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Gonzalo Salvador Crespo

Projeto de Graduação apresentado ao Curso de

Engenharia Eletrônica e de Computação da Escola

Politécnica, Universidade Federal do Rio de

Janeiro, como parte dos requisitos necessários à

obtenção do título de Engenheiro.

Orientador: Sergio Palma Medeiros

Rio de Janeiro

Julho de 2015

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Gonzalo Salvador Crespo








Gonzalo Salvador Crespo



Prof. Sergio Palma da Justa Medeiros



Prof. Carlos José Ribas D'Avila



Prof. Sérgio Barbosa Villas-Boas

Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil

Julho de 2015

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Escola Politécnica – Departamento de Eletrônica e de Computação

Centro de Tecnologia, bloco H, sala H-217, Cidade Universitária

Rio de Janeiro – RJ CEP 21949-900

Este exemplar é de propriedade da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, que

poderá incluí-lo em base de dados, armazenar em computador, microfilmar ou adotar

qualquer forma de arquivamento.

É permitida a menção, reprodução parcial ou integral e a transmissão entre

bibliotecas deste trabalho, sem modificação de seu texto, em qualquer meio que esteja ou

venha a ser fixado, para pesquisa acadêmica, comentários e citações, desde que sem

finalidade comercial e que seja feita a referência bibliográfica completa.

Os conceitos expressos neste trabalho são de responsabilidade do autor.

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To my father Antonio Salvador Calvo, my mother Mercedes Crespo Usano and

my brother Álvaro Salvador Crespo.

And to all my friends and classmates that supported me along the way to achieve

my goal to graduate.

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As I have just mentioned, in the first place I dedicate this composition to my dearly

family who has given my unlimited support through all this years, enormous thanks to all

of them.

They have always been there when I needed them and when I thought I would not

be able to finish the degree, they will be even happier than me the day I will present this

project consolidating the title of Electrical and Computer Science Engineer.

Also to my fellow friends and classmates from my hometown, Madrid. All I can

forget now is the great amount of mornings and evenings spent in the library getting ready

for final exams period. All that time together built a strong friendship which will remain

for life.

Thanks to my counsellor on the project, Prof. Sergio Palma, for the time he

dedicated on helping me and how he showed me a different view of the Brazilian culture

from an economic view.

Also to the coordinator of the department, Carlos José Ribas D'Avila for being a

big help when I first arrived and did not know anything about the country, school or

department and also after several months. Always being able to give me a hand to solve

any problem I would have to face.

To my home school for giving me the opportunity to come to Brazil to write my

thesis at the UFRJ. To allow me learn about the culture, the language and the customs of

the country of Brazil.

To my former job in Telefónica España which gave me formation and funds to

finance my trip and my living expenses in Brazil and also allowing me to take a break on

my contract to come to Brazil.

The experiences lived and new knowledge acquired will be put into practice once

I return to Spain and the trust conceded by my boss will me reward it with my new skills.

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And for the last but not the least I dedicate this work and thank to the country of

Brazil which contributed on a significant way to my scholar formation on this great


This project is a small retribution for the investment and trust that I kindly received

when I was accepted on the exchange program and to be able to access to the DEL at


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Atualmente a sociedade está continuamente se atualizando e se desenvolvendo

para se adaptar as grandes mudanças que o futuro nos traz. Especialmente aqui na América

do Sul onde as coisas são bem diferentes comparados ao Oeste europeu e a América do

Norte. São incontáveis as mudanças que acontecem diariamente e as pessoas tem que se

adaptar a elas.

Por essas razões esse projeto é focado em como nossa Escola Politécnica POLI

(UFRJ) e concretamente o DEL podem melhorar alguns de seus recursos e qualificações

para se posicionarem com as melhores escolas nacionais e internacionais.

Esse projeto contém muitos objetivos e metas parciais para ser alcançado nos

próximos anos e décadas. Essas metas têm estratégias diferentes associadas a elas para

aborda-las da melhor maneira.

Além das sugestões de planes diversos que devem ser usados na pratica, existe um

rascunho de como financiar o grande projeto principal com metas menores e marcos onde

a um tempo determinado de quando atingir cada objetivo ao longo do projeto principal.

Haverá uma pequena parte para estabelecer os riscos de como aplicar todas essas

mudanças e atualizar o departamento de a escola.

Junto dos riscos também existe uns planos de prevenção e contingência para

minimizar o dano dos riscos caso as coisas não vão como o esperado.

Depois de todos esses passos que foram projetados e definido os objetivos, as

estratégias para atingir esses objetivos, os investimentos necessários para esses passos e

uma linha de tempo para o projeto, os riscos que podem haver durante a implementação

do projeto e os planos de prevenção e contingência para os possíveis problemas que podem

ocorrer durante a operação. Para finalizar o documento de forma correta e formal, terão

mais dois seguimentos para oficializa-lo.

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Essas duas partes finais são o Futuro e a Conclusão. A primeira terá as coisas que

não pude fazer e que a próxima pessoa a continuar esse projeto devera focar a pesquisa

sobre esse assunto e a segunda será um composto do resumo de todas as ideias com uma

opinião pessoal sobre o que foi descrito e explicado no documento e a realidade ao redor

de todo o progresso de atualizar e mudar a sociedade brasileira o a região sul americana.

Palavras-Chave: melhor posição, objetivos, metas, estratégias, investimentos, UFRJ,

POLI, DEL, futuro, conclusão.

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Currently the society is continuously updating and developing to adjust to the big

changes that the future bring us. Especially here in South America where things are very

different to Western Europe or North America. There are uncountable alterations

happening every day and the people has to adjust to it.

For all these named reasons this project is focused on how our technical school

POLI UFRJ and concretely the DEL could improve some of their resources and

qualifications to place themselves on a top position with the best schools nationally and


The project contains many objectives and partial goals to be achieved during the

following years and decades. These goals have different strategies associated to them to

approach everything on the best manner.

Along with the suggestions of the diverse plans to put into practice, there is a draft

of how to finance the big main project with different smaller goals and milestones where

there is a differentiation of when to achieve the objectives taking into account the periods

of the timeline of the main project.

There will be a brief part to establish the risks of how to attempt to make all these

changes and update to the school and the department.

Along with these risks, there is also a brief contingency plan to minimize the

critical damage of those risks in case of the possibility things do not go as they are

expected to in first place.

After all these fine steps there have been designed and defined the objectives to

be completed, the strategies to reach those objectives, the necessary investments to carry

out part of these measures and the time duration and schedule for them to happen, the risk

which could occur during the implementation of the project and the contingency plan for

the possible problems taking place throughout the progress of the operation. In order to

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finalize the document on a correct and formal manner, there will be two more segments

to give the project a nice official seal.

