Page 1: SynCom Seminar · Practicum (25min.) This section is designed to give students a supervised practical application ... ・Reflection

Mayflower 英語教室 SynCom Seminar Syllabus

Mayflower 英語教室 SynCom Seminar Syllabus (シンコム・セミナー・シラバス) 2009 第 2 学期 9 月 19 日(土)~ Robert Duckworth


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“Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.”

― Bruce Lee


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Table of Contents

Cover (p.1)

Quote #1 (p.2)

I. Orientation Table of Contents (p.3)

What is SynCom? (p.4)

Class Period Subdivision (p.6)

Curriculum 3 Year Overview (p.7)

II. English Brain Training Quote#2 (p.8)

SynCom Cognitive (& Interper. Com.) Model (p.9)

Think in English Originator (Comprehensive Profile) (p.10)

Book Synopsis (#1, #2) (p.12)

A Genealogy of Post-Matsumoto English Pedagogy (p.14)

Think Beyond English (p.15)

III. SynCom: Interpersonal Communication Quote #3 (p.16)

SynCom Interpersonal Communication Model (Inst. Assist.) (p.17)

SynCom Method (p.18)

IV. SynCom: Socially Networked Language Mayflower Student Presentation Examples (p.20)

Quote #4 (p.26)

Mayflower Presentation Party Model (p.27)

Social Network-Based Communication Guidelines (p.28)

Mayflower Presentation Party Evaluation Sheet (full) (p.30)

Quote #5 (p.32)

V. Miscellaneous Notes (p.33)


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Q: What is SynCom? A: SynCom is a unique and highly effective system of Synergetic Communication for developing both your acute English ability, and your own untapped potential. The twin pillars of this system are English Brain Training and Synergetic Communication.

I. English Brain Training (Cognitive English) Think In English (英語で考える): Language as a means of thinking. Words connected

to personal feelings to make meaning. Emotional understanding first, intellectual

understanding second. No translation. Japanese (native language) and English (target

language) are separated.

Think Beyond English (英語を超えて考える): In all of your English thinking and

classroom studies, try to achieve a balanced viewpoint between yourself (subjective) as

a part of the world, and the world (objective) as a part of yourself.

II. Synergetic Communication (Social English) Interpersonal Communication: Become an Active Speaker, and express yourself to

Active Listeners, your classmates. Ask for, receive, and respond to their questions,

feedback, and criticism. Listen to them, and reflect on what they say. Later, revise your

original expression, and try again soon with a new version. Improve your expression

each time!

Social Networks (Local/Global) of Self-Expression & Response: Take your

interactive communication out of the classroom, and into the real world! Give a

presentation at a monthly Mayflower Presentation Party. Many old and new friends will

be there to support you! Upload your presentation on the Mayflower Student Blog. Then,

everyone in the English-speaking world can enjoy your ideas, and exchange theirs with



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What is SynCom to me? Using your own words (within the space provided below), explain your own understanding of

what SynCom is twice. Once after your first Unit at Mayflower, once more after your last Unit at


What does SynCom mean to me (initial understanding)?

What does SynCom mean to me (most recent understanding)?


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SynCom Seminar Class Period Subdivision

Break (10min.)

Theory (25min.) This section is designed to give students a supervised theoretical understanding of SynCom practicum.

Practicum (25min.) This section is designed to give students a supervised practical application of previously studied SynCom theory.



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Mayflower 英語教室 SynCom 3 Year Curriculum

2nd Year ●Interpersonal Communication

I. What to be?

→Active Speaker(/Writer)

→Active Listener(/Reader)

→Speaker/Listener Synergy

II. What to say, how to say it, and how

to respond?

