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Memories of Old Swatow

陳傳忠 編

By Terence Tan

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Memories of Old Swatow

陳傳忠 編

By Terence Tan


Published by The Singapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan

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This book commemorates the151st anniversary of the founding of Swatow

and the30th anniversary of the establishment of the

Shantou Special Economic Zone

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目 錄汕頭市委書記李鋒先生題辭…………………………………………………………………………………………4新加坡潮州八邑會館會長吳南祥先生序…………………………………………………………………………5國學大師饒宗頤教授為本書封面題賜墨寶………………………………………………………………………6前 言……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7從清末至戰前…………………………………………………………………………………………………………13民俗風情………………………………………………………………………………………………………………69抗戰期間………………………………………………………………………………………………………………75一九五○年代…………………………………………………………………………………………………………87附錄:潮州八景真風流……………………………………………………………………………………………95附錄:戰前汕頭市全圖……………………………………………………………………………………………107

ContentsMessage by Mr. Li Feng, Party Secretary of Shantou City…………………………………………………………………4Foreword by Mr. Goh Nam Siang, President of the Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan…………………………………………5Calligraphy for the title of this book by Prof. Jao Tsung-I …………………………………………………………………6Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7From the turn of the century to the 1930s………………………………………………………………………………13People and customs………………………………………………………………………………………………………69The War Years……………………………………………………………………………………………………………75Swatow in the 1950s……………………………………………………………………………………………………87Scenic views of old Chaochow…………………………………………………………………………………………95Pre-war map of Swatow………………………………………………………………………………………………107

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從上世紀初清朝末年到抗戰勝利後的一九五○年代,這大約半個世紀裡,汕頭到底發生過甚麼?一百年前的老汕頭,究竟“生來乜生樣”? 由本會館出版的《汕頭舊影》一書生動地回答了這個問題。 歷經一年時間的緊張籌劃與編輯,《汕頭舊影》終於和讀者見面,裡面收錄本地收藏家陳傳忠君所珍藏的近兩百幅舊明信片及照片,主要反映老汕頭的市景街容、城市風貌、民情風俗等,全部與這個時代的汕頭有關。 隨着時間的流逝,大部份的圖景如今已不復存在,許多老地方也都改變了它們原來的面貌,這一切都可以說是城市現代化發展中的必然結果。 歷史無法重現,我們只能希望通過這些舊照片捕捉消失的史蹟,讓讀者穿梭時空,瞭解汕頭昔日的風貌。 新加坡潮州八邑會館作為新加坡潮僑最高領導機構,對於發揚家鄉的傳統文化,向來不遺餘力,歷年所出版的叢書、叢刊等,不下四五十種。 面向廿一世紀,本會館決定以中英兩文出版這本畫冊,讓年輕一輩的潮人對家鄉的歷史與文化有更深一層的瞭解。 在汕頭市開埠一百五十一週年以及經濟特區成立三十週年之際,我們把這本百年老汕頭的舊影集作為最珍貴的禮物,奉獻給大家。 是為序。



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前 言 拙著《汕頭舊影》收錄了筆者所珍藏的近二百張上世紀初至一九五○年代的汕頭及潮州風景明信片及老照片。 本書今能付梓,乃拜互聯網所賜。若無互聯網所提供之便利,拙作根本無法成書,這是因為筆者手頭上的明信片及舊照,絕大部份是透過“電子灣”(等拍賣網站或是其他網上郵幣公司拍買到的。 早於一九九九年十一月左右,當筆者首次接觸“電子灣”拍賣網站後,便與潮汕兩地的明信片及舊照結下不解之緣。手頭上的資料大多數購自美國、英國、法國及日本的商家,也有一小部份大老遠從匈牙利、比利時及捷克等地的網店買回來。 若筆者須親赴這些國家,逐戶逐店尋訪,欲在短時間內累積這數百張舊明信片,談何容易。 位於廣東省東部的汕頭市,一八六○年第二次鴉片戰爭結束後正式對外開放,之前乃是一個小小的漁村。 開埠後的汕頭,迅速發展為粵東主要海港及商業中心。在一九三○年代鼎盛時期,汕頭擁有數家外國領事館、外國銀行,以及包括“怡和洋行”及“太古洋行”等在內的著名外國公司。 汕頭也是廣東著名的僑鄉,從清朝末年至二戰前,數以萬計的潮州人也從這裡出海南下東南亞謀生,其中就包括了筆者的曾祖父。 由於早年外來的影響,遊客今於汕市舊城區仍可看見許多西洋式的老建築,以及一排排的“騎樓”店鋪,這些中西合璧的“騎樓”店鋪在新加坡俗稱“五腳基”。 拙作分為五個主題,亦即︰“從清末至戰前”、“民俗風情”、“抗戰期間”、“一九五○年代”以及“潮州八景真風流”。 第一部份的明信片包括汕頭港的早期風貌、潮海關鐘樓、各洋行的辦公樓及倉庫、街景、學校、外國領事館、廟宇教堂及其他有關建築。洋人早年多聚居於對岸的礐石區,這裡頭也收錄了數張礐石的風景圖片。 “民俗風情”部份,生動再現了一百年前汕頭市民的生活百態及風土人情,也讓我們看到了外國人眼中的早期潮汕社會的狀況。

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二戰期間,汕頭被日軍佔領,駐汕日軍及人員拍攝了許多照片並刊印了不少明信片,這些珍貴的影像,全收錄在“抗戰期間”部份裡面。 “一九五○年代”部份包含了十餘幅戰後初年的黑白相片,它們以汕市街景及建築為主,全由當地攝影家所拍攝、製作並發行。 最後一組圖片︰“潮州八景真風流”,主要展現潮州府城及週遭的名勝古蹟。無論從歷史上或是文化上,潮汕本是一家,基於這個緣故,筆者也決定將一部份戰前潮州明信片及舊照收錄其中,和大家分享。 本書裡面的明信片,大部份由汕頭“美璋照相”所刊行,當然也有不少來自歐洲及日本。日本明信片上的圖片說明用的是“日文漢字”,和中文的用法有些不太一樣,所以也請讀者留意。 書中的明信片,一般可根據上面所蓋的郵戳或信裡面的內容來考證其印製年代,有的則依據片中的景物或建築來推斷出它們的發行時間。 早在二○○二年,筆者曾將手上的部份圖片資料影印寄贈汕頭市政協的陳荊淮主任,這些資料後來經筆者同意,由陳主任發表於其所主編,並於二○○三年出版的《汕頭城市山水》。(最近,筆者發現多年前贈與陳主任的圖片也被引用在其他兩本書裡面,亦即分別於二○○六年及○九年出版的《汕頭史蹟要覽》和《汕頭埠圖說》) 過去十年來,筆者繼續向世界各地的郵幣公司蒐購汕頭方面的資料,數量迄今幾達三百餘張之多。今次為慶祝汕頭市開埠一百五十一週年暨汕頭經濟特區成立三十週年,從中精選一百八十幀左右,彙集成這本小冊子,以饗讀者。 筆者家裡也有不少二戰期間在日本出版的雜誌與畫報,裡面收錄了許多汕頭及潮州各地的戰時圖像,此外也有多張一九一八年汕頭大地震和一九二二年“八‧二”風災的舊照,希望以後也有機會編輯發表。 要編寫這部《汕頭舊影》,設想容易,實現起來卻極為困難。因為比起古都北京或是上海、天津、廣州或香港等幾個大城市,潮汕兩地所留下的照片資料猶如鳳毛麟角,極為罕見,收集難度相當大。 近年來,國內出版界興起舊明信片熱,多個主要城市紛紛推出各自的《舊明信片上的XX市》,唯獨汕頭及潮州兩地迄今尚未見有類似的專輯面世。 拙作裡面的老明信片,絕大部分為第一次公開發表,讀者若能通過這一幀幀泛黃的歷史照片來加深對家鄉文化的認識,對筆者而言,也就達到出版此書的目的了。

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最後,筆者擬在此感謝新加坡潮州八邑會館贊助拙作的出版經費,也要在這裡特別感謝汕頭市委書記李鋒先生惠賜題辭、新加坡潮州八邑會館會長吳南祥先生為本書作序,此外,更承蒙國學大師饒宗頤教授惠賜墨寶,為拙作題寫書名,亦使本書增光不少。 筆者在新加坡僑生並於當地長大,豈敢以潮汕歷史專家自居,對於汕頭市的認識,亦肯定比正宗的“老汕頭”來得膚淺,故此書中一定有許多不足之處,懇請各位讀者批評斧正。 末了,謹以此書獻給於今年二月逝世的父親。

揭陽陳傳忠 二○一一年九月謹識於新加坡

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Introduction “Memories of Old Swatow” features close to two hundred picture postcards and photographs of Swatow(汕頭)and Chaochow (潮州)in the author’s collection, covering the period from the turn of the century to the 1950s. This book wouldn’t have been possible without the Internet, as the bulk of my collection was purchased online, either through auction websites like or through other postcard dealers on the Net. I started collecting postcards and photographs of these two cities sometime in November 1999, when I first chanced upon the eBay website. Most of my cards were bought from dealers in the United States, Britain, France and Japan, although quite a few of them were also acquired from far-flung places like Hungary, Belgium and the Czech Republic. One can imagine the near impossibility of building a collection of this present scale if the author had to personally travel to these countries, not to mention the amount of time that would have been spent sourcing for these cards. Originally a small fishing village in the east of China’s Guangdong province, Swatow (or Shantou in hanyu pinyin) was opened to foreign trade in 1860, at the end of the Second Opium War between China, Britain and France. After its founding, Swatow developed rapidly as a major seaport and commercial centre. During its heyday in the 1930s, the city was home to numerous foreign consulates and foreign banks as well as dozens of western firms including the great trading houses of Jardine Matheson and Butterfield & Swire. It was also the port of departure from where hundreds upon thousands of Teochews - including the author’s great-grandfather - left their villages in search of greener pastures in Southeast Asia, from the late 19th century to just before the Second World War. Thanks to foreign influence during the early years, today one can still find within the historic quarter of Swatow many examples of colonial-style buildings, as well as rows upon rows of “Qilou” shophouses with its unique blend of Chinese and Western architectural styles, better known to Singaporeans as “five-foot-ways”. This book is divided into five broad categories, namely “From the turn of the century to the 1930s”, “People and customs”, “The War Years”, “Swatow in the 1950s”, as well as “Scenic views of old Chaochow”. The first section includes early views of the harbour, the old Customs House, offices and godowns of the various foreign trading firms, street scenes, schools, foreign consulates, places of worship and other buildings in the city. There are also a few scenes of Kakchio (礐石,Queshi in hanyu pinyin), a rocky promontory opposite Swatow city where many Westerners resided during the early days. Under the “People and customs” section, there are a few postcards depicting the daily life of the local population, as seen through the eyes of the foreigners.