These two last parts are the Future and the Conclusion. First one will contain the

things I have been unable to do and the next person to continue developing a research

about this subject should mainly focus on and the second will be a mixture between a

summary of the whole composition and a personal opinion about what has been described

and explained on the document and the reality surrounding the whole progress of updating

and making changes within the Brazilian society and the South American region.

Key-words: Top position, objectives, goals, strategies, investments, risks, UFRJ, POLI,

DEL, future, conclusion.

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UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

DEL – Departamento de Engenharia Eletrônica e de Computação

UPM – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

ETSIT – Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de las Telecomunicaciones

POLI – Escola Politécnica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

NCE – Núcleo de Tecnología e Computaçao

TIC – Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação

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1 Introduction 1

1.1 - Topic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 - Delimitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.3 - Justification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.4 - Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.4.1 - General objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.4.2 - Specific objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.5 - Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.6 - Project structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Strategic Plan (PUMA) 6

2.1 - History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2 - Business Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.3 - Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.4 - Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.5 - Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.6 - Critical factors of Corporative Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.7 - Corporative Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.8 - Objectives, Strategies and Corporative Milestones . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.8.1 - UFRJ (POLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.8.2 - DEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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3 Investment Planning 23

3.1 - Project Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1.1 - Period 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.1.2 - Period 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.1.3 - Period 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2 - Investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.3 - Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.3.1 - Period 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.3.2 - Period 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.3.3 - Period 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4 Risks 28

4.1 - Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4.2 - Typology and classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.3 - UFRJ Project Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

5 Prevention & Contingency Plans 32

5.1 - Human Resources issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

5.2 - Technical issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

5.3 - Economical issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5.4 - Organizational issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5.5 - External issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

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6 Future 35

7 Conclusion 37

Bibliography 40

Annex 42

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List of Figures

2.1 – Puma v4.0 Sofware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.2 – Example of current transportation in UFRJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.3 – Current status of appearance of UFRJ (a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.4 – Current status of appearance of UFRJ (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.5 – Example of current food establishment in UFRJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.6 – Recycling containers at DEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.7 – Banner of strike declared at POLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.8 – Current parking status without fences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.9 – Current recreation area at DEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.10 – Screenshot of accessing issue to the DEL main page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.11 – Current small computer room of bachelor students at DEL . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

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List of Tables

4.1 – Probability of a risk to occur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.2 – Effect of a risk in the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.3 – Risks of the UFRJ implementation project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

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Chapter 1


1.1 – Topic

This project is situated on a technical-economical perspective, elaboration of

project planning. We start from the study of some of the issues and improvable things

along the UFRJ Compound (POLI) School and campus; and also of the DEL where it is

concretely focused.

Among the technical-economical view, in the composition we are mainly centered

on the strategic and investment approaches. We established our goals by observing and

questioning employees and students of the department and the school in general. Once

the issues have been detected, an strategic plan is to be developed in order to achieve the

objectives which cover those issues and take UFRJ and DEL to a higher level or position,

after the strategy, we need an investment plans to be able to finance all the changes and

new measures needed. Then, we just have to wrap up the new measures to be carried out

establishing risks, a contingency plan and what has to be done and achieve in future works

about this subject.

1.2 – Delimitation

These kind of studied are especially important on a society and a city or country

which are continuously changing. Brazil is still a country under construction in many

aspects, especially security, recycling or technology

Here the government does not provide schools with enough resources to compete

internationally with others institutions in technology, so it is hard to make significant

advances or updates without a full support or great economic funds. That is why putting

these plans into practice in South America are the especial and important interest,

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although is hard to carry them out successfully for different outside situations we will

discuss throughout the paper.

Besides of being focused on the schools, this kind of strategic planning should be

applied to the majority of companies and businesses which are seeking to grow

internationally. Some of the goals and objectives described for the school have been

adapted from similar processes that were successfully achieved in some universities in

Europe and North America.

1.3 – Justification

The topic that has been presented justifies its existence because there are many

elements in the school or department which could and should be improved on the

following years.

Some of the ideas and suggestions presented on this project would be difficult to

be made a reality any time soon because of politics or the cultural situation but others

could be totally applied and achieve partial goals to reach the greater objective.

Once putting into practice some of the strategies described the results would show

how important is to update the school resources to meet the requirements of the actual

society and the entire world.

1.4 – Objectives

1.4.1 – General objective

This project has the goal to point out some concerns that should be taken care of

in order to become a Top University along with motivating the school to put into practice

some actions mentioned on the work.

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If the implementation of the project was a reality, the objective would be the

named fact of taking UFRJ to a higher level, especially internationally and making the

DEL one of the best schools within UFRJ (POLI).

1.4.2 – Specific objectives

Suggesting a successful strategic plan.

Preparing a doable investment plan.

Describing the risks of implementing a project of these characteristics.

Developing plans of prevention and contingency to reinforce the strength of the


Proposing guidelines for future studies on the subject.

1.5 – Methodology

How I have already said earlier on this paper, the first step of the processed started

living and experiencing the school which meant attending to some classes, observing the

buildings where the classes take place, visiting the laboratories and computer rooms,

eating on the restaurants of the scholar complex,

The second step was talking to the coordinators, professors and students to figure

their point of view on this subject and the school and the department in general. Things

they thought they were necessary, aspects which could improve, suggestions they have

and stuff they wanted to remediate.

After gathering all this information and opinions we have to set up objectives and

goals to be reached. All these objectives must have a strategy or strategies associated to

be achieved.

Once we know what we have to do and how we have to do it, we need when we

have to carry it out. We must do the time distribution of the objective planning to maintain

and order and respect the priorities. For this purpose the available money to spend at the

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time is also very important, it would be a sensible subject whether to determinate what to

do first and after.

The last part is assessing all these processes named before to give our project more

strength and conviction and draw a consistent conclusion.

1.6 – Project structure

This research consists in seven chapters well differentiated, where the first one is

the Introduction which is what it is being carried out right now. The goal of this first

chapter is giving the reader an interesting overview of the following parts of the entire


The chapter two contains the Strategy Plan. This plan has been elaborated using

the software PUMA which gave us the structure of eight key points. Most important part

is the end, subchapter eight, where the objectives, temporal goals and strategies of the

plan are described.

In the third chapter we will talk about the Investment Planning, a section of special

interest since it is the continuation of the strategy plan counting with economic funds and

time prospective. In other words, how those objectives can be made a reality and when

will they take place.

In order to give a more extensive background to these two plans, the fourth chapter

is the responsible for describing the Risks which could occur while implementing the new

strategies. It is hard to find a big project that is totally perfect planned, therefor the most

probably issues or complications likely to appear must be pointed out in order to prevent

them from happening.

Also complementing the two plans and risks above, it appears our new chapter

five, the Prevention & Contingency Plans. It is in charge of developing possible solutions

for problems which could arise and plans to prevent any issues from happening.

