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School : SMPN 1 SUKODONO.Grade : VIII (Eight)Term : 2 (Two)Subject : Physic- Science

Standard Competence : 5. Understand the concept and application of vibrations, waves and optics technology in everyday products

Basic competence

Main topic Class activities IndicatorAssessment Time

Allocation Source Technique Instrument Type Instrument Pattern

5.1 Describe the concept of vibrations and waves and their parameters

Vibration and wave

To looking for information from reference books about vibration explanation

To determine the quantity of period from experiment result

Make an experiment to looking the differential of period and frequency of vibration

To looking for information from reference books about wave explanation

Describe the concept of vibration using vibration spring demonstrations, and a simple swing . Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

Explain the concept of waves that propagate as vibrations or energy propagation in the medium

Describe the concept of wave motion using vibration demonstration ropes, springs and ripple tanks through trial, Appreciating diversity, Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Precision, Parsimoy, Objective, Perserveren, Scepticism, Open minded, Cooperative


Performance test





Shuffle motion of a particle periodically through the point of equilibrium is called…

Make experiment to determine the vibration period

What is differential of transverse wave and longitudinal wave?Give the example both?

6x40’- Physics Science

Books- Relevant

reference books- Equipment and

lab materials

Page 2: SYLLABUS genap 2012

Basic competence

Main topic Class activities IndicatorAssessment Time

Allocation Source Technique Instrument Type Instrument Pattern

Make an experiment to looking for differential the transversal wave characteristics and longitudinal wave characteristic

To Looking for information from books reference to find the relation between period, frequency and wavelength

Demonstrate understanding of waves and transverse waves longitudinal Appreciating diversity, Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively,Precision, Parsimoy, Objective, Perserveren, Scepticism, Open minded, Cooperative

Explaining the meaning of pace, frequency, wavelength, amplitude of the wave

Performance test





Observe the experiment of transverse wave and longitudinal wave onto slinky

A vibrator with frequency 6 Hz in water tank produce wave with wavelength 0,02 m. the wave velocity is…

5.2. Describe the process of the earthquake and tsunami

Describe the sense Earthquake and Tsunami

Describe the causes of earthquakes and stunami

Describe the effect of the earthquake and tsunami

Qualitatively describe that earthquakes are natural events that propagated by the propagation of wave energy below the ground surface. Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

Describes a qualitative understanding of tsunami and factors cause. Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

Explain the relationship between earthquakes and

written test

written test

Test performance

field test

test description

test description

What is the purpose of the earthquake and tsunami

Explain the causes of the earthquake and tsunami

Describe the effect of the earthquake and tsunami

6x40’- Physics Science

Books- Relevant

reference books- Equipment and

lab materials

Page 3: SYLLABUS genap 2012

Basic competence

Main topic Class activities IndicatorAssessment Time

Allocation Source Technique Instrument Type Instrument Pattern

potential tsunamis. Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

5.3. Describe the concept of sound in daily life

Soound Distinguish infrasonic,

ultrasonic and audiosonik

Describe the characteristics of sound waves

Demonstrate resonance phenomenon in everyday life

. Devise an experiment to

measure the speed of sound *)

Give examples of the use and impact of sound reflection in everyday life and technology

Describes the sound waves by vibrating sources. .Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

Describe the longitudinal nature of sound waves to explain the medium density and sprawl.. Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

Show through demonstrations or other media that require sound propagation medium.

Describes the sequence of the speed of sound in gases, liquids, and solids. Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

written test

Test performance

written test

test description

Test work picking procedure

test description

Explain the difference between infrasonic, ultrasonic, audiosonik.

Perform experiments on resonance and make conclusions.

Mention examples in everyday life on the utilization of sound reflection.

12x40’ Science book and other science referenceThe experiment kit and matter.

5.4. Investigated the properties of light and its relationship to various forms of mirrors and lenses

Light Design and conduct experiments to menunjukikan the properties of light propagation

State law reflectance obtained by experiment

Explain the law of refraction obtained by experiment

Lowering the legal reflection through demonstrations or eksperimen Appreciating diversity, Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively,Precision, Parsimoy, Objective, Perserveren, Scepticism, Open minded, Cooperative


written test

project tasks

test description

test description

Devise an experiment to demonstrate the properties of light propagation

How is the sound of the light reflection law?

How is sound law of refraction of light?

- Physics Science Books

- Relevant reference books

- Equipment and lab materials

Page 4: SYLLABUS genap 2012

Basic competence

Main topic Class activities IndicatorAssessment Time

Allocation Source Technique Instrument Type Instrument Pattern

Describe the process of formation and the properties of mirror reflection on flat, concave mirror and a convex mirror.

Describe the process of formation and the properties of the shadows in a concave lens and a convex lens

Describe experiments to determine the position of the image formed by a flat mirror. Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

Describes an experiment to determine the position of the focus of a concave mirror and the mirror cembung Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

Describe the formation, measurement, and calculation of shadow formation by concave mirrors and convex mirrors

Lowering the law of refraction through a demonstration or eksperimen Appreciating diversity, Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively,Precision, Parsimoy, Objective, Perserveren, Scepticism, Open minded, Cooperative

Explaining the meaning of the medium refractive index

Describe experiments to determine the focus

written test

test description

test description

Describe the formation of a shadow on a concave mirror when the object is between F and R, and specify the nature of his shadow?

Describe the formation of a shadow on a convex lens when the object is located at 2 F, and specify the nature of his shadow?

Page 5: SYLLABUS genap 2012

Basic competence

Main topic Class activities IndicatorAssessment Time

Allocation Source Technique Instrument Type Instrument Pattern

position and a convex lens concave lens Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

Presenting the formation, measurement, and calculation of shadow formation by a concave lens and convex lens through trial. Appreciating diversity, Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively,Precision, Parsimoy, Objective, Perserveren, Scepticism, Open minded, Cooperative

Understanding and describing the real image virtual image Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

5.5 Describe optical instruments and their application in daily life

Describe the function of the eye as an optical instrument

Describe the formation of shadows of objects on the retina

Describe some eye defects and the use of glass eyes

Investigate the characteristics of the camera

Explain the working principle of the natural eye as an optical instrument Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

Explain the working principle of glasses

Explain the working principle of loops through the trial. Appreciating diversity,

written test

written test

written test

written test

field test

test description

test description


Is the function of the eye? ...

Describe the formation of a shadow on the retina?

What is the difference between the eye and the camera as an optical instrument?

Explain how the microscope and describe the way light to

- Physics Science Books

- Relevant reference books

- Equipment and lab materials

Page 6: SYLLABUS genap 2012

Basic competence

Main topic Class activities IndicatorAssessment Time

Allocation Source Technique Instrument Type Instrument Pattern

as an optical instrument

Explain the concept of loops as a means optic

Explains how to work some of the relevant technology products, such as microscopes, various types of binoculars, periscopes, etc. *)

Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively,Precision, Parsimoy, Objective, Perserveren, Scepticism, Open minded, Cooperative

Explain the working principle of the microscope. Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

Explain the working principle of binocular Thinking logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively, Curious, Precision

description form shadow

Lumajang , 18th January 2012

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