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Swatow was occupied by the Japanese during the Second World War (1939 - 1945). Japanese soldiers and civilians also snapped scenes of the occupied city and produced their own postcards, some of which are featured under the section “The War Years”. “Swatow in the 1950s” includes a dozen black and white photographs of street scenes and other well-known landmarks of the city during the post-war years, taken by local photographers. The final section - “Scenic views of old Chaochow” – features various scenes of the old prefectural city of Chaochow (Chaozhou in hanyu pinyin), roughly 30 kilometres north of Swatow. Better known in dialect as “Teochew”, the name “Chaochow”, besides referring to the old walled city itself, also refers to the vari-ous Teochew-speaking counties of Chao’an(潮安), Chenghai(澄海), Chaoyang(潮陽), Jieyang(揭陽), Raoping(饒平), Puning(普寧), Huilai(惠來)as well as Nan’ao island(南澳)that the old Chaochow prefecture once had jurisdiction over. Historically and culturally speaking then, the two cities of Swatow and Chaochow are virtually inseparable and together they form the so-called “Chaoshan region”(潮汕), from where all the Teochews around the world can trace their ancestral roots. For this very reason, the author has also decided to include the section on Chaochow into this book as well. Many of the early postcards in this book were published by Mee Cheung Studio(美璋照相)in Swatow, although there are also quite a few from European and Japanese publishers as well. Most of these cards or photographs can be dated based on their postmarks or through messages written by their senders, while the dates of others can only be roughly estimated based on the year the building or buildings depicted inside them was completed. Way back in 2002, I sent copies of some of the postcards and photographs in my collection to a friend in Swatow, Mr. Chen Jing-huai (陳荊淮), who featured them in Shantou Chengshi Shanshui(《汕頭城市山水》), a pictorial book on the city published in 2003, with the author’s permission. Years later, I found the same materials that I had given to Mr. Chen reproduced in two other publications as well : Shantou Shiji Yaolan(《汕頭史蹟要覽》,published in 2006), as well as Shantoubu Tushuo(《汕頭埠圖說》,published in 2009). Oh well … Over the past decade, I continued buying Swatow postcards and photographs from dealers all over the world. Today I have amassed a collection of more than 300 images, of which some 180 have been selected for this current volume, published to coincide with the 151st anniversary of the founding of Swatow and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Shantou Special Economic Zone. I also have in my collection dozens of wartime Japanese magazines that show Swatow and Chaochow during the Second World War, as well as several other books and publications which also contain early photographs of the two cities - including those of the 1918 earthquake and the 1922 Swatow Typhoon, but these I shall save for another day.

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Compared to the ancient capital of Peking or the major cities of Shanghai, Tientsin, Canton and Hong Kong, early postcards and photographs of Swatow and Chaochow are extremely rare and hard to come by. In recent years, quite a few photo-books have been published featuring historical postcards and photographs of some of these major cities, but I have yet to come across any dedicated solely to Swatow and Chaochow. Many of the images in this book have not been published previously, and should readers be able to connect with their Teochew heritage through these old, faded pictures of yesteryear, then all my efforts would not have been in vain. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Singapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan for sponsoring the publication of this book; Mr. Li Feng, Party Secretary of Shantou City, for his congratulatory message; Mr. Goh Nam Siang, President of the Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan, for his foreword, as well as Prof. Jao Tsung-I for his calligraphy for the Chinese title of this book. The author, born and bred in Singapore, does not profess to be an expert on Swatow history or to know more about the city than its native inhabitants, so any errors or inaccuracies in this book are all mine. Lastly, this book is lovingly dedicated to my late father who passed away in February this year.

Terence Tan September 2011, Singapore

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From the turn of the century to the 1930s

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早期的汕頭港。一九二○年代明信片,天主教聖吳甦樂女修會(一譯吳甦辣)發行,比利時印製。An early view of the port of Swatow, circa 1920s. Postcard published by the Catholic Missions des Ursulines in Swatow and print-ed in Belgium.

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汕頭港另一景。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Another view of the Swatow harbour. Post-card circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

由三張明信片組成的汕頭市全景圖。約一九二○年代,日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行。Panoramic view of Swatow city and harbour made up of three postcards, circa 1920s. Printed in Osaka, Japan.

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汕頭港另一景。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Another view of the Swatow harbour. Post-card circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

由三張明信片組成的汕頭市全景圖。約一九二○年代,日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行。Panoramic view of Swatow city and harbour made up of three postcards, circa 1920s. Printed in Osaka, Japan.

早期的汕頭港。一九二○年代明信片,天主教聖吳甦樂女修會(一譯吳甦辣)發行,比利時印製。An early view of the port of Swatow, circa 1920s. Postcard published by the Catholic Missions des Ursulines in Swatow and print-ed in Belgium.

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汕頭海港及市區全景圖。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。A panoramic view of Swatow harbour and town. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

從海灣對岸的礐石山上遠眺汕頭市區。一九三○年代明信片,日本印製,出版者不詳。(本頁兩幅明信片相信是由同個地點所拍攝)Another panoramic view of Swatow, circa 1930s, taken from Kakchio, a rocky prom-ontory opposite Swatow harbour. Postcard printed in Japan. (These two postcards on this page are believed to be taken from the same location).

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潮海關辦公大樓(又名“鐘樓”)也是汕頭開埠以來最早的建築之一,現為汕頭海關關史陳列館。一九二○年代明信片,屬於汕頭日本人會俱樂部所發行的《汕頭風景》系列明信片中的一幅,封套見第9頁。Another view of the old Swatow Customs House, circa 1920s. One of the city’s old-est surviving buildings, this gorgeous edifice has been lovingly conserved and now houses the Shantou Customs Museum. From a set of Swatow scenic postcards published by the Japanese Club, Swatow. Cover of postcard set can be found on page 9.

位於外馬路的潮海關辦公樓,又名“鐘樓”,始建於一九一九年,一九二一年落成,由英國人興建。大樓分為上下兩層,屬於歐式新古典建築風格,正門頂部裝嵌一臺圓形西洋大鐘,“鐘樓”因此得名。一九二○年代明信片,日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行。The old Swatow Customs House, located at Waima Road. Built by the British in 1921, the neo-classical building features a clock on its facade, hence it is also known affection-ately as the “Clock Tower”. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Osaka, Japan.

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潮海關辦公樓真照片明信片,約一九三○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。民國時期汕頭集益銀莊發行的銀票曾以“鐘樓”作為正面背景圖案,可見潮海關辦公樓在當年乃汕頭的一座標誌性建築。A real photo postcard of the Swatow Customs House, circa 1930s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow. Customs House was quite a landmark in those days - even forming part of the design of a pre-war banknote issued by a local bank!

潮海關辦公樓於一九二一年建成,圖示興建中的主體建築,照片相信由當時的英籍海關人員所拍攝。An undated photograph of the Swatow Cus-toms House under construction, prior to its completion in 1921. Probably taken by a British employee of the Swatow Maritime Customs.

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潮海關驗貨場。一九○○年代明信片 (一九二三年寄發),汕頭美璋照相印製。Customs examination ground, Swatow. Post-card circa 1900s (but mailed out in 1923). Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

潮海關驗貨場另一景。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Another view of the Customs examination ground. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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早期的潮海關及碼頭查驗場所(日文裡的“波止場”,意思即指碼頭)。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。An early view of the Swatow Customs and jetty. Postcard circa 1910s. Published by the Japa-nese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

海關街(又名海關大街、海關路),顧名思義,乃早期潮海關所在之地也。日本人當年把此街稱為“稅關廣道”。約一九一○年代彩色明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。Avenue to the Customs, Swatow. So called because the Swatow Maritime Customs was located here in the early days. Colour post-card circa 1910s. Published by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

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清末的海關街(當年又稱“潮海關馬路”),左邊建築為潮海關宿舍大院。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。An early view of Customs Road, then also known as Broadway. On the left is believed to be the Swatow Maritime Customs staff quarters. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

汕頭海關街另一景。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Another view of Customs Road, Swatow. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Ch-eung Studio, Swatow.

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潮海關波樓。英文圖片說明為“海關俱樂部”,應指當時海關人員的休閒娛樂場所。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。The Swatow Customs Club, also known as the Hai-kwan Club, where many foreign em-ployees of the Maritime Customs gathered to unwind after a hard day’s work. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

汕頭港早期的氣象測候所。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。The signal station at Swatow harbour. Post-card circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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汕頭太古碼頭及太古洋行的倉庫及辦公樓。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。英資太古洋行現名為太古集團,為香港國泰航空的主要股東。Postcard showing the godown, wharf and of-fice of Butterfield & Swire, also known by its Chinese name “Taikoo”. Circa 1900s. Print-ed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow. The Brit-ish trading firm is now known as the Swire Group and is the largest shareholder of Ca-thay Pacific, Hong Kong’s largest airline.

