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100:00:14,456 --> 00:00:17,251Captain?

200:00:17,251 --> 00:00:19,211Sir?

300:01:03,387 --> 00:01:07,891Song : "Faith of the Heart"It's been a long road

400:01:07,891 --> 00:01:11,019ENTERPRISEGetting from there to here

500:01:11,019 --> 00:01:14,981ENTERPRISEIt's been a long time


00:01:14,981 --> 00:01:18,902But my time is finally near

700:01:18,902 --> 00:01:23,198And I will see my dream come alive at last

800:01:23,198 --> 00:01:26,576Based upon "STAR TREK" by Gene RoddenberryI will touch the sky


00:01:26,576 --> 00:01:30,497And they're not gonna hold me down no more

1000:01:30,497 --> 00:01:33,792Scott Bakula as Capt Janathan ArcherNo, they're not gonna change my mind

1100:01:33,792 --> 00:01:38,672Scott Bakula as Capt Janathan Archer'Cause I've got faith of the heart

1200:01:38,672 --> 00:01:41,633John Bilingsley as Dr. PhloxI'm going where the heart will take me

1300:01:41,633 --> 00:01:46,388I've got faith to believe


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00:01:46,388 --> 00:01:49,307Jolene Blalock as Subcommander T'PolI can do anything

1500:01:49,307 --> 00:01:54,187Dominic Keating as Lietenant Malcolm ReedI've got strength of the soul

1600:01:54,187 --> 00:01:57,065startrek.cyworld.comNo one's gonna bend or break me

1700:01:57,065 --> 00:02:02,904Anthony Montgomery as Ensign Travis MayweatherI can reach any star

1800:02:02,904 --> 00:02:06,'ve got faith

1900:02:06,700 --> 00:02:10,704Linda Park as Ensign Hoshi SatoI've got faith

2000:02:10,704 --> 00:02:13,498Connor Trinneer as Command Trip Tucker Jr.Faith of the heart

2100:02:14,040 --> 00:02:15,292Captioning by Media Access Group at WGBH

access.wgbh.org2200:02:15,292 --> 00:02:19,880Sync : witewave([email protected])Free in editing or distribution for Public Domain

2300:02:19,880 --> 00:02:24,426Created byRick Berman & Brannon Braga


00:02:26,094 --> 00:02:31,016021 [1x21] Detained

2500:03:03,064 --> 00:03:06,192- How many?- I saw at least 30.

2600:03:06,192 --> 00:03:10,322

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This place is pretty big.There could be more.

2700:03:10,322 --> 00:03:17,370- Any idea who attacked the shuttle?- I didn't exactly have time to get a good look.

2800:03:19,331 --> 00:03:26,129The energy readings we got from the other side of that moon could have come from a Helix.

2900:03:39,601 --> 00:03:45,607There's a wall about five meters high.It's looks like it surrounds this entire building.

3000:03:45,607 --> 00:03:50,361I see something that might be a guard tower but I can't be sure.

3100:03:50,361 --> 00:03:54,783

Any people?3200:03:54,783 --> 00:03:58,161No, sir.

3300:04:00,497 --> 00:04:04,042You up for another walk?

3400:04:09,506 --> 00:04:14,427You're new arrivals.

3500:04:15,970 --> 00:04:20,975- Why are we here?- Why are any of us here?

3600:05:05,353 --> 00:05:07,564Follow me.

3700:05:27,417 --> 00:05:30,712Thank you, Major.

3800:05:30,712 --> 00:05:33,673Please, sit down.

3900:05:36,968 --> 00:05:41,055I can understand why you're upset.No doubt you've had a difficult afternoon.

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4000:05:41,055 --> 00:05:42,348To say the least.

4100:05:42,348 --> 00:05:47,228I meant to speak to you earlier but I had some urgent business to attend to. I apologize.

4200:05:47,228 --> 00:05:51,274We don't see many starship captains here.

4300:05:51,274 --> 00:05:54,110- "Jonathan Archer."- That's right.

4400:05:54,110 --> 00:05:58,489- You must be "Travis Mayweather."- And you are?


00:05:58,489 --> 00:06:02,660- I am Colonel Grat.- I take it you're the man in charge.

4600:06:02,660 --> 00:06:06,873I took the liberty to examine the database in your shuttlecraft.

4700:06:06,873 --> 00:06:12,587So I know that you're from a planet called Earthand that you serve on a vessel called Enterprise.

4800:06:12,587 --> 00:06:18,384But what I don't know is what you were doing within our military zone.

4900:06:18,384 --> 00:06:20,887Military zone?

5000:06:20,887 --> 00:06:25,683You entered orbit of our second moon.You must have detected it.

5100:06:25,683 --> 00:06:32,148We... picked up some unusual energy readingsbut we had no idea where they were coming from.

5200:06:32,148 --> 00:06:36,486We were simply curious.


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00:06:36,486 --> 00:06:39,405Your curiosity almost got you killed.

5400:06:39,405 --> 00:06:43,284Fortunately, our patrol ship didn't vaporize your shuttlecraft.

5500:06:43,284 --> 00:06:46,954You might think about putting up a "no trespassing" sign.

5600:06:46,954 --> 00:06:50,875- I'll pass that along.- Where are we now?

5700:06:50,875 --> 00:06:52,960This is a detention complex.

5800:06:52,960 --> 00:06:55,505It's several light-years from where we found you.

5900:06:55,505 --> 00:07:00,134Does everyone that violates your territory get thrown into a place like this?

