pray for ourService Members:

Eugene Zmija, U.S Air Force ­ SgtEric L. Abram, U.S. Air Force ­ AaronAlvarez, U.S Navy ­ MSgt James Ritchie, U.S.Air Force ­ Capt. Christopher Conner, U.S. MarineCorps ­ Sgt. Michael Marszalek, U.S. Army ­Robert A. Islas, Jr., U.S Navy ­ Capt. Lisa Klekowski,US. Army ­ PFC Patrick Paskiewicz, U.S. Army­ Petty Officer Second Class Laura A Tomczak,U.S. Navy ­ Master Sgt. Christopher Saberniak,U.S. Air Force ­ A1C Nicolaos Hofbauer, U.S.Air Force ­ Sgt. Ernest Silva, U.S. Marine Corps­ Jonathan Daniel Ladowski, U.S. Marine Corps­ Walter Michael Davila, U.S. Navy

If you know of a family member who is no longer serving, please contact theRectory at 646­4877 so they may be removed from this prayer list.

Anyone interested in rentingKonsowski Hall, please call the rectory

for more information.

Please don’t forget us

during your summer

activities! With

graduations, family

reunions, picnics, vacations and all of the other summer

plans you and your family may have, please be sure to

keep current with your contributions to the Parish while

you are away. We wish everyone a very blessed, safe and

happy summer.

WEEKLY OFFERINGSJune 23 & 24, 2018

Sunday Collections Amount

4:00pm Mass $ 1 ,028.00

8:00am Mass $ 442.57

9:45am Mass $ 403.00

11 :30am Mass $ 345.56

Mailed Donations $ 35.00

Votives $ 76.05

Actual Received $ 2,330.1 8

vs Budgeted Goal -$ 4,500.00

Deficit ­$2,169.82

Retired Priests $ 10.00

Father's Day $ 10.00

Energy $ 87.00

Parish Needs $ 236.50

Building Improvement $ 110.00

Maintenance $ 70.00

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TO ALL WHO CELEBRATEWhether visitors, long-time residents

or newly arrived in the Parish, weThank God for you.

If you are not registered,or there is a change in your address,

or telephone number,please fill out the form and place it in one

of our collection baskets or mail it tothe Rectory

Thank You

Name: _____________________________________

Phone: _____________________________________

Address: _____________________________________



Please CheckOne:

___New Parishioner ___New Phone Number

___NewAddress ___Moving, Remove

from Register

MemorialsAnd Gifts ofRemembrance

You may remember your deceased loved ones in thefollowing ways:

DonationDaily Masses $ 10

Tree ofLife Gold Leaf $ 100Small Stone $ 500Large Stone $1 ,000

The Tabernacle Candlewill be lit in memory of. . . $ 10

The Gifts ofBread andWineare donated in memory of. . . $ 15

Please remember St. Florian Parishin your estate planning

Your Gift, Your

Mission Statement ofSt. Florian Parish Pastoral Council

St. Florian Parish Pastoral Council is a group ofparishioners who work together with the pastor toact as a consultative body for the parish. Ourmission is to build a prayerful, evangelizing andwelcoming spirit for the benefit of the faithcommunity.


We are Roman Catholics of prayer, service and long-standing tradition guided by thespirit to meet the direct needs of out parishioners and neighboring community in ademanding social environment. We strive to achieve a sense of justice, responsibility,prayerfulness, communication and unity by providing:

• All individuals the opportunity of receiving sacraments• The proper educational environment ­ spiritually, morally, academically• A channel for corporal works of mercy• A time and place for social gathering and fellowship

Our goals and objectives will be accomplished through encouraging active participationin dialogue, evangelization, stewardship, prayer and love.


Altar ServersChoirs, Cantors & Musicians

Ministers ofCommunionLiturgy CommitteeMinistry ofCare

Ministry ofConsolationMinistry ofLectors

Faith Sharing GroupsUshers & Greeters

Bible Study

Education andAdult Formation

Baptismal PreparationR.C.I.A.

Parish Pastoral CouncilReligious Education

Evangelization Committee


Finance CouncilSt. Vincent de Paul

Parish Organizations

Holy Name SocietyKnights ofColumbusDaughters of Isabella

Ladies Rosary Sodality