太古碼頭及該洋行的倉庫和辦公樓。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Another view of Butterfield & Swire’s (Tai-koo) godown, wharf and office in Swatow. Circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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汕頭太古洋行的棧橋。一九一○年代彩色明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。Colour postcard showing the pontoon of Butterfield & Swire. Circa 1910s. Pub-lished by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

汕頭太古碼頭真照片明信片,約一九三○年代,汕頭新光照相館印製。A real photo postcard showing the wharf of Butterfield & Swire Co., circa 1930s. Printed by the Sin Kuang photo studio in Swatow.

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英資怡和洋行早年於汕頭的碼頭及棧橋。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。現稱怡和控股有限公司,為一家在倫敦證券交易所和新加坡交易所同時上市的主要掛牌公司。Postcard showing the wharf of the British-owned Jardine, Matheson & Co. in Swatow, circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow. Now known as Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited, it is one of the leading companies listed on both the London Stock Exchange and the Singapore Exchange.

圖示英資德記洋行早年在汕頭港所建的倉庫,這一帶後來被稱為“德記洋行前”或“德記前”。一九二○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Front view of the godown of Bradley & Co., Ltd., another major British trading company in Swatow. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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各洋行在汕頭港的倉庫為早期明信片常見的題材之一。本頁所展現的其中兩張,皆由香港M. Sternberg公司於一九一○年代所出版。Godowns of the various foreign trading houses in Swatow were a favorite subject of early postcard publishers, including these two shown on this page, issued in the 1910s by M. Sternberg in Hong Kong.

汕頭碼頭洋行倉庫另一景,一九一○年代明信片,香港M. Sternberg公司印製。Another view of the numerous godowns at the Swatow harbour belonging to the west-ern trading firms in the early days. Postcard circa 1910s. Printed by M. Sternberg, Hong Kong.

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早年的昇平路。位於小公園一帶的“四永一昇平”,為老汕頭舉足輕重的商業中心,所謂“四永”,指的是永安、永和、永興和永泰四條街,一昇平,當然就是昇平路。一九二○年代明信片。日本印製,出版者不詳。An early view of Shengping Road, near the old city centre. One of the five busy commercial streets in pre-war Swatow that locals fondly call “Four Yongs and One Shengping”, the four “Yongs” here referring to the Yong’an, Yonghe, Yongxing and Yongtai streets. Post-card circa 1920s. Printed in Japan.

昇平路另一景。抗日戰爭前,整個汕頭城市約有大小商行、店鋪三千多家,其中“四永一昇平”就佔了將近三分之一。一九二○年代明信片。日本印製,出版者不詳。Another view of Shengping Road, Swatow. Before the war, nearly a third of the city’s shops were located at the “Four Yongs and One Shengping” alone! Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Japan.

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一九二○年代的永平路,但見商店林立,車水馬龍,一派繁榮景像。日本明信片,出版者不詳。Yongping Road, Swatow. Yet another busy commercial artery. Circa 1920s postcard printed in Japan.

本頁兩幅明信片,景物完全相同,惟上圖註明“永平馬路”,下面此張由日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行者則寫着“第一津街”。到底哪一張才是正確的?今已無從考證。The two postcards on this page are essentially one and the same. While the card above is captioned Yongping Road, the one below printed in Osaka states “Diyinjin Street”. It’s now virtually impossible to tell which is which.

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“四安一鎮邦”(懷安、怡安、萬安、棉安、鎮邦街)之一的懷安街。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Huai’an Street, circa 1910s, part of another group of five streets known as the “Four An (Huai’an, Yi’an, Wan’an, Mian’an) and One Zhenbang”. By Mee Cheung Studio.

汕頭商業街早期的景觀。約一九一○年代彩色明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。Shangye Street, Swatow (then spelled Siang Ngiap Street in the Teochew dialect). The name in Chinese literally means “Commer-cial Street”. Colour postcard circa 1910s. Published by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

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早期的“崎碌路”,為當時汕頭市東部崎碌區的主要道路。今日的“外馬路”於一九二四年始築於此基礎上。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。“Kialat Road”, the main thoroughfare of the then Kialat region (Qilu in hanyu pinyin) of Swatow, farther east along the coast. It was widened and renamed Waima Road in 1924. Postcard circa 1910s. Published by the Japa-nese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

外馬路最初叫“崎碌路”,於一九二四年開始鋪路,因這裡是汕頭埠臨海的邊緣,故起名為外馬路,從上世紀初至八、九十年代,外馬路一直雄居汕頭馬路之首,為市區最寬最長的主要幹道,是汕頭的政治文化中心,也是商業繁華之地。一九二○年代日本明信片。A 1920s Japanese postcard of Waima Road, better known as Kialat Road in the old days. Widened and renamed Waima Road in 1924, it remained up to the 1990s the city’s broad-est and longest boulevard where most of the major government agencies, cultural institu-tions and businesses were located.

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朝往當時崎碌地區的道路。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Road leading to the then Kialat region in Swatow. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

早年崎碌地區風景明信片。左邊為“適宜樓”,見第41頁。約一九一○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。An early view of the Kialat region in Swatow, circa 1910s. The building on the left is the Astor House Hotel (see page 41). Postcard printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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早期的“崎碌路”,亦即後來的“外馬路”。左邊的建築為英國兄弟會組織 “共濟會”汕頭分會會址。“共濟會”汕頭分會於一九一三年創辦,舊址相信就在外馬路原市政府大樓一帶。“崎碌馬路”系列明信片之一,約一九一○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。An early view of Kialat Road, or today’s Waima Road. Masonic Hall refers to the Swatow Lodge of the Freemasons that was founded in 1913. The site is believed to be near where the old premises of the Swatow Municipal Government are located. Circa 1910s. One of a series of four Kialat scenery postcards issued by Mee Cheung Studio.

“崎碌路”另一景。“崎碌馬路”系列明信片之二,約一九一○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。Another view of Kialat Road, circa 1910s. One of a series of four Kialat scenery post-cards issued by Mee Cheung Studio, Swa-tow.

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早期的崎碌區和汕頭港口。“崎碌馬路”系列明信片之三,約一九一○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。View of the Kialat region and Swatow har-bour, circa 1910s. One of a series of four Ki-alat scenery postcards issued by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

崎碌區早年的街景及周遭的建築。“崎碌馬路”系列明信片之四,約一九一○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。Postcard showing street scene and early build-ings in the Kialat region, circa 1910s. One of a series of four Kialat scenery postcards is-sued by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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“崎碌路”位於汕頭埠臨海的邊緣,此圖乃一幅由船上所拍攝的崎碌景觀。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Kialat Road was situated on the edge of the city near the seafront. Shown here is an early view of Kialat Road, most likely taken from a ship. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

另一張由船上所拍到的崎碌市景。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Another view of Kialat Road, also taken on board a ship. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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這幅汕頭港及崎碌岸邊景觀的老明信片,也是早期由海上所拍攝的。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Yet another view of the Kialat region and the Swatow harbour, also taken from the sea. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Che-ung Studio, Swatow.

清末民初的崎碌區。早年不少外國領事館、教堂、學校和俱樂部都設在汕頭的崎碌區裡面。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Turn of the century postcard showing west-ern-style buildings in Swatow’s Kialat region where quite a few of the foreign consulates, churches, schools and clubs were located during the early days. Circa 1900s. Postcard printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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汕頭早期一條沿海馬路。片上的日文說明“海岸通”,意即“外灘”。此圖所示的沿海馬路,可能就是今天的躍進路。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。Beach Road, Swatow, also known as the Bund. The “Beach Road” here is probably to-day’s Yuejin Road. Postcard circa 1910s. Pub-lished by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

三十年代的汕頭市容。照片中央的高層建築,即位於居平路的汕頭大旅社(見第94頁)。左側為“潮海關驗貨員宿舍”。汕頭美璋照相印製。A view of Swatow during the 1930s. The tall building in the centre of the photograph is the “Swatow Grand Hotel” (Shantou Dalushe in hanyu pinyin) situated at Juping Road (see page 94). The buildings on the left are the staff quarters for employees of the Swatow Maritime Customs. Photograph printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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戰前的汕頭,一名穿着短褲的交警站在路中央的亭子裡,有條不紊地指揮交通,確保交通秩序井然。照片裡的馬路相信就是當年的安平路。約一九二○年代末,汕頭美璋照相印製。Pre-war street scene, Swatow, showing a traf-fic cop directing traffic from a police booth in the middle of what is believed to be Anping Road. Late 1920s real photograph printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

約一九二○年代末的“至平路”。照片裡的“商務印書館”和“振源百貨公司”當年正好位於至平路,路名即依此推斷。汕頭美璋照相印製。Zhiping Road, Swatow, photographed in the late 1920s. Road name identified based on the shops shown in the photograph. Pre-war photograph printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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怡和洋行及潮海關早期辦公樓(中間有屋頂的樓房為潮海關辦公樓)。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Turn of the century postcard showing the premises of Jardine, Matheson & Co. as well as that of the Swatow Maritime Customs (roofed building in the middle). Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

圖示︰新建的大清郵政局、怡和洋行和潮海關辦公樓,位於早年的海關大街和銅山路。一九○○年代明信片(一九二三年寄發),汕頭美璋照相印製。Postcard showing the new buildings of the Im-perial Chinese Post Office, Jardine Matheson & Co. as well as that of the Swatow Maritime Customs, located at the then “Hai Kwan Tai Koi” or Customs Road. Postcard circa 1900s (but mailed out in 1923). Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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汕頭市早期的郵政局,最初設於當時的“海關大街”。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Swatow’s very first native post office, situated at the “Hai Kwan Tai Koi” or Customs Road. Postcard circa 1910s. Printed by Mee Che-ung Studio, Swatow.