6000:07:00,134 --> 00:07:03,721We're at war with a species that can mimic the appearance of almost any humanoid.

6100:07:03,721 --> 00:07:07,183We had to make certain that you weren't infiltrators.

6200:07:07,183 --> 00:07:10,937If you're worried we're Suliban trust me, we're not.

6300:07:10,937 --> 00:07:15,566I know.We've already tested your DNA.

6400:07:15,566 --> 00:07:20,113You're familiar with the Cabal?

6500:07:20,113 --> 00:07:21,572Unfortunately.

6600:07:21,572 --> 00:07:26,285Then you must know about their genetic enhancementsand how dangerous they can be.


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00:07:26,285 --> 00:07:29,872- Firsthand.- I hope you didn't suffer too many casualties.

6800:07:29,872 --> 00:07:35,128We've been... lucky... so far.

6900:07:35,128 --> 00:07:38,130We're eager to get back to Enterprise.

7000:07:38,130 --> 00:07:40,800If you'll take us to our shuttlepodwe'll be on our way.

7100:07:40,800 --> 00:07:44,011I'm afraid I don't have the authority to release you.

7200:07:44,011 --> 00:07:46,180We have very strict regulations.

7300:07:46,180 --> 00:07:49,892You'll have to appear before a magistrate on Tandar Prime.

7400:07:49,892 --> 00:07:54,856But the hearing should be brief.I'll explain that this was just an innocent misunderstanding.

7500:07:54,856 --> 00:07:58,860- When's this hearing?

- A transport will be here in three days.7600:07:59,260 --> 00:08:01,011Three days?!

7700:08:01,011 --> 00:08:03,889I wish I could offer you more comfortable accommodations.

7800:08:03,889 --> 00:08:08,352Unfortunately, this detention complex is overcrowded at the moment.

7900:08:08,352 --> 00:08:10,771I would advise you to keep to yourselves.

8000:08:10,771 --> 00:08:14,566If the Suliban give you any troublesimply tell one of the guards.

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8100:08:14,566 --> 00:08:17,778I'd like to contact my ship.Let them know we're all right.

8200:08:17,778 --> 00:08:22,658- I can't permit that, Captain.- Regulations?

8300:08:22,658 --> 00:08:27,913But I will call them personally and explain the situation.

8400:08:30,306 --> 00:08:35,812Escort these gentlemen back to their quarters.Make sure they get a proper meal.

8500:08:35,812 --> 00:08:40,066I'm sorry we couldn't have met under better circumstances.


00:08:40,066 --> 00:08:42,193So am I.

8700:08:49,858 --> 00:08:55,613They call this a proper meal?I should save it for Commander Tucker.

8800:08:55,613 --> 00:09:00,744It'd make a good valve sealant.Why don't you get some sleep.

8900:09:00,744 --> 00:09:05,332I'll take the first watch.

9000:09:07,000 --> 00:09:10,587This thing doesn't hold much.

9100:09:12,881 --> 00:09:15,884I'll be right back.


00:09:41,117 --> 00:09:44,662How about waiting your turn?

9300:10:05,892 --> 00:10:09,187- I can't believe you'd do this to a child.- Do what?

9400:10:09,187 --> 00:10:13,817

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- She's a little young to be a member of the Cabal.- You don't know what you're talking about.

9500:10:13,817 --> 00:10:20,615I know that you're given genetic tricks as payment.What are they giving her?

9600:10:20,615 --> 00:10:24,452I don't know who you arebut you're wrong about us.

9700:10:24,452 --> 00:10:25,954Is that so?

9800:10:25,954 --> 00:10:30,291We're not genetically enhancedand we're not members of the Cabal.

9900:10:30,291 --> 00:10:32,961

If that's true then what are you doing here?10000:10:32,961 --> 00:10:36,464Didn't Colonel Grat tell you?We're dangerous.

10100:10:36,464 --> 00:10:43,429- All Suliban are dangerous.- It's past curfew.


00:10:43,429 --> 00:10:47,851- We were just on our way back.- Sorry, Danik.

10300:10:47,851 --> 00:10:51,729- It's the second time this week.- Klev, please.

10400:10:51,729 --> 00:10:55,650- It's only for one night.- It's my fault.

10500:10:55,650 --> 00:10:59,153- I'm the one who kept them here.- Get back to your cell.

10600:10:59,153 --> 00:11:02,574- Where are you taking him?- Isolation.

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10700:11:02,574 --> 00:11:10,456- Unless you want to join him do as I say.- Will you make sure she gets back?

10800:11:10,456 --> 00:11:14,460I'll see you in the morning.Don't worry.

10900:11:40,275 --> 00:11:44,446- I'd like to speak with them.- I'm sorry, but regulations forbid that.

11000:11:44,446 --> 00:11:48,992There's nothing to be concerned about.They've been placed in comfortable quarters and they're perfectly safe.

11100:11:48,992 --> 00:11:51,370If it's all the same to you I'd rather hear that from the Captain.

11200:11:51,370 --> 00:11:55,666- I'm afraid that's not possible.- May we attend the hearing?

11300:11:55,666 --> 00:11:59,002- Of course.- Will they be given legal representation?

11400:11:59,002 --> 00:12:01,463

They're also free to choose their own counsel.11500:12:01,463 --> 00:12:06,134When you arrive at Tandar Prime you'll be contacted by the Central Magistrate'sOffice.

11600:12:06,134 --> 00:12:10,180- We'll need the coordinates.- I'm sending them now.