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The sixth chapter deals with the Future, which consists on defining what areas

should be explored for the following researches on this subject. It is focused on motivating

the readers to continue these studies and giving them guidelines to make a successful


And after these six chapters we reach the seventh, which is the last one, the

Conclusion. This chapter contains a mixture of summary and subjective thoughts about

the whole project. Its final goal is giving a big overview of the composition

complementing internal thoughts of the writer and feelings surrounded for political and

sociological facts.

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Chapter 2

Strategic Plan

This chapter contains a serial of eight fields established by the Grumbach Method

to determinate the best manner of how to approach a strategic plan to reach a succession

of objectives.

The Grumbach Method was applied by generating these eight fields using the

software Puma developed by the Brazilian consulting company named Brainstorming,

Asesoria de Planejamento e Informática.

Figure 2.1: Puma v.4.0 Software.

Most key part of this sections will be the last segment (2.8) which sets the

objectives desired to be achieved and how they could be reached suggesting different


2.1 – History

This section includes a brief list of historical events to have an overview of the

roots of the school for upcoming segments and chapters.

The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) was created the 7th of September

of 1920 with the name of University of Rio de Janeiro. In 1937 was reorganized and

changed the name to University of Brazil. There was one last modification and its current

name was acquired in 1965, “Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro” [5].

Its implementation did not follow an organic process and resulted in the

organization of equal entities meeting the demands of the Brazilian society. It was a

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political act and a juxtaposition of higher education institutions which already existed:

School of Medicine, Polytechnic School and Law School, being the last one the result of

the union of another two schools [5].

As we have just seen UFRJ exists after the Polytechnic School (POLI), the first

origin of POLI dates from 1792 with the name of Royal Academy of Artillery,

Fortification and Design. Later, on December 1810, the Prince Regent, King John VI,

signed a law creating the Royal Military Academy which replaced the one created in 1972

and it is where it descends the famous Polytechnic School of Rio de Janeiro which took

the name of National School of Engineering to become The Polytechnic School of UFRJ,

POLI a short period of time after [6].

The DEL was born same year the name UFRJ was acquired by the school, 1965,

it is its 50th anniversary. In order to speak of the history of the DEL, we should talk about

the important events of technology which happened after it. First computer, which was

huge, was installed and located at NCE, they also maintained the network until TIC took

over and they are currently in charge of the network distribution and issues.

The computer operative system in the school started with NOVELL, followed by

WINDOWS 3.1, WINDOWS 8.11, WINDOWS 97 and the current system, LINUX.

LINUX have been used by UFRJ students since year 1997, year where the program of the

school changed and was and still is directed by Carlos José Ribas D'Avila.

Internet was installed between the years 1994 and 1995. Other important events

were the Motorola Project in 1998, O Globo Project in 2005 and the Pan-American

Games in 2008, computers were donated to the department after them. Wi-Fi first arrived

to the DEL in 2011 but it has not been until this year 2015 when it started to work


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2.2 – Business Model

The definition of business model is “The plan implemented by a company to

generate revenue and make a profit from operations. The model includes the components

and functions of the business, as well as the revenues it generates and the expenses it

incurs” [3].

In our particular case we are dealing with a school and a department from that

school and the profit is not particularly what is sought here, at least the countable part of

profit, the money. Although once other objectives non-countable meet, the money will

also increase.

The business idea of UFRJ and DEL is teaching and educating students the most

important engineering concepts to help them develop their skills for the future. These

students will take important roles in different jobs which will result in a bigger

development of the society.

In addition of giving them academic knowledge, the biggest goal nowadays is also

giving them the chance to acquire technical training in laboratories or special rooms

dedicated for topics related to experiences of the real world. Real life experiences before

leaving university will provide them with a better preparation to meet the requirements

of future jobs.

2.3 – Mission

The purpose that justifies the existence of the Electronic Department among

Polytechnic School of UFRJ consists in providing the Brazilian society the means to

dominate, cultivate and spread The Universal Patrimony of the Human Being, giving

qualification to all its members and acting as a transforming force. The school completes

the education of the alumni preparing them for [2]:

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- Developing jobs in important companies.

- Valuing the multiple ways of knowledge and expression, technical and scientific,

artistic and cultural.

- Being a good citizen.

- Giving a critical opinion of the society that we live in.

- Participating on the effort of overcome the social inequalities

- Assuming the compromise to build a socially fair society, environmentally

responsible, respectful of the diversity and the different free ways of expression

or discrimination of any kind.

- Fighting for the universalization of the civic responsibility and for the democracy.

- Contributing for a national and international solidarity.

2.4 – Vision

Train professionals on the field of expertise of Electrical and Computer Science

Engineering to take them to the top international excellence level.

Generate scientific and technological knowledge in the school involving the

students being part of the education system, leading the students’ mobility among other

countries and teachers with the best national and international schools [4].

To be a great reference as a Technical School internationally as a result of teaching

and researching activities and projects.

Encouraging and putting into practice an important researching program, growth

and innovation, according to the most advanced level in every moment.

To be a pioneer school in topics related with development and educative


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Provide professionals with an integer education including social, economic and

technical aspects, qualifying them for the leadership and management of important

projects and to develop an entrepreneur and innovative spirit.

Contribute with the Public Administrations to the necessary evolution in every

potential moment of the professional profile of the Electronic and Computer Engineering

field, being on permanent contact with companies and professional associations, seeking

the greatest integration with the business and social reality of the educated professionals.

2.5 – Values

- The main values of the department are:




Transparency and honesty.


Effort and perseverance.


Creativity and ingenuity.

Critical thinking.


Adaptation capacity and evolution.

Accurate analysis.

Professionalism of the human resources.

Vocation of society service.

Innovation character.

Valuation of the people.

Administrative probity.

Search of quality and improvements.

Equity of opportunities.

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2.6 – Critical factors of Corporative Success

This segment is especially important in a country like Brazil where launching new

projects do not have the best prospective to success as a result of political and social


The most important factor for the development of our project is the critical

situation of the economy in the country since it is getting to a state of recession after being

one of the most profitable of South America.

Another very influential element is the politics. There is a huge political tension

between the citizens and the current president of the country, Dilma Rousseff. Here in Rio

there were big protests making noise from the private citizen´s houses every time she

spoke on TV.

Along with these two big issues there is also a big problem which the Brazilian

government is failing to solve, the safety or better called the insecurity of Brazil in general

and of Rio de Janeiro in particular. Students often need to bring their computers and rest

of equipment to the school but many of them have second thoughts of whether to bring

them or not for the possibility of being assaulted on their way to school. Lately there have

been several assaults in at least three different Bus Lines and some other on the campus.

This situation scares many students to join the school in UFRJ and make them choose

other schools or campuses closer to the city.

Also, taking into account that money is one of the most important factors on a

strategy plan as the one it is meant to be described, it is needed to mention how the value

of the Brazilian coin keeps changing due to the economy and the events Brazil is hosting

as the previous Football World Cup or the upcoming Olympics Games of 2016. Every

time there is an event or seasons like summer, the Real increases its value and the prices

of everything raises unmeasurable but after they pass the Real falls down and the prices

are still high. This fact is upsetting for long time projects.