→SynCom Process

・Select & evaluate topic


・Construct presentation

・In-class practice & advice

・Revision (multiple)

・Final Polish

・Performance & Q&A

・Reflection and follow up


3rd Year ●Social Networks (Local/Global) of

Self-Expression & Response

I. In what kind of environment?

Modeling, simulating, and practicing the →

SynCom presentation party/Student Blog

environment (both real-world and virtual)

・Venue: Meatspace/Virtual

・Host: Emcee/Moderator

・Guests: Audience/Blog readers

・Q&A handling techniques/”Comments”

・Evaluations: self-, peer-, and judge-based

II. What’s next?

→Long-term strategies for self-development

of presentation style

1st Year ●English Brain Training

I. How to think? (Pt. 1)

→Think in English

II. How to think? (Pt. 2)

→Comparative Analysis

→Alternative/Contemporary Methods

III. What to think about?

→Think Beyond English

○Interpersonal Communication

○Socially Networked Language


Interpersonal Communication○

Social Networks of Self○ -Expression and




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“If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different


― Ludwig Wittgenstein


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(Cognitive & Interpersonal Model)

A picture of what should be going on in your mind, between your mind and the world, and between two like-minded people engaged in interpersonal communication by themselves. Cognitive

Think In English

Think Beyond English

Interpersonal Active Speaker & Active Listener

Interpersonal Communication (Unassisted)



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Think in English Originator (Comprehensive Profile) Dr. Toru Matsumoto (English Instructor)/松本亨 (英語教師)

Profile (Source: Wiki)

松本亨(まつもと とおる、1913 年 9 月 14 日-1979 年 6 月)は、英語教育家、リフォームド教


戦前に 14 年間アメリカに留学し、戦後 NHK ラジオ「英語会話」の講師を 22 年間務めた。


• 1913 年 9 月 14 日 北海道網走郡美幌町に生まれる。

• 少年時代を群馬県高崎市で過ごし、県立高崎中学に 2 年生まで在学

• 1929 年 家が東京に引越したことに伴い明治学院中等部 3 年に転入

• 1931 年 4 月 同校高等部英文科に進学

• 1935 年 3 月 高等部卒業。アメリカに渡りニューヨークのユニオン神学校に入学。

• 1938 年 神学校卒業後、アメリカ国内で YMCA 配下の学生会の仕事をする。

• 1938 年 8 月 ヨーロッパに渡りフランスとイギリスを訪問してアメリカに戻る。

• 1938 年 10 月 長きにわたるアメリカ国内講演旅行を開始

• 1940 年 一時帰国するもすぐにアメリカに戻る

• 1941 年 12 月 8 日 太平洋戦争開戦に伴い敵国人として拘留される。

• 1942 年 3 月 捕虜収容所へ移される

• 1942 年 10 月 30 日 釈放され、教会での仕事に復帰。教職の資格を取り、精力的に米国内を講演旅行。講演

数は 1000 を越える。

• 1949 年 コロンビア大学教育大学院修了。教育学博士(Doctor of Education)。

• 1949 年 9 月 13 日 帰国。

• 帰国後明治学院大学、日本女子大学、フェリス女子学院大学にて教鞭を執る。

• 1951 年 NHK のラジオ英語会話の講師となる。

• 1968 年 松本亨高等英語専門学校(のちにフィニックス英語学院と改称。現在は閉鎖)学長に就任。

• 1971 年 NHK 放送文化賞受賞

• 1972 年 3 月 ラジオ講座のメインの講師を退任するも週末の特別コーナー担当を 1 年間続ける。

• 1979 年 6 月死去


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松本亨氏の英語教育の基本は "Think in English" ということばにある。英語を話すとき、聞く





• 偏見を越えて(Beyond Prejudice: A story of the Church and Japanese Americans)

• The Seven Stars (恋愛小説)

• 英語と私

• 英語で考える本

• 書く英語 基本 応用 実用

• 英作全集 全 10 巻

• スペリングの面白さ



• 3 人兄弟で 2 番目の兄が明治学院・ユニオン神学校に進学し、亨氏もそのツテを頼っ


• 明治学院在学中は「英語で考える」ということに徹するため、英語以外の通常の授業


• 平和主義者であり、拘留中にアメリカと日本のどちらの味方をするのか?と迫られて


• 松本亨高等英語専門学校の設立者は、後に日本テコンドー連合の会長も務めた森喬伸



• 「英語と私」

• NHK ラジオ英語会話テキスト(1972 年版)