根據汕頭東瀛學校校長安重龜三郎所著的《南支汕頭商埠》,於一九○五年開設的“大日本帝國郵政局”,同樣位於汕頭海關街。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。The Imperial Japanese Post Office in Swa-tow, established in 1905, also situated along Customs Road. Postcard circa 1910s. Pub-lished by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

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汕頭郵政局新的辦公樓於民國十一年 (一九二二年)落成,地點就設在外馬路。一九二○年代明信片,日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行。The new premises of the Swatow Post Office, located along Waima Road and completed in 1922. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Osa-ka, Japan.

汕頭郵政局另一景。左邊建築為當時的永平酒樓。一九二○年代明信片。日本印製,出版者不詳。Another view of the new Swatow Post Of-fice at Waima Road. The building on the left is the Yong Ping Restaurant. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Japan.

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同樣位於崎碌馬路的“汕頭旅館”,業主為日本人山口菊松,據內田五郎所著的《新汕頭》,山口先生也於汕頭經營一家“山口洋行”。山口洋行曾在當年發行多幅潮汕風景明信片,這張一九一○年代的明信片,即由該洋行所印製。The Japanese-owned Swatow Hotel, circa 1910s. Also located along Kialat Road, it is run by a Japanese businessman Kikumatsu Yamaguchi, who also happens to own the trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) which published many Swatow and Chaochow scenery postcards in the early years, including this one shown here.

汕頭適宜樓(一譯“啞司德酒店”),為早期汕頭唯一一家歐式旅店。該旅店位於當時的崎碌區,業主為一位勞倫斯太太(Mrs. Lawrence)。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Astor House Hotel, the sole European hotel in Swatow in the early part of the 20th centu-ry. Located in Kialat, it was run by a certain Mrs. Lawrence. Postcard circa 1910s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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於一九○六年落成的汕頭華英學校,為英國長老會開辦並由澄海籍富商陳雨亭等捐資興建的一所教會學校。現為汕頭市第一中學。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Anglo-Chinese College, Swatow, established by the English Presbyterian Mission in 1906 with donations from rich Chinese converts including Hou Teng-thai (Chen Yuting in hanyu pinyin). It is now known as the Shan-tou Number One Middle School. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

由日本人協會(日本人俱樂部)創辦的汕頭東瀛學校,於一九一五年正式開學。一九二○年代明信片,汕頭東瀛學校發行。The Toei School in Swatow, established by the Japanese Club in 1915. Circa 1920s postcard issued by the Swatow Toei School.

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於一九一五年創辦的日本尋常高等小學校,為汕頭日本人協會(日本人俱樂部)在汕市所開設的另一所學校。一九二○年代明信片,日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行。The Japanese Elementary School in Swatow (full name Japanese General Advanced El-ementary School), also set up by the Swatow Japanese Club in 1915. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Osaka, Japan.

日本小學校另一景。一九二○年代明信片,屬於汕頭日本人會俱樂部所發行的《汕頭風景》系列明信片中的一幅。Another view of the Japanese Elementary School in Swatow, circa 1920s. From a set of Swatow scenic postcards published by the Japanese Club, Swatow.

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汕頭日本人協會(日本人俱樂部)為戰前日本商人及僑民聚會的休閒娛樂場所。一九二○年代明信片,日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行。The Japanese Club in Swatow, where many Japanese businessmen and visitors gathered and socialised in the early days. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Osaka, Japan.

臺灣銀行於光緒三十三年(一九○七年)在汕頭成立支行,圖示該行位於汕市的行址。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。(註︰臺灣銀行為日本佔領臺灣後於光緒二十五年(一八九九年)在台北所創立的一家皇家特許銀行)The Swatow branch of the Bank of Taiwan, set up in 1907. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow. (Note: The Bank of Taiwan was established as Taiwan’s central bank in 1899 by the then Japanese colonial government)

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汕頭中山公園正門牌樓。中山公園由當時的汕頭市政府於民國十五年(一九二六年)為紀念 國父孫中山先生而建。一九三○年代真照片明信片,汕頭新光照相館印製。The main arch and gateway leading to the Sun Yat-sen Park (or Zhongshan Park) in Swatow. Like many others in various cities across China, this park in Swatow was built in 1926 in honour of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (Sun Zhongshan), revered by many as the Father of the Republic of China. Circa 1930s real photo postcard, printed by the Sin Kuang photo studio in Swatow.

汕頭中山公園玉帶橋全景。一九三○年代明信片,汕頭梅花攝影室印製。Circa 1930s postcard showing the Yudai or Jade Belt Bridge in the Sun Yat-sen Park in Swatow. Printed by the Meihua Studio in Swatow.

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汕頭火車站另一景。一九二○年代明信片,日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行。Another view of the Swatow Railway Station. Built by a rich overseas Chinese merchant from the then Dutch East Indies - Chang Yu-nan (also known as Tjong Yong Hian) together with his brother Chang Hung-nan (also known as Tjong A Fie), work on the line began in 1904 and it was completed and began operation in November 1906. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Osaka, Japan.

早期的潮汕鐵路汕頭車站。銜接潮州及汕頭兩地的“潮汕鐵路”,當年由荷屬東印度(今印尼)華僑富商張煜南和張鴻南兄弟倆集資興辦,鐵路全長卅九公里,一九○四年開始興建,一九○六年十一月正式營運。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。(註︰日文的“停車場”,中文意指火車站)A colour postcard showing the Swatow rail-way station of the now-defunct Chao-chow & Swatow Railway, a 39 km line linking Swa-tow and Chaochow city (Teochew city) up north. Circa 1910s. Published by the Japa-nese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

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圖示列車抵達汕頭火車站一景。一九一○年代彩色明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。Colour postcard showing a train arriving at the Swatow Railway Station. Circa 1910s. Published by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

列車停靠在汕頭火車站內,站台上的旅客準備上車一幕。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。A black and white postcard showing passen-gers at the Swatow Railway Station probably getting ready to board a train. Circa 1910s. Published by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

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汕頭於一八六○年正式開埠,英國政府於同年在汕頭媽嶼島開設領事館,約於一八六二年遷址至礐石建造新館。圖示位於礐石的英國領事館館址。右上邊灰色建築為潮海關幫辦宿舍(後改為潮海關副稅務司公館)。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。The British established a consulate on Swa-tow’s Masu Island (Mayu in pinyin) in 1860, the year the port was founded. In 1862, the consulate was relocated to Kakchio, as seen here in this circa 1900s postcard by Mee Ch-eung Studio. The greyish building on the hill (upper right) is the residence of the deputy Customs commissioner.

英國領事館另一景。左邊灰色的建築為潮海關稅務司公館,右邊大小兩棟洋樓為英國領事館。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。右上邊灰色建築為潮海關幫辦宿舍(後改為潮海關副稅務司公館)。Another view of the British Consulate in Kakchio, together with the official residence of the Commissioner of Customs (building on the far left). Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow. The greyish building on the hill (upper right) is the resi-dence of the deputy Customs commissioner.

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美國於一八六○年一月一日汕頭開埠時,在汕頭媽嶼島開設領事館,後遷於礐石(時間不詳),一九○九年復遷入汕頭市區崎碌一帶。圖示位於礐石的美國領事館舊址,其址暫不可考。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。The United States also established a consulate on Masu Island in 1860, and later moved it to Kakchio, a rocky promontory opposite Swa-tow harbour. In 1909, the American consul-ate was relocated again, this time to Swatow’s Kialat district. Shown here is the American consulate building in Kakchio, exact location unknown. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

德國政府於一八七三年在汕頭設立領事館,該館在第一次世界大戰裡北洋政府對德宣戰後正式關閉,圖示位於崎碌的領事館原址。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。現已毀。該址約在外馬路原市圖書館附近,即市政府對面。The German Consulate in Kialat, Swatow. Es-tablished in 1873, it was shut down in 1917 after China declared war on Germany dur-ing the First World War. Postcard circa 1900s by Mee Cheung Studio. The spot where the consulate used to stand is somewhere near the former premises of the Swatow Library at Waima Road, roughly opposite where the municipal government office is located.

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日本領事館舊館舍另一景。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。Another view of the initial premises of the Japanese Consulate in Swatow. Postcard cir-ca 1910s. Published by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

日本政府於一九○四年在汕頭開設領事館,圖示領館原先建於崎碌的舊館舍。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。The Japanese Consulate in Swatow was ini-tially housed in this building in Kialat, built in 1904. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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位於今大華路的日本領事館新館舍,於一九二二年(大正十一年)九月正式竣工。一九二○年代明信片,屬於汕頭日本人會俱樂部所發行的《汕頭風景》系列明信片中的一幅。Japan’s new consulate building in Swatow, lo-cated in today’s Dahua Road, was completed in September 1922. Postcard circa 1920s. From a set of Swatow scenic postcards pub-lished by the Japanese Club, Swatow.

日本駐汕領事館新館舍另一景。一九二○年代明信片,日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行。Another view of the new Japanese consulate building in pre-war Swatow. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Osaka, Japan.

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位於汕頭外馬路的存心善堂(全名“念佛社存心善堂”),始建於清光緒廿五年(一八九九年),為戰前潮汕地區規模最大、影響最廣的善堂之一。圖示存心善堂早年的外觀。一九二○年代明信片,日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行。The Cunxin Shantang Charitable Hall at Waima Road, also known in the early days as the “Charitable Guild”. Built in 1899, it was one of the largest Buddhist charity or-ganisations in pre-war Swatow. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Osaka, Japan.