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And last one is the number of strikes raised by students and university workers

lately. The school is in constant alert status with continuous meetings to decide when to

go ahead with the strikes or not.

2.7 – Corporative Policies

In order to improve the school, significant changes must be made. In this section

we are going to mention some corporative policies the school has to adopt to reach its


Beginning with these actions is extremely necessary to establish relationships with

companies to send students to the market and receive investments for the department to

buy new equipment and build new classrooms and laboratory rooms in exchange for

adding top students to their internship or research vacancies.

Preparing restrictive contracts with providers of electronic equipment, this would

be very important for the fact of getting discounts for buying a great quantity of goods.

Signing an agreement with an official provider will make the transition of purchasing new

equipment much easier, having an exclusive deal will make a difference while needing to

upgrade and purchase a lot of technical equipment.

Developing a web forum for students and companies to post job offers and send

applications and resumes by the students. It is a great way to interact directly between

students and private companies at present.

Creating a specific finance department to manage all the issues related to the

distribution and usage money and all the accounting needed for the different requests of

the departmental areas.

Launching recycling campaigns in order to become an example to the Brazilian

society. Youth is the key to the future and we show that the youngest know how to recycle

and be careful with our nature, everyone else will be concerned and follow the idea. Our

school has certain recycling containers but the school should promote campaigns to

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encourage students to use them and increase the amount of containers. Also motivating

different businesses or private buildings to learn from the public schools.

2.8 – Objectives, Strategies and Corporative Milestones

The main goal for the UFRJ/DEL is to position itself as a great school as a national

and international reference and solving the problems which are not avoiding that goal to

be realistic nowadays. This is a common objective for both of them and most of the

schools in general.

Very related to this main objective is the need of increasing the financial aid.

Raising more money is a priority taking into account that the national or state

governments do not provide enough resources to make significant changes. This could be

considered as a strategy to achieve the main goal or just as another objective, a big


Now, taking into account the importance of the financial situation, we are going

to mention different objectives to be reached by the polytechnic school (UFRJ Escola

Politecnica) itself and the Department of Electronic (DEL) being the main focus.

2.8.1 – UFRJ (POLI):

The school is located on the island of Fundão, a location which is far for the

majority of the attendance. Despite of the amount of buses which go to the island of

Fundão, it should be considered another optional type of system of transportation

provided for the school which will also be more secure and fast that the regular bus

system. The current buses are extremely full, their drivers are temerarious and there is a

big lack of security.

A strategy should be launching private vans or buses from the areas with the

biggest amounts of students where students must show their ID in order to get on board.

A survey must be made and propose stops for these new ways of transportation being

consequent with the results of the survey.

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Related to this topic, another big objective must be increasing the security. UFRJ

is located in not a very safe neighborhood. Assaults take place very often as the criminals

know that there are students and have cellphones, computer, etc… We will talk about the

measures for safety at the end of this segment.

Figure 2.2: Example of current transportation in UFRJ.

Another important matter is the school´s appearance. The current appearance

looks really old and wore away. An influent and respected school like the UFRJ cannot

permit that fact if it wants to become an international reference. Investing on the physical

appearance of the school might not be a priority but it is really important in order to

receive great amount of international students every semester. A multicultural school is

the key for innovation and development.

A strategy to achieve part of this goal and save some expenses could be using

students of civil or industrial engineering to get some kind of school credits helping on

this matter. Also the fact of employing other students from other schools of UFRJ

(Fundão) as the school of Interior Design or the school of Architecture, both of them very

close to CT (Technologic Center).

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Figures 2.3 & 2.4: Current status of the appearance of UFRJ.

Another great update would be improving and increasing the establishments of

food around the campus. Students often claim that the food offered is not very good and

there are huge lines to order it. And taking into account that most of them have to continue

their classes after the break, it is a big problem for them.

The strategy to be approach will be bringing famous chains of food to the campus,

at least 4 or 5 to broaden the possibilities of the students. It will be interesting if they

include the chance of car pick up in case the students are going to work or home after.

Also the bandejão should be more organized and avoid lines of 40 plus minutes,

building another bandejão with a different option of foods will be awesome.

Including options for vegetarian and vegan is also an awesome idea, so everyone can have

an option they like.

Figure 2.5: Example of current food establishment in UFRJ.

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Another sought objective is to potentiate collaborating with the Brazilian society

and being an example to have a good influence on the society, especially in the youth

which is the key of the development.

The strategies proposed for this matter are launching varied programs to motivate

students to:

- Recycle: As it was said earlier, UFRJ has several recycling containers but not

enough to cover the extension of the entire complex and only on certain buildings

and floors.

- Foment tolerance between students and rest of civilians: Brazil is a big country

with strong religious beliefs but also where the sexual diversity is very wide and

spread out.

- Collaborate with the most needy: there are certain programs such as TETO which

provide Favelas with people to work some days helping them to build or repair

part of their homes. UFRJ could launch similar program with slightly different


Figure 2.6: Recycling containers at DEL

A matter that is happening recently and it was also named as a critical factor is the

rise of strikes. There is a big tension between school workers and the directors which

caused the strike by part of the faculty.

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A strategy which could resolve this should be making contracts more strict and

forbid the possibility of stop working with the result of being expelled in case of not

respecting it. There are legal issues attached to this matter and there should be discussed

with the faculty beforehand.

Figure 2.7: Banner of strike declared at POLI.

And the last but not least important, the means for security on campus should

increase as it was commented on top of the segment. There are some guards especially

protecting the bank branch offices but they are not too focused on giving the students

enough protection.

A strategy could be contracting a private security company assisted by the Rio de

Janeiro State Government since the safety of the students must be led for the government.

Also, the security on the parking and classes should increase. There should be a

fence built to increase the protection. In addition the cars must have a plate registered on

the electronic system of the school with some information that they owner (student) is the

only person who knows. That way the plate will be read by the parking officer and he/she

will ask some security questions to let the driver access to the parking. In the same way,

the students ID must have a digital firm so they could access to different laboratories or

computer areas even when the teachers or assistants are not there.

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Figure 2.8: Current parking status without fences.

2.8.2 – DEL:

As we have mentioned above the main objective is to position the DEL as a top

school nationally and internationally and solve some issues which need closure in order

to seek for progress. For the fact of reaching this goal, collecting money is very important

and necessary. It is the key to make notable changes to update and improve the current


If we establish increasing the economic funds as the top priority, taking into

account that is the tool to make notorious changes and increase the attraction to attend the

DEL, our strategies should be focused mainly on this matter.

The main strategy is signing agreements with private global and national

companies which will invest on the department in exchange for a mutual collaboration.