00:12:10,180 --> 00:12:14,434- Thank you, Colonel.- Good luck to you.

11800:12:14,434 --> 00:12:17,521- Hoshi?- I can't trace the signal.


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00:12:17,521 --> 00:12:20,148He must have scrambled the carrier wave.

12000:12:20,148 --> 00:12:23,569- Keep at it.- What are you suggesting we do?

12100:12:23,569 --> 00:12:26,864- Mount a rescue?- The thought crossed my mind.

12200:12:26,864 --> 00:12:30,242It would be a mistake to provoke the Tandarans any further.

12300:12:30,242 --> 00:12:34,413- So, we just sit on our hands?- The hearing's in three days.

12400:12:34,413 --> 00:12:38,292

And what if they're found guilty?Sentenced to 30 years in prison?

12500:12:38,292 --> 00:12:40,377That's unlikely.

12600:12:40,377 --> 00:12:45,674If you want to explore alien cultures you'll need to learn to respect their laws.


00:12:45,674 --> 00:12:50,345If Captain Archer were here,I'm sure he'd agree.

12800:12:51,430 --> 00:12:56,143If you'd like, I'll contact the Vulcan High Command.They might be willing to send an arbitrator.

12900:12:56,143 --> 00:13:01,690A Vulcan lawyer?He'd be better off getting the electric chair.

13000:13:01,690 --> 00:13:07,529- Electric chair?- Never mind.

13100:13:07,529 --> 00:13:11,033Set a course for Tandar Prime.

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13200:13:40,979 --> 00:13:44,232Hello again.

13300:13:49,029 --> 00:13:54,034- I hope isolation wasn't too rough.- It gets very cold in there at night.

13400:13:54,034 --> 00:13:59,873Sometimes I wish I was genetically enhanced.

13500:14:01,792 --> 00:14:07,422If you've come to apologize, don't.It was just a misunderstanding.

13600:14:07,422 --> 00:14:14,179Actually, I was hoping to find outwhat's going on around here.


00:14:14,179 --> 00:14:16,515Maybe you should talk to one of the Tandarans.

13800:14:16,515 --> 00:14:23,730I spoke to Colonel Grat but I get the feeling he's not telling me the whole story.

13900:14:23,730 --> 00:14:29,903Archer.My name is Jonathan Archer.

14000:14:41,206 --> 00:14:44,668- More?- I've had plenty. Thank you.

14100:14:44,668 --> 00:14:49,339- It was very good.- You look like Tandarans.

14200:14:49,339 --> 00:14:55,011Why don't you go and find your friends?

And don't forget curfew.

14300:14:55,011 --> 00:14:57,597I won't.

14400:15:04,729 --> 00:15:10,318We're not criminals, Captain and we're not soldiers.

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14500:15:10,318 --> 00:15:16,241- The only thing we're guilty of is being Suliban.- They must have tested your DNA.

14600:15:16,241 --> 00:15:23,540- Figured out that you haven't been genetically altered.- As far as they're concerned, that doesn't mean anything.

14700:15:23,540 --> 00:15:30,714You believed I was a member of the Cabal, didn't you? Didn't you?

14800:15:32,215 --> 00:15:35,427Yes, I did.

14900:15:35,427 --> 00:15:40,265All that seems to matter is the way we look.

15000:15:40,265 --> 00:15:46,438

"Be careful of their wicked smiles""their shining yellow eyes."

15100:15:46,438 --> 00:15:54,613"At night, they'll squeeze right through your doorand everybody dies."

15200:15:54,613 --> 00:16:01,286The Tandaran children used to tease my daughter with that nursery rhyme.


00:16:01,286 --> 00:16:07,834At least here, she doesn't have to hear it anymore.

15400:16:07,834 --> 00:16:14,799- This is an internment camp.- Detention Complex 26.

15500:16:14,799 --> 00:16:19,471- I've heard it's one of their nicer ones.- Why did this happen?

15600:16:19,471 --> 00:16:23,642The Cabal began their attacks eight years ago.

15700:16:23,642 --> 00:16:31,483It wasn't long before the Tandarans started to question the loyalty of all Suliban living in their territory.


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00:16:31,483 --> 00:16:37,530We were rounded up... "relocated" as they like to say.

15900:16:37,530 --> 00:16:42,410They told us it was only temporary.It was for our own safety.

16000:16:42,410 --> 00:16:47,666"Once the Cabal has been destroyed you will be free to go back to your homes."

16100:16:48,566 --> 00:16:53,112We're still waiting.There are 89 of us here.

16200:16:53,112 --> 00:16:56,699Thousands more in other camps.

16300:16:56,699 --> 00:17:03,539Everyone of us used to be citizens on worlds in the Tandar Sector.

16400:17:04,999 --> 00:17:12,381Did you know that I was born in the same town as one of the guards? Major Klev.

16500:17:12,381 --> 00:17:17,511I was friends with his brother when we were growing up.

16600:17:17,511 --> 00:17:20,556What about the government on the Suliban homeworld?

16700:17:20,556 --> 00:17:26,729- Don't they have something to say about this?- I'm sure they would if they still existed.

16800:17:26,729 --> 00:17:31,942Our homeworld became uninhabitable 300 years ago.

16900:17:31,942 --> 00:17:39,700Most Suliban are nomadic but some of us have assimilated into other cultures.

17000:17:39,700 --> 00:17:46,373My grandfather made the unfortunate decision to settle on Tandar Prime.

17100:17:46,673 --> 00:17:48,884Yes?