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Think in English

by Toru Matsumoto

(First published in 1968)

Purchase on Amazon:

Student-authored a) synopsis and b) critique (in English) of Dr. Matsumoto’s “Think in English” book (please limit your writing to the space provided here:


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by Toru Matsumoto

(First published in 1974)

Purchase on Amazon:

Student-authored a) synopsis and b) critique (in English) of Dr. Matsumoto’s “英語で考えるに

は” book (please limit your writing to the space provided here:


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A Genealogy of Post-Matsumoto English Pedagogy

(ポスト松本 英語教授の系譜)

Genealogical Family Tree (graphic TBA in class)

An Timeline Overview of Significant Individuals and Ideas (list TBA in class)


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Think Beyond English (英語を超えて考える)



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Shyness is nice, and

Shyness can stop you

From doing all the things in life

You'd like to

So, if there's something you'd like to try

If there's something you'd like to try


― The Smiths, “Ask”


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Key Terms to be Defined

Instructor Platform:

Speaker Platform:

Listener Platform:

Syncom Interpersonal Communication Model (Instructor Assisted) A picture of what should be going between two like-minded people

who are communicating interpersonally in class in the presence of

an instructor.


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SynCom Method: What to say, how to say it, and how to respond SynCom Seminar では、Synergetic Communication のあらゆる場面を実際に


1.0 自分のプレゼンテーションの題材を見つけるこ




1.1 はじめに選んだ題材を客観的に吟味し直し、プ


す。 Yoriko speaking, Robert Emceeing, at

a Mayflower Presentation Party.

2.0 講師がオリジナル教材を用いてプレゼンテーションの組み立て方をレクチャーします。次のよ


a. 内容について(分析と事実、主観的であること客観的であること、ロジック;問題提起、展


b. 組み立てについて(アウトラインと構成、導入と主題、話のつなげ方)

c. 表現スキル(発音、姿勢、ボディ・ランゲージ、アイ・コンタクト、ポジティブな態度)

3.0 クラスで各自のプレゼンテーションを練習していきます。順番に一対一のコーチングを受けま


(SynCom Seminar は少人数クラスを厳守しますので、高密度のコーチングを受けることが


4.0 アクティブな聞き手となること クラスではまた、互い








ばく技術」も同時に学ぶことができます。 A very active speaker, Hitomi, always

drives her points home!


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5.0 クラスでの練習、Q&Aやピア・レビューなどを通



6.0 プレゼン原稿が完成に近づいたら、ネイティブ講




Yoriko appeals to the audience, using

effective body language to persuade.

6.1 講師が仕上げのリハーサル・チェックを行ないます。プレゼンテーション全体の運び方の面で



7.0 いよいよ本番のプレゼンテーションです。SynCom Seminar のクラスで発表を行ないます。

さらに望めば、メイフラワーが月一回行っている「Mayflower Presentation Party」の場で発表

することもできます(おすすめ)。このパーティは、Mayflower 英語教室の生徒たちをはじめ、



7.1 フィードバック/Q&A 発表後すぐにフィードバック/Q&Aタイムとなります。講師もしくはアシ


8.0 インターネットで公開 せっかく時間をかけて作り



Mayflower 英語教室のブログ「Student Blog」で

あなたのプレゼンテーション (in text, audio,

and/or video format)を公開することができます。


ュニティに発信されます! Active Listener, Yasu, also a very

Active Speaker, ears hard at work!