The DEL will host public master classes of employees and representatives of these

companies to try to get the attention of the students and give them a global overview to

the real world and what it would be to work for them and how that will suppose a good

industrial experience.

DEL will send their top students to complete internships at these companies within

Brazil or the rest of the world to broaden their fields of expertise.

As the DEL does not get enough money from the school or government, a good

idea would be creating extra-scholar activities or classes for the people who require it,

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such as language classes or exercises classes to give more support to students with some

difficulties, all of these courses would be cheaper than in any other private institution

outside the school.

Another important task to be completed is increasing the amount of students in

the department. In order to call the attention of important worldwide companies it is a

necessary request recruit more students.

A strategy to make this a reality will consist in making our school more attractive

to the students and also to the professors. We are going to mention some measures to be

carried out.

The need to diversify the courses offered and giving the opportunity of studying

the different majors in other languages will result as a greater interest for Brazilian and

international students.

The other language option which has been named before would be mainly English

although the possibility of Spanish is always helpful and interesting for the proximity to

many countries where Spanish is their official first language.

Also increasing the amount of recreation areas on the building such as study

areas, food areas or socializing areas. This will motivate the students to make stronger

relationships with their classmates and not seeing the school as a place they have to leave

on a rush right after finishing their classes.

Figure 2.9: Current recreation area at DEL.

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There is another big goal and need which is fixing and improving the WIFI

network and the website appearance. It is hard to believe that the Department of electronic

and computer engineering does not have a proper network. Also the website has a lot to

improve, as an example the figure 2.11 which shows the first message seen once it is


A group of students of the DEL could have this goal as a final project and work

closely with one or two professors. It would be the perfect strategy to reach the objectives

spoken of in this research.

Figure 2.10: Screenshot of accessing issue to the DEL main page.

Another big objective sought vigorously by the teachers is the enlargement of the

department. In order to grow as a school, the scholar resources must greatly increase.

The chosen strategy is building new spaces for the students as in new laboratory

rooms, computer rooms and teaching classrooms. Also updating the rooms already

dedicated to educate the students could be part of this measure. Buying new projectors

for the classes and chairs and tables would be better to keep their attention.

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Figure 2.11: Current small computer room of bachelor students at DEL

Another complementary goal is increasing the focus of the students on the outside

world, the working and continuously updating reality.

The strategies meant for this goal are getting the students more involved on

seeking for jobs and internships along with showing them how to deal with real problems

in practical activities.

One idea to put into practice is developing a web forum for companies to seek

new interns or for students to look for new jobs as it was discussed earlier in this research.

Another is hiring part time teachers who have also other different kind of jobs and could

use that knowledge to show students the things they might have to be doing after they are

done studying.

Focusing on the exterior the other big objective is the Internationalization of the

Department. In the world we live today teaching classes in different languages, hire

foreigner teachers.

We talked about the classes in different languages before, but also adding teachers

from other countries will give another perspective to the students. Motivating them to do

an exchange semester or year will help them to outcome possible difficulties that they

will have in the future. The experiences of living abroad make everyone grow in many

aspects and the knowledge acquired is more valuable than just sitting on a classroom.

Another goal that I personally think that must be achieved is improving the

organization of the DEL. Structurally is not being well organized and sometimes is

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difficult to reach or find teachers. Also, the economic resources must be better handled in

order to make progresses and updates.

Having a more organized department and especially the management of the funds

is very important to carry on all the strategies that we have been talking about during the


For this goal the best approach possible is creating a Department inside the DEL

to manage different matters, but especially the economic funds. It will be named as the

“Finance Office”.

This office within the DEL will be very necessary to organize and distribute the

funds raised by the private donations and governmental institutions as well as money

raised by those extra-scholar activities that we mentioned almost on top of this segment

to earn more money.

For the last part there is an idea of a goal taken from some schools in Europe

which is Creating advanced classes focused on highly qualified students, a school of


These students will be the best representatives of our school and they will also

have a good retribution as studying for free without any fees. Putting into practice some

school competitions will help to determinate the students who should join this group and

make a difference of the future for the department and the school.

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Chapter 3

Investment Planning

This chapter covers the aspects of implementing different initiatives explained on

the section 2.8.

It is composed of three differentiate parts. One sets the duration of our project and

its justification, another explains the money needed and how it would be spent and the

last and most determining one consists in the distribution of objectives and goals for every


3.1 – Project Duration

In a big scheme resembling the one we are designing the milestones and time

dedicated for each task are very important. In order for a plan to success those times

should be respected and prepare carefully taking into account unexpected issues which

could occur throughout the process.

For those reasons we considered that the best distribution will be three period of

different durations, giving more time to the second period, the one in the middle because

that would be the most difficult and extended part of the implementation of the strategies.

This is the time schedule distribution estimated for the project:

tT = t1 + t2 + t3 = 15 years. Total duration.

t1 = 3 years (0-3). Duration of period 1.

t2 = 7 years (3-10). Duration of period 2.

t3 = 5 years (10-15). Duration of period 3.

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Now we will describe a brief justification of the length requested for every period

and a short idea of what we want to achieve them. Also it would describe some changes

of the physical appearance of the DEL. There will be more details of the objectives

desired to be reached in every period further on the document.

3.1.1 - Period 1:

This term is the shortest because it is mainly to organize the financial funds and

plan the strategies. While starting a new big project there must be a distributional period

which will be followed with a more operational one.

During period one we will realize changes in the building H, the building

dedicated for Electronic Engineering until now, the building will increase the capacity in

a 20% and it will be called H1. It will be divided in 2 parts, academic area (H11) and

technical area (H12), both areas with the same physical space which will help the

department (DEL) to be more focus in practical activities for the real world.

3.1.2 - Period 2:

The second period is the longest one and it will consist on carrying out all the

major actions.

This is the most influent part of the project, as an example and the same way it

has been done in the section 3.1.3, it is sought to build a twin building to increase the

amount of students in a 100% by the end of the following 7 years. The building will be

called H2 with an academic area (H21) and another technical area (H22).

More in detail, all four areas will have the same size and building H1 will be used

for the most technical sub-degrees among Electronic Engineering and building H2 for

areas related to electronic management and business wise among technical application,


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3.1.3 - Period 3:

This last period will last five years. The reason of the duration is that it is in charge

of supervising and maintaining the recent changes and it will also have extra time

available in case goals from the past period were not successfully reached.

3.2 – Investments:

The goal of this part it is to describe all topics related the amount of money needed

to develop our expansion project and the income we will receive to achieve our objectives.

- The variables used are:

A = initial outlay;

ci = cost per year (i = 1….15);

ii = income per year (i = 1….15);

Qi = ii - ci = income minus cost per year = cash flow;

For our business plan we need to estimate the values our variables will have. We

will suppose that the income and cost per year is constant, as it will result of a constant

cash flow. Actually our income and cost will always vary but our cash flow needs to

remain the same, for that reason we will set those two values as constant to simplify the


- The values are:

A = 500.000 R$.

ci = 80.000 R$.

ii = 120.000 R$.