17200:17:50,969 --> 00:17:57,267

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- What are they doing here?- It's all right. I asked them.

17300:17:58,435 --> 00:18:02,439This came today.

17400:18:06,777 --> 00:18:09,780What species are you?

17500:18:09,780 --> 00:18:11,865We're human.

17600:18:11,865 --> 00:18:16,745- Never heard of them.- Sajen, you're being rude.

17700:18:18,163 --> 00:18:22,667Bad news?

17800:18:22,667 --> 00:18:25,545It's my wife.

17900:18:25,545 --> 00:18:31,301We were separated during the relocation.She's in one of the other camps.

18000:18:31,301 --> 00:18:38,433Her transfer was rejected again.She tried to appeal their decision.

18100:18:38,433 --> 00:18:42,979But, as usual, they wouldn't listen.

18200:18:42,979 --> 00:18:45,524I'm sorry.

18300:18:45,524 --> 00:18:51,988Midday inspection.Try to look your best.

18400:18:56,493 --> 00:19:01,748- Thank you for lunch.- Thank you for listening.

18500:19:04,501 --> 00:19:08,380- Why did you bring them here?- Maybe I was tired of talking to you.

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18600:19:08,380 --> 00:19:12,300They could be working with Grat.

18700:19:24,187 --> 00:19:26,064Hey!

18800:19:26,064 --> 00:19:29,526Colonel Grat wants to see you.

18900:19:32,946 --> 00:19:36,199Just him.

19000:19:45,500 --> 00:19:49,462I understand you were out after curfew last night arguing with the Suliban.

19100:19:49,462 --> 00:19:54,843- It was just a misunderstanding.

- You should have taken my advice, Captain.19200:19:54,843 --> 00:19:57,762I know.I know...

19300:19:57,762 --> 00:20:01,808it's a big problem with me.I'm just too damn curious.


00:20:01,808 --> 00:20:06,354Whenever I meet new people I can't resist trying to get to know them.

19500:20:06,354 --> 00:20:10,984I'm certainly getting to know a lot about the Suliban around here.

19600:20:10,984 --> 00:20:16,239I admire your spirit of explorationbut in this case it could get you into trouble.


00:20:16,239 --> 00:20:21,578- Keep to yourself.- I'll do my best.

19800:20:21,578 --> 00:20:31,004- Unless you have any more advice...- No. But... I do have a question.


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00:20:31,004 --> 00:20:34,883Have you ever been to "Oklahoma"?

20000:20:34,883 --> 00:20:37,969I guess you could sayI'm a curious man myself.

20100:20:37,969 --> 00:20:40,513After you mentioned that you were familiar with the Cabal

20200:20:40,513 --> 00:20:44,309I decided to speak with our intelligence agency.

20300:20:44,309 --> 00:20:48,188They've uncovered some interesting facts.

20400:20:48,188 --> 00:20:55,195Apparently two Suliban soldiers crash-landednear a town called "Broken Bow, Oklahoma."

20500:20:55,195 --> 00:20:59,115They were chasing a Klingon of all things.

20600:20:59,115 --> 00:21:04,412I was wondering if you could provide some insightinto what they were doing there.

20700:21:04,412 --> 00:21:07,749I wouldn't know.

You'd have to talk to my superiors...20800:21:07,749 --> 00:21:14,005Oh, I think you know a great deal.Enterprise took the Klingon back to his homeworld.

20900:21:14,005 --> 00:21:18,009Isn't that right?

21000:21:19,636 --> 00:21:27,394

Rigel Ten... you made a detour there.From what I'm told you contacted a woman named Sarin.

21100:21:27,394 --> 00:21:31,856Do you remember her?Well, I'll remind you.

21200:21:31,856 --> 00:21:34,067

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She was the head of a Suliban resistance cell.

21300:21:34,067 --> 00:21:38,196She was killed by the Cabal in a firefight at the trade complex.

21400:21:38,196 --> 00:21:41,324Several of our people saw you there, Captain.

21500:21:41,324 --> 00:21:44,869I believe you were injured... a shot in the leg.

21600:21:44,869 --> 00:21:51,000Do I have to ask your superiors about that as well?

21700:21:51,000 --> 00:21:54,212- What exactly do you want?- Information.


00:21:54,212 --> 00:21:58,675What do you know about the Cabal?What genetic enhancements you've seen.

21900:21:58,675 --> 00:22:01,386Helix deployments.Who's giving them their orders?

22000:22:01,386 --> 00:22:04,055You've got plenty of Suliban here.Why not ask them?

22100:22:04,055 --> 00:22:07,684- We both know they wouldn't be very helpful.- Then why are they in prison?

22200:22:07,684 --> 00:22:11,271- That's a discussion for another time.- There are families here... children.

22300:22:11,271 --> 00:22:14,732

- One man hasn't seen his wife in years.- Tell me what you know.

22400:22:14,732 --> 00:22:18,236- They don't deserve this kind of treatment.- They're here for their own protection.

22500:22:18,236 --> 00:22:21,531

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Oh, really?

22600:22:24,576 --> 00:22:27,996The last thing we wanted to do was build these detention centers

22700:22:27,996 --> 00:22:30,415but we had no choice.

22800:22:30,415 --> 00:22:32,792When the Cabal began their activities

22900:22:32,792 --> 00:22:38,131there was a great deal of fear among the Tandarans.There were instances of violence.

23000:22:38,331 --> 00:22:45,17114 innocent Suliban were killed in one day alone.We had to find a way to keep them out of danger.