存心善堂另一景。約一九三○年代真照片明信片,出版者不詳。(註︰供奉宋大峰祖師的“善堂”,為潮人獨有的宗教和慈善結合組織,隨着潮人移民到南洋,今東南亞多個地方均有善堂之設)Another view of the Cunxin Shantang Chari-table Hall. Real photo postcard circa 1930s, publisher unknown. (Note: “Shantang” or “charitable halls” which honour the Buddhist monk Master Song Dafeng are part-religious, part-charity organisations unique to the Teo-chew community. Today one can find many such “shantangs” in Southeast Asian cities with a concentration of Teochews)

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此幅清朝末年的黑白明信片,展現了存心善堂成立初期的外觀。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Turn of the century view of the Cunxin Shan-tang Charitable Hall. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

位於汕頭、潮州和揭陽三市交界處的桑浦山麓有一座龍山,山上有一座寺,這就是著名的甘露寺。這張早期的明信片所展示的寺中的彌勒佛坐像,神態自如,造型優美。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Statue of the Laughing Buddha in the Ganlu (Sweet Dew) Temple on Longshan (Dragon Hill), at the foot of the Sangpu Mountain. The Sangpu Mountain is situated at the bor-der area between Swatow, Chaochow and Jieyang. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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位於外馬路的天主教主教樓,一九一八年建成。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭山口洋行發行。原址現為“新若瑟堂”。Roman Catholic Bishop’s House at Waima Road, built in 1918. Circa 1910s post-card by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

汕頭市天主教“聖若瑟堂”,始建於一九○八年,為汕頭教區主教座堂。早期的天主教傳教士多為法國人,右圖日文說明的“佛蘭西”,即指法國也(法國在中文裡全稱為 “法蘭西”)。上圖所示的“老若瑟堂”早已拆,根據有關資料,今外馬路的“新若瑟堂”(天主堂),乃於一九九九年在原“主教樓”(右圖)的原址上重建。一九○○年代明信片,法國天主教傳教士Antoine Adrien Douspis(簡A. Douspis)印製發行,出版地不詳。St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Swatow, built by Catholic missionaries in 1908. Most of the Catholic missionaries in the early days were French, which explains the caption (“French Mission”) on the card to the right. The old St. Joseph’s Cathedral (above), has long been torn down. The new St. Joseph’s Cathedral at Waima Road is built in 1999 on where the old Bishop’s House (right) used to stand. Postcard circa 1900s. Published by the French missionary Antoine Adrien Douspis (A. Douspis).

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圖示汕頭早期一群初領聖餐的年幼天主教徒。依照天主教的傳統,女生在初領聖餐禮時,必須穿白禮服披白紗。一九○○年代明信片,法國外方傳教會發行。Young Catholic converts in Swatow, probably getting ready to receive their first Holy Com-munion. Circa 1900s postcard issued by the Paris Foreign Missions Society.

圖示興建中的的聖若瑟堂。一九○○年代明信片,出版者 A. Douspis。該堂今已重建。Postcard showing St. Joseph’s Cathedral un-der construction, circa 1900s. Published by A. Douspis. The old cathedral has since been torn down and rebuilt.

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圖示一位天主教修女在向汕頭一群年幼信徒講解天主教教理。一九一○年代明信片,出版者A. Douspis。Early postcard showing a Catholic nun teach-ing the Catholic faith to a group of young converts in Swatow, circa 1910s. Published by A. Douspis.

圖示汕頭天主教會所收留的首批孤兒。一九一○年代明信片,出版者 A. Dous-pis。Postcard showing the first batch of orphans taken in by the Catholic mission in Swatow. Circa 1910s. Published by A. Douspis.

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圖示早期在汕頭的天主教修女在為一名傷者包紮傷口及敷藥。約一九一○年代明信片,由A. Douspis印製。Postcard showing a Catholic nun in Swatow treating an injured man, circa 1910s, pub-lished by A. Douspis.

圖示兩名修女和當地一位老太太及一位女童。法文圖片說明不詳。約一九一○年代明信片,由A. Douspis印製。Postcard showing two Catholic nuns together with an old woman and a little girl. The cap-tion in French fails to say more. Circa 1910s, also by A. Douspis.

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同樣由法國天主教傳教士興建的潮州 “聖母進教之佑大堂”,俗稱“時鐘樓”,清光緒十一年(一八八五年)奠基,歷時十九年之久,至光緒三十年 (一九○四年)教堂落成並使用至今。一九一○年代明信片,法國印製。The Catholic cathedral in neighbouring Chaochow, also built by French missionaries. Construction began in 1885 but it was only completed in 1904. The church is known by its Latin name “Maria Auxilium Christiano-rum”, which means “Cathedral of Mary Help of Christians” or “Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians”. Circa 1910s postcard printed in France, publisher unknown.

潮州“聖母進教之佑大堂”另一景。上世紀六十年代曾遭受嚴重破壞,鐘樓被毀,一九八六年由當局撥款修建。一九○○年代明信片,A. Douspis 出版。Another view of the Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians in Chaochow city. Badly damaged during the 1960s, it was restored by the local authorities in 1986. Postcard circa 1900s. Published by A. Douspis.

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圖示早年在潮州天主教學堂裡參加早操活動的學童們。照片裡男生們頭上都拖着一條長辮子,可見此幅明信片乃於民國前所拍攝。一九○○年代明信片,出版者 A. Douspis,出版地不詳。Postcard showing children in a school run by the Catholic mission in Chaochow doing morning exercises. This shot was probably taken during the Qing dynasty, judging from the “pigtails” on the boys’ heads. Postcard circa 1900s, published by A. Douspis, place of publication unknown.

圖示英國長老會早期在崎碌區內的教會會所。英國長老會當年在潮汕地區創辦了多家醫院和學校,包括有名的華英學校(見第42頁)。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Early postcard showing the English Presbyte-rian Mission compound located along Swa-tow’s Kialat Road, circa 1900s. Besides the Anglo-Chinese College (see page 42), the E. P. Mission also founded numerous oth-er schools and hospitals in the Swatow and Chaochow region. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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除了法國天主教會和英國長老會,美國浸信會乃戰前在汕頭進行傳教活動的另一個外國宗教組織。圖示浸信會建於礐石的會址,左下方為該會禮拜堂。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Besides the Catholics and the Presbyterians, the Baptists were another group of Christian missionaries active in Swatow before the war. Shown here in this early postcard are some of the buildings within the compound of the American Baptist Mission in Kakchio. The building on the lower left is the main chapel. Postcard circa 1910s. Printed by Mee Che-ung Studio, Swatow.

礐石美國浸信會會址另一景。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Another view of the American Baptist Mis-sion compound in Kakchio. Postcard circa 1910s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swa-tow.

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礐石美國浸信會會址全景圖。約一九○○年代彩色明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Panoramic view of the American Baptist Mis-sion compound in Kakchio. Colour postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

由美國浸信會牧師威廉‧耶士摩(一譯耶士謨)於一八九二年創辦的“耶士摩天道學堂神學院”,原址設於礐石。一九一○年代明信片,美國浸信會差傳聯會發行,日本印製。The Ashmore Theological Seminary in Kak-chio, founded by American Baptist mission-ary William Ashmore in 1892. Circa 1910s postcard issued by the American Baptist Mis-sionary Union and printed in Japan.

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早年所拍攝的汕頭市韓江河口一景。發源於福建省的韓江,全長四百一十公里左右,其中有一支流在汕頭市區注入南海,為潮汕三市的重要水道。一九二○年代明信片。日本印製,出版者不詳。An early view of the mouth of the Han Riv-er as seen from Swatow. The Han River is a large waterway some 410 km long, having its source in the neighbouring province of Fu-jian and emptying itself into the sea in front of Swatow. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Japan.

從汕頭廻瀾橋上眺望繁忙的韓江水道。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。Another view of the Han River, this time tak-en from the Kwailan Bridge (Huilan Bridge in hanyu pinyin). Postcard circa 1910s. Pub-lished by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

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由兩張明信片組成的礐石全景圖。礐石位於汕頭對岸,外國人早年多聚居於此。約一九二○年代,日本大阪神田原色印刷所印行。Panoramic view of Kakchio (Queshi in hanyu pinyin) made up of two postcards, circa 1920s. Kakchio is a rocky promontory opposite Swatow where many foreigners lived in the early days. Printed in Osaka, Japan.

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早期的礐石海旁路。礐石位於汕市對岸,洋人早年多聚居於此。屬礐石風景系列明信片之一,約一九一○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。Beach of Kakchio, a rocky promontory op-posite Swatow where many foreigners lived in the early days. Circa 1910s. One of a series of three Kakchio scenery postcards printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

早期的礐石碼頭。礐石風景系列明信片之二,約一九一○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。Kakchio and harbour, circa 1910s. One of a series of three Kakchio scenery postcards printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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礐石全景圖。礐石風景系列明信片之三,約一九一○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。View of Kakchio. One of a series of three Kakchio scenery postcards printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow. Circa 1910s.

礐石另一景。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Another view of Kakchio. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swa-tow.

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礐石碼頭彩色明信片。約一九○○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。Colour view of Kakchio and its harbour. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Ch-eung Studio, Swatow.

礐石碼頭另一景。約一九○○年代,汕頭美璋照相印製。Another view of Kakchio and its harbour. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Ch-eung Studio, Swatow.