Qi = 40.000 R$.

B = Total benefit after the termination of the project (Calculated beyond).

According to this, at the end of the 15 years we will have:

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B = - A + ∑Q i (i =1….15) = -500.000 + 40.000·15 = 100.000 R$.

This benefit will be part of the initial outlay for the next project of expansion or


The different amounts of money are just an estimation without taking into account

the political or economic situations during those years.

3.3 – Objectives:

In this section we are going to speak more detailed about the goals we want to

achieve throughout the three periods.

We have already talk about the changes for the physical appearance of the

department and the distributions of the new areas and the functions they will have, now

we will focus in different aspects, more specific.

3.3.1 - Period 1:

Planning the distribution and timeline for the entire project.

Signing agreements with private companies to receive investments for the

department (DEL).

Signing an agreement with a supplier/suppliers to provide all electronic devices

of the same brand if they have it.

Changing the physical appearance of H Building (adding laboratory and computer

rooms), becoming H1 [Section 3.1.1].

Creation of the Finance Department.

Improving Wi-Fi network and DEL website.

Finding a legal measure to avoid strikes.

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3.3.2 - Period 2:

Renovation of UFRJ (POLI) appearance.

Starting campaigns to promote recycling among students and rest of the school


Construction of twin building of the DEL, H2. [Section 3.1.2].

Contracting teachers with work outside university background, partial time


Increasing the amount of total time teachers and students.

Continuing signing contracts with private companies to increase the department

(DEL) funds.

Creation of more recreation and food areas.

Building the fences for the parking and increasing the security means.

Improving the transportation to reach Fundão.

3.3.3 - Period 3:

Supervision and maintenance of new changes. [Section 3.1.3].

Finishing incomplete objectives. [Section 3.1.3].

Internationalization of the department.

Creation of a high qualified student´s class.

Launching collaboration and tolerance campaigns.

Redistribution of the benefits obtained if any.

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Chapter 4


Once implementing a big project, unexpected events could appear all the time and

that would make us deliver late or deliver something which does not fulfill the

requirements agreed. The responsible people of the project must consider all these facts

in order to complete their end of the deal or contract.

In this section we are going to identify and analyze the possible problems which

could occur during the development of the project and after the changes or improvements

have been finalized.

4.1 – Definition:

Risk is the measure of the probability and consequence of not reaching the goal of

the project.

Our personal goal is trying to minimize the consequences of unfavorable events

and maximize the consequences of the favorable events.

Not every risk has the same impact, therefore the exposition to the risk measures

the effect of a risk on a determinate moment taking into account the probability of

occurring in that exact moment. This explanation is the result of the following formula,

exposition is equal to probability multiplied by the effect:

EX (RI, t) = Pr (occurrence, t) x Effect (t);

There is also another thing which must be taken into account which is the fact the

Effect has a lot of importance and it is defined as follows with the causes that originate it:

Effect = F (costs, delays, losses, t);

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Once all these concepts are clear and clarified, the risks would be divided in

external and internal and also different classifications motivated for the causes that create


4.2 – Typology and classes:

There are many different classifications for risks since their origin could be

anywhere. In this document we are going to be focused in five but there could also be


Human Resources: This risk is actually the most common to happen. Every

project or job have issues with their employees. Sickness, quitting the job,

showing up late, not doing a proper job…are some of the cases related to this risk.

Technical: Once implementing a solution related with technology improvements

or updates could always ending having a technical issue. We have to be especially

careful with this fact in order to expand our project making assurances every time

a milestone is achieve in order to make sure everything is working perfectly until


Economical: The funds designated to cover the costs of the project are very well

calculated but sometimes unexpected events happen and the money is insufficient

and the plans could fail. All those risks related to this fact would be contained on

this type.

Organizational: in every company or business their departmental structure is very

important and the communication between the members of any kind of rank is

delicate and must be fluent. Sometimes there are problems organizing parts of the

project or transmitting the ideas from one side to another, those will be the

organizational risks.

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External: last but not less important are the external risks which are all those

problems which cannot be controlled as a weather disaster, intense rains, etc. A

matter to be highly considered since we are under tropical weather or just

situations outside our circle of influence as facts related with customers, in this

case students.

4.3 – UFRJ Project Risks:

In this section and after the explanation of risk and the types used for our

document, we are going to talk about the ones belonging to this particular project and

how they are waged taking into account the exposition and effect explain on the point 4.1.

This auxiliary tables will help to understand the values assigned to the risks which

will be commented afterwards:

Table 4.1: Probability of a risk to occur.

Probability 0-100 % Value

Very low 0-5% 1

Low 5-15% 2

Medium 15-35% 3

High 35-50% 4

Very high 50-100% 5

Table 4.2: Effect of a risk in the project.

Effect Value

Very low 1

Low 2

Medium 3

High 4

Very high 5

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And this is the legend to explain the abbreviations to be used after and increase

its simplicity:

Probability = P, Effect = Ef, Exposition = Ex, T=Type (Human Resources = 1,

Technical = 2, Economical = 3, Organizational = 4, External = 5).

Table 4.3: Risks of the UFRJ implementation project.


Lack of implication of the employees 1 2 4 8

Strikes of the workers 1 2 5 10

Insufficient personnel available 1 1 3 3

Personnel accidents 1 1 4 4

Lack of teamwork 1 2 4 8

Obsolete working material 2 4 3 12

Implementation difficulties 2 3 3 9

Prices raise of subcontract companies 3 2 3 6

Lack of monetary funds 3 3 5 15

Failure of the business case 3 2 3 6

Lack of support for the directors 4 2 4 8

Organizational Model inadequate 4 2 3 6

Low demand of the new services 5 3 3 9

Strikes of students 5 2 4 8

Weather disasters 5 1 5 5

Low participation on new initiatives (Ex. Recycling) 5 3 3 9

As a final observation it can be seen that the three biggest risks are the insufficient

money (1), working with old tools or updating really old equipment (2) and the strikes of

the workers (3).

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Chapter 5

Prevention & Contingency Plans

Once the risks have been identified, every well prepared project needs varied

strategies and solutions to avoid these mentioned risks to arise or solve them when

inevitably happen.

We have discussed risks and issues in a general manner in the previous chapter

but now we will address the cases more in detail and suggest different solutions for them

but all on an abridged manner. We will distribute the plans with the same division as the

type of risks in Chapter 4.

5.1 – Human Resources issues:

This section is mainly based on strikes, loss of teachers because of taking job

positions in other institutions or accidents.

As it was said before, there must be strict contract with teachers and workers as a

prevention to avoid strikes. Also, if the students are working on reforming the school,

there has to be with a supervisor all the time. As a contingency plan, having a list of

possible replacements and prepare medical equipment on campus.