23100:22:46,071 --> 00:22:50,075Then why not just let them find another place to live?

23200:22:50,075 --> 00:22:54,413They wouldn't get very far.It's ironic, but once they're out of Tandaran territory

23300:22:54,413 --> 00:22:59,292the Cabal will hunt them down and turn them all into soldiers. They're better off here.

23400:22:59,292 --> 00:23:06,842- I've met a few Suliban who disagree.- One of the Cabal leaders is a man named Silik.

23500:23:06,842 --> 00:23:11,763He infiltrated your vessel approximately three months ago posing as a Borothan pilgrim.

23600:23:11,763 --> 00:23:14,725

What did he want?

23700:23:14,725 --> 00:23:20,731Did he speak of the Temporal Cold War?Answer me!

23800:23:26,903 --> 00:23:33,201This conversation is taking longer than I expected.

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I'd hate to see you miss that transport tomorrow morning.

23900:23:33,201 --> 00:23:38,623The next one won't arrive for another 60 days.

24000:23:52,585 --> 00:23:56,214- I'm afraid the hearing's been postponed.- Why?

24100:23:56,214 --> 00:24:00,259The magistrate assigned to their case is in the middle of a very complex proceeding

24200:24:00,259 --> 00:24:02,553and it's taking more time than he expected.

24300:24:02,553 --> 00:24:04,389How much longer are they going to have to wait?

24400:24:04,389 --> 00:24:08,726Hopefully not more than a few days.If you stay on course for Tandar Prime

24500:24:08,726 --> 00:24:12,563I'll arrange for an ambassador to show you our capital city when you arrive.

24600:24:12,563 --> 00:24:16,776We're not interested in a tour.We just want our people back.

24700:24:16,776 --> 00:24:19,946I'm doing everything I can.Try to be patient.

24800:24:19,946 --> 00:24:24,742- You'll hear from me soon.- I've isolated their carrier frequency.

24900:24:24,742 --> 00:24:26,703

- Do you see it?- I'm tracing it now.

25000:24:26,703 --> 00:24:29,580Bearing one, seven, eight, mark 12.

25100:24:29,580 --> 00:24:33,042- How far?

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- Five point two light-years.

25200:24:33,042 --> 00:24:39,549All I'm saying is we go take a look for ourselves make sure they're okay.

25300:24:40,508 --> 00:24:43,136Proceed.

25400:24:43,536 --> 00:24:46,956Most of the people we meet have been pretty eager to get to know us

25500:24:46,956 --> 00:24:51,335but we've had our share of unfortunate encounters.

25600:24:53,235 --> 00:24:57,990- I guess you could say this is one of them.- I've lived with Tandarans all my life.


00:24:55,490 --> 00:24:58,284They're decent people, for the most part.

25800:24:58,484 --> 00:25:01,487What about you?What did you do before you ended up here?

25900:25:01,487 --> 00:25:04,657I was director of research at an engineering institute.


00:25:04,457 --> 00:25:09,087It's in the Querella Province.You should see it...

26100:25:09,087 --> 00:25:12,215assuming your hearing goes well.

26200:25:12,215 --> 00:25:15,468I've got a feeling we could be here for awhile.


00:25:15,468 --> 00:25:21,432Why not tell Grat what you know...get yourself out of here?

26400:25:21,432 --> 00:25:24,269I don't like being strong-armed.

26500:25:24,269 --> 00:25:29,691

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And I don't like what he's doing to you and the others.

26600:25:35,530 --> 00:25:38,741Has anyone every tried to get out of here?

26700:25:38,741 --> 00:25:41,577You mean escape?

26800:25:41,577 --> 00:25:46,457Well, a couple of years ago three men pried open one of the security grates.

26900:25:46,457 --> 00:25:50,086- They tried to get to the docking bay.- Docking bay?

27000:25:50,786 --> 00:25:59,503Yes. It's about a hundred meters away.It's where they keep Suliban ships they've impounded.

27100:25:59,503 --> 00:26:00,879What happened?

27200:26:00,879 --> 00:26:07,636They managed to get inside but before they couldreach a vessel all three of them were killed.

27300:26:07,636 --> 00:26:14,518Colonel Grat made a ridiculous... ...claim that they were armed.

27400:26:14,518 --> 00:26:19,940They might have succeeded with a little help from the outside.

27500:26:19,940 --> 00:26:25,404Won't be long before Enterprise comes looking for Mayweather and me.

27600:26:32,161 --> 00:26:35,038I appreciate the offer, Captain

27700:26:35,038 --> 00:26:40,294but I doubt many people here would be willing to take the risk.

27800:26:40,294 --> 00:26:43,881Have you asked them?

27900:26:47,301 --> 00:26:51,430

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How many ships are in that docking bay?

28000:27:05,444 --> 00:27:08,155Writing a letter?

28100:27:08,155 --> 00:27:11,366It's a journal.

28200:27:11,366 --> 00:27:14,328Could be valuable someday.

28300:27:14,328 --> 00:27:17,915People will want to know what happened here.

28400:27:17,915 --> 00:27:23,378- I doubt anyone will ever read this.- Then why are you writing it?


00:27:23,378 --> 00:27:27,007Why do you care?I see how you look at us.

28600:27:27,007 --> 00:27:29,426Suliban terrify you.

28700:27:29,426 --> 00:27:35,432You wouldn't be surprised if I slithered up this wall or turned my face inside out.

28800:27:35,432 --> 00:27:41,480Cabal... Suliban...It's all the same to you.

28900:27:41,480 --> 00:27:45,275That's not true.