SynCom Seminarとは、シンプルだけれどもこれまでに誰もやらなかった、英語をア

クティブに話し、アクティブに聞き、Synergetic Communicationためのクラスです。


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Mayflower Student Presentation Examples

Note: all examples may be found online at the Mayflower Student Blog Student Blog @ Mayflower英語教室

Example #1 Name: Tomo English Level: Beginning/Intermediate Preparation Time: 1 week Presentation Mode: Mayflower Blog

Thanks, Mom and Dad!For convenience, I’m living alone near my

university in Chiba, since the campus is located

quite far from my parents' home in Setagaya,

Tokyo. Of course, because I’m living alone, I

have to do all the housework by myself, like

cooking, cleaning, washing the dishes, laundry,

and so on.

Once in a while, I go back to visit my parents'

home. When I do, “naturally”, my mother does

my cleaning, and prepares my meals.

When I was still living with my parents, I’d

simply assumed that my mother would

automatically do such chores.

Finally, after experiencing living alone, I’ve come to understand for the first time the thankless

hard work that my parents did for me all of those years. When I was a junior high school student,

I was always trying to rebel against them, but now things have changed.

What a foolish boy I was! Now, I’d like to express my gratitude to them. Thanks, mom and dad!



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Example #2 Name: Tomomi English Level: Intermediate/Advanced Preparation Time: 2-3 weeks Presentation Mode: Mayflower Presentation Party Presentation Time: 5+ min. (not including Q&A)

Why the frog wants to jump out of the well

My dream: being an international exchange student -

My name’s Tomomi, and I’m a freshman at a university in Tokyo.

I'm majoring in politics, but I also love studying English.

Tonight, I’d like to take this opportunity to speak about my

dream: I desperately want to be an exchange student in a major

English speaking country, for example, England or America. I’ve

been studying English since I was a high school student, and ever

since that time, I’ve wanted to study abroad. I have three big

reasons why I want to do so: First, I want to improve my English

skill. Second, I want to build my character, and third, I want to

view Japan more objectively. I hope that by the end of my

speech, you’ll clearly understand my dream. Well, let me get started explaining my reasons!

My first reason that I want to be an exchange student is that I want to improve my English skill as

much as possible. As I mentioned before, I’ve been studying English since I’ve been in high school.

I’ve made a lot of improvement since then, but I believe that my immediate environment has a

profound impact on my English learning, so going abroad seems like a logical choice. Of course, I

don't think that just by going abroad, I can truly acquire English without making a concerted

effort. Nothing worth doing is easy. Naturally, I'll have to study English quite diligently everyday

in my new language environment. If I am totally immersed in what I’m studying, English, then I’m

sure I’ll make rapid progress!


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My second reason is that I want to build my character. Living in the foreign country is very

challenging. I'll surely face many vicissitudes (that means ups and downs, pleasures and pains,

and so on) while living abroad. In Japan, all of my life, I've lived happily and peacefully without

any inconvenience, and I always been surrounded by my friends and family. Of course I’m

grateful for that, I’ve been really lucky, but a more challenging day-to-day environment will force

me to become stronger, and to try harder, in order to survive, while learning English. So I want to

dive headfirst into such adversity! Then I can “test my mettle”, and see exactly what, and how

much, I can do by myself in such a situation. So in order to work on myself as a person ,and to

build my character, I’d like to study abroad.

My third reason is that I want to view Japan more objectively. In Japanese we say that “the frog

in the well knows nothing of the great ocean” [井の中の蛙大海を知らず], and I believe that is

true! Since I entered my university just one month ago, I have encountered many people who

have their own unique sense of values and worldviews based on their international experience.

It's fascinating for me! I want to meet many different international people, and understand many

different ways of thinking, from many different countries. By doing so, I am sure that I will be

able to view my country "Japan", in which I grew up, more objectively by being able to think

about it comparatively. By seeing Japan from an international point of view, from the outside, I

expect to rediscover the wonders of Japan. And then I think I can truly be proud of my country

after I gain such objectivity, otherwise, I’ll just remain a provincial frog in a dank and dreary well,

and that’s not for me at all!