5.2 – Technical issues:

For this case we will consider troubles with the network, Wi-Fi and LAN and also

communications such as 3G/4G mobile networks.

The best prevention is monitor the network and the contingency solution would

be having a subcontract warned about any possible network drop.

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5.3 – Economical issues:

As it has been mentioned along the document, money is the key for financing a

project. The main issues considered are poor planning of the funds required and a big

raise of the prices by subcontract companies or providers.

The prevention plan is having a good business case and reserve a saving fund for

unpredictable events. The contingency plan will be raising more money, asking for a bank


5.4 – Organizational issues:

The main problem here is the communication between the directors and the rest

of the team such as requirements not completed by the workers or initiatives not approved

by the chiefs. Also pure planning by the director not establishing roles accurate for all

his/her team.

The prevention plan is having a well prepared Organization Model and define the

roles properly, having more than one person for every chore. As a contingency measure

would be hiring another person besides the director to supervise the project in each


5.5 – External issues:

In this last part the focus will be natural disasters such as heavy tropical rains and

lack of interest of students. As its own meaning has, the external fact is something which

we can hardly control.

The prevention plan for the natural disaster is reinforcing the platform of the

school to secure the buildings against strong winds and rains. The contingency plan is

prepare the students giving them some knowledge about what they to do when it takes


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For the lack of interest on the new classes, the school must motivate the students

beforehand, the contingency plan will be cancelling the classes and starting new ones.

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Chapter 6


The objective of this chapter is proposing suggestions and guidelines for

forthcoming studies on this subject or similar researches. It would serve as the starting

point of prospective strategy projects for our school or perhaps other types of businesses.

Taking into account the area covered by the research the most valid options for

the continuation would be focusing on a concrete area of innovations, taking the project

to the next step or finding more legitimate ways to increase the funds. These three

possibilities will be better explained on the following paragraphs.

First, the focus should only remain on the DEL, choosing the priority measures

and carry them out. Once that is achieved, the same should be done with the every other

department composing POLI and then, it is when updating general concepts of POLI

everything will be completed.

Second, as we already made the suggestions and defined the necessary

approaches, next step would be choosing some of those goals and be a participant of

making a reality, such as working on the DEL website or collaborating on the renovation

of the school.

And third, as we have discussed the importance of money, another possible

research would have as a main objective making a business case to prepare the department

to confront an issue, study the different approaches and finding the resources (money) to

make it a reality. It would be getting a suggestion and carry it out until the end developing

a real viable plan.

On another hand and besides these three ways, meeting between the directors of

the school, the coordinator of every department and some teachers should be held every

couple of months to brainstorm ideas and share concerns.

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Also there must be organized meetings between the director of the school and

members of the government to discuss the grants to be conceded every semester.

To finalize this chapter, it must be said that many of the objectives proposed

throughout the project are very hard to achieve in the actual reality, therefore the perfect

future work would be trying to make all those objectives a real possibility within the next

coming lustrums.

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Chapter 7


Finally we reached our last chapter. It contains a summary of the entire a project

with a touch of personal opinion connecting objectives sought by the project which were

achieved and others that did not.

Now at this point, as an overview of this project, we could see how we went

through starting from a study of the situation and characteristics of the school, pointed

the failures or issues that we have, what we wanted to become and desired objectives and

the means to reach them and make it a reality (strategies).

Once we had all those facts mentioned above, we designed a plan to distribute and

finance all the actions that needed to be taken and were able to be done. In order to

complement this distributions, we established the risks our project could or will have and

plans to minimize the impact.

Seeing this, the main objective of this research was suggesting viable solutions

for the school and department to become the best on their field. Considered the many

proposals suggested and how to approach them, I think this goal has been successfully

achieved since there were many ideas proposed to make updates and improvements to the

current school.

Contrasting what it was just said, the reality is that most of those objectives will

not be able to be achieved in a long time due to the next status of recession that the country

is living now, the political tension and the difficulty to receive donations and grants from

the private and governmental organizations.

Talking to teachers and student the impression is that everyone knows what we

need and what needs to be done but the resources to see it through are really hard to get


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Besides the difficulty of putting every plan into practice, the ones which are

doable must be selected and be started as soon as possible to avoid getting behind other

institutions better prepared. It cannot be accepted the school having meetings every month

to discuss if there will be a strike or not or a department of computer studies with no

computers for the students or a deficient Wi-Fi network.

To finish on a good note I leave a quote of one of my favorite books “Mistakes

can usually be corrected later; the time that is lost in not making a decision can never be

retrieved” [1]. Which just means that the best approach is confronting the issues as soon

as they are detected and keep growing.

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[1] CARLZON, J., Moments of Truth, Sweden, 1987.


“ Misión y Valores ETSII”,, 2015, (Accessed June 20th

of 2015).

[3] INVESTOPEDIA, LLC., “Dictionary”, , 2015,

(Accessed June 20th of 2015).


(UPM) “Información complementaria”,, 2015, (Accessed

June 20th of 2015).

[5] UNIVERSIDAD FEDERAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO, “A UFRJ – História”,, 2015, (Accessed June 20th of 2015).


JANEIRO, “História da Escola Politécnica”,, 2015, (Accessed

June 20th of 2015).

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This part of the project contains interviews made to teachers and students to

collect opinions and ideas for the research. Their comments were very useful and the key

to this study.

Note : There were more interviews which were made in person and there are not attached

to this document. Languages used for the interviews were: Portuguese, Spanish and


A. Interview 1:

1.Nombre completo:

-Rafael Zambrano López

2.Estudios realizados en el departamento de electrónica:

-Master en Ingenieria Eléctrica (PEE/COPPE). Curso de intercambio (graduación) 2012-

2013 y Proyecto de graduación 2014.

3.Años estudiados en el DEL:

-Dos años.

4.Opinión personal sobre el funcionamiento del departamento:

-Un departamento con excelentes profesores muy bien formados, con cursos de

graduación y pos-graduación bien estructurados, buen sistema de enseñanza y

colaboraciones directas con grandes empresas. Las instalaciones e infraestructuras

podrían mejorarse.

5.¿Cuál es el problema o problemas que usted a observado en el DEL o en la escuela en


-Falta de redes Wi-Fi, salas de estudio, la limpieza podría mejorar, atendimiento precario

en secretaría.

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6. Alguna sugerencia para resolver dichos problemas si tiene:

-Instalación de redes Wi-Fi, contratar más personal administrativo y de limpieza.

B. Interview 2:

1.Full name:

-Sergio Palma da Justa Medeiros.

2.Job position at UFRJ:

-Professor Associado II.

3.Years and UFRJ and years at the DEL:

-35 years and 35 years.

4.Overall opinion about how the department works:

-The Department has two kind of teaching:

-One is for creating Engineers for the Market, with a focus on subjects that are being used

in our industry and services. These professors tend to be the ones that make projects in

civil society and are always trying to adjust their courses to up to date technologies used

by the market.