29000:28:12,010 --> 00:28:14,721- What took you so long?- Are you all right?

29100:28:14,721 --> 00:28:18,141- More or less.- We're picking up Suliban bio-signs.

29200:28:18,141 --> 00:28:22,187It's not what you think.Are you sure this is a secure frequency?

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29300:28:22,187 --> 00:28:24,022I'm triaxilating the signal, sir.

29400:28:24,022 --> 00:28:27,067If we were in the middle of Starfleet headquarters no one would pick it up.

29500:28:27,067 --> 00:28:29,736- Good. Where are you?- In orbit.

29600:28:29,736 --> 00:28:33,865- It won't be long before we're detected.- I'm getting a transporter lock on you now, Captain.

29700:28:33,865 --> 00:28:37,619- Just say the word and we'll bring you both home.- Hang on, Trip.

29800:28:37,619 --> 00:28:43,417We're not ready to leave just yet.Those Suliban you detected are prisoners, too.

29900:28:43,417 --> 00:28:48,088But they're no more guilty than we are.I want to help them get out of here.

30000:28:48,088 --> 00:28:53,051- Captain?

- Have you ever heard of Manzanar, Sub-Commander?30100:28:53,051 --> 00:28:56,596- I'm not familiar with that planet.- It's not a planet.

30200:28:56,596 --> 00:29:01,560It was an internment camp on Earth during the Second World War.

30300:29:01,560 --> 00:29:07,232

Japanese-American citizens were imprisoned there even though they didn't do anything wrong.

30400:29:07,232 --> 00:29:09,109The same thing's happening here.

30500:29:09,109 --> 00:29:13,321I thought you decided not to interfere with other cultures.

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30600:29:13,321 --> 00:29:17,492In this case, I'm making an exception.Understood?

30700:29:17,492 --> 00:29:20,620Yes, Captain.

30800:29:20,620 --> 00:29:24,166I've met a Suliban who knows this camp inside and out.

30900:29:24,166 --> 00:29:27,878We've been working on a planbut we're going to need your help.

31000:29:27,878 --> 00:29:29,796We'll need a few of your people.


00:29:29,796 --> 00:29:31,923Anyone who's had experience with particle weapons.

31200:29:31,923 --> 00:29:36,178We won't make it ten meters outside the complexbefore we're shot like the others.

31300:29:36,178 --> 00:29:42,768And even if we did get to the ships and managed to lift offthere are patrol vessels in the area.

31400:29:42,768 --> 00:29:44,603Enterprise can handle them.

31500:29:44,603 --> 00:29:49,941And once we've made this miraculous escape...where do you expect us to go?

31600:29:49,941 --> 00:29:55,363All we have to do is get out of Tandaran territory.

31700:29:55,363 --> 00:30:00,786After that, we can set a course for the Niburon colonies.I know some people there.

31800:30:00,786 --> 00:30:03,914- They might be willing to help us.- It's too dangerous.

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31900:30:03,914 --> 00:30:09,878Would you rather spend the rest of your life in prison?

32000:30:09,878 --> 00:30:14,174You're placing a lot of trust in people you've only known for three days.

32100:30:14,174 --> 00:30:16,802For all we know they've been planted here to stage this revolt

32200:30:16,802 --> 00:30:19,554so Grat would finally have a reason to kill all of us.

32300:30:19,554 --> 00:30:23,475- We're not working for the Tandarans.- Think of your daughter.

32400:30:23,475 --> 00:30:27,979Are you willing to risk her life, too?

32500:30:27,979 --> 00:30:31,274We're getting out of here, Sajen.

32600:30:31,274 --> 00:30:36,655I'm not going to help you plan our suicide.

32700:30:39,324 --> 00:30:46,039- I hope the others were more enthusiastic.- This is the wall that I was telling you about.

32800:30:46,039 --> 00:30:50,627It's only 40 meters from the docking bay.

32900:30:56,341 --> 00:31:01,638Have you had a chance to reconsider?

33000:31:01,638 --> 00:31:04,975I'm willing to compromise, Captain.

33100:31:04,975 --> 00:31:09,312Just tell me what you know about Silik.

33200:31:09,312 --> 00:31:19,197Well... he's about this tall...a little on the scrawny side... bad teeth.


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00:31:19,197 --> 00:31:24,244If you're unwilling to discuss the Sulibanmaybe you can help me with something else.

33400:31:24,244 --> 00:31:27,414We detected some unusual energy readings last night.

33500:31:27,414 --> 00:31:30,000At first we thought it was random interference.

33600:31:30,000 --> 00:31:36,423But after examining the readings more closelywe discovered they were coming from your quarters.

33700:31:36,423 --> 00:31:40,302You should check your sensors.They're obviously malfunctioning.

33800:31:40,302 --> 00:31:45,223

I'm told they're working perfectly.33900:31:49,352 --> 00:31:50,812Sorry, Captain.

34000:31:50,812 --> 00:31:56,776We found this in Ensign Mayweather's pocketbut he wouldn't say how it got there.

34100:32:01,698 --> 00:32:06,119

I was hoping you could tell me.34200:32:08,538 --> 00:32:11,875Take him to isolation.

34300:32:22,302 --> 00:32:25,680If I come in low from the east I should be able to evade their proximity sensors.

34400:32:25,680 --> 00:32:29,893

- This appears to be a pulse cannon.- It'll be my first target.

34500:32:29,893 --> 00:32:32,729- Bridge to Sick Bay.- Phlox here.