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原在礐石東面海灘上的“海角石林”,一九六九年被炸毀,現僅存殘蹟。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。The grotesque rock formations at the east-ern coast of Kakchio, known to locals as the “Stone Forest at the Corner of the Sea” and seen in this postcard dated 1908, were de-stroyed in 1969. Postcard circa 1900s. Print-ed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

汕頭海港燈塔及附近的媽嶼島,一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Swatow harbour lighthouse and Masu is-land (or Mayu in hanyu pinyin, also known as Double Island to foreigners in the early days). Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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汕頭早期外國人墓地的正門。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Main gate of a foreign cemetery in pre-war Swatow. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

汕頭珠池海面。這張明信片於一九三五年八月寄發,根據信中的內容,照片裡幾艘停泊於汕頭港外的戰船,極可能為外國軍艦。出版者不詳。A postcard of the Swatow harbour in the 1930s - mailed out in Aug 1935 - showing several gunboats, probably foreign, anchored off the port. Publisher unknown.

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People and customs

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汕頭早年某處魚市場,人潮熙來攘往。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。A busy fish market in early Swatow. Circa 1910s postcard. Published by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

清末在汕頭街邊賣水果的小販,做生意的方式跟今天沒甚麼兩樣。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Roadside fruit hawkers in turn of the cen-tury Swatow. It seems nothing much has changed where the way of doing business is concerned. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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早年在汕頭某處聚集用早餐的鄉村孩童。雖是菜色簡單,大家仍然吃得津津有味。約一九○○年代明信片,由法國外方傳教會發行。A photograph of a group of children in Swa-tow having breakfast together, probably shot in one of the surrounding villages. Circa 1900s postcard issued by the Paris Foreign Missions Society.

潮汕鄉村傳統民居,建築風格獨特,建築形式多樣化,“下山虎”、“四點金”、“駟馬拖車”,應有盡有,不一而足。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Early view of one of the many traditional villages in the Swatow-Chaochow region with its unique architectural styles. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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農夫車水,灌溉稻田︰農業今天仍是潮汕地區一個主要經濟活動。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Farmers pumping water to irrigate their padi fields. Agriculture remains a major economic activity in the Chaochow-Swatow region. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Ch-eung Studio, Swatow.

潮汕農村一對母子,呈現出幸福而又溫馨的一幕。一九二○年代明信片,天主教聖吳甦樂女修會發行,比利時印製。A village woman and her baby, circa 1920s. Published by the Catholic Missions des Ur-sulines in Swatow and printed in Belgium.

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百年前汕頭埠的刑場上,倒臥着數具無頭屍體,犯人到底犯了甚麼滔天大罪,居然把洋大人都給驚動了!約一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。A group of westerners - Englishmen per-haps, probably witnessing humans getting their heads lopped off for the first time in their lives, at an execution ground in Swatow a hundred years ago. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

聞人出殯,執紼者眾,素車白馬,極盡哀榮。約一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。A wealthy towkay in the early days getting a grand send-off with all the works. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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從前的潮汕婦女在出嫁之後就要打起腦後髻(潮語叫“打鬃”),如今的年輕姑娘們,個個只圖時髦,不是燙就是染,“打鬃”的傳統早已失傳。一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Postcard showing how most Teochew wom-en in Swatow wore their hair a hundred years ago. Yesterday’s fashion, today’s museum pieces. Circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

潮汕婦女,多勤紡織,潮州刺繡,聞名遐爾,遠銷海內外,圖中正在聚精會神進行刺繡的潮汕姑娘們,一針一線,手法嫻熟。一九四○年代明信片,正面註明︰“汕頭憲兵隊許可濟”,背面印有“軍事郵便”四字,出版者不詳。Wartime postcard showing a group of Swa-tow women producing the renowned Swatow lace embroidery, which till today is still very much sought after around the world. Japa-nese military postcard circa 1940s. Publisher unknown.

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The War Years

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汕頭市全景,一九四○年明信片,協榮印書館汕頭分館發行。明信片左側首幢騎樓為西南通酒樓,馬路右側為潮海關宿舍大院。Panoramic view of Swatow, 1940. The first shophouse on the left is the Xinantong Res-taurant. The building across the road are the staff quarters for Customs employees. Post-card printed by the Swatow branch of the 協榮印書館 publishing company.

汕頭中山公園九曲橋。一九四○年(民國二十九年)明信片,協榮印書館汕頭分館發行。本頁及下頁四張彩色明信片均屬協榮印書館發行的《汕頭畫片》系列明信片(封套見第12頁),該館為抗戰期間日軍派駐各地的文化機構,汕頭分館當年設於至平路九號。The “Kau Kiok Bridge” (i.e. Nine-bends Bridge or Jiuqu Bridge in pinyin) in the Sun Yat-sen Park, then also called the Central Park. The four cards on this and page 77 are from a set issued by the Swatow branch of the 協榮印書館 publishing company, a pro-paganda arm of the Japanese army during the war. Cover of postcard set on page 12.

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戰時的外馬路。左邊半圓形騎樓為西南通酒樓,馬路右側為潮海關宿舍大院。一九四○年(民國二十九年)明信片,協榮印書館汕頭分館發行。1940 postcard of Waima Road (then spelled Gwa-be Road in Teochew). The semi-circular shophouse on the left is the Xinantong Res-taurant. Across the road lies the staff quarters for Customs employees (on the right of the postcard). Also printed by the Swatow branch of the 協榮印書館 publishing company.

抗戰期間的安平路,商家們紛紛懸掛汪偽旗與日章旗以求自保。一九四○年明信片,協榮印書館汕頭分館發行。Postcard showing Anping Road during the war (then spelled Ang Ping Road), also print-ed by the Swatow branch of the 協榮印書館 in 1940.

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戰時的小公園“中山紀念亭”。約一九四○年代軍事明信片,正面註明︰“汕頭憲兵隊許可濟”,出版者不詳。The Sun Yat-sen Pavilion in the Little Garden (Xiaogongyuan) traffic roundabout in the city centre. Circa 1940s Japanese military post-card. Publisher unknown.

日軍明信片,說明上寫着︰“現汕頭市政府”。戰時的日偽市政府,門樓上昇起五色旗,而且還美其名曰“汕頭市善後委員會”﹗約一九四○年代,出版者不詳,明信片正面註明︰“汕頭憲兵隊許可濟”,背面印有“軍事郵便”四字。Headquarters of the collaborationist munici-pal government in Swatow during the Sec-ond World War. Circa 1940s Japanese mili-tary postcard. Publisher unknown.

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戰時的外馬路。自本頁至第86頁內十六幅明信片,均屬抗戰期間日軍所發行的一套名為《汕頭所見》的系列明信片 (封套見第9頁),題材以戰時汕市景觀為主,該套明信片由東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。圖右可能為汕頭福音醫院。Waima Road during the war. The 16 cards shown from this page to page 86 are from a set of Swatow scenic postcards issued by Japa-nese troops during the war and printed in To-kyo. Cover of postcard set can be found on page 9. The building on the right is believed to be the Presbyterian mission hospital.

位於外馬路的原汕頭市政府大樓,西洋式建築風格,三層高,底層為方石砌成,氣勢宏偉,莊重典雅,於民國十九年(一九三○)五月奠基,約半年後竣工,一九三一年元旦日舉行落成典禮。惜於上世紀九十年代中期被拆除。屬日軍《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。The former Swatow Municipal Government Building at Waima Road. Completed in 1930, this handsome western-style building was sadly torn down in the mid-1990s and replaced with an air-conditioned skyscraper. From a set of wartime postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

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戰時市內多幢建築皆於屋頂上鋪設防空網,右邊大樓為當年小公園的南生公司(即後來的百貨大樓)。Wartime postcard showing bomb defences installed on rooftops of many buildings. On the right is the Nam Sang & Co. departmen-tal store (i.e. today’s Baihuo Dalou).

上圖這座橋,相信就是當年的“同濟橋”(今稱“烏橋”)。日文說名“かちどき橋”,意為“勝鬨橋”,東京剛好也有一座“勝鬨橋”,一九四○年為紀念日俄戰爭勝利而建,兩橋形狀相似,難道日軍為慶祝成功佔領汕市亦將“同濟橋”改名﹖屬日軍《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。This bridge shown above is probably the former Tongji Bridge (today’s Black Bridge or Wu Qiao in pinyin). The Japanese caption reads “Kachi-doki Bridge”. There’s a “Kachidoki Bridge” in Tokyo of a similar design, built in 1940 to mark Japan’s victory during the Russo-Japanese War (Kachidoki means a shout or cry of victory). Did the Japanese rename the Tongji Bridge to mark their victory in Swatow as well? From a set of wartime Swatow scenic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

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一九三九年六月廿一日(農曆五月初五日端午節),日軍攻克汕頭,全市隨即淪陷。圖示日軍於當日開入汕頭市的情景。圖中建築為汕頭郵政局。屬淪陷時《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。Swatow fell to the Japanese on 21st June, 1939. The two postcards on this page show Japanese troops entering the city. The build-ing in the background is the Swatow Post Office. From a set of wartime Swatow sce-nic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

日軍侵入汕頭另一景。屬日軍《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。Another postcard showing Japanese soldiers entering Swatow. From a set of wartime Swatow scenic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

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戰時汕頭港的景觀。這兩面所展示的四幀明信片,相信是由日軍人員於市內高處所拍攝的港景及市容。圖左為潮海關宿舍大院,圖右豎有旗幟的洋樓為日本臺灣銀行汕頭支行。屬日軍《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。A view of the Swatow harbour, probably shot by a Japanese soldier from a rooftop. On the left are the staff quarters for Customs employ-ees whereas the western-style building on the right - with a flag on its roof - is the Swatow branch of the Bank of Taiwan. From a set of wartime Swatow scenic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

如上,不過從另一個角度拍攝。戰時日軍《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。Another view of the harbour, taken from a different angle. From a set of wartime Swatow scenic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