-The other category are the ones that prepare students for the academic world. These

normally have projects in the University and do not have interest in researches outside

of the academic space. Some teachers shift from one class to the other (rarer).

5.Which problem or problems have you observed in the department and the school in


-The absence of teachers that are part time. Almost 100% of the teachers have full

occupation in the University. The new teachers that arrive have this characteristic.

6.Suggestions if you have any to solve them:

-Make new contracts with teachers part time and can even be in finite time.

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C. Interview 3:

1.Full name:

-Helena Motta.

2.Studies done at UFRJ:

-Industrial Design.

3.Years and UFRJ and years at the DEL:

-Four years at UFRJ.

4.Overall opinion about how the department works:

-The departments and school in general should be more organized.

5.Which problem or problems have you observed in the department and the school in


-The biggest disadvantage was choosing the subjects. Not enough room for everyone.

6.Suggestions if you have any to solve them:

-Improve the communications between, school personnel, teachers and students.

D. Interview 4:

1.Full name:

-Paulo Sergio Ramirez Diniz.

2.Job position at UFRJ:

-Professor Titular.

3.Years and UFRJ and years at the DEL:

-35 years.

4.Overall opinion about how the department works:

-It works well given the limited financial and management supports.

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5.Which problem or problems have you observed in the department and the school in


-Given the quality of its students, more investments in the laboratories would benefit


6.Suggestions if you have any to solve them:

-There should be an increase of investment in the facilities for the students.

E. Interview 5:

1. Nome:

-Carlos José Ribas d´Ávila.

2. Cargo na UFRJ:

-Coordenador de Curso.

3. Anos trabalhados na UFRJ e anos trabalhados no DEL:

-São os mesmos, trabalho desde 1979 na UFRJ e no DEL (36 anos).

4. Opinião pessoal do departamento:

-Curso com estrutura curricular com forte base matemática e generalista, do ponto de

vista tecnológico.

Corpo docente com elevada produção científica e qualificação profissional.

-Infra estrutura de salas de aulas adequada às necessidades do curso.

5. Quais são problemas mais importantes que você tem observado no departamento e na

-Escola em geral: Número insuficiente de computadores, falta de uma rede eficiente de

Wi-Fi, Internet de alta velocidade, estrutura para vídeo-conferências, laboratórios para

áreas específicas, tais como, robótica, telefonia celular, eletrônica embarcada

(microcontroladores), ...

6. Sugestões (se tiver) para resolvê-las:

-Investimentos, porém cada vez mais difíceis nos dias de hoje.

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This part of the project contains interviews made to teachers and students to

collect opinions and ideas for the research. Their comments were very useful and the key

to this study.

Note : There were more interviews which were made in person and there are not attached

to this document. Languages used for the interviews were: Portuguese, Spanish and


A. Interview 1:

1.Nombre completo:

-Rafael Zambrano López

2.Estudios realizados en el departamento de electrónica:

-Máster en Ingeniería Eléctrica (PEE/COPPE). Curso de intercambio (graduación)

2012-2013 y Proyecto de graduación 2014.

3.Años estudiados en el DEL:

-Dos años.

4.Opinión personal sobre el funcionamiento del departamento:

-Un departamento con excelentes profesores muy bien formados, con cursos de

graduación y pos-graduación bien estructurados, buen sistema de enseñanza y

colaboraciones directas con grandes empresas. Las instalaciones e infraestructuras

podrían mejorarse.

5.¿Cuál es el problema o problemas que usted a observado en el DEL o en la escuela en


-Falta de redes Wi-Fi, salas de estudio, la limpieza podría mejorar, atendimiento

precario en secretaría.

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6. Alguna sugerencia para resolver dichos problemas si tiene:

-Instalación de redes Wi-Fi, contratar más personal administrativo y de limpieza.

B. Interview 2:

1.Full name:

-Sergio Palma da Justa Medeiros.

2.Job position at UFRJ:

-Professor Associado II.

3.Years and UFRJ and years at the DEL:

-35 years and 35 years.

4.Overall opinion about how the department works:

-The Department has two kind of teaching:

-One is for creating Engineers for the Market, with a focus on subjects that are being

used in our industry and services. These professors tend to be the ones that make projects

in civil society and are always trying to adjust their courses to up to date technologies

used by the market.

-The other category are the ones that prepare students for the academic world. These

normally have projects in the University and do not have interest in researches outside

of the academic space. Some teachers shift from one class to the other (rarer).

5.Which problem or problems have you observed in the department and the school in


-The absence of teachers that are part time. Almost 100% of the teachers have full

occupation in the University. The new teachers that arrive have this characteristic.

6.Suggestions if you have any to solve them:

-Make new contracts with teachers part time and can even be in finite time.

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C. Interview 3:

1.Full name:

-Helena Motta.

2.Studies done at UFRJ:

-Industrial Design.

3.Years and UFRJ and years at the DEL:

-Four years at UFRJ.

4.Overall opinion about how the department works:

-The departments and school in general should be more organized.

5.Which problem or problems have you observed in the department and the school in


-The biggest disadvantage was choosing the subjects. Not enough room for everyone.

6.Suggestions if you have any to solve them:

-Improve the communications between, school personnel, teachers and students.

D. Interview 4:

1.Full name:

-Paulo Sergio Ramirez Diniz.

2.Job position at UFRJ:

-Professor Titular.

3.Years and UFRJ and years at the DEL:

-35 years.

4.Overall opinion about how the department works:

-It works well given the limited financial and management supports.

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5.Which problem or problems have you observed in the department and the school in


-Given the quality of its students, more investments in the laboratories would benefit


6.Suggestions if you have any to solve them:

-There should be an increase of investment in the facilities for the students.

E. Interview 5:

1. Nome:

-Carlos José Ribas d´Ávila.

2. Cargo na UFRJ:

-Coordenador de Curso.

3. Anos trabalhados na UFRJ e anos trabalhados no DEL:

-São os mesmos, trabalho desde 1979 na UFRJ e no DEL (36 anos).

4. Opinião pessoal do departamento:

-Curso com estrutura curricular com forte base matemática e generalista, do ponto de

vista tecnológico.

Corpo docente com elevada produção científica e qualificação profissional.

-Infraestrutura de salas de aulas adequada às necessidades do curso.

5. Quais são problemas mais importantes que você tem observado no departamento e na

-Escola em geral: Número insuficiente de computadores, falta de uma rede eficiente de

Wi-Fi, Internet de alta velocidade, estrutura para vídeo-conferências, laboratórios para

áreas específicas, tais como, robótica, telefonia celular, eletrônica embarcada

(microcontroladores), ...

6. Sugestões (se tiver) para resolvê-las:

-Investimentos, porém cada vez mais difíceis nos dias de hoje.