34600:32:32,729 --> 00:32:36,733

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- What's your status?- Finishing as we speak.

34700:32:36,733 --> 00:32:39,986Though I'm not completely happy with the nose.

34800:32:40,487 --> 00:32:44,783- It's almost time.- Understood.

34900:32:44,783 --> 00:32:47,452It's Captain Archer.

35000:32:47,452 --> 00:32:50,455Put him through.

35100:32:50,455 --> 00:32:52,123Go ahead, Captain.

35200:32:52,123 --> 00:32:55,835You seem to be off course.I thought you were headed for Tandar Prime.

35300:32:55,835 --> 00:32:59,798- What brings you here?- Where's Captain Archer?

35400:32:59,798 --> 00:33:04,177If you're thinking about trying to circumvent our legal system I advise against

it.35500:33:04,177 --> 00:33:09,599You come any closer to our planet and my patrol ships will open fire.

35600:33:20,526 --> 00:33:25,531- What happened to you?- What do you care?

35700:33:25,531 --> 00:33:29,577

Danik's been looking for your captain.Have you seen him?

35800:33:29,577 --> 00:33:37,001You might try isolation.Still think we're working with the Tandarans?

35900:33:37,001 --> 00:33:41,339

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You know, we could have left this place a long time agoif we hadn't decided to help you.

36000:33:41,339 --> 00:33:45,551- I never asked for your help.- Why?

36100:33:45,551 --> 00:33:51,766Because we're not Suliban?Because we look a little too much like Tandarans?

36200:33:51,766 --> 00:33:58,022I'll admit, when I first came here it wasn't easy to see past my preconceptionsabout the Suliban

36300:33:58,022 --> 00:34:00,941but I did.

36400:34:00,941 --> 00:34:04,361

Why can't you?36500:34:15,247 --> 00:34:18,209We're being hailed. It's him.

36600:34:22,338 --> 00:34:25,841Check your sensors and you'll see two patrol ships headed toward you.

36700:34:25,841 --> 00:34:29,178We didn't come here to fight.

We came to talk with you.36800:34:29,178 --> 00:34:32,807They'll have a weapons lock on your vessel in less than one minute.

36900:34:32,807 --> 00:34:35,643- Do you eat meat, Colonel?- What?

37000:34:35,643 --> 00:34:41,148

Our chef is preparing a meal in your honorand I was curious whether you're vegetarian.

37100:34:41,148 --> 00:34:45,736I was hoping you'd join me for dinner.It would give us an opportunity to get acquainted.

37200:34:45,736 --> 00:34:48,280

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You have 45 seconds to leave orbit.

37300:34:48,280 --> 00:34:53,619I can't believe you're really going to destroy our vessel over a trivial incident like this.

37400:34:53,619 --> 00:34:56,205I can tell you're an enlightened man.

37500:34:56,205 --> 00:35:00,876All I'm asking for is a chance to show youthat we're enlightened as well.

37600:35:00,876 --> 00:35:04,004We're transmitting a copy of Earth's historical database

37700:35:04,004 --> 00:35:10,094along with the Starfleet charter and a record of all human contacts with alien species.

37800:35:10,094 --> 00:35:15,266If you have any doubts about our intentionsthis material should lay them to rest.

37900:35:15,266 --> 00:35:17,768Send him the Vulcan database as well.

38000:35:17,768 --> 00:35:21,939I think you'll find that my people have a great deal in common with you, too.

38100:35:21,939 --> 00:35:25,359You're jamming our frequencies.Break off your transmission now!

38200:35:25,359 --> 00:35:28,028- What about dinner? Should I...- I'm not going to warn you again.

38300:35:28,028 --> 00:35:31,490

End your transmission and leave orbit!

38400:35:32,867 --> 00:35:36,120Mr. Tucker.

38500:35:36,120 --> 00:35:40,291- It's done.- Those patrol ships are closing fast.

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38600:35:40,291 --> 00:35:43,669Get us out of here.

38700:35:59,935 --> 00:36:02,563Yes?

38800:36:04,148 --> 00:36:07,568I understand you're looking for a way out of here.

38900:36:07,568 --> 00:36:10,821Who are you?

39000:36:13,699 --> 00:36:16,160Don't you recognize me, Travis?

39100:36:16,160 --> 00:36:18,329Malcolm?

39200:36:18,329 --> 00:36:20,748In the flesh.

39300:36:20,748 --> 00:36:23,792You look worse than I do.What happened?

39400:36:23,792 --> 00:36:27,004Long story.

39500:36:27,921 --> 00:36:30,883- How'd you get down here?- Transporter.

39600:36:30,883 --> 00:36:34,511- I think I'm finally getting used to it.- Are you sure you weren't detected?

39700:36:34,511 --> 00:36:38,474

No, thanks to Hoshi.She kept their sensors occupied.

39800:36:38,474 --> 00:36:40,851Congratulations, Ensign.

39900:36:40,851 --> 00:36:45,481Your case is about to be dismissed.

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40000:36:51,153 --> 00:36:54,448The isolation block is here.He's in one of these cells.

40100:36:54,448 --> 00:36:57,117- I'll find him.- The charges?

40200:36:57,117 --> 00:36:59,703They're in place.

40300:36:59,703 --> 00:37:03,624Are you up for this?

40400:37:03,624 --> 00:37:06,960- Nightly inspection.- I thought you said it wasn't for another 15 minutes.

40500:37:06,960 --> 00:37:14,051I'd better get back.See you in orbit. Good luck.