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汕頭港口又一景。圖左下側建築物為潮海關宿舍。照片中許多建築,如今已不復存在。屬戰時《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。Yet another view of the Swatow harbour dur-ing the war. The staff quarters for Customs employees is on the lower left. Most of the buildings pictured here are no longer stand-ing. From a set of 1940s Swatow scenic post-cards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

由日軍人員從高處所拍攝的戰時市容景觀。《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。A rooftop view of the occupied city, probably photographed by a Japanese soldier. From a set of wartime Swatow scenic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

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日本佔領汕頭後,日軍人員和漢奸們一大清早乘坐人力車﹐到處揮舞日偽五色旗,大肆慶祝一番。屬日軍《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。Postcard showing Japanese personnel and probably their Chinese collaborators being ferried around the city on jinrickshas and waving the Five-Coloured collaboration-ist flag following Swatow’s fall. From a set of 1940s Swatow scenic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

如上。戰時日軍《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。As above. From a set of wartime Swatow sce-nic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

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明信片上的日文說明,意思大略是說︰淪陷當日,駐汕日軍向市民派發傳單,發佈信息,這些欣喜若狂的“良民”爭先搶閱,一睹為快。屬日軍《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。According to the Japanese caption, follow-ing Swatow’s capture, Japanese troops in the city went round distributing flyers, many which were eagerly snapped up by “enthusi-astic residents” as pictured here. From a set of wartime Swatow scenic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

日文說明的大意︰日軍的“宣撫班”在汕頭某戲院裡放映連環畫劇,娛樂市民,戲院外一早排滿人龍,好不熱鬧。註︰日文的“紙芝居”,意指“連環畫劇”。這裡的“宣撫班”,即指侵華日軍在淪陷區實施“教化安撫”和“剿撫兼施”的組織。Caption reads: Swatow residents waiting outside a theatre to watch an illustrated pic-ture card show (kamishibai) presented by the so-called “pacification unit” of the Japanese army.

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這幅照片,相信是日軍人員在空襲汕頭時從戰機上所拍攝到的鳥瞰圖。屬日軍《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。A bird’s-eye view of Swatow, probably taken by a Japanese soldier aboard a bomber flying over the city. From a set of wartime Swatow scenic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

圖示媽嶼島上的日軍人員大張旗鼓準備進犯汕頭一幕(日文說明裡的“姆岐”應該就是指媽嶼島)。屬日軍《汕頭所見》系列明信片中一幅,東京“日本名所圖繪社”印行。A photograph of Japanese troops on what is believed to be Masu as they prepare to close in on Swatow. From a set of wartime Swatow scenic postcards issued by Japanese troops and printed in Tokyo.

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Swatow in the 1950s

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汕頭小公園百貨大樓另一景。小公園中央的“中山紀念亭”,始建於一九三四年。約一九五○年代照片。Another view of the Little Garden (or Little Park) traffic roundabout with its Chinese-style pavilion built in 1934 in honour of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Circa 1950s photograph.

一九五○年代的汕頭小公園和百貨大 樓(原南生公司),見第78及80頁。Circa 1950s view of the Little Garden (Xiao-gongyuan) traffic roundabout smack in the heart of old Swatow. The imposing seven-storey building is the Baihuo Dalou depart-mental store. (see pages 78 and 80)

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汕頭市安平路“花紗布公司”。約一九五○年代照片。Circa 1950s photograph of Anping Road in Swatow showing a building captioned in Chinese as the “Cotton Yarn Company Building”.

汕頭市國平路“紡織品大樓”。約一九五○年代照片。The “Textile Products Building” at Guoping Road, Swatow, circa 1950s.

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汕頭市外馬路另一景。外馬路亦即早年的“崎碌路”。約一九五○年代照片。Another view of the ever-busy Waima Road, also known as Kialat Road before the war. Circa 1950s photograph.

五十年代的外馬路頭。左側騎樓為“汕頭華僑旅行服務社”,即原西南通酒樓,右為海關宿舍大院。見第77頁。Waima Road, 1950s. The building on the left is the Overseas Chinese Travel Agency (for-merly Xinantong Restaurant). See page 77.

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一九五○年代的民族路。照片中圓柱形建築為新加坡虎標萬金油老闆胡文虎和胡文豹兄弟於一九三三年在汕頭所建的“永安堂製藥廠”舊址。Minzu Road, Swatow, in the 1950s. The building in the centre with a cylindrical tow-er was formerly the Tiger Balm Factory, built by Singapore’s very own Tiger Balm Kings Aw Boon Haw and his brother Aw Boon Par in 1933.

汕頭市民族路另一景。民族路兩側一幢幢柱廊式的“騎樓”商鋪,極富南洋情調,乍看之下,宛如新加坡牛車水唐人街的“五腳基”。約一九五○年代照片。Another view of Minzu Road, Swatow, with its “five-foot-way” shophouses and looking pretty much like a street in Singapore’s Chi-natown. Photograph circa 1950s.

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位於外馬路的汕頭市圖書館舊址。圖 書館原館址的主體建築為戰時日軍在 汕頭所建的一座神社(神社早已被拆除)。汕頭“日本靖國神社”舊址原為德國領事館所在地,見第49頁。約一九五○年代照片。The Swatow City Library was formerly housed in this Shinto shrine at Waima Road, built by Japanese troops during the war. Circa 1950s photograph. The shrine has since been de-molished. This was also the place where the German consulate once stood (see page 49).

約一九五○年代的汕頭郵政總局大樓。郵局戰前景觀可見本書第40頁。這一幢年屆八十九歲的老郵局,現今仍照常營業。The Swatow General Post Office in the 1950s. Earlier views can be seen on page 40. The 89 year-old building still serves as a post office.

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汕頭市工商業聯合會原址。今已拆。汕頭市工商業聯合會(簡稱“汕頭市工商聯”)正式成立於一九五三年,現又稱“汕頭市總商會”。約一九五○年代照片。The old premises of the Swatow Federation of Industry and Commerce, set up in 1953, now also known as the Swatow Chamber of Commerce. Circa 1950s photograph. The building has since been demolished.

汕頭新華電影院舊址。位於外馬路的新華電影院,當年又稱“新華大戲院”,戲院始建於上世紀的四十年代末,建築風格獨特,曾是汕市一個重要地標。今已拆。約一九五○年代照片。The old Xinhua Theatre at Waima Road, built in the late 1940s. With its distinctive architectural style, it was one of the city’s ma-jor landmarks before it was torn down some years back. Circa 1950s photograph.

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汕頭《星華日報》社舊址。該報於一九三一年由新加坡萬金油老闆胡文虎出資創辦,當年為胡氏新加坡 《星洲日報》的姐妹報。(編者按︰新加坡《星洲日報》後來又與當 地《南洋商報》合併,現為《聯合早報》)The former premises of the now-defunct Chinese-language newspaper Sing Hwa Yih Pao in Swatow, launched by Singapore’s Aw Boon Haw in 1931. It was then the sister publication of Singapore’s Sin Chew Jit Poh, another Chinese-language paper that Aw founded in 1929. Sin Chew Jit Poh would later be merged with another paper, Nanyang Siang Pau, to form Lianhe Zaobao.

位於居平路的“汕頭大旅社”,曾經是全汕最高的建築物之一,如今已成了矮子。The old “Swatow Grand Hotel” located at Ju-ping Road, one of the tallest buildings in the city during its heyday.

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Scenic views of old Chaochow

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從韓山遠眺韓江對岸的潮州府城全景。此幅全景圖由兩張舊照組成,約一九四○年代,屬一組由日軍所拍攝的系列照片。Panoramic view of Chaochow city (i.e. Teochew or Chaozhou in pinyin) made up of two photographs, circa 1940s, taken from Mount Han on the opposite bank of the Han River. Both Mount Han and the River Han are named after the Tang Dynasty official Han Yu. The bridge across the river is the Xiangzi Bridge. From a series of photographs tak-en by Japanese soldiers during the war.

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湘子橋又名廣濟橋,位於潮州東門外,橫跨韓江兩岸,始建於宋朝乾道七年 (一一七一年),潮州民謠:“潮州八景真風流,十八梭船廿四洲。廿四樓台廿四樣,二只鉎牛一只溜。”唱的就是湘子橋的歷史風貌。約一九○○年代明信片,汕頭美璋照相印製。A turn of the century view of the Xiangzi Bridge in Chaochow, built during the Song Dynasty. The stone bridge is joined in the middle by a pontoon section made by chain-ing together 18 large vessels, allowing ships to pass through. Postcard circa 1900s. Print-ed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

一九二○年代的湘子橋。中國四大古橋之一的湘子橋,古色古香,景色壯麗迷人,民謠唱曰:“到廣不到潮,枉費走一遭;到潮不到橋,白白走一場”。約一九二○年代明信片,日本印製。Circa 1920s view of the Xiangzi Bridge, from an early postcard printed in Japan. The bridge is a must-see highlight on the itinerary of almost every visitor to Chaochow : there’s even a short ditty composed by the Teochews which ends like this : every visit to Chao-chow without a stop by the bridge would be a wasted trip!

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湘子橋為潮州八景之一︰“湘橋春漲”,橋墩上早年建有形式各異的廿四對亭台樓閣,因兼作經商店鋪,故有 “廿四樓台廿四樣”、“一里長橋一里市”之美稱。一九二○年代末照片,汕頭美璋照相印製。The old bridge used to be supported by a total of 24 piers on both its east and west sections. Made entirely of granite, there stood on these piers quaint little pavilions which doubled as shops selling all manner of merchandise, as one can see from this late 1920s photograph issued by Swatow’s Mee Cheung Studio.