Well, that’s it for my third and final point. I hope you now clearly understand the motivation

behind my dream! In order to, first, improve my English skill, second, build my character, and

third, view Japan more objectively, I want more than anything to be an exchange student in a

major English speaking country!

Thank you very much for giving me a chance to speak to you!

If you have any questions or feedback about my speech, I'd be happy to try and answer them




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Example #3 Name: Yasu English Level: Advanced Preparation Time: 4-5 weeks Presentation Mode: Mayflower Presentation Party Presentation Time: 8+ min. (not including Q&A)

You are what you eat: the American food industry exposed

Good evening, everyone! My name is Yasu, and I'm a

member of Robert's Saturday "Democracy Now!" class at


Today, please allow me to introduce a shocking claim: the

food industry is directly connected to the current

international health crisis.

This position was given by Michael Pollan, an American

professor of Science and Environmental Journalism, in a

recent interview on "Democracy Now!", a program broadcast

by an independent station in America. In the interview, he not

only claimed that the food system is connected to the current

international health crisis, but offered concrete measures to solve the crisis. This evening, the

purpose of my speech is explain Mr. Pollan's extreme statement by examining the following three

points that he covers in his interview: first, swine flu; second, genetically modified foods; third,

the food industry's strategy of co-opting criticism. Allow me to begin with my first point.

A month ago, the biggest news was hands down swine flu.

Mr. Pollan suggested the cause of the flu, and that it came

from Mexico. Massive American corporations breeding pigs

had relocated to Mexico in order to escape strict

environmental and humanitarian regulations in America. In

their system, pigs are kept jammed in very dirty and narrow

spaces, and their bio-waste (feces and urine) flows down directly down below the pigs in a kind of


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"open swage" system. Quite unsanitary! These very narrow and dirty spaces are incubators for

swine flu. In such a dirty environment, vast amounts of genetic materials are coming together

and combining and then rapidly mutating to create such diseases as swine flu -- almost like a

disease "supercollider" -- and then so many pigs catch it because they are so close together. So

we can clearly see the connection between swine flu and the food industry itself. They are literally

helping to breed new diseases. To prevent swine flu, all counties, especially America, should

prohibit the use of such dangerous environments for raising food animals. It is just that simple.

Well, let me move on to my next point "genetically modified foods", or GM foods. Genetic

modification has not increased productivity, contrary to popular opinion. It simply allows farmers

to expand their monoculture [define monoculture], because

monocultures require less management. But this causes many

problems: such as leading to poor, damaged soil. Besides, foods

produced by using genetic modification have not been shown to be

any safer or healthier than non GM foods. For further reading, here is a

wiki article on genetically modified food controversies!

My third point, deals with Mr. Pollan's comments about the food

industry's clever strategy. The food industry turns negative critiques

about their industry and products into the next positive marketing

strategy. In other words, it co-opts criticism.

I know it might sound strange, so let me give you an

example. After a "low-fat" period of campaigns by the

American government, the food industry developed "low

fat" or "no fat" products, and this led to increased sales of

food. But the final result was that in fact, we then were

eating too many calories, since we imagined it was OK to

eat MORE of this seemingly "healthy" reduced fat foot, and

we got...a lot fatter. If we want to avoid such overly

simple and brainless knee-jerk reactions, Mr. Pollan

advises us not to buy any, I repeat, any food we've ever seen advertised. Real foods, the kind

your mother told you over and over to eat when you were a child, vegetables like broccoli, are not,

I repeat, not being advertised. Do you really think broccoli farmers have the multi-million dollar

advertising budgets to compete with potato chip companies?