40600:37:15,052 --> 00:37:16,804- Reed to Enterprise.- Go ahead.

40700:37:16,804 --> 00:37:18,806The guards are ahead of schedule.

What's your status?40800:37:18,806 --> 00:37:23,894- We're 200,000 kilometers away.- I'm going to need you to speed things up a little.

40900:37:23,894 --> 00:37:27,064We'll do our best.

41000:37:43,872 --> 00:37:46,250

- Here they come.- Polarize the hull plating.

41100:37:46,250 --> 00:37:48,961Stand by weapons.

41200:37:54,842 --> 00:37:59,096Aft torpedoes.

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41300:38:00,013 --> 00:38:03,851- Two direct hits. They're veering off.- Take us down.

41400:38:09,481 --> 00:38:11,400- Did they follow us?- They took heavy damage.

41500:38:11,400 --> 00:38:14,862They're both attempting to land.

41600:38:14,862 --> 00:38:20,367- You're clear to launch, Commander.- Acknowledged.

41700:38:28,876 --> 00:38:31,920- Go ahead.

- He's approaching the compound. Two minutes.41800:38:31,920 --> 00:38:37,467- Tell him we're...- Get out there!

41900:38:54,401 --> 00:39:00,866If this happens again you'll all be spending time in isolation.

42000:39:00,866 --> 00:39:04,828

Major, do you have a second?42100:39:04,828 --> 00:39:06,830I don't mean to cause any trouble

42200:39:06,830 --> 00:39:10,417but I was wondering if it might be possible to get some better food.

42300:39:10,417 --> 00:39:13,003No offense, but the meals here are pretty awful.

42400:39:13,003 --> 00:39:15,172Eat what you're given.

42500:39:15,172 --> 00:39:19,968I'll try but I'm not sure I can hold down another bowl of that...


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00:39:19,968 --> 00:39:23,805What do you call it?It tastes like sawdust.

42700:39:23,805 --> 00:39:28,143Is that what they make you eat?Because if it is, I'd think about going on a hunger strike.

42800:39:28,143 --> 00:39:31,146- I don't know how you...- Enough!

42900:39:56,296 --> 00:39:59,049Reed to Tucker.The wall's down.

43000:39:59,049 --> 00:40:02,094I see it.Stand by.

43100:40:15,232 --> 00:40:21,822- Hurry. Go with the others.- Hurry! Go! Go!

43200:40:21,822 --> 00:40:24,783Hurry, hurry!

43300:40:28,161 --> 00:40:31,081- Father!- I'll be there soon!

43400:40:31,081 --> 00:40:34,084Go!

43500:40:34,084 --> 00:40:36,586Go!

43600:40:47,389 --> 00:40:50,016It's good to see you, Malcolm.

43700:40:50,016 --> 00:40:52,602How'd you know it was me?

43800:40:56,648 --> 00:41:00,610You have no idea what you've done.You haven't freed these people.


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00:41:00,610 --> 00:41:03,697You've condemned them.

44000:41:17,085 --> 00:41:24,718My father's back at the common area.He needs help. Please!

44100:41:26,887 --> 00:41:31,016- I'll go.- No! Wait.

44200:41:34,436 --> 00:41:38,857- Come on. Come on.- You had no right to interfere.

44300:41:38,857 --> 00:41:41,484This isn't about my rights.It's about theirs!


00:41:41,484 --> 00:41:45,405They have no rights. They lost themthe moment the Cabal began attacking us.

44500:41:45,405 --> 00:41:49,367Do you know how many people the Cabal have murdered?How many ships they destroyed?

44600:41:50,867 --> 00:41:54,579Colonies? You just gave them 89 new soldiers!

44700:41:54,679 --> 00:41:58,058- What makes you think they'll join the Cabal?- Their people have nothing left.

44800:41:58,058 --> 00:42:02,187They're desperate. They'll never be able to resist what the Cabal has to offer.

44900:42:02,187 --> 00:42:08,693I haven't been here very long but I seem to know these people a hell of a lot better than you do.

45000:42:33,134 --> 00:42:35,553- Archer to Enterprise.- Go ahead, Captain.

45100:42:35,553 --> 00:42:38,765We're on our way.Where are those patrol ships?

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45200:42:38,765 --> 00:42:43,770- They won't pose a threat.- And the Suliban?

45300:42:43,770 --> 00:42:48,858- Their vessels are breaking orbit.- Good work. We'll see you in a few minutes.

45400:42:48,858 --> 00:42:55,532Tell the doctor to meet us in Sick Bay.My skin is really starting to itch.

45500:42:55,532 --> 00:42:58,743I'll let him know.

45600:43:00,829 --> 00:43:03,373Captain.

45700:43:03,373 --> 00:43:07,294Think they'll make it?

45800:43:07,294 --> 00:43:14,634Do I think they'll get out of Tandaran space safely? Yes.

45900:43:14,634 --> 00:43:18,388Do I think they'll be all right?


00:43:23,435 --> 00:43:26,896Club

46100:43:26,896 --> 00:43:29,983Witewave's Star Trek

46200:43:29,983 --> 00:43:32,569Sync : ÇϾáÆĵµ([email protected])°ø°ø¿µ¿ª¿¡ ¼öÁ¤/¹èÆ÷´Â ÀÚÀ¯ÀÔ´Ï´Ù

46300:43:32,569 --> 00:43:36,281Thanks toÇÑ»óÈñ ([email protected])

46400:43:36,281 --> 00:43:38,533Captioning by Media Access Group at

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