湘子橋五、六十年代曾改建為鋼筋混凝土大橋。二○○三年,潮州市政府決定恢復該橋“十八梭船”及橋上亭台樓閣的獨有風格,二○○七年九月竣工後正式對遊客開放。此幅一九四○年代日軍明信片,正面註明︰“汕頭憲兵隊許可濟”,背面印有“軍事郵便”四字。A wartime view of the Xiangzi Bridge, lauded as one of the eight wondrous sights of Chao-chow city. “Modernised” in the 1950s, it was restored to its original splendour by local au-thorities in 2007 in a bid to boost the city’s tourism. Circa 1940s Japanese military post-card. Publisher unknown.

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當年供奉於開元寺內的原佛像。一九四○年代黑白照,屬淪陷期間日軍人員所拍攝的系列照片中一幅。Wartime photo of the original Buddha statue inside the Kaiyuan Temple, shot by a Japa-nese soldier. This and many others within the temple were later destroyed in the 1960s.

潮州府城的“開元寺”,全稱“開元鎮國禪寺”,始建於唐開元廿六年(西元七三八年),現為全國重點文物保護單位。此張一九四○年代由日軍人員所拍攝的黑白照,展現了該寺戰時的風貌。1940s photo of Chaochow’s famous Kaiyuan Temple. Built more than a thousand years ago during the Tang dynasty, the temple is now a national heritage building. From a series of photographs of Swatow and Chaochow tak-en by Japanese soldiers during the war.

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韓文公祠位於潮州東岸筆架山,為紀念唐代文學家韓愈而立,始建於南宋淳熙十六年(一一八九年),相傳當年韓愈所植的橡樹就在祠前,因此這裡也叫做“韓祠橡木”。韓愈治潮期間,大大推進了潮汕的文明開化,老百姓為感念韓愈,從此“潮州山水皆姓韓”。The Han Wen Gong Temple in Chaochow, built in memory of Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty official who was banished here for daring to criticise the emperor. He did such a fantastic job governing Chaochow - including ridding the place of crocodiles - that the Teochews decided to name the local river and hill op-posite the city after him!

“韓祠橡木”亦為潮州八景之一,圖示 韓祠前兩柱一門,鐫有“韓文公之祠”五字的原石牌坊。一九二○年代明信片,日本印製,出版者不詳。韓愈,字退之,出版者於照片說明上以字稱之而不直呼其名,東瀛人士對韓公景仰之情不言而喻。An early shot of the original memorial arch-way leading to the Han Wen Gong Temple, carved entirely out of stone. The temple is also another one of Chaochow’s “eight won-drous sights”. Postcard circa 1920s. Printed in Japan.

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淪陷期間的“韓文公祠”,顯得格外蒼涼。屬日軍人員一九四○年代所拍攝的系列照片中一幅。Wartime view of the Han Wen Gong Temple. One of a series of photographs of Swatow and Chaochow taken by Japanese soldiers during the war.

圖示供奉於韓文公祠正殿內的原塑像。韓文公祠內原有的文物於上世紀六十年代被毀掉。一九八四年,廣東省政府撥款對韓祠進行全面修繕。一九四○年代黑白照,屬戰時日軍人員所拍攝的系列照片中一幀。The original statue of Han Yu in the main hall of the temple, also photographed by a Japanese soldier during the war. The statue and countless artefacts in the temple were destroyed during the 1960s. The temple was eventually restored in 1984. Part of a col-lection of Swatow and Chaochow scenes snapped in the 1940s.

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歷史悠久的潮州西湖,為天下三十六處西湖之一,湖池古為韓江支流,潮州築城後成為護城河,後來斷絕支流與韓江的流通,成為一潭靜止的湖水,經宋、元、明、清各代,不斷得到開發,遂成為今日的西湖風景區。日軍拍攝。A wartime Japanese photo of Chaochow’s West Lake Park, one of the 36 “West Lakes” across China. Once a river and part of the moat girding the walled city, it became an artificial lake after it was dammed during the Tang Dynasty. Various attractions were added over the centuries, including this pavi-lion pictured here, smack in the middle of the lake.

潮州西湖公園另一景。位於市區西北的西湖公園,戰前又名為“中山公園”。約一九四○年代軍事明信片,正面註明︰“汕頭憲兵隊許可濟”,出版者不詳。Another view of the Chaochow West Lake, also known as the Chaochow Sun Yat-sen Park before the war. Circa 1940s Japanese military postcard. Publisher unknown.

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西湖山位於西湖北面,因遠看如橫臥的葫蘆,故亦稱葫蘆山,自唐代開闢以來,遊人絡繹,題刻甚豐,至今仍保存自宋以來的摩崖石刻一百卅餘處。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭山口洋行發行。Overlooking Chaochow’s West Lake is a small hillock also known as the Gourd Hill, so named as it resembles a Chinese bottle gourd or calabash lying on its side. On the cliffs of Gourd Hill can be found numerous carvings of Chinese calligraphy, some dating back to Song Dynasty. Postcard published by the Japa-nese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow, circa 1910s.

西湖風景區位於潮州古城西北,又稱為“西湖漁筏”,向來被列為潮州八景之一,因當年許多漁翁們喜乘着漁筏,於湖中拋網捕魚而得名。一九三○年代真照片,汕頭美璋照相印製。West Lake is also another of Chaochow’s eight “splendid attractions”, known by its Chinese name as “Xihu Yufa”, which means “Fishing Rafts on the West Lake”. So called because of the hordes of fishermen who would cast their nets from their wooden rafts here at the lake in the hope of catching some fresh seafood. Circa 1930s photograph. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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潮州八景之一“金山古松”,原名“馬丘松翠”,老百姓當年把宋末抗元英雄馬發將軍一家安葬於金山之麓,並在墓旁植蒼松翠柏,以喻高風亮節,“金山古松”因此而得名。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。Yet another of Chaochow’s “eight wondrous sights” - the “Ancient Pine Trees on Gold Hill” - so named because of the trees that were planted around the tomb of the Song Dynasty general Ma Fa, who died here while trying to resist the Mongols who had over-run Chaochow. Postcard circa 1910s. Pub-lished by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

潮州金山位於古城北,東北臨韓江,高約一百三十公尺,相傳因附近居住着金姓居民而得名。光緒三年(一八七七年),潮州鎮總兵方耀在山坡建了一座書院,週圍築教室和宿舍,圖中所示的建築乃“金山書院”攝於戰前的風貌。一九二○年代明信片,日本印製,出版者不詳。On top of Chaochow’s Gold Hill, there once stood a Gold Hill College (Jinshan Shuyuan), built by a local official during the late Qing Dynasty, as seen in this 1920s postcard issued by a Japanese publisher.

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潮州八景之一︰“寶塔維舟”,又稱 “龍湫寶塔”,原指潮州城以北,韓江河面小沙洲上一座建於宋代的石塔,因塔邊有“龍湫泉”,所以又叫做“龍湫寶塔”。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。The Longqiu Pagoda, another one of “Chao-chow’s eight wondrous sights”. Located on the banks of the Han River some distance north of the walled city, it was first erected in the Song Dynasty. Postcard circa 1910s. Published by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?) in Swatow.

潮州八景之一“鱷渡秋風”︰潮州城外韓江北堤有一個古渡頭,叫“鱷渡”,相傳是當年韓文公祭鱷魚的地方,昔日金秋季節,渡船來往於兩岸,可以一面風使三面帆,故名。一九一○年代明信片,汕頭日本山口洋行發行。The “Crocodile Ferry Crossing” on the northern banks of the Han River, where the Tang Dynasty official Han Yu once offered ritual sacrifices to the tons of crocs lurk-ing in the river in the hope that they would stop harassing the Teochew people. Another “wondrous sight”. Postcard circa 1910s. Pub-lished by the Japanese trading firm“山口洋行”(Yamaguchi & Co.?).

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戰時潮州街景。該街疑為現中山路,右側遠處應為西湖山。日軍明信片,正面註明︰“汕頭憲兵隊許可濟”,背面印有“軍事郵便”四字,出版者不詳。Japanese military postcard showing Chao-chow city during the 1940s. On the left is believed to be today’s Zhongshan Road, with the West Lake Hill in the distance. Founded in 331 AD, the old prefectural city of Chao-chow, roughly 30 km north of Swatow and better known in dialect as “Teochew”, was once the capital of the entire Teochew-speak-ing region in the east of Guangdong prov-ince from where all the Teochews around the world trace their ancestral roots.

戰前的潮州太平街,牌坊林立,其造型之美、數量之多,蔚為奇觀。約一九二○年代末照片,汕頭美璋照相印製。Taiping Street in Chaochow during the late 1920s. Photograph printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

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Pre-war map of Swatow, reproduced from “Guide to China, with Land and Sea Routes Between the American and European Continents” (Japanese Government Railways, Tokyo, 1924)

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書名︰汕頭舊影主編︰陳傳忠校閱︰周修東(汕頭海關)、楊 偉(汕頭海關)出版︰新加坡潮州八邑會館 地址︰新加坡第二三八○六六郵區, 登路九十七號潮州大廈。 電話︰(65) 6738 2691 傳真︰(65) 6738 6937 網址︰ 電郵︰[email protected]印務︰高明印務(1993)私人有限公司初版:二○一一年十月版權所有.翻印必究國際統一書號:978-981-07-0084-3

Title : Memories of Old SwatowEditor : Terence TanProofreading : Zhou Xiudong (Shantou Customs) Yang Wei (Shantou Customs)Published by : Singapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan No. 97 Tank Rd, Singapore 238066. Tel : (65) 6738 2691 Fax : (65) 6738 6937 Homepage : Email : [email protected] by : Kelvin Printing (1993) Pte. Ltd.Date Of Publication : Oct 2011All rights reserved.ISBN: 978-981-07-0084-3

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Published by The Singapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan

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Memories of Old Swatow

陳傳忠 編

By Terence Tan新加坡潮州八邑會館出版

Published by The Singapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan



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