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Another example: the Food and Drug Administration in the US claims that low cholesterol foods

are good for our health. In the supermarket food companies advertise using false health claims

regarding their processing of food, either exaggerating, or misrepresenting, or just simply giving

us useless information. Truly healthy foods do not claim that they are good for our health. They

are just sitting there very quietly on the supermarket shelves, without colorful packaging and

multi-million dollar marketing campaigns making exaggerated and downright untrue health


Let me summarize my speech. My first point was that swine flu is directly connected to the pursuit

of excess productivity by the food industry. To prevent it we should reform the breeding

environment My second point was about genetic modification. It has not increased productivity. It

only allows farmers to expand their monocultures. My third point was about health campaigns,

and the fact that they are used by the food industry to take advantage of customers. In order not

to be deceived by their strategies, we should choose foods that do not make suspicious claims to

BE healthy for us, and eat only foods that ARE healthy.

I hope my speech, summarizing the main points of Mr. Pollan's interview on Democracy Now,

gives you real some food for thought.


Now, please let me know if you have any questions or comments!



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“How little the public realizes what a girl must go through before she finally

appears before the spotlight that is thrown upon the stage.”

― Florenz Ziegfeld


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Presentation Party Model


Social Network-Based

Synergetic Communication


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Local/Global Social Network-Based Synergetic Communication Guidelines

Local (“meatspace”) SynCom Presentation Party Guidelines


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Global (“virtual”) Mayflower Student Blog Guidelines URL:


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1. Content: ____/15

Mayflower 英語教室

Presentation Evaluation Sheet

Ver. 09.09.18




Does the speaker demonstrate an adequate knowledge of the topic? Is the framework (what they are speaking about and

why) clear? Consider the speaker’s background and relationship to topic, key examples; exposition, development, and

conclusion, etc.

_____ (3) choice & knowledge of topic, clarity of purpose

Comments: _____ (3) relevance of information/examples presented

_____ (3) analysis vs. facts

_____ (3) balance of subjectivity vs. objectivity

_____ (3) interest arousal, novelty of thought

2. Structure: ____/15

Does the organization of the presentation seem well considered, or haphazard? Does it have a logical structure?

Comments: _____ (4) outline presentation & organization

_____ (4) introduction & thesis statement

_____ (3) change signals for headings

_____ (3) conclusion & restatement of thesis

_____ (1) references

3. Delivery: ____/15

Do the speaker's voice, posture, body language, and eye contact make a favorable impression? Does the speaker have a

smooth, clear delivery? Presenters may use outlines/notes, but they should not simply read from them.

____ (4) posture, gestures, body language Comments:

____ (3) eye contact & facial expression

____ (3) pitch of voice & cadence

____ (2) enthusiasm & (positive) attitude

____ (2) memorization & mastery

____ (1) use of index cards

4. Language: ____/20

Was the language (keeping in mind the relative English level of the speaker) appropriately communicative? Was it too

flowery, or too dumbed down?

Comments: _____ (4) grammar & sentence structure

_____ (4) vocabulary, terminology, idioms, expressions, etc.

_____ (4) coherence & cohesion

_____ (4) discourse cues & transition words

_____ (4) pronunciation


Page 31: SynCom Seminar · Practicum (25min.) This section is designed to give students a supervised practical application ... ・Reflection

5. Visual Aids/Handouts: ____/5

Did the presenter use visual aids appropriately? Only computer-based, PowerPoint-type presenter-controlled projections,

and/or pre-/post-presentation handouts, are allowed. The focus should be squarely on the speaker, not on the


Comments: _____ (5) visual aids/handouts

6. Q&A Handling: ____/20

Use of audience feedback, i.e., eliciting and handling questions with full, clear responses that demonstrate a strong,

adaptive knowledge of subject matter. Comments:

_____ (20) Q&A handling

7. Time Management: ____/10

Did the speaker effectively manage their own time by adhering to the agreed time lengths for their presentation and the


Comments: _____ (5) presentation time _________

_____ (5) question & answer _________

Note: [Insert “elapsed time point deduction conventions” here, ad hoc.]

8. Overall Comments: (These do not effect score)


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Even if you have nothing to write, write and say so.

― Marcus Tullius Cicero


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